12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
Our Lady of the Lake                     2385 Commerce Blvd.
                                                                           MONTHLY MAIL-OUT BULLETIN
                                           Mound, MN 55364
 Catholic Church                             952-472-1284
                                         ourladyofthelake.com                             CXL
 Fr. Peter Richards, Pastor

                                                   June 20th, 2021
                                       12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                      “He asked them, ‘Why are you terrified?
                                      Do you not yet have faith?’” - Mark 4:40

Greetings in Christ,
My name is Deacon John Utecht and I am a seminarian in Fourth Theology at the Saint Paul Seminary in
Saint Paul. I grew up in St. Paul and Hastings, Minnesota, with my Mom and Dad, Margaret and Joe, and
my three sisters and one brother. I have always enjoyed any kind of outdoor activities like hunting, fishing,
rock climbing, golf, and playing sports. One of my favorite activities is camping in the Boundary Waters.
My home parish is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and it was there that I first encountered God and his great love
and mercy. After graduating from Hastings High School, I served with a missionary organization called NET
ministries. It was while serving on NET where I learned to pray and grew a lot in my relationship with the
Lord, to the point where I felt that God was calling me to make my life one of service as a priest. I was very
reluctant to enter seminary at first, but slowly and through lots of prayer I began to see my call as a gift.
My time in seminary has been very blessed with lots of opportunities to pray, study, and grow in pastoral
experience. I have especially grown in pastoral experience by spending time teaching, praying, and
learning at my teaching parish, St. Michael’s in St. Michael, MN. I am now going into my eighth and final
year of seminary and with only a year before I am ordained a priest, I can’t wait to receive that gift of
priesthood. I'm looking forward to meeting and serving you all at Our Lady of the Lake this summer.
Christ’s Peace,
Deacon John Utecht

                                                         Thank you, Jan & Keith Clark and Kathy & Keith Putt,
                                                          for tending to the plants and flowers in the Church
                                                              Sanctuary and the PACE Center every week.
                                                             The plants and flowers are beautiful and add
                                                           so much to the environment. Also, thank you for
                                                            taking care of the Vigil Candles each week too.
                                                                    We appreciate your dedication
                                                                     to these volunteer positions!
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
Three Conversations                           Calendar for the Week of June 20th, 2021
            All are welcome to join us           Saturday   June 19th, 2021
            for Three Conversations!             3:45pm     Confessions (Confessionals)
   Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 7:15pm       5:00pm     Mass (Mass Intention: Jerry & Theresa Kohman)
(following the 6:30pm Mass) in the PACE Cen-     Sunday     June 20th, 2021
  ter, and Wednesdays at 8:45am (following       8:30am     Mass (Mass Intention: Jim Regan)
                                                 10:30am    Mass (Mass Intention: Parish)
             the 8:00am Mass) in the             Monday     June 21st, 2021
     Fireside Room. Hope to see you there!       8:30am     Eucharistic Adoration (John Paul II Chapel)
                                                 6:30pm     Bible Study (Presentation Room)
                                                 Tuesday    June 22nd, 2021
                                                 1:30pm     Bible Study (Presentation Room)
              SAVE the DATE!                     5:30pm     Confessions (Confessionals)
    Welcome Back to OLL Church Event             6:30pm     Communion Service
    Hosted by the Knights of Columbus            7:15pm     Three Conversations (Fireside Room)
                                                 Wed.       June 23rd, 2021
   Sunday, July 11th, after 10:30am Mass         8:00am     Communion Service
   Watch future bulletins for more details!      8:45am     Three Conversations (Fireside Room)
                                                 9:00am     Young Family Adoration (John Paul II Chapel)
                                                 Thurs.     June 24th, 2021
      Parking Lot Resurfacing at OLL             8:00am     Mass (Mass Intention: Frank Drey)
                                                 8:30am     Eucharistic Adoration (John Paul II Chapel)
   The Parking Lot Resurfacing at OLL is         8:30am     Women’s Faith Sharing Group (Fr. Jager Room)
    scheduled for the week of July 12th.         10:30am    Word Service at Lake Minnetonka Shores
 There will be limited access to the Church      Friday     June 25th, 2021
                                                 8:00am     Mass (Mass Intention: Marge Driessen)
         while this is taking place.             Saturday   June 26th, 2021
     Please watch future bulletins for           3:45pm     Confessions (Confessionals)
    information on which doors will be           5:00pm     Mass (Mass Intention: Steve Thurk)
       available to enter the Church.            Sunday     June 27th, 2021
                 Thank you!                      8:30am     Mass (Mass Intention: Parish)
                                                 10:30am    Mass (Mass Intention: Terry Schroeder)

       Eucharistic Adoration will NOT            Church Office Hours: The Church Office has changed to
       take place on Monday, July 5th,           its summer hours. We will be closed all day on Fridays.
        due to the 4th of July holiday.           As always, pastoral emergency numbers are available.

                                                       We will have Communion Services on Tuesday,
Peter’s Pence Collection/June 26th & 27th
                                                                June 22nd, and Wednesday,
 Next week we will take up the Peter’s Pence               June 23rd, at 8:00am instead of Mass.
   Collection, which is a way to support the
  Universal Church and the work of the Holy                       OLL School is Hiring!
 See, including helping Pope Francis with the
funds to carry out his charitable works. These     Our Lady of the Lake School is looking for a Spanish
works benefit our brothers and sisters on the       Teacher who loves teaching Preschool - 8th Grade
 margins of society, including victims of war,      students. This is a part-time position. If interested,
      oppression, and disasters. Please be        contact Becky Kennedy at bkennedy@schoololl.com.
     generous. For more information, visit              We are looking for Summer help with our
     www.peterspence.va/en.html. Please             OLL+ Summer program. Great for High School and
   label your offering for Peter’s Pence and          College students. Contact Debbie Antoskiewicz
  place it in the offering basket. Thank you!                    at ollplus@schoololl.com.
                                                   We are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic
                                                  professional to be our Director of Fundraising. In this
          Monthly Mail-Out Bulletin                position, you will be responsible for the overall plan-
         Our Lady of the Lake Bulletin           ning, management, coordination, and evaluation of the
            Published Monthly by                 fundraising operations of the School. This position will
         Our Lady of the Lake Church                be part-time and will report to the Principal of OLL.
          2385 Commerce Boulevard                      If you are interested in this position, contact
           Mound, MN 55364-1427                        Becky Kennedy at bkennedy@schoololl.com.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
                                                                               We pray for those in need.
          Seeking God, Encountering God                                        Please keep the following
                                                                              individuals in your prayers:
                Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                       Chris A.                Mike Paxton
                         Mark 4:35-41                                 Russell Barger          Maddie Poranski
                                                                      Bill Greenwood          Adam Richardt
                           A raging sea                               Dorothy Hanson          Mike Schulz
                is the setting for today’s Gospel.                    Dolores Kelly           Chris Skillings
             There is chaos and terror on every side.                 Alison Kennedy          Whitney Taylor
                      In the first reading,                           Jennifer Lacy           Pauline Thorson
              we hear of another stormy situation.                    John N.                 Norbert Weimholt
                   Our Lord addresses Job                             Andra Olson             Steven Ziminske
                and promises that proud waves                         Mike Olson
                         will be stilled.                                We pray for those in the Military:
                                                                      Travis B.           Nicholas R.
               The Word of God hushes the storm.                      Nicholas J.         Joshua T.
                           Shush. Listen.                             Jake K.             Darrell V.
                     We welcome the calm
                   and the power of the Word
                  that stills our storms as well.
                    Ministry of the Assembly
                                                                            “The New Testament:
                            Anamnesis                                     Document or Sacrament?”
                     is not an everyday term.                             This lesson digs into the word
           Liturgical vocabulary can be head-spinning.
                   Anamnesis means recalling                          “testament” and how the translation
           Jesus’ passion, resurrection, and ascension,                 misses the full significance of the
         a memory that is living and present in the Mass,              covenant promises that we find in
                      an incredible mystery!                            the Bible. Christ was sacrificed to
                 Listen to the Eucharistic Prayer.                    atone our sins, and this becomes the
                                                                      sacrament that we understand to be
                      Next time, Epiclesis.                           the Eucharist. Please come to either
                                                                         the Monday session (June 21st)
                    -- Sr. Carrie Link, PBVM                            at 6:30pm or the Tuesday session
                                                                           (June 22nd) at 1:30pm in the
                                                                               Presentation Room.

RCIA This Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for anyone who has not been Baptized or has been
Baptized in another faith, and would like to receive Catholic First Communion and Confirmation.
You can learn about the Mass and why it is so crucial to our faith, about the history of the Church,
about our Sacraments, and many other topics. Questions are welcome! If interested, contact Carla at
clabore@ourladyofthelake.com or (952) 472-8204.

Mass Ministry Help is needed at all the Masses and in all the ministry areas. You can
specify which Mass you attend and the dates that you are not available for help.
Please prayerfully consider this opportunity. For those who are already assisting with
ministry, you can log into: rotundasoftware.com/ministry/OurLadyoftheLake and find
your personal schedule. The schedules are available for June, July & August. If you have
any questions or difficulties with this, please contact Carla at (952) 472-8204 or
USHERS NEEDED! We are in need of Ushers for all Masses, and especially the 5:00pm
Saturday Mass. Men, women, and students over 16 are all welcome! Please consider this
wonderful volunteer opportunity. This typically involves helping at Mass once a month.
Please contact the Church Office at (952) 472-8200 to volunteer or with questions.

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
FAITH FORMATION and Y o u t h M i n i s t r y

 VBS at OLL this Summer!!
      July 19th - 23rd
   We are very excited to offer
   Totus Tuus for our Vacation
     Bible School this summer!
     Totus Tuus, which means
“Totally Yours” in Latin, is a fun
& energetic summer catechetical
program, for both grade-school
   age kids and Junior & Senior
    High School youth. Trained
college students & seminarians
visit various parishes to spread
the Good News. Their youthfulness
   and ability to witness to the
    faith makes these teachers
 particularly effective with young
people. Register by June 30th to
 secure your spot and receive a
  free T-shirt. Registrations can
 be found on the front page of
the OLL website and under the
       Faith Formation tab at

                         “I remember you and pray for you with JOY.” -Philippians 1:3
   I would like to send out a special thank you and recognition to eight amazing catechists who selflessly
  took on the challenge of teaching elementary faith formation during a year of changes and unknowns!
    Despite the limitations due to COVID, and learning new curriculum, they rose to the need of continuing
      to bring the truth of Christ to our children in fun, creative ways. With a year of learning new things
                    under our belt, I can’t wait to see the amazing things to come next year!
                         In Christ, Laurie Herder, Family & Faith Formation Coordinator

Our Lady’s CCW will award two $1,000 scholarships to female OLL parishioners.
The St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Scholarship will be awarded to a 2021 High School graduate
with a GPA of 2.5 or above who will be pursuing vocational training or post-secondary
education at an accredited institution during the 2021-22 school year. The Our Lady of
Good Counsel Scholarship will be awarded to a current post-secondary student who will
be continuing her education next year. Both online application forms with additional
information are available at ourladyofthelake.com/council-of-catholic-women-ccw/.
The completed application form is due Wednesday, June 30th, 2021.

  2021 Catholic Services Appeal It’s not too late to donate
  to the 2021 Catholic Services Appeal for the 20 Collective
  Ministries of the Archdiocese. If we reach our goal, we re-
  ceive a percentage of the dollars we collect. Please prayer-
  fully consider making a pledge to help us reach our goal.
  Please go to csafspm.org to learn more about the ministries
  supported by the 2021 Catholic Services Appeal. Visit
  GiveCSAF.org to donate today!

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
Discipleship … Faith In Action
         “He asked them, ‘Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?’” – Mark 4:40
  Do you really trust God? Is God your first choice or last resort? Is your faith something you just do on
    Sunday or do you live the Gospel message every day of the week? Many of us know about God.
 How many of us have a personal relationship with Him? Start now, open your heart to receive our Lord.
                      Talk and listen to Him throughout the day, in all circumstances.

                                                Actuals              Requirements
                  July 1, 2020 to present      $795,009.              $794,950
           Thank you to all those who continue to send in your church offering or give online.
                                  Your support is greatly appreciated!

                            THANK YOU, Brett Broghammer, for serving on the OLL School Board for
                                    four years, three of which you served as the Board Chair.
                           We sincerely appreciate you sharing your time and talents with OLL School!

Update from OLL School This year has been a busy one, with a lot ofth exciting things happening including
in-person learning the entire year! We finished our last day on June 4 ! Here are some of the things that
have already happened or are happening this summer:

1. Welcome six new Staff members to our already amazing team
2. Create two outdoor classrooms (Parent Fundraised)
3. New edging and safety surface for the blue playground (Capital Campaign)
4. Sold Christmas Trees and offered a space for kids to see Santa
5. First-ever virtual Christmas Concert (hopefully only)
6. Install new classroom doors throughout the building (Capital Campaign)
7. Select a Math curriculum for next year
8. Plan and offer professional development opportunities for staff
9. Update the Lakeside Outdoor Classroom to create a space for the entire OLL community to utilize
10. Overhaul of wireless infrastructure to enable an uninterrupted experience throughout the Church and
the School (Grant)
11. Purchase new furniture for our growing student community (Grants and Donations)
12. Splitting 3rd and 4th Grades and adding a new teacher for next year
13. Update the Parking Lot (Capital Campaign) and paint markings for different playground games
14. Celebrating our amazing Staff
15. Working alongside families to help them raise their children and further the Kingdom of God
16. Increased enrollment to 162 for 2020-21 school year and looking at over 190 students next school year
Here are some of the things we are continuing to focus on:
1. Outfit a dedicated Science Classroom (Capital Campaign)
2. Trust in the Lord
Thank you to everyone who supported the School Gala in May; it was a huge success!
Praising, Working, Loving
Becky Kennedy, OLL School Principal

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
MASS SCHEDULE Weekends Saturday: 5:00pm • Sunday: 8:30am & *10:30am (*Livestreamed)
Weekdays Tuesday: 6:30pm (Church) -- Wednesday: 8:00am (Church)
              Thursday: 8:00am (Church) -- Friday: 8:00am (Church)
CONFESSIONS Tuesdays: 5:30 - 6:20pm, Saturdays: 3:45 - 4:45pm, and by appointment.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION on Mondays, Tuesdays & First Fridays in the St. John Paul II Chapel from 8:30am - 6:00pm,
and on Thursdays from 8:30am - 8:00pm. Join us for this rewarding experience!
Parish Phone Number                                    (952) 472-1284
Pastor, Fr. Peter Richards                             (952) 472-1284 ext. 8207          Marriage -- To confirm a wedding,
Deacon, Dcn. Del Wilkinson                             (952) 472-8210                       please contact Fr. Peter at least
Parish Administrator, Rhonda Eurich                    (952) 472-8201                   8 months before planning to marry.
Liturgy - Pastoral Care, Sr. Carrie Link               (952) 472-8205
OLL Custodial Supervisor, Andy Danielson               (952) 472-8203            Baptism -- Please contact Carla LaBore for
Church Secretary, Dana Barrett                         (952) 472-8200              baptismal information at 952-472-8204.
Administrative Assistant, Kathy Hayes                  (952) 472-8206
Communications Director, Anna Schmidt                  (952) 472-8209
Family & Faith Formation Coordinator,
                           Laurie Herder               (952) 472-8202                                 Church Office Hours
Pastoral Minister & Adult Education, Carla LaBore (952) 472-8204                         The Church Office is open Monday
Youth Minister, Michelle Boris                         (952) 472-8208             through Thursday from 8:00am - 4:00pm
Music Director, Terry Wenninger                        (952) 472-8211                                        Friday: Closed
School Phone Number                                    (952) 472-8228
School Principal, Becky Kennedy                        (952) 472-8229                                  School Office Hours
School Secretary, Carol Franck                         (952) 472-8251                Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 2:00pm
                                                                                                             Friday: Closed
Church Fax 952-843-5667 School Fax 952-843-5693
Church Staff e-mails are first letter of first name, followed by last name @ourladyofthelake.com
School Staff e-mails are first letter of first name, followed by last name @schoololl.com

                                      The printing of the bulletin is made possible by:
                  MONIQUE                                                    MOUND BACK & NECK CLINIC
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Since 1980 – Wholesale Diamonds – Custom Design                                Dr. Jim Byers, Chiropractor
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12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
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Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church                                            Non-Profit Organization
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Mound, Minnesota 55364                                                                 PAID
                                                                                 MOUND, MINNESOTA
952-472-1284                                                                       PERMIT NO. 98

                                       Our Lady of the Lake Church

                                   INSIDE THIS EDITION
                                                       What “incredible” event is happening
                                                              at OLL in September?

                                                            Employment opportunities
                                                                    at OLL.

                                                          CCW Scholarship Applications
                                                                due June 30th!

                                                       Sign up for Totus Tuus (Vacation Bible
                                                       School) for Grade School, Junior, and
                                                          Senior High School age children.

                                                             See what’s happening at
                                                                OLL School inside!

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
The 2021 Incredible Festival Silent Auction
                 is Virtual AND In-Person this year!
            We need your help. This is how YOU can help:

                      We love donations of SERVICES:
                   (maybe one of these is your specialty?!)
                                  Lawn care
                              Computer training
                   ADVENTURES are always fun to bid on:
                                  Cabin stays
                    Timeshare week in a beautiful resort
                          Sky Diving/Wake boarding
                     We need donations of NEW ITEMS:
                (keep us in mind during those summer sales!)
                               Household items
                           Garden tools & supplies
                            Gift cards of any size!

 All donations may be dropped off at the Parish Office until Friday, September 3rd.
     If you have questions, please contact, Mary Beth Ineson, Auction Chair, at
               OLL.MN.SilentAuction@gmail.com or (763) 656-3535.
                   We look forward to seeing you at The Festival!

               Save these Dates for upcoming Incredible Fun:
The OLL Incredible Festival float will be in The Spirit of the Lakes Parade on July 17th

      July 23rd is Father Peter’s Inaugural Supper Cruise, on Lake Minnetonka

          NOW! Get your VIP Tickets (don’t miss out, only 25 will be sold!)

            For more information, and to order your tickets please go to

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
RE: Returning to Mass: July 1 Marks End of Dispensation in Minnesota
Page 2 of 2

       1. You have reason to believe your health would be significantly compromised if you were to contract a
          communicable illness (i.e., you have underlying conditions or are in a high-risk category).
       2. You exhibit flu-like symptoms.
       3. You have good reason to think you might be asymptomatic of a contagious illness (e.g., you were in
          recent contact with someone who tested positive for a contagious illness such as COVID or influenza).
       4. You care for the sick, homebound, or infirmed.
       5. You are pregnant or you are 65 years of age or older (per the CDC’s recommendation for high-risk
       6. You cannot attend Mass through no fault of your own (e.g., no Mass is offered; you are infirm; or, while
          wanting to go, you are prevented for some reason you cannot control, such as your ride did not show up).
       7. You have significant fear or anxiety of becoming ill by being at Mass.

If situations 1 through 3 apply to you, prudent concern for your neighbor should lead you to stay home. If you fall
within situations 4-7, please exercise good judgment, consider the common good, and know you would not be held
to the obligation of attending Mass. For further questions about the application of any of these situations, please
contact your pastor. These categories will be reviewed in due course and revised as needed.

Those within the categories enumerated above must still observe the Lord’s Day and are encouraged to spend time
in prayer on Sunday, meditating on the Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection; an excellent way to do this is by
praying the Liturgy of the Hours and participating in a broadcast/livestream of the Sunday Mass.

More information, answers to frequently asked questions, and a portal to each diocese’s protocols can be found at
the website backtomassmn.org.

The return of our faith family to Mass is a joyous occasion. With that in mind, we also encourage the faithful to
post on social media about their return-to-Mass worship experiences using the hashtag #backtomassmn. Wherever
you may be, welcome home!

Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda, Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens, Auxiliary Bishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of Winona-Rochester
Most Rev. Donald J. Kettler, Bishop of St. Cloud
Most Rev. Daniel J. Felton, Bishop of Duluth
Most Rev. Richard E. Pates, Apostolic Administrator of Crookston
Very Rev. Douglas L. Grams, Diocesan Administrator of New Ulm

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