What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021

Page created by Ron Evans
What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021

     What’s happening
     in Harare

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What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021

                  6                                                  13
        Intimacy with                                                 Heroes Holiday
     Nature: My Top                                                   Travel Tips from
    6 Game Parks to                                                   Drive Zim Road
  visit in and around                                                 Assistance

                 14                                                  17
           Marinated                                                 Easy
          Whole Goat                                                 Cheesecake
          Legs Recipe                                                Recipe by Roxy

                                                                      “Your 8-5 Pays the
  Heights Premium                                                     Bills. Your 6-9 Builds
 Apartments, Block                                                    the Empire.”
1 Officially Opened

                 23                                                  26
                                                                     Bindu Books:
          Yellow Hands:
            From Soil to                                             Books that let
                 Service                                             you travel without
                                                                     moving your feet

                                                  27   Never Felt
                                                       So Good

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What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021

                                                From the

                                                                 orderline between Winter
                                                                 and Autumn, it is that time
                                                                 of the year where we start
                                                                 packing away our Winter
                                                                 clothes in exchange for our
                                                                 lighter and cooler outfits in
                                                                 preparation for the warm
                                                                 yet windy season ahead.
                                                  Embrace the Fall season this month by
                                                  indulging in our 5th Newsletter Issue with
                                                  a number of educative and illuminating
                                                  articles. Learn of new places to visit
                                                  within Harare whilst observing Covid-19
                                                  regulations and be inspired to change
                                                  your mindset in regards to work and

                                                  Mask Up, Sanitize and Get Vaccinated!

                                                                         Whilst every effort is made to check the
                                                                       content of articles, the directors will not be
                                                    Publisher          held responsible for any errors or omissions
                                                   Mike Garden            therein. We accept that all articles and
                                                mikeg@softrite.co.zw       photographs submitted are the sole
                                                 024-2782720/1/7       responsibility of the authors and we do not
                                                                        accept liability for any misrepresentation.
                                                                        Events, dates and prices listed are printed
                                                   Nomsa Nyoni
                                                                        using information supplied to us that we
                                                                          are satisfied are correct at the time of
                                                   0773 962 727
                                                                         printing. This publication is the exclusive
                                                                                property of Ndeipi (Pvt) Ltd.
                                                  Michell Svesve
                                                admin@ndeipi.co.zw          @ndeipi_magazine
                                                   0779 397115
                                                                            Ndeipi Magazine

                                                 Layout & Design            ndeipi_magazine
                                                   Tamuka Nyoni
                                                                        Cover Photo
                                                   0775 363 706         Eminently Eve

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What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare   5   www.ndeipi.co.zw
What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
By Eminently Eve                                                                      TRAVEL

                        INTIMACY WITH

                  My Top 6 Game Parks to visit in and
                            around Harare

 In my world, every day is a perfect day to visit a game park or nature reserve, even
 when it rains, the smell from the wet earth and the sounds from the wild animals
 make me feel energized. Public holidays, however, are the most convenient days to
 plan for those trips with friends, family, or a partner because schedules tend to align
 a lot easier during those days.
     I have listed six of my favourite game parks to visit which are less than 100km
 from the CBD of Harare, in no particular order. I will share with you what stood out
 for me at these particular game parks; the distance, their rates, contact details, and
 the activities on offer.

1. Haka Game Park
I have visited this game park every single          this park is conservation-driven
weekend for the past 12 months, except              and constantly working towards
for the few ones where I had plans to visit         adding more species. The
other parks. The most notable aspect that           Tsessebes for example, were
grabbed my attention to this park was its           introduced into the park in June
distance from Harare CBD, which is just             2021. From the conversations I
13km. This is a walkable distance, which            have had with the owner, plans
means that it is quite accessible to anyone.        to add more giraffes and other
     The second reason that drew me was             antelope species are underway.
their unique way of maintaining the park                 Other activities besides
which ensures that you see most of the              game drives (in the form of self-
animal species they have. The best season           drives) are canoeing, picnicking,
for game viewing country-wide is the dry            braaing, horse riding, balancing
season, from mid-April to September.                rocks, rock painting visits and
Sometimes it even stretches into                    bird watching. The picnic
November/ December, depending on how                sites have thatched shelters
soon the rains come.                                and neatly cemented braaing
                                                    facilities and are dotted around
                                                    the park so one will have
DIRECTIONS                                          enough space to enjoy with
                                                    their loved ones.
To drive or walk to Haka Game Park, you
take Samora Machel road until you get to            Contact Details
the roundabout at Pick’nPay Supermarket             +263773343310
in Msasa, where you turn left onto Harare
drive. Everything that
you see on the right side
is Haka Game Park so
you just drive a few km
to get to the entrance.
Alternatively, you can
use the Mutare road
entry which is opposite
Pick’nPay. The entry
fees are $8 per adult; $4
per child and no extra
charges for the vehicle.
    The mammal species
that I have witnessed
during my visits include
Impala, Zebra, Giraffe,
Wildebeest, Warthog,
Eland and Tsessebe. The
management team of

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What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
By Eminently Eve                                                                TRAVEL

2.        Dana B Savanna Camp
 I did not know about the existence of       I spotted include Kudu, Tsessebe,
 this park until a few months back when      Blesbok, Impala, Wildebeest, Zebra
 someone messaged me about it. The           and Giraffe. Other activities include
 experience was more than I thought          camping, braaing, canoeing, fishing,
 it would be. The grasslands gave me         nature walks and picnics have no
 such beautiful Hwange national park         additional fees. There is a very cosy
 vibes with the added advantage of           splash pool that is exclusive for the
 being able to walk around freely.           campers during summer at no extra
                                             cost. Dana B Savannah Camp also
                                             hosts weddings, parties and other
 DIRECTIONS                                  group gatherings for which you can
                                             contact the management team for
 This private game reserve is located
                                             more details.
 less than 40 km from Harare CBD along
 the Harare/Mutare road. To get there,
                                             Contact Details
 you drive for 30 km on the highway
 from the Pick’nPay Msasa roundabout
 and you will find the turnoff to the
 park on the right. There is a toll gate
 before the turnoff so do budget for
 that as well. The turnoff is not easy
 to miss because there is a visible
 signpost written “Dana B Savanna
 Camp”. However, remember to use
 your indicators well ahead of time, (just
 as you reach the bridge after the dual
 carriageway becomes a single lane
 highway), to give other drivers behind
 you ample warning time. The right
 turnoff from the highway takes you
 onto a dirt road that stretches for 4 km
 to the game park entry point.
     The entry fee is $10 per adult and
 $5 per kid for a day visit. An overnight
 camping visit costs $20 per adult and
 $10 per kid. Firewood is charged per
 vehicle at $5 each.
     Visitors can take part in self-drives
 around the park. Mammal species that

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What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
By Eminently Eve                                                                               TRAVEL

                                                3.     Lion Park
                                                I remember vividly being             from seeing the lions though,
                                                hesitant to visit this park for      but rather from the wildlife
                                                the first time. I was used to        documentaries that I watch in
                                                visiting Haka and so the change      which the lions are in action.
                                                was a bit unsettling. The lion       The real feeling, I get looking at
                                                enclosure visit completely           the lions is somewhat calming.
                                                changed my thoughts and              They seem to have that effect
                                                feelings. It brought a pleasantly    on other people too because
                                                unique experience to my              they do not look as fierce as
                                                weekly game park visits. So          they actually are when they are
                                                now, whenever I want to switch       just lying around resting.
                                                things up a notch, then better           The plains game species
                                                believe I am at this park. The       that I saw in the second section
                                                drive is quite pleasant too; the     which you can also expect to
                                                longest part of the journey is a     see include Impala, Wildebeest,
                                                highway, Bulawayo road, which        Eland, Zebra, Warthog, 120+
                                                is great for fuel consumption.       years old Galapagos Island
                                                It is located just 34.4 km from      tortoise and Giraffe. Surprisingly
                                                Harare CBD. There is a clear         enough, they also have both
                                                signpost written “Snake world        the male and female Nyala. The
                                                and Lion Park” so the left           sight of this species is quite an
                                                turnoff is definitely not one you    interesting one because it has
                                                can miss.                            sexual dimorphism, meaning
                                                     The entry fee is $10USD per     that the male and female look
                                                adult, $5 per kid and there is no    distinctly different.
                                                extra charge for vehicles.               In addition to the self-drive
                                                     The Lion Park has 2             for game viewing, Lion Park
                                                separate sections, one with the      also has braai and picnic sites.
                                                lion enclosure and the other         You can bring your food or
                                                one with the plains game. As         you can purchase from their
                                                soon as the gates into the lions’    canteen. You can also enjoy the
                                                territory are opened, you can        phenomenal balancing rocks
                                                feel a certain sensation. I love     and rock paintings.
                                                the tense feeling I get in my
                                                stomach when I am around             Contact Details
                                                lions. The feeling is actually not   +263772236099.

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What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
By Eminently Eve                                                        TRAVEL

4. Chivero             Recreational Park
Where else in Harare are you        immediately after crossing the
going to drive just 40km from       Manyame River. The turnoff is
the CBD and observe White           a sharp hairpin corner so be
Rhinos for only $3 per adult, $1    prepared, indicate well in time
per child and $3 per vehicle?...    and be cautious when turning.
Nowhere! A lot of Game Parks             In addition to the White
that have one of the big 5          Rhinos, the park is also home
animals are just so expensive.      to Zebra, Giraffe, Impala,
In many cases the prices are        Warthog, and Ostriches.
justifiable; however, it would be   Visitors can take part in
really sad for us locals to not     rhino tracking, guided safari
manage to see these animals         walks and horse riding.
because the fees are way            The famous lake makes it
beyond what we can afford.          possible for activities such
This is something I greatly         as fishing, canoeing and
appreciate about Chivero            boating to be experienced. For
Recreational Park.                  accommodation, visitors can
                                    choose either to camp or sleep
                                    in the self-catering lodges and
                                    chalets that are reasonably
                                    priced. It is another “must visit”
To get to it, you take Bulawayo
road and drive past all the
“Lake Chivero” signposts, until
                                    Contact Details
you get to the last one which is

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What's happening in Harare - ISSUE 5 - JULY 2021
By Eminently Eve                                                          TRAVEL

5. Gosho Park
For 8 years, I had been going        far in the country, the Sable
up and down the Harare –             there are extremely skittish. It is
Mutare highway, with zero            so hard to see them up-close. In
clues of the existence of this       Gosho Park, on the other hand,
exceptional gem tucked 4 km          it is easy to spot all the animal
from Marondera town (85km            species and witness them in
from Harare). Gosho Park is an       close proximity; an incredible
initiative of Peterhouse Group       experience I must say. Blesbok
of Schools and is located right      is another rare antelope species
next to the Peterhouse Girls         to come by in Zimbabwean
School.                              game parks but is found in
     I know after reading,           this game park. It is said to
“Peterhouse” you are probably        be endemic to South Africa -
thinking, “Okay… so how badly        (confined only to one specific
is my bank account going to          geographical location and not
crack after this visit”. Surprise!   naturally occur anywhere else
Surprise! It is one of the most      in the world). Other animal
affordable game parks you will       species that I have witnessed at
ever visit in Zimbabwe at $5 per     each of my visits to Gosho Park
adult, $5 per vehicle and $3 per     include Giraffe, Zebra, Eland,
child.                               Wildebeest, Impala and Kudu.
     What stood out the most for           Gosho Game Park is perfect
me in the game park is the fact      for walks, bird watching, hiking,
that they have Sable Antelope        mountain biking, camping and
– one of the very few animals        has an aesthetic landscape. The
that make lions think twice          park also has picnic sites and
before launching an attack on        rock paintings which are worth
them - thanks to their long          visiting.
sweeping horns which are such
a masterpiece. Digital media         Contact Details
and pictures actually do these       (+263)(065)2323599/
horns no justice. In all the other   2324951/
game parks I have been to so         2322200 – 4.

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By Eminently Eve                                                            TRAVEL

                                                     6. Pamuzinda
                                                           Safari Lodge
                                                     Last but most definitely not least is Pamuzinda
                                                     Safari Lodge. This is a great park if you want
                                                     a bit of luxury but without it costing you an
                                                     arm and a leg. I love to visit this park when
                                                     celebrating something special and want to
                                                     stay overnight, relax and just be spoilt. The
                                                     strikingly cosy accommodation they offer
                                                     and the admirable, warm relationship they
                                                     have with their rescued animals will keep you

                                                     Pamuzinda Safari Lodge is located just 88km
                                                     from Harare CBD. You take Bulawayo road,
                                                     past Norton and once you pass through a
                                                     small town called Selous, watch out for their
                                                     signposts which are quite prominent. These
                                                     signs will lead you right to the safari lodge.
                                                         They have several packages on offer which
                                                     include a half-day visit, full-day visit and an
                                                     overnight visit. The half-day visit includes a
                                                     game drive and lunch; the full-day visit includes
                                                     lunch and 2 activities; and the overnight
                                                     package includes bed, breakfast, lunch, dinner
                                                     and one activity. Bookings are a prerequisite
                                                     for all packages.
                                                         We had the opportunity to see Giraffe,
                                                     Warthog and Impala right in front of the
                                                     reception area on arrival. During the game
                                                     drive, we also spotted a Zebra, Wildebeest,
                                                     Jackal, Common Duiker, Eland, more Giraffe,
                                                     more Impala and lions.

                                                     Contact Details

                                                       Those are my top 6 favourite game parks
                                                       to visit which are near Harare, each
                                                       game park offers a unique and precious
                                                       experience. Why not spoil yourself and
                                                       your loved ones with a game visit treat
                                                       this upcoming holiday and for that
                                                       matter any time you need to unwind?!

                                                       Remember to always have a little
                                                       intimacy in your life, & as always I’m
                                                       talking about intimacy with nature.

                                                       IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                                                       The rates are always to be confirmed
                                                       with the specific park as they are subject
                                                       to change and bookings before your
                                                       travels are also very important to avoid

                                                        IG: Eminently Eve
                                                        FB: Eminently Eve
                                                        Linkedin: Eminently Eve
                                                        Website: www.eminentlyeve.com.
                                                        Whatsapp: +263714830156

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St Georges Ad
By Drive Zimbabwe                                                                                                     TRAVEL

Heroes Holiday
Travel Tips from
Drive Zim Road

If the travel restrictions ease around the      Public holidays have been heavily                • Be courteous to other drivers.
country and the prospect of travel beckons,     associated with loss of life due to road         • The speed limit is not a target to be
many of us will be planning road trips for      traffic accidents in Zimbabwe and it             attained. Respect it.
the Heroes’ holiday scheduled for the 9th       does not get better annually. While              • Do not overtake when it is illegal or
and 10th of August 2021. To ensure your         there are many things the government             unsafe to do so.
trip is memorable in the best rather than       must do to improve road safety, it is also
                                                                                                 • If you are a cyclist or riding a motorbike,
the worst way, here are some things you         the responsibility of road users to play
                                                                                                 also make yourself visible and ensure all
and your fellow travellers can do to reduce     their role. Without a conscious effort by
                                                                                                 protective clothing (including the helmet)
the risk of accidents and becoming infected     road users to be safe, no actions by the
                                                                                                 are in a good condition,
with or spreading, COVID on your trip.          government will ever work.
                                                                                                 • If you are a pedestrian, walk where it is
BEFORE YOU GO                                   Ahead of the Heroes period, road users           safe, and also make yourself as visible as
Check for any travel restrictions or rules in   should be mindful on the road and Drive          possible. Wear reflective vests, sashes or
the areas you will be travelling through or     Zimbabwe Roadside Assistance (DZRA)              other items of clothing to make yourself
to before you go. These can change rapidly      has shared the following tips as guidance        stand out (especially at night on dimly or
and may include restrictions on how far you     for road users:                                  badly lit roads).
can travel, how many people per square          • Rest before travelling. While on the road,     • Respect traffic law enforcement, they are
metre are allowed in public spaces, and         stop every two hours or 200 km to stretch,       there to ensure your safety and that of other
whether you need passes or to wear a mask.      and get some fresh air.                          road users.
    If anyone in your group has COVID-like      • Put all non-essential electronic devices
symptoms, however mild, it is important to                                                       Reaching the destination safely is the
                                                away. If you are driving with a cell phone,
be tested and cleared for COVID before                                                           best reward for any motorist! Should
                                                use it only when you have to, not when you
leaving. Common symptoms may include                                                             you encounter any motoring issues,
                                                want to. Do not text and drive.
fever or chills, muscle aches, sore throat,                                                      remember that Drive Zimbabwe
cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing, the
                                                • Ensure everyone in the vehicle wears their     Roadside Assistance provides 24/7
                                                seatbelt, drive to the conditions of the road,   Roadside Assistance Service.
new loss of taste or smell, and vomiting or
                                                and obey all the rules of the road.

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By CHEF SHINGI                                                                                                          FOOD AND DRINK


             OK  CH EF
          Outdoor Kitchen Chef
                                                    Goat legs
                                                               4 fresh goat legs
                                                            1ltr 100% orange juice
                                                                 350ml brandy
                                                        100g old fashioned brown sugar
                                                             300ml Vegetable Oil
                                                            2 x Bunch fresh thyme
                                                             Few sprigs rosemary
                                                             1 bulb roasted garlic
                                                            Whole coriander seeds
                                                           1/2 cup smoked paprika
                                                            1/4 cup garlic powder

                                                           BRINING LIQUID
                                                                2 cups coarse salt
                                                                   8ltrs water
                                                          1/4 cup bruised fresh thyme
                                                         1/4 cup bruised fresh rosemary
                                                     1/4 cup crushed whole coriander seeds
                                                              1/4 cup ground cumin

                            • Make small incisions around the goat leg to insert         TOOLS NEEDED FOR HANGING MEAT
                            some fresh butterflied garlic cloves.                        • 4 rigid wire hooks
                            • Combine salt, water and flavouring ingredients to          • Soft wire to secure hooks
                            form brining liquid                                          • 1m log or log-like item to tie the hanging meat
                            • Submerge goat legs for at least 8 hours/ overnight.        hooks

                            MARINADE                                                     COOKING METHOD
                            • Combine 1ltr fresh orange juice to tenderize the           • Hang goat legs by the hook around the tendon.
                            meat, with a glass of brandy to add a punch.                 • Place log over a controlled bed of hot coals at least
                            • Add dry ingredients- 1/2 cup smoked paprika, 1/4           30 cm above the coals to cook long and slow, turning
                                                                                         the legs as per need.
                            cup garlic powder, 1/2 cup dried thyme, 1/2 cup whole
                            coriander seeds, 1/4 cup dried rosemary and 1/4 cup          • Use the fresh bunch of thyme to dip and baste the
                            crushed roasted garlic.                                      goat legs periodically with the remaining juice of the
                                                                                         marinade paste.
                            • Add about 300ml oil and an equal amount of water
                            and mix. It should form a thick paste.
                                                                                         • 5-6hrs of open fire cooking until fork tender.
                            • Rub paste generously all over the legs.                    • Hand carve for service alongside cheesy smashed

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                             14                                                www.ndeipi.co.zw
By CHEF SHINGI                                                           FOOD AND DRINK

 Chef                                              BIO

 Shi n g i
             hen growing up, I was misled into thinking that the
             kitchen space was a socially awkward space for the guy.
             However I would go home and face epic grill battles
             against my (now late) old man who challenged me into
turning out some of the best off the braai. I went to university as an
aspiring chartered accountant and came back as a Chef.
I fell in love with cooking somewhere between my gym junk food
preparations, part-timing in some of the most renowned restaurants in
South Africa and partaking in significant cooking showdowns against my
housemate “Tod”.
     By now it might be easy to see that I am very competitive.
and in the spirit of more competition, I later became
an award winning braai master. Winning a version
of the “Ultimate Braai Master’’ in South Africa.
This was a huge W considering I was up against
some South African folk who consider braai as the
nation’s number one culinary custom.
      I am currently operating a business called
“OK Chef zw” an acronym for the Outdoor
Kitchen Chef and this business is centered
on a gourmet braai experience offering. I
love the time spent outdoors, exploring
the complexity of full bodied smoky flavors
together with good company all over
an affair with the best beats and some
“moderate” drinking. My menus are
tailored to my customers preferences
and they often follow a 3 course braai
offering with an Entrée of braai side
tapas. For the mains a choice of 3 Super
cut meat varieties paired with 2 sides and
a salad. Customers also get to choose the
delightful dessert offering from a range
of dessert pastries, homemade gourmet
ice-creams and decadent tarts which are all
made to order.
     It is hard to predict what the near future
holds given the conditions but I am looking
into the expansion of my business and
working towards offering more by launching
various products which compliment my
concept. Examples include a farm fresh range
of bottled condiments from chillies to herb
sauces and some pickled items.
     I would like to believe I am a big dreamer
and that is my motivation. One such dream is
the dream of one day being able to spend a
lot of my time on an African hard-wood deck
overlooking a picturesque valley and serving
my grills there!


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Restaurant Guide

Alechi                               Coimbra            MON                 Pariah State                         The Jam Tree
Chicken Grill, 21 Quorn Ave,         × Portuguese                           × Wine/cocktail lounge, Shop 7       × Pub Food and Restaurant,
Mount Pleasant ,                     61 Selous Ave, CBD                     Riverside Walk, Avondale             40 Bargate Rd, Mount Pleasant
Call - 077 936 4640                  Call (024) 2700237                     Call 0772 279051 & Wine Bar,         Call 0734 018 003
                                                                            × Grill & Coffee Shop,
                                                                            1 Pomona Shopping Centre, Pomona,
                                                                            Call 08677 103 644, 0772 279 051
                                     Garfunkels Grill                                                            The Rose Cafe
Alo Alo
                                     Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,                                             × Cafe,
10 Forest Row, Arundel
                                     Call (024) 2853137/8, 0776 508 702                                          72 Golden Stairs Rd, Mount
Village, Mount Pleasant
                                                                            Paula`s Place                        Pleasant, Harare,
Call - 077 326 5932/3 ,(024)
                                                                            × Portuguese,                        Call 0784 339 814 / WhatsApp
2369198                                                                                                          0784 339 814
                                                                            314 Samora Machel Ave,
                                     Gava`s                                 Call (024) 2497950, 0779 421 014
                                     × Traditional Cuisine,
                                     Belgravia Sports Club, 2nd
Aroma Caffe`               SUN
                                     Street Ext, Belgravia,                                                      The Vanilla Moon
× Italian                            Call 077 238 1863                      Pizzazz Pizza                  TUE   8 Seagrave Road, Mount
167, Enterprise Road, Chisipite                                             Shop 4, Greystone Park               Pleasant, Harare
Call - 077 223 5693, (024) 2480904                                          Shopping Centre, Harare              Call (024) 2333394/ WhatsApp
                                                                            Call 0777 781 583                    0772 224 341
                                     Hometown             MON, TUES
                                     × Coffeehouse & BBQ, American,
Casa Mia              MON            21 Edinburgh Road, Borrowdale,
× Pizzeria,                          Call 077 622 6975                      Pogos                    SUN         The Village Greek          MON

Cnr King George & Aberdeen                                                  × Pizza & Chicken,                   × Greek
                                                                            1 & 2 Kamfinsa Shopping              Shop 3, New Block, Sam Levy’s
Rd, Avondale,
                                                                            Centre , Greendale,                  Village, Borrowdale,
Call - (024) 2332044/ WhatsApp
                                     Kirytan Grill             MON          Call 077 897 7828 /WhatsApp          Call (024) 2850666
+263 78 610 0950
                                     × Chicken Grill,                       078 0004 796
                                     Corner Woodholme & Golden
                                     Stairs Rd,
                                     Call 078 654 8235 / WhatsApp                                                Tin Roof               MON
Chang Tai             TUE
                                     0786 548 235                           RocoMamas                            × Bucket Bar & Bistro,
× Thai,                                                                     × Burger Restaurant,                 1 Lewisam Shopping Centre,
83 Churchill Avenue, Gunhill                                                Village Walk, Borrowdale,            Highlands
Call - 0779 763 666,                                                        Call (024) 2884966                   Call/ WhatsApp 0778 218 990
0773 222 276, (0242) 783054          Little Eataly Restaurant
                                     × Italian
                                     1 Hurworth Road, Highlands,
                                     Call 077 674 5727, 08677 177349        Sabai Thai                   MON     Tinkabell Restaurant
Chez Zandi                                                                  Cnr Rold Ave/ Stokesay Cl,           × Portuguese,        SAT, SUN
× Bistro/ Wine Bar,                                                         Ballantyne Park,                     4 Upton Rd, Ardbennie,
328 Herbert Chitepo Ave, CBD                                                Call (024) 2852695, 0776 74775 or    Call 0774 532 184 / WhatsApp
Call 0778 952 992 or                 Mojo`s                      SUN        0788 265 533                         0785 663 154
0714 814 450                         × South American,
                                     10 East Rd, Belgravia,
                                     Call (024) 2705993, 0782 635 830
                                                                            Shangri La                MON        You Real              TUE
                                                                            Cantonese Restaurant, 155            × Japanese,
Chicken Basket                                                              Enterprise Rd, Chisipite             Shop 13 & 14, New Block, Sam
110 Norfolk Rd, Mount Pleasant
                                     Mulberry Restaurant and Cafe           Call 0773 709 686,                   Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,
Call 0772 781 555/ 0772 426 768                                             (024) 2 443263-4                     Call 0719 425 555/ WhatsApp
                                     × Deli,           MON, TUES
                                     Borrowdale Brooke Club house,                                               0719 425 555
                                     Call 078 893 0720
China Garden                                                                Spice Lounge
                                                                                                                 KHAYA NYAMA WOMBLES         SUN
× Chinese                                                                   × Indian Restaurant,
                                                                                                                 × Steakhouse Restaurant & Bar,
17 Rowland Sq, Milton Park,                                                 63 Churchill Avenue,
                                                                                                                 158 Enterprise Road, Highlands,
Call 077 892 5033/ WhatsApp          Ocean Basket                           Call (024) 2701672
0778 925 033                         × Seafood Restaurant,                                                       Call 0772 336 224/
                                     Stand 3, Sam Levy’s Village, Harare,
                                     Call 08677 323 323, (024) 2852189,
                                     0731 200 674                                                                     KEY

Chop Chop                                                                                                            Take Away
                                                                            St Elmos
× Brazilian Steakhouse,                                                                                              Delivery
                                                                            × Pizza,
256 Herbert Chitepo/ Fifth
                                     Organikks                              86 East Road, Avondale                   Open Everyday
                                     × Food delivery service 1 Dacome       Call (024) 2334980-3
Call 077 918 9214 / WhatsApp                                                Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,          Closed on
                                     Drive, Chisipite,                                                               specified day
0779 189 214                                                                Call (024) 2886959
                                     Call 0782784999, 0782785000

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                  16                                                www.ndeipi.co.zw
By ROXANNE KAMERA                                                                                                 FOOD AND DRINK

 Easy Cheesecake
 Recipe by Roxy
 It does not get much better than creamy, smooth cheesecake
 baked in a homemade graham cracker crust.
                                                                    MAKE THE CRUST

 INGREDIENTS                                                        Double wrap the bottom of the springform pan with foil, sealing
                                                                    it tightly to prevent water from getting into the pan.
 • 1 3/4 cups Graham Cracker Crumbs (about 15 full crackers)        1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
 • 1/3 cup butter, melted                                           2. In a large bowl mix the graham cracker crumbs, butter, granulated
 • 1/4 cup granulated sugar                                         sugar, and salt together evenly.
 • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt                                         3. Press the mixture into the bottom and up the sides of 9-inch
                                                                    springform pan.
 CHEESECAKE                                                         4. Bake the crust for 8-10 minutes, or until lightly golden. Set aside
 • 4 packs Cream Cheese, room temperature                           while you make the cheesecake filling.
 • 1 cup granulated sugar
 • 1/2 cup sour cream, room temperature                             MAKE THE CHEESECAKE
 • 2 teaspoons vanilla
 • 3 eggs, room temperature                                         1. In the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment,
                                                                    mix the cream cheese and sugar on medium speed, until smooth,
                                                                    scraping the sides of the bowl as necessary.
                                                                    2. Turn the mixer to low and add the sour cream and vanilla; mix
                                                                    well, scraping sides of the bowl as necessary.
                          Meet Roxanne Kamera a talented
                                                                    3. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each
                            Commis Chef with sound knowledge
                                                                    addition just until mixed. Do not over mix.
                              of food preparation and restaurant
                                                                    4. Pour the filling over the crust and spread evenly.
                               management. She obtained these
                                                                    5. Place the springform pan into a larger pan and pour very hot
                               skills at The International Hotel
                                                                    water into the pan, until it is 3/4- inch deep, careful to make sure the
                               School in Durban, South Africa.
                                                                    water level does not come up higher than the foil.
                               Roxanne is now a Glacier at
                                                                    6. Bake for 60-70 minutes or until the centre is almost set. The
                              Cheesecake.Roxy which is her own
                                                                    centre will still jiggle while the edges will be set.
                             startup business that specialises in
                                                                    7. Carefully run a knife around the rim of the pan to loosen the cake.
                           cheesecakes and cold desserts.
                                                                    8. Allow the cheesecake to cool at room temperature for at least an
                                                                    hour, then cover and transfer into the
                                                                    refrigerator for 6 hours or overnight.             Store airtight,
        cheesecake.roxy                                             9. Release the sides of the springform
                                                                                                                       refrigerated for up
                                                                    pan before slicing.
                                                                                                                    to 5 days.

 Issue 55   Ndeipi
            Ndeipi -- What’s
                      What’s Happening
                             Happening in
                                        in Harare
                                           Harare                     17
                                                                      17                                                www.ndeipi.co.zw
By MICHELL SVESVE                                                               BUSINESS

Millenium Heights
Premium Apartments,
Block 1 Officially Opened

        he Ndeipi Team would like to              touches. This project bridges
        congratulate West Property Zim            the gap between affordable and
        for officially launching Block 1 of       luxury housing as it offers exclusive
        their Millenium Heights Premium           premium accommodation within the
Apartments, positioned in Borrowdale              heart of Borrowdale for apartments
right next to Dandaro and opposite their          starting at thirty one thousand.
grand gated complex, Pokugara Residential             The 24 units currently at
Estate.                                           Millenium Heights are just a spec
     The Real Estate Property Development         of the entire Millenium Heights
Company, was delighted to hand over               project. A thousand more housing
all 24 units within Block 1 to the different      units are to follow and a whole
families that had already acquired the units      new community with the largest
well before their initial release. The first      shopping mall in Zimbabwe
block is a two-storey building, consisting of     and an office complex count on
studio, one bedroom and two bedroomed             being established at the site.
apartments. All the apartments are                Tying in to their Corporate Social
thoughtfully outlined, with enough room for       Responsibility, West Property
the occupant to creatively design an interior     Zim anticipates on developing a
that specifically illustrates and suits their     millennium park with indigenous
personal style.                                   trees, plants and walking paths.
     Adhering to all social distancing rules,         Work on the second block
the ceremony was attended in person by            with more apartments has already
some of the new residents of the high             commenced at the site. If you
quality apartments, West Property Zim’s           are keen on owning a high end
Chief Operations Officer, Mrs Tatiana             apartment within Millenium
Aleshina and Kudzayi Violet Gwara                 Park, hurry now and schedule a
(KVG), who is West Property Zim’s brand           meeting with the team to secure
ambassador and Star FM’s Radio Host. Mr           your accommodation within the
Ken Sharpe, the company’s Chief Executive         community.
Officer, who could
not be onsite, was
live on all platforms,
making sure all the
guests witnessing
the ceremony online
received the full virtual
     Delivering his
message to the new
families, Mr Sharpe,
pointed out that this
was an important
historical moment in
regards to property
development in
expanded on why
West Property Zim,
decided to build the
apartments to lock-up
stage and leave the
rest to the occupant.
Beginning last year,
they implemented
this customer-centric
project to promote
creativity and
individuality when it
came to furnishing
the apartments and
adding in any finishing

Issue 5     Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                              18           www.ndeipi.co.zw
By COACH TAF MUKOYI                                                                  BUSINESS

“Your 8-5 Pays
the Bills. Your
6-9 Builds the
         person without bills is not too     and it pays the bills.
         far from misery. This assumption
         must be taken with a pinch of       Your 8 am to 5 pm must be a source
         salt but it holds enough water      of stability that guarantees a regular
 to wash any misguided perceptions           income so that you can use it to
 that bills are a bad thing. Bills are an    budget for your regular and recurring
 indicator of progress but not all bills     bills such as rent, mortgage, utilities,
 are good bills. The bills that are bad      groceries, medical cover and so on. In
 are those outside of your means.            many cases that paycheck, when used
 Please note I did not say salary, I said    wisely, can open doors to loans and
 means.                                      advances that will help activate your 6
      A lot of people have come to me        pm to 9 pm.
 to get validation on a decision they             Your job must be a stepping stone
 would have long made; to leave their        to your dreams and without that,
 job when their side hustle begins to        serious soul searching is important. For
 show signs of success. I always tell        both your job and hustle keep your eye
 them that if I had known what I know        on the end game, keep focused on
 now I would have kept my job much           who you are and what you want. With
 longer than I did before I ventured out     that reason your 6 pm to 9 pm is not
 alone.                                      a time to wind down and relax but to
      The entrepreneurship corridors         grow yourself in all aspects of your life
 are lonely and a lot ought to be done       and as a life coach we use the wheel
 before one fully commits to take the        of life to help you plan a holistic life
 deep end dive. Your 8 am to 5 pm pays       approach.
 the bills and that is exactly what it was        While this article will focus mainly
 designed to do. While many others           on the entrepreneurship and personal
 have realized that they can                 development side, the wheel of life
 practice entrepreneurship                         also teaches us not to ignore the
 within their 8 am to 5                               Leisure, Family, Significant
 pm and have become                                     other, Emotional intelligence,
 successful, the                                          Heath as well as your
 truth is that your                                        Spiritual well being.
 financial freedom                                              To build your future
 is proportionate                                           always focus on outputs
 to the growth of                                           not inputs and to achieve
 your company and                                           that you have to be at
 the percentage                                             cause and not effect. That
 the shareholders                                           means driving both your
 are willing to share                                      agendas to keep your job
 with you their gains                                     and to sharpen your skills for
 through a salary,                                       the hustle. To stay on track,
 a dividend and                                         measure your outputs using
 in some cases                                           your individual targets and
 a bonus or                                                    also consider 360° team
 profit share                                                        reviews, appraisals

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                   20         www.ndeipi.co.zw
By COACH TAF MUKOYI                                                                                                           BUSINESS

and to reiterate reviews must be your friend.       on the objective. While soft skills are difficult   people find themselves in this place and
     Your 6 pm to 9 pm therefore is about           to measure they are easy to observe.                when they get some free time they still have
developing your soft and hard skills and                 Your 6 pm to 9 pm is also a time to            nothing to look forward to and they don’t
these often help you at work as well as             develop your hard skills and these are the          know how to use it and actually dread their
outside your work, especially the soft              skills required to perform at your peak in a        free time by remaining active in wasting
skills. Soft skills are non-technical skills that   specific job category. In effect to develop         time.
relate to how you do everything you do              the expertise to successfully carry your job             Leave work at your 8 am to 5 pm and
on and off the job. They include how you            role you may need to use your 6 pm to 9 pm          leave your hustle at your 6 pm to 9 pm. The
interact with people or your interpersonal          to acquire a formal education and training          challenge is a lot of people want to mix
skills, communication skills, listening skills,     programs which may include going back to            the two and one will suffer because of your
motivation, conflict resolution, empathy,           school, college or university; apprenticeship       absence when you are present in another.
your problem solving capacity, creative             programs, short-term training classes, online            Listen to podcasts or audiobooks when
thinking and how you manage your time and           courses, and other certification programs.          you commute or drive, there is lots of
responsibilities among many others.                      I learnt sadly once about someone who          content on almost every topic. So on your
     Often these are also called transferable       was unable to differentiate one day from            way to work listen to something relevant
skills because you can use them regardless          another as their 8 am to 5 pm blended               to your work to inspire you and on your
of your chosen profession or the                    together with their 6 pm to 9 pm as did             way home do what helps your side hustle.
entrepreneurship ventures you pursue.               their weekends and weekdays into one                That way you allow top of mind awareness
Having said that, to develop these during           depressing and unbearable blob which was            to guide you throughout the day. This also
your 6 pm to 9 pm you can choose anything           only interrupted by intermittent sleep and          helps you to look forward to both aspects of
from coaching, mentorship, training, reading,       when the sleep did come it was to sleep off         your life. Even if your 8 am to 5 pm is about
meditation, and even studying depending             the sludge. What is saddening is that many          paying bills, remember to pay yourself first
                                                                                                        and not last. If there are debts that remain
                                                                                                        after paying yourself first it will motivate
                                                                                                        you to punch higher. Furthermore, also
                                                                                                        remember that by paying yourself first
                                                                                                        you can then prioritize your side hustle,
                                                                                                        sharpening your skills and building your
                                                                                                        future. By paying yourself first you can
                                                                                                        also focus on passive income streams for
                                                                                                        example, online education, app creation or
                                                                                                        even blogging
                                                                                                             Without a doubt one of the most
                                                                                                        valuable skills you should learn are the skills
                                                                                                        of sales and marketing if you are going to
                                                                                                        build a sustainable future. You may have
                                                                                                        good ideas or products or even sharpened
                                                                                                        skills but if you cannot take them to the
                                                                                                        market you will have unused stock piles of
                                                                                                             When people look for a job, what do
                                                                                                        they want and when they get it why do they
                                                                                                        want to quit? I will let you ponder on that

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                    21                                                www.ndeipi.co.zw
By YELLOW HANDS                                                                         CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Yellow Hands

        ellow Hands (YH) is a family     and my children mentioned that we should make jams
        owned social business set up     and chutneys and sell it at our local farmers’
        by Poonam Patel to promote       market. They suggested we use that money
        the art of spicing.              to support Zimbabwean women who
     Zimbabwe has a very suitable        were experiencing many types of
climate for growing turmeric and         difficulties. This was the turning
ginger, and Poonam has developed         point at which we either had
a great skill at processing both         to step up our game plan or
these spice roots into spice             shelf the idea!
powders, and utilizing them in YH             Based on the
spice blends.                            thought that if we
     With 30 years of experience in      could sell fresh
growing turmeric and ginger in the       jams, chutneys
backyard of her home in Harare,          and spices at the
Poonam extends her sincere               farmer’s market
gratitude to her grandmother             and hold that
Valiben and mother Laxmiben,             method of
both of whom played a vital role         marketing
in attracting her to learn about         for as long
vegetable gardening and floral art,      as we could
respectively.                            manage,
     “For many years I gave my           we would
friends and family turmeric and          gain enough
ginger at every harvest, and             experience
eventually in 2010 I thought of          and
turning this passion into a form         knowledge
of income-generating hobby. It           to develop
took some time for us to proceed         a solid
with this idea as we did not have a      foundation
structure in place; a decent size plot   for a social
closer to home, a team of growers,       initiative.
or any kind of knowledge about                Rather than
water management and irrigation.         handouts, which
These were critical factors that         most often do
needed serious consideration”.           not last long, we
Budgeting and finance were also          decided to set up a
the major concerns. Where do you         business that would
start?                                   create employment, and
     “In 2017 and 2018 we had a          provide a skill for the long
huge crop of mangoes at home             term, in particular for women.”

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                             23                         www.ndeipi.co.zw
By YELLOW HANDS                                                                                               CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

    With a small loan, lots of confidence,       project to support women who have small          because no matter which part of the world
and the help of PORTIA, JACKLENE,                plots to grow turmeric, ginger, peppers and      you may be in, the intensity of labour and
and GRACE, Poonam embarked on a life             herbs. By supplying their first batch of roots   time is equal, therefore, why not fair money?
changing journey.                                to 2 families, and holding back on the major         By the end of 2021 we shall have 10
    “I worked with my father in his spice and    root stock at the YH plot, the business was      families growing turmeric, ginger, chilli
grocery shop in San Francisco, California        off to a good start.                             peppers, beans, herbs and peanuts for YH.
for a few years. I watched the way my father          “We supply good quality turmeric and            Currently all the processing takes place
conducted his business; it was of extreme        ginger roots to selected women who have          in our domestic kitchen, however, by 2022 we
love for his customers, their needs, requests,   the enthusiasm to work as a group and to         hope to complete our move into a facility with
and the full confidence in his business          see the fruits of their effort realized”.        a commercial kitchen and packaging area.
and the products he was trying to sell that           Yellow Hands business model places              With such difficult circumstances for
made him successful. He always focused           great emphasis on ethical values, such as fair   everyone at the moment, we are amongst
on superb quality and unmatched customer         prices for products grown and delivered to       the very few small social enterprises in Harare
service, both of which set him apart from his    them. “Most of our ingredients for YH spice      that are feeling confident of achieving some
competitors back in the 1980’s.”                 blends are sourced regionally and we grow        success. At YH we are a very small group
    Yellow Hand’s mission statement “FROM        certain ingredients such as chilli peppers,      of women with big hearts; we want to see
SOIL TO SERVICE” is based on those               herbs, and vegetables at our plot as well”.      our network of women grow into a thriving
principles of ethical practice.                       “We have a dream that YH will bring         cooperative of successful small plot farmers
    In February 2019 Yellow Hands officially     awareness in Zimbabwe and that our growers       and spice artisans.”
became what is known today as a social           MUST receive fair prices on their goods,

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                              24                                              www.ndeipi.co.zw
With Dignity, Care and Respect

           Barry: 0773 773 743 or 0733 778 267
           Taffy: 0772 998 157 or 0714 127 120
           Rodney: 0772 226 692 or 0715 303 522
           190 Sam Nujoma (2nd St. Ext),
           Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe
By MICHELLE MATSWAYI                                                                                                   ART AND DESIGN

          Bindu Books

        tephen King stated “books are the             went into publishing. Our 1st novel being
        perfect entertainment: no commercials,        Young and BulletProof by Dave Young. Dave
        no batteries, hours of enjoyment for          Young is a Zimbabwean author who was
        each dollar spent. What I wonder is           in the police force and writes his memoir
        why everybody does not carry a book           illustrating the stories of old behind a
 around for those inevitable dead spots in            policeman’s eyes. When we published Dave’s
 life”                                                novel, he commented that the hard copy
      Through the past or current unusual             of the book printed here by our Zimbabwe
 events since 2020 reading has kept most of           printers was as good as anything produced
 us going as a form of escapism or giving the         by Amazon Books.
 much-needed motivation or advice. Reading                 We are currently working on other novels
 is a refreshing                                                                   to be published by
 pastime as                                                                        us and one of them
 Stephen King                                                                      being a children’s
 said it is a                                                                      novel. So, not only
 no ad break                                                                       are we seeking
 entertainment;                                                                    to promote local
 one can simply                                                                    content through
 travel to                                                                         selling novels but
 different places                                                                  also involved in
 through the                                                                       publishing their
 turning of pages                                                                  work.
 and be different                                                                       To do this
 characters at the                                                                 more we have
 same time.                                                                        taken it upon
      Bindu books                                                                  ourselves to also
 was established                                                                   bring the author
 towards the                                                                       to the readers. In
 end of 2020                                                                       most cases book
 with the aim of                                                                   clubs occur to
 developing a                                                                      discuss novels
 reading culture                                                                   and readers often
 among people.                                                                     have questions
 We started                                                                        for the author on
 off with an                                                                       their thoughts
 exchange library.                                                                 and inspirations.
 You come in with                                                                  We have started
 a book and swap                                                                   our own space
 it for another                                                                    called Meet The
 for a specific                                                                    Author. This is
 period. The vision was to create a library that      a platform where we will be exploring the
 was accessible in order to develop a reading         author’s novels, upcoming work and also
 ethos.                                               their inspirations allowing the audience to
      With the realization of the lack of             ask questions. To top it off we started with
 knowledge about Zimbabwe’s very own                  Bryony Rheam, author of the award-winning
 talented writers who are more popular in the         Zimbabwe Association Award in 2010 This
 United Kingdom, South Africa, Kenya, USA             September Sun and All Come to Dust. This
 and other countries outside our borders, we          gave various readers, authors and upcoming
 made it our goal to promote local content.           readers an opportunity to join in the
 To be able to sell and bring closer to home          discussion. Bindu books intends to host more
 our own authors and their novels.                    of these events on a regular basis in order
      In doing so Bindu books has grown               to afford many authors a platform to speak
 immensely and managed to stock up books              about their work and also receive feedback
 from 11 Zimbabwean authors to date. Our              from readers.
 bestselling novel is Jack Malloch by Alan                 With more works in the pipeline our aim
 Bough who has also been selected as a                is to continue to grow our bookstore with
 finalist in the 2021 International Book Awards.      more of Zimbabwean authors and other
 Another bestseller and frequently sought for         best-selling novels. If you are an author with
 novel, is The Lucky Bean Tree. We have sold          a novel and looking for where to sell it, or
 quite a number of these novels that reflect          want to publish your book, look no further
 and illustrate both fiction and true life stories.   as we are there to assist you make your work
 We have also expanded our territory and              known!                                             bindubooks_shop

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                   26                                         www.ndeipi.co.zw
By CHENGETAYI NOSIKHUMBUZO MNISI                                                                  HEALTH AND WELLNESS

                                                LOSING NEVER
                                                FELT SO GOOD
                                                      I am Chengetayi Nosikhumbuzo Mnisi and I believe
                                                       that fitness and wellness is a personal journey; you
                                                        have to want the best for yourself and your body. If
                                                         you are not motivated and disciplined enough for
                                                          yourself or by yourself, no one can take you there.
                                                               I started my fitness journey in July 2020, 8
                                                           months after giving birth to my daughter. We
                                                          had been thrown into total lockdown after the
                                                         Covid-19 pandemic struck, my life had become
                                                        monotonous and I was very unhappy with how I
                                                      looked. I really did not know how to get my life on
                                                    track, but thanks to my friend Tsitsi Mujuru, I started
                                                   working out and I have never looked back since.
                                                          Fitness is more than just looking good in a bikini
                                                             or feeling confident enough to wear a short
                                                                dress. It is a daily love letter you write to
                                                                   yourself, it is about giving your body
                                                                   a fighting chance against sickness and
                                                                   diseases. Fitness is also about having the
                                                                   discipline to show up for yourself and do
                                                                    exactly what you said you would do. It is
                                                                    an escape and a consistent challenge to
                                                                 do better for no one else but you. Fitness is
                                                               not a size or number on a scale, it is ultimately
                                                             you feeling confident, fierce and free in your
                                                           beautiful body!
                                                             Unfortunately time, genes, childbearing and
                                                          age are not kind to women, we need to stay
                                                             ahead of the curve when it comes to our
                                                                bodies and mental wellness. I advise all
                                                                    women to live a healthy lifestyle, move
                                                                      their bodies and adopt better eating
                                                                        habits. Working out is not easy but
                                                                          it can be fun when you find what
                                                                             works for you, either dancing,
                                                                              running, weightlifting, swimming,
                                                                                 yoga, the options are endless.
                                                                                 You are ultimately the expert of
                                                                                 your body; find what works for
                                                                                you and run with it!

                                                                             TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
                                                                             Work out for at least 30 minutes
                                                                             a day, 3 times a week, you are
                                                                             considered fit if you can do
                                                                             this consistently for 6 months
                                                                                       straight. Having a

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare     27                                                www.ndeipi.co.zw
trainer or a group of people      FOR INTERMEDIATE
you workout with is a great      TRAINERS
way to stay consistent and       Once you get into your
be accountable.                  groove and have your
     When it comes to            form on lock, you can
                                                                           18 JULY 2020                                                19 JULY 2021
nutrition there are sacrifices   start adding equipment
that need to be made,            to your workouts. You
especially when you are          can purchase some
trying to lose some excess       dumbbells, resistance
weight. You need to              bands, exercise balls,
drop white carbs, sugar,         aerobic steps and so
alcohol and fast food for        on but make sure you
vegetables, meat, eggs,          also consult a trainer
dairy and at least 3 liters of   before purchasing this
water a day.                     equipment.
     Just making these
changes alone will improve       FOR THE EXPERTS
bowel movement, improve          At this stage you would
your sleep patterns, make        have figured out what
you feel lighter and much        works for you and what
sharper as well. Combine         you are good at. You
this with working out, you       can switch up your
are guaranteed to attain         training; if you run, pick
results; they are never          up some weights for
instant but you can give         strength or do some
yourself at least 3 months       yoga for flexibility.
before you notice some                When it comes to
drastic change, consistency      exercising at different
is a must!                       levels, absolutely
                                 nothing can stop you
FOR BEGINNERS                    from doing something,
Bodyweight exercises             no matter how simple it
are the best, so that you        is. For women you can
get a hang of how your           exercise at any point in
body moves, work on your         your life, for weight loss,
cardiovascular system and        when pregnant, post
find what you enjoy.             pregnancy and so on.

                                                               MORE ABOUT CHENGETAYI
                                                                I am an American Council on Exercise certified Group Fitness Instructor
                                                               and an Oh Baby! Pregnancy & Postpartum Trainer with 2 “No Excuses”
                                                               Virtual Programs. I have helped over 200 people in their wellness journeys
                                                               since I started and it has been a fulfilling experience.
                                                                   Ultimately you are in control of your body and your wellness.
                                                               Absolutely nothing works unless you do, so if you have been waiting for a
                                                               sign to just start working out, this is it. If you start today, you will be one
                                                               step closer to your goal!

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                             28                                                  www.ndeipi.co.zw
Important Numbers                                                                                                     COVID-19 Vaccination
                                                               MEDIC ALERT                                             Centres in Harare
   EMERGENCY SERVICES FROM A LANDLINE                          1 Van Praagh Ave, Milton Park                           1. Parirenyatwa Central
   DIAL 993 OR TOLL-FREE FROM A CELLPHONE DIAL                 (024) 2 704488, 2916307
   112 Econet, 114 Netone, 911 Telecel                         medalert@africaonline.co.zw,                            Hospital
   Harare Hotlines: (024) 2 771221, 0712-600002                www.medicalert.co.zw                                    2. Mbare Polyclinic
   These numbers will give you access to Ambulance Services,                                                           3. Sunningdale Satellite
   Fire Brigade and the Police across Zimbabwe.                                                                        4. Hatfield Satellite
                                                               ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE                                     5. Highfields Polyclinic
                                                               Road Angels (024) 2 334418, 0772 122122, 0732 122122,
                                                               0713 122122, 0714 122122                                6. Southerton Satellite
AMBULANCES                                                                                                             7. Mufakose Polyclinic
ACE AIR and Ambulance (024) 2 302141,                          Automobile Association (AA), (024) 2 776760, 2932089,   8. Kuwadzana Satellite
0782-999901/2/3/4, Emergency (024) 2 302141                    0782 783691, 0712406033                                 9. Kuwadzana Polyclinic
AMBULANCE CARE & EVACUATION (024) 2 332365/6,                                                                          10. Warren Park Polyclinic
0718 889889                                                    POLICE EMERGENCY
                                                                                                                       11. Kambuzuma Polyclinic
                                                               Report accidents (024) 2 495504, (024) 2 703631,
CIMAS Rescue Ambulance Services (024) 2 700 070,               24 hrs (024) 2 748836                                   12. Mabelreign Satellite
(024)2 700 085/26, Toll Free Number 08 080 300                 Harare Complaints Desk, (during working hours)          13. Malborough Satellite
CITY Ambulance (024) 2 783980-7, (024) 2 772375-6              (024) 2 703631                                          14. Avondale Satellite
                                                               Central (024) 2 748836, (024) 2 777777                  15. Belvedere Satellite
EMRAS (024) 2 250011/2, (024) 2 797479, 0772 141610            Avondale (024) 2 336361, (024) 2 336632
                                                               Borrowdale (024) 2 860061-7                             16. Mt. Pleasant Satellite
MARS Ambulance (024) 2 771221, (024) 2 706034,                 Highlands (024) 2 495504                                17. Hatcliffe Polyclinic
(024) 2 790391, 0712 600002, 08644114578                       Mabelreign (024) 2 336000, (024) 2 305651               18. Borrowdale Satellite
                                                               Marlborough (024) 2 301802, (024) 2 301853 CID          19. Highlands FHS
NETSTAR Ambulance Service (024) 2 797588-90,                   Milton Park (024) 2 799298, (024) 2 708113
(024) 2 2900251, 0774 828888                                                                                           20. Mabvuku Satellite Clinic
                                                               Monavale (024) 2 336361, (024) 2 336608
ST JOHN’S Ambulance (024) 2 764354, (024) 2 253046, (024) 2    Harare Suburban District 0242777639                     21. Greendale FHS
250351, 0774 452233, 0779 587631                               Mabvuku 0242491069                                      22. Eastlea FHS
                                                               Rhodesville 0242481111                                  23. Wilkins Hospital
                                                               Ruwa 02732132726
                                                               Police Roadside Assistance 24hr, (024) 2 700171/9       24. Sally Mugabe Central
HOSPITALS                                                      Police Harare Operations                                Hospital
Avenues Clinic 66 Baines Ave, (024) 2 251180/1/99,             +263242777777 or +263242748836
(024) 2 252480-5, 08677 006175, (Emergency) 0772 135259
                                                               Police 24/7 Hotline Traffic & Crime
Healthpoint Hospital 15 Lanark Road, Belgravia,                +263242703631
(024) 2 700666/7/8, (024) 2 703355, (024) 2 795483,
(024) 2 705141                                                 Police Central Traffic
                                                               +263 24 2777640
Medical Centre, 52 Baines Avenue 24-Hour,
(024) 2 705449                                                 FAULTS                                                  CHIPEJ - CHIPEJ SYSTEMS
Michael Gelfand Clinic 53 Josiah Chinamano Ave,                ZESA 24-hour faults, (024) 2 704040                     ZIMBABWE
(024) 2 251067, (024) 2 708844/5                               Avondale, Mabelreign, Milton Park, Monavale (024) 2
Parirenyatwa Hospital Mazowe St, Milton Park,                  Belvedere, Warren Park (024) 2 704040                   ChiPeJ GOODS BUYING
(024) 2 702224, (024) 2 701554-7, (024) 2 705941-3             Borrowdale (024) 2 704233                               We purchase used or broken
MIilton Park Medical Centre                                    Central (024) 2 704235/236/237                          goods, furniture, excess to
+263 8677 188522                                               Highlands (024) 2 704233/5/7
                                                               Mabvuku (024) 2 704235, 2906937                         requirements.
                                                               Southerton (024) 2 704231/2                             - Create space at home or office.
EMERGENCY AND TRAUMA - OPEN 24 HOURS                           Waterfalls (024) 2 704231/2                             - Convert unwanted into USD
Arundel Mediclinic ER24, 92 Norfolk Rd, Mt Pleasant, Hre       CITY OF HARARE Water faults, burst pipes (024) 2        cash.
(024) 2 301495, 08677000269                                    705654 Call Centre Director Engineer Mabhena Moyo
                                                               (024) 2 705824
Baines Intercare Medical Centre, Accident and Emergency                                                                ChiPeJ DEBT MANAGEMENT
15 Baines Ave, (024) 2 700950                                                                                          - Commission based debt
Belvedere Medical Centre Accident/Emergency Centre, 189        SUSAN’S PRELOVED CLOTHING                               collection using our own
S. Machel Ave, (024) 2 740196/236/185                          Sharon’s Preloved Fashion For Ladies of all             resources.
                                                               sizes, Just arrived latest summer stock. Cotton         - Registered with Financial
Emergency Medical Centre Corporate 24 6 Bath Rd,
Belgravia (024) 2 700410, 2250538, 086-44099814                dresses, stretchy dresses, maxi, short, shirt           Clearing Bureau
                                                               dresses and formal and flared dresses, long             - We protect your reputation and
ER 24 53 J. Chinamano Ave, (024) 2 762937/8/9,                                                                         relationship with your client
0772 905089, Pharmacy (024) 2 762940                           and short skirts, tops, t- shirts and jumpsuits,
                                                               summer pants assorted colours and ¾                     - Harare based, but cover the
FIRE Brigade 994, (024) 2 700950                               trousers. Opening hours during the week 9am -           whole country
                                                               5 pm, Saturdays 9am - 3pm. We are on 78 The             - Backed by Legal Practitioners
Kensington Medical Health Clinic 1 Kenny Rd, Kensington,
(024) 2 700218, 0782 005903                                    Chase Mount Pleasant Harare
                                                               Contact No 0772635607                                   ChiPeJ ACCOMMODATION
Trauma Centre Borrowdale 1 Borrowdale Lane,                                                                            - Affordable overnight
(024) 2 886921/4, 0773 333691                                  Instagram page: susanprelovedfashion
                                                                                                                       accommodation in Hatfield, near
 Classifieds                                                                                                           - Choice of 3 bedrooms
                                                                                                                       - Self catering, Microwave, stove,
 SHARON’S JEWEL                                                                                                        hot water, TV, en-suite
                                                               MOBILE SPA                                              - Quiet, private, secure
 For all your jewellery repairs e.g. broken chains, lost       Exfoliation , facials , massages , manicures,
 stones. Ring resizing and engraving, Commission                                                                       - Discounts for long stays
                                                               pedicures and waxing. Bath sheets , towel sets          - Free Airport shuttle
 Sales, Pearl and Bead restringing and Repairs.                , epsom salts and foot creams for sales.
 Valuations. Jewellery made to your design. Call                                                                       0719222826
                                                               Contact Julita: 0719983321.                             info@chipej.co.zw
 Sharon 0772 345 729.                                          Facebook and Instagram: A Spa Has No Name               www.chipej.co.zw

Issue 5   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                  30                                                www.ndeipi.co.zw
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