The Word March 2022 - St Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church
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The Word March 2022 St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor Robin Fero 700 Pleasure Road, Lancaster PA 17601 (717) 394-9607 Confession of Sin and the Imposition of Ashes. The Pastor’s Page ashes will be imposed by the pastor with a clean Look What God is Doing! That cotton swab for each person. has been our theme in the days after Epiphany. Grace Unbounded is the title of the Augsburg Fortress devotion booklet for Lent. There are plenty We are about to enter our of booklets in the fellowship hall Welcome Center for third season of Lent since the everyone to take and to share multiple copies with global pandemic began. As I your neighbors. Our at-home members were each write this fact, I realize that mailed a copy. those words may have the po- tential to be painful words. But one of the major God is working through each and every one of themes in the Lenten season is that God sustains us you. Check out the other articles in this newsletter in all seasons. This is our moment to give God thanks for details of how that is happening in this “little for doing so. church with the big heart”. In this Lenten journey, as we also step into an One moment that I would like to share with you, environment of fewer COVID cases, and the potential from my lens as your pastor, that speaks to how God for more social activity, I ask you to be mindful of works in our small congregation, is the worship just what God has been up to in each and every service experiences we had on the weekend of phase of the pandemic journey, and keep your eyes February 12-13. Attendance was particularly low on open for where God is leading us. Sunday morning because of the cold and an unexpected snow/ice storm on Saturday night. In Our worship services continue to provide both services, I reminded the congregation that there meaningful moments, “oases of grace”, in the midst were “two or three gathered” (at least…) and that we of our changing world. As the St. Matthew Church could “make some noise” to God about the crisis in Council, which serves as our COVID task force, works Ukraine. We prayed as a congregation, along with all through safety changes in our worship and overall the saints, including those who are living and dead, ministry life, I promise to keep you informed each who were not there in those services. When I was step of the way. done praying, in both services, I saw it written on the face of those gathered that they had truly “made We are fast approaching our busiest worship life some noise” and they had fully participated in this season of the year, Lent and Holy Week. conversation with God about such a large mess. I saw it on their faces, that they had been heard by This month, I want to highlight Ash Wednesday and God. That was a powerful moment for me. the weeks of Lent. For the April newsletter, we will know more about what Holy Week will look like, and I God lives and breathes through us in ways we may will share updated details with you then. never realize. I encourage you to ask God to open your eyes to these moments, and to share them as Ash Wednesday is on March 2, and we will keep with they occur. our tradition of providing two worship services, at 12Noon and at 7pm. This year, our services will be Blessings to you as you step into the Lenten journey. spoken services, with no music. Included in the God is with you! service will be our traditions of extended corporate -Pastor Fero
Amazon Smile Are you an Amazon shopper? If so, you can help It is an honor and blessing to serve as your Council support the ministries of St Matthew by designating President. the church as your favorite charity. It doesn’t cost you any extra! We are listed as St. Matthew - Neely Frye Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pa. Growing in God’s love…Living our Welcome Statement Our Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Team continues to pray, dream and plan about ways our St. Matthew congregation can live into our Welcome Statement. We keep watching to see what God is doing! (Hmmm…who around the church always reminds us to keep watching? J) What is AmazonSmile? Our longer and shorter Welcome Statements and the RIC Partner logos are now placed in our various AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your information sources about St. Matthew, both written favorite charitable organization every time you shop, and on line. We are thankful for Phyllis Wimer’s at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available creative gifts that give our Facebook short statement at on your web browser and can a new look by overlaying it on seasonal photos of St. be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS Matthew. Phyllis has also contacted the Lancaster and Android phones. When you shop with papers to list our RIC Partnership there, and we are AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, listed on the website which is the vast selection and convenient shopping experience largest welcoming and affirming church directory in as, with the added benefit that the world…yes, in the world.) Thank you, Arlene Volk AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible for sharing this website. Our longer statement will be purchases to the charitable organization of your on the outdoor bulletin board by the Church Park choice. soon as well. At this writing, we are awaiting the arrival of the RIC logo insert for our outdoor sign and we will be creating an RIC Welcome Bulletin Board at Council Corner the entrance lobby of the church that will display our longer Welcome Statement. Hello St. Matthew Family, Pastor Fero is receiving inquiries at the church related to our RIC Partnership. Pastor has It is my great honor and pleasure to inform you that participated in a Zoom meeting with Pastor Angie this year 2022 is St. Matthew Lutheran Church’s Hammer from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Penryn for 75th anniversary. This is a wonderful milestone in the a group called Lititz Chooses Love. The Zoom life of our congregation, and a time for us to reflect meeting offered anyone associated with Lititz on our time together and thank God for the many Chooses Love a safe place to ask two pastors faithful believers and leaders of our congregation. questions about matters of sexuality and the Bible/ Christianity. A similar Zoom meeting is planned for The church council met by zoom on February 8 the future. Thank you, Pastor for your open and affirming gifts in these community meetings. Other Treasurer Steve Feldmann filed his report and we churches have also asked about our RIC journey as started out the year a little slow. We did not have two they hope to start their own discernment. People Saturday services, one because of the New Years are viewing our online information and individuals holiday and one due to the weather. This is true for have started contacting St. Matthew too. both income and expense sides of the ledger; as a result the congregation was slightly “ahead” for the The Fellowship Hall is our Welcome Center. The RIC month. In the month of January we also incurred area has information in the new wire rack that is for snow removal and HVAC expenses. folks in the congregation to take home and also to share in the community. We will be happy to order As COVID-19 cases continue to drop in Lancaster more copies of any of the materials as needed, and County to a 6 month low, we are closely monitoring we keep watching for new information to add. our protocols, and will inform you immediately with any changes. Lancaster Pride is scheduled for June 18, 2022 from 12 noon to 6 pm at Clipper Magazine Stadium.
Lancaster Pride is a volunteer organized event with and the Church Council in hopes they, too, would a large variety of booths representing organizations want to be a part of the Audit. I also invite all church and vendors that support the LGBTQIA+ members who find this interesting to contact me for community. a booklet. The more input we get, the better. There is food and entertainment as well. We will meet on March 20 after church if the Registration is now open to reserve booths at Pride. situation permits – as usual, all are welcome! St. Matthew will be registering to have a booth and we will be planning a display and volunteer -Arlene Volk participation for Pride. In March, our RIC Team will be creating a plan outline for educational, outreach and service Book Club opportunities. We hope to develop learning and welcoming events that can begin now and grow as Our selection for March is titled The Five People You Covid cases decline. As the weather gets warmer, Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. This novel explores we can also consider planning outdoor events. the unexpected connections of our lives and the idea that The RIC Team would also like to say “thank you” to heaven is more than a place, Peg Sampson for sharing her time and gifts with us but perhaps an answer to for the past two years. Peg will be stepping off the the eternal question "Why team and we are so grateful for her leadership was I here?" throughout St. Matthew’s discernment time. The main character, Eddie, The RIC Team is looking for new folks to become meets five people who involved as we plan and seek to grow in God’s love revisit their connections to in living our Statement of Welcome, Affirmation and him on earth. They reveal Full Participation. We meet once per month on a the haunting secret alluded Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30 pm. Please to above, "Why was I here?" see any member of our current team if you would Some of these people Eddie like to join us! knew, while others may have been strangers to him. (RIC Team Members: Barb Emmerich, Steve Feldmann, Sue Feldmann, Pastor Fero, Neely Frye, Please join us on March 15 @ 1:30pm in what will Arlene Volk and Phyllis Wimer) likely be a lively discussion. -Susan Feldmann Finance Report Children of all ages, here’s the report you’ve been waiting for - Finances! Oh, really? Well, read it anyway. Ever since Susan and I joined St. Matthew 5 or 6 years ago, we have heard very positive reports about St. Matthew’s Evangelism financial condition. These are fully justified: this “little church with the big heart” supports its ministries generously. The continuing requirement for masking resulted in the cancellation of our February There is one area of our financial condition that I meeting. So, the Evangelism would like to highlight that needs some additional Committee will hope to attention. One of our focused-interest funds is begin in March planning a lagging in its balance, and it supports a greater-than “Hospitality Audit” using the -average potential for high expenses. The Property “Tools of the Trade” Improvement Fund recently helped to purchase a provided in the booklet new heating unit for the Church Office/Music Room distributed in November. area. Our property is now at an age where we can Each member was asked to expect older systems to need significant repairs or read the booklet and replacement in the coming years. decide which Tools they were most drawn to. Booklets have also been given to the RIC members
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER these ways to help: The subtitle is a question: “Are we forgetting how important water is?” • a special gift to this or any of our important mission-critical areas of our church life. The article includes this paragraph: “70 to 75% of the • Some disciples have designated a part of their earth’s surface is covered with water. Roughly 70% of regular giving to our focused-interest funds that an adult’s body is made up of water, and about 85% are important to them. of the adult brain is made up of water. Water is • Others have also included their preferred fund essential to life, and all living things need water to as part of their estate and financial planning to survive. So why do we as God’s children, sometimes more strategically help with these ministries. take this gift…His gift of water for granted?” Let Pastor Fero or me know if we can help you as you There are springs all over the mountain where our consider how you can best financially help our camp is located in Clinton County, PA. When you congregation live into its Christian calling. I am a drive the seven miles up the mountain on route 44 Certified Financial Planner® and have a fiduciary from Waterville to Haneyville a creek (Upper Pine responsibility to hold all information or plans you Bottom Run) runs beside the road, occasionally disclose in the strictest confidence. crossing under the road. If you pull over, when you open the car door you hear the thundering of white When I was a boy, my Pastor used an offertory water rushing down the mountain over rocks. It’s a prayer that went something like this: beautiful sight to behold (see photo). Lord, we give You but Your own; The cattle on a On that same mountain there are natural gas wells thousand hills. on state land, in the Tiadaghton Forest. These wells All that we have is Yours. are deep wells that require hydraulic fracturing Use it, Lord (fracking) to break apart shale to get to the gas. For the sake of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Most of the controversy surrounding “fracking” - Steve Feldmann, CFP®, Treasurer involves the use of chemicals in the frack water, however, fracking consumes a massive amount of water. In the United States, the average can run between 1.5 million and 9.7 million gallons of water Seeing God in Nature: The Precious Gift of to frack a single well, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Most of the water is not Water reused but instead is trucked to an injection well and put deep into the earth. About 7 years ago I took classes offered by Penn State at Lancaster’s Farm Genesis: 1In the beginning God created the heavens and and Home Center to better understand why we need the earth. 2Now the earth was formless and empty, to do shale drilling at all. I was told that the gas that darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the was easy to get to has been depleted. I was also told Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. - NIV that shale drilling is safe if done right. But, that doesn’t change the fact that a huge amount of clean I’ve often wanted to write about the gift of water but water is wasted in the process. was unsure whether I could do justice to such an important topic. I wondered whether anyone else I believe this is an example of taking the gift of water had done it from the perspective of God’s gift and I for granted. I also believe that God wants us to take found an excellent article entitled “Remembering care of His gifts. Life depends on water. I pray for God’s Gift of Water” by Dwight Tucker Jr. at wisdom for all mankind as we make decisions that affect the future of the earth - Phyllis Wimer Wednesday Bible Study Our next study will be a 7 week program on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Check the weekly bulletin announcements for the start date. Each week we will view a video of Adam Hamilton walking in the steps of Jesus in the Holy Lands. Join us in Fellowship Hall each Wednesday from Noon to 1pm. Books will be provided; count on gaining new insights!
The course covers: Birthdays • the relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist Barb Emmerich 3/9 Buzz Rothweiler 3/14 • the Jordan River and the wilderness, where Je- Pat Smith 3/14 Ray Shaub 3/17 sus was baptized and tempted, • Capernaum, where Jesus healed, Rick Regar 3/26 Judith Miller 3/30 • the mountains, from which Jesus proclaimed the kingdom, • the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus calmed the storm, Worship Assistants • Samaria, where Jesus associated with sinners and outcasts, Altar Care for March - Lunda Shaub • Jerusalem, where Jesus experienced his final week culminating with his crucifixion and resurrection. March 2 Ash Wednesday 12:00 Noon • Assisting Minister: Sheila Charles Check the weekly bulletin for details on when we • Reader: Sheila Charles will begin. -John Volk • Greeter: Norm Drescher • Usher: Barb Elsen Daylight Saving Time March 2 Ash Wednesday 7pm • Assisting Minister: Sheila Charles Don't forget to Spring Forward on Saturday night • Reader: Sheila Charles March 12! • Greeter: Brenda Stauffer • Usher: Brenda Stauffer March 5 – Saturday 5pm • Assisting Minister: Sheila Charles • Reader: Dan Mink March 6 – Sunday 10am • Assisting Minister: Barb Elsen • Reader: Brenda Stauffer • Greeter: Nancy Smith • Usher: David Ostrander Thank you • Counters: Barb Elsen & Brenda Stauffer Dear St. Matthew friends, March12 – Saturday 5pm At this time I want to express my deep gratitude • Assisting Minister: Brenda Stauffer for the many kindnesses extended to me after my • Reader: Brenda Stauffer fall. Just knowing that you were praying for me gave much comfort during this ordeal. Also, the cards, phone calls, and special food treats lifted my March 13 – Sunday 10am spirits. • Assisting Minister: Steve Feldmann • Reader: Linda McIntyre It took many weeks for healing to take place, but • Greeter: Kay Gontner thankfully I am now pain free. I have resumed my • Usher: Barb Elsen regular activities. I will always remember what you did for me. • Counters: Carol Rothweiler & Linda Tice God bless you! Affectionately, -Anna Neal
March 19 – Saturday 5pm • Assisting Minister: Sheila Charles • Reader: Mimi Ruth Grace Unbounded Lenten March 20 – Sunday 10am devotionals are available in the • Assisting Minister: Barb Emmerich fellowship hall. • Reader: Barb Elsen • Greeter: Steve Feldmann Please take one for yourself • Usher: Neely Frye and one for a friend. • Counters: Brad Charles & Brenda Stauffer March 26 – Saturday 5pm • Assisting Minister: Brad Charles • Reader: Sheila Charles March 27 – Sunday 10am • Assisting Minister: Brenda Stauffer • Reader: Steve Feldmann • Greeter: Carol Rothweiler • Usher: Barb Elsen • Counters: Barb Elsen & Linda Tice
Officers (2022) Staff Neely Frye, President The Rev. Robin Fero, Pastor • (717) 991-4880 • (717) 877-3386 Dan Mink, Vice President Susan Feldmann, Director of Music • (717) 439-8158 Ann Hossler, Organist/Pianist Phyllis Wimer, Secretary • (717) 875-1500 Church Council Barbara Elsen, Financial Secretary Steve Feldmann Dan Mink • (717) 293-3289 & (717) 606-6418 Sheila Charles Phyllis Wimer Steve Feldmann, Treasurer Neely Frye Bradley Charles • (717) 472-6642 David Ostrander Pastor Fero 2022 Lent/ Easter Dates March 2 - Ash Wednesday (12Noon & 7pm) April 9 & 10 - Palm Weekend April 15 -Good Friday (12Noon & 7pm) April 16 & 17 -Easter St. Matthew Lutheran Church Statement of Welcome, Affirmation and Full Participation Welcome to St Matthew, the little church with a big heart. We are a Reconciling in Christ (Open and Affirming) congregation, so when we say “all are welcome”, we really mean it. We strive to live that out in our actions as well as our words. We publicly and humbly commit to do what it takes to truly be a sanctuary filled with warmth, love, understanding, safety, respect and care for all who enter here. (Please see our Full Statement of Welcome, Affirmation and Full Participation on our website: Copies of the Full Statement are also available in the Education and Resources Stand in the Fellowship Hall.)
St. Matthew March 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 12pm – BBBB St. Matthew 12pm – Ash Wednesday 5pm - WORSHIP 7pm – Red Rows Knitting Service Guild* 7pm – Ash Wednesday Service 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10am - WORSHIP 12pm – BBBB St. Matthew 12pm – Bible Study 5pm - WORSHIP 7pm – Church Council “The Way” 6:30pm – RIC Team Mtg 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10am - WORSHIP 12pm – BBBB St. Matthew 12pm – Bible Study 2pm – Quilting Workshop 1:30pm – Book Club @ “The Way” 5pm - WORSHIP Fellowship Hall 7:00pm – Bell rehearsal 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 10am - WORSHIP 12pm – Community Meal 12pm – BBBB St. Matthew 12pm – Bible Study 5pm - WORSHIP “The Way” 7:00pm – Bell rehearsal 27 28 29 30 31 10am - WORSHIP 12pm – BBBB St. Matthew 12pm – Bible Study “The Way” 7:00pm – Bell rehearsal
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