St. Mary's Confirmation 2019-2020 - St. Mary's Church
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St. Mary’s Confirmation 2019-2020 Iowa City, Iowa Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Mary’s Church begins in October of 2019 and extends through March of 2020. Youth in grades 9-12 who are registered members of St. Mary’s Parish and who freely choose to be confirmed will prepare as a group to receive this sacrament. The emphasis of the Confirmation process at St. Mary’s is to help our young people grow in faith as committed members of the Catholic Church. It is by integrating our faith experiences with life that we make the transition from “head knowledge” to a personal relationship with Jesus as members of His Body, the Church. While emphasizing the experiential, the process also seeks to provide solid teaching on Christian discipleship within the framework of Catholic theology. Youth seeking to become candidates for Confirmation will register in September. The registration asks for information regarding baptism, name of sponsor, etc. Confirmation classes begin the second weekend in October. The Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Confirmation will take place on the weekend of Oct. 19/20, 2019. Prayer/worship experiences as well as service opportunities will be scheduled accordingly throughout the calendar year. Service privileges are designed to enhance the ability of the candidates to serve as part of the larger faith community. These stewardship experiences are an excellent opportunity for each person to recognize his/her own gifts and blessings as he/she offers assistance to people in need. It is our hope that the candidates will be guided to a lifetime of service to others as fully initiated members of the Church. Time will be taken for a Confirmation "Advance" (previously known as a retreat). This “Advance” provides the candidates an opportunity to reflect on their personal faith experiences and to look forward to the approaching Confirmation celebration. Parental involvement is the key to the prayer, worship, catechesis, and service opportunities. The catechists and the Confirmation coordinator may serve as role models, but it is important to stress that parental involvement shows interest and commitment from the entire family. Confirmation is about faith, commitment, and community. Each person – from coordinators, catechists, candidates, sponsors, parents, and the entire faith community of St. Mary’s – should grow in openness to and awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit during the Confirmation preparation and throughout their journey of faith.
St. Mary’s Confirmation 2019-2020 The Confirmation program at St. Mary’s is a six-month process beginning in the fall of 2019 and continuing through February 2020. The reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on February 23, 2020 at 2:00PM. The candidate must be registered in the program and will be required to fully participate in the following activities: 5 sessions – October 2019 through February 2020 1 Service Privilege Confirmation "Advance" We reserve the right to recommend that a candidate’s Confirmation be postponed if we feel he/she is not participating fully in the Confirmation preparation. We do ask that a fee of $60.00 be made to offset the cost of the Confirmation Advance and the SERVICE PRIVILEGE program, but no one will be denied the experience because of financial reasons. ***EACH STUDENT IN GRADES 9-12 WHO WISHES TO BECOME A CANDIDATE FOR CONFIRMATION MUST BE WILLING TO MAKE A PERSONAL COMMITMENT TO CHRIST IN HIS/HER LIFE. ***
Confirmation Program St. Mary’s Parish 2019-2020 Most Confirmation classes will be held on the second Sunday of each month from 5:00-6:15PM in the parish hall. October 13th God's Plan/Knowledge and Understanding October 19th/20th Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Confirmation- all Masses November 3rd RISE AGAINST HUNGER Service Privilege 1-2PM at St. Thomas More December 8th Survey Questionnaire/Fortitude and Piety God's Love/ Counsel and Fear of the Lord January 12th Questions and Answers - Our Catholic Faith/Wisdom February 4th CONFIRMATION ADVANCE (Retreat) 4-9PM February 16th Confirmation Rehearsal 7:00PM in the church February 23rd CONFIRMATION 2:00PM (with St. Wenceslaus at St. Mary’s) GOALS OF THE CONFIRMATION PROGRAM -That the candidates understand and comprehend the significance and role of the sacraments in their own lives and in the life of the Church. -That the candidates recognize and appreciate the role and activity of the Holy Spirit in their own lives and in the life of the Church. -That the candidates have a growing awareness of the person, mission, and message of Jesus. -That the candidates understand and accept what it means to commit their lives to Christ. -That the candidates experience the meaning of initiation into a welcoming community. -That candidates realize that stewardship is a way of life which includes gratitude for what God has given, accountability in using our talents in service to others, and a spirit of generosity. -That the candidates understand the Rite of Confirmation and prepare to celebrate it in a meaningful way.
NAME____________________________ __________________________________ SERVICE PRIVILEGES Please indicate which one of the following ongoing activities may be of interest to you during the Confirmation process. ______SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM ASSISTANTS – Assist with the Second Grade Sacramental Programs of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Six total sessions from October until April on Sunday afternoons for two hours. Contact Patti at 337-4314. ______BREAKING OPEN THE WORD – Become a Children’s Breaking Open the Word Assistant during the 8:30AM or 10:30AM Sunday Masses. Contact Sister Agnes at 337-4314. _______HOMEBOUND VISITS – Visit some of the homebound members of our parish. This must be done in partners. Visits will be arranged with the homebound person. If interested, contact Sr. Agnes at 337-4314. _______EMERGENCY HOUSING PROJECT- Volunteers are needed to coordinate the collection and delivery of toiletry items for EHP throughout the entire Confirmation process. Contact the Emergency Housing Project at 351-0326. _______CARD CLUB – Organize and arrange a card club that would send monthly notes to members of our parish who may be homebound, care center residents, or in the hospital. Contact Patti at 337- 4314. ____ VIDEOTAPING THE MASSES FOR THE HOMEBOUND – At least four youth (one each weekend) are needed to videotape one of our weekend liturgies for the homebound members of the community. This service privilege lasts from October 2019 - October 2020. Training and schedule is provided. _____CRISIS CENTER FOOD PANTRY - Help organize and stock the food pantry at the Crisis Center. If interested, call 351-0128. _____SALVATION ARMY - Assist in serving meals on the weekends and/or helping in the organization of the Christmas Angel Tree Project. Contact Number: 337-3725. _____ASSIST A PARISHONER WITH CHRISTMAS CARDS – help writing, addressing, and mailing Christmas cards for an elderly person this year. This will take place at an agreed upon time in November. Contact Patti at 337-4314, if you are interested. - See other side –
- SERVICE PRIVILEGE IDEAS CONTINUED - _____OAKNOLL RETIREMENT RESIDENCE - Assist in the different recreational activities provided for the residents at Oaknoll. Or, better yet, adopt an elderly friend who might enjoy a weekly visit! Contact Oaknoll’s Activities Director at 351-1720. _______HELP MAKE CASSEROLES FOR FREE LUNCH – On the third Thursday of each month, gather in the parish hall from 3:30-4:30PM to make 4 casseroles and three dozen cookies to be served for Free Lunch at the Wesley House the next day. If interested, just show up every third Thursday of the month! ______HOSPITAL VISITS – Accompany Patti in visiting St. Mary’s parishioners and others who are at Mercy Hospital. This takes about ½ hour after school on Wednesday’s. Contact person: Patti at 337- 4314. ______ROSARY-MAKING PROJECT FOR MISSIONS AND INNER-CITY SCHOOLS – Join others in the parish hall in October to learn how to make rosaries to send to mission schools in Mexico and to inner-city schools in Chicago. Once you learn the skill, you’ll be making rosaries on your own throughout the year – and hopefully beyond that! Work at your own pace. Contact Patti 337-4314, if you are planning to attend. _______OTHER – Anyone is welcome to participate in a service privilege of his/her own choosing. Please inform Patti of the selected privilege and the schedule. SERVICE PRIVELEGES MUST BE CHOSEN BY DECEMBER 31, 2019. PLEASE RETURN THIS SHEET TO: Patti McTaggart 302 East Jefferson Street Iowa City, Iowa 52245
St. Mary’s Confirmation Registration Full Name ______________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Date of Birth ___________________________________________________________________ Month Day Year Confirmation Chosen Saint Name __________________________________________ Address ______________________________________Phone H__________ W________ Cell _________________ City ________________ State ___________ Zip Code__________ ***IMPORTANT: E-mail addresses of parent AND candidate ________________________________________________________________________________ High School _______________ Grade _________________ Age at time of Confirmation _____________ Father’s Name _______________________________________________ Mother’s Maiden Name _______________________________________________________ Confirmation Sponsor _______________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Address ___________________________________________________________ Baptism (If not baptized at St. Mary’s, please attach a copy of the Baptismal certificate) Baptismal Date _______________________________ Church _______________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________ Diocese ________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN THIS INFORMATION BY DECEMBER 31, 2019 TO: Patti McTaggart 302 East Jefferson St. Iowa City, Iowa 52245
Confirmation Covenant Agreement “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you.” Confirmation is an important step in the life of a Christian. To receive the gift of the Spirit on the day of Confirmation requires openness and prayerful preparation. The signing of this Confirmation Covenant indicates that you are willing to become a candidate for Confirmation and that you will prepare yourself to receive this most important sacrament of our Catholic faith. ****************************** What is asked? 1.) A willingness to live the faith; regular Sunday Mass participation at St. Mary’s; time spent in prayer with the Lord. 2.) Attendance and participation in the Confirmation classes. 3.) Attendance at the Confirmation ADVANCE. 4.) A spirit of cooperation shown to parents, catechists, and Advance team leaders. 5.) Participation in a selected service privilege experience. 6.) Careful consideration in selecting your sponsor and “Saint” name. 7.) Confirmation information (Registration, Baptismal Date/Certificate, Sponsor’s Name and Letter of Eligibility, etc.) provided to Patti McTaggart by December 31, 2019. 8.) Attendance at the Confirmation rehearsal. ***************************** STUDENT’S SIGNATURE I have read and understand what is asked of me in the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. I desire to become a candidate for this sacrament and pledge to fulfill these conditions to the best of my ability. STUDENT ___________________________________________________DATE_________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE I have read and understand what is asked of my son/daughter and myself in the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. I pledge to assist my son/daughter in the preparation for this sacrament. PARENT______________________________________________________DATE___________________________ _____
ROLE OF THE CONFIRMATION SPONSOR It is necessary that the person chosen by the candidate to be their Confirmation sponsor fulfill the conditions mentioned in Canon 874.5 of the code of Canon Law for the Roman Catholic Church. 1.) The sponsor must be a practicing Catholic (attends Mass weekly) who has been baptized, confirmed, and receives the Holy Eucharist. The sponsor should lead a life in harmony with the faith. 2.) The sponsor must have completed their 16th year unless the pastor makes an exception to this for a just cause. 3.) The sponsor may not be the father or mother of the one to be confirmed. ***It is desirable that the one who undertook the role of sponsor at baptism be the sponsor for Confirmation (Canon 893). ***A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community may not be a sponsor but may be a witness to Confirmation together with a Catholic sponsor (Canon 874). ***The sponsor is strongly encouraged to meet/talk with the Confirmation candidate at least once a month to discuss: the candidate’s spirituality and prayer life, the service project in which the candidate is involved, the candidate’s relationship with others, the candidate’s school life, where the Holy Spirit is leading the candidate, etc. In this respect, it is advisable that the Confirmation sponsor be a person who lives in close proximity to the Confirmation candidate. ***The sponsor is strongly encouraged to attend Mass with the candidate during the Confirmation process. Sharing a meal together after Mass is another way to “reach-out” to the Confirmation candidate. ***The sponsor is strongly encouraged to show his/her support for the candidate through prayers, cards or letters, and phone calls during the Confirmation preparation and to continue to lend spiritual support after the Confirmation catechesis and liturgy is over.
Confirmation Sponsor Letter of Eligibility __________________________________ has been asked to be a Confirmation sponsor for _____________________________. The sacrament will be conferred at St. Mary of the Visitation Church in Iowa City, Iowa on February 23, 2020. I acknowledge that _________________________________ is a member in good standing of _________________________________________________ (parish) in ________________________________________________. (city) (state) _________________________________ Pastor/Administrator _______________ Date Please return this letter by December 31st, 2019 to: St. Mary of the Visitation Church 302 East Jefferson Street Iowa City, Iowa 52245 Attn: Pastor Re: Confirmation
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