Quidenham Cards Retail Catalogue - Carmelite Monastery
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Page 1 1 Quidenham Cards Retail Catalogue Jun –D 202 ec 0 2PH Carmelite Monastery Quidenham, Norfolk NR16 2PH www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk
Retail Catalogue Prices effective from 1 June 2020 QuIdeNhAM CARds Telephone and Fax: 01953 887642 Email: cards@quidenhamcarmel.org.uk Notes 1. ORDERS: Orders may be sent to us by post, email or fax. We also accept telephone orders: we are usually in the office between 9.15am and 11.15am, Mon-Sat, but times may vary. In our absence messages may be left on our answerphone. Kindly quote your reference number if you are already a customer. 2. PRICES: a) Please note that our prices are exclusive of postage. the cost of postage will be added to the invoice which accompanies your consignment of goods. b) We also have Wholesale rates which apply if you are buying cards for re-sale. Wholesale catalogue available on request. 3. PAYMENT: a) Please wait and pay on receipt of invoice. b) Please make all cheques payable to CARMeLIte MoNAsteRY. c) Non-UK customers – please pay in sterling or by credit/debit card via PayPal. Payments should be sent to cards@quidenhamcarmel.org.uk. Please state that your payment relates to Quidenham Cards and quote our Invoice/Document number. 4. REFERENCE NUMBER: Please quote the Reference Number shown in the address box on your Order Form when ordering or when making any enquiries. 5. INDIVIDUAL WRAPPERS: If you wish, our folded cards may be purchased in individual cellophane wrappers, at no extra cost. If you require this please tick the “individually wrapped” column of the order form. Please note that our prayercards or cards purchased as mixed packs are not available with individual wrapping. 6. SAMPLES: Samples of cards are available on request – please specify which ones you require. 7. AVAILABILITY: All cards are sold subject to availability of stocks. If a particular card is sold out, another may be substituted. Any substitutes may be returned if not suitable. 8. QUANTITY: There is no minimum order for either Wholesale or Retail customers. All cards can be purchased singly. 9. EASTER BROCHURE: Your next brochure, featuring our Easter selections for 2021 and many other new images, will be available in early January. Samples of present Easter stocks available on request. Quidenham Cards, Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk, England, NR16 2PH
CONTEMPLATION PRAYERCARDS Page 3 Flat card, 70 x 148 mm Text on CoNteMPLAtIoN front of each card PRAYeRCARds Flat card, 70 x 148 mm. Text on front of each card d: 25p Price per card 35p • Pack Mixed Mixed Pack (our(our selection ofof selection 2525 cards): £6.50 £5.00 cards): excluding postage ase note that the prices shown are exclusive of VAT and postage. ation Contemplation Contemplation Contemplation 11 Candle: 14 Cross: 26 White Tulips: well Stay with me, Love was his All the flowers of and then I shall meaning – Julian all the tomorrows begin to shine as of Norwich are in the seeds of You shine: as a today light to others – Blessed John Henry Newman Contemplation 1 Contemplation 11 Contemplation 14 Contemplation 26 Sunrise Candle Cross White Tulips All shall be well – Stay with me, and then I shall begin to Love was his meaning – All the flowers of all the tomorrows Julian of Norwich shine as You shine: as a light to others Julian of Norwich are in the seeds of today – Blessed John Henry Newman ation Contemplation Contemplation Contemplation 35 Misty 38 Campanula: 57 Sunset: Morning: Love never ends You have made ot In the morning – 1 Cor 13:8 us for yourself, O w let me know your Lord, and our ut love, O Lord – hearts are to Ps 143 restless till they f the rest in you – St. dré Augustine Love Never Ends 1 Cor 13:8 Contemplation 30 Contemplation 38 Contemplation 66 Contemplation 67 Boat at Sunset Campanula Sea Spray Woodland Path ation Contemplation One does not discover new lands Contemplation Love never ends – 1 Cor 13:8 God did not say, “You will not be Contemplation This is what the Lord asks of you: only ray: 67 Woodland without consenting to lose sight 70 Bread and tempest-tossed”, but “You will not be 71 this,Enclosure: to act justly, to love tenderly and to of the shore – AndréPath: Gide Chalice: overcome” – Julian of Norwich walk humbly with your God – Micah 6:8 say, Learn to live t be This is what the I do not ask to see the distant scene; one step enough for me As gift I receive each day hand inTrust the past to God’s mercy, sed”, Lord asks of you: You, O Christ, hand with the Blessed John Henry Newman the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence. St. Augustine l not only this, to act and as gift I offer Lord – Edith e” – justly, to love You to the whole Stein tenderly and to world – St. walk humbly with Ambrose your God – Micah 6:8 ation Contemplation Contemplation I do notoneaskstepto seeenough the distant scene; No seed of love Contemplation f 76 Cherry Tree 82 Chalice: 84 Gate: for me is ever lost Blessed John Henry Newman ContemplationWalk: 82 Contemplation 84 Put me into theContemplation 85 Contemplation 88 Chalice Gate chalice that I maySeeds of Love I do not ask toSerenity as Put me into the chalice thatNo I may become can I do not ask to see the become spotlessly darkness No seed of love is ever lost seeTrust the the distant past to God’s mercy, the – spotlessly clear and quiteovercome transparent,the distant scene; clear and quite scene; presentone steplove and the future to to God’s allowing the Trinity to mirrorglory itself inthat meenfolds as one step enough for me – transparent, God’s for enough providence me – – St. Augustine in a crystal – Elizabeth ofusthe– Trinity Henri le Blessed John Henry Newmanallowing the Blessed John Saux Trinity to mirror Henry Newman
ndy Thy presence fills my solitude Beckett the day – Nyssa the day – Page 4 S. Longfellow It is only through shadows St. Gregory of He who gives you the day will also give you the things St. Gregory of that one comes to know the light Nyssa It is only through shadows He who gives you the day It is only through shadows St Catherine of Siena He who gives you the day necessary for the day St Gregory of Nyssa that one comes to know the light St Catherine of Siena Nyssa will also give you the thing necessary for the day CoNteMPLAtIoN PRAYeRCARds He who gives you the day that one comes to know the light will alsoItgive is only youthrough shadows the things St Gregory of Nyssa thatforone will also give you the things St Catherine of Siena necessary thecomes day to know the light St of St Gregory Catherine Nyssa of Siena necessary for the day St Gregory of Nyssa Flat card, 70 x 148 mm. Text on front of each card Price per card 35p • Mixed Pack (our selection of 25 cards): £6.50 excluding postage Contemplation Contemplation Contemplation 94 Star Contemplation Contemplation Contemplation Before ever God made us, He loved us I looked at your cross, O, Christ, Before ever 95 Winter God made us, Sun: 96 Monastery ion Contemplation 93 Holy Land Contemplation 94 Star 95 Winter Sun: Julian of Norwichand there read the song of your love mplation Flowers: Contemplation Contemplation Let nothing disturb you, Garden: Contemplation St. John of the Cross He loved us Julian of Norwich 95 WinterCross: Sun: In the96 Monastery Flowers: Before ever God made us, ly Land He loved us 94 Star depth 95of Winter Sun: God alone suffices. 96 Monastery Let nothing distur Let nothing disturb you, Garden: Julian of Norwich St Teresa of Avila : Before ever Flowers: you, Garden: In the depth of God alone suffices. winter, I finally Let disturb Let nothing nothing St Teresa of Avila In theus, depth I lookedof at your Before ever of disturb you,winter, I finally God alone suffices. learned thatIn the depth God alone suffices. God made St Teresa of Avila St Teresa of Avila d at your He loved winter, I–finallyever cross, usBefore O Christ, withinLet menothing God made winter, there us, I finally God alone learned that Let nothing s,O Christ, Julianlearnedof God thatmade and there read us, lay andisturb Heyou, lovedthat learned invincible us – suffices – within disturbme you,there –ere read Norwich withinHeme there theloved song usof your – summer God– alone Julian me within of there St. Teresa oflay Godanalone invincible ng of your lay an Julian invincible love –of Albertsuffices Camus –an invincible Norwich lay Avila summer suffices –– summer St.–John of the Norwich St. Teresa summerof – Albert Camus St. Teresa of hn of the Albert Camus Cross In the depth of winter, Avila Albert Camus Avila In the depth of winter, Lord, as I drift upon the waters, I finally learned thatlearned I finally within me that within me In the depth of winter, be the resting place there lay an invincible there lay ansummer. invincible summer I finally learned that within me of my restless heart In the depth of winter, Albert CamusAlbert Camus In the depth of winter, there lay an invincible summer. Celtic prayer I finally learned that within me I finally learned that within me Albert Camus Contemplation 93 Contemplation 95 Contemplation 96 Contemplation 97 there lay an invincible summer. there lay an invincible summer. Albert Camus Albert Camus Holy Land Cross Winter Sun Monastery Garden Sea at Dawn I looked at your cross, O Christ, and In the depth of winter, I finally learned Let nothing disturb you, God alone Lord, as I drift upon the waters, there read the song of your love – that within me there layEan W invincible suffices – St. Teresa of Avila EW be the resting place of my N N W St. John ofContemplation the Cross summer – Albert Camus Contemplation W Contemplation N Erestless heart – Celtic prayer God gives where He finds empty hands W 98NEHands: Contemplation God99 E LakeEW Nwhere Contemplation View: Lift up your face to God EWContemplation Lift up your face to God 100 Poppies: N gives and delight yourself in Him Sheet 1&2 Contemplation Cards.qxp_Layout 1 04/03/2014 09:24 Page 5 tion mplation Contemplation 97 Sea at Contemplation Contemplation N 98 Hands: 99 Lake View: Contemplation Contemplation St Augustine St. Clare of Assisi He finds empty hands and delight yourself in Him Lift up your face to God St Augustine St. Clare o 99 Lake Dawn: View: 100 Poppies: God gives where All the darkness in the world Lift up your face to God a at 98 Hands: 99areLake View: Lift up your100 facePoppies: and delight yourself in Him cannot extinguish He finds empty hands God gives where More things and delight yourself in Him St. Clare of Assisi the light of a single candle St Augustine St. Clare of Assisi : wrought byGod gives where to God andMore things are St. Francis He finds empty here hands –MoreGod things Lord, asare gives I drift where prayerLift upMore thanHe your face findsthings emptyare wrought by face Lift up your delight yourself pty as I drift wrought upon He St. Augustine bythe finds waters, empty to God this world and hands wrought– by in Him – prayer to Godthan and he waters, prayer bethan the –resting hands dreamsdelight of St. yourself Augustine –prayer than St. Clare ofthis world delight yourself eresting this world place St. of my Augustine in Him Tennyson this– world Assisi dreams in Him of –– of my dreams of – heart – restless St. Clare dreamsof of – Tennyson St. Clare of s heart – Tennyson Celtic prayer AssisiTennyson Assisi prayer A faithful friend is a treasure Lord, as I drift upon the waters, be More things are wrought by prayer beyond price. the resting place than this world dreams of Sir.6:15 Tennyson More things are wrought by prayer of my restless heart than this world dreams of More things are wrought by prayer More things are wrought by prayerCeltic prayer Tennyson than this world Moredreams thingsofare wrought by prayer than this world dreams of Tennyson Tennyson than this world dreams of Tennyson Contemplation 98 Contemplation 100 Contemplation 101 Contemplation 102 Hands Poppies Candle Feathered Friends God gives where He finds Lift up your face to God and delight All the darkness in the world cannot A faithful friend is a treasure empty hands – St. Augustine yourself in Him – St. Clare of Assisi extinguish the light of a single candle beyond price – Sir. 6:15 – St Francis Love is eternal, it is present to all times and all places St Thérèse If you do not hope you will not find Let us walk together, Lord. Nothing is as strong Wherever you go, I will go as gentleness what is beyond your hopes St Francis de Sales St Clement of Alexandria St Teresa of Avila Contemplation 103 Contemplation 104 Contemplation 105 Contemplation 107 Rainbow Riverside Daisies Lamb Stile Love is eternal, it is present to all Nothing is as strong as gentleness If you do not hope you will not find Let us walk together, Lord. times and all places – St Thérèse – St Francis de Sales what is beyond your hopes Wherever you go, I will go – St Clement of Alexandria – St Teresa of Avila
Page 5 CoNteMPLAtIoN PRAYeRCARds Flat card, 70 x 148 mm. Text on front of each card CONTEMPLATION 109 Q16.qxp_Layout 1 06/03/2017 09:21 Page 1 CONTEMPLATION 110 Q16.qxp_Layout 1 06/03/2017 09:22 Page 1 Contemplation 111.qxp_Layout 1 13/09/2017 22:41 Page 1 Let yourself be loved St Elizabeth of the Trinity Eternal light From Him we come, in Him we are enfolded, To Him who is everywhere shine into our hearts to Him we return we come not by travelling Alcuin of York but by loving Julian of Norwich St Augustine Contemplation 108 Contemplation 109 Contemplation 110 Contemplation 111 Dove Sunset Footprints Daffodil Walk Let yourself be loved Eternal light shine into our hearts From Him we come, in Him we are To Him who is everywhere we come – St Elizabeth of the Trinity – Alcuin of York enfolded, to Him we return not by travelling but by loving – Julian of Norwich – St Augustine Contemplation 112.qxp_Layout 1 25/08/2017 03:41 Page 1 Contemplation 113.qxp_Layout 1 13/09/2017 22:44 Page 1 CS 114.qxp_Layout 1 07/02/2018 20:47 Page 1 CS 115.qxp_Layout 1 14/02/2018 20:45 Page 1 Nothing is so distant that love cannot reach it Sonnleithner Christ is the calm serenity of the past the priceless wealth of the present the mysterious promise of the future Philip Leo Smith O.S.B. The tree that bends Every creature is a word of God does not break Meister Eckhart Contemplation 112 Contemplation 113 Contemplation 114 Contemplation 115 Fallow Deer Cumbrian Spring Willow Tree Distant Mountains Every creature is a word of God Christ is the calm serenity of the past The tree that bends Nothing is so distant – Meister Eckhart the priceless wealth of the present does not break that love cannot reach it the mysterious promise of the future – Sonnleithner – Philip Leo Smith O.S.B. CS 119.qxp_Layout 1 24/09/2019 12:19 Page 1 CS 117 SWT.qxp_Layout 1 21/02/2019 23:19 Page 1 CS 118.qxp_Layout 1 30/09/2019 08:11 Page 1 CS 116 FSC.qxp_Layout 1 05/10/2018 10:36 Page 1 Nothing is lost but it is transformed In order for the light to shine so brightly the darkness NEW Sr Wendy Beckett must be present Francis Bacon No-one can ever know how sweetly and tenderly The dawn is not distant, our Creator loves us nor is the night starless; Julian of Norwich love is eternal H W Longfellow Contemplation 116 Contemplation 117 Contemplation 118 Contemplation 119 Dawn Light Butterfly Snowdrop Hermitage Window The dawn is not distant, Nothing is lost but No-one can ever know how sweetly In order for the light to shine so nor is the night starless; it is transformed and tenderly our Creator loves us brightly the darkness must be present love is eternal – Sr. Wendy Beckett – Julian of Norwich – Francis Bacon – H W Longfellow
Page 6 PetIte PRAYeRCARds PetIte PRAYeRCARds Flat card, 74 x 105 mm. AllFlat ourcard, Petite74 x 105 mm.are available blank or with the text on the rever Prayercards Price per card 30p • Mixed Pack (our selection of 20 cards): £4.15 excluding postage All our Petite Prayercards are available blank or with the text on the reverse unless otherwise indicated. XT TE NLY O K AN BL NLY O Petite Prayercard 78 Petite Prayercard 63 Send forth your spirit and renew the face of the earth. (Ps 104:30) Your hands have made me; let your Petite kindness comfort 77 Prayercard me. (Ps. 119:73, 76) Petite Prayercard 8 God works with those who love Him Petite Prayercard 70 I have opened a door in front of you to turn all things to their good. When I sit in darkness the Lord K (Rm 8:28) AN 3:8) that no-one can close. (Rev will be a light to me. BL NLY (Mic 7:8) O XT TE NLY O Petite Prayercard 80 Petite Prayercard 81 My grace is sufficient for you; Come with me to a quiet place my strength is made perfect and rest awhile. (Mk 6:31) Petite Prayercard 73 Petite in Prayercard weakness. (2 Cor7412:9) Petite Prayercard 79 Just as a child is carried, so the Lord carried Three things last: “Do this in memory of me.” you all along the way you travelled. faith, hope and love; (1 Cor 11:25) (Deut 1:31b) and the greatest is love. (1 Cor 13:13) Petite Prayercard 81 Petite Prayercard Petite 8383 Prayercard Petite Prayercard Petite Prayercard 84 84 Come with me to a quiet place The The Lord Lord is my is my shepherd, shepherd, I shall I shall notnot want; want; Where two or three are gathered Petiteand Prayercard 76 rest awhile. HeHe makes makes memelielie down down in in greengreen pastures. pastures. in my name, I am there among them. How beautiful (Mk on the mountains 6:31) HeHe leads leads meme beside beside stillstill waters; waters; (Mt 18:20) are the footsteps of Him HeHe restores restores mymy soul. soul. (Ps(Ps 23:1–3a) 23:1–3a) who brings good news of peace and the gift of salvation. (Is 52:7)
Page 7 PetIte PRAYeRCARds Flat card, 74 x 105 mm. All our Petite Prayercards are available blank or with the text on the reverse unless otherwise indicated. Petite Prayercard 85 Be still and know that I am God. (Ps 46:10) Petite Prayercard 87 Petite Prayercard 88 Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. I From the depths of the earth have called you by name, you are mine. to the mountain tops, all things (Is 43:1b) come under God’s care. (Ps 95:4) XT XT TE NLY TE NLY O O Petite Prayercard 90 Petite Prayercard 91 Petite Prayercard 92 Petite Prayercard 93 Come to me all you who labour God loved the world so much Peace I leave you, my own peace It is the same God that said and are heavily burdened that He sent His only Son so that I give you … Do not let your “Let there be light shining out and I will give you rest. we might have life through Him. hearts be troubled or afraid. of darkness”, who has shone (Mt 11:28) (1Jn 4:9) (Jn 14:27) in our hearts. (2 Cor 4:6) Petite Prayercard 97 I have loved you with an everlasting love. Petite Prayercard 95 Petite Prayercard 96 (Jer 31:3) The light shines in the darkness and the We too, though many, darkness has not overcome it. are one body in Christ. (Jn 1:5) (Rom 12:5)
Page 8 PetIte PRAYeRCARds Flat card, 74 x 105 mm. Price per card 30p • Mixed Pack (our selection of 20 cards): £4.15 excluding postage All our Petite Prayercards are available blank or with the text on the reverse unless otherwise indicated. XT XT TE NLY TE NLY O O Petite Prayercard 99 Petite Prayercard 100 Petite Prayercard 101 Stay with us Lord, for evening shadows fall Cast your care upon the Lord For everything there is a season. and day is nearly over. and He will sustain you. (Eccles 3:1) (Lk 24:29) (Ps. 55:22) XT TE NLY O Petite Prayercard 104 In God alone is my soul at rest, my hope comes from Him. Petite Prayercard 102 Petite Prayercard 103 (Ps. 62:5) Love never ends. The path you walk may be dark indeed, (1 Cor 13:8) but trust in the Lord, rely on your God. (Is 50:10) Petite Prayercard 105 Petite Prayercard 106 Petite Prayercard 107 Never will I fail you Behold, I have carved you My love for you shall never waver, nor my or desert you. on the palms of my hands. covenant of peace be removed, says the (Heb. 13.5) (Is 49:16) Lord. (Is. 54:10)
Page 9 PetIte PRAYeRCARds Flat card, 74 x 105 mm. All our Petite Prayercards are available blank or with the text on the reverse unless otherwise indicated. Petite Prayercard 108 Petite Prayercard 109 Petite Prayercard 111 If I take the wings of the dawn and dwell at May the Lord bless you and keep you. With God all things are possible. the sea’s furthest end, even there your hand (Num.6:24) (Mt. 19:26) would lead me, your right hand hold me fast. (Ps 139:9-10) PPC 115 SWT.qxp_Layout 1 22/02/2019 09:49 Page 1 Petite Prayercard 110 Petite Prayercard 112 Petite Prayercard 114 Petite Prayercard 115 The Lord is my light and my “I have come that they Life rooted in God The Lord fills the earth with salvation; whom shall I fear? may have life and have stands firm. His love. The Lord is the stronghold of it to the full.” (Prov. 12:3) (Ps. 33:5) my life; of whom shall I be (Jn. 10:10) afraid? (Ps 27:1) PPC 117 SWT.qxp_Layout 1 21/02/2019 23:07 Page 1 NEW PPC 116 SWT.qxp_Layout 1 21/02/2019 23:06 Page 1 Petite Prayercard 113 Petite Prayercard 116 Petite Prayercard 117 Fear not, I am with you. I am with you always, The ways of the Lord are faithfulness (Is. 41:10) even to the end of time. and love. (Mt. 28:20) (Ps 25:10)
Page 10 RefLeCtIoN seRIes Folded card, 105 x 148 mm, with envelope Price per card 95p • Mixed Pack (our selection of 10 cards): £8.10 excluding postage REFLECTiON 15 Blank or Mass Card (Personal Intention) REFLECTiON 1 REFLECTiON 2 REFLECTiON 18 Blank or Blank or Blank or Behold I have opened a Wishing You Peace Mass Card door before you which (Personal Intention) no-one can close. (Rev 3:8) REFLECTiON 37 Blank or Mass Card for the Dead REFLECTiON 62 REFLECTiON 71 REFLECTiON 79 Blank or Blank or Blank Thinking of You On Your Baptism REFLECTiON 67 Blank or Thinking of You REFLECTiON 75 REFLECTiON 78 REFLECTiON 82 With Sympathy Blank With Sympathy Not available blank Not available blank
Page 11 Also Available: Greetings Mixed Packs A6 size BIRTHDAY CARD pACk: (10 assorted Fleur and Reflection Series Birthday cards): SpeCIAl OFFeR £7.40 excluding postage A6 size THInkIng OF YOu pACk: (10 assorted Fleur and Reflection “Thinking of You” cards): SpeCIAl OFFeR £7.40 excluding postage REFLECTiON 86 Blank or Happy Birthday REFLECTiON 88 REFLECTiON 93 REFLECTiON 94 Blank or Blank or Mass Card for the Dead Mass Card for the Dead Thank You Not available blank REFLECTiON 90 Blank only REFLECTiON 95 REFLECTiON 96 Blank or Blank Birthday Greetings REFLECTiON 98 With Sympathy Not available blank REFLECTiON 92 Get Well Soon Not available blank REFLECTiON 99 REFLECTiON 100 Birthday Greetings Blank or Not available blank Get Well Soon REFLECTiON 101 REFLECTiON 102 REFLECTiON 105 REFLECTiON 103 Blank or Blank or Blank or Blank or Birthday Greetings Happy Birthday Birthday Greetings Mass Card (Personal Intention)
Page 12 RefLeCtIoN seRIes Folded card, 105 x 148 mm, with envelope Price per card 95p • Mixed Pack (our selection of 10 cards): £8.10 excluding postage REFLECTiON 106 REFLECTiON 110 Blank Blank or Mass Card (Personal Intention) REFLECTiON 109 REFLECTiON 112 Blank or Thinking of You Blank or Birthday Greetings REFLECTiON 108 Blank or Birthday Greetings REFLECTiON 113 REFLECTiON 114 REFLECTiON 116 Blank or Mass Card for Birthday Greetings Blank or the Dead Not available blank Birthday Greetings REFLECTiON 111 Blank or With Sympathy REFLECTiON 115 REFLECTiON 117 REFLECTiON 118 Blank or Happy Birthday Blank or With Sympathy Blank or Happy Birthday AND ‘Love never ends’ 1 Cor. 13:8
Page 13 RefLeCtIoN seRIes (105 x 148 mm) 95p each excluding postage REFLECTION 124.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 07/10/2019 09:09 Page 1 REFLECTION 124: Sunrise from Iona REFLECTiON 119 Blank www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH Photograph © Katie Seal Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. REFLECTiON 120 REFLECTiON 121 REFLECTiON 124 Blank or Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. Photography, Design and Production by our Sisters and Friends Blank or Blank or Birthday Greetings Get Well Soon Thinking of You CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk REFLECTION 125: Barrow’s Goldeneye Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. Photograph © Maggie B Dickinson - maggiebdickinson.wordpress.com CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk Brompton-by-Sawdon, North Yorkshire REFLECTION 123: Restful Waters REFLECTiON 122 Reflection 126 Q2015.qxp_A6 Landscape Template NEW 05/02/2020 10:38 Page 1 NEW Mass Card for the Dead REFLECTION 125.qxp_Layout 1 07/10/2019 09:11 Page 1 REFLECTiON 125 REFLECTiON 126 Reflection 123 SWT.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 05/02/2019 15:56 Page 1 Blank or Tarn Hows, Lake District REFLECTiON 123 Birthday Greetings Blank or Blank or Birthday Greetings Birthday Greetings RefLeCtIoN suPeRsAveRs Folded card, 105 x 148 mm, with envelope • 45p each excluding postage REFLECTiON 63 REFLECTiON 51 Birthday Greetings Blank or Not available blank Thinking of You REFLECTiON 50 REFLECTiON 76 With Sympathy Blank or Not available blank Thank You
Page 14 fLeuR seRIes Folded card, 105 x 148 mm, with envelope Price per card 95p • Mixed Pack (our selection of 10 cards): £8.10 excluding postage FLEuR 88 Blank or Get Well Soon FLEuR 85 FLEuR 91 FLEuR 92 Congratulations! Blank or Blank or Not available blank Thinking of You Thank You FLEuR 95 Blank or Birthday Greetings FLEuR 99 FLEuR 105 FLEuR 108 Blank or Blank or Blank With Sympathy Get Well Soon FLEuR 98 Blank or Thinking of You FLEuR 103 FLEuR 109 FLEuR 110 FLEuR 113 Blank or Blank or Blank only Blank or Get Well Soon With Sympathy On This Special Occasion
Page 15 Also Available: Greetings Mixed Packs A6 size BIRTHDAY CARD pACk: (10 assorted Fleur and Reflection Series Birthday cards): SpeCIAl OFFeR £7.40 excluding postage A6 size THInkIng OF YOu pACk: (10 assorted Fleur and Reflection “Thinking of You” cards): SpeCIAl OFFeR £7.40 excluding postage FLEuR 116 Blank FLEuR 117 FLEuR 119 FLEuR 121 Blank or Blank only Thank You With Sympathy Not available blank FLEuR 118 Blank or Happy Birthday FLEuR 124 FLEuR 126 Blank or Blank or With Sympathy Birthday Greetings FLEuR 129 Blank only FLEuR 120 Blank only FLEuR 123 FLEuR 127 FLEuR 131 FLEuR 132 Blank or Blank or Blank or Blank or With Love Birthday Greetings Birthday Greetings Thank You
Page 16 fLeuR seRIes Folded card, 105 x 148 mm, with envelope Price per card 95p • Mixed Pack (our selection of 10 cards): £8.10 excluding postage FLEuR 133 Blank or With Sympathy FLEuR 134 FLEuR 135 FLEuR 136 Blank or Blank or Blank or With Love Birthday Greetings Thinking of You FLEuR 137 FLEuR 138 FLEuR 139 Blank Blank or Blank or Birthday Greetings Thinking of You FLEuR 142 Blank or Birthday Greetings FLEuR 140 FLEuR 141 FLEuR 144 Blank or Blank only Blank or Thank You Birthday Greetings FLEuR 145 FLEuR 146 FLEuR 147 FLEuR 143 Blank or Blank or Blank or Blank or Birthday Greetings Congratulations! Thinking of You Happy Birthday
Page 17 fLeuR seRIes (105 x 148 mm) 95p each excluding postage FLEUR 152.qxp_Layout 1 07/10/2019 09:04 Page 1 FLEuR 148 FLEuR 149 FLEuR 152 Blank or Blank or Blank or Thinking of You Happy Birthday Birthday Greetings Fleur 151 SWT.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 05/02/2019 16:04 Page 1 NEW Fleur 153 Q2015.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 05/02/2020 09:38 Page 1 FLEuR 150 FLEuR 151 FLEuR 153 Blank or Blank or Wildflowers Happy Birthday Birthday Blank or Greetings Happy Birthday FLEUR 151: Sweet Peas FLEUR 153: Wildflowers www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk Photo by kind courtesy of Vern Liles CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH Photography, Design and Production by our Sisters and Friends Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. CReAtIoN seRIes Featuring handcrafted items designed and made by Sisters of the Monastery Folded card, 105 x 148 mm, with envelope. price per card 95p excluding postage CREaTiON 1 CREaTiON 3 CREaTiON 4 Clydesdale Rag Rug Japanese owl in japonica tree Swan and Water Lilies Rag Rug Blank Blank Blank or Happy Birthday CREATION 7.qxp_Layout 1 07/10/2019 09:02 Page 1 CREaTiON 5 CREaTiON 6 CREaTiON 7 Plum Tree with Peewits King Penguins Cat at a Window Rag Rug Blank or Birthday Greetings Blank Blank or Happy Birthday
Page 18 PetIte NoteCARds Folded card, 74 x 105 mm, with envelope. Price per card 55p excluding postage MIXed PACKs also available Our selection of 10 cards all blank: £4.55 excluding postage Our selection of 10 cards with “Thinking of You” greeting: £4.55 excluding postage The cost of postage will be added to your order. NOTECaRD 45 NOTECaRD 56 Blank or Thank You Thinking of You Not available blank NOTECaRD 57 NOTECaRD 58 NOTECaRD 59 Blank or Thinking of You Thinking of You Thinking of You Not available blank Not available blank NOTECaRD 62 NOTECaRD 65 NOTECaRD 66 Blank or Blank or Blank or Thank You Thank You Thinking of You NOTECaRD 61 NOTECaRD 67 Blank or Blank or Thinking of You Thinking of You NOTECaRD 74 Blank or Thank You NOTECaRD 68 NOTECaRD 71 NOTECaRD 72 NOTECaRD 73 Blank or Blank or Blank or Blank or Thank You Thinking of You With Sympathy Birthday Greetings
Page 19 PetIte NoteCARds Folded card, 74 x 105 mm, with envelope NOTECaRD 76 NOTECaRD 78 Blank or Blank or Thinking of You Get Well Soon NOTECaRD 75 NOTECaRD 77 NOTECaRD 79 Blank or Blank or Blank or Best Wishes Thinking of You With Sympathy NOTECaRD 83 NOTECaRD 84 Blank or Blank or Thinking of You Happy Birthday NOTECaRD 80 NOTECaRD 81 NOTECaRD 85 Blank or Blank or Blank or With Love Thinking of You Thinking of You NOTECaRD 93 Blank or Christmas Greetings NOTECaRD 86 NOTECaRD 89 NOTECaRD 90 NOTECaRD 94 Christmas Greetings Blank or Wishing you Peace at Birthday Greetings Not available blank With Sympathy Christmas Not available blank Not available blank NOTECaRD 95 NOTECaRD 96 NOTECaRD 97 NOTECaRD 99 NOTECaRD 100 Blank or Blank or Blank Blank or Blank or With Love Get Well Soon Happy Birthday Thank You
Page 20 PetIte NoteCARds Folded card, 74 x 105 mm, with envelope. Price per card 55p excluding postage MIXed PACKs also available Our selection of 10 cards all blank: £4.55 excluding postage Our selection of 10 cards with “Thinking of You” greeting: £4.55 excluding postage The cost of postage will be added to your order. NOTECaRD 101 Blank or Congratulations NOTECaRD 102 NOTECaRD 103 NOTECaRD 104 Blank or Blank Blank or With Sympathy Get Well Soon NOTECaRD 105 NOTECaRD 106 Blank or Blank or Thank You With Best Wishes NOTECaRD 109 NOTECaRD 112 Blank Blank (Detail of a lectern hanging designed and hand-embroidered by a sister of the Monastery) NOTECaRD 107 NOTECaRD 108 Blank or Blank Happy Birthday NOTECaRD 110 NOTECaRD 111 NOTECaRD 113 NOTECaRD 114 Blank Blank Blank Blank (Detail of a wall hanging designed and hand-embroidered by a sister of the Monastery)
Page 21 Quidenham christmas classics All A6 size (105 x 148 mm) – with envelope 65p each classics mixed pack: Our selection of 10 a6 size christmas classics £5.80 Please note that the prices shown are exclusive of postage 56 Three Candles 59 Candlelit Madonna 63 The Word was 70 Christmas 73 Candle “With Best Wishes for and Child made Flesh Tree Lights “With Best Wishes Christmas and the “Wishing you Peace “Wishing you “With Best Wishes for Christmas and New Year” this Christmastide” Christmas Peace” for Christmas and the New Year” the New Year” 76 King Penguins (Embroidery by a sister of the Monastery) 79 Christmas Candle 80 Tender Love 81 Our Saviour is 82 Christmas Music “With Best Wishes for Born Christmas and the New Year” “With Best Wishes “Wishing you “With Best Wishes for for Christmas and Christmas Peace and “With Best Wishes for Christmas and the the New Year” Blessings” Christmas and the New Year” New Year” Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. Photograph © Bob Mitchell. CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk St. John the Baptist, Upper Boddington, Northamptonshire Church at Sunset QUIDENHAM CLASSIC SERIES No. 87 Classic 86 SWT.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 05/02/2019 15:14 Page 1 QUIDENHAM CLASSIC SERIES No. 86 Holy Night St. Michael and All Angels, Harbledown, Kent www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH Photograph © J.R. Salmon. Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. Classic 87 SWT.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 08/02/2019 10:10 Page 1 83 Forest Hermitage 84 They will name 85 Virgin and Child 86 Holy Night 87 Church at Sunset “With Best Wishes Him Immanuel with Angels “With Best wishes “With Best Wishes for Christmas “With Best Wishes for “Wishing you for Christmas for Christmas and the New Year” Christmas and the Christmas Peace” and the New Year” and the New Year” New Year” MORE
Page 22 Quidenham christmas classics All A6 size (105 x 148 mm) – with envelope 65p each classics mixed pack: Our selection of 10 a6 size christmas classics £5.80 Please note that the prices shown are exclusive of postage Classic 88 Q2015.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 05/02/2020 09:52 Page 1 Classic 89 Q2015.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 05/02/2020 09:48 Page 1 Classic 91 Q2015.qxp_A6 Classic 90 Q2015 Amended.qxp_A6 Portrait Template 20/02/2020Portrait 10:24Template Page 1 06/02/2020 12:07 Page 1 NEW NEW NEW NEW 88 Word in Silence 89 Nativity Roundel 90 Mother and Child with 91 Loving Virgin and Child “Wishing you Christmas “With Best Wishes Lilies “Wishing you Christmas Peace” for Christmas “With Best Wishes for Peace and Joy” and the New Year” Christmas and the New Year” christmas midi series All 85 x140 mm – with envelope 50p each mixed pack (our selection of 10 cards): £3.90 Please note that the prices shown are exclusive of postage sale Pack £4.30 (Our selection of 4 midi and 6 a6 size cards) excluding postage 1 Candlelit Madonna 35 At the Stable 36 The Babe in the Manger 37 Midwinter Madonna “With Best Wishes “Wishing you “Wishing you “Wishing you Christmas for Christmas and the Christmas Blessings” Christmas Peace” Peace and Blessings” New Year” 2 Shepherds Adoring 17 Journey of the Magi 38 The Three Kings “With Best Wishes for Christmas “Wishing you Peace at Christmas” “Christmas Greetings” and the New Year”
Page 23 ChRIstMAs MIdI seRIes All 85 x140 mm – with envelope 50p each Mixed pack (our selection of 10 cards): £3.90 please note that the prices shown are exclusive of postage 40 White Christmas “With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year” 41 Candle Decoration 42 angels adoring 45 Madonna and Child “Wishing you “Wishing you “With Best Wishes Christmas Peace” Christmas Blessings” for Christmas and the New Year” 43 Festive Candles “Wishing you Peace at Christmas” 46 Christmas Crib 48 Come and adore 49 Gentle Mother, 50 Holy Family “Wishing you Christmas Peace” “With Best Wishes Holy Child “With Best Wishes for Christmas and the “Wishing you all for Christmas and the New Year” the Blessings New Year” of Christmas” Portrait Cards.qxp_Layout 1 18/01/2019 12:19 Page 1 Portrait Cards.qxp_Layout 1 18/01/2019 12:19 Page 5 NEW Landscape Cards.qxp_Layout 1 15/01/2019 11:06 Page 5 47 Margaret Rope Crib “Wishing you Christmas Peace” MIDI SERIES MIDI SERIES MIDI SERIES 54. Holy Family with Shepherd 52. Tender Mother and Child 53. Virgin Adoring Wooden nativity set carved by Sister Marie-Madeleine of Lons-St. Maur Carmel Detail of a Window by Margaret Rope in the Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH Photography, Design and Production by our Sisters and Friends. www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk www.quidenhamcarmel.org.uk Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, CARMELITE MONASTERY, QUIDENHAM, NORFOLK NR16 2PH NORFOLK NR16 2PH Photography, Design and Production by our Sisters and Friends. Photography, Design and Production by our Sisters and Friends. Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. Printed by Swallowtail, Norwich. 54 Holy Family with Shepherd 52 Tender Mother 53 Virgin adoring “With Best Wishes for Christmas and Child “With Best Wishes and the New Year” 51 Epiphany Crib “Wishing you for Christmas and the “Wishing you Peace this Christmastide” Christmas Blessings” New Year”
MONASTERY GARDEN SERIES 105 x 148 Mixed pack mm, of 4folded, with envelope quality notecards (105 x 148 mm) folded, with envelope, Mixed featuring line Pack £1.20 Pack of 4drawings quality ofnotecards featuring our monastery. Priceline drawings per pack £1.40, of our monastery. excluding postage. Please note that the price shown is exclusive of VAT and postage. South-westview Southwest view “Pax House” The Old Pavilion The Bell Tower of monastery of monastery Hermitage CERTIFICATES FOR PRAYER LEAFLETS COMMUNITY CELEBRATIONS Please 6" x 81/note that the price 2" certificates shownplease 35p each. is exclusive note that of theVAT Please note please note that that the the price priceshown shownisis and postage. price x 81⁄2" certificates shown is6"exclusive of postage.on mock parchment exclusive exclusive of postage (VAT does of postage. 25p each not apply). 30p35peach each ‘PRAYER THAT IS JESUS’ LEAFLET By Sr Ruth Burrows of this monastery, author of Love Unknown, To Believe in Jesus, Ascent to Love and other books. ‘SIMPLE PRAYER’ LEAFLET By Sr Wendy Beckett, 1 Adult Initiation (R.C. Church) – only available with date hermit of this 2 Adult Full Communion of birth 19 – monastery, author of several books (R.C. Church) 7 Baptism (R.C. Church) on art and spirituality. 3 First Eucharist 8 Eucharistic Minister (Her) 4 Confirmation 9 Eucharistic Minister (Him) BLESSING BLESSING CARDS CARDS £1.30 £1.55 each, eachpostage excluding To commemorate a blessing ceremony in the case of neo-natal death, for use in hospitals or parishes. Space inside to insert the child’s name, and with the message ‘Love never ‘Love neverends’, ends’,with withquotations quotes from fromJulian Julianof of Norwich Norwich “God made all things for love, and shall keep them without end”, and from Lisa Clarke “Even the smallest of feet have the power to leave everlasting footprints upon this world.” Blessing (1) Comes with Conqueror envelope overprinted with ‘Blessing’. Blessing (2) Forget-me-not Garden Double-fold card, 108 x 152 mm. Tranquil Dawn
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