TheCOURIER - Christ Church Lutheran

Page created by Julio Salazar
TheCOURIER - Christ Church Lutheran
                     The                                                                                 November 2021
                                                                                                        Volume 64, No. 11

                        Welcome to the Light

                                          You Belong to Christ
One of the highlights of this past month at Christ Church               will have to shift slowly from Covid being a pandemic ­disease
Lutheran (there have been many!) was the stewardship
­                                                                       to it becoming an endemic disease. This is all so complex
­celebration on October 17. There are several reasons it was            and charged, and yet – and yet! – it does not take away these
 special: the congregation gathered together around the fountain        ­moments of groundedness and meaning. It cannot take away
 in the courtyard to remember our baptisms, the children of the          our community rooted in word and sacrament, this community
 congregation led the congregation in blessing and then made the         of people drenched in God’s living hope and finding it in here,
 sign of the cross on all of the adults’ foreheads and hands, we         in our relationships, and in the world. What a gift in the midst
 got to sing together outdoors and declare to one a­ nother, “You        of such uncertainty and upheaval.
 belong to Christ, in whom you have been baptized. ­Alleluia!”
                                                                        This month we will celebrate many things in and beyond our
                                                                        church community: All Saints Sunday; the 110th anniversary
                                                                        of Christ Church Lutheran; the reception of new members this
                                                                        fall; the turning in of our stewardship pledges; Thanksgiving;
                                                                        and the beginning of a new liturgical year as Advent begins.
                                                                        All of these things have one thing in common: gratitude for all
                                                                        that God has given us. Gratitude for the way the Holy Spirit
                                                                        moves among us, even in those moments when things feel like
                                                                        ­drudgery. Gratitude for signs of this unending love among us,
                                                                         within us, and between us. Thanks be to God.

                                                                        ~Pastor Miriam

                                                                        p.s. Pastor Erik and I are shifting into Pastor First Names. We’ll
                                                                        answer to anything, but feel free to call us Pastor Erik and Pastor

And here’s the thing I found most meaningful about this time: it
was a time to ground ourselves in meaningful ritual, in familiar
song and affirmation of our belovedness, in ­intergenerational
community, in gratitude for all this church community has
held over the past year and a half, and in the joy and ease and
­togetherness that have seemed so rare in all our lives since the
 pandemic ­began. The Sunday was so different from ­stewardship
 ­breakfasts past, but we sang together, ate our beloved ­traditional
  baptism cake together, and felt this sense of familiarity and
  hope even though the details looked completely different than
  they did last time we gathered for such a Sunday.

This fall still looks different in so many ways--we are still
masked and distanced in most indoor spaces in our lives, C
                                                         ­ ovid
risk is still present (though hopefully diminishing bit by bit),
and we have had to come to terms with the fact that we won’t
ever have a “hurrah” moment of eradicating this disease, but
TheCOURIER - Christ Church Lutheran
Christ Church Lutheran                                     November                            Pastoral Acts
3244 34th Avenue South                                     Birthdays                           + A funeral for
Minneapolis, MN 55406                                                                          ­Barbara Mattill,
                                                           11/1 Michael Jefferis                ­sister of Christ
                                                           11/4 Peter Merrill                    Church ­member
                                                           11/7 Rachel Slater                    ­Phyllis Mattill,
                                                           11/7 Viivi Bodurtha, Matt              was held at Christ
A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran                      Byers                             Church on ­October
Church in America                                                                                 2, with ­Pastor ­Erik
                                                           11/12 Kevin Reuther
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation                                                              presiding.
                                                           11/17 Lucille Buelow
A National Historic Landmark
                                                           11/26 Bob Anderson                                                  + A funeral for
              Find us on Facebook: Christ Church           11/27 Samantha Rice,                                           ­Barbara Revsbeck,
              Lutheran, Minneapolis (@CCLmpls)
                                                                 Darrell Anderson                                           longtime member
                                                           11/28 Gary Skrivseth                                             of Christ Church,
              Find us on Instagram:
                                                                                                                            was held at Christ
                                                                                                                          Church on O ­ ctober
                                                           If you are not named above,
In-Office Hours                                            and would like to be, or
                                                                                                                           9, with Pastor ­Erik
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday,                      your birthdate is inaccurate,                                            presiding.
9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.                                        please call the church office
Sunday In-Person Worship, 9:30 a.m.                        612.721.6611                        + A funeral for
                                                                                               ­Juanita Burke,
Children’s Ministry meets weekly after worship                                                  longtime member
Youth Ministry meets twice monthly                              Happy Birthday,                 of Christ Church,
                                                                                                was held at Christ
Staff                                                             Everyone!                     Church on ­October
Pastors Pastor Miriam Samuelson-Roberts                                                        23, with ­Pastor
			                    Pastor Erik Haaland                                                      Miriam and Pastor
Cantors                           Pastor Robert Farlee                                         Erik presiding.
                                   Pastor Martin Seltz
Children’s Ministry Director                                                                   Rest eternal grant them, O Lord, and
                       Pastor Andrea Roske-Metcalfe                                            let light perpetual shine upon them.
Office Administrator                   Laurel Jacobson
Custodian                             Monica Williams
                                                                                A friendly
Facilities                               Property Team
Courier Team                          Laurel Jacobson                      Clocks fall back
                      Pastor Miriam Samuelson-Roberts                            an hour on­
                                       Melody Pauling                         November 7!

Congregation Council
President                             Noah Niermann
Vice President                        Melody Pauling
                                                              All Creation Sings Hymnal in pews now
Secretary                              Hilary Gebauer       We’re delighted to be singing from the new All Creation Sings hymnal
Treasurer                                  Brad Hubert      supplement! Many new (and some familiar) hymns are included, and
                                                             you will recognize the names of our cantors as well as some Christ
Council Members                             Tim Hagen
                                                             Church members as contributors. We continue to collect funds to
				                                       Elena Hilding     offset the cost of this wonderful new hymnal; to date we have raised
				                                        Kevin Olsen      $3645, and the total cost to fill our pews is $4513
                                       Luann Skrivseth       (only $868 to go!). To include a memorial or
                                                             honor faceplate, please fill out the form attached
                                          Colin Watkins
                                                             to the email with this Courier, or use a special
                                                             giving envelope found in the pew racks. Make
                                                             checks to Christ Church, with “Hymnals” in the
                                                             memo line. Thank you for your generosity!

TheCOURIER - Christ Church Lutheran
Lectionary Readings                                  From the Church Council
                                                     October Meeting Update
for November                                         Our October council meeting opened with a short prayer from Melody Pauling
November 7                                           ­followed by the approval of the September minutes. The pastors and treasurer then
All Saints Sunday                                     shared their respective reports. Our finances coming into October are looking strong
Isaiah 25:6-9                                         and we are happy to share that member giving is slightly up for this time of year.
Psalm 24                                              Thank you everyone for your generous giving!
Revelation 21:1-6a                                   The council then turned its attention to a draft of the new child safety policy ­being
John 11:32-44                                        compiled by Pastor Andrea and the Children’s Ministry Committee. Some legal
                                                     and process questions are being reviewed and we hope to be able to approve the
November 14
Twenty-fifth Sunday after                            new ­policy document at our next meeting. Many thanks to Pastor Andrea and the
­Pentecost                                           ­Children’s Committee for their work on this document.
Daniel 12:1-3                                        The next major item of business to be discussed was a recommendation from the
Psalm 16                                             ­Community Partners Subgroup regarding the disbursement of the remaining 2021
Hebrews 10:11-14 [15-18] 19-25                        Community Partners funds. $15,000 from this fund has already been given to
Mark 13:1-8                                           Zion Baptist for their boiler project and, if all the pledges come in, there will be
                                                      an ­additional $9,000 to give away. The subgroup recommended giving $3,000 to
November 21                                           ­Plymouth ­Christian Youth Center in North Minneapolis for their Christmas program,
Christ the King                                        and the remainder to Our Saviour’s Community Services to support both their ­English
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14                                   Language Learning Center and their Housing Services. Both of these gifts support
Psalm 93                                               ­organizations with which we have long-term relationships. The council approved this
Revelation 1:4b-8                                       giving plan unanimously.
John 18:33-37                                        Lastly we received updates from liaisons and looked ahead to preparing the 2022
                                                     budget in November. We closed our meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
November 28
First Sunday in Advent                               Thank you for all the ways you help support our life together at Christ Church. As
Jeremiah 33:14-16                                    always, please contact the council president, Noah Niermann (noahniermann@gmail.
Psalm 25:1-10                                        com) with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13                               ~Noah Niermann, Christ Church Council President
Luke 21:25-36

Treasurer’s Update                                                                  2022 Stewardship Campaign
We have closed the books on 3rd Quarter 2021, and I’m happy to                      ­Reflects on Living Hope
share this Financial Update. As you can see in the table ­showing
results through September, our Member Giving is strong and                          We are in the midst of our stewardship campaign, a s­ eason
expenses, overall, are less than Budget; the net result for the
­                                                                                   when all are invited to consider our financial gifts to Christ
nine months is a surplus of over $22,000 YTD. There are known                       Church Lutheran for 2022. You should have received a ­letter
­income and expense items that are budgeted and expected but not                    and pledge card in the mail; if you did not, you can find
 yet ­recorded; accordingly, we expect to be closer to the balanced                 ­extras on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Over the
 ­budget as planned at year-end.                                                     next few weeks, we will hear temple talks in worship about
                                                                                     what this church community means to us and to those with
I would like to thank the Council and Melody Pauling in particular                   whom we connect and serve. You are invited to ­consider
for their support of my leave of absence over the summer months;                     in prayer what your household’s financial commitment
I’m happy to be back in Minneapolis and serving as your Treasurer.                   to Christ Church will be for 2022, and to fill out a pledge
                                                                                     card both for our community and for an above-and-beyond
Respectfully submitted,                                                              pledge for our community partners, which will help with
Bradford C. Hubert, Treasurer                                                        budget ­planning for 2022. We will collect pledge cards
                                                                                     ­during worship on Christ the King Sunday, November 21.
Christ Church Lutheran Finances - September 2021                                      We are grateful to work together as we ­receive and share
(YTD thru September 2021)        ACTUAL       BUDGET (9 Months)   DIFFERENCE          God’s living hope.
Member Giving/Envelopes         218,608.20      206,250.00        12,358.20
Other Income                    $90,691.63        135,170.00      (44,478.37)       Stewardship Committee: Pastor Miriam, Molly Boes
Total Income*                   309,299.83       341,420.00       (32,120.17)
                                                                                    Ganza, Clayton Smith, Gerry Tyrrell, and Noah Niermann
Total Expenses*                 $286,336.23      $329,125.57      (42,789.34)

Total Surplus (or Deficit)      $22,963.60

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Courier Closeup with Britt Dougall
This month’s Closeup features Britt Dougall, who has been a member of Christ Church Lutheran for three years.
Britt’s husband, Christopher, is a frequent visitor to Christ Church.

1. When did you start attending Christ                                                  5. How does CCL help you live and share
Church Lutheran and what brought                                                        your faith?
you here?
                                                                                        Music has long been an important way
I began attending Christ Church in 2018.                                                for me to share my faith. I appreciate the
My husband, Christopher, and I knew                                                     opportunities to do that at Christ Church.
about Christ Church from attending
Accordo concerts. We discovered that                                                    6. What do you do when you’re not in
[retired Christ Church pastor] Kristine                                                 church?
Carlson and Morrie Wee had seats near
                                                                                        I’m an avid quilter and try to send at least
us at Orchestra Hall, and thus we became
                                                                                        one quilt annually to the auctions at Camp
acquainted. This caused me to consider
                                                                                        Knutson and Green Lake Ministries. I’m
Christ Church when I was looking for a
                                                                                        part of the quilting group at Gloria Dei
new church home.
                                                                                        Lutheran Church in St. Paul. I also enjoy
2. Do you live in the neighborhood?                                                     knitting for myself and others.

No, we live on Lowry Hill, near Lake of                                                 7. What can you tell us about yourself
the Isles.                                                                              that we may not have known?

3. What about our church keeps you coming back?                       I retired early, but I have worked as a church organist and
                                                                      choir director as well as a high school choir director.
The friendly community, the outstanding music and
­meaningful worship is what drew me in and keeps me here.             8. Do you have anything else to share?

4. Do you have any stories to tell about your time here or            My husband, Christopher, is an Episcopalian and a member
about events or activities you have been involved in?                 of St. Alban’s in Edina. He appreciates the worship and
                                                                      warm hospitality at Christ Church. He likes to quip that he
I hadn’t sung in the Christ Church choir for very long before         attends as an “Anglican Observer,” a term usually reserved
the pandemic shut down worship. I enjoyed the ability to              for the Anglican at the United Nations.
continue to contribute to online worship by recording hymns
at home every week.                                                   Closeup is a Courier feature to help us get better acquainted
                                                                      with our fellow members. If you would like to share your
                                                                      story in Closeup, call Donna Lindberg at 651.276.4884.

New Members Gathering and Reception into Membership at Christ Church
                                Thinking of becoming a member of Christ Church?
                                On Christ the King Sunday, November 21 (Christ Church’s 110th a­ nniversary!), we will receive new
                                members during worship. If you’ve been thinking about membership at Christ Church L   ­ utheran, or
                                want to know more about what ­membership means, e-mail Pastor Miriam (msamuelson-roberts@
                       to set up a conversation in the coming weeks. The new ­member class will be
                                10 a.m. to noon on either Saturday, November 13 or Saturday, November 20, depending on what
                                works best. We look forward to welcoming a wonderful group!

We love our Adult Choir!
Thank you to our masked choir of ten on October 23 under the leadership of
­Cantor Martin Seltz. We welcome new choir members Gigi, Bethany and David,
 and welcome back to the faithful regulars.

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Stationery Group Notecards always available!
                                 It seems to be working well to have Stationery Group notecards available for purchase throughout
                                 the week. You can find them, anytime the building is open, on a small table just inside the yellow
                                 classroom of the Education Building atrium. Place your money in the envelope provided and bring
                                 it to the church office. If the office is locked, simply slip it under the door. Thank you!
                                 For more information, contact Stephanie Gustafson at 612-724-6206 or ­

Christmas Cookie Boxes are back!
The Christ Church Baking Group plans on baking cookies in December and putting to-
gether boxes to sell. Proceeds will go to South Minneapolis Meals on Wheels.
We are happy to have extra hands to bake at church or in your own home. So consider this
opportunity to volunteer if you can. More information to follow as we get closer to De-
cember. Questions? Contact Rita Schoenike ( or MariLu Peters

Churches unite to dismantle and repair racism in Minnesota
The Minnesota Council of Churches (of which the Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA is a member), has begun a ten year
process of dismantling the structures and repairing the damage of racism in Minnesota. Their focus is on addressing the historic
harm to African American and Native American communities in Minnesota. The MCC proposes a three part plan of truth telling,
education, and reparations within and outside of our collective faith communities.
I attended the MCC’s inaugural event, “Minnesota’s Racial Legacy: Finally Telling the Truth,” on September 24-25 at Plymouth
Congregational Church in Minneapolis. Christine Diindissi McCleave, CEO of the National Native American Boarding School
Healing Coalition gave the opening keynote speech. She described how the forced abduction and placement of Native American
children in boarding schools continued the genocide perpetrated on Native Americans as a form of cultural genocide. Boarding
schools interrupted Indigenous knowledge of their ancestral lineages, some reaching back nearly 1,000 years. So much experien-
tial and oral knowledges of the relationship between peoples and the land was lost – and unparented children lost their knowledge
and trust in themselves to be good parents.
The cultural genocide of Native Americans is continuing. Children are still being removed from their families through the foster
system and McCleave pointed out that the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) – a federal law that prevents the arbitrary removal
of Native American children from their homes by public and private agencies – is now under attack. People are trying to have
it ruled unconstitutional, saying that it is race based. But if the law is ruled unconstitutional, it will open the way to undermine
Native American sovereignty, allowing the oil companies fighting the law access to steal Native American lands and resources.
As McCleave said, “We don’t tell the truth about genocide in this country, because people have things they will lose. It’s tied to
Empire and control and money and land.”
You can learn more about this inaugural event here - and for more on the ICWA lawsuit, click here. ~Rachel Slater

Friends of Christ Church Lutheran offers free building tours­
The Friends of Christ Church Lutheran (FCCL) have resumed tours of our National ­Historic Landmark church
f­acility! These free tours occur on the second S
                                                ­ unday monthly. An FCCL docent will meet the tour group at 11:00
a.m. on the front steps. FCCL will follow the church’s safety guidelines. Come join a tour and learn more about our
beautiful and historic building!
Additionally, save the date for Give to the Max Day, Thursday, November 18. On that date, anyone may donate
to Friends of Christ Church Lutheran through this link:
Church-Lutheran. Thank you for supporting the Friends and the care of our beautiful, historic building.

TheCOURIER - Christ Church Lutheran
      Little & Middle
                                                                                                  Jesus said,
                                                                                           “Let the children come!”
                                                                                          At Christ Church Lutheran,

      COURIER, pages 6 & 7                                                              we welcome children and their
                                                                                          families to the font, to the
                                                                                            table, and to worship.

      Children’s & Youth Ministry at Christ Church Lutheran — November 2021

  Children’s Ministry Update: “Queen Vashti Says No!”
                     You may have heard the Sunday School kids shouting this, a
                     few weeks ago, during class in the courtyard. We were playing
                     a version of Simon Says, this one based on the story of Queen
                     She was married to King Xerxes, the King of Persia. The king
                     loved his power and wealth, and he loved to flaunt it. He threw
                     a lavish party for his noblemen, to show off how rich and fancy
                     he was. It lasted for six months. At the end, when he and his
                     men were all drunk out of their gourds, he asked Queen Vashti
                     to come dance for them, wearing the royal crown.
                     I told this part to the kids. I told them he didn’t care how smart
                     Queen Vashti was, or how strong; he only wanted to show
                     off her beauty to the other men, so he asked her to dance for
                     them, wearing the royal crown.
  			                I didn’t tell the kids that he asked her to dance wearing
                     ONLY the royal crown.
                     This part matters, but also, it doesn’t matter at all. The point
                     is, he asked her to do something with her body that she
                     didn’t want to do.
                     And Queen Vashti said no. HOO-boy was the king mad! He
                     and the other men didn’t want their women getting any big
                     ideas (you know, like the idea that their bodies are theirs
                     and theirs alone), so he banished her. This entire story is the
                     introduction to the book of Esther.
                     We almost never hear this story in worship. But I make sure the kids hear it at least once a year, so
                     we can talk about ­saying no, and that our bodies are ours and ours alone. We talk about how it’s
                     never okay for someone to ask us to do something with our bodies that we don’t want to do, and
                     it’s never okay for us to ask the same of someone else. We talk about who we can tell if something
                     happens that makes us uncomfortable, and the difference between secrets and surprises.
                     Here at Christ Church, we’re mid-way through the process to
                     finalize a Safe Church policy, ­putting in place safeguards to
                     protect children. This i­nvolves ­everything from background
                     checks for those who work directly with kids to signs on
                     ­bathroom doors. While none of us loves the fact that such
                      ­policies are ­necessary, we’re grateful to be close to having
                       clear boundaries and expectations in place to ensure that we
                       keep safe the most vulnerable among us.
                     In the meantime, the kids are out here drawing pictures of
                     Queen Vashti. It turns out the Bible is full of all kinds of
                     ­superheroes we didn’t even know we needed.
                     ~Pastor Andrea, Children’s Ministry Director

TheCOURIER - Christ Church Lutheran
Confirmation Update
  Confirmation continues to go well – and we have a very weather-hardy group of students willing to stay outside throughout
  ­October! Thanks to warm jackets and some cushions and blankets from IKEA, we’ve been able to stay cozy outdoors these past
   weeks. We’re in the midst of making Covid-cautious indoor plans for the winter, and are cautiously hopeful about case counts
   continuing to decline.

  Our two cohorts have been delving into Lutheran worship and Luther’s Small
  Catechism, respectively, and when they meet together, we participate in
  ­learning and ­activities that bring them closer as a group, and as individuals.
   This past ­Sunday we celebrated Reformation Day, with Pastor Erik being a
   very good sport to dress up as Martin Luther, and both he and Pastor Miriam
   explained why Luther and his worldview and theology were so important in
   our church’s (and the world’s) history. We noted that Luther, too, lived through
   a pandemic, though the face masks looked quite different back then!

  We are so grateful for this bright, dedicated, compassionate group of students
  that continues to show up in the midst of pandemic life. We couldn’t be more
  proud of this crew!

  ~Pastor Miriam, Pastor Erik, and Elena Hilding

November Baptism Birthdays
Happy baptism birthday to Eve, Eli, Zander
and Tatum! You are God’s beloved children
forever (and we love you, too)!

                                            Scenes from Reformation Day/Halloween fun
                                                         in the courtyard!

                                                                                                          Pastor Erik makes
                                                                                                           for a tall, lanky
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November Sundays and Adult Forums
+ Sunday Worship at 9:30 a.m. followed by Coffee Time and Kids’ Education
+ Adult Forums Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom (links will be sent each week)
Wednesday, November 3 – Adult Forum: Remembering Our History and Our Saints
In light of All Saints Day this coming week, we will take some time on Zoom to remember some of the saints in our own lives,
particularly those from Christ Church Lutheran who have shaped this place and its history. We’ll share stories about those who
laid the foundations for the “living hope” (to use words from our stewardship theme) that we now carry into the future as a
­congregation. Come ready to listen and share.
Sunday, November 7 – All Saints’ Day
On this festival day, we remember all the saints who have gone before us, especially those dear to us who have died in the last
year. If you would like the name of a loved one who has died in the last year named on this Sunday, please email their name to
Laurel in the office ( by Wednesday, November 3.
Wednesday, November 10 – Adult Forum: “Lotta Laestadius and Finnish Apostolic Lutheranism in Minnesota,” with
Dr. Mirko Hall
Swedish pastor Lars Levin Laestadius was the leader of the most significant Lutheran revival movement in 19th-century
­Scandinavia. The arrival of his daughter, Hedvig Charlotta, in Minnesota in 1881 sent shockwaves through the Finnish ­Laestadian
 Lutheran community. A bold and strong-willed individual, she uncompromisingly proclaimed her father’s teachings on the
 ­Minnesota frontier. This presentation explores her remarkable life and ministry. Dr. Mirko Hall, a Christ Church member, is
  ­Professor of German Studies at Converse University. After many years of active scholarship on musical life in Germany, he has
   now turned his attention to the history of Laestadian Lutherans in Minnesota.
Sunday, November 14 – Eucharist
Our Sunday morning worship will take place at 9:30 as usual, and we will either have coffee hour outdoors (weather permitting)
or social hour without coffee in the education wing atrium and Luther Lounge.
Wednesday, November 17 – “Reframing the Pandemics — Pilgrimage,” with Dr. Martha E. Stortz
The last 18 months have been a time of viral pandemic, racial unrest, and political division. Rather than see these as a series
of ­unrelated events, this session invites disciples to think of themselves as pilgrims and their journey as pilgrimage. As we sort
through the broken pieces, what biblical and theological resources do we have for the road ahead? Marty Stortz is Professor
Emerita of Religion at Augsburg University. Prior to coming to Augsburg, she served as a member of the core doctoral faculty at
the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA, and taught for 29 years at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
Sunday, November 21 – Christ the King, Stewardship Sunday, and Welcome to our New Members
We will celebrate Christ the King Sunday, the 110th birthday of Christ Church Lutheran, the reception of new members during
the service, and the collecting of all our financial pledges for 2022. What a Sunday! We look forward to celebrating together.
Wednesday, November 24 – No Adult Forum
No Forum due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Blessings on your feast!
Sunday, November 28 – First Sunday of Advent
We worship together this first Sunday of Advent.

November Calendar                              Nov. 16. . . . . . .  Council Meeting
Nov. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committees    Nov. 17. . . . . . . . . . . Staff Meeting
Nov. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff Meeting      . . . . . . . . Shelter Meal Cooking
   . . . . . . . Adult Forum via Zoom             . . . . . . . Adult Forum via Zoom
Nov. 6 . . . . Knitters & Crocheters           Nov. 18. Friends of CCL Meeting
Nov. 7 . . All Saints Day & Kids’ Ed           Nov. 19. . . . . . . . . . . . Shelter Meal
Nov. 9 .  Racial Justice Task Force            Nov. 21. . . . Christ the King, New
Nov. 10. . . . . . . Stationery Group          Members & Kids’ Ed
   . . . . . . . Adult Forum via Zoom          Nov. 25. . . . . .  Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 11. . . . . . . . SafeHouse Meal          Nov. 26. . .  Church Office Closed
Nov. 14. . . Worship & Kids’ Educ.             Nov. 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship

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