Girls Education and Women's Health - Maasai Harmonial Development & Sustainability - Population Connection
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Because of their expertise in management and conservation of resources for wildlife and livestock, the Maasai ecosystem is home About 25,000 large to spectacular assemblages of African wildlife populations. animals are found in the Ngorongoro Crater, which contains the highest density of mammalian predators in Africa: lions, wild dog and cheetah. Also endangered black rhino, and elephant. Ngorongoro is the calving grounds for over 1 million wildebeest of the Great Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem. This is in contrast to most of the rest of the world where the average size of wildlife populations has plummeted more than 2/3 in less than 50 years, according to WWF.
Ngorongoro Wildebeest live in the crater and s t a y in t h e c r a t e r , b u t Ma a s a i p e o p le a r e n o t a llo w e d t o liv e t h e r e o r g r a ze t h e ir c a t t le t h e r e
The Crater is only a small part of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Hordes of tourists Large assembladges of wild animals No livestock, No houses
. OUR CHALLENGES We of the Emburbul XXXXXX Community have a lot of challenges, but the main ones are these: a ) Education / Nursery school "We wo u ld like t o h a ve a s u s t a in a b le n u r s e r y s ch o o l wh ich m a ke o u r kid s s t u d y e ve r y d a y a n d in a go o d e n vir o n m e n t ." Yo u t h ge t t in g a n e d u ca t io n : He lp u s ge t go o d e d u ca t e d p e o p le like Ma p e n a b ) Poverty: no source of income "We r e q u e s t t h a t yo u h e lp o u r Mo t h e r s / Wo m e n t o ge t s o u r ce s o f in co m e (b e a d s ) s o t h a t t h e y ca n fu lfill t h e ir b a s ic n e e d s . Em p o we r in g wo m e n wit h a s o u r ce o f in co m e will h e lp o u r d e ve lo p m e n t in cr e a s e ." c) Health care "We wo u ld like t o h a ve a d is p e n s a r y wh ich will m a ke o u r p e o p le t o b e t r e a t e d n e a r t h e ir h o m e b e ca u s e it will s a ve o u r live s like o u r Mo t h e r s a n d kid s wh o s u ffe r a lo t ." Fa m ily p la n n in g t o h e lp Mo t h e r s (a n d b a b ie s ) fr o m s u ffe r in g. d ) Food Problems (n o cu lt iva t io n ) e ) Cattle disease (t icks a n d wo r m s ) f) Water problem
Women dressed for ceremony
Child brides who are married to older men lack the negotiation skills and the confidence to assert their needs to their husbands.
They are isolated and vulnerable. Even where family planning services are available, young brides are difficult to reach with such support
90% of births to adolescent girls in the developing world occur within a marriage or union. Married adolescents have the lowest use of contraception - and the highest levels of unmet need. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death to girls ages 15-19
100 Drawdown ... Solutions to reverse Global Warming Family Planning & Educating Girls results in 8 GT* fewer emissions * 8 billion metric tons
Thanks to Population Connection for being the first population organization to make a strong connection between Population and Girls Education
The . Developing World is catching up on emissions; - Why population matters “Developing nations, where most of the population growth is happening, are where consumption is increasing the fastest.” … Michael Brune, Sierra Club Not so long ago, China’s emissions were far less than those of the US. 26 Links : * Global Carbon Atlas **Wikipedia ***Worldbank
Financing to developing countries for climate urban public transport, or any other strategy now change has been promised with a publicized being contemplated. target of at least $100 billion per year. The . difference between 0 years of schooling and It. is education, or more specifically girls’ 12 years is almost 4 to 5 children per woman. education, that is far more likely to result in Aid commitments for education projects are about lower carbon emissions than a shift to $13 billion annually. renewables, improved agricultural practices,
$46B more is needed for Education & Family Planning According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, by closing an annual financing gap of $39 billion, universal education in low- and lower-middle- income countries can be achieved. It could result in 59.6 gigatons of emissions reduced by 2050. … Enough funding to meet the unmet need for contraception would be $9 billion per year (some part of it is already funded).
How successful have we been in curtailing Consumption?
Language Barrier Only 10% of Tanzanians speak Swahili (the national These girls failed language) as their native their national exam, tongue. This barrier keeps so they went to a most pastoral students from entering secondary school. special school that caught them up in Such barriers exist in many English so they could remote areas of the developing world where continue with their fertility rates are highest. education. Only 50% of students pass the National exam to get into high school, where classes Most parents cannot are taught in English. afford the annual cost of $500 to send their daughters to school. 31
In preschool, kids learn Swahili as a second language. Without preschool, success in primary school is difficult and passing the exam to get into secondary school is rare. After the new classroom was built, we had 120 preschool kids in a classroom built for 45
We serve porridge for preschool lunch A child learns better with food in her stomach. $300 a month to feed 120 kids lunch = $2.50/child/month
Phonics lesson. Woman Preschool Teacher. Salary $75/month
Former preschool classroom
To e n co u r a ge m o r e kid s (a n d t h u s m o r e gir ls ), we b o u gh t u n ifo r m s fo r p r e s ch o o l a n d p r im a r y s t u d e n t s . In a d d it io n , t h e o ld e r p r im a r y kid s s t a r t e d go in g t o a b o a r d in g s ch o o l. Uniform cost: $28 each
Primary ages 7-8 Younger Primary kids are too young to go to boarding school. 85 of them walk to and from school 8 miles every day. They need 2 new classrooms near their community. (they are posing by the preschool classroom) 37
Sunrise: Walking 4 miles to school
When it rains, it pours Also these students sometimes have to walk in rainy cold weather. So we bought them rain boots and warm sweaters.
This affects how many girls go to primary school and beyond. Our Students Cape Buffalo When early primary students walk to school, there are aggressive wild animals on the way. 38 boys and only 10 girls
We found this $5,000 classroom in another area. $5,000 Classroom The current preschool classroom is too costly at $16,000 But, can they get a permit to build it? Permits are being refused, due to threat of eviction
Secondary Students are off to schools far away - a journey of two nights at the cost of $80/trip with three school breaks a year. Few parents can afford this
Menstrual Pads keep girls in school Here are our girls with their Without pads girls miss school 4-5 days a month new reusable menstrual pads. There are still many girls that need them. Donations would be very welcome. DONATE here: . The pads are only $4.31 for a pack of five, and should last for a year or more. $431 would help 100 girls stay in school. Menstrual pads will also keep girls from getting pregnant: they won’t need money from their boyfriends to buy pads.
Four Girls in College Nang’utut wants to study Laboratory Naney wants to study Manyari wants Manyarai to to wants study study Einoth is in her 2nd Tourism Community CommunityDevelopment Development year of Tourism school
Measurements of Success When our partner organization built preschools near communities, children started learning Swahili prior to going to primary school. The pass rate from primary to secondary school increased from 10% to 67.5% from 2011 to 2016 The percent of girls from our community going to school rose from 38% in 2015 to 82% in 2018. This year: Primary grade 7 girl students have taken mock exams for high school, and our students have the highest scores in their class, and they have been selected as student leaders - both boys and girls. 47
We made a family planning video in 2016 and a girl’s puberty video narrated by Grace, our medical student, who is now a doctor 48
The Family Planning video was a success! Th e vid e o wa s sh o wn in o u r co m m u n it y a n d n e igh b o rin g villa ge s. In Au gu st 2016, wh e n Ma rie St o p e s ca m e wit h t h e ir m o b ile fa m ily p la n n in g clin ic, 13 wo m e n fro m o u r co m m u n it y, p lu s 10 wo m e n fro m n e a rb y villa ge s, wa lke d fo u r m ile s t o ge t fa m ily p la n n in g m e t h o d s. But! May 2021 49
We beefed up the health clinic •We bought family planning equipment and supplies. The doctor received family planning training. •Other organizations added a delivery table, maternity ward & ambulance. •The Clinton Foundation provided a solar- powered refrigerator for vaccines. The use of family planning methods doubled from 24% to 52% between late 2016 to late 2017 !! 50
Medical Interpreters In 2020 I discovered that the use of family planning had dropped to 13%. On investigation I found that the doctor had retired and the new doctor did not speak the Maa language. So we hired these two women who Medical interpreter helping a spoke Swahili to patient with a urine sample become medical Nemburis likes being a medical interpreter. Her life has interperters changed because she knows the medicine for different diseases and also she has been advising women to give birth at the hospital because it saves lives.
Common or Potential Barriers to Family Planning Success 1. Language difference between patient and provider 2. Remote location 3. Lack of basic education 4. Lack of information and/or superstition about family planning methods Doctor opening the family planning supplies and equipment 5. Home births (no opportunity for education from the doctor) 10. Pressure from the husband or community to produce babies 6. Long distance from community to the hospital 11. Racial prejudice on the part of medical 7. Failure to take a sick baby to the doctor personnel (who treat the patient badly) 8. Lack of family planning training for the doctor 12. Suspicion that the doctor is a eugenicist. 9. Lack of family planning methods, supplies & equipment
Health Classes Topics • Family Planning • Early Pregnancy • Child Marriage • Birth Spacing • Midwife training • FGC/M & sex ed in Schools • HIV • Gender/social norms • Maternal Health • Breastfeeding • Nutrition • Hygiene • Domestic Violence • Vaccination Grace, our medical student, teaching health classes 54
Happy Health Class Grace 55
Women’s Representatives
Annual Student Celebration “Allow girls to go to school and stop FGM” Dec 2019 Jan 2021 One side says “I am boasting about the advantage of going to school” The other side laments “I feel sorry that I am not going to school”
Malnutrition, Infant Mortality, & Population Growth
Begging for Maize 2017 was a drought year. We had to buy maize for those who were poor. On top of that, Ngorongoro residents are not allowed to cultivate subsistence crops. They were supposed to get food subsidies, but they don’t get them any more.
When women are malnourished, they p r od u ce less b r ea st m ilk. •This has three effects: 1. Breast milk is a contraceptive, and when it stops, women become fertile again. 1. Babies become malnourished 1. When babies die, women want to have more babies to insure against infant loss •Maasai women don’t name their babies until 3 months of age due to high infant deaths. •FGM also contributes to infant mortality because the opening to the mother’s womb is narrowed, so they eat less food to have an easier birth.
The higher the infant mortality, the higher the number of children born. Source:
November 2020: To supplement their maize diet, we bought sheep and goats, enough that every woman has at least three sheep or goats. This is better than buying maize because the sheep and goats will multiply. Se ve ra l m o n t h s la t e r: Th e sh e e p a n d go a t s a re h a vin g b a b ie s. A goat or sheep costs
Womens Crafts and Livelihood Covid has closed the tourist market, unfortunately, so jewelry is piling up. We will try to sell it on our Facebook page. Traditional Bead work
Sewing ladies making midwife aprons
Fuel Efficient Stoves Benefits of “Maasai Stoves” •Pneumonia and respiratory 1. Uses less wood illness are the number one 2. Less time carrying wood health problem for women in this area. home 3. Less indoor smoke pollution •Pneumonia is a common cause 4. Fewer children tripping in of infant death fire, burning themselves •Two of the three girls that I first sent to secondary school got pneumonia when they came home, and one of them died. Stoves $75 each
Secure Your Family’s Future Program for Men That teaches: “Men and women should have equal voice in family decisions.” Ending ceremony
Tourism & Eviction The tourist vehicles seem to outnumber the wild animals
Who has the biggest footprint: Maasai or Tourist?
Maasai residents’ livestock watering holes are restricted while resorts fill up their swimming pools
Maasai used to burn noxious weeds like this. The authorities refuse to do so. Thus cattle are starving. The zebras are allowed in places where cattle can’t go.
The Native Americans used to set fires to control vegetation to conserve the grasslands; so did the Maasai
Invasive weeds in the Ngorongoro Crater Ngorongoro is the jewel of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. It is the main attraction of nearly all Ngorongoro tourism. The NCA Authority says: “Degradation of range = “Tipping Point”, blaming it on the population of the pastoralists.. Dr Nagol says it’s unfair that Also too the government and other many bodies blame the pastoralists roads are for invasive plants -- since destroying they have not been there for over 45 years. the crater Youtube:“Save the Valley”
The Maasai got the blame for having these modern houses, but they belong to Ngorongoro Authority and tourism employees and retirees
December 2020 March 19, 2021 April 7 2021 So-Called Tipping Point “Sustainability of mutual coexistence between wildlife and people in the New President: PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan expressed Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is Samia Suluhu Hassan concerns of a threat facing Ngorongoro at jeopardy as the population soars.” Conservation Area, saying the soaring human population jeopardises the wildlife in the world's greatest unbroken caldera. April 12 Eviction Order April 18 2021 Maasai Appeal April 20 Eviction Called Off Six days after the President's statement, the Authority published a document that would evict certain illegal immigrants, while hundreds of Press Conference others were required to demolish buildings including government primary schools, health centers, police stations, churches, mosques and private homes.
Voices from the Maasai Indiginous population numbers are inflated “Eve n if t h e r e we r e 100,000 p a st o r a list s, t h e r e is n o “Wildlife has been increasing. There is Th e a u t h o rit ie s ch o s e 100,000, , scie n t ific e vid e n ce t o p r o ve no sign that it is vanishing” a s t h e m a gic n u m b e r t h a t wo u ld th a t th e n u m be r th re a te n s m e a n a t ip p in g p o in t wa s a b o u t co n se r va t io n in t o b e re a ch e d . Ngo r o n go r o . “Ngo ro n go ro sh o u ld n o t o n ly b e n e fit Bu t it d id n o t m a t ch t h e gro wt h t h e t o u rism in d u st ry b u t t h e lo ca l Ngo r o n go r o h a s t h e la r ge st ra t e t h e y h a d u s e d t o co m p u t e p e o p le a s we ll.” t h e n u m b e rs , s o t h e y re a ch e d b la ck r h in o p o p u la t io n in t h e co n clu s io n t h a t a b o u t t h e wo r ld , in clu d in g t h e 40,000 we re im m igra n t s . Se r e n ge t i, wh ich h a s n o By lim it in g a re a s t h a t re sid e n t s ca n p a st o r a list s. a cce ss, a re a s a va ila b le fo r t o u rism will Pa rt o f t h a t 40,000 is co m p ris e d e xp a n d . Wh ile m illio n s o f t o u rist s o f Ngo ro n go ro a u t h o rit y/ De sp it e t h e p r e se n ce o f co n t in u e t o p o u r in t o t h e NCA, t h e t o u ris m e m p lo ye e s a n d re t ire e s p a st o r a list s in Ngo r o n go r o , e n viro n m e n t a l t h re a t t h is p o se s is n o t a n d s t a ff o f s ch o o ls , ch u rch e s t h e p a r k h a s m o r e t o u r ist s b e in g re co gn ize d . a n d NGOs . Pe o p le wh o wo rk t h a n a n y o t h e r p a r k.” t h e re , b u t d o n ’t live t h e re a re a ls o co u n t e d . Th e p r o b le m wit h t a r ge t in g im m igr a n t s is t h a t fe w p e o p le ca n p r o ve t h a t t h e y a r e n o t a n im m igr a n t . No r e co r d s we r e ke p t , e ve n t h o u gh p o p u la t io n wa s t h o u gh t t o b e a p r o b le m m a n y ye a r s a go .
Maybe there is hope for this classroom after all. $5,000 Classroom Maybe the young preschool kids won’t have to walk so far to school. Maybe more girls can go to school But the danger is not over! They have been threatened with eviction and attempts to force them to leave for many years.
Education in Ngorongoro Conservation Area is extremely insufficient. Hea lt h ca r e is sa d ly la ckin g . Ca t t le a r e r est r ict ed , su b sid ized g r a in h a s en d ed , n o cu lt iva t ion is a llowed , p a st u r e is d eg r a d ed . Rig h t t o food is g on e. Alt h ou g h socia l ser vices wer e p r om ised t h e Ma a sa i, t h ey a r e sa d ly u n d er fu n d ed wit h lit t le or n o p r ofit fr om t ou r ism g oin g t o t h e r esid en t s. Th ese t h in g s a r e n eed ed t o slow p op u la t ion g r owt h . If t h e Au t h or it ies h a d p r ovid ed t h e t h in g s t h a t t h ey p r om ised st a r t in g wh en t h ey for ced t h e Ma a sa i t o lea ve t h e Ser en g et i a n d m ove in t o a m u ch sm a ller a r ea , t h en t h er e wou ld b e n o p r ob lem wit h p op u la t ion . However , t h er e is n o g u a r a n t ee t h a t t h a t wou ld b e t h e en d of colon ia l con t r ol over t h e Ma a sa i.
From Special Rapporteur’s Statement About Biodiversity & Indigenous Peoples In d ige n o u s kn o wle d ge is vit a l t o sa vin g t h e Bu t o u r e ffo rt s t o p ro t e ct t h e b io d ive rsit y o f wo rld ’s b io d ive rsit y—a n d co n se q u e n t ly, t o h u m a n it y’s fu t u re . It fin d s t h a t la n d s m a n a ge d p la n t a n d a n im a l life o n o u r la n d s a re o ft e n m e t b y In d ige n o u s Pe o p le s a n d lo ca l co m m u n it ie s wit h vio le n ce . We a re crim in a lize d a n d kille d a n d e xp e rie n ce le ss b io d ive rsit y lo ss t h a n o t h e r ru n o ff o u r t ra d it io n a l t e rrit o rie s b y p o we rfu l la n d s, su gge st in g we a re t h u s vit a l t o t h e p o lit ica l a n d e co n o m ic a ct o rs wh o se e k t o su rviva l o f h u m a n it y. An d it p ro p o se s e xt ra ct we a lt h fro m t h e la n d sca p e s we h a ve re co gn izin g o u r t ra d it io n a l kn o wle d ge —a n d o u r in h a b it e d a n d ca re d fo r, so m e t im e s fo r le ga l righ t s t o o wn o u r la n d s a n d fo re st s—a s a ke y so lu t io n t o t h e b io d ive rsit y crisis. ge n e ra t io n s. In t h e p ro ce ss, t h e y o ft e n d e st ro y t h e la n d s we h a ve lo n g p re se rve d . Th is co n sist e n t , a ll-e n co m p a ssin g a p p ro a ch t o b io d ive rsit y p ro t e ct io n is t h e re a so n wh y Iro n ica lly, we a re o ft e n e xclu d e d fro m t re a su re d In d ige n o u s Pe o p le s live in a re a s wit h t h e rich e st la n d sca p e s b y t h o se wh o se go a l is co n se rva t io n . b io d ive rsit y a n d le a st d a m a ge d e co syst e m s. Wo rld wid e , a t le a st 40 t o 50 p e rce n t o f p ro t e ct e d Ab o u t 80 p e rce n t o f a ll t h e wo rld ’s b io d ive rsit y is a re a s h a ve b e e n e st a b lish e d o n la n d s lo ca t e d o n in d ige n o u s la n d s. t ra d it io n a lly o ccu p ie d o r u se d b y In d ige n o u s Pe o p le s—wit h d e va st a t in g co n se q u e n ce s.
Email me for a repeat of this presentation + Q&A on June 30:
Maasai Harmonial Development and Sustainability Girls Song G Website: New: Share this presentation: Email: Donate:
Background: Maasai History and Ngorongoro Maasai Rights Indigenous People's Rights International Population, Carrying Capacity, and Racism Oa kla n d In st it u t e : Th e Lo o m in g Th re a t o f Evict io n Vie w Fro m t h e Te rm it e Mo u n d Blo g- Wa r o n t h e Ma a sa i A Pla ce Wit h o u t Pe o p le (Yo u t u b e / Tra ile r) R
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