BRITISH ESPORTS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 - 2019 Handbook for Teachers CHAMPIONSHIPS - British Esports Association

Page created by Harold Collins
BRITISH ESPORTS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 - 2019 Handbook for Teachers CHAMPIONSHIPS - British Esports Association

2018 - 2019
Handbook for Teachers

BRITISH ESPORTS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 - 2019 Handbook for Teachers CHAMPIONSHIPS - British Esports Association
               Introduction          4

               Technical requirements 6

               Timeline              8

               League of Legends     9

               Overwatch             25

               Rocket League         39

               Reporting rulebreaking 51

               Code of conduct       52

2                                          3
Each institution must be represented by a school or
                                                                          college Leader which must be a registered adult staff
                                                                          member at that institution. The Leader is expected to:

    WELCOME                                                                Promote the Championships in their
                                                                           school/college and ideally recruit
                                                                                                                       Use our Discord to communicate
                                                                                                                       with staff from other schools/

    TO THE
                                                                           enough students to enable them              colleges as directed by British
                                                                           to enter teams in each of the three         Esports (please note, students are
                                                                           games. They can, however, just enter        not allowed in the Discord).

                                                                           teams into one or two of the games.

                                                                                                                       Provide constructive feedback as
                                                                                                                       and when required or requested.
                                                                           If possible, ensure students have
                                                                           access to computers at other points
    The British Esports Championships is a competitive gaming              during the week (e.g. lunchtimes) to
    tournament for students aged 11-19 across the UK. It is                enable them to practise together as a       Supervise all online interaction
                                                                           team – like any traditional sport.
    open to all Secondary Schools, Further Education Colleges                                                          between players at that
                                                                                                                       institution. This can include
    and Alternative Provision (AP) Schools in the UK, and                                                              before, after or during games.
    includes a mix of PC-based games. There is a entry fee of
    £25 per institution for the 2018 - 2019 Championships, and             Ensure the appropriate facilities/
    a £5 per team fee (for each game per season).                          hardware/software are available to use.     Report any issues to Admins e.g.
                                                                           To enter one team in each of the three      if a player on the team accuses an
    The Championships build on the success of our pilot earlier            games will require a minimum of 14 PCs      opponent of ‘hacking’, they must
    in 2018. For more information about our pilot, please see our          with appropriate specifications.            collect evidence and send it to an
    evaluation report.                                                                                                 admin. Students cannot submit
                                                                                                                       reports direct to the Tournament
    Playing esports in moderation has many benefits. You can                                                           Admins.
    download our ‘What is esports’ and ‘benefits of esports’ PDFs here.
                                                                           Ensure appropriate technical
                                                                           specifications and permissions are met      Within reason, do everything possible to
    Please note all rules outlined in this document are correct as of
                                                                           in school/college (e.g. firewalls, access   ensure you fulfil weekly fixtures as part of
    August 17th 2018 but the British Esports Championships has the
                                                                           to the games on the school/college          the Championships.
    right to amend Rules at any point during the tournament. The
                                                                           system) before the first fixtures are due
    most up-to-date rules will be found on the tournament website at
                                                                           to start.

4                                                                                                                                                                     5
TECHNICAL                       LEAGUE OF LEGENDS                                         OVERWATCH                                     ROCKET LEAGUE

                                Min Requirement              Recommended            Min Requirement             Recommended             Min Requirement         Recommended

    Processor               2 GHz (supporting SSE2 or 3 GHz                     Intel Core i3 / AMD      Intel Core i5 / AMD      2.4 GHz Dual Core         2.5 GHz Quad Core
                            higher)                                             Phenom X3 8650 or eqv    Phenom II X3 or better

    Memory                  1GB RAM (2GB RAM for      2GB RAM (4GB for         4GB RAM                   6GB RAM                  2GB RAM                   4GB RAM
                            Windows Vista or newer)   Windows Vista and newer)

    Storage                 8GB Available Hard Disk   12GB                      30GB                     30GB                     5GB                       5GB

    Graphics                Shader version 2.0 capable Nvidia GeForce 8800 /    Nvidia GeForce GTX460 / Nvidia GeForce GTX660 /   Nvidia GTX 260 / ATI 4850 Nvidia GTX 660 / ATI
                            video card                 AMD Radeon HD 5670 or    ATI Radeon HD4850 / Intel AMD Radeon HD7950 or                              7950
                                                       eqv                      HD 4400 or eqv            better
    Operating System (OS)   Windows 7, 8, 10, XP      Windows XP SP3, Vista     Windows 7,8,10, 64 bit   Windows 7,8,10, 64 bit   Windows 7 or newer        Windows 7 or newer
                            (service pack 3 only),                              (latest service pack)    (latest service pack)
                            vistaly), Vista
    Resolution              1920x1200                 1920x1080                 1024x768                 1920x1080                                          1920x1080

    Sound                   DirectX v9.0c or better   DirectX v9.0c or better                            DirectX Version 9.0c     DirectX

6                                                                                                                                                                                  7
TIMELINE                                                                                  GETTING STARTED

                                                                          LEAGUE OF LEGENDS
                                                                                              SIGNING UP                        process finishes, the
                                                                                                                                game’s launcher will open
                                                                                              1. Navigate to the LoL sign-up
                                                                                                                                automatically. If you need
                                                                                                                                to open the game manually,
    Sign-ups for the British Esports   The first fixtures of Season 2/                        2. If you don’t already have
                                                                                                                                please do so by double
    Championships 2018 - 2019          Super League will take place                           an account, enter an email
                                                                                                                                clicking the League of
    will open on September 4th         on January 16th/17th and                               and password to create an
                                                                                                                                Legends desktop shortcut, or
    on our website. Sign-ups will      every following Wednesday/                             account.
                                                                                                                                by running lol.launcher.exe
    close on September 26th,           Thursday until March 18th/19th
                                                                                                                                in the directory to which you
    giving schools/colleges over       2019 (except during half term).
                                                                                                                                installed League of Legends.
    three weeks to run tryouts and                                                            INSTALLING THE GAME
    ensure they have the facilities    The Grand Finals will take                             (WINDOWS)
    to take part.                      place at Insomnia64 at the
                                                                                              1. Navigate to this download      PLAYING
                                       Birmingham NEC during Easter
                                                                                              link                              1. After launching the LoL
    Schools/colleges can sign up       holidays in April 2019.
                                                                                              2. Click “Download for            client, log in.
    for both seasons at once, or
                                                                                              Windows”.                         2. Click “PLAY” at the top.
    just one, during this time. Sign- Season 3 will take place during
                                                                                              3. Download the files.            3. If this is your first time
    ups for Season 2 will close on      summer term, with the finals at
                                                                                              4. Run the League of Legends      playing LoL, we would
    January 9th 2019.                   EGX in September 2019 at the
                                                                                              Installer.                        recommend playing the
                                        Birmingham NEC.
                                                                                              5. Run LeagueofLegends.exe        tutorial (click “training” then
    The first fixtures of Season
                                                                                              to download updated versions      “tutorial” to get a feel for the
    1 will take place on October
                                                                                              of our setup files. The setup     game.
    10th/11th and every following
                                                                                              files will be placed in a new     4. Play some Co-op VS AI.
    Wednesday/Thursday until
                                                                                              League of Legends folder on       5. Finally, play PVP
    December 13th/14th (except   CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                              your desktop by default.          Summoner’s Rift to rank up
    during half term).
                                                                                              6. When the setup files           and practice for your games!
                                                                                              finish downloading, the           LoL has a lot of guides to
                                                                                              installation process will begin   help new players that you
OCTOBER         DECEMBER       JANUARY       MARCH            APRIL
                                                                                              automatically. If possible,       can find here.
                                                                                              install League of Legends to
                                Super League
       Season 1       TOP
                                                         Grand Finals                         the default C:\ drive.
       8 weeks                     Season 2              Insomnia 64                          7. When the installation

                                   8 weeks
8                                                                                                                                                            9
TOURNAMENT                                              WEEKS 7 & 8
     SEASON 1

                                                                           After the Swiss stage finishes, the
                    SWISS FORMAT

     WEEKS 1- 6
                                                                           top 8 teams will progress to Playoffs.
                                                                           Playoffs will be double-elimination.
                    For the first six weeks of the
                    tournament, we will be running a                       Quarterfinals and semifinals will take
                    Swiss format. In Swiss, everyone plays                 place in week 7 (best of 1). Finals will
                    all rounds and teams are then ranked                   take place in week 8 (best of 3).
                    on the number of wins. Teams with
                    the same win record against each                       Setting up lobbies
                    other in each round are matched
                    against each other. E.g. teams with 2                  1. Click ‘Play’.
                    wins play against other teams with 2                   2. “Create custom”.
                    wins. Each match will be a best of 1.                  3. Summoner’s Rift.
                                                                           4. Game type: tournament draft
                    Teams tied on number of wins at                        5. Allow spectators: lobby only
                    the end of Swiss will be ordered                       6. Team size: 5
                    by OMWP (Opponent Match Win                            7. Give it a memorable name e.g.
                    Percentage).                                           Sunderland vs Carmel.
                                                                           8. Choose a password.
                                                                           9. Share the name and password
                                                                           of the custom lobby with your
                                                                           opponents and you’re good to go!

10                                                                                                                    11

                                                                        Institution, Player and Team Eligibility

                                                                 1.1.   School Eligibility

                                                                 1.2.   College Eligibility
             Most of the time issues during the
             match can be resolved by talking                    1.3.   Player Eligibility
             to your opponent’s team captain
             and informing a tournament admin                    1.4.   Team Eligibility
             of the situation. By communicating
             with each other we can try to keep                  1.5.   Substitutions
             everyone’s experience positive
             without having to come down hard                      2.   Match Rules
             on enforcing rules.
                                                                 2.1.   Game Setup and Champion Select
             When there’s a clear violation of the
             rules, respect for the tournament and               2.2.   Pauses and Rematches
             the other players taking part, then we
             will enforce the rules appropriately.               2.3.   No show
             Tournament Admins will always be
             present online if you would like to                 2.4.   Submitting results
             report an issue or require help.
                                                                 2.5.   Casting of Games

                                                                   3.   Spirit of the Game

                                                                 3.1.   Sportsmanship

                                                                 3.2.   Penalties

                                                                   4.   Spirit of the Rules

                                                                   5.   Glossary

12                                                                                                          13
1. Institution, Player and Team
     Eligibility                   Be registered in full-   Students who have been          1.4.5. A team may request a name
                                            time education at an Institution of        expelled or suspended from their         change at any point during a season.
     1.1. School eligibility                Secondary or Further Education             Institution.                             To change a team’s name, an admin
                                            as defined in sections 1.1 and 1.2                                                  must be contacted with desired
     1.1.1. To be eligible to enter         respectively.                              1.4. Team eligibility                    change.
     a team into the British Esports
     Championships, a school must be They must have a European         1.4.1. Each team must have a             1.4.6. A Teams name should not be
     registered with the Department         West (EUW) account in League of            designated Leader that satisfies the     explicitly offensive and if the British
     for Education and be accredited        Legends.                                   following conditions:                    Esports Championships considers
     to deliver Level 2 and/or Level 3                                                                                          this to be the case that team will be
     qualifications.               A Player’s account name  A registered staff member       required to change their name before
                                            should not be offensive and if the         at the Institution that the team         being added to fixtures.
     1.1.2. A school must be able to        British Esports Championships              represents.
     provide a unique reference number      considers this to be the case, that                                                 1.5. Substitutions
     (URN) upon registration for entry.     player will be unable to compete until Able to act as representative
                                            they change their name.                    and point of contact for the British     1.5.1. Change of Leader.
     1.2. College eligibility                                                          Esports Championships.
                                   A Player must be between                                          A Leader may step down at
     1.2.1. To be eligible to enter         12 and 19 to compete, except when Able to supervise all online    any point during the season. In order
     a team into the British Esports        a Player is over 19 years of age and in    interaction between Players at that      to do this, they must appoint a new
     Championships, a college must be a     full-time education at that Institution.   Institution. This can include before     captain using the team page on the
     post-16 education provider registered                                             and after games as well as during.       tournament website.
     with the Department for Education     1.3.2. Special cases
     and be accredited to deliver Level 2  Players do not need to satisfy              1.4.2. A team may consist of    If a the majority of a team
     and Level 3 qualifications.           conditions if they have written     between 5 and 7 players from the         wishes to replace current captain
                                           permission from a parent allowing           same Institution.                        Tournament Admins should be
     1.2.2. A college must be able to      them to compete.                                                                     contacted.
     provide a unique reference number                                                 1.4.3. A player may be only on one
     (URN) upon registration for entry.    1.3.3. Ineligible Students                  team at once, however players may        1.5.2. Roster Lock.
                                           The following students are ineligible       change teams throughout the season.
     1.3. Player eligibility               to participate:                             To do this, please contact an admin. Rosters will be locked each
                                                                                                                                week at the check-in deadline.
     1.3.1. To be eligible to compete British Esports                   1.4.4. If a team splits up, the majority
     in the the British Esports             Championships Tournament Admins.           of the team has right to ownership Players may still be removed
     Championships, each                                                               of the team and any seedings/            from team during roster lock without
     player must have satisfy all of the                                               qualification spots it has earnt.        restriction.
14   following conditions:                                                                                                                                                15 After the final game for        of this document and are applied at    2. Match Rules                            The lobby should be set up as
     week has been played rosters will be     admin’s discretion). If unsure about                                             follows:
     unlocked.                                this rule please contact tournament    2.1. Game Setup and Champion     The game mode tournament
                                              Tournament Admins before making        Select                                    draft should be used for all games.
     1.5.3. Emergency Substitutions.          substitutions.
                                                                                     2.1.1. All games are to be played on The map Summoners Rift After a team’s roster is        1.5.5. Check in                        the European West (EUW) server.           should be used for all games.
     locked they may request one              Teams are required to check in on
     emergency substitution to be added       the tournament website before each     2.1.2. Players must use the League Spectators are in general
     to their roster.                         week’s games or will not be able to    of Legends account associated to          allowed, however either team may
                                              compete in that week’s games. Check    their British Esports Championships       request that spectating is turned off Emergency substitutions         in will be open from Monday 9am        account. If this account information      or lobby only.
     must be requested at least one hour      until Tuesday 6pm each week.           is not up to date it will lead to a
     before start time of game they wish                                             loss or ban in the first incident with Team size should be 5.
     to play in.                                                                     increasing penalty for repeat offence.
                                                                                                                               2.1.5. Once both teams have joined An emergency substitution                                              2.1.3. Flip a coin for choice of side     the lobby and stated they are ready,
     may not increase a team over the size                                           in the first game. Winner of coin flip    the lobby leader (denoted by gold
     limit of 7 players. However, Leaders                                            has first choice. If the second game is   medal symbol) may begin Champion
     can remove a player to reduce their                                             played, the loser of the coin flip has    Select.
     team size to 6 before requesting a                                              choice of side in that game. If a third
     substitution.                                                                   game is played, winner of original        2.1.6. New champions may not be
                                                                                     coinflip has choice of side in that       used until they have been available in
     1.5.4. The Spirit of Substitutions                                              game.                                     Ranked and for purchase for at least
     Teams may replace any number                                                                                              one week.
     of players between weeks of                                                     2.1.4. If tournament codes are
     tournament. However. teams are                                                  provided they should be used              2.1.7. Champions which have been
     expected to select teams with the                                               by all players. If, for some reason       reworked may not be used until a
     intent of trying to create competitive                                          tournament codes are not available,       week has passed since patch date.
     and enjoyable games for themselves                                              either team may host the game and
     and their opposition. If we believe                                             the game name and password should         2.1.8. If a player does not own a
     teams are being selected for                                                    then be given to opposing team.           specific champion then they can pick
     unsporting reasons, for example                                                 Alternatively, add the captain of         a placeholder champion. In the event
     swapping players between two teams                                              opposing team and invite them to the      a team wishes to use a placeholder
     to manipulate seeding, penalties                                                lobby.                                    champion they must:
     will be placed upon participating
     players and teams (types of                                                                                      Inform the opposing team
16   penalties are listed at the bottom                                                                                        captain and the casters must be told     17
before the champion is locked in that     immediately why the pause has           2.3.2. If a team hasn’t joined the         ask to spectate. You cannot refuse to
     you are using a placeholder and who       occurred and should be informed of      custom game 20 minutes after the           invite a tournament admin.
     the placeholder represents. This may      any progress towards fixing the issue   stated start time, a default win will be   2.5.2. If you have casters spectating
     be done by messaging opposing             causing pause.                          given to the team that has all of their    your game they should be made
     captain or returning to the lobby.                                                players in the custom game.                aware of any placeholder champions
                                      Before resuming games,                                                    being used. Once champion select             both teams should state they are        2.3.3. If neither team has created
     finishes, the game will be remade,        ready to continue.                      or joined a custom game within 20       2.5.3. Players must wait for casters to
     still as Tournament Draft, with the                                               minutes, both teams will receive        declare they are ready before starting
     same champions selected apart from Teams may only pause the       a loss. For calculating fixtures, the   champion select.
     the “placeholder”.                        game for up to 15 minutes. If after     higher team will be considered the
                                               15 minutes technical issues can not     winner but the game will still count as
     2.2. Pauses and Rematches                 be solved, the game should not          a loss for calculating final standings.
                                               be resumed. If the game cannot
     2.2.1. If a player fails to connect to    be resumed then Tournament              2.4. Submitting results
     game, the game should be paused           Admins should be contacted and an
     immediately. If this player fails to      automatic win will be awarded to the    2.4.1. After each game, both team
     connect, the game may be restarted.       opposing team.                          Leaders should report results before
     The new game must follow rules for a                                              joining lobby for next game.
     rematch found in section 2.2.3.        2.2.3. Teams can agree to a rematch,
                                            if they think it’s needed to play a        2.4.2. Results should be submitted
     2.2.2. Teams may use the pause         fair and balanced match or to solve        using the tournament companion. If
     command as follows:                    technical problems.                        players have any issues in doing this,
                                                                                       then a tournament admin should be It is forbidden to use the A rematch has to be played     contacted.
     pause without an obvious reason like      with the same picks and bans i.e. the
     a player disconnect.                      same Champions.                         2.4.3. If both team Leaders do not
                                                                                       enter the same score, an admin will If a player unintentionally A rematch has to be played     be alerted automatically. Please have
     disconnects or is having connectivity     with the same Summoner Spells and       match scoreboard screenshots ready
     issues, it is allowed to use the pause.   runes.                                  to upload on request. In the case of hardware or       2.3. No show                            2.5. Casting of Games
     software issues it is allowed to use
     the pause.                                2.3.1. Teams are expected to arrive     2.5.1. Tournament Admins and
                                               promptly to all games.                  people that are explicitly permitted In the event of a pause,                                                 to spectate by a tournament admin
18   the other team should be informed                                                 (e.g. shoutcasters or streamers) may                                               19
3. Spirit of the Game            British Esports                 penalty. The nature and extent of Disqualification of team from
                                               Championships discretion. Any            the penalties imposed due to such        a tournament.
     3.1. Sportsmanship                        other further act, failure to act, or    acts shall be in the sole and absolute
                                               behavior which, in the sole judgment     discretion of the British Esports Disqualification of team from
     3.1.1. Teams are expected to play         of British Esports Championships         Championships.                           the British Esports Championships
     at their best at all times within any     officials, violates these Rules and/or
     British Esports Championships             the standards of integrity established   3.2.2. If any team or player is
     game, and to avoid any behavior           by British Esports Championships for     suspected of breaking any rules,         4. Spirit of the rules
     inconsistent with the principles of       competitive game play.                   Tournament Admins should be
     good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair                                               informed by the Leader in private.       4.1. These Rules may be amended,
     play.                                     3.1.3. The following actions will be     At this point they may ask for           modified or supplemented by the
                                               considered poor sportsmanship play       screenshots or other evidence of         British Esports Championships, from
     3.1.2. The following actions will be      and will be subject to penalties at      misconduct.                              time to time, in order to ensure fair
     considered unfair play and will be        the discretion of the British Esports                                             play and the integrity of the British
     subject to penalties at the discretion    Championships:                           3.2.3. Upon discovery of any team        Esports Championships.
     of the Tournament Admins:                                                          member committing any violations
                                      Flaming/toxicity. This shall    of the rules listed above, the British   4.2. All decisions regarding the Hacking. Hacking is defined      be considered any comments in all        Esports Championships may,               interpretation of these rules lie
     as any modification of the League of      chat or game lobby that may be           without limitation issue the following   solely with the British Esports
     Legends programme by any player,          considered negative or hurtful.          penalties:                               Championships, the decisions of
     team or person acting on behalf of a                                                                                        which are final.
     player or a team.                Use of discriminatory  Loss of a ban in Champion
                                               language including, but not limited      Select Ringing. Playing under           to, comments about a person’s sex,
     another player’s account or soliciting,   race, sexual orientation, age.  Issue of a warning
     inducing, encouraging or directing
     someone else to play under another Intentional disconnects. This Forfeit of a match
     player’s account.                         does not include restarting client in
                                               order to bug fix.               Temporary suspension of a Cheating Device. The use of                                               player
     any kind of cheating device and/or        3.2. Penalties
     cheat programme.                                                          Permanent ban of a player
                                               3.2.1. Any person found to have Intentional Disconnection.       engaged in or attempted to engage Deduction of points or
     An intentional disconnection without      in any act that British Esports          seeding for the current or next
     a proper and explicitly-stated reason.    Championships believes, in its sole      tournament.
                                               and absolute discretion, constitutes
20                                             unfair play, will be subject to                                                                                            21
5. Glossary                                 can check a team in.                       5.9. Lobby                               teams in a tournament bracket to
                                                                                            Lobbies are menu screens where           ensure the most fair outcome. Each
     5.1. Institution.                           5.5. Champion Select                       players can set up the upcoming          team is a seed.
     A school or college as defined in           The process of banning and selecting       game session, change their settings,
     sections 1.1 And 1.2.                       champions for the upcoming match.          and talk to each other. In many          5.13. Game
                                                 Banned champions cannot be played          games, players return to the lobby       The application, programme, or
     5.2. Player                                 by either team.                            at the end of each session. In some,     exe file, of a game. For example,
     A student who plays esports in the                                                     players joining a session that has       Overwatch.exe is the game
     British Esports Championships.              5.7. Champions                             already started are placed in the        Overwatch.
                                                 Champions are player-controlled            lobby until the start of the next. As
     5.3. Tournament Admins                      characters. Each champion possesses        lobbies consume very few resources
     Also known as Admins, referees,             unique abilities and attributes. Players   they are sometimes additionally used
     umpires. Admins will create fixtures,       select what champion to play during        as a ‘holding pen’ for players while
     calculate results, hand out penalties       Champion Select at the start of the        waiting for the next match. Opposing
     and make sure that players adhere to        match.                                     teams must be invited to the lobby
     the Rules and Code of Conduct.                                                         for the match to proceed.
                                                 5.8. Summoner Spells
     5.4. Leader                                 Summoner spells are abilities that are     5.10. Disconnect
     A Leader is an adult member of              chosen in Champion Select before           Also known as DC. Disconnect can
     staff that represents an Institution. A     the start of the match. Each player        refer to an Internet shortage that
     Leader is responsible for supervising       is allowed two summoner spells             removes a player from a game or a
     online interactions between players,        chosen from a list. Summoner spells        player intentionally leaving a game.
     checking-in an Institution’s teams,         can be used in-game to aid a player’s
     and reporting match results to the          champion in various ways as each           5.11. Casting
     tournament system. One Leader can           spell has a unique effect.                 Commentating an esports match.
     be responsible for multiple teams.                                                     Commentators are known as casters.
                                                 5.8. Runes                                 This is short for shoutcasters, the
     5.5. Team                                   The Rune system (named Runes               original term used to refer to esports
     A team is a group of players. A team        Reforged) allows players to customize      commentators which has been
     represents its Institution in the British   their champion before the start of         shortened over time. Each institution
     Esports Championships.                      the game by choosing from a number         can select their own casters for their
                                                 of Runes, which add or enhance             broadcasts.
     5.6. Check-in                               champion abilities and statistics. It is
     The process of reporting a team’s           not possible to enter a match without
     arrival and commitment to play in           an active, valid rune page. The game
     that week’s matches. Check-in takes         will provide a pre-constructed page
     place the day before fixtures on the        for the player if the selected rune        5.12. Seeding
22   tournament website. Only a Leader           page is not valid.                         The process of preliminarily ranking                                          23
                 Overwatch uses Blizzard’s        PLAYING
                                                  1. Hit “Play” once the game
                 IF YOU DON’T ALREADY             has installed.
                 OWN A COPY OF                    2. If this is your first time in
                 OVERWATCH                        Overwatch, click “Training”.
                                                  3. Play the Tutorial, then
                 1. Create an account.            some Practice VS AI.
                 2. Purchase the game from        4. Once you’ve got a hang of
                 the Blizzard website.            it, navigate to the main menu
                                                  and click “Play”.
                                                  5. Start practicing in Quick
                 INSTALLING THE GAME

                 1. Download and install the
                 Blizzard desktop
                 2. Log into the desktop app
                 using your own personal
                 3. Click the Overwatch icon on
                 the left side of the app.
                 4. Click Install.

24                                                                              25
TOURNAMENT                                            WEEKS 7 & 8
     STRUCTURE                                                           Playoffs

                  All matches will be a “4-game                          Playoffs

     WEEKS 1- 6   set”, where 4 maps will be played                      After the Swiss stage finishes, the
                  regardless of the outcome of the                       top 8 teams will progress to Playoffs.
                  first three maps. The winner of each                   Playoffs will be double-elimination.
                  match will be the team that has
                  won more maps than the other. The                      Quarterfinals and semifinals will take
                  map pool will be released one week                     place in week 7. Finals will take place
                  before season start.                                   in week 8.

                  In the event of a tiebreaker, a fifth                  All matches will be best-of-5, where
                  “Control” map will be played. This                     a minimum of 4 complete maps will
                  map will be chosen by Admins and                       be played - one of each type. The
                  may change each week.                                  map pool will be released one week
                                                                         before season start. In the event of a
                                                                         tiebreaker, a fifth “Control” map will
                  SWISS FORMAT                                           be played. This map will be chosen
                                                                         by admins and may change each
                  For the first six weeks of the                         week.
                  tournament, we will be running a
                  Swiss format. In Swiss, everyone plays
                  all rounds and teams are then ranked
                  on number of wins. Teams with same
                  win record against each other in each
                  round are matched against each
                  other. E.g. teams with 2 wins play
                  against other teams with 2 wins.

                  Teams tied on number of wins at the
                  end of Swiss will be ordered by map
                  win/loss differential.

26                                                                                                                 27
SETTING                                                            1.

                                                                             Player and Team Eligibility

                                                                      1.1.   School Eligibility
     UP A LOBBY                                                       1.2.   College Eligibility
                  1. Click “Play”.
                  2. “Game Browser”.                                  1.3.   Player Eligibility
                  3. “+Create”.
                  4. “Invite” your teammates and                      1.4.   Team Eligibility
                  5. “Settings”.                                      1.5.   Substitutions
                     a. Set up according to instructions
                     in Rule 2.1.4.                                     2.   Match Rules
                  6. Hit “Start” when everyone says
                     they’re ready.                                   2.1.   Game Setup and Champion Select

     RULES                                                            2.2.   Pauses and Rematches

                                                                      2.3.   No show
                  Most of the time issues on the
                  night can be resolved by talking to
                                                                      2.4.   Submitting results
                  your opponent’s team captain and
                  informing a tournament admin of                     2.5.   Casting of Games
                  the situation. By communicating
                  with each other we can try to keep                    3.   Spirit of the Game
                  everyone’s experience positive
                  without having to come down hard                    3.1.   Sportsmanship
                  on enforcing rules.
                                                                      3.2.   Penalties
                  When there’s a clear violation of the
                  rules, respect for the tournament and                 4.   Spirit of the Rules
                  the other players taking part, then we
                  will enforce the rules appropriately.                 5.   Glossary
                  Tournament Admins will always be
                  present on the night if you would like
                  to report an issue or require help.
28                                                                                                         29
1. Institution, Player and Team Be registered in full-           1.4. Team eligibility                    1.4.6. A team’s name should not be
     Eligibility                           time education at an Institution of                                                explicitly offensive and if the British
                                           Secondary or Further Education            1.4.1. Each team must have a             Esports Championships considers
     1.1. School eligibility               as defined in sections 1.1 and 1.2        designated Leader that satisfies the     this to be the case, that team will be
                                           respectively.                             following conditions:                    required to change their name.
     1.1.1. To be eligible to enter
     a team into the British Esports They must have a EU account A registered staff member       1.5. Substitutions
     Championships, a school must be       on Overwatch.                             at the Institution that the team
     registered with the Department                                                  represents.                              1.5.1. Change of Leader.
     for Education and be accredited A Player’s account name
     to deliver Level 2 and/or Level 3     should not be offensive and if the Able to act as representative A Leader may step down at
     qualifications.                       British Esports Championships             and point of contact for the British     any point during the season. In order
                                           considers this to be the case, that       Esports Championships.                   to do this, they must appoint a new
     1.1.2. A school must be able to       player will be unable to compete until                                             Leader using the team page on the
     provide a unique reference number     they change their name.          Able to supervise all online    tournament website.
     (URN) upon registration for entry.                                              interaction between Players at that
                                  A Player must be between         Institution. This can include before If the majority of a team
     1.2. College eligibility              age 12 and 19 to compete except           and after games as well as during.       wishes to replace current Leader,
                                           when a Player is over 19 years of age                                              Admins should be contacted.
     1.2.1. To be eligible to enter        and in full-time education at that        1.4.2. A team may consist of
     a team into the British Esports       Institution.                              between 6 and 8 players from the         1.5.2. Roster Lock.
     Championships, a college must be                                                same Institution.
     registered with the Department        1.3.2. Special cases                                                      Rosters will be locked each
     for Education and be accredited       Players do not need to satisfy            1.4.3. A player may be only on one       week at the check-in deadline.
     to deliver Level 2 and/or Level 3     conditions if they have written   team at once, however players may
     qualifications.                       permission from a parent allowing         change teams throughout the season. Players may still be removed
                                           them to compete.                          To do this, please contact an admin.     from team during roster lock without
     1.2.2. A college must be able to                                                                                         restriction.
     provide a unique reference number     1.3.3. Ineligible Students                1.4.4. If a team splits up, the majority
     (URN) upon registration for entry.    The following students are ineligible     of the team has right to ownership After the final game for
                                           to participate:                           of the team and any seedings/            week has been played, rosters will be
     1.3. Player eligibility                                                         qualification spots it has earnt.        unlocked.
                                  British Esports
     1.3.1. To be eligible to compete      Championships Tournament Admins.          1.4.5. A team may request a name         1.5.3. Emergency Substitutions.
     in the the British Esports                                                      change at any point during a season.
     Championships, each player must Students who have been           To change a team’s name, an admin After a team’s roster is
     have satisfied all of the following   expelled or suspended from their          must be contacted with desired           locked, they may request one
30   conditions:                           Institution.                              change.                                  emergency substitution to be added        31
                                                                                                                              to their roster. Emergency substitutions         2. Match Rules                              2.1.4. Either team may create the       • Disable kill cam: On
     must be requested at least one hour                                                  lobby and the captain of opposing       • Disable kill feed: Off
     before start time of the game they       2.1. Game Setup and Champion                team should be contacted and invited    • Headshots only: Off
     wish to play in.                         Select                                      to the lobby. The lobby should be set
                                                                                          up as follows:                 Team Options An emergency substitution       2.1.1. All games are to be played on                                                • Team balancing: Off
     may not increase a team over the size    the European server.               Rule set: Competitive.          • When balancing occurs: After a
     limit of 8 players. However Leaders                                                                                             mirror match
     can remove a player to reduce their      2.1.2. Players must use the Battle. Map options.
     team size to 7 before requesting a       net account associated to their British     • Map rotation: after a game.           2.1.5. Once both teams have joined
     substitution.                            Esports Championships profile. If this      • Map order: single map.                the lobby and stated they are ready,
                                              account information is not up to date       • Return to lobby: after a game.        the lobby leader may click Start.
     1.5.4. The Spirit of Substitutions       it will lead to a loss of map pick in the   • Disable all maps except for the
     Teams may replace any number             first incident, with increasing penalty        map that is to be played.            2.1.6. New heroes may not be used
     of players between weeks of              for repeat offence.                                                                 until they have been available in
     tournament. However teams are                                               Hero Options.                  Competitive for at least one week.
     expected to select teams with the        2.1.3. Map choice.                          • Hero selection limit: 1 per team.
     intent of trying to create competitive   Flip a coin for “home” or “away”            • All heroes are currently allowed.     2.1.7. Heroes which have been
     and enjoyable games for themselves       team. “Home” team get first choice          • Role selection limit: None.           reworked may not be used until a
     and their opposition. If we believe      of map, “away” team get second              • Allow Hero Switching: On.             week has passed since patch date.
     teams are being selected for             pick, “home” team get third, and            • Respawn as random hero: Off.
     unsporting reasons ,for example          “away” team get fourth choice.              • All heroes are to be set as “on”      2.2. Pauses and Rematches
     swapping players between two teams                                                      unless otherwise instructed by an
     to manipulate seeding, penalties will Maps will be chosen from              admin.                               2.2.1. If a player fails to connect to
     be placed upon participating players     a pool of 8 containing: 2 “Control”,                                                game, the game should be paused
     and teams. If unsure about this rule     2 “Hybrid”, 2 “Escort”, 2 “Assault”. Gameplay Options               immediately. If this player fails to
     please contact Tournament Admins         Map pool will be announced one              • High bandwidth: On                    connect the game may be restarted.
     before making substitutions.             week prior to the start of the season.      • Control game mode format: Best        The new game must follow rules for a
                                                                                             of 5                                 rematch found in section
     1.5.5. Check-in                 One map of each type will          • Health modifier: 100%
     Team Leaders are required to check       be played - a minimum of 4 total.           • Damage modifier: 100%                 2.2.2. Teams may use the pause
     in their team on the tournament                                                      • Healing modifier: 100%                command as follows:
     website before each week’s games or In the event of a tiebreaker (a    • Ultimate charge rate modifier:
     they will not be able to compete in      score of 2-2), one “Control” map will          100%                        It is forbidden to use the
     that week’s games. Check in will be      be played to determine the overall          • Respawn time modifier: 100%           pause without an obvious reason like
     open from Monday 9am until Tuesday       winner. This map will be chosen by          • Ability cooldown modifier: 100%       a player disconnect.
     6pm each week.                           Admins and announced one week               • Disable skins: Off
32                                            prior to the start of the season.           • Disable health bars: Off                                                       33 If a player disconnects or     2.3.1. Teams are expected to arrive       2.5.1. Tournament Admins and    Hacking. Hacking is defined
     is having connectivity issues, it is    promptly to all games.                    people that are explicitly permitted     as any modification of the Overwatch
     allowed to use the pause.                                                         to spectate by British Esports           game client by any player, team or
                                             2.3.2. If a team hasn’t joined the        Championships (e.g. shoutcasters or      person acting on behalf of a player or In the case of hardware or     lobby 20 minutes after the stated         streamers) may ask to spectate. You      a team.
     software issues it is allowed to use    start time, the team that did             cannot refuse to invite a tournament
     the pause.                              show should report a win on the           admin.                         Ringing. Playing under
                                             tournament website and alert an                                                   another player’s account or soliciting, In the event of a pause,       admin on Discord.                         2.5.2. Players must wait for casters to inducing, encouraging or directing
     the other team should be informed                                                 declare they are ready before starting someone else to play under another
     immediately why the pause has           2.3.3. If neither team has created        champion select.                        player’s account.
     occurred and should be informed of      or joined a custom game within 20
     any progress towards fixing the issue   minutes, both teams will receive          2.5.3. Coaches, managers or anyone Cheating Device. The use of
     causing pause.                          a loss. For calculating pairing, the      not explicitly permitted to spectate     any kind of cheating device and/or
                                             higher team will be considered the        can spectate with permission from        cheat program. Before resuming games,         winner but the game will still count as   both teams. These spectators
     both teams should state they are        a loss for calculating final standings.   must be locked to the side of their Intentional Disconnection.
     ready to continue.                                                                affiliation e.g. a coach for the blue    An intentional disconnection without
                                             2.4. Submitting results                   team must be “locked to blue side”.      a proper and explicitly-stated reason. Teams may only pause the
     game for up to 15 minutes. If after     2.4.1. After each game, both team                                         British Esports
     15 minutes technical issues can not     Leaders should report results before      3. Spirit of the Game                    Championships Discretion. Any
     be solved, the game should not be       joining the lobby for the next game.                                               other further act, failure to act, or
     resumed. If the game cannot be                                                    3.1. Sportsmanship                       behavior which, in the sole judgment
     resumed then Admins should be           2.4.2. Results should be submitted                                                 of British Esports Championships
     contacted and an automatic win will     using the tournament companion. If        3.1.1. Teams are expected to play        officials, violates these Rules and/or
     be awarded to the opposing team.        players have any issues in doing this,    at their best at all times within any    the standards of integrity established
                                             then a tournament admin should be         British Esports Championships            by British Esports Championships for
     2.2.3. Teams can agree to a rematch,    contacted.                                game, and to avoid any behavior          competitive game play.
     if they think it’s needed to play a                                               inconsistent with the principles of
     fair and balanced match or to solve     2.4.3. If both team Leaders do not        good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair     3.1.3. The following actions will be
     technical problems.                     enter the same score, an admin will       play.                                    considered poor sportsmanship play
                                             be alerted automatically. Please have                                              and will be subject to penalties at A rematch has to be played     match scoreboard screenshots ready        3.1.2. The following actions will be     the discretion of the British Esports
     with the same maps.                     to upload on request.                     considered unfair play and will be       Championships:
                                                                                       subject to penalties at the discretion
     2.3. No show                            2.5. Casting of Games                     of the Admins:
34                                                                                                                                                                       35 Flaming/toxicity. This shall    Esports Championships may,               5. Glossary                                 place the day before fixtures on the
     be considered any comments in all        without limitation issue the following                                               tournament website. Only a Leader
     chat or game lobby that may be           penalties:                               5.1. Institution.                           can check a team in.
     considered negative or hurtful.
                                     Loss of a map pick              A school or college as defined in           5.7. Map Use of discriminatory                                                    sections 1.1 And 1.2.                       A map is the main area where the
     language including, but not limited Issue of a warning                                                          game takes place. There are 4
     to, comments about a person’s sex,                                                5.2. Player                                 different types of map - Control,
     race, sexual orientation, age.  Forfeit of a match              A student who plays esports in the          Hybrid, Escort, Assault. The map pool
                                                                                       British Esports Championships.              is the wider group of maps, selected Intentional disconnects. This Temporary suspension of a                                                   by Admins, that a team can choose
     does not include restarting client in    player                                   5.3. Admins                                 from.
     order to bug fix.                                                                 Also known as Tournament Admins,
                                     Permanent ban of a player       referees, umpires. Admins will create       5.8. Hero
     3.2. Penalties                                                                    fixtures, calculate results, hand out       A playable character in the game
                                     Deduction of points or          penalties and make sure that players        Overwatch. Players have choice of
     3.2.1. Any person found to have          seeding for the current or next          adhere to the Rules and Code of             heroes at the start of the match and
     engaged in or attempted to engage        tournament                               Conduct.                                    can change hero as many times as
     in any act that British Esports                                                                                               they want during the match.
     Championships believes, in its sole Disqualification of team from   5.4. Leader
     and absolute discretion, constitutes     a tournament                             A Leader is an adult member of              5.9. Lobby
     unfair play, will be subject to                                                   staff that represents an Institution. A     Lobbies are menu screens where
     penalty. The nature and extent of Disqualification of team from   Leader is responsible for supervising       players can set up the upcoming
     the penalties imposed due to such        the British Esports Championships        online interactions between players,        game session, change their settings,
     acts shall be in the sole and absolute                                            checking-in an Institution’s teams,         and talk to each other. In many
     discretion of the British Esports                                                 and reporting match results to the          games, players return to the lobby
     Championships.                                                                    tournament system. One Leader can           at the end of each session. In some,
                                                                                       be responsible for multiple teams.          players joining a session that has
     3.2.2. If any team or player is                                                                                               already started are placed in the
     suspected of breaking any rules,                                                  5.5. Team                                   lobby until the start of the next. As
     Admins should be informed by                                                      A team is a group of players. A team        lobbies consume very few resources
     the Leader in private. At this point                                              represents its Institution in the British   they are sometimes additionally used
     Admins may ask for screenshots or                                                 Esports Championships.                      as a ‘holding pen’ for players while
     other evidence of misconduct.                                                                                                 waiting for the next match. Opposing
                                                                                       5.6. Check-in                               teams must be invited to the lobby
     3.2.3. Upon discovery of any team                                                 The process of reporting a team’s           for the match to proceed.
     member committing any violations                                                  arrival and commitment to play in
36   of the rules listed above, the British                                            that week’s matches. Check-in takes                                                 37
5.10. Disconnect
     Also known as DC. Disconnect can
     refer to an Internet shortage that
                                                              GETTING STARTED
     removes a player from a game or a
     player intentionally leaving a game.                     Rocket League uses the Steam
                                                              Client to operate.
     5.11. Casting
     Commentating an esports match.
     Commentators are known as casters.                       IF YOU DON’T ALREADY
     This is short for shoutcasters, the

                                              ROCKET LEAGUE
                                                              OWN A COPY OF THE GAME
     original term used to refer to esports
     commentators which has been                              1. Install the Steam Client.
     shortened over time.                                     2. Create a Steam account,
                                                              or log into your own personal
     5.12. Seeding                                            account if you have one.
     The process of preliminarily ranking                     3. Go to the Store.
     teams in a tournament bracket to                         4. Search for “rocket league”.
     ensure the most fair outcome. Each                       5. Add to cart, purchase the
     team is a seed.                                             game.

     5.13. Game                                               IF YOU OWN A GAME CODE
     The application, programme, or
     .exe file, of a game. For example,                       1. Click “Add a game” at the
     Overwatch.exe is the game                                   bottom of the Steam Client.
     Overwatch.                                               2. “Activate a product on
                                                              3. “Next”, “I Agree”.
                                                              4. Enter the serial number, key
                                                                 or code of the game.
                                                              5. Next.

                                                              INSTALLING THE GAME

                                                              1. Navigate to “Library”.
                                                              2. Scroll to “Rocket League”.
                                                              3. Click “Install”.

38                                                                                              39
TOURNAMENT                                                                         SETTING
     STRUCTURE                                                                          UP A LOBBY
                                                                                            The tournament companion will determine which is the

     WEEKS 1- 6 WEEKS 7&8                                                                   “Home Team”. Home team is host of the lobby.
                                                                                            1. Host selects “Play Online”.
                                                                                            2. Select “Create Private Match”.
     SWISS FORMAT                             Playoffs                                      3. Make sure “Joinable By” option is set to “Name/
     For the first six weeks of the                                                            Password”.
                                              After the Swiss stage finishes, the           4. Host creates a Name & Password for players to enter.
     tournament, we will be running a
                                              top 8 teams will progress to Playoffs.        5. Host’s teammates and opposing team select “Play
     Swiss format. In Swiss, everyone plays
                                              Playoffs will be double-elimination,             Online” select “Join Private Match”.
     all rounds and teams are then ranked
                                              best of 5 matches.                            6. Players enter the Name & Password communicated by
     on the number of wins. Teams with
     the same win record against each                                                          the host through Discord.
                                              Quarterfinals and semifinals will take        7. All players must be in the private match lobby before
     other in each round are matched
                                              place in week 7. Finals will take place          selecting teams.
     against each other. E.g. teams with 2
                                              in week 8.                                    8. The ‘Away team’ can choose the starting side.
     wins play against other teams with 2
     wins. Each match will be a best of 1.                                                  9. The match will then begin.

     Teams tied on number of wins at
     the end of Swiss will be ordered
     by OMWP (Opponent Match Win
                                                                                            Most of the time issues on the night can be resolved by
                                                                                            talking to your opponent’s team captain and informing
                                                                                            a tournament admin of the situation. By communicating
                                                                                            with each other we can try to keep everyone’s experience
                                                                                            positive without having to come down hard on enforcing

                                                                                            When there’s a clear violation of the rules, respect for the
                                                                                            tournament and the other players taking part, then we will
                                                                                            enforce the rules appropriately. Tournament Admins will
                                                                                            always be present on the night if you would like to report
40                                                                                          an issue or require help.                                      41
                  Player and Team Eligibility

                  School Eligibility

                  College Eligibility
                                                   1. Institution, Player and Team

                                                   1.1. School eligibility
                                                                                Be registered in full-
                                                                                         time education at an Institution of
                                                                                         Secondary or Further Education
                                                                                         as defined in sections 1.1 and 1.2
                                                   1.1.1. To be eligible to enter
                                                   a team into the British Esports They must have an EU
           1.3.   Player Eligibility
                                                   Championships, a school must be       Rocket League account.
                                                   registered with the Department
           1.4.   Team Eligibility
                                                   for Education and be accredited A Player’s account name
                                                   to deliver Level 2 and/or Level 3     should not be offensive and if the
           1.5.   Substitutions                    qualifications.                       British Esports Championships
                                                                                         considers this to be the case, that
             2.   Match Rules                      1.1.2. A school must be able to       player will be unable to compete until
                                                   provide a unique reference number     they change their name.
           2.1.   Game Setup and Champion Select   (URN) upon registration for entry.
                                                                                A player must be between
           2.2.   Pauses and Rematches             1.2. College eligibility              11 and 19 to compete except when a
                                                                                         player is over 19 years of age and in
           2.3.   No show                          1.2.1. To be eligible to enter        full-time education at that Institution.
                                                   a team into the British Esports
           2.4.   Submitting results               Championships, a college must be      1.3.2. Ineligible Students
                                                   registered with the Department        The following students are ineligible
           2.5.   Casting of Games                 for Education and be accredited       to participate:
                                                   to deliver Level 2 and/or Level 3
             3.   Spirit of the Game               qualifications.              British Esports
                                                                                         Championships Tournament Admins.
           3.1.   Sportsmanship                    1.2.2. A college must be able to
                                                   provide a unique reference number Students who have been
           3.2.   Penalties                        (URN) upon registration for entry.    expelled or suspended from their
             4.   Spirit of the Rules              1.3. Player eligibility
                                                                                         1.4. Team eligibility
             5.   Glossary                         1.3.1. To be eligible to compete
                                                   in the the British Esports            1.4.1. Each team must have a
                                                   Championships, each player must       designated Leader that satisfies the
                                                   have satisfied all of the following   following conditions:
 42                                                conditions:                                                                      43 A registered, adult staff       1.5. Substitutions             An emergency sub may            2. Match Rules
     member at the Institution that the                                               not increase a team over the size
     team represents.                         1.5.1. Change of Leader                 limit of 5 players. However Leaders      2.1. Game Setup
                                                                                      can remove a player to reduce their Able to act as representative A Leader may step down at      team size to 4 before requesting a       2.1.1. All games are to be played on
     and point of contact for the British     any point during the season. In order   substitution.                            the European server.
     Esports Championships.                   to do this, they must appoint a new
                                              Leader using the team page on the       1.5.4. The Spirit of Substitutions       2.1.2. Players must use the Steam/ Able to supervise all online    tournament website.                     Teams may replace any number             Rocket League account associated to
     interaction between Players at that                                              of players between weeks of              their British Esports Championships
     Institution. This can include before If the majority of a team      tournament. However teams are            profile. If this account information is
     and after games as well as during.       wishes to replace current Leader,       expected to select teams with the        not up to date it will lead to a loss
                                              Admins should be contacted.             intent of trying to create competitive   of map pick in the first incident with
     1.4.2. A team may consist of                                                     and enjoyable games for themselves       increasing penalty for repeat offence.
     between 3 and 5 players from the         1.5.2. Roster Lock.                     and their opposition. If we believe
     same Institution.                                                                teams are being selected for             2.1.3. “DFH Stadium” will be the
                                     Rosters will be locked each    unsporting reasons for example           default arena for every round. Teams
     1.4.3. A player may be only on one       week at the check-in deadline.          swapping players between two teams       can choose to play a different arena
     team at once, however players may                                                to manipulate seeding, penalties will    as long as both teams mutually agree.
     change teams throughout the season. Players may still be removed        be placed upon participating players
                                             from team during roster lock without     and teams. If unsure about this rule2.1.4. The “home” team is expected
     1.4.4. If a team splits up the majority restriction.                             please contact Tournament Admins    to create the lobby and share name/
     of the team has right to ownership                                               before making substitutions.        password of lobby with opponents
     of the team and any seedings/  After the final game for the                                        via Discord.
     qualification spots it has earnt.       week has been played, rosters will be    1.5.5. Check-in                     The lobby should be set up as
                                             unlocked.                                Team Leaders are required to check  follows:
     1.4.5. A team may request a name                                                 in their team on the tournament     Server: Europe
     change at any point during a season. 1.5.3. Emergency Substitutions.             website before each week’s games or • Game Mode: Private match
     To change a team’s name a admin                                                  they will not be able to compete in • Size: 3on3
     must be contacted with desired After a team’s roster is        that week’s games. Check-in will be • Format: Best of 5 in Swiss, best-
     change.                                 locked they may request one              open from Monday 9am until Tuesday     of-7 in Playoffs
                                             emergency substitution to be added       6pm each week.                      • Match Time: 5 Minutes
     1.4.6. A Team’s name should not be      to their roster.
     explicitly offensive and if the British                                                                                   2.1.5. The “away” team get choice of
     Esports Championships considers Emergency substitutions                                                  starting side.
     this to be the case that team will be   must be requested at least one hour
     required to change their name.          before start time of game they wish
44                                           to play in.                                                                                                                 45
2.1.6. Once both teams have joined Teams may only pause the         2.4. Submitting results                  must be locked to the side of their
     the lobby and stated they are ready,    game for up to 15 minutes. If after                                                affiliation e.g. a coach for the blue
     the lobby leader may click Start.       15 minutes technical issues can not       2.4.1. After each game, both team        team must be ‘locked to blue side’.
                                             be solved the game should not be          Leaders should report results before
     2.2. Pauses and Rematches               resumed. If the game cannot be            joining lobby for next game.
                                             resumed then Admins should be
     2.2.1. If a player fails to connect to  contacted and an automatic win will       2.4.2. Results should be submitted       3. Spirit of the Game
     game the game should be paused          be awarded to the opposing team.          using the tournament companion. If
     immediately. If this player fails to                                              players have any issues in doing this,   3.1. Sportsmanship
     connect the game may be restarted.      2.2.3. Teams can agree to a rematch,      then a tournament admin should be
     The new game must follow rules for a if they think it’s needed to play a          contacted.                               3.1.1. Teams are expected to play
     rematch found in section 2.2.3.         fair and balanced match or to solve                                                at their best at all times within any
                                             technical problems.                       2.4.3. If both team Leaders do not       British Esports Championships
     2.2.2. Teams may use the pause                                                    enter the same score, an admin will      game, and to avoid any behavior
     command as follows:            A rematch has to be played       be alerted automatically. Please have    inconsistent with the principles of
                                             with the same vehicles.                   match scoreboard screenshots ready       good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair It is forbidden to use the                                               to upload on request.                    play.
     pause without an obvious reason like 2.3. No show
     a player disconnect.                                                              2.5. Casting of Games                    3.1.2. The following actions will be
                                             2.3.1. Teams are expected to arrive                                                considered unfair play and will be In the case a player           promptly to all games.                    2.5.1. Tournament Admins and             subject to penalties at the discretion
     disconnects or is having connectivity                                             people that are explicitly permitted     of the Admins:
     issues, it is allowed to use the pause. 2.3.2. If a team hasn’t joined the        to spectate by British Esports
                                             lobby 20 minutes after the stated         Championships (e.g. shoutcasters or Hacking. Hacking is defined In the case of hardware or     start time, the team that did             streamers) may ask to spectate. You      as any modification of the Rocket
     software issues it is allowed to use    show should report a win on the           cannot refuse to invite a tournament     League programme by any player,
     the pause.                              tournament website and alert an           admin if they ask. If you refuse to      team or person acting on behalf of a
                                             admin on Discord.                         invite an admin when asked, the          player or a team. In the event of a pause,                                                 match result will not count.
     the other team should be informed       2.3.3. If neither team has created                                       Ringing. Playing under
     immediately why the pause has           or joined a custom game within 20         2.5.2. Players must wait for casters to another player’s account or soliciting,
     occurred and should be informed of      minutes, both teams will receive          declare they are ready before starting inducing, encouraging or directing
     any progress towards fixing the issue a loss. For calculating pairing, the        champion select.                        someone else to play under another
     causing pause.                          higher team will be considered the                                                player’s account.
                                             winner but the game will still count as   2.5.3. Coaches, managers or anyone Before resuming games both a loss for calculating final standings.       not explicitly permitted to spectate Cheating Device. The use of
     teams should state they are ready to                                              can spectate with permission from        any kind of cheating device and/or
46   continue.                                                                         both teams. These spectators             cheat programme.                         47 Intentional Disconnection.      3.2.1. Any person found to have Deduction of points or          5.3. Admins
     An intentional disconnection without     engaged in or attempted to engage        seeding for the current or next          Also known as Tournament Admins,
     a proper and explicitly-stated reason.   in any act that British Esports          tournament.                              referees, umpires. Admins will create
                                              Championships believes, in its sole                                               fixtures, calculate results, hand out British Esports                 and absolute discretion, constitutes Disqualification of team from   penalties and make sure that players
     Championships Discretion. Any            unfair play, will be subject to          a tournament.                            adhere to the Rules and Code of
     other further act, failure to act, or    penalty. The nature and extent of                                                 Conduct.
     behavior which, in the sole judgment     the penalties imposed due to such Disqualification of team from
     of British Esports Championships         acts shall be in the sole and absolute   the British Esports Championships.       5.4. Leader
     officials, violates these Rules and/or   discretion of the British Esports                                                 A Leader is an adult member of
     the standards of integrity established   Championships.                                                                    staff that represents an Institution. A
                                                                                       4. Spirit of the rules
     by British Esports Championships for                                                                                       Leader is responsible for supervising
     competitive game play.                   3.2.2. If any team or player is                                                   online interactions between players,
                                                                                       4.1. These Rules may be amended,
                                              suspected of breaking any rules,                                                  checking-in an Institutions teams,
                                                                                       modified or supplemented by the
     3.1.3. The following actions will be     Admins should be informed by                                                      reporting match results to the
                                                                                       British Esports Championships, from
     considered poor sportsmanship play       the Leader in private. At this point                                              tournament system. One Leader can
                                                                                       time to time, in order to ensure fair
     and will be subject to penalties at      Admins may ask for screenshots or                                                 be responsible for multiple teams.
                                                                                       play and the integrity of the British
     the discretion of the British Esports    other evidence of misconduct.
                                                                                       Esports Championships.
     Championships:                                                                                                             5.5. Team
                                              3.2.3. Upon discovery of any team                                                 A team is a group of players. A team
                                                                                       4.2. All decisions regarding the Flaming/toxicity. This shall    member committing any violations                                                  represents its Institution in the British
                                                                                       interpretation of these rules lie
     be defined as any comments in all        of the rules listed above, the British                                            Esports Championships.
                                                                                       solely with the British Esports
     chat or game lobby that may be           Esports Championships may,
                                                                                       Championships, the decisions of
     considered negative or hurtful.          without limitation issue the following                                            5.6. Check-in
                                                                                       which are final.
                                              penalties:                                                                        The process of reporting a team’s Use of discriminatory                                                                                             arrival and commitment to play in
     language including, but not limited Loss of choice of starting                                               that week’s matches. Check-in takes
                                                                                       5. Glossary
     to, comments about a person’s sex,       side                                                                              place the day before fixtures on the
     race, sexual orientation, age.                                                                                             tournament website. Only a Leader
                                                                                       5.1. Institution.
                                     Issue of a warning                                                       can check a team in.
                                                                                       A school or college as defined in Intentional disconnects. This
                                                                                       sections 1.1 And 1.2.
     does not include restarting client in Forfeit of a match                                                       5.7. Arena
     order to bug fix.                                                                                                          Arenas are the main areas where the
                                                                                       5.2. Player
                                     Temporary suspension of a                                                game takes place. They feature boost
                                                                                       A student who plays esports in the
     3.2. Penalties                           player                                                                            pads dotted around the field.
                                                                                       British Esports Championships.
                                     Permanent ban of a player
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