WILDLIFE COVID-19 MARKETS and - Humane Society International
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WILDLIFE MARKETS and COVID-19 APRIL 2020 H U M A N E S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L 1 2 5 5 2 3 RD S T. N W S T E . 4 5 0 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037 USA S U G G E ST E D C I TAT I O N : Humane Society International. (2020). Wildlife Markets and COVID-19. Washington, D.C. WILDLIFE MARKETS AND COVID-19
Executive Summary By Ronald Orenstein, Ph.D., LL.B. The emergence and worldwide spread of the COVID-19 Ronald Orenstein is a Canadian zoolo- pandemic has had an overwhelming effect on both human health gist, lawyer, dedicated wildlife conserva- and the global economy. Understanding how this disease first arose tionist and the author of eleven books on science and nature. Dr. Orenstein should be of critical concern to governments around the world. is a consultant for Humane Society Identifying, and addressing, the source of COVID-19 may be crucial International (HSI), a member of the Board of Directors of the Species Sur- in preventing the next pandemic. vival Network (SSN), and a member of COVID-19 is caused by a virus, SARS-CoV-2, that probably the Asian Songbird Trade, Freshwater Turtle and Tortoise and Hornbill Specia- originated in bats. It is unlikely, however, that bats were directly list Groups of the of the IUCN Species responsible for human infection. Its transference to humans, Survival Commission. He has been a registered observer at meetings of the through an as yet unidentified intermediate host species, has been Convention on International Trade in linked to the sale of wild animals for human consumption in a wildlife Endangered Species (CITES) for over thirty years. market in China. SARS-CoV, a very similar coronavirus responsible for the outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) from 2002 to 2004 which resulted in 774 human fatalities, also origi- nated in bats and is known to have been transmitted to humans through contact in another Chinese wildlife market with an inter- mediate host species, the Himalayan palm civet (Paguma larvata). Had wildlife markets, which were temporarily closed after the SARS outbreak, remained closed, the COVID-19 pandemic might never have occurred. Animal-based diseases (zoonoses) account for an estimated 73% of all emerging infectious diseases affecting humans. Wildlife markets of the type linked to both SARS and COVID-19, where many species of wild animals are crowded together under unhygienic and stressful conditions and frequently slaughtered on the premi- ses, provide ideal circumstances for the spread of zoonoses. These include diseases caused by coronaviruses transferred to humans through a range of intermediate host species. Large-scale urban wildlife markets in China are a recent phenomenon. Similar markets are widespread in other eastern Asian countries, and the sale of wild meat, with similar associated risks of disease, is widespread in many other parts of the world. China has already issued a decision banning further sales of wild animals for human consumption, though the terms of the deci- sion remain ambiguous. Humane Society International recommends that all countries with wildlife markets (including those selling live wild animals or their parts for food, pets, or other purposes) perma- nently ban, or severely limit, wildlife trade, transport and consump- tion. Any ban or limitation on wildlife trade should, based on the evidence in this white paper, include permanent closure of wildlife markets, particularly those selling wild mammals and birds (including 1 H U M A N E S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L
those that are farmed, such as fur-bearing human consumption in a wildlife market in animals, or captive-bred), the chief sources China. It is not the first such disease. Eigh- of coronaviruses and other pathogens trans- teen years ago, in 2002, Severe Acute Respi- missible to humans. This ban should also ratory Syndrome (SARS) spread around the apply to import, export and internal trans- world. SARS, too, was caused by a coronavi- port of live wildlife or wildlife meat intended rus — closely related to SARS-CoV-26 — that for sale in wildlife markets. first appeared in Chinese wildlife markets. Bans on wildlife markets can be put in COVID-19 may have emerged because the place immediately, and should be adopted by lessons of SARS were not heeded. all relevant governments as part of their stra- If the actions that should have been tegy to reduce the likelihood of the emer- taken worldwide in 2002 are not taken now, gence of further pandemic diseases. We and wildlife markets of the type that has also recommend that these bans be accom- been the probable source of both SARS and panied by support, including technical and COVID-19 are not dealt with — and, as we financial if needed, for former traders leaving argue here, permanently closed — by gov- the markets, as well as country-appropriate ernments on a global scale, the emergence public education campaigns to reduce the of another coronavirus-based disease in the demand for wild animals sold as food. We future is a practical certainty. present survey evidence that buyers in China and elsewhere are already likely to respond favourably to such initiatives. The Emergence of COVID-19 COVID-19 was first reported, as four Introduction unexplained cases of pneumonia, on 29 De- cember 2019 in the city of Wuhan, Hubei The emergence and worldwide Province, China.7 By 31 December the num- spread1 of a new and dangerous respiratory ber of identified cases had risen to 27. Most disease, COVID-19, has had an overwhelming of the patients were stall workers at the Hua- effect on both human health2 and the global nan (Southern China) Seafood Wholesale economy.3 Understanding how this disease, Market, in which one section reportedly sold, now characterized as a pandemic by the in addition to seafood and other items, “ani- World Health Organization, first arose should mals such as birds (chickens, pheasants), bats, be of critical concern to governments around hedgehogs, marmots, tiger frogs, and snakes, the world. Identifying, and addressing, the as well as organs from rabbits and other an- source of COVID-19 may no longer be of use imals.”8 The Wuhan Municipal Government in preventing its spread, but may be crucial in closed the market on 1 January 2020, and as preventing the next pandemic — and the les- of this writing it has not reopened. son of recent history is that, if we do not act, On 7 January 2020, the Chinese Cen- the question is not whether another similar ter for Disease Control and Prevention (China pandemic will emerge, but when.4 CDC) officially announced that the outbreak COVID-19 is caused by infection from had been traced to a novel coronavirus.9 On a coronavirus.5 The emergence of the virus 26 January, China CDC announced10 further has been linked to the sale of wild animals for that it had isolated the new virus (then re- WILDLIFE MARKETS AND COVID-19 2
ferred to as 2019-nCoV but now renamed to them. This suggests that SARS-CoV-2 is a SARS-CoV-2) from 33 of 585 environmental new virus that arose through a recombina- samples taken on 1 and 12 January at the tion event — that is, an exchange of genetic Wuhan market. Thirty-one of the 33 posi- material between a bat virus and a similar tive samples were collected from the west- virus from another animal species. Recom- ern end of the market, where booths trad- bination events occur frequently in coro- ing in wildlife were concentrated. naviruses,21 and the same process probably Despite some suggestions to the occurred during the evolution of SARS.22 contrary11 (including outlandish, and de- The recombinant virus probably reached bunked,12 conspiracy theories that proposed humans via transmission from the second that the virus was a bioweapon), genetic species, which was first infected by the bat studies have shown that SARS-CoV-2 almost coronavirus and subsequently served as an certainly originated in bats.13 The questions intermediate source for human infection.23 of the exact source of the virus, and the This intermediate source has not pathway by which it was first transmitted to been identified. It has been suggested that humans, have, however, not been entirely it may have been a pangolin (Manis sp.),24 settled.14 The virus, or some form of it, may though the scientific evidence for this is still have been circulating in the human popula- in dispute.25 Pangolins are the most heavily tion before the first reported cases. Some trafficked mammals in the world, and have patients, who apparently had contracted been repeatedly smuggled into China where the disease by the beginning of December,15 they are valued for food and supposed me- had no known association with the Wuhan dicinal purposes. Coronaviruses related market.16 The initial human infection may to SARS-CoV-2 have been identified from have happened elsewhere, in November or smuggled Sunda pangolins (Manis javani- even earlier.17 However, the market almost ca) seized in southern China.26 A study27 of certainly played a role in the subsequent amino-acid sequences in coronavirus S-pro- transmission of the disease, even if, as has teins (the proteins that form the distinctive been suggested,18 it may have been first con- crown-like spikes on the viral surface, and taminated by a human victim who contract- are apparently crucial for transmission be- ed the virus from an animal elsewhere.19 tween species) showed that the S-proteins As was the case with SARS (see next in the new virus are extremely similar to section), the virus may not have been trans- those in coronaviruses found in pangolins. It mitted directly from bats to humans. By late is still not clear, however, whether pangolins December most of the bats in the Wuhan are intermediate hosts of SARS-CoV-2 or area should have been hibernating. No bats natural carriers of a closely-related corona- were being sold at the time in the Wuhan virus, or whether the pangolin coronavirus, market (it is unclear if bats were on sale whatever its origin, might be transmissible there earlier in the year). The virus is closely to humans.28 related to coronaviruses found in bats (and Whatever the precise route of the in particular to Bat/Yunnan/RaTG13 CoV, a transmission may have been, there seems virus detected in Yunnan Province, China, to be little question that the Wuhan market in the intermediate horseshoe bat (Rhinol- played an important — and perhaps the pri- ophus affinis)20). However, it is not identical mary — role as a common exposure point 3 H U M A N E S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L
in the spread of COVID-19 to humans.29 The old man from Foshan, Guangdong Province, recombination event could presumably not China, who developed symptoms on 16 No- have occurred unless the original bat coro- vember 2002. According to a 2004 study36, navirus had had an opportunity to infect the “A high proportion (9/23, 39%) of early cas- intermediate species, whether that species es were food handlers … Of the nine early was a pangolin or something else. Its best cases in food handlers, seven were restau- opportunity to do so may have been in the rant chefs working in township restaurants crowded and unsanitary conditions, such as (where a variety of animals were slaughtered those the Wuhan market, that prevail where on the premises), one was a market produce wildlife is butchered and sold. (This could buyer for a restaurant, and one was a snake have happened whether bats were actually seller in a produce market (where a variety sold, or if they entered on their own and of live animals were offered for sale).” defecated there30). Even if the new, recom- It was realized early on37 that SARS binant coronavirus originated elsewhere, was caused by a novel coronavirus, later the Wuhan market was a place where it named SARS-CoV. It took longer to deter- was amplified and spread.31 It was certainly mine that the virus had an animal origin,38 present in the western end of the market — almost certainly through a live animal mar- however it arrived there — by the beginning ket. A team of researchers taking samples of 2020. from a live animal market in Shenzhen in April/May 2003 isolated viruses similar to SARS-COV from six Himalayan palm civets The Lessons of SARS (Paguma larvata), a raccoon dog (Nyctereu- tes procyonoides) and a Chinese ferret-bad- We still have much to learn about the ger (Melogale moschata). Five out of ten origin and spread of COVID-19. However, civet dealers at the market were found to the best way to understand the risk of a sim- have antibodies to the virus. The research- ilar pandemic disease occurring again may ers concluded that “the markets provide a be to consider the much-better-studied, venue for the animal SCoV-like viruses [i.e. and extremely similar, case of SARS. SARS, SARS-CoV-like viruses] to amplify and to “the first known major pandemic caused by be transmitted to new hosts, including hu- a coronavirus,”32 caused 774 deaths33 and mans, and this is critically important from cost the global economy more than US $50 the point of view of public health.”39 billion in 2003 alone.34 As a study in the New In response, Chinese authorities England Journal of Medicine noted, “The imposed “a temporary ban on the hunting, parallels between the two SARS viruses are sale, transportation and export of all wild striking, including emergence from bats to animals in southern China and also quaran- infect animals sold in live-animal markets, tined all civets reared for human consump- allowing direct viral access to crowds of hu- tion in many civet farms across the area.”40 mans, which exponentially increases oppor- The Chinese government reportedly con- tunities for host-switching.”35 fiscated 838,500 wild animals from markets Like COVID-19, SARS was first de- in Guangdong.41 The ban was, however, tected in a patient suffering an unusual form lifted in August 2003, only to be followed of pneumonia — in this case, in a 45-year- by a further outbreak of SARS in Decem- WILDLIFE MARKETS AND COVID-19 4
ber 2003 and January 2004. In response, cave in Yunnan Province, China, identified Guangdong provincial officials closed the all of the building blocks of the SARS virus markets42 again (though, again, only tempo- in anal swabs and fecal samples taken from rarily) and conducted a massive cull of palm the bats in the cave. The study, published in civets and other farm and market animals43. 2017, concluded that “While we cannot rule However, researchers later failed to detect out the possibility that similar gene pools of the coronavirus in wild or farmed civet pop- SARSr-CoVs [SARS-related coronaviruses] ulations44. This failure suggested that civets, exist elsewhere, we have provided sufficient like the pangolins implicated in the spread of evidence to conclude that SARS-CoV most COVID-19, were only intermediate hosts for likely originated from horseshoe bats via re- the virus45 and had likely become infected combination events among existing SARSr- either during transportation or after being CoVs.” Noting that other forms of the virus brought to market. As mentioned above the were also circulating among bats in the re- civet virus likely arose by recombination, an gion, the authors warned, prophetically, that event that may have happened in 199546 or “the risk of spillover into people and emer- later.47 The researchers who identified the gence of a disease similar to SARS is possi- virus in civets at the Xinyuan Animal Mar- ble.”51 ket in Guangdong noted that “It seems that This was by no means the first warn- palm civets are extremely susceptible to ing that a new coronavirus disease could SARS-CoV and that the Xinyuan animal mar- emerge at any time. However, although mar- ket was likely the source of infection, where ket closures “effectively ended”52 the SARS the virus was amplified, circulated, excreted epidemic, the trade re-emerged and animals though the respiratory and intestinal tracts that are known to carry coronaviruses, such of palm civets, and subsequently dissemi- as civets, continued to be farmed and sold in nated to cause sporadic disease in humans,” wildlife markets.53 In the years since the first and concluded that “when SARS-CoV-like vi- outbreak of SARS, one team of researchers rus arrives at an animal market, the majority after another has warned that controlling or of palm civets, if not all, will become infect- stopping the sale of wild animals in crowd- ed, and that the virus will evolve rapidly in ed markets was key to preventing another animals to cause disease.”48 SARS-like outbreak. The authors of a 2007 The hunt for the original carrier — study54 of SARS concluded that “The pres- the reservoir species — then expanded to ence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV-like the wild, where a SARS-CoV-related virus viruses in horseshoe bats, together with the was discovered in Chinese horseshoe bats culture of eating exotic mammals in south- (Rhinolophus sinicus) in Hong Kong.49 Since ern China, is a time bomb. The possibility of then, further evidence50 has supported the the reemergence of SARS and other novel conclusion that bats, and in particular horse- viruses from animals or laboratories and shoe bats (Rhinolophidae), were the original therefore the need for preparedness should hosts for SARS-CoV. The closest amino acid not be ignored.” match to human and civet viruses was found Today, as COVID-19 continues to in the greater horseshoe bat (R. ferrumequi- spread around the world, the consequenc- num). A five-year study of multiple spe- es of ignoring such warnings have become cies of horseshoe bats roosting in a single plain to see. 5 H U M A N E S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L
Bats and Disease [to be] a delicacy. Many Chinese [people] also believe that eating bat meat can cure The scale of the problem raised by asthma, kidney ailments, and general mal- COVID-19 goes well beyond the case of a aise.”63 A global survey of bats as bushmeat few wildlife markets in one country.55 SARS reported, with respect to bat consumption and COVID-19 are just two examples of zoo- in China, that “In some areas bats are rare- noses56 — diseases that have spread to hu- ly consumed and always less so than other man beings from other animal species. It bushmeat species. In southern China how- has been estimated57 that zoonoses account ever, bat meat is traded locally and region- for 58% of all known human pathogens, and ally; it appears on some restaurant menus for 73% of all emerging infectious diseases in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, es- affecting humans, including such serious ill- pecially in Wuming County. Bats were seen nesses as HIV-AIDS and Ebola hemorrhagic in markets during surveillance linked to the fever.58 A 2008 survey noted that “Patho- SARS epidemic in 2003.”64 gens associated with illegally traded wildlife In particular, bats in most of the 18 span the gamut of taxonomic origins, affect extant bat families are known repositories most vertebrate taxa, and can jump species for a wide array of coronaviruses.65 In field barriers affecting wildlife, domestic animals studies, coronaviruses have been found in (e.g., Newcastle disease), and humans (e.g., both fecal and respiratory samples from psittacosis, salmonellosis, retroviral infec- bats of the genus Miniopterus, although tions).”59 the bats themselves were asymptomatic.66 Bats have been identified60 as the A study of thirteen species of bats in Hong source for a wide range of zoonoses. Bats Kong detected eight different coronaviruses are regarded as either delicacies or of medic- in anal, but not in nasopharyngeal, swabs.67 inal value in a number of countries, particu- A 2017 study68 identified bats “as the major larly in East and Southeast Asia, the Pacific evolutionary reservoirs and ecological driv- Islands and Sub-Saharan Africa including ers of CoV diversity.” This is partly because Madagascar.61 In Ghana, straw-coloured bats, with over 900 species, are themselves fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) are hunted in highly diverse. Bat coronaviruses have been large numbers (over 128,000 annually in the identified on every continent but Antarcti- south of the country alone) despite being ca, where bats do not occur.69 potential hosts for a number of pathogens Bats are the putative source of four including the Ebola virus.62 The researchers of the known human coronaviruses, includ- who first isolated SARS-like coronaviruses in ing HCoV-229E, one of the viruses respon- Chinese horseshoe bats noted that bats are sible for the common cold.70 In addition to a “reservoir of emerging zoonotic viruses, SARS and COVID-19, bats appear to have including rabies virus, lyssavirus, Hendra and been the original source of Middle East Re- Nipah viruses, St. Louis encephalitis virus, spiratory Syndrome (MERS),71 a coronavirus and fungi such as Histoplasma … The feces disease that emerged in the Middle East in of bats (excrementum vespertilionis 夜明 2012. MERS is thought to have spread to 砂) are used in traditional Chinese medicine humans through intermediate infection of … The Chinese and Manadonese populations domestic dromedary camels in the Horn of of Malaysia and Indonesia consider bat meat Africa,72 rather than through multi-species WILDLIFE MARKETS AND COVID-19 6
wildlife markets. Not all viruses are equally able to It may appear that simply banning adapt to a wide range of host species (that the sale and consumption of bats would is, to have a high host plasticity). This adapt- be sufficient to prevent further outbreaks. ability is probably necessary for a virus to There have already been misguided calls transfer from a bat or some other reser- to eliminate bat populations in the wake of voir species to an intermediate host. A 2015 COVID-19. These must be resisted, and in- study79 found that viruses with high host formation about the critical ecosystem roles plasticity were more likely to be transmis- that bats fulfill should be a part of public ed- sible from one human to another, and that ucation programmes.73 Bats play an import- viruses transmitted to humans from places ant ecological role,74 particularly in tropical that confined different species of animals forests,75 and are essential for the pollina- in close proximity were more likely to have tion of crops, such as durian.76 Bats are im- high host plasticity. In other words, the portant controllers of insect pests, and their kinds of viruses transmitted to humans in a value to agriculture in the United States mixed-species market are more likely to be alone has been estimated at 22.9 billion USD able to infect other humans than are viruses a year.77 Noting that “The exaggeration of from other sources. bats’ negative traits without regard for their Intermediate hosts may, in fact, be positive ones could ultimately lead to their necessary for successful transfer of at least needless and intentional elimination”, one some bat coronaviruses to human beings. Wuhan-based researcher concerned about A 2008 study suggested that the SARS-re- negative image of bats in China following lated coronaviruses in bats may not be able the COVID-19 outbreak warned that “The to infect humans directly, but may require need for public education about bats, in- mutation of the spike protein in an inter- cluding their positive and negative impacts, mediate host before they can interact with is urgent and vital to their conservation.”78 receptor enzymes in human tissue.80 More Such views, in addition, ignore the recently, other bat coronaviruses have been findings that in all three coronavirus-based identified that are able to infect human epidemics in this century — SARS, MERS cells.81 However, this ability apparently var- and COVID-19 — the infection was probably ies among bat coronaviruses and the iden- passed to humans through an intermediate tity of a future intermediate host for a new species; that the intermediate host was a dif- coronavirus is impossible to predict. The ferent mammal, only distantly related to the major focus of control should therefore be others, in each case; that we do not know on places where the greatest range of po- when and how the infection of the interme- tential intermediate host species is likely to diate species occurred; and that bats could occur and where the greatest opportunity have transferred the virus without being exists for transfer of any viruses they may on sale in markets themselves. Any action carry to human recipients. Mixed-species taken against wildlife markets that does not wildlife markets fit this description exactly. apply to all mammal and bird species sold there (as these taxa are the known hosts of coronaviruses) risks missing the potential intermediate host for the next epidemic. 7 H U M A N E S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L
Wildlife Markets individuals of 97 animal species.85 The re- searchers who first identified coronaviruses Large-scale wildlife markets of the in palm civets at the Xinyuan animal market type involved in the spread of SARS and reported that “The zoological biodiversi- COVID-19 are a comparatively recent phe- ty of the Xinyuan animal market was large, nomenon. Wildlife markets spread rapidly in including live donkeys, calves, goats, sheep, the 1990s as China increased in affluence.82 piglets, American minks, raccoon dogs, They cater, according to a survey83 pub- farmed foxes, hog badgers, porcupines, nu- lished in 2008, mostly to a young, well-ed- tria, guinea pigs, rabbits, and birds. Animals ucated and recently affluent urban clientele were presented in small wire cages piled that sees the use of wild animals as a status atop one another, which highly favors the symbol and as part of a fashionable lifestyle. transmission of any pathogens present. The More than 50% of wildlife consumers inter- mixing of wild and domestic animals of var- viewed for this study “said they consume ious species and geographic origins likely wildlife because they find the taste deli- further increased the probability of patho- cious. Those who tried wild animals because gen transmission.”86 they felt they were rare represent 23.3% The risk of transfer of infectious dis- of the surveyed, while 20.9% of people in- eases in such a market, already high due to dicated they tried wildlife out of curiosity. significant stress compromising the animals’ Those who tried wild animals for nutritional immune systems and because of the num- and nourishment purposes accounted for ber of species being maintained in close 19.3%.” proximity to each other, is further increased Another 2008 study noted that by often unhygienic conditions. Wildlife “Wildlife is expensive (US$30 per kg, com- markets “are traditionally places that sold pared to US$1 for chicken), and there is dead and live animals out in the open and evidence that demand and consumption where blood and other body fluids originat- have increased in recent years as economic ing from different animal species represent conditions in China have improved. Why do an exceptional source for the spread of in- people eat wildlife? Usually it is for perceived fectious diseases and the jump of species health benefits. For example, Paguma larva- barriers by pathogens.”87 Prior to govern- ta is typically eaten in winter when fresh fruit ment action after the SARS outbreak, “ani- is often unavailable. It is believed that eating mals were often housed together, exposed the animal (also known colloquially as the to one another’s waste, and sometimes fruit fox or flower fox because of its dietary even fed to one another. For a virus or bac- preferences) provides the same health ben- teria capable of jumping between species, efits as eating fruit. In markets, wild-caught the markets had provided the perfect place P. larvata meat attracts a price premium be- to reproduce.”88 One observer visiting the cause people believe it is more health-giving wildlife market in Foshan City in March 2015 and tastes better than its grain-fed farmed observed that “All of the animals are mixed counterpart.”84 together in each stall. There was blood and A 2014 survey of markets in seven faeces everywhere. Some of the animals cities in Guangdong and Guanxi provinc- looked quite sick, with the exception of the es documented sales of more than 7,000 goats. … Shops seemed to specialize in hav- WILDLIFE MARKETS AND COVID-19 8
ing as large a variety as possible. Turtles and Malaysia95 identified 51 zoonotic pathogens snakes were mixed in with poultry, boars, (16 viruses, 19 bacteria and 16 parasites) that pigs, civets, nutria, bamboo rats, regular rats could be hosted by wild species found on (that looked particularly ill). …There were sale. 6 civets in the market. One in a stall with chickens, ducks, pigs, cats and snakes. Its fur looked matted and dirty.”89 The Need for a Ban It is little wonder that the authors of a review of SARS-CoV-2 concluded that If SARS, COVID-19 and other zoono- “live-animal markets such as in China could ses, and the warnings that epidemiologists provide chances to animal CoVs to get trans- have been issuing for years96 have taught us mitted to humans and these markets may anything, it should be that the existence of act as critical places for the origin90 of nov- wildlife markets in their current form — par- el zoonotic pathogens and pose high public ticularly the large, unhygienic, mixed-species health risks during an outbreak.”91 markets associated with both SARS and Markets in other Asian countries COVID-19 — is a serious threat to human present similar problems. According to a health on a global scale. That is why Humane 2005 review, the wildlife markets of Asia Society International supports banning or “are a mixing bowl of domestic animals, severely limiting all trade, transport and wildlife from near and far, and people. Most consumption of wildlife, and why this paper often, sanitation and hygiene are very poor recommends that governments around the to nonexistent, and both people and animals world take immediate action to close wild- are under a tremendous amount of stress, life markets selling wild mammals and birds, lowering immuno-competency. Those in the chief sources of coronaviruses and oth- the marketplace are handling live birds and er pathogens transmissible to humans, with- butchering others without any personal in their borders. This ban should also apply protection and often live, eat, and sleep in to import, export and internal transport of their shops amongst their animals for sale. live wildlife or wildlife meat intended for sale This serves as an excellent environment in in wildlife markets. which pathogens can mutate and jump into Closing wildlife markets is not the novel species.”92 Wild bird markets in Viet- only action that needs to be taken to pre- nam have been implicated in the spread vent another zoonotic disease from devel- of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza oping into a global pandemic.97 Medical and (HPAI H5N1) virus.93 Surveys of seven wild- veterinary practitioners have been urged to life markets in Lao PDR, where wildlife mar- adopt a “one health” approach that consid- kets first appeared in the 1980s, between ers human and animal health as a single is- 2010 and 2013 identified mammals on sale sue.98 Calls to control the massive domestic known to be capable of hosting 36 zoonot- and international trade in wild animals for ic pathogens.94 A recent literature analysis food and medicine have been issued since using TRAFFIC survey data from wild meat the emergence of SARS and even earli- restaurants, roadside stalls and markets in er.99 Recently John Scanlon, former Secre- 9 H U M A N E S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L
tary-General of the Convention on Interna- Some of the strongest calls for the tional Trade in Endangered Species of Wild elimination of wildlife markets have come, Fauna and Flora (CITES), has called100 for a and are coming, from infectious disease ex- new global agreement on wildlife crime as perts within China. One recent study called an essential step in preventing the spread for, among other actions, “completely erad- of future zoonoses, such as HIV AIDS, Ebola, icating wildlife trading.”102 An open letter SARS, MERS and COVID-19. from “a group of 19 prominent researchers Important as these measures are, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the however, none of them can be put into place Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nation’s immediately or have an immediate effect. top universities,”103 issued in the wake of The most effective step that can be taken COVID-19, called on the Chinese govern- right now, across the board and in every ment to ban “the illegal consumption of applicable country in the world, is to shut wild animals.”104 Chinese researchers have down markets that sell wild animals, particu- called on their government to “seize this larly mammals or birds that can be infected opportunity and permanently ban wildlife by coronaviruses, whether captured in the consumption,”105 close loopholes in existing wild or farmed, for food or medicine or any laws and increase penalties for illegal activ- other purpose. ity, and provide financial support “to facili- Closing markets is a strategy that is tate the transformation of the wildlife farm- known to work. In 2013, respiratory disease ing industry required by the ban, as well as experts in China noted, in reference to the made available to help transition away from renewed outbreak of SARS in late 2003, that the production of traditional Chinese medi- “The strong enactment of Guangdong gov- cine.”106 ernment against rearing, sales, slaughter and On February 4, 2020, the Stand- transport of wildlife proved effective for the ing Committee of the Thirteenth National crackdown of wildlife markets and spread People’s Congress issued an open-ended of SARS. Unfortunately, following remission “Complete Ban of Illegal Wildlife Trade and of epidemics, the wildlife markets resumed the Elimination of the Unhealthy Habit of to thrive, a consequence possibly stemming Indiscriminate Wild Animal Meat Consump- from the lack of subsequent governance and tion.”107 Among other things, this decision reduced public health awareness.”101 Noting bans “Hunting, trading or transporting for that “the potential pathogenicity of SARS- meat terrestrial wild animals that grow and CoV mutants arisen from gene recombina- reproduce naturally in the wild,” and de- tion should not be underestimated”, they crees that “Illegal business premises and recommended that “Wildlife markets, in operations shall be shut down, sealed off conjunction with the personnel involving in or ordered to close in accordance with the transaction, slaughter and transportation, law.” There have been criticisms108 that the should be made illegal and are subjected to coverage of the ban is not always clear. We punishment and serious warning. The laws believe that the ban should be expanded are strongly recommended to be enforced to cover all potential coronavirus-carrying periodically under stringent supervision.” mammals and birds, including those cur- WILDLIFE MARKETS AND COVID-19 10
rently excluded as ‘livestock’. At the mo- with an investment of RMB 30 million…The ment the exempted animals even include purpose of the new market was to permit the raccoon dog, one of the species that is the wholesale selling of licensed wildlife, known to have carried the SARS virus. and it would be under strict inspection and Enforcement of the ban remains an checks.” Despite these conditions, the mar- issue. There are recent reports that wild- ket reportedly became “a major centre for life markets in some cities are still operat- illegal wildlife trade”, subject to repeated ing, or have reopened, despite the ban.109 raids and closures.112 However, the decision is welcome and, we Truly effective regulations would believe, necessary. We urge the Chinese take time and care to design and put into government to close any loopholes that the place, which might not be effective in pre- decision may contain, and to make the ban venting a disease that has yet to emerge. permanent. The example of SARS, which re- Permanently enforcing them would require emerged after a ban on wildlife markets was a considerable investment of time and re- lifted, should be good evidence that tempo- sources, and would, as the experience of the rary closures will not do. Nonetheless, we Taiping market strongly suggests, probably urge other all governments to follow China’s be unsuccessful. If we are to avoid being example and ban all wildlife markets, and to caught by the emergence of a new pandem- do so indefinitely. ic, therefore, an immediate ban is an essen- There have been warnings that clos- tial first step. Effective long-term measures, ing legal markets will not end the trade but appropriate to the socio-economic and cul- drive it underground.110 These warnings ig- tural realities in each country, can be put into nore that fact that much of the trade is un- place at a later date (bearing in mind, for ex- derground already, and that banning wildlife ample, that bushmeat markets in Africa are markets will likely reduce it.111 All pangolin not identical to wildlife markets in China113 species, for example, are listed on Appendix and may require a different approach). I of CITES, making any transfer of pangolins Closing markets will undoubtedly across borders for sale in markets — legal or have an economic effect on market traders, illegal — already in violation of the law in ev- many of whom may have no other oppor- ery, or almost every, country where it takes tunities to earn income. Closures should place (noting that a few countries, such as therefore be accompanied by remedial ac- North Korea, remain out of CITES). tions such as financial support for those Critics argue that regulation, with transitioning away from trading and training the imposition of hygiene standards and for alternative livelihoods.114 The Decision other measures, would be a better way to establishing the current ban in China states proceed. However, attempts to establish that “Relevant local people’s governments well-regulated markets have failed in the shall provide support and guidance to af- past. One of the largest, if not the largest, fected farmers to help them change their wildlife wholesale markets in China was re- production and business activities, and pro- located from Guangzhou to Taiping in 2006, vide them with compensation accordingly.” funded “by the Guangzhou City Forestry It is not only national governments Department, Conghua City Forestry Bureau, that can take action to ban wildlife trade and the Taiping Township Forestry Station and consumption. Shenzhen, China’s fourth 11 H U M A N E S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L
largest city, will reportedly ban wildlife con- the study participants believed that animals sumption starting May 1, 2020, according to could spread disease (n=871, 56%) and were a regulation passed by the Shenzhen Munic- worried about disease emergence from ani- ipal People’s Congress, the city’s legislature. mals at wet [wildlife] markets (n=810, 52%). A resolution of the Guangdong provincial Of those worried about disease emergence, government stiffening punishments for 46% (n=370) purchased animals from wet poaching, trading and consuming wildlife [wildlife] markets in the past 12 months.” will go into effect on the same day.115 Support in China for closure of po- Such measures may be welcomed tentially dangerous wildlife markets is al- by the traders themselves. A survey of trad- ready broader than critics may realize. A ers selling wildlife in markets in Indonesia belief that wildlife should be protected has found that a number of those interviewed existed in China for some time. A 2008 felt that their limited education levels gave survey found that “61.7% of Chinese urban them no other option, and some stated that residents believe all wild animals should be they would leave the business if alternatives protected … 52.6% think wild animals are were available. None wanted their children equal to human beings and both deserve or grandchildren to continue trading rather protection and respect … [and] nearly 60% than pursuing their education and seeking of urban respondents think improved an- better opportunities.116 imal welfare is related to societal develop- ment.”120 37.5% “hold that the sanctions im- posed by law are not stern enough, which Public Support for a Ban is why the law does not truly play its role of prohibiting unlawful behavior.” The best way to prevent further An online survey, conducted from 15 black-market trade is to accompany any December 2015 to 15 January 2016, assessed ban in markets with a public education cam- 2,238 Chinese millennials’ attitudes about paign focused on the need to prevent new wildlife consumption and perceived health- diseases117 by reducing demand for wildlife risks. It indicated “that although this popu- products. Campaigns will vary from country lation is currently the primary driver of de- to country as appropriate, but should be sci- mand for wildlife trade in China, it may also ence-based, respectful of local perceptions, be the most effectively targeted with cam- and should avoid unfairly singling out mi- paigns to educate about zoonotic emer- nority communities with particular dietary gence from wildlife reservoirs.” The sur- preferences.118 vey report concluded that “Utilising social The potential for success of a prop- networks as a means of distributing public erly-focused, country-appropriate cam- health or public service messages about the paign is considerable. Consumers of wildlife health risks of wildlife trade and consump- are already aware of the risks. A research tion could yield positive results and begin to team surveying 1,596 rural residents in Yun- effect change around consumption of wild- nan, Guanxi and Guangdong districts in life in China.”121 southern China between 2015 and 2017 re- The opportunity to influence public ported119 that “When asked about animals opinion in China (and elsewhere) may have and disease transmission, more than half of grown even greater with the emergence of WILDLIFE MARKETS AND COVID-19 12
COVID-19122. A telephone survey conducted between 1 and 10 February 2020 in Shang- hai and Wuhan found that “79.0% (403) of respondents in Wuhan and 66.9% (335) of respondents in Shanghai supported per- manent closure of wet [wildlife] markets (P
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