The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -

Page created by Calvin Lowe
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -

                                             July 11, 2021
                                             The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                             Go and Prophesize to My People

                                             Last week, we heard Ezekiel being sent by God to be a prophet to the people
    616 Reading Road                         of Israel. This week, we hear another prophet, Amos, being rejected by the high
    Mason, Ohio 45040                        priest for speaking against evils in the society. During this time there were “career
                                             prophets,” whose services were not free, but offered for a fee. They often tried to
    Phone: 513-398-3821                      not upset people, otherwise they might not be paid. But, as we hear in the first
    Parish Office: ext. 3100                 reading, the prophet Amos was not one of these professionals. God called him
    School Office: ext. 3108                 from a humble background (a farmer) to confront the evils in the society, and warn
    Fax: 513-398-2254                        them of the impending destruction if they didn’t repent (Am 7:12-15). This honest
                                             message did not make people happy, including the high priest who wanted Amos
                                             to get out of the city. But, Amos remained courageous.
    Parish Office Hours
    Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm                                     This story leads to Jesus’ commissioning of His Apostles
                                                                         in the Gospel (Mk 6:7-13), sending them out with a
                                                                         warning of the challenges ahead. He sent them in pairs
    Emergency Phone Number                                               to be a support for each other on their mission, and
    If you or your family need to contact                                reminded them not to occupy themselves with material
    one of our Parish Priests, please call                               possessions, but to depend on the hospitality of the
    the Parish Office any time Monday-                                   people they were to serve.
    Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm.
    However, if your need is urgent and      All of us who are Baptized were commissioned as disciples of Christ. We are sent
    outside of normal business hours,        out to be agents of the Gospel, like the prophet Amos and the Apostles. But, in due
    please call 513-398-3821, ext. 3200.     course, we encounter some challenges from society. Some people will receive us
                                             and the message we preach, and others will not. But, St. Paul tells us that we have
                                             to “proclaim the word in and out of season” (2 Tim 4:2), whether it is a message
    St. Vincent de Paul Helpline             that people want to hear or not. Even when they reject your message, you must
    To request assistance, please call our   move on and proclaim to others, just as the disciples were told to move on if they
    confidential helpline at 513-398-3821,   were rejected.
    ext. 3500 and leave your name and
    contact phone number so a St. Vincent    We are called upon to focus on those things that lead us to holiness, as Paul
    de Paul (SVdP) volunteer can get in      reminds us, because God chose us before the world began to be holy and
    touch with you.                          blameless in His sight (Eph 1:17-18). Christ warns us that certain material things
                                             may hinder us from achieving this holiness. He wants us, like His disciples, to avoid
                                             all unnecessary things and travel lightly in our mission. Let us remember that our
    After Hours Adoration                    destination is heaven and we are just tourists passing through this world. We shall
    Those wishing to visit the Church        not take anything from here except our good deeds.
    for Adoration after regular hours,
    please contact the Parish Office at      Sometimes, we are dragged behind by certain things - including sports, our
    513-398-3821.                            businesses, entertainment, and other material things - that prevent us from coming
                                             to Church on Sundays or praying with our families. We need to reflect on our lives
                                             and do away with all those things that may hinder our ability to serve God and
                                             be His true disciples. For if we entrust our lives to Christ, we shall do wonders and
                                             miracles through the power that Christ has given us through our Baptism.
    Bulletin Deadline
    The deadline for all articles for the    Blessings,
    Sunday bulletin is Friday afternoon,     Fr. Elias
    (9) days before the article appears in
    the bulletin. Please send items, along
    with the dates they should run, to for submission.

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -
MASS INTENTIONS & WEEKEND PRESIDERS                                                  Sacraments require preparation.
                                                                                           Please contact the following for
                                                                                           more information:
Monday, July 12                                Celebration of Baptism
6:00pm    Vincent Susana - Special Intention   Jackson Stephen Bound                       Baptism
                                               Child of Mathew and Danielle Bound          Joe Schleicher (ext. 3149)
Tuesday, July 13                                                                 
                                               Natalie Ann Reed
8:15am    Barbara J. Greve
                                               Child of Kevin and Tara Reed
                                                                                           First Reconciliation &
Wednesday, July 14                             Solomon Patrick Warburg
                                                                                           First Holy Communion
8:15am    Joseph Marafino                                                                  Chloé Fasano (ext. 3110)
                                               Child of Thomas and Rosanne Warburg
Thursday, July 15
                                               Welcome New Parishioners!                   Confirmation
8:15am    James Dahlhausen
                                               Edwards Family                              Chloé Fasano (ext. 3110)
                                               Ernst Family
Friday, July 16                                Deborah Koehler
8:15am    Deacon Dan Rader                     Patrick Family                              Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
                                               Meyer Family                                Joe Schleicher (ext. 3149)
Saturday, July 17                              Regala Family
8:15am    Helen Smart                          Valencia-Martinez Family
5:00pm    (Fr. Elias) G. Todd Lemmel
                                               In Loving Memory                            Cathy Meyer (ext. 3113)
Sunday, July 18                                Ernest Petrinowitsch              
7:30am   Hui Keng & John Lim
                                               Husband of Evelyn Petrinowitsch
9:30am* (Fr. Elias) PT Thomas
11:30am* Richard Carroll                                                                   Holy Orders
                                               Prayers for Those in Need
                                               Jack Albrinck, Jean Alexander, Julio        Anointing of the Sick
                                               Argote, Stella Arnold, Roman Arnold,        Sharon Osborne (ext. 3100)
Weekend Mass Times                             Jaxon Aschenbrenner, Sue Back, Florence
                                               Bailey, Molly Baker, Kathy Blenkle, Rita
Saturday at 5:00pm
                                               Bregger, Dan Breniser, Denise Brown,
Sunday at 7:30am, 9:30am*, 11:30am*                                                        For assistance in Spanish /
                                               Steve Bruce, Roberta Brunck, Deborah
                                                                                           Para asistencia en Español:
                                               Burkardt, Jean & James Cifuentes, Dick
Mass in Spanish                                                                            Aracelia Ayala (ext. 3107)
                                               & Kay Coburn, Edward Crick, Daniel
4:00pm* on the 2nd, 4th, & 5th                 Cross, Darla Dalhover, Chuck Decker,
Sunday of every month                          Andrew Eysoldt, Lauren Faller, Ruby
                                               Flint, Lorraine Forsythe, Karen French,
Daily Mass Times                               Ramona Gordon, Sarah Grothjan,
Monday at 6:00pm                               Mary Haglage, Deanna Hamm, Pauline
                                               Hammill, Maxine Hefelfinger, Keith Hepp,
Tuesday through Saturday at 8:15am
                                               Elizabeth Huff, Mary Ellen Jones, Diana
                                               Kendrick, Raymond Kissel, Joe Koenig,
Reconciliation                                 Janice Koncius, Toni Kuhlman, Denise
Monday after the 6:00pm Mass                   Lucy LaFrenierre, Landise, Janice Lawson,   Parish Membership
Thursday after the 6:00pm Holy Hour            Jerry Lindsly, Joanne Maggard, Mary
                                                                                           We joyfully welcome new
Saturday after the 8:15am Mass                 McLocklin, Lisa Mitchell, Karen Neff,
                                                                                           members of our parish community.
                                               Hank Noonan, Angela Orick, Carol
                                               Orick, Edward Orick, Gabriel Orick,         Please register by calling the
Holy Hour with Eucharistic Exposition
                                               Steven Orick, Bev Oscar, Richard Perez,     Parish Office, 513-398-3821, or
Thursday at 6:00pm
                                               Mike Reilly, Bill Reynolds, Conner Sands,   online:
                                               Leslie Marie Sauer, Gerry Schroeder,
Children’s Adoration                           Becky Schmitz, Matt Shawhan, Mary
Wednesday at 10:00am                           Anne Spanyer, Martha Steigelman, Alice
                                               Sturgeon, Marci Tabor, Stephanie Tobiaf,    Prayer Requests
*Livestreams:     Pete Warner, Brian Whitmer                  If you have people to be prayed
Sunday at 9:30am & 11:30am                                                                 for and would like to have them
Spanish Mass at 4:00pm                         Prayers for Those Serving Overseas          in the bulletin, please email
                                               Alex Back, Joseph Patrick Fusco,  
                                               Sarah Kaleta, Chester H. Mastalerz II,
                                               Matthew Kyler Saurine, Zachary Saurine,
                                               Justin Schuh, Christian Sorfnsen, Brandon
                                               Wesley, Michael Zeller                                                            3
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -
Things Happening This Week at St. Susanna
                                                                                                       Celebrating the Fourth of July last
If you would like more information about an
                                                                                                       Sunday got me thinking a lot about
event listed below, please call the Parish Office
                                                                                                       what true freedom is. Back in the
at 513-398-3821, ext. 3100.                                                                            1950’s, Archbishop Fulton Sheen on his
                                                                                                       TV program, Life is Worth Living, gave
Monday, July 12                                                                                        a great analysis of the state of freedom
6:00pm Girls Youth Basketball Skills                    in the world and in our country. They had the same problems then as we do now – a
7:00pm SVdP Commission Mtg.                             misunderstanding of authentic freedom. Today, it is a much more pressing matter,
7:30pm Girls Varsity Basketball Skills                  given the increasing attacks on religious liberty.

                                                        Sheen begins his talk with the crux of the problem: freedom becomes distorted when
Tuesday, July 13
                                                        there is no perfection or goal sought by the individual practicing his freedom. In other
10:00am Adult Faith Class
                                                        words, without a purpose, freedom becomes liberty to do whatever one pleases, not
6:00pm Volleyball Coaches Clinic                        what one ought to do. Sheen places this erroneous view of freedom against what was
                                                        happening in Soviet Russia at that time. In the Communist world, freedom was doing
Wednesday, July 14                                      what one must, in obedience to the State. Western culture does the exact opposite.
5:30pm Boys Basketball Skills                           Freedom for us is seen as being able to do as you please. They are equally mistaken
6:30pm KoC Meeting                                      and probably equally as damaging to the soul; one from without (the oppressive
7:00pm Adult Faith Class                                State) and the other from within (the self-destruction of the individual who lets freedom
                                                        turn to vice).
Thursday, July 15
                                                        The proper way to define freedom, and the Founding Fathers knew this, is to say that
7:00pm Festival Committee Mtg
                                                        freedom is a gift from our Creator, for the purpose of pursuing happiness, which in
9:00pm Adult Rec. Basketball                            the Christian sense is finding God and uniting ourselves to Him for all eternity. The
                                                        State can’t give you freedom; it can only recognize your freedom and make laws to
Friday, July 16                                         protect and regulate it. On the other hand, the individual can’t claim it for himself;
YAH Luncheon RSVP Deadline                              freedom necessarily involves the common good and must be controlled by reason and
                                                        faith. We are neither pawns of the State nor are we lords of our lives. A person is free
Saturday, July 17                                       to pursue his goal – as long as it doesn’t hurt another. But the final goal must be kept
                                                        in mind – eternal happiness with God in Heaven. Pursuit of the final goal is the most
                                                        sacred right of every individual and must be a priority in making laws.
Sunday, July 18
10:30am Catechist Info Meeting
                                                        The most common error in society is to equate the ability or license to choose to do
7:00pm KoC Volleyball                                   something as true freedom. This results in a movement for power. He who has the
                                                        power to do what he wants is the freest. And when power is at the heart of behavior,
                                                        abuse of power quickly follows.

                                                        So, today we must have the right idea of what it means to be free. We need to share
                                                        a common goal to attain with our freedom, outside of our individual selves. And we
                                                        need to fight for that freedom, saying no to the selfishness of sin and saying yes to
     The flowers gracing the Altar
                                                        God and neighbor out of love.
    this weekend are in memory of
            Ethan Trejo
           from the Mathews

                                                                Adult Volunteers are Needed!!
                                                                 With our youth programs returning “back to normal” in the Fall, we need adult
                             You can dedicate                    volunteers to help minister to our young parishioners. This is a great opportunity
                             the placing of                      to meet new people and make a difference in the faith lives of our youth.
                             flowers at the                      Training and ongoing support are provided for all of our volunteers. If you are
                             altar in memory        interested in serving, or would like more information about the program, please reach out to
                             of a loved one         the contact listed below each program.
                             or to honor a
    special occasion. The amount is $50 to          Sunday School (ages 3 through Kindergarten): Sundays during 9:30am Mass, beginning in
    defray the cost of the flowers.                 late September. Contact: Lauren Zinnecker,

    To reserve, please contact the Parish           CCD (Grades 1-8): Sundays, 10:35-11:20am or Mondays, 6:45-7:30pm, starting August
    Office, 398.3821, ext. 3100, or visit           22nd/23rd. An informational meeting will be held July 18th after the 9:30am Mass in the                 Our Lady of Guadalupe Room. Contact: Jayne LoConti,

                                                    Faith Alive (Grades 6-8): In the Undercroft, Thursdays, 3:15-4:15pm or 6:00-7:00pm, starting
                                                    October 7th. Contact: Shayne Reno,

                                                    LIFE (Grades 9-12): In the Undercroft, Sundays, 5:00-6:30pm, starting October 3rd. Contact:
                                                    Shayne Reno,
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -

Marian Consecration
A consecration prayer will be led after each Mass                        Are You Willing to Serve?
on Sunday, August 15th, the Assumption of the                            We have several ministries looking for volunteers. Please take
Blessed Virgin Mary. After the 11:30am Mass, we                          a look at serving opportunities below, and pray about where
will process out the Blessed Mother Shrine behind                        your talents can be used to build up the Kingdom of God!
church for a rededication of the shrine and prayer
for all the benefactors who laid a stone there.

A great way to prepare for this is with 33 Days                          Homebound Ministers
to Morning Glory, a Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for            Please consider becoming a Homebound
Marian Consecration. Booklets are FREE, and can be found in the          Minister. We have many individuals
Gathering Space. There is also a FREE video series by Fr. Michael        requesting this service and need more
Gaitley available through FORMED: https://watch.formed.                  parishioners to assist. The process is simple
org/33-days-to-morning-glory-1. Create your free FORMED                  and can be easily taught over the phone. Please contact
personal login at                                  Sharon Osborne in the Parish Office at 513-398-3821,
                                                                         ext. 3100 if you are available to help.

Women, it’s Time to Register!!                                           Ushers & Greeters
The 52nd Women’s CRHP (Christ Renews                                     If you are age 12 or older and have a smile
- Welcome) retreat weekend will be July                                  to share with your fellow parishioners, please
31st - August 1st, 2021. This is a free,                                 consider this ministry! Ushers act as the
overnight retreat for adult women seeking to deepen their                liaisons for our parish, warmly welcoming
faith and walk with the Lord. The weekend will be filled with            God’s people to our weekend Masses. Other duties include
peace (no chores this weekend, just be with Jesus!), fellowship,         overseeing collection baskets, and directing parishioner lines
good times and food. Tell a friend and plan to come together! It’s       to receive Holy Communion. Training will be provided.
truly a life-changing experience.
                                                                         This is a wonderful ministry for families who enjoy serving
Register online at Contact the              together. It is also great opportunity to serve with little time
CRHP 51 team at with any questions!             commitment required. If you are interested, please reach
                                                                         out to Stephanie Calpin at 513-398-3821, ext. 3102 or

Young at Heart July Luncheon
Join us on July 21st at Noon in the St. Susanna
                                                                         Altar Cloth Laundering
Room. Bring your happy, joyful self (and if you
                                                                         We need a person(s) to volunteer to launder
would like to bring a dessert, too, it would be
                                                                         the Altar cloths on a quarterly basis. It entails
wonderful) and let’s have a great time getting together after more
                                                                         picking up the cloths and then bringing them
than 16 months apart. We have a lot to hear about from the time
                                                                         back laundered, ironed and folded four times a year.
away, as well as look to the future on several subjects and to share
                                                                         Fr. Barry can provide any training needed. If you can
things like exciting news about going to a Reds game... You will
                                                                         help with this very important ministry or would like more
want to be a part of this!
                                                                         information, please contact Sharon Osborne at
                                                                at 513-398-3821, ext. 3100.
The cost of lunch is $12.00. Please call Cathy at the Parish Office
513-398-3821, ext. 3113 no later than Friday, July 16th, to make
your reservation. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

If you wish to join Young at Heart as a new member, we welcome         Are you Celebrating a Significant
you with open arms! The yearly dues are normally $12.00, but           Wedding Anniversary in 2021?
because we are at the midpoint of the year the dues are $6.00.         Married couples celebrating a significant
(Current members - your 2020 dues are being carried forward to         wedding anniversary (25, 40, 50, 60, 65,
cover the remainder of 2021.) Please come and join us!                 70, 75) in 2021, are invited to celebrate at St.
                                                                       Susanna during Mass on Saturday, September 25th
                                                                       at 5:00pm. Anniversary couples will receive a special keepsake.
Retrouvaille - A Lifeline For Married Couples                          Couples celebrating these milestone anniversaries with us on
The next program will begin the weekend of September 10-12,            September 25th at the 5:00pm Mass should RSVP by September
2021. Retrouvaille is a Catholic sponsored, confidential program       17th at, or by calling the Parish Office at
open to all faiths. It offers a chance to rediscover yourself, and     513-398-3821.
your spouse. It is for couples that have experienced a breakdown
in communication, become unloving and uncaring, thinking
of separation or divorce or who are separated. For further
information, please visit the website at:                                                                              5
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -
                                                       ADULT FAITH FORMATION

    Children’s Adoration                                2021-22 CCD Registration
    Wednesdays 10:00-11:00am                            Sessions will be held at St. Susanna Parish School on Sundays (10:35-
    in the Adoration Chapel                             11:20am) and Mondays (6:45-7:30pm). These times were chosen with the
    Please note that during this hour the               specific intention of encouraging parents and students to attend a Mass nearest
    atmosphere in the chapel may be                     their class time (Sunday at 9:30am or 11:30am, or Monday at 6:00pm).
    a little less quiet. Bring your little
    children to church for this prayer                  Numbers will be capped for each session, and assignments will be made in the order of
    time and teach them how to pray in                  registration completion. Classes will begin August 22nd/23rd, and conclude May 1st/2nd.
    Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.                 Please direct questions to Jayne LoConti at or 513-598-3128, ext.
                                                        3128. To register your child for CCD, please visit:
    Sundays at 9:30am and 11:30am
    Email or call                                 We need those willing to share faith with children!
    the Parish Office for details                                       We have over 500 children seeking to learn more about Jesus and His
                                                                        Church this year - and they need catechists willing to walk with them!
    Sunday School (Ages 3 - Kdg)                                        Training, ongoing formation and chocolate are continuously provided! If
    Lauren Zinnecker (ext. 3400)                                        you are considering the call to serve as a catechist, I hope you call and                            talk to me about the possibilities. If someone you know is considering the call to serve as
                                                        a catechist, pass my name and contact information to them. I invite you to an information
    CCD (Grades 1-8)                                    meeting Sunday, July 18th at 10:30am in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Room.
    Jayne LoConti (ext. 3128)                           Jayne LoConti, CCD Director:, 513-598-3128, ext. 3128.

                                                        2021-22 Sunday School Registration
    Faith Alive (Grades 6-8)                            This program for children ages 3 through Kindergarten meets on Sundays during
    Shayne Reno (ext. 3146)                             the 9:30am Mass in the Undercroft. Please direct questions to Lauren Zinnecker                                 at To register your child for Sunday School, please
    LIFE (Grades 9-12)                                  visit:
    Shayne Reno (ext. 3146)
                                                        St. Susanna Preschool
                                                        If you’re looking for a program in a loving and
                                                        supportive environment that not only nurtures
    Preschool (Ages 2-5)
                                                        the growing minds of little ones but also inspires
    Joette Ewing (ext. 3131)
                                                        a love of learning, St. Susanna Preschool
                                                        is the place for you! Our knowledgeable &
    St. Susanna School (Grades K-8)                     experienced early childhood educators create
    School Secretary                                    a variety of learning opportunities that promote
    (513) 398-3821 ext. 3108                            social, emotional, academic, and spiritual
                                                        growth of our preschoolers. We currently have
                                                        openings in our 3s, 4s & Pre-K afternoon sessions.
                                                        Classes are filling up quickly, so don’t delay…
Looking for a School Community?                         call today to register or set up a tour!
We invite you to join us at St. Susanna Parish
School - a Christ-centered, academic environment,
where effective, meaningful and engaged learning
                                                        We are also seeking Substitute Teachers for the
and instruction promote student achievement.            upcoming school year! If you have experience
                                                        working in the early childhood field, a college
It’s not too late to register for the 2021-22 School    degree (preferably in Early Childhood Education) and a love for little ones, this could be the
Year! For more information, please contact the          job for you! Please contact Joette Ewing, Preschool Director at 513-398-3821, ext. 3131 or
school office at 513-398-3821, ext 3108.       for additional information. Thank you!

       PTO        6/13    Judy Bartels       $100      St. Susanna Parish School is Hiring an Art Teacher
     365-Day      6/14    Tim Peppard        $40
                                                       St. Susanna Parish School is seeking a creative and faithful Art teacher to join our
      Raffle      6/15    Larissa Kahle      $40
                                                       community of faith and learning. St. Susanna serves nearly 650 students in Kindergarten
     Winners      6/16    Jeff Harrington    $40
                                                       through 8th grade. Candidates should be licensed to teach Art in the state of Ohio, should
                  6/17    Bobby Naylor       $40       be able to work collaboratively in a team setting, and should be well versed in educational
                  6/18    Hal Mitcheltree    $40       best practices education.
                  6/19    Kathy Overbeck     $40
                                                       Interested candidates should email their resume and cover letter to Mr. Kevin Mays, Assistant
                                                       Principal, at
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -
                                                                                                  ADULT FAITHIN ACTION

 Meet the Catechists of OLPH, Uganda!                                                                                            Festival Grand Raffle Tickets on Sale Now!
 To further our relationship building, the FoN Ministry invites you                                                              Buy your tickets now to be entered to win the
 to get better acquainted with these catechists. Each week, we will                                                              Grand Prize of $10,000!!! (drawn September
 introduce you to a catechist who serves the parishioners of OLPH                                                                12th) Plus, you will have a chance to win the
 and/or its surrounding out-stations.                                                                                            next EARLY BIRD drawing for $100 on August
                                                                                                                                 1st! Congratulations to our first Early Bird
 This week, meet Ensagumire Julius and Gloria:                                                                                   Grand Raffle drawing winner, Connie Kolp!
                                  Dear friends, This is Ensagumire
                                  Julius and Gloria from Rugarama                                                                Raffle tickets are $20 each, or six for $100 and can be purchased
                                  Hiika, Kanyamisa Centre                                                                        at:
                                  Nyamitanga parish, Mbarara
                                  district in Uganda... Ensagumire
                                  Julius is a farmer by occupation                                                               The 2021 Garage Sale was a HUGE success!
                                  and Gloria is also a farmer by                                                                 The Women’s Association wants to send a big THANK-YOU to
                                  occupation. They grow bananas                                                                  all those who donated items for our Garage Sale and to all the
 and of which is their source of income at the same time our                                                                     women and men who donated their time over the week of setup,
 food… It is our humble request that we can start a relationship…                                                                the days of the sale and especially cleanup!. We could not have
 praying for us and also praying for you…                                                                                        done it without you! We also want to send a special thank-you
                                                                                                                                 to Father Barry and Father Elias for your presence and support
 To read the entire letter and view additional photos, please visit                                                              during the setup and the sale. Your presence was noticed and                                                                                                     appreciated by many. Many blessings to you all!
    “For I was hungry, and you gave me food …” Matthew 25:35
    St. Susannna has joined forces with Catholic Charities: Food for All
      Ministry. Food for All partners with social service agencies and
         churches in rural areas across the eastern counties of the
        Archdiocese of Cincinnati to address hunger in food deserts.

                                                                           Food For All
volunteers needed!

                                Every month, Catholic Charities Southwestern
                                Ohio travels to Clermont, Clinton, Highland,
                                Brown, Adams and Hamilton counties to
                                provide nutritious food to our neighbors in
                                the Archdiocese that reside in food deserts.
        Volunteers are needed from 9:00am to 1:30 pm at

 Working with local organizations, a mobile pantry is set up for
      St. Mary’s Catholic Church, in Bethel, the 2nd Friday
            of the month. We are planning for our first
        volunteer opportunity to be Friday, January 11th.
      A carpool will be arranged for St. Susanna volunteers.

 the day and volunteers are needed to set up and distribute the
         For more information and to sign-up, please visit:
 food items at each site.

 St. Susanna parishioners have been volunteering at the Clermont
 County (2nd Friday of the month) and Highland County (4th
 Thursday of the month) Food for All mobile pantries. We meet in
 the St. Susanna parking lot at 7:45am, carpool to the pantry,
 and generally return by 2:00/2:30pm. If you are interested in
 volunteering or would like more information, contact Mary Jo
 Burns at or 513-398-3821, ext. 3120.

 Parishioners are also welcome to volunteer on their own for any
 of the mobile pantries. Visit, create
 an account and register for the site where you would like to
 volunteer. For more information regarding the Food for All
 program, please visit


                                                                               July 4, 2021   July 4, 2021     July 4, 2021   Fiscal Year to Date   Fiscal Year to Date   Fiscal Year to Date
                                                                               BUDGET          ACTUAL        OVER / (UNDER)      BUDGET                 ACTUAL            OVER / (UNDER)

                                                                               $35,000        $27,000          ($8,000)         $35,000               $27,000               ($8,000)

 This Week, from the St. Susanna Vincentians...
 In the Gospel today, we see how Jesus sent His Apostles out two by two. From the beginning, Society of St. Vincent de Paul members
 visit in pairs, or “two by two,” those who are poor and needy, in their homes. It is there, in the family setting, that Vincentians listen,
 offer humble advice, and render assistance. Have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of
 St. Vincent de Paul?                                                                                                                                                                                7
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -

Servicios en Español                                              Vayan y Profetizen a Mi Pueblo
Misa: 2do., 4to. y 5to. Domingo del Mes       4:00 PM
                                                                  La semana pasada, escuchamos a Ezequiel ser enviado por
Confesiones: 1er. Sábado del Mes              9:00 AM             Dios para ser un profeta para el pueblo de Israel. Esta semana,
             1er. Miércoles del Mes           7:30 PM             escuchamos a otro profeta, Amós, siendo rechazado por el sumo
                                                                  sacerdote por hablar en contra de los males en la sociedad.
Clases pre-bautismales: 1er. Sábado del Mes 10:00 AM              Durante este tiempo hubo “profetas de carrera”, cuyos servicios
                                                                  no eran gratuitos, sino que se ofrecían por una tarifa. A menudo
Rezo del Santo Rosario:                                           trataban de no molestar a las personas, de lo contrario no
Todos los Martes 7:30PM en el Salon St. Jerome                    recibirían pago. Pero, como escuchamos en la primera lectura,
Y también a través de Zoom                                        el profeta Amós no era uno de estos profesionales. Dios lo llamó
Zoom ID 591 598 021 Password: 45040                               de un entorno humilde (un granjero) para enfrentar los males en
                                                                  la sociedad, y advertirles de la destrucción inminente si no se
Horario de la Oficina (Español)                                   arrepentían (Am 7:12-15). Este mensaje honesto no hizo feliz
Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM                      a la gente, incluyendo al sumo sacerdote que quería que Amós
                                                                  saliera de la ciudad. Pero, Amós se mantuvo valiente.
Para asistencia en Español Contacte a la coordinadora del
Miniserio Hispano Aracelia Ayala (513) 398-3821 ext. 3107                                       Esta historia conduce a la                                                                            comisión de Jesús a Sus Apóstoles
                                                                                                en el Evangelio (Mc 6,7-13),
Es indispensable registrarse en la Parroquia para todos los                                     enviándolos con una advertencia
sacramentos o cualquier trámite que desee realizar.                                             de los desafíos que tendrían por
                                                                                                delante. Los envió en parejas para
Área Privada de Lactancia Materna está ubicada en el Salón de                                   que se apoyaran mutuamente en
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.                                                                    su misión, y les recordó que no se
                                                                  ocuparan de las posesiones materiales, sino que dependieran de
                                                                  la hospitalidad de las personas a las que debían servir.

                            Cambio de Fecha!                      Todos los que somos bautizados fuimos comisionados como
                           Durante Julio y Agosto Confesiones     discípulos de Cristo. Somos enviados a ser agentes del
                           en español y Clase Pre-Bautismal       Evangelio, como el profeta Amós y los Apóstoles. Pero, a su
                           serán el segundo sábado del mes:       debido tiempo, nos encontramos con algunos desafíos de la
    10 de Julio Confesiones 9AM Clase Pre-Bautismal 10AM          sociedad. Algunas personas nos recibirán y el mensaje que
    14 de Agosto Confesiones 9AM Clase Pre-Bautismal 10AM         predicamos, y otras no. Pero, San Pablo nos dice que tenemos
                                                                  que “proclamar la palabra dentro y fuera de temporada” (2
    Confesiones por la tarde siguen sin cambio:                   Timoteo 4:2), ya sea un mensaje que la gente quiera escuchar
    Primer Miércoles del mes a las 7:30PM                         o no. Aun cuando rechacen nuestro mensaje, debemos seguir
                                                                  adelante y proclamar a los demás, así como se les dijo a los
                                                                  discípulos que avanzaran si eran rechazados.

                                                                  Estamos llamados a enfocarnos en aquellas cosas que nos
                                                                  llevan a la santidad, como Pablo nos recuerda, porque Dios
¿Necesita Ayuda?                                                  nos escogió antes de que el mundo comenzara a ser santo e
• Si usted o alguien que conozca está pasando por tiempos         intachable a Sus ojos (Efesios 1:17-18). Cristo nos advierte
difíciles y necesita ayuda de despensa, ropa o monetaria, o       que ciertas cosas materiales pueden impedirnos alcanzar esta
necesita clases de Inglés Gratis o tiene alguna necesidad en      santidad. Él quiere que nosotros, como Sus discípulos, evitemos
especial, por favor llame al Ministerio Hispano. (513) 398-3821   todas las cosas innecesarias y viajemos a la ligera en nuestra
ext. 3202                                                         misión. Recordemos que nuestro destino es el cielo y que no
                                                                  somos más que turistas que pasan por este mundo. No nos
•¿Conoce a alguien a quien el Alcohol y                           llevaremos nada de aquí, excepto nuestras buenas obras.
las Drogas Representan Problemas en su Vida?
Contacte al grupo Nuevo Despertar 513-551-3103,                   A veces nos arrastran ciertas cosas - incluyendo deportes,
línea de ayuda en Español en caso de crisis 708-261-2974.         nuestros negocios, entretenimiento y otras cosas materiales - que
Trabajamos con el paciente y la Familia ayudando en las           nos impiden venir a la Iglesia los domingos o orar con nuestras
debilidades humanas, alcoholismo, drogadicción, depresión, etc.   familias. Necesitamos reflexionar sobre nuestras vidas y acabar
                                                                  con todas aquellas cosas que pueden obstaculizar nuestra
• Grupo de apoyo para Sobrevivientes de Violencia Doméstica       capacidad de servir a Dios y ser Sus verdaderos discípulos.
Grupo de Apoyo por ZOOM Todos los Jueves de 3:00 - 4:00pm         Porque si confiamos nuestras vidas a Cristo, haremos maravillas
personas interesadas comunicarse con Anita al 513-977-5542        y milagros a través del poder que Cristo nos ha dado a través de
Teléfono en caso de crisis 513-381-5610                           nuestro Bautismo.

                                                                  P. Elías
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -

                                               La celebración del Cuatro de Julio el domingo pasado me hizo pensar mucho en lo que es
                                               la libertad verdadera. En la década de 1950, el arzobispo Fulton Sheen en su programa
                                               de televisión, Life is Worth Living, dio un gran análisis del estado de la libertad en el
                                               mundo y en nuestro país. Entonces tenían los mismos problemas que nosotros tenemos
                                               ahora: un malentendido de la libertad auténtica. Hoy en día, es un asunto mucho más
                                               urgente, dados los ataques crecientes a la libertad religiosa.

  Sheen comienza su charla con lo esencial del problema: la libertad se distorsiona cuando no hay perfección o meta buscada por
  el individuo que practica su libertad. En otras palabras, sin un propósito, la libertad se convierte en libertad para hacer lo que
  uno quiera, no lo que uno debe hacer. Sheen pone esta visión errónea de la libertad en contra de lo que estaba sucediendo en
  la Rusia soviética en ese momento. En el mundo comunista la libertad era hacer lo que uno debía, en obediencia al Estado. La
  cultura occidental hace exactamente lo contrario. La libertad para nosotros es vista como ser capaz de hacer lo que le plazca.
  Son asimismo equivocados y probablemente igual de dañinos para el alma; uno desde afuera (el Estado opresivo) y el otro desde
  adentro (la autodestrucción del individuo que deja que la libertad se convierta en vicio).

  La forma correcta de definir la libertad, y los Padres Fundadores lo sabían, es decir que la libertad es un don de nuestro Creador,
  con el propósito de buscar la felicidad, que en el sentido cristiano es encontrar a Dios y unirnos a Él por toda la eternidad. El Estado
  no puede darle libertad; sólo puede reconocer su libertad y hacer leyes para protegerla y regularla. Por otro lado, el individuo no
  puede reclamarlo por sí mismo; la libertad implica necesariamente el bien común y debe ser controlada por la razón y la fe. No
  somos ni peones del Estado ni somos señores de nuestras vidas. Una persona es libre de perseguir su meta, siempre y cuando no
  lastime a otra persona. Pero hay que tener en cuenta el objetivo final – la felicidad eterna con Dios en el Cielo. La búsqueda del
  objetivo final es el derecho más sagrado de todo individuo y debe ser una prioridad en la elaboración de leyes.

  El error más común en la sociedad es equiparar la capacidad o licencia de elegir hacer algo como libertad verdadera. Esto resulta
  en un movimiento por el poder. El que tiene el poder de hacer lo que quiere es el más libre. Y cuando el poder está en el centro del
  corazón, el abuso de poder rápidamente sigue.

  Por lo tanto, hoy debemos tener la idea correcta de lo que significa ser libre. Necesitamos compartir un objetivo común de alcanzar
  nuestra libertad, fuera de nuestro “yo” individual. Y necesitamos luchar por esa libertad, diciendo no al egoísmo del pecado y
  diciendo sí a Dios y al prójimo por amor.

Consagración Mariana
Una oración de consagración será dirigida después de cada misa el
domingo, 15 de agosto, la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María.
Después de la misa de las 11:30am, procesaremos al Santuario
de la Santísima Madre detrás de la iglesia para una rededicación
del santuario y oración por todos los benefactores que pusieron un
ladrillo allí.

¿Está celebrando un aniversario de
boda significativo en 2021?
Las parejas casadas que celebran un aniversario de
boda significativo (25, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75) en
2021 están invitadas a solicitar un certificado de
felicitación del arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr. Estos certificados se        Guarde la fecha!
distribuirán aquí en St. Susanna en la misa de las 5:00 pm del             El 52º fin de semana del retiro de mujeres
sábado 18 de septiembre y en español en la misa de las 4:00 pm el          CRHP (Christ Renews - Welcome) será del
domingo 26 de septiembre. Después de misa habrá una pequeña                31 de julio al 1 de agosto de 2021. Este es un retiro gratuito
recepción en el Espacio de Reunión. Visite la Oficina para el              durante la noche para mujeres adultas que buscan profundizar
Matrimonio y la Vida Familiar en línea al       su fe y caminar con el Señor. El fin de semana estará lleno
para solicitar su certificado, o llame al (513) 421-3131, extensión        de paz, compañerismo, buenos momentos y comida (¡las calorías
2621. Para la misa en español contacte a Aracelia Ayala ayalaa@            de CRHP no cuentan!). ¡Dígale a una amiga y vengan juntas! Es, o llame al (513)398-3821, extensión 3107.                   realmente una experiencia que cambia la vida. Póngase en contacto
                                                                           con el equipo de CRHP 51 en para
                                                                           obtener más información!                                         9
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -
July 11, 2021
                                                                                                Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
                                                                                                Am 7:12–15
                                                                                                Eph 1:3–14 or 1:3–10
                                                                                                Mk 6:7–13

                                                                                                         So they went off and
                                                                                                        preached repentance.
                                                                                                         They drove out many
                                                                                                            demons, and they
                                                                                                       anointed with oil many
                                                                                                           who were sick and
                                                                                                                 cured them.
                                                                                                                    MARK 6:12–13

You Can Do It                                                            The Ephesians letter assures us that God “has
                                                                      blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in

T   oday’s readings are about unpretentious people
    who accomplished remarkable deeds. Amos,
a shepherd from the southern kingdom of Judah who
                                                                      the heavens” (1:3). We don’t have to worry about
                                                                      performing miracles; all we have to do is open
                                                                      ourselves to the graciousness of God. God will do the
also cultivated sycamore figs, challenged the people at               rest. Through us, God will cast out the demons of
a northern shrine in Israel. He did not come from an                  prejudice and bias that plague our world, of selfishness
illustrious family, nor was he particularly important.                and spitefulness so prominent in our political
Yet he is the one called by God to summon the                         rivalries, of greed and dishonesty in many of our social
northern Israelites to repentance.                                    interactions. Through us, God will heal our country,
   The disciples of Jesus pursued family businesses like              our world, and our Church of hatred, violence, and
fishing or were employed by the Romans like Matthew.                  oppression. With Amos and the Twelve we too hear:
They didn’t come from socially prominent families,                    “You can do it.”
nor were they known as community leaders. But look                                                      Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA
at what they did: they cast out demons and cured
the sick. Where did these people get their training?
                                                                             FOR      Reflection
More importantly, where did they obtain their power?                      ✷ In what ways do you make the world better?
We find the answer to such questions in the second                        ✷ Do you realize that you have the power of God to
reading: “In him we were also chosen” (Ephesians                            transform the world?
                                         © 2021 Liguori Publications • Liguori, MO 63057-9999
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 11, 2021 -
St. Susanna Parish: 513-398-3821                                                                                        Faith Formation Staff
                           Parish Office: ext. 3100; School Office: ext. 3108
                                                                                                                                                   Beverly Donahue (Assistant): ext. 3111,
                                                                                                                                                   Joette Ewing (Preschool): ext. 3131,
                           Pastoral Staff                                                                                                          Chloé Fasano (2nd Grade Sacraments, Confirmation): ext. 3110,
                           Fr. Barry Stechschulte (Pastor): ext. 3101,
                                                                                                                                                   Jayne LoConti (CCD): ext. 3128,
                           Fr. Elias Mwesigye (Parochial Vicar): ext. 3106,
                           Rev. Mr. Lou Wong (Deacon): ext. 3137,                                                              Shayne Reno (Youth Ministry): ext. 3146,
                                                                                                                                                   Joe Schleicher (Baptism, Adult Faith, RCIA): ext. 3149,
                           Aracelia Ayala (Hispanic Ministry): ext. 3107,                                                     Lauren Zinnecker (Sunday School, SPRED, VBS): ext. 3400,
                           Mary Jo Burns (Peace & Justice Minister): ext. 3120,
                                                                                                                                                   Administrative Staff
                           Stephanie Calpin (Funerals): ext. 3102,
                                                                                                                                                   Stephanie Calpin (Admin. Assistant): ext. 3102,
                           Chloé Fasano (Respect Life): ext. 3110,
                           Luke Mayernik (Music & Liturgy): ext. 3105,                                                     Teresa Johns (Communications): ext. 3104,
                           Cathy Meyer (Weddings): ext. 3113,                                                                 Bob Keever (Business Manager): ext. 3121,
                                                                                                                                                   Rusty Mentrup (Facilities Manager): 513-882-2551,
                           School Staff (ext. 3108)                                                                                                Cathy Meyer (Facilities Scheduling/Safe Environment): ext. 3113,
                           Daniel Albrinck (Principal): ext. 3109,                                                         Sharon Osborne (Parish Admin.): ext. 3100,
                           Kevin Mays (Assistant Principal): ext. 3116,                                                        Jodi Tucker (Financial Administrative Assistant): ext. 3103,
                           Kristen Tell (DRE): ext. 3135,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to support their businesses.
       independent franchisees under a license agreement with Goddard Systems, Inc. Programs and ages may vary. Goddard Systems, Inc. program is AdvancED accredited. © Goddard Systems, Inc. 2018
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