Page created by Marshall Dennis
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord                                        March 28, 2021

                                PALM SUNDAY
                                MARCH 28, 2021

                         2540 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110
                                       (619) 295-4141
    www. —
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord                                                            March 28, 2021

                   Mass Intentions                                         Daily Readings
            Palm Sunday Vigil - March 27
                                                         Monday: Is 42:1-7, Jn 12:1-11
               5:15 - Priest’s Intentions

               Palm Sunday - March 28                    Tuesday: Is 49:1-6, Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
              8:30 - †Conçeciao Virissimo
           10:00 - †William & Lucille Brown              Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a, Mt 26:14-25
       11:30 - People of Immaculate Conception
                                                         Thursday: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14, 1 Cor 11:23-26 or Jn 13:1-15
          Monday of Holy Week - March 29
                 †Maria Andrade                          Friday: Is 52:15—53:12, Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42

          Tuesday of Holy Week - March 30                Saturday: Gn 1:1—2:2, Gn 22:1-18, Rom 6:3-11, Mk 16:1-7
                   Kalé Whitman
                                                         Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 or
        Wednesday of Holy Week - March 31
                                                                Mk 16:1-7
                Priest’s Intentions

               Holy Thursday - April 1                                     Pray for Our Sick
     7:00 p.m. - People of Immaculate Conception
                                                         Joane Anderson, Susan Besecker, Cosmo & Joan
                Good Friday - April 2                    Busalacchi, Dominic Castagnola, Reginald Custodio,
             3:00 p.m. - Priest’s Intentions             Joanne Daleo, Michael Denny,, Adela Diaz, Adele
                                                         Dunne, Arline Fisch, Julie Fish, Ardell Haskins, Ditas
                Holy Saturday -April 3                   Ibarra, Shirley Ilog, Donna Cruz Jones, Ricardo
                7:30 - Pope Francis, SI                  Hernandez, Olivia Ingram, Diana C. Lopez, Liam
                                                         McNichol, Ardith Moore, Grace Mulvanity, Stephanie
    If you wish to request a Mass intention for family   Ng, Ann Orwig, Peter Salmon, Anyssa Sanchez,
        member or friend, contact the parish office.
                                                         Tom Sapien, Crystal Spera,, Rita Tarango, Linda
                                                         Thompson, Marie Whitman, Barbara Wingler.

Mass Schedule
 Weekdays: Monday thru Saturday, 8:00 AM
Sunday Masses
  Saturday Vigil: 5:15 PM                                Now that we have returned to our regular Mass
  Sunday: 8:30 AM*, 10:00 AM (outdoors), 11:30 AM        schedule, confessions may be heard on Saturdays
  *live-streamed & open to attendees                     between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. in the church. One can
                                                         also ask the priest for confession after the weekday
Holy Day Masses:     To be announced.
                                                         morning Mass.
Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:30 to 5:00 p.m., or after
weekday morning Mass and by appointment.                  Deacon Robert Fitzmorris, Parish Administrator
Baptisms: By appointment only. Please contact Deacon 
Robert Fitzmorris to make arrangements.                                  619-997-9063

Weddings: By appointment only. Arrangements must be
                                                           Fr. Garrett Galvin, OFM, Liaison to the Parish
made at least one year in advance. Please contact the
parish office.
                                                               Fr. Joseph Chinnici, OFM, in residence
                                                                       Fr. Vincent Mesi, OFM
Funerals: For arrangements, please call the parish.                          Parish email:
              Parish Office: 619-295-4141        

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord                                                             March 28, 2021

                 VIRTUAL Marriage
                                                                        April 1 - Holy Thursday
                                                                   Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
                  This year give your marriage the gift of                     7:00 p.m.
                  a Marriage Encounter Experience in the
                  comfort of your own home. Worldwide                     April 2 - Good Friday
                  Marriage Encounter celebrates the love            Friday of the Passion of the Lord
    you have for your spouse and helps you to build,                            3:00 p.m.
    expand, and deepen that relationship. Our next
    virtual Experience is April 9-11th. Sign up today at                  April 3 - Holy Saturday                                                       Easter Vigil
                                                                                 7:30 p.m.
    Retrouvaille is Online!
    Retrouvaille is a marriage program that helps couples     There will be no 8 a.m. Mass during the Triduum.
    in struggling marriages restore and rebuild a healthy
    and loving relationship. Retrouvaille SoCal/San Diego                Easter Sunday Masses
    is hosting a virtual weekend on April 8-11. Visit their             8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 a.m.
    website for more information and registration details:                                                     Amazon donates 0.5%
                                                                                         of eligible purchases to
                   HELP WANTED!                                                          Immaculate Conception

    Now that we are moving toward normalcy, we                            HOLY WEEK CHANGES
    are in need of volunteers to serve as:
           Greeters, Ushers, or Lectors                       Considering the rapidly evolving situation of the
                                                              Covid-19 pandemic, bishops have been given
    Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors, may           updated guidelines to follow during Holy Week.
    direct them to the main entrance, and take the
    temperature of individuals above the age of two.          On Palm Sunday, the Commemoration of the
                                                              Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem is to be
    Ushers ensure attendees are wearing face masks            celebrated within sacred buildings.          More
    before entering the church, guide them to the             information for our parish will be provided in the
    line for Holy Communion, ensure bulletins are             March 21 bulletin.
    available, and maintain security of the collection
    box.                                                      On Holy Thursday, the washing of feet, which
    Lectors read the welcome and announcements                is already optional, is to be omitted. At the end
    before Mass begins and read the prayers of the            of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper the procession
    faithful during Mass.                                     is also omitted and the Blessed Sacrament is to
                                                              be kept in the tabernacle.
    Please contact the parish office if you are able to
    serve for one or more Sundays each month.                 On Good Friday, the adoration of the Cross by
             Call 619-295-4141 if interested.                 kissing it shall be limited solely to the celebrant.

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord                                                                 March 28, 2021

                  STORE HOURS
               Friday 1:30-4:30 pm
             Saturday 11 am - 5:00 pm
             Sunday 11 am - 5:00 pm                                  2021 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL
                                                                        PARISH GOAL: $10,000.00
                                                                         Pledges Paid: $8,810.00
                                                                              as of March 15

                                                            Your contribution, no matter how small, helps our
                                                            diocese support Catholic schools, faith formation
                                                            programs, Catholic Charities, and priestly formation.

                                                            Please make your check payable to Diocese of San
                                                            Diego. If you plan on using a credit card for your
                                                            donation, please visit

                                                            You may drop off your donation form and check/cash
                                                            in the collection box after Mass or visit the parish office

                                                            With great sorrow, I must recall the dramatic
                                                            situation in #Myanmar, where many people,
                                                            especially young people, are losing their lives to
        New items for Lent are now                          offer hope to their country. I too kneel in the
                                                            streets of Myanmar and say: End the violence!
         available in the gift shop.                        May dialogue prevail!
                                                                       Pope Francis, Tweet 3/17/21

    LIVE STREAM MASS                                                   Dating in Today’s Digital World

The Church of the Immaculate                                Safe Place Community Outreach Team invites parents,
Conception is providing live stream and                     guardians, teens, and tweens to a free presentation on
recordings of the live streams in two                       Dating in Today’s Digital World: Pitfalls for Teens &
                                                            Parents at Ascension Parish (11292 Clairemont Mesa
1) On the Franciscan School of Theology on the You Tube
                                                            Blvd. San Diego 92124) on Wednesday, April 21 at
Channel called FST EDU1. During this Covid-19 Shelter in
Place period please visit the You Tube Channel to see all   7:00-8:30pm, outdoor with masks and social
opportunities for viewing.                                  distancing practices. Such topics as healthy
                                                            relationships, digital dangers, teen dating violence, risk
2) On the parish website                                    factors, and how to access help and resources will all Simply click on     be addressed. Presenters include Diane Doherty,
the photo (shown above).                                    supervising Deputy City Attorney in the Domestic
Updated equipment has been installed and the live stream    Violence & Sex Crimes Unit and Jani Sepanik,
has high quality picture and sound.                         Domestic Violence Education & Prevention Manager
                                                            at the Community Resource Center. To reserve your
Other Franciscan lectures are available on the You Tube
Channel called FST EDU1.                                    place, please RSVP by April 12 with Angela Elfman
                                                            ( or 858-775-4828).

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord                                                                        March 28, 2021

                                   ST. BERTHOLD                  Pope at Audience: Christians called to
                                Feast Day – March 29             safeguard God's presence
                                   Died circa 1195               By Christopher Wells, Vatican News
                              Not much is known about
                              this hermit who is considered      Pope Francis continued his reflections on prayer as a
                              by some historians to be the       relationship with the Holy Trinity, part of an ongoing
                              founder of the order of            series of catechetical lessons on prayer in general.
                              Carmelite friars. Various          At Wednesday’s General Audience, the Holy Father
                              legends had him born in            focused in particular on the role of the Holy Spirit. “The
    Limoges, France, educated at the University of Paris,        first gift of every Christian existence is the Holy Spirit,” he
    and participating in the Crusades in Turkey. What is         said. The Holy Spirit opens our hearts to Christ, and
    known is that he directed a group of Frankish hermits        allows us to invoke God as “Abba,” that is, “Father.”
    living on Mount Carmel in Palestine in the second half of
                                                                 Citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis
    the 12th century. The existence on Mount Carmel of a
                                                                 noted that it is the Holy Spirit, “by His prevenient grace,”
    church and hermitage in the spiritual tradition of the
                                                                 that draws us to pray to Jesus. At the same time, the
    prophet Elijah is documented from 1163 on. After
                                                                 Church reminds us that we must pray to the Holy Spirit
    Berthold’s death, the hermits were led by another
                                                                 as well, encouraging us to address our prayer to Him
    Frenchman, St. Brocard; Carmelite houses became well-
                                                                 “every day, especially at the beginning and end of every
    established throughout Europe by 1300.
                                                                 important action."
    Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic       The work of the Holy Spirit, the Pope continued, is to
    Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.                “remind us” of Jesus, to make Him present in the lives of
                                                                 Christians of every time and place. Because of the Spirit,
                      Wine Distribution                          Jesus is not distant, but with us always: “He still
    Question: Why haven’t Catholic Churches gone                 educates His disciples by transforming their hearts.”
    the way of disposable cups for wine distribution?            This, said Pope Francis, “is the experience of so many
                                                                 who pray, men and women whom the Holy Spirit has
    Answer: If a Catholic has ever attended a Protestant
                                                                 formed according to the ‘measure’ of Christ, in mercy,
    worship service and saw the communion service that was
                                                                 service, prayer.” It is the experience not only of monks
    offered for that community, one of the things that might
                                                                 and hermits, but of ordinary people who “have woven a
    have stood out was the use of small, disposable cups for
                                                                 long history of dialogue with God.” Seeking God, the
    distributing the wine or grape juice. This is in stark
                                                                 Pope said, “they safeguard His presence” – in the Gospel,
    contrast to the precious metal chalices used in Catholic
                                                                 in the Eucharist, and in the faces of those in need – “like
    churches during the Mass.
                                                                 a secret flame.”
    Although practices for Protestant Christians can vary        Pope Francis said that keeping this flame of God’s
    (ranging from large shared chalices, to personal-use cups,   presence alive is “the first task of Christians,” a task
    to dipping the bread in the wine/grape juice), the norms     symbolized by the lighted lamps that burn night and day
    governing Catholic practices are fairly direct: “Sacred      before the Eucharist present in the tabernacles of
    vessels are to be made from precious metal. If they are      Catholic churches.
    made from metal that rusts or from a metal less precious
                                                                 Finally, and again quoting the Catechism, Pope Francis
    than gold, then ordinarily they should be gilded on the
                                                                 said the Holy Spirit is the “interior Master of Christian
    inside. In the Dioceses of the United States of America,
                                                                 prayer… the artisan of the living tradition of prayer.” It is
    sacred vessels may also be made from other solid
                                                                 the Spirit Who inspires “the many paths of prayer,” which
    materials that, according to the common estimation in
                                                                 are as unique and varied as the individual people who
    each region, are precious … they are to have bowls of
    nonabsorbent material” (nos. 328-330). Rather than being
                                                                 “In the endless field of holiness,” Pope Francis said in
    a commentary on the beliefs or practices of those other
                                                                 conclusion, “the one God, the Trinity of Love, allows the
    communities, these rules are intended to highlight the
                                                                 variety of witnesses to flourish: all are equal in dignity,
    reverence that Catholics have for the bread and wine
                                                                 but also unique in the beauty that the Spirit has willed to
    consecrated at Mass, which become the Body and Blood
                                                                 be expressed in each of those whom God’s mercy has
    the Lord.                                           ©LPi
                                                                 made His children.”
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord                                                                                            March 28, 2021

                 Meet Me in the Desert

                       Lord of Lent, Lord of Easter,
                       As you went into the desert
                       So do I follow
                       Putting aside that which distracts me
                       Grabs at me
                       Falsely claims me.
                       To search inside
                       To confront myself
                       My best, my worst
                       My good works and my sins.

                       And each time,
                       I find you there
                       To call to me again
                       With words of challenge and words of mercy.

                       And as I fall to my knees, in prayer, in fasting
                       In sacrifice and penitence
                       Somehow, you have it in yourself to reach out and gently lift me
                       To renew me
                       To claim me as nothing of this world can claim me.

                       Meet me in the desert, Lord.
                       Claim me anew.

                                      “Meet Me in the Desert” is a Lenten prayer published by Catholic Relief Services in 2014.
                             USCCB    Copyright © 2014, Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore, MD. All rights reserved.
                                      Image: Getty Images
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord                                                                                                    March 28, 2021

                                                            Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

                                                                                                                                                Getty Images
            As we celebrate Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, we are reminded that Lent is coming to close
            and the Resurrection is nearing. In one week, we will celebrate Easter Sunday. Pray that the Lord
            allow you to accompany him serenely during these Easter mysteries and you may emerge from
            them renewed in faith, hope and charity.

            Meet Me in the Desert
            Lord of Lent, Lord of Easter, As you went into the desert So do I follow Putting aside that which
             distracts me Grabs at me Falsely claims me. To search inside To confront myself My best, my
             worst My good works and my sins.
            And each time, I find you there To call to me again With words of challenge and words of mercy.
            And as I fall to my knees, in prayer, in fasting In sacrifice and penitence Somehow, you have it in
             yourself to reach out and gently lift me To renew me To claim me as nothing of this world can
             claim me.
            Meet me in the desert, Lord. Claim me anew.

                The Easter Triduum
                The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy
                Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they
                are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ’s Paschal Mystery.
                The single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season, and leads
                to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil.

                   Holy Thursday—April 1, 2021                                           Mass of the Lord's Supper
                   Good Friday—April 2, 2021                                             Good Friday of the Lord's Passion
                   Easter Sunday—April 4, 2021                                           Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord

               Catholic   Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. “

               Current    Meet Me in the Desert” is a Lenten prayer published by Catholic Relief Services in 2014                  BULLETIN

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