Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online

Page created by Elizabeth Gibson
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
Sunday, March 21, 2021
               Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis, S.T.D.

               ASSOCIATE Pastor
               Fr. Niranjan “Niru” Kanmury, Ph.D.

               Pastoral assistant
               Deacon Bob Holgren

               Deacon Mike Fish

               Parish Information
               17252 Bernardo Center Drive
               San Diego, CA 92128
               Phone | 858.487.4314
               Fax | 858.487.1498
               Website |

               Mass Schedule
               Monday through Saturday | Morning Prayer
               from the Divine Office 7:45 a.m.,
               Daily Mass 8:00 a.m.
               Rosary and Divine Mercy Devotion
               immediately following the Mass
               Saturday | Vigil Mass at 5:00 p.m.
               Sunday | 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. (live streamed),
               10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon
               Misa en Español 7:00 p.m., 2o y 4o Sábados
               First Friday | Exposition and Adoration of the
               Blessed Sacrament after the 8:00 a.m. Mass
               until 9:45 a.m. Benediction
               First Saturday | Devotions after 8:00 a.m. Mass
               Sacrament of Reconciliation |
               Every Saturday at 3:30 p.m.
               Also by appointment, call (858)487-4314.
               Baptism | For information call (858)487-4314.
               Marriage | Engaged couple must contact the
               parish office. Please give nine months notice.
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
which will benefit the inner city and Imperial Valley parochial
                                                                       schools of our diocese to name a few. (By the way, did you
                                                                       know that the increasing use of the term “siblings” is being so-
                                                                       cially promoted over “brother” and “sister” because “sibling” is
                                                                       less “gender specific?” Isn’t that sad? What are we becoming?)
                                                                                It is almost Easter. If we’ve stumbled around a bit so far
                                                                       during Lent let’s put ourselves back on the straight and narrow so
                                                                       Easter Sunday can be the joyful celebration it is meant to be!
                                                                       Take heart! We’re almost home!

                                                                       FEAST DAY THIS WEEK |
                                                                                       The Feast of the Annunciation, March 25th, is
                                   s we get closer to Easter the                       this coming Thursday. This celebrates the mo-
                                   tenor of Lent begins to change.                     ment when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to
                           As we continue our journey through                          the Blessed Virgin Mary to announce that God
                           Lent we should all ask ourselves how                        had chosen her to be the mother of Christ.
                           we have been doing in our efforts for                       Mary’s “yes” to God’s will brought joy in abun-
                           renewal and reform in our lives during                      dance to the world. When God calls us to serve
                           this special time. If we are discouraged                    Him, even when His request is difficult, how do
at the state of the world let’s not get too obsessive about it be-                     we respond? The Feast of the Annunciation is
cause there’s not a whole lot we can do about it. Instead, focus                       not a Holy Day of Obligation but our Lenten
on the beauty of creation and the many ways that God shares            Fasts are suspended for the day as it is a major feast day in the
Himself with us to make us joyful in the Lord. Let’s climb out         Church. Just don’t over-do it!
of the holes of self-pity we might have dug and focus on the joy
and hope of Christ in our lives. What we all need to do is to
look at our own lives first and work to transform them into a life     PASSOVER |
of service to Christ. Like a pebble thrown into a pond the ripple      Passover begins Saturday, March 27th, and continues through
effect of good intentions and good works will eventually affect        April 4th. As we all know this commemorates the liberation of
the world around us. Just imagine what it would be like if every       the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. It is one of the most im-
Christian made a consistent effort to improve his/her life by          portant celebrations of the Jewish Faith. During Passover let us
good example and living out the Ten Commandments and Pre-              remember our Jewish Brothers and Sisters in prayer as well as
cepts of the Church as well as possible. The effect would be           resolve for ourselves to remember how God frees us from the
stunning!                                                              slavery of sin and leads us to the Promised Land of His presence
          In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus talks about a grain of         in Paradise.
wheat that is planted, dies to itself but then brings forth new life
with a new, healthy plant that produces much grain. That is ex-        PALM SUNDAY |
actly what we are called to do in our own lives. Too many                                     Palm Sunday is NEXT SUNDAY. Palms
Christians, however, try to reject this idea of dying to self in                              will be blessed and distributed at all Mass-
order to rise to new life. That is a foolish endeavor on their part.                          es next weekend. Please keep in mind the
If seeds are just left gathered together in a basket and never                                necessary health protocols as we gather for
planted they run the risk of rotting away and being of no use to                              Mass. Continue to wear masks and please
anyone. The same can be said of our lives. If all we think about                              try to maintain physical distancing. We
is ourselves and are not willing to sacrifice for others then we,                             are allowed 225 people in church for Mass
too, will simply rot away. It takes a great deal of faith and cour-                           but there will be chairs available in the
age to follow the path of the Lord and grow in His presence and        vestibule for seating on the front patio of the church for any over-
grace. The Scriptures we have been reading throughout Lent             flow numbers of people. Outside speakers will be set up outside
clearly illustrate this. As Christ suffered and died to redeem         for the convenience of those who will be sitting outside.
humanity from our sins so we must be willing to suffer and die
for others by putting aside our self-centeredness in order to reach    ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL |
out to others in their need. During Lent we can do this by taking                PLEASE DON’T FORGET to contribute to The Annu-
extra time in prayer, remembering those who have asked for and                   al Catholic Appeal of the Diocese of San Diego. With-
for whom we have promised our prayer. We can make a greater                      out the support of all of us the Church in the Diocese of
effort at fasting in order to feel closer to those who daily suffer              San Diego simply cannot meet its needs for ministry.
the ravages of hunger even in our own country. Almsgiving,                       We are all crew members on the boat that brings Jesus
that is giving of our own earthly possessions to help others in        to others. Please, please be a supporting crew member.
their need, cements our unity with others as brothers and sisters
in the Lord. There are numerous, easy ways to this: The dioce-              A HUGE thank you to all who have already responded!
san Annual Catholic Appeal, Holy Innocents Children’s Hospital
that we continue to build in Uganda, the parish Lenten Project
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
Sunday, March 21                                                                     Saints & Special Observances
7:30 a.m.             Evelyn & Roger Jerde | ANNIVERSARY
9:00 a.m.             Pro Populo
                                                                                     Sunday |         5th Sunday of Lent
10:30 a.m.            Dale Snow | RIP                                                Tuesday |        St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop
12:00 p.m.            William Barry | RIP                                            Thursday |       The Annunciation of the Lord
                                                                                     Friday |         St. Joseph, Spouse of the
Monday, March 22                                                                                      Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 a.m.             Eva Bourgeois | RIP
                      Uncle Zaro & Frances Miceli | RIP
                                                                                     Sunday |         Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord;
                                                                                                      Holy Week begins
Tuesday, March 23
8:00 a.m.             Rev. John H. Howard, CJM | RIP
                      Edward Freeh, Jr. | RIP
Wednesday, March 24
8:00 a.m.             Many Brown | RIP                                               Today |          Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 [12a];
                      Sr. Joy Bourgeois, M.C. | INTENTIONS                                            Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 or Ez 37:12-14;
                                                                                                      Rom 8:8-11; Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [7];
Thursday, March 25                                                                                    Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45
8:00 a.m.             Eva Bourgeois | RIP                                            Monday |         Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62;
                      Frank Wilson | RIP                                                              Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [4ab]; Jn 8:1-11
Friday, March 26                                                                     Tuesday |        Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21 [2];
                                                                                                      Jn 8:21-30
8:00 a.m.             Mike Koligman | RIP
                      Jack Zickgraf | RIP                                            Wednesday |      Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56
                                                                                                      [52b]; Jn 8:31-42
Saturday, March 27                                                                   Thursday |       Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-8, 8-9, 10, 11
8:00 a.m.             Eilvira Legaspi | RIP                                                           [8a, 9a]; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
5:00 p.m.             Joseph Kopacz | RIP                                            Friday |         Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7 [cf. 7];
                                                                                                      Jn 10:31-42
Palm Sunday, March 28                                                                Saturday |       Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13
7:30 a.m.             Raffaela Vitulano | RIP                                                         [cf. 10d]; Jn 11:45-56
9:00 a.m.             Pro Populo
10:30 a.m.            Maureen Venus | RIP                                            Sunday |         Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7;
12:00 p.m.            Mary Austom | RIP                                                               Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 [2a];
                                                                                                      Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 or 15:1-39

Shelley Becherer, Bill Birkhoff, Val Bochenek, Joan Boland, Angela
                                                                                     Question of the Week
Bolin, Mike Brown, Kendall Brundrett, Devin Caliri, Madeline Calo,
Chris Cannariato, Anabel & Pedro Cedillo, Chuck, Maggie Cole,
Rita Correa, Judy Cripe, Peter Dahlberg, Keri Davey, Elvert & Meda
de la Rosa, Jim Dickinson, Nancy Eliyas, Sonia Elmore, Julie Forys,
Whitney & Bob Frost, Avila Gachalian & Family, Cheryl Garcia,                        First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Katherine Gibson, The Haltman Family, Suzanne Hanley, Dan                            Around 600 BC, Jeremiah prophesied that God would establish a
Hughes, Carol Isham, Astrid Ivie, Irma Johnston, Marilyn Kubinak,                    new, unbreakable covenant with his people, one written “upon
Joe Larkin, Frank Leamy, Michael Leis, Eric Lewis, Hermie Lopez,                     their hearts.” In what ways is your faith heart-felt?
James Lydon, Jeni Lyn, Connie Maas, Marsha MacIntire, Carol Ma-
her, Stephen Moran, Lee Mosteller, Josie Murguia, Geri Napier,                       Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9
Oanh Nonaka, Kim Peterson, Millie Ryan, Rick Sandzimier, Pat
Schmitt, Dave Scott, Cecilia Seid, Bruce & Mary Swift, Diana Taka-                   The author of Hebrews teaches us that Jesus learned “obedience”
mori, Eduardo Tiambeng, Deb Vandervelde, Margaret Wood, Jo-                          from His suffering. What have been some fruits from the suffer-
anne Zickgraf and Janet Zink. (A NOTE ABOUT OUR PRAYER LIST:                         ing in your life?
At the beginning of each month the prayer list will be updated. If we have not
received notice to continue a name on the list for the coming month it will be       Gospel Reading: John 12:20-33
removed. If you would like to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the      We hear today of Jesus’ own struggle with His impending death.
parish office at (858)487-4314. By the same token, if your name is on the list and
you are doing better, or you have placed someone else’s name on the list and they    During this Lenten season, what has been a struggle for you?
are now better, please notify the office when the name can be removed. We ap-
preciate the prompt notification and your cooperation. Thank you!)
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
From the Parish Of"ice                                              Parish Finances
                                                                    Amy Martinez, Business Manager / e-mail:
                    Parish Of"ice Hours
    Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.                               The net amount needed each week for the
                    Closed Saturdays                                                    maintenance and ministry of the parish
                                                                                        (salaries and benefits for our workers, litur-
                                                                    gies, sacraments, utilities, religious education subsidy, repairs
Bulletin Announcements Deadline |                                   and ongoing maintenance):                             $ 29,704
         We will still continue to print a limited quantity of
         bulletins each week in addition to publishing a digital    Amount received in March 14th offering:                $   30,546
         bulletin during this period. Please submit all an-         Amount received Parish Lenten collection to date:      $    4,655
nouncements by Thursdays by 9:00 a.m. (10 days prior to publi-      Amount received in Diocesan Lenten collection:         $    1,455

Submit announcements to |                                           DO YOU GIVE ONLINE? |
Online:           If you are enrolled in online giving AND are also still receiving
E-mail:                                offertory envelopes from the parish in the mail, please contact
                                                                    the parish office and let us know if you no longer wish to receive
Subscribe to Our Digital Bulletin List |                            the offertory envelopes so that we may notify the printing com-
                   We no longer post copies of current and          pany to discontinue mailing them to you. Thank you!
                   past bulletins on our parish website. If
                   you would like to receive a digital copy of           ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL CONTINUES!
                   our parish bulletin you may do so by sub-
                   scribing. Our bulletin publisher, Lpi, has a                             Please don’t forget to send in your
special website - - where our latest                                 pledge of whatever you can afford to the
bulletin (including our advertising pages) is published each                                Annual Catholic Appeal which serves
week, along with those of other parishes from all over. In addi-                            the many ministries of our diocese. As
tion to viewing the bulletin, you may also subscribe to have our                            always, any funds received over our as-
weekly bulletin emailed directly to you by Lpi.                                             sessment of $107,000 are returned to the
                                                                    parish for our use here. Also, please consider a donation to our
Do You Watch Our Live Stream Masses? |                              Parish Lenten Project collection which this year will be used to
If you do, please take an extra moment and subscribe to our         help support the parochial schools of our diocese that are strug-
“San Rafael Parish” YouTube channel! Our goal is to reach           gling to meet expenses as a result of the pandemic. Both of
1,000 subscribers (we are at 724 so far) so that we may have        these causes are good ways to support the Lenten pillar of alms-
additional live streaming options become available to us.           giving.

                                                                    ACA materials in English and in Spanish and envelopes are
Are You New to Our Parish? |                                        available in the church vestibule if you did not receive one in the
If so, please take the time to register and let us know you’re      mail or have misplaced yours.
here. Parish registration forms can be found online at By the way – THANKS           Another way to give is to go to the diocesan website - https://
for joining us! We’re awfully glad you’re here!            - and click
                                                                    on the “Donate Now” icon. Be sure to select “San Rafael” as |                                              your parish when making the donation.
         This website presents all the information about how
         the diocese addresses the issue of abuse at the diocese,   We have also posted links to the Diocesan site on our own parish
         which includes a list of all credibly accused priests.     website’s Home page—please visit, on
         The site summarizes the Safe Environment Program,          our Parish App and our parish Facebook page.
         links to key resources, and details new initiatives the
diocese is undertaking to expand support for victim-survivors       PARISH LENTEN CHARITY PROJECT |
and strengthen prevention efforts. To report abuse email mis-                      Our parish Lenten Project will be the support of or call (858)490-8353.                                      several of our inner city and Imperial Valley
                                                                                   Catholic Schools who have been hardest hit by
                                                                                   the COVID pandemic. Contributing to our Len-
                                                                                   ten project is a good way to fulfill almsgiving,
                                                                                   one of the three pillars of Lent. If we don’t sup-
                                                                    port good, quality Catholic education – who will?
 Please be sure to follow our Facebook page to catch important
   parish notices and resources to help us all get through this
    Covid-19 crisis together as the parish family that we are!
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
Religious Education
           e-mail: Quyen Skiano,
                        (858)487-4314, ext. 1216
             e-mail: Gail Jilka,                    ALZHEIMER’S SAN DIEGO
                        (858)487-4314, ext. 1201
                                                                                    SUPPORT GROUPS |
           Religious Education Temporary Of"ice Hours |
       The Religious Education Of"ice is closed until further notice.
                                                                                     These groups are open to anyone caring for
         Please visit the parish of"ice for any Religious Ed needs.                  someone with Alzheimer’s or another dementia.
                                                                                     They are held using Zoom, and participation is
                                                                        free and easy. Groups are emotionally focused. Members
                     CONGRATULATIONS!                                   are encouraged to attend as many meetings and groups as
                                                                        they like to feel best supported. Meetings are offered 6 days
              Congratulations to the children who went to Recon-        a week at various times and are 100% con"idential. Groups
              ciliation for the 1st time last Saturday, March 13th.
                                                                        are "lexible. Feel free to attend when you can. Groups are
              May you continue to be filled with grace as you
              continue your faith journey. Continued prayers as         always free. To "ind the right support group for you call Alz-
              you grow and learn and go on to receive your First        heimer’s San Diego at (858)492-4400 or register for a group
              Communion in May!                                         at

                           NO CLASSES:                                      Once you register you will be emailed a secure Zoom
                                                                            link to join the group.
                 April 5-8 in observance of Easter                          You will receive a con"irmation email which will provide
                    April 12-15 Spring Break                                a link for future meetings.
          Please continue with your lessons either on                       The group leader will ask you for contact information so
        Google Classroom or on St. Mary’s Press forum.                      they can send email reminders.

                                                                        You can also attend the support group meetings by phone
   Middle School & High School Ministries                               instead of Zoom. Call (858)492-4400 for more information.
      e-mail: Lailani Gachalian,
                 Joe Tesoro,
                        (858)487-4314, ext. 1217                        If you need help setting up Zoom or any other technology,
           Youth Ministry Website:               Alzheimer’s San Diego has a Volunteer Tech Team who can
                                                                        talk you through it. Just call (858)492-4400 to get started.
            This is the #1 reason why young people join and
            leave churches. We all have a desire to be known,           TREMBLE CLEFS |
            to belong, to be safe, and to be loved. This is exact-      Tremble Clefs, the free weekly Parkinson’s Voice Therapy and
            ly what Discipleship Groups aim to fulfill as the           Singing Group is now meeting on-line twice a week. Tremble
            foundation for a life-long journey growing and              Clefs will be returning to San Rafael Church for weekly sessions
learning about what it means to be a Catholic Christian in to-          in the future when live meetings are deemed safe and possible.
day’s crazy world.                                                      However, due to COVID-19, Tremble Clefs is currently meeting
                                                                        on-line via Zoom every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and on Thurs-
              Do you want a solid group of friends                      days at 1:00 p.m.
                  to grow in your faith with?
                                                                        Tremble Clefs was created over 20 years ago to help people with
The cornerstone of our youth ministry is in relational ministry         Parkinson’s with their speech volume, breath control, lung ex-
through Discipleship Groups. D-Groups are offered in both               pansion, swallowing and voice intonation. There is no cost to
Middle School and High School Ministries. These groups                  attend. People with Parkinson’s and their caregivers are encour-
consist of 1-2 adult leaders and 6-9 guys or girls of the same age      aged to join in on the fun. You don’t have to be able to read
who meet weekly (on Zoom) to discuss life, grow in their faith          music and you don’t have to be able to carry a tune. Simply
and seek support for the trials and joy of life together. Get ready     attend and enjoy the voice lessons as well as the singing. Come
to encounter Christ and make new friends in a fun and exciting          learn, share and meet the other involved Parkinson’s persons.
                                                                        If you would like to participate in Tremble Clefs, please call
       Register TODAY, visit                     Rick Ankrom at (760) 420-0121.

            Mercy Mondays is a support group for youth who are          Feeling helpless or hopeless? Know someone who is?
             feeling adrift, alone, and struggling with the feelings            Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or
           of grief and loss. Youth will find a safe place to share          SAN DIEGO Crisis Line: 1-888-724-7240
an d pray
      pray together. Meets on the first Monday of each month in
thee ch
th   chur
        urch chapel from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
Adult Education
         e-mail: Chris O’Donnell,       SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE APPROACHING! |
                        (858)487-4314, ext. 1224                                 The Knights of Columbus, Council #9710, will spon-
                                                                                 sor our parish scholarship program for Fall Semester
                                                                                 2021. Applications are available through the parish
                                                                                 office or by contacting Knights of Columbus Scholar-
                                                                                 ship          coordinator,         Ed        Lennon
                                                                      (, effective January 18, 2021. Ap-
                                                                      plications and supporting documents must be submitted by
                                                                      April 1, 2021. Scholarships will be awarded in July 2021.
                                                                      Scholarships include the Matt Herriman Memorial, Caroline E.
                                                                      Cox Memorial, Catholic University, Community College, and
      “CATHOLIC SPIRITUALITY 101:                                     Vocational/Trade Programs.
        Learning the Mystical Life
             of Christianity”
There is a new Bible study which began February 17th:
“Catholic Spirituality 101: Learning the Mystical Life of Christi-
anity.” This live stream class will introduce you to the basics,
both teachings and practices, of the Christian spiritual journey to                  LENTEN FISH FRY DINNERS |
understand the wealth of our Catholic treasury of faith.                              The Knights of Columbus will provide the last
                                                                                      classic Lenten dinner in a take-away style this
Each Wednesday we will live stream the weekly class/session at                        Friday evening, March 26th. The dinners include
the normal class time from 9:30-11:30 a.m. During this time you                       two pieces of deep-fried cod, a generous serving
will be able to ask questions that will be answered during that                       of our seasoned French Fries, homemade Cole
session or next week. After it is recorded live, the video will be    slaw, and dessert. Utensils and condiments included. Tickets
stored for you to be able to watch it at any time. You can see it     will be on sale at the door. Raffle tickets will also be available
live, see it recorded, or do both!                                    for purchase. A single raffle will be held at this last fish fry for
                                                                      three prizes: two TVs and an Amazon Echo.
In addition, as an added bonus during Lent, there will also be a
one-hour video released every Friday of Lent at 9:30 a.m. This                   Night of event “at the door” ticket sales:
short series is entitled “Lenten Learning” and it will introduce a                  Single adult              $10/meal
stand alone Lenten topic or practice every week to learn about.                     Family                    $25/night

Please join us and pass this along to anyone you may think will                  Children (age 5-17)       $5/meal anytime
be interested!                                                                        Children (age 4 and under) Free

Don’t forget to subscribe (and like!) our San Rafael Religious
Education YouTube channel so you can get notifications for the
next session. If you would like to keep up to date and receive
notifications for the study be sure to follow the playlist on

Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
                   All Catholics through the age of 59 are re-
                   quired to fast (the two smaller meals cannot
                   equal in size the main meal of the day, no
                   snacking between meals) and abstinence (no
meat). Fridays during Lent are days of Abstinence (no meat)
for all Catholics.

Because of the Pandemic there will be no communal Lenten
Penance Services this year in the Diocese of San Diego.
Consequently, not only will confessions be heard every Satur-
day as usual at 3:30 p.m. but confessions will also be heard eve-
ry Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the church throughout Lent. Take
the time to make a good confession now.

           Stations of the Cross are held every Friday during
           Lent at 7:00 p.m. (On Good Friday Stations will be
           at 12:00 noon.) This is a beautiful meditation on the
           life saving passion and death of our Lord Jesus
           Christ. When you come to stations please be sure to
wear a mask and keep socially spaced. Stations of the Cross
booklets will be available. If you take one to use, please keep
it with you and bring it back for your future use. Once you
take and use a booklet we cannot take them back without hav-
ing to sanitize them so it’s easier just to keep the one you use.
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
Handbell Choir:
Parish Staff                                                    Kathleen Sand                                    (858)487-3814
                                                                Nicholas Heye                                    (760)745-9672
Pastor:                                                         Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery:                    (619)264-3127
Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis           (858)487-4314, ext. 1214    Holy Innocents Children’s Hospital, Mbarara, Uganda
Associate Pastor:                                               Lee Haney                                        (858)487-2149
Fr. Niranjan “Niru” Kanmury          (858)487-4314, ext. 1213   Interfaith Shelter Network:
Pastoral Assistant:                                             Don and Betty Carson                             (760)745-0201
Deacon Bob Holgren                  (858)487-4314, ext. 1211    Knights of Columbus Valley of the Angels Council #9710:
Deacon:                                                         G. K. Dan Lunardi                                (858)487-7335
Deacon Mike Fish                    (858)487-4314, ext. 1230    Knights of Columbus Fr. Joseph T O'Callahan Assembly:
Business Manager:                                               F.N. Roark Galloway                              (760)803-4931
Amy Martinez                        (858)487-4314, ext. 1212                            
Office Manager/Bulletin Editor:                                 Lector Ministry:
Cheryl Danzl                        (858)487-4314, ext. 1226    Deacon Bob Holgren                   (858)487-4314, ext. 1211
Parish Secretary:                                               Legion of Mary:
Gail Jilka                          (858)487-4314, ext. 1201    Maya Gabriel                                     (858)688-0877
Altar Server Training:                                          Marriage Encounter:
Deacon Mike Fish                    (858)487-4314, ext. 1227    John & Barbara Bertrand                          (858)354-4123
Director of Music Ministry:                                     Men’s Club:
Haley Pettersen                     (858)487-4314, ext. 1225    Tony Heinrichs                                   (858)521-8347
Director of Catechetical Ministries:                            Mental Health Ministry:
Chris O’Donnell                     (858)487-4314, ext. 1224    Val Benya               (858)613-9202 or call the parish office
Catechetical Program Coordinator:                               Migrant Ministry:
Quyen Skiano                        (858)487-4314, ext. 1216    Andrea Avila                                     (760)580-8315
Religious Education Secretary:                                  Ministry Council:
Gail Jilka                                   (858)487-4314      Beverly Rossio                                   (858)487-3070
Youth Ministry Coordinator:                                     Mother’s Spirituality Group:
Lailani Gachalian                   (858)487-4314, ext. 1217    Beverly Rossio                                   (858)487-3070
Youth Ministry Assistant:                                       Newcomers Ministry:
Joe Tesoro                          (858)487-4314, ext. 1217    Lea Gomez                                        (858)487-2834
                                                                North Country Parkinson’s Group:
                                                                Brigit King                                      (858)354-2498
                                                                Carol Maher                                      (760)749-8234
                                                                Parish Festival Committee:
Parish Ministries & Organizations                               Eileen D’Souza            
                                                                Parish Health Ministry:
Bereavement:                                                    Contact Parish Office                            (858)487-4314
Deacon Bob Holgren                  (858)487-4314, ext. 1211    Preschool Coordinator:
Catholic Mass Times:      Julia Diebolt                                    (858)722-0333
Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County:                   RCIA Coordinator:
Agnes Kopacz                                   (858)592-6734    Chris O’Donnell                                  (858)487-4314
Mary J. Charls                                 (858)333-2546    Retrouvaille:
Contemplative Prayer Group:                                     Charlie & Charlene Victory                       (951)259-9474
Audrey A. Spindler                             (858)208-8609                                       or
Ecumenical/Interreligious:                                      Society of St. Vincent de Paul:
Jarvis Nolan                                   (858)504-1072    Georgia Nally            
Eucharistic Ministers (on the Altar at Mass)                                                           or call the parish office
Mary Van Hee                                   (858)674-1242    Usher Ministry:
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound:                         Frank Aloisi       (858)649-6336 or
Mary Ann Scott                                 (858)382-8830    “Walking with Purpose” Women’s Bible Study
Compassion Ministry:                                            Beth Siesel           (760)215-3198 or
Please contact the parish office               (858)487-4314    Women’s Fellowship:
Family For Life Ministry:                                       Mary Ann Scott                                    (858)382-8830
Richard & Aida Estrada                         (858)888-5162    Yarn Ministry Coordinators:
Greeter Ministry:                                               Joan Roberts                                     (858)504-0139
Therese Jewett                                 (858)945-5807                                    
Sunday, March 21, 2021 - Parishes Online
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