Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...

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Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
RNI No. MAHENG/2016/66849 | Post Reg. No. MNE/375/2019-21 | Volume VI | Issue 20 | Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020 | Price Rs.3/-

  Corona non-stop at 5,500;
  Death toll rises over 300
■ Home Times Network                                                                 reached to 5.5k. However, the                Since the last 10 days, India is
                                               COVID 19 Positive
  Although India is at the 3rd                                                       death toll has risen to 306.                      recording new cases more
position in worldwide statistics of             Cases in T-Ward                        Corona is impacting                               than any other country
COVID-19, India's contribution              Total Cases - 5466                       the lives of Indians for                             in the world. While
to the global corona graph has              Active - 693                             the sixth month in a                                 looking at the charts
been highest over the last few              Recovered - 4466                         row. The positivity rate                             of T-Ward Mulund, 45
days. In the last few weeks, more                                                    of Corona in the country                            new cases are reported
than 50k new COVID-19 cases                 Death - 307                              is 7.60% which means                              every day since the last few
are being reported nationwide on         more than 2.4 million COVID-19              that 7.60% of the COVID-19                   days. However, citizens are still
a daily basis. India has reported        cases. In Mulund, the figure has            tests turn out to be positive.                                       Contd. on page 06
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
2                                             Volume VI | Issue 20                                                     Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

    Classifieds                            14 days Quarantine Mandatory
                                            for all domestic passengers
                                          ■ Home Times Network                     mandatory quarantine by seeking          As per the guideline, three things
                                            In an attempt to seize the increase    an exemption by displaying their ID      were made compulsory -1) Every
                                          of Corona Virus cases in Mumbai          (Identification Cards). This has posed   passenger would be stamped and will
                                          the Brihanmumbai Municipal               a big challenge for BMC to control       have to go to 14-day home isolation;
                                          Corporation (BMC) is leaving no          Corona Virus cases in Mumbai.            2) Mandatory Download of Aarogya
                                          stone unturned. In yet another move to   Hence to stop such misconduct of         Setu app, and 3) Passengers should
                                          curb COVID 19, the BMC has made          errant government officers the BMC       not be a resident of containment
                                          14-day home isolation 'Mandatory'        has made it mandatory for officers       zones.
                                          for all domestic passengers arriving     who seek such exception to seek            To strictly enforce the SOP
     Important Notice
                                          in Mumbai. In the special case of        permission from BMC by writing an        norms, the state government has
      regarding advts.                    government officials seeking an          application to amc.project@mcgm.         appointed additional municipal
 carried in this newspaper                exemption, the BMC has urged    two days before landing.          commissioners in the state as the
HOME TIMES carries and publishes          them to seek permission in writing         Due to national wide lockdown,         nodal officers. These officers have
various Advts. of different genres. The   from the Corporation two working         all airline services both domestic       to ensure and take an undertaking
content and creatives of these Advts.
are the sole responsibility of the Ad-
                                          days before arrival.                     and international were suspended         from passengers arriving at the
vertisers. You may kindly note that         An official from the BMC briefing      for two months. When the                 airport to declare -that he/she has
HOME TIMES Owners, Publishers,            media said that in the past few weeks    services started the government of       not been affected by Covid-19,
Printer and Editor do not take any
responsibility legal or other, for any    there have been many instances           Maharashtra had issued Standard          neither has any symptoms of
content published in any Advt.            where top government officials have      Operating Procedures (SOP) for           Covid-19 nor is a resident of any
- Owner, Publisher, Printer and Editor    broken the government protocol of        every passenger of domestic flights.     containment zone.

BJP's leader of opposition Pravin Darekar visits
  Richardson & Cruddas's COVID Care Centre
■ Home Times Network                                                                                                     Pravin Darekar added, "The BMC
  Expresses     concern      on    non-                                                                              jumbo COVID Care Centre at Mulund
functioning of ICU and the                                                                                           is thus an example of the BMC failure
Dialysis' centers; condemns the                                                                                      and the wastage of hard-earned money
mismanagement of BMC and wastage                                                                                     of Mumbaikar, which they pay in tax
of Mumbaikars’ hard earned money                                                                                     to BMC." Pravin Darekar also raised
in the name COVID Care Centre.                                                                                       a question on not appointing health
  BJP's leader of opposition in                                                                                      employees to manage these hospitals and
Maharashtra Pravin Darekar and                                                                                       depend on the agencies. Pravin Darekar
Mulund MLA Mihir Kotecha paid a                                                                                      threatened the BMC to stop looting the
visit to Mulund's Jumbo COVID Care                                                                                   common man in Mumbai on the guise of
Centre located at Richardson & Cruddas                                                                               COVID Care Centers or else the BJP will
premises on Saturday. They inspected                                                                                 expose the true face of BMC and brings
the functioning and facilities available                       a COVID Care Centre in a civic school                 the truth in front of the people.
to COVID patients. They also took an                           in Mithghar in Mulund East. Besides, a              Pravin Darekar also took a dig at the poor
account of the administration at the center.                   COVID Care Centre has been lying ready            administration of the jumbo COVID Care
Eyebrows were also raised over the massive                     but unused at Octroi Naka at Check Naka           Centre in Mulund. He pointed out that vital
expenditure at the Jumbo center which is                       in Mulund west. In comparison to the two          ICU and the Dialysis centers in the jumbo
more than any jumbo COVID Care Centre                          COVID Care Centers, the jumbo center at           COVID Care Centre have still not been
in Mumbai.                                                     Richardson & Cruddas premises is quite            functional! Darekar lamented, "In an acute
  Briefing media, Pravin Darekar allegedly                     exhaustive and large. As a result, the expense    COVID case the priority to a patient is the
condemned BMC for unnecessary wasting                          of treatment at this COVID Care Centre            availability of Oxygen and ICU unit but
money at COVID Care Centre located at                          is huge hence less number of patients are         alas the center does not have such important
Richardson & Cruddas premises. Pravin                          preferring treatment and this center, which       facilities. This raises a question mark on the
Darekar observed, "Mulund already has                          is nothing but a loss?"                           quality of a COVID Care center.”
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020                                                      Volume VI | Issue 20                                   3

■ Home Times Network                             will be used for monsoon diseases. Thus we           When HOME TIMES confronted Kishore
  Monsoon may have made the city romantic        would be using just one dispensary per ward.       Gandhi, Assistant Commissioner of BMC
and joyous but along with monsoon, arrives       Secondly, we have 28 maternity Homes, out          T-Ward about COVID Care Centre's being
a bagful of season diseases like dengue,         of these we would use just 3 for COVID care        used for Non-COVID cases, he took a
malaria, leptospirosis, typhoid, cough, and      and rest 25 for Non-COVID patients."               diplomatic stand. He subtly said, "Till now
cold. With the city already under the threat       A senior IAS officer informed that Chief         the corporation has not stated any guidelines
of Corona Virus, and the city civil hospitals    Minister Uddhav Thackeray had instructed           regarding conversion of COVID Care
full of COVID 19 patients, the BMC has           to arrange additional beds to tackle monsoon       Centre into Non-COVID Centre. He added,
decided to convert many COVID Care               related diseases and that the COVID patients       "Secondly, Mulundkars need not panic as
centers into Non-COVID centers to treat          would be treated at the Jumbo COVID Care           in Mulund we have M.T. Agarwal Hospital
patients suffering from water-borne monsoon      Centers at Worli Dome, BKC, NESCO,                 and Veer Savarkar Hospital to handle the
diseases.                                        Mulund, and Dahisar. Surprisingly, in              monsoon related diseases."
  Briefing the press Suresh Kakani,              contrast to Chief Minster's' order, the BMC          "Nevertheless, in case, if the rush of non-
Additional Municipal Commissioner said,          administration is planning to convert the          COVID patient increases then the COVID
"We have 186 dispensaries across Mumbai.         COVID Care Centre for waterborne diseases!         Care Centre at Octroi Naka will be opened
Out of these 186 dispensaries, we would            Mulundkars’ need not panic - Kishore             to tackle any kind of emergency," he
use just 25 for COVID care while the rest        Gandhi, Assistant Commissioner of BMC              quipped.

 Schools and Colleges may Re-open in September
 ■ Home Times Network                Uddhav Thackeray and soon             for snacks and refreshments.                Though the students are
   With cases of Corona Virus        the government will issue fresh       All schools and colleges will             delighted at returning to
 declining and normal life           guidelines to start schools/          be allowed to function with a             schools/ colleges, the parents are
 gradually coming back on            colleges.                             capacity of 33% of teaching               apprehensive. They fear it is too
 track, the central government         According to reliable sources,      staff and an equal number of              early to start schools/ colleges
 is planning to re-open schools      the schools/colleges will first       students."                                as India is still struggling to
 and colleges across the country.    start classes for students of class     Earlier the Assam government            fight Corona Virus outbreak and
 According to reports, in the        X and XII. Informing about the        had announced to start                    it would be unwise to play with
 forthcoming Unlock stage 4.0,       mode of operation, a school           educational institutes from               the lives of children. Santosh
 the educational institutions will   teacher informed, "To maintain        September 1, 2020, but                    More, a parent of a private
 re-open in a phased manner          social distance and rules             awaited a nod from the central            school, told HOME TIMES,
 between September 1 and             applicable for Corona Virus           government. Now, with the                 "Till now India does not have
 November 14. However, the           pandemic, if a school has four        central     government       itself       a vaccine against COVID 19.
 center has put the ball in the      divisions then it would conduct       announcing to start schools/              Secondly the number of Corona
 court of the state and asked        classes on alternate days with 2      colleges from September 2020,             Virus cases in India has not
 the state to take a final call on   divisions viz A and C attending       Maharashtra and other states              declined so why unnecessarily
 the reopening of schools after      school on odd days while              have decided to give a nod.               put the lives of young students'
 reviewing the Corona Virus          divisions B and D attending it        Though the schools might                  at stake?"
 status in the state.                on even days."                        resume functioning, it would be             Shilpa      More,       another
   It may be noted that the            Sharing more information, the       different from the 'usual' school         concerned parent said, "I am
 government is under pressure        teacher informed, "The timing         pattern. The new functioning              a mother and I know how
 to begin educational institutions   of the school will be limited.        pattern will be based on social           difficult it was to restrain our
 as students discontented by         Every school will function in         distance and other rules of the           children indoors for nearly 4
 the online classes have been        two shifts - morning 8.00 am to       Corona Virus pandemic. Hence              months. If a school starts, I am
 demanding to start schools/         11.00 am and afternoon 12.00          some schools will have open               sure these children will rush to
 colleges. Hence Varsha Gaikwad,     pm to 3.00 pm. Schools would          classes, some would prefer                hug their friends and it would
 School Education Minister has       function for 5 -6 hours with 2-3      staggered entry, some may opt             be a hurricane task for school
 assured the aggravated students     hours reserved exclusively for        for alternative day classes, and          management to abide by social
 that a proposal has been sent       the physical classroom teaching.      others may adopt some unique              distancing norms and rules of
 to Maharashtra Chief Minister       There will be a one hour break        style of functioning.                     Corona Virus pandemic."
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
4                             Volume VI | Issue 20                                                 Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

       Editorial                                                     Mumbai's First Dedicated Post-
  Let us Celebrate                                                   COVID -19 OPD in Fortis Mulund
Ganesh Utsav at Home
                                                                     ■ Home Times Network                  minutely evaluated to gauge the
                                                                       Mulund's Fortis Hospital            gravity of the disease before, and
                                                                     is unarguably the 'Best'              after contracting COVID-19. In
  The Corona Virus pandemic has devastated global economics          multispecialty hospital in the        short, the combined efforts are to
and ruined the lives of countless people. The government resorted    city. Besides being a renowned        revitalize a patient, who suffers
to lockdown and then the subsequent unlock but alas in India         hospital, Fortis Mulund has           fatigue, weakness, and lethargy
people did not follow the guidelines of lockdown hence the result    played a key role in saving           as well as a patient having
is that even after 4 months, Corona Virus continues to unleash       the lives of many COVID-19            difficulty in recovering lungs
terror.                                                              patients in the ongoing corona        and breathing problems."
  Arrival of festivals, particularly, Ganesh Utsav is the most       virus havoc and has eventually          Furthermore, he added that,
enthusiastic festival of Maharashtra. The highlight of the           emerged as one of the
Ganesh Utsav is the blending of the people and giving a boost        best hospitals in the
to unity and brotherhood. However, today, when the country is        treatment of COVID-19.
passing through the dark phase of Corona Virus, the coming           Now, Fortis Mulund has
together of people and mingling is impossible because Corona         taken a step foward in
Virus is a highly communicable disease hence Social Distance         eliminating COVID-19
is the only means to keep at bay COVID 19. Hence for the             from its root by starting
first time, both Mumbaikars', and the devotees of Ganesha all        a     dedicated      'Post-
around Maharashtra will have to celebrate Ganesh Utsav subtly        COVID -19 OPD'. This
observing the guidelines' of Corona Virus dedicatedly to stop        exclusive OPD aims to tackle the      "We have observed significant
spreading of the lethal COVID 19                                     short and long term implications      complications in COVID-19
                                                                     of corona virus in the people         patients post recovery like
  Remember Corona Virus does not attack you until you give an
                                                                     who have survived it.                 lack of exercise tolerance,
invitation like you avoid social distance and mingle in the crowd
                                                                       First of its kind in the entire     disturbed sleep pattern, muscle
or move in open without a mask! Hence the government has urged
                                                                     Mumbai city, the Fortis dedicated     wasting, lack of appetite, etc.
all the Ganesha devotees to be devotional but not over passionate
                                                                     'Post-COVID -19 OPD' has              Consequently, we have set up
and enthusiastic. With the increase in global pollution, for the     categorized the Post COVID            a team of experts required to
past many years, environment enthusiasts are celebrating Ganesh      treatment into three categories:      thoroughly assess the post-
Utsav using Shadu Ganpati idols and urging others to follow the      (1) Clinical Assessment (2)           COVID-19            complications
trend of using environment-friendly Ganpati idols. Interestingly,    Psychological          Intervention   as we have witnessed that
this year, with a ban of the public procession to immerse Ganesh     and (3) Rehabilitative Care.          ordinary follow-ups fall short to
idol in lakes and ponds, it would be wise for every Indian to make   Headed by Dr. Rahul Pandit,           overcome the post-COVID 19
Ganesh idols of Shadu clay and Paper Ganesha, which are easily       Director-Critical Care, the post-     complications."
soluble and can be effortlessly immersed in our houses!              COVID-19 OPD has a dedicated            Dr. S Narayani, Zonal Director,
  With Corona Virus' threat looming large over our head it is a      team of expertise doctors like        Fortis Hospitals, Mumbai, said,
stupidity to go out and mingle in the Ganesha Visrajan procession.   Dr. Anita Mathew and Dr.              "I feel proud to inform that the
Today in these testing times, when people are not visiting our       Kirti Sabnis (infectious disease      medical team of Fortis was one
relatives' house due to fear of Corona Virus, it would be wise to    specialists), Dr. Charudatt Vaity     of the first to join the city-wide
celebrate Ganesh Utsav in the four walls of our house and seek       (consultant- intensive care)          fight against COVID-19 in early
the blessing of Bappa!                                               along with mental health experts      March 2020. In the past 4 months,
  Secondly, when there is a pandemic in the universe, even the       and physiotherapists.                 we have collectively cared for
Almighty, permits certain relaxation in the ceremonial rituals of      Informing about the Post-           over 2000 COVID -19 positive
any festival. Hence devotees can adopt online Pooja or Pooja         COVID -19 OPD', Dr. Rahul             patients. What is commendable is
ceremony shown on a cable TV to install (Sthapna) a Ganesha          Pandit quipped, "During the           that a huge percentage of patients
idol in your house. There is no need to invite a panditji because    consultation, we assess the           required acute critical care." She
you do not know how Corona Virus may knock and seek entry            lung fitness and the pulmonary        added, "In our next step, we are
into your house!                                                     fibrosis, particularly amongst        starting post-COVID-19 OPD,
                                                                     those patients who have had           where COVID-19 survivors will
  HOME TIMES wishes
Happy Ganesha to its
readers and urge them to
                             Hemanshu                                complicated       recoveries
                                                                     the ICU. Secondly, patients
                                                                                                      in   be rehabilitated back into their
                                                                                                           daily routine through Clinical
stay at home and celebrate
Ganesh Utsav with family!!
                             Kothari                                 with a history of pre-existing
                                                                     conditions such as diabetes,
                                                                                                           Assessment,         Psychological
                                                                                                           Intervention, and Rehabilitative
                                                                     hypertension, obesity, etc. are       Care."
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020                                                 Volume VI | Issue 20                                5

   New Revolution in COVID 19 Testing
Now Detect COVID 19 Result in 30 seconds!
■ Home Times Network                COVID-19 Test Pilot Project         samples will already be pre-            the change is not noticed by
  Despite      awareness      and   is a ray of hope to curtail the     loaded into the app. To attain          the human ear a computer
policing to control Corona          Corona Virus in India.              this marvelous feat, the voice          can easily detect the various
Virus, the deadly disease instead     What are the advantages of        analysis app takes the help of          parameters of the voice sample
of declining is increasing day      the Smartphone COVID-19             Artificial Intelligence (AI).           and decode any change in it.
by day. Each ward in Mumbai         test?                                 As per the latest developments        Since in COVID 19, the lungs
is plagued by 30 to 40 COVID          The biggest advantage of the      in Science, a human being's             are affected hence a person
19 cases daily. Further with        Smartphone COVID-19 test            voice consists of 6300                  suffering from COVID 19 has
festivals like Ganpati and          is that it has no side effects.     parameters. Based on this data,         a change in voice modulation.
Navratri round the corner, BMC      Secondly, in comparison to          the AI will work and test the             Suresh Kakani is hopeful
is in a fix. Hence BMC is using     any other method of testing,        voice sample of the concerned           that if the technology proves
multiple technologies like RT-      the non-invasive voice sample       potential COVID-19 patient.             triumphant, it will help detect
PCR test, (Real-Time                                                      What is the science behind            asymptomatic       people      at
Reverse Transcription                                                   the virus Test?                         crowded places like airports,
Polymerase         Chain                                                  As per the researchers,               malls, theatres, bus stands, and
Reaction            Test)                                               the voice of a person first             railway stations. It will be a
Rapid Antigen Test.                                                     gets affected if the lungs are          revolution in curbing COVID
Some hospitals and                                                      attacked by a disease. Though           19 in Mumbai.
laboratories are also
using Rapid-Antibody
Tests, which cost in the
range of Rs 500 to Rs
2,500. However, now
BMC has invented an innovative      analysis test is cheaper, and
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)-     last but not least it produces
based technology that promises      results within 30 seconds.
to detect COVID 19 infection        Suresh Kakani, Additional
in just 30 seconds and at an        Commissioner, Brihanmumbai
unbelievable economical rate!       Municipal Corporation (BMC)
  Termed       as    Smartphone     said, “A quick result is its
COVID-19 Test Project, the          greatest advantage. The study
test uses the recorded voice        will be conducted on 2,000
samples of the user on his/her      patients admitted at a jumbo
smartphone. The 'voice sample       COVID-19 facility in suburban
analysis' later detects the viral   Goregaon."
infection by analyzing sound          How does the Smartphone
waves of patients. If the project   COVID-19 test work?
is a success then it will be a        The patient has to record a
boon for India as it will help      sample of his /her voice in their
in detecting a large number of      respective Smartphones. The
COVID 19 cases and curb the         Smartphone has to download
disease.                            and install a Voice Analysis
  After making waves in             App. With the help of internet
many European countries, the        servers, the App will then match
Smartphone COVID-19 test            the patient's voice samples with
project has got a green signal      the voices of millions of people
from BMC. After the Antigen         who have tested negative
Boody Test, the Smartphone          for COVID-19 and whose
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
6                             Volume VI | Issue 20                                                   Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

■ Home Times Network        their operations along       of essential service        re-opening of offices,        scenario of Mumbai
  The State Government      with their government        staff. However, people      commencement            of    is not under control as
has started to consider     counterparts,          the   employed in private         local trains is essential.    expected.       Therefore,
the      decision      of   challenge of commuting       firms as well as semi       Health            Minister    the streamline of local
commencing            the   such a large number of       government employees        Rajesh Tope in a press        services to common man
local train services        employees stands before      are finding it difficult    conference stated that        would result in escalation
post the outbreak of        the        administration.   to     commute       with   the State Government is       of the COVID-19 cases
angry commuters in          Nallasopara       citizens   limited number of           in favor of resuming the      resulting in a strain
Nallasopara. Everyone       who      were     enraged    BEST and ST services.       local services. However,      on the health care
is pointing their fingers   by the inconvenience         Auto-rickshaw         and   the final decision lies in    infrastructure. At the
towards the Central         caused to them while         taxi drivers have sky-      the hands of the Central      same time, it will be
government.                 travelling to and fro for    rocketed their fares. The   Government.            The    difficult to abide by the
  The state government      work in Mumbai via ST        lockdown has caused         Central       Government      social distancing norms
has gradually begun to      demanded the starting of     an economic collapse        has clarified that the        in the local train. Hence,
resume operations in the    local services as early as   across the nation. There    local trains cannot be        as a precautionary
city under the Mission      possible.                    is a strain on the budget   availed by people other       measure, the local
Begins Again policy.          Local services in          of every household.         than essential service        services will not be
However, if the private     Mumbai are available         Thus, due to the hassle     staff until further orders.   started for common man
companies have to resume    only for the commute         to reach offices after      The current COVID-19          till further orders.

                                                                          Corona non-stop at
                                                                        5,500; Death toll rises...
                                                                                               (Contd. from pg.1)
                                                                      questioning as to when the            MP of North-East Mumbai has
                                                                      Corona virus will eradicate           also contracted corona. He has
                                                                      completely or at least the cases      informed the same via twitter on
                                                                      will reach their minimum              Monday.
                                                                      letting everyone resume their           Ongoing treatment in the
                                                                      daily routine. In the meantime,       hospital:
                                                                      people's tolerance and patience         Ex-MP informed that he and
                                                                      has ended leading to violation        his wife have tested positive for
                                                                      of rules. Consequences are            corona virus. He also added that
                                                                      observed in the statistics. Reports   his treatment has commenced
                                                                      of medicine to COVID-19 have          in the hospital. It is noteworthy
                                                                      given a new hope to the world.        that BJP leaders have been
                                                                      However, no one can predict the       conducting Public relation
                                                                      cease of Corona era.                  campaigns with their team which
                                                                         Ex-MP and his wife test            included visits to hospitals
                                                                      positive for corona:                  for monitoring the healthcare
                                                                         Corona virus spares no-one- be     infrastructure. Therefore, along
                                                                      it any celebrity or a common man.     with Mulund East corporator
                                                                      Reports of famous celebrities         Rajni Keni, Ex-MP and his wife
                                                                      contracting corona virus do           are also added in the names
                                                                      rounds daily. Well-known BJP          of BJP leaders affected with
                                                                      leader of Mulund and former           COVID-19.
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020                                                     Volume VI | Issue 20                                   7

 MGLR plagued by Pothole Menace:
Commuters undergoing a nightmarish experience
■ Home Times Network                                                                                                carrying patients to a nearby
  Come          monsoon        and                                                                                  private hospital have to undergo
Mumbaikars's        agony      with                                                                                 immense trauma. The patients in
potholes       begins.     Despite                                                                                  the ambulance, who are fighting
Brihanmumbai            Municipal                                                                                   life and death, are further
Corporation (BMC) spending                                                                                          traumatized by the traffic jam
crores of rupees on road                                                                                            leading to a patients' condition
  repair      before     monsoon,                                                                                   worsening or some losing life!"
Mumbai is marred by pothole-                                                                                          HOME TIMES Appeal to
ridden roads with the first spell of                                                                                BMC
rainfall. The plight of Mulund's                                                                                      Moved by the dismal condition
most thronged Mulund Goregaon                                                                                       of Nahur Bridge road on MGLR,
Link Road (MGLR)is a pointer.                                                                                       HOME TIMES took a reality
Commuters traveling on the                                                                                          check and was left stunned to
road are having nightmarish            menace, the road has become         maintain balance and this results        find the terrible condition of the
experience as the road is filled       narrower due to digging working     in autos toppling and causing            road. The road is truly so bad
with so many potholes that the         on both sides of the road. Hence    lethal accidents." Suryakanth            that it indicates utter neglect and
road is a potential threat to their    commuters driving on the road       informed, "The MGLR is the               absolute poor maintenance by
lives. Aggravated commuters            have a horrifying experience,"      only road connecting to Mulund           the concerned department.
complain that for the past three       he added.                           East-West, Nahur and Bhandup               HOME TIMES urges the
weeks the road is plagued                Lamenting over the pathetic       hence it is obviously being              BMC and the concerned civic
by potholes and the BMC's              condition     of     the    road,   commuted by maximum number               department to understand the
haphazard work of filling the          Suryakanth, an auto-rickshaw        of commuters. If the plight of           problem of the people and repair
pothole with paver blocks is           driver told HOME TIMES,             the road remains pothole-ridden          the pothole at the earliest. It
nothing but a mere eyewash!            "Already, the road is congested     then it will add to traffic delay        would be wise to resurface the
  A regular commuter on the            with digging work being carried     and accidents."                          entire patch of the road with
road said, "The entire stretch         out on both the sides of the          Sagar Phaple, a resident of            concrete rather than filling
of the road over the Nahur             road. To rub salt on the injury,    Nahur link road said, "Pothole           potholes with tar or paver blocks
Bridge is marred with countless        the road has so many potholes       menace is the key reason behind          as these are a temporary solution
potholes. As a result, the traffic     that we have to drive risking       traffic snarl on MGLR. What is           and wash-off with one heavy
is adversely hit and there is huge     our lives. Due to umpteen           most unfortunate is that due to          shower.
traffic jam. The worst affected are    potholes, we are unable to          traffic jams, many ambulances
the two-wheelers and
the      auto-rickshaw
drivers        because
some potholes are
so huge that the
tires get submerged
into the craters and
pose the threat of
turning the auto / a
bike upside down."
"At night, these
potholes        become
more         dangerous
as due to darkness
these potholes are
invisible and become
lethal for commuters
driving on the road.
Besides,        pothole
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
8                                 Volume VI | Issue 20                                                    Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

 Corona Virus grips Mulund Police Station,
 42 Police personnel test positive!
■ Home Times Network                                                                                 Senior Police Inspector; 4 Police Inspectors;
  The Corona Virus terror is leaving nobody                                                          besides few Sub Inspectors, and constables.
from its havoc. Regrettably, even the Frontline                                                      Two female constables are also infected by
Corona Warriors are becoming a target of the                                                         the Corona Virus.
lethal COVID 19. Last week, HOME TIMES                                                                 Sharing more information about the
had reported about Navghar Police station                                                            infected police officials, a Mulund West
staff being hit by COVID 19. Alas, this week,                                                        Police officer said, "All the infected police
the deadly COVID 19 has even gripped the                                                             personnel are stable. Some are recuperating
Mulund West police station. Shockingly in just                                                       at hospitals while some are quarantined
past 10 days, 15 police officials from Mulund      the good news is that many policemen have         at their respective homes. Interestingly,
West police station have tested COVID 19           recovered and resumed duty at Navghar             many policemen have recovered and are in
Positive!! The revelation of policemen testing     police station. This has filled a new vigor and   isolation at home."
COVID 19 has sent shockwaves among the             'Josh' among Navghar policemen to continue          Reliable sources also reveal that even the
citizens in Mulund.                                service with the same dedication.                 DCP had quarantined himself at the police
  Readers' are aware that last week HOME             According to BMC data up till July 31,          station, fortunately, he has tested negative.
TIMES had reported the unfortunate death           2020, the total number of Mulund West               Mulund Police Appeal
of Navghar Police Head Constable Bharat            policemen tested COVID 19 Positive were             The Mulund Police as a measure of
Laxman Patil (56) due to Corona Virus.             27 however, astonishingly, the number rose        precaution has urged Mulundkars' that
Surprisingly, besides, Bharat Laxman Patil,        to 42 by August 10, 2020. Thus in just 10         anybody who visited Mulund Police station
even the Navghar Police station Senior             days, 15 policemen got infected by Corona         in the last 15 days, to get tested for COVID
Police Inspector and many more officials           Virus. Among the 42 police officials'             19 immediately upon detecting symptoms of
have tested COVID 19 Positive. However,            infected at Mulund Police station include         Corona Virus.
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020                                                      Volume VI | Issue 20                                 9
■ Home Times Network                                                                                 a blind eye to such an important problem of
  The deplorable plight of public community                                                          the slum dwellers." "The MLA of the region,
toilets, particularly, in slums of Mumbai is no                                                      daily updates the Mulundkars about the status
hidden secret. The state of affairs of Mulund                                                        of Corona Virus cases in Mulund, however,
public community toilets is no different. The                                                        the bitter reality is that he does not have the
situation is so worse that many public toilets                                                       time to visit the slums of Mulund and take a
in slums are dilapidated and lying unused.                                                           reality check," alleged Bharat Amesar taking a
Some are so filthy and messy that residents                                                          dig at the inefficiency of the local MLA.
avoid using them, while few are lying defunct                                                          Box Resident’s woes Chidambar Survan:
due to the unavailability of water. Similarly,                                                       The community toilets are horrifyingly
in Mulund's Shanti Nagar slums there are 8                                                           unhygienic. They stink and are so messy
community toilets but unfortunately, just 2 are     A few months back the prominent slums of         hence people avoid attending such filthy
in suitable condition and used by almost 500      Mulund like Ramgarh, Indira Nagar, and Amar        toilets. These toilets not only require a
residents!! With such a massive population        Nagar slums made headlines for being Corona        thorough cleaning by water but they also need
thronging just two toilets, there is certainly    Virus infested. Hence the residents living in      sanitization daily. Alas, the civic body despite
chaos among the users, particularly, in the       the slums were terrified and feared visiting       repeated complaints does nothing.
morning. The ladies living in this region         the community public toilets. Speaking to            Dinesh Revappa: It is a proven fact that
are the worst impacted. Bharat Amesar, a          HOME TIMES, Bharat Amesar said, "I have            'Unclean Public Community Toilets' are the
social activist and President of Sewaram          been personally visiting the slums of Mulund       major source of Corona Virus in slums yet it is
Foundation, attacking the politicians alleged,    and trying to understand the basic problems of     tragic that civic body pays no heed for sanitizing
"The Corporators, MLA, and MP from the            the residents. During my visits, I realized, the   the Public Community Toilets in slums
region don’t care for the common man.             major problem presently faced by the residents     regions. On the one hand, Dattak Awas Yojana
  These political heavyweights are just seen      is the pathetic condition of the community         has urged its employees the responsibility to
making fake promises to resolve common            toilets."                                          clean their own toilets; unfortunately, today
man's woes on social media but in reality, they     He added, "Many community toilets are            there is a dearth of employees to clean toilets.
do not even visit their ward after winning the    in dismay state. Residents are making a hue        Hence we urge BMC to take the issue of filthy
election."                                        and cry, alas; the local corporators are giving    toilets with sincerity.
Corona non-stop at 5,500; Death toll rises over 300 - HOME ...
10                                   Volume VI | Issue 20                                                                            Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

                                                         "SU-JOK"                                     HAIR LOSS,
                                                                                                      due to PCOS                                                 Monisha
                                                               Remedies to restore, without Medicine &
                                                                       without any Side-effect (Part 2)                                                           Rawat
                                                           In women hair loss can be due                                                             individual to Stop &reverse hair
                                                        to PCOS (polycystic ovarian                                                                  loss due to PCOS, by natural
                                                        syndrome). PCOS is a hormonal                                                                ways, without any Medicine and
                                                        imbalance      characterized      by                                                         without any Side-effect.
                                                        multiple cysts in ovaries and                                                                   ● Learn de-stressing techniques
                                                        higher levels of male hormones                                                               like - Smile taiji, Smile meditation,
                                                        called androgens. The main cause                                                             Yoga and pranayama. Bhujangasan
                                                        of PCOS is stressful, sedentary                                                              is very effective yogasan for PCOS
                                                        lifestyle, wrong eating habits which                                                         condition.
                                                        results in weight gain, hormonal                                                                ● Maintain healthy weight with
                                                        imbalance, chronic inflammation                                                              regular walks, exercise that will
                                                        and insulin resistance.                                                                      help in reducing inflammation and
                                                           PCOS is common health                      PCOS is not permanent! As the                  also control the male hormone
                                                        condition amongstyoung women                  PCOS condition is reversed hair fall           production.
                                                        in their reproductive phase of life           completely stops and at Monisha’s                 ●    Avoid       foods      causing
                                                        and hair thinning on the scalp does           Mantra we are seeing these results.            inflammation like refined and
                                                        affect a woman’s self-esteem. The               At our Monisha`s Mantra,                     packaged foods, high fat foods,
                                                        good news is that hair loss due to            Mumbai; we successfully help                   caffeinated drinks, alcohol, red meat.
                                                                                                               Sujok Therapy
                                                                                        Stimulate the corresponding                      Seed therapy - apply
                                                                                        points of ovaries on the palm                        whole dried peas
                                                                                        of any hand, with diagnostic                         on the stimulated
                                                                                        probe or thumb and fingers.                      corresponding points
                                                                                        Do it for a minute, 4 times                           of ovaries, daily
                                                                                        daily with intention                               before sleeping (as
                                                                                        (as shown in pic 1).                                  shown in pic 2).
                                                                                Certified Expert in Preventive care of COVID -19 from World Health Organisation (WHO)
                                                                          Certified Expert in Break the Chain of COVID – 19 from MBRU of Medical and Health Science, UAE
                                                                                   Certified Expert in Epidemics, Panademics& Outbreak from University of Pttsburgh
                                                          Certified Expert to promote `Safety~ against COVID-19 from All India Institute of Public & Physical Health Sciences (AIIPPHS), India
                                                          Awardwinner of Inernational Women Excellence Empowerment Award (WEE) – 2020 as a RISING STAR
                                                         Founder of 'Monisha's Mantra', Mumbai; M.Sc., M.D. (Alternative Medicine), Life Coach, Master in Sujok, Consulting Nutritionist,
                                                                Corporate Trainer, Holistic Counselor, Sujok Diabetes Specialist, International Lecturer for Sujok & Smile Taiji.
                                                         Award Winner as a BEST PERFORMING TEACHER by International Sujok Association (ISA) - SIC 2019, NATIONAL EXCELLENCE HEALTH
                                                         AWARD - 2019, An ISO Certified Center at Mumbai. Mulund - 8655139777 / 9029960086, Goregaon - 8422947592 / 9820343592

                     Sunita Desai is a Tarot reader since 2003, Grand master in Reiki, Four levels in Chakra Meditation, Master in
                               Marma, GP in Shiatsu, crystals and Pyramid expert, master Acupressurist, aroma therapist,
                                                     Pranic healer, aura reader & Virtue Practitioner.
                     Writer of two books on Personality Development(which are taught in Gujarati medium schools in Maharashtra)
                           For personal consultation, You can contact her on: +91 93234 30355 or
                                    Tarot readings, predictions & tips for the week (15th August - 21st August 2020)
     Mesh / Aries (A,L,E)                             Kark / Cancer (Da, Ha)                              Tula / Libra (Ra, Ta)                                Makar / Capricorn (Kha, Ja)
     Prediction: You will get                         Prediction: You will get                            Prediction: Very positive                           Prediction: Your circum-
     some good news and someone                       some good invitations and                           vibrations will be felt from                        stances will help you to take
     will help you to solve your                      importance from unexpected                          your near and dear people. You                      right decisions.
     problem. Advice: (i) See your                    people.                                             will feel relaxed.                                  Advice: (i) Don’t get angry
     own face in the morning.                         Advice: (i) Avoid people who                        Advice: (i) Donate some                             this week.
     (ii) Use things brown in colour.                 give so many advices. (ii) Use                      useful things to needy people.
                                                                                                          (ii) Love thyself and people                        (ii) Use things white in colour.
     (iii) pay attention to your own                  things red in colour. (iii) Pay                     around you. (iii) Pay attention                     (iii) Pay attention to your
     thoughts.                                        attention to your pleasure.                         to your financial condition.                        nature.

     Vrishabh / Taurus (Ba, Va, U)                    Sinha / Leo (Ma, Tt)                                Vrushchik / Scorpio (Na, Ya)                         Kumbh/Aquarius(Ga,Sa,Sha, Sh)
     Prediction: You will have to                     Prediction:        Your long                        Prediction: You will travel to                       Prediction: You will become
     be very optimistic as things                     awaited work will complete                          complete your work and will                          more powerful and people will
     will not go very smooth.                         very speedily. Some good                            get full satisfaction.                               respect you in many ways.
     Advice:                                          news is there for you.                              Advice: (i) Don’t waste your                         Advice: (i) Don’t argue even
     (i) Eat curd daily or eat white                  Advice: (i) Be friendly with                        energy on useless things. (ii)                       when you are right.
     things.                                          new people. (ii) Control your                       Take care of your valuable                           (ii) Use things blue in colour.
     (ii) Use things green in colour.                 anger and excitements. (iii)                        things. (iii) Pay attention to                       (iii) Pay attention to your
     (iii) Pay attention to your food.                Pay attention to your trauma.                       your character.                                      humanity.

     Mithun / Gemini (Ka, Gha)                        Kanya / Virgo (Pa, Tha, Nn)                        Dhanu/Sagittarius (Bha,Dha,Fa)                        Meen / Pisces (Da, Cha, Tha, Za)
     Prediction: Your life partner or                 Prediction: You will be                            Prediction: Some money                                Prediction: You will face
     relative will give you surprise                  happy for one or other reason.                     problem will be there but you                         some problems which have no
     and happiness.                                   Everything is under your plan.                     will stay happy.                                      solutions. Only time will help
     Advice: (i) Give opinion only                    Advice: (i) Co-operate with                        Advice: (i) Keep your things                          you. Advice: (i) Take care of
     when you are asked.                              your well-wishers. (ii) Don’t                      tidy and clean.                                       your health and wealth. (ii)
     (ii) Use things grey in colour.                  doubt the intentions of the                        (ii) Use things pink in colour.                       Use things orange in colour.
     (iii) Pay attention to your                      people. (iii) Pay attention to                     (iii) Pay attention to your                           (iii) Pay attention to your
     health.                                          your negativity.                                   impression.                                           confidence.
Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020                                                   Volume VI | Issue 20                                11
Shri Bal Rajeshwar temple depicts
   COVID-19 outbreak scenario
■ Home Times Network                                                                                              taking darshan from outside the
  Amid the corona virus outbreak                                                                                  temple to pay obeisance to Lord
Shravan Monday was celebrated                                                                                     Shiva. An informative scene
on a low key basis in mulund                                                                                      glorifying Lord Bhole Nath was
outside famous Balrajeshwar                                                                                       depicted in the temple premises
temple. The devotees took                                                                                         in which Mahadev had appeared
darshan of lord Shiva from                                                                                        and the sadhu, saint, mahant
outside the temple and prayed                                                                                     were seen begging to him to free
to god to wipe out corona virus                                                                                   the whole world from Corona
from the world on the occasion                                                                                    virus outbreeak. As lord Shankar
of Shravan Monday, Mulundkars                                                                                     had swallowed the poison at
thronged the ancient temple of                                                                                    the time of Samudra Manhan,
Bal Rajeshwar in Mulund.                                                                                          so Bhoolenath is swallowing
  In the past Shravan Monday        view of COVID-19 outbreak              For the first time in the temple       this virus to save the whole
at Shri Bal Rajeshwar Mandir        there is not much enthusiasm         history, the gate of the temple          world. There were also scenes
in Mulund used to be very           among the public. The temple         was closed for Shravan Monday            of doctors, cleaners and police
special. Devotees used to flock     administration had ordered the       when Shravan Monday was of               were depicted near the entrance
to Mahadev's pindi to offer milk,   closure of public places so that     great importance. On the day             of the temple. At this time, Lord
sweets etc. Many vendors used       they would not get crowded. The      of Mahashivaratri, the pindi of          Shankar was worshiped and
to set up pooja sahitya stall.      temple administration avoided        Lord Shiva was anointed by               people prayed that the temple
However this year as the temples    holding a big event on this          some priests. But every Shravani         would be re-opened for the
across the country are closed in    occasion.                            Monday, devotees were seen               devotees as early as possible.

DahiHandi sans normal fervor in Mulund
■ Home Times Network                The sights of Govindas travelling
  In Maharashtra, Dahihandi is      to different parts of the city in
celebrated with great enthusiasm    trucks and tempos, orchestra near
every year. However, this year,     the handis, drum troupes and
due to the COVID-19 pandemic,       other elements which added to
the citizens were left with no      the joy of festival were not seen.
option but to celebrate Gopalkala   In this year, public gatherings
at their home safely. Unlike the    and events have been cancelled
usual festive season, there were    to avoid COVID-19 community
no high raised handis hung up       transmission. As a result,
neither on the streets nor in the   Govinda squads were not seen
societies and open grounds.         venturing out on the streets this
The sight of Govindas looting       year. However, on the other hand,
the pots was missed terribly in     Shrikrishna Janmashtami was
DahiHandi 2020.                     celebrated with great devotion       Krishna 's idol was worshipped           temple after taking darshan.
  Regardless of the age, every      at the Radhakrishna Temple           at midnight after adorning it with       Hence, Krishna Janmashtami
Mumbaikar has a great enthusiasm    located in the Zaver Road area of    new traditional attire. The temple       was succesful in this temple
to see Govindas forming a tall      Mulund. This temple is 59 years      was also open for devotees to            while abiding by the social
human pyramid on the day of         old. The temple is illuminated       visit on the subsequent day.             distancing as well as no crowd
Gopalkala. Nevertheless, the        with diyas and lights every year     However, the devotees were               norms. The uniqueness of this
corona outbreak has turned the      on Shrikrishna Janmashtami as        allowed in the temple upon               temple lies in not collecting any
tables. Mulund witnessed a low-     well as on ocassions of Bhajan-      the condition of abiding by the          fund for celebration of festivals.
key DahiHandi with no social        Keertan and the Maha Abhishek        social distancing norms. The             Festive poojas and activities are
gathering. The same scenario        of Lord Krishna. This year, on       temple administration requested          sponsored by Prakash Maharaj
was observed across the nation.     ShriKrishna Janmashti, Lord          devotees to kindly leave the             who looks after the temple.
12                               Volume VI | Issue 20                                                     Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

  ■ Home Times Network                             keep out China from the MGLR project              (EOI) a couple of construction firms
    With Indo-China rift gaining impetus,          bidding, the Finance Ministry has made            from China had shown interest in the
  the Indian government has decided to             amendments in General Financial Rules             'Design and Construction of Twin Tunnel
  teach China a lesson by not just slashing        (GFR), 2017 under which bidders from              including approaches and box tunnels
  ties with the country but also chopping-         border countries will be eligible only if         for GMLR project. Besides, China,
  off lucrative business offers. One of            they are registered with the Registration         Japan, and Korea, and 30 more firms
  the most rewarding offers that China is          Committee constituted by the Department           had expressed the desire to undertake the
  likely to lose is the ambitious multi-crore      for Promotion of Industry and Internal            project.
  Goregaon-Mulund Link Road (GMLR)                 Trade (DPIIT). Also, security clearance                   The GMLR Project
  mega project.                                    from the External Affairs and Home                        The BMC has planned the 13.65-
    According to civic officials due to            ministries would be mandatory.                          km GMLR to ease traffic on
  constraining ties between India and                The BMC officer said, "The new rules                  Mumbai's east-west connectors.
  China over a border dispute, the Finance         will negatively impact China seeking              The estimated cost of the project, which
  Ministry has imposed various barriers            participation in the project. We are              includes 4.7-km twin tunnels and an
  on the trade of goods and services from          anticipating the Finance Ministry's new           elevated road, is Rs 4,770 crore and the
  bidders of countries that share a land           guidelines'. As per the new law, we will          deadline for the work is five years from
  border with India. In this regard, BMC           make the necessary alteration in the tender       the day a contract is awarded.
  plans to make changes in the Global              clause and a new and modified RFQ will              The twin tunnels will pass through
  Request for Qualification (RFQ) of the           be displayed on the website. The new              Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP)
  GMLR project, which currently allows             tender is aimed at clipping China's wings         and will impact 19 hectares of reserved
  any firm to participate in tenders.              for participation in the mega project."           forest. The tunnels will be bored 25
    A senior officer from the BMC                    It may be noted in 2019 when the BMC            meters to 200 meters underground.
  Bridges department informed that to              had invited Global Expression of Interest

COVID 19 test rates slashed!
              Sigh of relief for common man
■ Home Times Network                              to regulate COVID 19 testing charges so              A BMC official said, "The other key
  In an attempt to make COVID 19 Test more        that people do not face the financial burden       reason behind reduction in COVID 19 test
economical and affordable for the common          to conduct COVID 19 test. The government           is to attract more and more people to come
man, the Maharashtra State Health Minister        obliged the people's demand and set Rs             forward and conduct COVID 19 tests. With
Rajesh Tope has announced an additional           2200/- for swab collection at COVID Care           the maximum tests, it will be easy to control
reduction of Rs 300/- in every three slabs.       Centres, and for swab collection at home, the      Corona Virus, however it is tragic still many
Thus the new rates applicable in the private      cost was fixed at Rs 2,500/- For people who        people are avoiding COVID 19 test due to
laboratory for COVID 19 test will be Rs           went directly to private labs for COVID 19         unaffordable rates. People are waiting for the
1900/-, Rs 2200/- and Rs 2500/- respectively..    voluntarily were charged Rs 2800/-                 government to reduce the test rates further."
The Health Minister has announced that              This is the second reduction in COVID 19                  The new COVID 19 Test Rates
private laboratories must abide by the state      Test. Under Mission Begin Again, the state                  1) Rs 1900/- instead of Rs 2200/- for
government guidelines and cannot charge           government has given relaxation in lockdown              swab collection at COVID Care Centers.
more than the revised rates.                      in certain sectors as a result there has been an            2) Rs 2200 /-instead of Rs 2500 /- for
  It may be noted when the private laboratories   increase in demand for testing instruments,        swab collection at Home
were charging arbitrarily huge amounts for        VTM kits, PPE kits prices of which have been         3) Rs 2500 /- instead of Rs 2800 /- for
COVID 19 test, there was a demand to fix a        subsequently reduced. Hence the government         people who go directly to private labs for
uniform rate for COVID 19 test. It was urged      has reduced the COVID 19 test rates.               COVID- 19 test voluntarily.
Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020                                                   Volume VI | Issue 20                            13

Corona affected policeman eases patients stress
■ Home Times Network                                                                              staff who visit the patients in PPE kits. The
  Everyone is aware how policemen are strict                                                      tunes of his flute calm down everyone's
and disciplined. Hence, many of us prefer to                                                      nerves and makes the hospital atmosphere
maintain a distance from them. However,                                                           pleasant. One of the doctor who listened to
at Fortis Mulund, different shades of a                                                           the melodious flute notes recorded the police
policeman who tested positive for COVID-19                                                        officer's video. This video is currently going
were seen. A police officer played flute in                                                       viral on social media. His art is now being
order to ease the mental trauma faced by                                                          lauded by all. People are also sharing this
the patients, doctors and staff in the Corona                                                     video with others to popularize the art of
era. The tunes were audible in every Corona                                                       the khaki officer. Several people have also
Ward of the hospital.                                                                             kept this video in their statuses. Citizens
  During the nationwide lockdown, police                                                          are wishing him a speedy recovery from the
personnel offered batons to citizens who                                                          deadly COVID-19.
were seen venturing out without any valid                                                           COVID-19 era is very critical. Despite
reason. While performing their duty, many                                                         all the odds, we are at work to maintain
policemen contracted COVID-19. One such                                                           the law and order and protect people even
officer who tested positive for corona while                                                      in these bitter times. In a similar way, I too
on duty is now recuperating in Mulund's                                                           tried to offer my best services while on duty.
Fortis Hospital. The otherwise strict police                                                      Unfortunately, I tested positive for corona
officer is entertaining himself as well as      COVID-19 in Mulund's Fortis Hospital. Post        virus. I also had to stay in the ICU for
trying to reduce the stress on his fellow       his treatment in ICU, the police officer was      treatment. But now that I am out of ICU, my
patients and medical staff on duty. Since       shifted to the General Corona ward of the         motive is to prosper my art while cheering
the last 17 days, an on-duty Assistant Police   hospital. In this ward, he is seen entertaining   up others in these serious times.
Inspector has been undergoing treatment for     his co-patients, doctors, nurses and medical                 - COVID-19 affected police officer
14                              Volume VI | Issue 20                                                Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

  Mulund husband gets life
 term for murdering his wife
  ■ Home Times Network               Jayesh Mhadlekar fell in the      vehemently took her to his         suspected an illegitimate
    Mulund resident Jayesh           bad company of friends and        house.                             relationship between Shreya
  Mhadlekar (36) has been            became an alcoholic. His            Shreya's mother smelled a        and his office boss. He had
  sentenced to life imprisonment     alcohol addiction created         rat when she called Shreya at      even threatened Shreya's
  on the charges of brutally         frequent brawls in the house.     her office and was shocked to      boss with dire consequences.
  murdering his wife Shreya          Eventually, in 2015, frustrated   know that she had not reached      Besides, being an alcoholic
  in his house. The judgment         by her husband's addiction,       the office. She suspected a foul   and an abuser, Jayesh had
  comes after three years. It        Shreya left the house and         play and immediately rushed        several criminal cases against
  was in 2017 when Jayesh            went to stay with her parents.    to Shreya's in-law's house         him.
  Mhadlekar had a household            On January 26, 2017,            where she found her daughter         Defending himself, Jayesh
  tussle with her wife and in a      Jayesh Mhadlekar went to          lying in a pool of blood on        Mhadlekar said that at the
  fit of fury, he had hit her wife   Shreya's house and requested      the floor! She rushed her to       time of the crime he was not
  on her head by a hard object.      her to return. However,           a nearby hospital but Shreya       in Mumbai and had gone to
  The blow was so forceful           Shreya's angry parents denied     was declared dead on arrival!!     Hyderabad. However, his lies
  that Shreya died on the            permission and kicked him           Mulund Police had lodged         were exposed as he failed to
  spot! Jayesh Mhadlekar was         out of the house. Disappointed    an FIR and even arrested           produce the train ticket to
  arrested and has been cooling      Jayesh Mhadlekar, left the        Jayesh Mhadlekar within 2          Hyderabad. Besides, an eye-
  his heels in jail.                 house but he did not go           days of the murder. During         witness said that on the day of
    The        Mulund       police   home. Instead, he waited          the court trial, the prosecutor    Shreya's murder.he had seen
  informed        that     Jayesh    outside Shreya's building.        Sulabh Joshi informed that         Jayesh Mhadlekar with Shreya
  Mhadlekar and Shreya had           When Shreya stepped out           Jayesh Mhadlekar was a             on a bike. Thus Jayesh's
  married in 2003 and had a          of the building to go to her      wicked person. He frequently       falsehood was exposed and he
  loving relationship. However,      workplace, Jayesh Mhadlekar       assaulted Shreya and also          was sentenced to a life term!

   Gang assaults youth;
Police arrest the hooligans
■ Home Times Network        to timely help by local     a gang of roadside           smashed Sunil's head         vicious assault. Soon the
  Violence broke out        people who took him to      ruffians'.    The gang       by paver blocks. Sunil       Bhandup police reached
on Wednesday night in       the hospital in time. The   consisted of Prashant        was seriously injured.       the spot of crime and
Bhandup West over a         Bhandup Police arrested     Patil, Durgesh Mayekar,      After beating Sunil the      within hours arrested the
trivial argument between    the hooligan within few     Nikhilesh Bhosle, and        foursome fled the scene.     foursome.
a youth and a gang of       hours.                      Kundan Singh. When             Watching Sunil lying in      The gang was booked
hooligans. The quarrel        On Wednesday night,       the confrontation turned     a pool of blood, nearby      under IPC 307 (attempt to
which started with heated   Sunil Kadam (30) had        into heated arguments,       by pedestrians' rushed       murder), 504 (intentional
argument turned violent     gone to Pandav Kund         Sunil tried to leave the     a bleeding Sunil to          insult with intent to
as the gang assaulted       premises in Bhandup         spot but the gang turned     Mulund's M.T. Agarwal        provoke breach of the
the      youth   gravely.   West for some work          violent and the foursome     Hospital. Later, the         peace), 323 and 34. The
Fortunately, the life of    when he had a verbal        thrashed Sunil black         Bhandup police were          police further probing
the youth was saved due     confrontation        with   and blue. They brutally      informed about the           the case.

Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020                                                    Volume VI | Issue 20                            15

Beware: Bogus Clean-up Marshals on prowl in Mumbai
■ Home Times Network                                                                              Assistant Engineer, Solid Waste Management,
  The hooligan attitude of bogus cleanup                                                          BMC-N Ward said,” that they don't have any
marshals doesn't seem to cease. Many                                                              clean up marshal system functional”. ZONE-
people have been thugged by people posing                                                         VII Deputy Commissioner Prashant Kadam
as cleanup marshals under the pretext of                                                          had assured in the past that stringent action
spitting in open or urinating on the streets.                                                     would be taken against these bogus clean up
Despite such incidents happening in many                                                          marshals. However, the cases of clean-up
areas of Mumbai, the Mumbai Police and          the pretext of citing urinating in public, not    marshals beating innocent citizens and looting
BMC are failing miserably to stop this          wearing a mask and smoking. The two citizens      them have escalated over the past few years.
looting. However, the Mulund Police have        pleaded to forgive them as they didn't have       Citizens are demanding that the BMC should
succeeded in arresting two bogus clean up       enough money to pay the fine. However, the        come up with a permanent solution in this case.
marshals. The video of the incident has gone    hooligans forcefully withdrew Rs. 400 from          The robbery by a bogus cleanup marshal in
viral on a social media on a large scale.       them. Some passerby journalists on their          Mumbai was exposed by an alert journalist.
  On 9th August, two bogus clean up marshals    way to Vikhroli witnessed the happening.          While robbing two people near Godrej
tried to rob two citizens, by snatching their   They sensed foul play and consequently            Company on the Eastern Expressway, a
phone and beating them up. Fortunately,         questioned the clean up marshals. But the         passerby journalist stopped and exposed
some journalists were passing by the spot.      thugs tried to intimidate the journalists as      these hooligans. The accused Sufiyan (30),
Upon being questioned by these journalists,     well and snatch away their mobile phones.         a resident of Diva and Vikram Kute (39) are
the accused fled away. Two citizens namely      The courageous journalists tried to contact       booked by the Vikhroli Police under sections
Sagar Parmar and Sanjay Jethwa were             police in this regard. As soon as the notorious   419, 420, 170 and 34 of the IPC. Sufiyan was
approached by these bogus cleanup marshals      thieves sensed the journalists' move, they        employed as a Clean-up Marshal in various
near Ghatkopar on the Eastern Expressway.       hurriedly fled away from the scene.               areas in the past, while the police are still
The accused demanded Rs 2,000 each under          When enquired by Home Times, Irfan Qazi,        investigating the exact job of Vikram.
16                                               Volume VI | Issue 20                                                                                      Saturday, 15th August - 21st August 2020

Printer, Publisher & Owner : Hemanshu Girish Kothari & Printed at Dangat Media Pvt. Ltd, Plot No.22, Digha MIDC, Vishnu Nagar, TTC Industrial Area, Digha, Navi Mumbai. Published at G/4, Landmark Appartment, Devidayal
        Cross Road, Mulund (W), Mumbai - 80.Home Times (Office): - 6th Floor, Flora Point, S.N. Road, Near Mulund Court, Mulund (W), Mumbai-80. Editor : Hemanshu Girish Kothari  RNI No.: MAHENG/2016/66849
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