In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission

Page created by Ivan Caldwell
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
Christ-Centred Churches
             Among all African Peoples
                                              Feb-May 21

             Christ-Centred Churches
             Among all African Peoples

             Christ-Centred Churches
             Among all African Peoples

             Christ-Centred Churches
             Among all African Peoples

In this issue:
Doors and Opportunities Open
Page 3

Annual Review 2020
Pages 4-5

Stories Bring Life
Pages 6-7

Start 2021 in Prayer
Page 8
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
New Committee
Member in New Zealand
         he board of trustees for Africa      Andrew is Korean-born but educated      Finance Manager
         Inland Mission Intentional New    in New Zealand. He has a Bachelor of       Robbyn Lesleighter
         Zealand appointed Andrew Mun      Commerce from Auckland University.         of the bookkeeping
as a new trustee in December 2020.         He has been Treasurer of the Korean        role.
    Andrew is based in Auckland, where     Student Council at the University of           Andrew has a passion for mission
he is Director and Senior Accountant       Auckland and an Auckland church.           and is looking forward to being involved
of his Accounting company. His firm,          Andrew will be Treasurer and            in the work of Africa Inland Mission.
THE Accounting Services, has the moto      bookkeeper for the AIM New Zealand         Welcome, Andrew!
Trustworthy, Honesty, Efficiency.          committee. He will relieve Australian

Just Briefly news from Africa and the Asia-Pacific
Workers on Home Assignment                 Workers Preparing to Go                    Invitation for New Members
    Several Australian workers will be         Craig and Helen Waldock expect             Africa Inland Mission Ltd in
on home assignment in Australia in         to return to ministry in Tanzania in       Australia is inviting new members to
2021. They include Nita Finger from        early 2021. They will continue work        join the company. Members can include
early 2021; and Margaret Papov, from       among the Nyamwezi people. Jeremy          individuals and churches. Members are
May to August, before taking a time-out    and Felicity Aitken and their family       required to agree with the purpose and
from AIM to care for elderly parents.      are building their support-team and        constitution of the organisation. Details
The Gitau family plan to return from       learning French in preparation for a new   and membership forms are on www.
Rwanda to Australia in December            assignment at the Good News Hospital Members are involved in
2021 for home assignment before            in Manditsara, Madagascar.                 the governance of the organisation.
returning to Uganda for a new position.    Offices Open                               Africa Crises Relief Project
All will be available to meet churches         AIM offices in Australia and New           Almost AUD 5,000 was transferred
and supporters during their home           Zealand office look forward to returning   to Africa in the J1076N African Crises
assignments.                               to a new normal in 2021 and be open for    Relief tax-deductible project through
2020 Annual Reports                        visitors under Covid-safe rules applying   our partners Global Development Group
    The 2020 Annual Report of              at the time.                               between July and December 2020. AIM
Africa Inland Mission Ltd. (8 pages)       New Auditors                               workers in Africa use these funds to
and audited financial reports for the          Africa Inland Mision Ltd in            provide emergency relief to Africans in
company and AIM in New Zealand are         Australia has appointed new Auditors       a time of crises. Thank you for your
available on the Asia-Pacific website.     on the retirement of previous Auditor      support. You can give by PayPal on See a brief     Lawrie Green of Shedden and Green. and
Annual Review in this issue of Africa      WSC Group will audit the company in        online at: africancrisesrelief-gdg-j1076n.
News.                                      2020-2021.                       

                                           Africa Inland Mission Ltd.                 Africa Inland Mission

                                           PO Box 328                                 International, Hong Kong
                                           Gosford NSW 2250 Australia                 PO Box 70238
     Feb-May 21                                                                       Kowloon Central Hong Kong                          T 02 4322 4777
                                                                                      T (852) 2770 5380
                                           Africa Inland Mission
English-language magazine of                                                          E director.h
                                           International, New Zealand
Africa Inland Mission Asia-Pacific
Mobilising Region.                         PO Box 13457 Onehunga
Editor Len Lesleighter                     Auckland 1643 New Zealand
                                                                                                 Christ-Centred Churches
E                   T 09 281 4595 E                   Among all African Peoples

Cover: Doors to Africa are opening after COVID. Opportunities are many. See page 3.

2 • Africa Inland Mission —                                                    Christ-Centred Churches
                                                                                                 Among all African Peoples
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
AIM Prayer Concert says
“Thank you, God”
            undreds of people gathered         for the outstanding accomplishments            and Sue Bird, Chris and Fiona Tyrrell;
            online to thank God during         in the present through Vision 2020.            Jeremy and Felicity Aitken and future
            Africa Inland Mission’s 24-hour    Vision 2020 was a six-year strategy from       workers Phil and Lauren Castelijn
global Concert of Prayer on 28 November.                   2019
                                               January 2015,         Snap
                                                              finishing        Shots - Africa
                                                                        in December           (pictured).
                                                                                                     and Asia-Pacific
    The event began in the Asia-Pacific        2020. (See a recent report of results in
from New Zealand, then Australia,              Africa News, October 2020 on www.
Korea and Hong Kong. It was then     
broadcast from several African locations,          Participants then focused on prayer
United Kingdom, South America, USA             for the future ministry of AIM. One
and Canada, finishing in California.           continuing need is for more people
                                                                                                                          Chris and Fiona Tyrrell
    Participants either joined by Zoom         to “go, make disciples” (Matthew 28:             Peter and Sue Bird        serving in South Sudan
or watched the Livestream through              18-20) and join the 680
YouTube. In Australia, both individuals        AIM workers in Africa,
and small groups gathered around the           partnering Special
                                                           with African
                                                                    Events in Australia
country. Others joined in as well, from                    andchurches
                                               coworkers and    the Asia Pacific
places including Africa and the USA.           (Luke 10:2).
    The event featured videos, live                AIM’s Concert of Prayer
interviews and prayer. The focus was           broadcast from Australia
first to thank God for AIM’s 125 years         featured live and recorded       Phil and Lauren Castelijn
since the work began in Kenya in 1895.         presentations from workers       preparing to serve in Africa ,
                                                                                shared in the Prayer Concert.
    Then, participants praised God             including Australians Peter

Africa Inland Mission                                     Move to South Sudan

Open for Business
from Len Lesleighter, AIM Austrlaia/ Asia-Pacific Director

          OVID-19 has had an impact            abound to share the Gospel and                to help fulfil
          unprecedented in our lifetimes,      make disciples, especially among the          its vision of
          but God remains in control.          unreached peoples of Africa.                  influence
    The work of Africa Inland Mission              AIM has priority teams needing            through 600
is continuing and moving as much as            workers. These generally require a two        Christian schools. Professionals with a
possible back to normal.                       to three-year commitment.                     Bachelor’s degree are preferred.
    In Australia, closed borders and               A Training in Ministry Outreach                A Ministry Team in Marsabit,
travel restrictions have delayed AIM           (TIMO) in Belgium is partnering               Kenya needs three new members to
workers returning to Austalia or leaving       with a Belgium church to reach out to         live, proclaim the Gospel and make
for Africa. Some workers have returned         refugees and immigrants. Eight more           disciples in Marsabit town. People
to Australia during 2020 for home              team members are needed. Members              with practical or professional skills
assignment, and we expect workers will         will ideally have some cross-cultural         are required. These include teachers, a
be returning to Africa in 2021.                experience and a degree or diploma to         general surgeon; interns, paediatrician,
    Travel from Australia is possible if       help obtain a visa.                           orthopaedic surgeon, anesthesiologist
people have long-term work engagement              A Focus Team in Chad requires             and ophthalmologist.
overseas, and flights are available. Workers   four more members who can join from                For information on these, and
have moved more freely to and from our         August 2021. This team aims to plant          more priority teams or individual
Hong Kong base and Africa in 2020.             a Christ-centred church among an              placements, inquire via our website,
    Freedom of movement is likely to           unreached people.                    or email
increase as vaccinations are rolled out in         A Christian Educators Team in    or phone 02
Australia later this year. Opportunities       Chad is seeking another seven members         4322 4777.

                                                                                        AFRICA news — February-May 2021 •           3
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
                    hope more churches will become “owners” of AIM. We have Kong   in 2019-20. More than 520 churches in Australia re-
                                                                             hope more  churches will become “owners” of AIM. We have
                                                                            ceive our Africa News and remain informed about the minis-
                                                                            try of AIM, with 40 sent bulk copies.
                    32 individual company members and welcome more.          32 individual company members and welcome more.
                                                                                                    Church Membership of AIM Ltd.
                    People Praying                                                                  People Praying
                                                                                                    Australian churches can be involved by being a company
                                                                                                    member. Glenorie Mission Church joined in 2019. We
                                                                                                    hope more churches will become “owners” of AIM. We have
                    More                Churches
                           people received     prayer material in 2020. Social media
                    Twenty-one Asia-Pacific churches in Australia (4), Hong
                                                                                                     More2020          Financial
                                                                                                            people received   prayer materialOverview
                                                                                                                                              in 2020. Social media
                                                                                                    32 individual company members and welcome more.
                                                                                                              Africa Inland Mission Ltd. in Australia
                                                                                                    People Praying
                    Kong    (16)increased
                                 and Newfrom Zealand2,052(1)inhosted
                                                               2019 AIM
                                                                     to 2,133  in 2020.
                                                                           speakers  in              recipients increased  from 2,052  in 2019   to 2,133 in 2020.

                    God Provided Finances in 2020
                                                                                                                   (See Audited   Reports  for Details)
                    2020, with emphasis on joining in the Great Commission.                         More people received prayer material in 2020. Social media
                                                                                                    recipients increased from 2,052 in 2019 to 2,133 in 2020.
                    This     receivingonline
                          included      prayertalksmaterial
                                                                email increased  by 81,
                    range of other activities including meetings, mission trips,
                                                                                      A              People receiving prayer material by email increased by 81,
                                                                                                    People receiving prayer material by email increased by 81,
                                                                                                    from 2052 in 2019 to 2133 in 2020. There have been more
                                  in 2019  to 2133werein 2020.
                                       and expos                  There haveinbeen
                                                           used, especially    Hongmore              from 2052 in 2019 to 2133 in 2020. There have been more

                    Kong in 2019-20. More than 520 churches in Australia re-                        online prayer events in 2020.
                                    odNewscontinued           to bless through                      Australian       office. Other       major sources of                  details of finances for 2019-2020 for
                    ceive    prayer
                           our       events
                    try of AIM, withfinances
                                             in 2020.
                                               and   remain informed about the minis-
                                                    in 2020.
                                         40 sent bulk     copies. More than
                                                                                                    General  prayer events
                                                                                                                    Support in 2020. of AIM
                                                                                                    income are general donations ($114,463)                                Africa Inland Mission Ltd in Australia
                                                                                                    Asia-Pacific offices and AIM projects were supported by 51

                    General Support of AIM
                                    $618,000 was given
                     Church Membership
                    Inland Mission Ltd in Australia to support
                     Australian  churches    can     be involved
                                                                   of AIM
                                                                          to Africa
                                                                        being a
                                                                                                    General Support of AIM
                                                                                                    and investment
                                                                                                    churches                income
                                                                                                              and AIM projects

                                                                                                    This year COVID assistance from the
                                                                                                                                  in 2020,   up on 47 in 2019. In
                                                                                                    Australia, churches gave to projects (1) and general dona-
                                                                                                                                                                           and Africa Inland Mission International
                                                                                                                                                                           New Zealand are available in our
                     member. Glenorie Mission Church joined in 2019. We                             tions (7), giving $5,008. The number of individuals or non-
                     hope more serving
                     Asia-Pacific  offices andwillinAIMbecome
                                  churches             Africa    and were$98,921
                                                          projects“owners” supported
                                                                            of AIM. We by 51have    Australian       Government  AIM inwas
                                                                                    Asia-Pacific offices and AIM projects were supported by 51
                                                                                                    church  entities supporting                 a blessing
                                                                                                                                           the Asia-Pacific declined       Annual Audited Report’s on www.
                    was received to support projects
                     32 individual   company        members    and    welcomeinmore.
                                                                                 Africa.            for the Australian-based operations in
                                                                                                    in the past three years but the  total sum  given increased.  Thank you to
                                     AIM projects in 2020,contribution
                                    Praying                          up on 47 in 2019. In
                                                                                    General     and AIMtoprojects      in 2020,
                                                                                                                AIM Ltd.          up on 47inin2020.
                                                                                                                           was $48,463         2019.AIMIn
                          2020          Financial Overviewof                        difficult times.
                                                                                    Ltd. is also supported by a 10% home-admin. charge from
                                                                                                                                                                           all the churches and individual partners
), Hong              Australia, churches
                                deducted    gaveMission
                                        Inland       to projects
                                                    from     Ltd.(1)
                                                            support     andand
                     More people received prayer material in 2020. Social media
                    10%     isAfrica                                 in Australia
                     recipients increased from 2,052 in 2019 to 2,133 in 2020.
                                                                                    workerThe    churches
                                                                                             supportgraphs    gavebelow
                                                                                                          donations.    projects
                                                                                                                           was   (1) and general
                                                                                                                                          in 2020.dona-
                                                                                                                                     a simple
                                                                                                                                 $91,553                                   throughout the Asia-Pacific for your
 akers in
                     People from      project         gifts to
                                   (See Audited Reports for Details)
                                                                           support    by the
                                                                                    Various          view ofCOVID-relief
                                                                                              Government           finances grantsin 2020.
                                                                                                                                        were a Full
                                                                                                                                                 blessing                  financial and prayer support.
mmission.           tions (7), giving $5,008. The number of individuals or non- received
                             receiving   prayer material     by email
                    from 2052 in 2019 to 2133 in 2020. There have been more
                                                                                    tions (7),ingiving
                                                                                                  Australia,   HongThe    number
                                                                                                                       Kong        of individuals
                                                                                                                              and New   Zealand. or non-
tions. A
ion trips,          church entities supporting AIM in the Asia-Pacific declined Projects
                    online prayer events in 2020.
                                                                                    church entitiesSupported
                                                                                                          supporting AIM in the Asia-Pacific declined
  Hong              General Support of AIM                                          Donors to AIM projects dropped from 48 in 2019 to 28 in
ustralia re-        in the past three
                    Asia-Pacific      years
                                 offices andbut
                                                    total sumweregiven increased.
                                                                   supported  by 51 in thebut
                                                                                    2020,   pastthethreesumyears butincreased
                                                                                                             given    the totalfrom
                                                                                                                                sum $14,459
                                                                                                                                     given increased.
                                                                                                                                               in 2019 to
t the minis-        churches and AIM projects in 2020, up on 47 in 2019. In                         $94,821 in 2020. Donors gave to 14 projects including Re-

                    General donations to AIM Ltd. was $48,463 in 2020. AIM store
                    Australia, churches gave to projects (1) and general dona- General   donations to AIM Ltd. was $48,463 in 2020. AIM
                                                                                    Counselling (ABS-120-U) $12,620; Crises and Famine
                                                                              Relief IO-130 $6,406; East Africa Famine Relief ER 002-R
Ltd.                tions (7), giving $5,008. The number of individuals or non-
 ompany             Ltd. is also supported by a 10% home-admin. charge from $6,243.
                    church entities supporting AIM in the Asia-Pacific declinedLtd. is alsoA donation
                                                                                                            a 10% was
                                                                                                                  home-admin.   charge from
                                                                                                                      used to establish an Aus-
                                                                              tralian Worker Support Project. This sum is invested and will
 19. We             in the past three years but the total sum given increased.
 M. We have         worker support
                    General          donations.
                              donations to AIM This
                                                Ltd. was
                                                     was $91,553
                                                         $48,463 in
                                                                 in 2020.
                                                                    2020. AIM  worker support donations. This was $91,553 in 2020.
                                                                              be used to assist workers taking the Gospel to UPGs.
                                                                              AUD$55,000 was given to tax-deductible projects via part-
more.               Ltd. is also supported by a 10% home-admin. charge from
                                                                                                    ners Global Development Group. Equipping African Church
                    Various Government COVID-relief grants were a blessing
                    worker support donations. This was $91,553 in 2020.
                                                                                                    Various Government COVID-relief grants were a blessing
                                                                                                    Leaders J1061N received $50,000 and African Crises Relief
                    Various Government COVID-relief grants were a blessing
ocial media                                                                                         J1076N received about $5,000 from 17 donors. AIM Ltd.
  in 2020.          received inin Australia,
                    received      Australia, Hong
                                             Hong Kong
                                                  Kong and
                                                       and New
                                                           New Zealand.
                                                               Zealand.                             received in Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand.
                                                                                                    received 5% home admin. for J1061N and 10% for J1076N.                 Note: Total Liabilies in 2020 were $842,305
ed by 81,           Projects Supported                                                                                                                                 3

                    Projects Supported                                                              Projects Supported
                    Asia-Pacific Connecting with
 been more          Donors to AIM projects dropped from 48 in 2019 to 28 in
                    2020, but the sum given increased from $14,459 in 2019 to
                    $94,821 in 2020. Donors gave to 14 projects including Re-
                    Donors to AIM projects dropped from 48 in 2019 to 28 in
                    store Counselling (ABS-120-U) $12,620; Crises and Famine                         Donors to AIM projects dropped from 48 in 2019 to 28 in

                    Africa in 2020
 rted by 51
  2019. In          Relief IO-130 $6,406; East Africa Famine Relief ER 002-R
 ral dona-
                    2020, but the sum given increased from $14,459 in 2019 to
                    $6,243. A donation of $61,346 was used to establish an Aus-                      2020, but the sum given increased from $14,459 in 2019 to
 uals or non-       tralian Worker Support Project. This sum is invested and will
                    $94,821 in 2020. Donors gave to 14 projects including Re-
                    be used to assist workers taking the Gospel to UPGs.                             $94,821 in 2020. Donors gave to 14 projects including Re-

fic declined
  reased.           AUD$55,000 was given to tax-deductible projects via part-
                                 he year ofGroup.2020Equipping
                                                         is one African
                    store Counselling (ABS-120-U) $12,620; Crises and Famine
                    ners Global Development                                                          gospel     and making
                                                                                                     store Counselling (ABS-120-U)disciples,      especially
                                                                                                                                      $12,620; Crises   and Famine (2); or provided support services (6).
2020. AIM
                                 may love to forget. However,                                        among Africa’s unreached peoples. The
                                                                                                     Relief IO-130 $6,406; East Africa Famine Relief ER 002-R In 2020, 19 short-termers served (up
                    Leaders J1061N    received $50,000 and  African Crises Relief
 arge from
                    Relief IO-130 $6,406; East Africa Famine Relief ER 002-R
                    J1076N received about $5,000 from 17 donors. AIM Ltd.
                                 AIM continues to be active
                    received 5% home admin. for J1061N and 10% for J1076N.                           desire    is Christ-centred
                                                                                                      Note: Total    Liabilies in 2020churches
                                                                                                                                            were $842,305among          to 12 months), compared to 20 in
 a blessing         $6,243.
                    in         A donation of $61,346
                        the Asia-Pacific          and was     used toThe
                                                           Africa.     establish an Aus-             $6,243.
                                                                                                   3 all       A donation
                                                                                                          African peoples.  of $61,346   was used to  establish an Aus- 2019. Asia-Pacific workers help form a
                    tralian WorkerofSupport
                                      Africa     Inland       Mission
                                                                 is investedLtd.                                                       This sum is invested and will team of about 680 AIM International
                                              Project.  This sum               and will              Partnering                   with
                                                                                                     tralian Worker Support Project.
                    in Australia (AIM Ltd), oversees AIM                                                                                                                workers serving in Africa and diaspora
  9 to 28 in
                    be used
                    in  thetoAsia-Pacific
                                assist workers taking    the Gospelseparate
                                                  including          to UPGs.                        Australian                 and
                                                                                                     be used to assist workers taking       Asia-
                                                                                                                                        the Gospel  to UPGs.            ministries.
                                                                                                     Pacific           Churches in 2020
  in 2019 to
cluding Re-         legal   entities
                    AUD$55,000      was in
                                         givenHong       Kong and
                                                to tax-deductible        New
                                                                   projects   via part-              AUD$55,000 was given to tax-deductible projects via part- Churches and the Christian
 d Famine
                    Zealand.                                                                         Asia-Pacific Churches Send
 R 002-R
                    ners Global   Development Group. Equipping African Church                        ners Global Development Group. Equipping African Church Community Financially Support
blish an Aus-             This report refers to July 2019 to                                         Workers
 ed and will
                             J1061N received
                    June               Council’s$50,000goals
                                                           and African   Crises Relief
                                                                or targets                                     2020received
                                                                                                     LeadersInJ1061N    there $50,000
                                                                                                                                 were 27  andpeople
                                                                                                                                              African Crises  Relief Workers
                                                                                                                                                                            Workers were financially supported
ts via part-        focus
                    J1076N on     AIM
                              received  aboutconnecting
                                               $5,000 from 17withdonors.theAIM Ltd.                  full-term
                                                                                                     J1076N receivedin about
                                                                                                                        Africa     (i.e.,
                                                                                                                               $5,000  frommore    thanAIM
                                                                                                                                             17 donors.     2 Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                        by 116 churches in the Asia Pacific in
                                                                                                      Note:   Total  Liabilies  in 2020    were  $842,305               Note: Total
                                                                                                                                                                                ThisLiabilies in 2020 wereAustralia;
                                                                                                                                                                                                            $842,305 57
 can Church
                    Christian Community in Australia and                                             years),    all sent    by Asia-Pacific        churches.
 ises Relief
AIM Ltd.
                    the       5% home admin.A fordriving
                          Asia-Pacific.                J1061N purpose
                                                                and 10% forisJ1076N.                 receivedincluded
                                                                                                     This      5% home admin.     for J1061N
                                                                                                                            15 from            and 10%nine
                                                                                                                                         Australia,       for J1076N. 2020.           included     46 in
                     Note: Total Liabilies in 2020 were $842,305                                                                                                          in Hong Kong and 13 in New Zealand.
 for J1076N.        to help churches in Australia and the                                          3from Hong Kong and three from New                                  3
                3                                                                                                                                                          While the number of churches was
                    Asia-Pacific be involved in Jesus’ Great                                        Zealand. About 70% of our Asia-Pacific
                                                                                                                                                                           slightly down on 2019, the amount given
                    Commission, among Africans.                                                     workers served among unreached
                         AIM Ltd. and Asia-Pacific partners                                         African people groups (UPGs). Others
                    also assist AIM International achieve                                           trained African church leaders (5)                                     Visiting and Informing Churches
                    its goals. These include proclaiming the                                        or mobilised Africans into mission                                        About 21 Asia-Pacific churches in

                    4 • Africa Inland Mission —
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
2020     Australia (4), Hong Kong (16) and New
         Zealand (1) hosted AIM speakers in
         2020. Emphasis is on participation in
         the Great Commission motivation. This
                                                      Projects and General Support of
                                                          The number of churches supporting
                                                      our Asia-Pacific offices and AIM
                                                      projects increased slightly. The number
                                                      of people giving to AIM projects
                                                      went from 48 in 2019 to 28 in 2020.
                                                      However, the sum given increased from
                                                      $14,459 in 2019 to $94,821 in 2020.
                                                      AIM is also supported by a 10% home
                                                                                                  Africa News Oct-Jan 20

         included online talks during COVID           administration contribution from worker
         restrictions. Invitations for speakers are   support donations.
         always welcomed.                                 In addition to donations through
         Church Membership of AIM Ltd.                AIM, in 2019-20, about AUD$55,000
             Church membership is one way we          has been given to tax-deductible projects
                                                      through partners Global Development
         are seeking to build connection with
                                                      Group. Equipping Leaders: Kenya             Africa News Oct-Jan 20
         Australian churches. In late 2019 the
                                                      J1061N received $50,000 in September
         Glenorie Mission Church, became the
                                                      2019 and J1076N African Crises Relief
         inaugural legal member of AIM Ltd. We
                                                      received about $5,000. Government
         hope many more churches will take the
                                                      financial support was valued in the
         opportunity to become “owners” of AIM,
                                                      pandemic in Australia, Hong Kong and
         as now allowed by our constitution.
                                                      New Zealand.
         People Praying                                   An 8-page 2020 Annual Report            Africa News Feb-May 2020
             The number of people receiving           and audited
         prayer material increased slightly in        financial reports
         2020. Social media recipients increased      are available:
         from 2052 in 2019 to 2133 in 2020. 
         This year of 2020 is one which is seeing     ap/connect
         the advent of some online prayer events.
         These are still emerging in AIM.

           The Mission of Africa Inland Mission Ltd:
           Who we are: We are an Australian-based Christian mission working
                       with sister organisations in the Asia-Pacific, Africa and                  Africa News Feb-May 20

           What we do: We are focused on engaging the Australian and Asia-
                       Pacific Christian community in the work of establishing
                       Christ-centered churches among all African peoples.
           Why we do it: We are compelled by the Great Commission from Jesus
                         in the Bible, to go, make disciples of all nations, teaching
                         them all Christ taught his disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20;
                         and John 3:16-18).
                                                                                                  Africa News Feb-May 20

Africa News Jun-Sep 20                 Africa News Oct 20-Jan 21        Africa News Oct 20-JanAFRICA
                                                                                               21      news — February-May
                                                                                                                  Africa News2021  • 5
                                                                                                                              Oct 19-Jan 20
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
Did You Bring a Story Today?
Story by Rebekah Saylor | Photos by Jordan Andre and Mark Eekhoff | AIM

Serving as part of AIM’s Training in           to put the pieces of the puzzle together
Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team among            as I try to fill in the gaps that I don’t
the Zigua people of Tanzania, Rebekah          understand, other times I find myself
Saylor is working to translate a series of     hardly able to contain my laughter
Scripture-based stories into the Zigua         because most Zigua have an incredible
language to be shared throughout the           sense of humour, other times the stories
community.                                     are sad and full of grief, and other times

     ducked my head and made my way            I just flat out don’t understand any of
     into the small, smoky house. I greeted    the story.
     the Bibi (grandmother) and Babu
(grandfather) as they fluttered about so
happy that I had come.
    It had been a week or two since I had
stopped by to visit. “Rebekah! You came!
                                               stories are a big
We’ve missed you so much and I was just
wondering yesterday when you’d come
                                               thing here.
by again. I’m so glad you’ve come!”                The Zigua number about 630,000
    This is the response I get every time      and live in rural communities near
I stop by this little house, whether it’s      coastal Tanzania. Most Zigua claim
been a month, or two weeks or even just        to be Muslims. Many Zigua farm sisal
one day since I last visited. Once the         plants which are used to make mats,
greetings were complete I sat down and         baskets and rope.
settled in for the visit. Shortly after, the       Part of my work here in Tanzania
Bibi asked, “So, did you bring a story         has been the development of a story set
today?”                                        spanning Creation to Christ, giving our
    Stories are such an important part of      team the ability to share God’s story
this culture.                                  beginning at Creation through Jesus’ life
    Whether it’s retelling an event from       and ministry. This is such a natural way
earlier in the day or telling an old folk      to share the gospel with people that are
tale, these people take their stories          so used to using stories as a regular form
seriously and it’s such a fun thing to be      of communication.
a part of.                                         The set is made up of 37 stories that
    I love listening to people tell            are already translated into Swahili, so my
stories…sometimes it’s a fun challenge         work is to translate them from Swahili

                                                                                            into Zigua. From there, I take the Zigua
                                                                                            stories to my language teacher who helps
                                                                                            correct my Zigua grammar (which is
                                                                                            sometimes still a mystery to me!) and
                                                                                            together we complete the story.
                                                                                                The hope is that these stories will be
                                                                                            shared in groups of five to 10 people and
                                                                                            that as people hear the stories we share
                                                                                            together, they will go and share them
                                                                                            with others in their community, even
                                                                                            before they have come to faith in Christ.
                                                                                                It’s often a temptation to just start

6 • Africa Inland Mission —
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
with the New Testament and share
about Jesus’ life and work on the cross
when sharing the gospel (and sometimes
that’s necessary), but for people who
have never considered the idea of a
Saviour, the concept can be confusing.
When we start at the beginning, we have
the opportunity to lay the foundation
and share how each story points to a
promised Saviour and that God had
a plan of redemption from the very
    Once Jesus appears in the stories,
they have already understood how this
was something that had been anticipated
for years and years. It’s a really exciting
prospect of what could come with these

Back to the
Bibi’s question.
“So, did you
bring a story
    Well, little did she know that I did,
indeed, bring a story – and that story
was the very first story in this set that
had never been shared with anyone.
    Little did she know that as I was
seeking God’s guidance on this project,
he brought her to mind as the first
person to share these stories with.
    Little did she know, that just a few
minutes before, as I approached her
house, I asked God for strength and
for an open opportunity to share this
story with her as I wasn’t sure how I was
going to lead into it and I was nervous
about starting this big project. Little did
she know that those very words out of
her mouth were the answer to so many
    And little does she know that these
stories have the power to change her
whole world, if only she will believe. I
returned the next week with the next
story, ready to share if she would let me.
    As soon as I sat down, those same
words returned, “So, did you bring a
story today?”

                                              AFRICA news — February-May 2021 •   7
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
Start 2021 in PRAYER with AIM
        s we turn our back on 2020,         been given to me. 19Therefore go and make         The words of Jesus 2,000 years ago
        you are invited to join AIM in      disciples of all nations, baptising them in   seem as true today:
        prayer to start 2021.               the name of the Father and of the Son and         “2He (Jesus) told them, “The harvest is
                                            of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to
March 21 PRAYER Week                                                                      plentiful, but the workers are few.
                                            obey everything I have commanded you.             Ask the LORD of the harvest,
    March 21 to 27 is AIM’s PRAYER
                                            And surely I am with you always, to the       therefore, to send out workers into his
Week in Australia and the Asia Pacific.
                                            very end of the age.” NIV                     harvest field.” NIV
    Join with the Australian office
                                            • Pray Churches will be challenged to
team on Wednesday 24 March for a
                                              consider what this Great Commission
prayer day from 2 pm to 4 pm, in the
                                              means to them today. Pray God will
Gosford office. This will be subject to
                                              freshen their vision as they emerge
COVID-19 restrictions in place at the
                                              from the pandemic.
time and there may be limited numbers
                                            • Pray Africa Inland Mission will know
allowed. Phone ahead for the latest, on
                                              how best to serve our Australian and
02 4322 4777.
                                              Asia-Pacific churches, to help them
Online Hour of PRAYER                         fulfill this Great Commission.
    Join our Online Hour of PRAYER          • Pray God will burden the hearts of
on Saturday 27 March, 7pm to                  many to take the Gospel and make
8pm Sydney time. Videos and live              disciples among the almost 1,000
connections with workers in Africa will       unreached peoples of Africa. Pray
help make this an encouraging time.           especially for 600 unreached people
Watch for further details including the       groups of North Africa.
video conferencing link in the March        • Pray God will continue to raise up
2021 Intercessor Guides.                      Africans to take the Gospel to all
Our 2021 Prayer Focus
    A special focus on prayer is for
churches in Australia and the Asia-
Pacific to be blessed with a renewed and
Bible-based vision of mission. In the
Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus encouraged and commanded His
      Then Jesus came to them and said,
“All authority in heaven and on earth has

8 • Africa Inland Mission —
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
Response Form                                     Ways to give
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    $50      $25    $100 $
    Give a one off gift of $
Please complete the payment authority below.
Please make cheques payable to Africa
                                                  You can help Africans in a time of
Inland Mission Inc. or complete details below;    crisis by donating to African Crises
or donate online:          Relief J1076N.
(PayPal fees apply to online gifts)               Donors in Australia
Please use my donation                            Credit Card:
    Where Most Needed
                                                  Direct Deposit: BSB 064118 A/C 10200094
     Kenya Famine Relief            $             (GDG) Email details* to
     AIM International Famine           
     and Crisis Relief IO-130       $
                                                  Cheque: Payable to Global Development
     My Own Option                  $             Group, Include a note with donation details*
    My Total Donation               $             and post to: PO Box 651, Rochedale South
Gifts for these overseas projects are not         QLD 4123.
tax-deductible in Australia or New Zealand.       PayPal:
General fund gifts in NZ are tax-deductible       On-line Donation: africancrises relief-
and are used in New Zealand. If a project is
oversubscribed, your gift may be allocated to a
similar project, or project in the same region.   Donors in New Zealand
Thank you for your support.                       Credit Card/PayPal:
My Address
                                                  and complete details.
                                                  Direct Deposit:,
Family Name
                                                  and follow instructions on the page.
First Name
                                                  Cheque: Payable to: Global Development
                                                  Group Ltd. Include a note with the donation
                                                  details* and Post to: Global Development
                           Postcode               Group NZ, PO Box 10076, Bayfair,
Email                                             Tauranga 3152.
Phone                                             *Donation Details: date, amount, project
                                                  number (J1076N), name & email/ address.
Payment Authority
(Card payments processed in Australia only)       Thank you for caring!
Card Type Visacard / Mastercard                       Africa Inland Mission Ltd in
Card Number                                       Australia and Africa Inland Mission
                                                  International New Zealand are
                                                  partners for project J1076N African
Expiry Date                                       Crises Relief with Global Development Group
Name on Card                                      (ABN 57 102 400 993) an Australian NGO
                                                  approved by the Minister for Foreign Affairs
                                                  in Australia, and with Global Development
                                                  Group Ltd (GDGNZ) IRD: 116-721-430;
Date       /    /
                                                  Registered Charity #: CC54017. Gifts over A$2
 Periodical Payments/Internet                     in Australia and NZ$5 in New Zealand are
                                                  tax deductible. Excess Funds may be applied to
                                                  other approved project activities. Please note,
 You can make direct payments into AIM
                                                  no non-development (evangelistic, political or
 Australia or New Zealand bank accounts.
                                                  welfare) activities are a part of, or funded by,
 For Details, Contact:
                                                  GDG projects.
 New Zealand: T 09 281 4595, or
 Australia: Robbyn T 02 4322 4777                 For more information please visit
 Response slips can be mailed to AIM in: or
 New Zealand: PO Box 13457 Onehunga 1643          For other non-tax-deductible project options
 Australia: PO Box 328 Gosford NSW 2250           please see
                                                  and overleaf.
In this issue: Doors and Opportunities Open - Africa Inland Mission
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