SJB Junior High Student Handbook 2017-2018 - Calgary Catholic School District

Page created by Dale Rogers
SJB Junior High Student Handbook 2017-2018 - Calgary Catholic School District
SJB Junior High
Student Handbook

                 Home of the
            Principal – Mrs. Saraceni
       Vice-Principal – Mrs. Adriana Wild

                St. Jean Brebeuf School
                5030 Northland Dr. NW
                  Calgary, AB T2L 2J6
         Ph: 403-500-2046 Fax: 403-500-2246
SJB Junior High Student Handbook 2017-2018 - Calgary Catholic School District

Dear Students:

Welcome to St. Jean Brebeuf! Our teachers and staff are looking forward to working
cooperatively with you in making St. Jean Brebeuf a positive and successful school community.

This SJB Junior High Student Handbook is designed to familiarize you with our school’s operations
and expectations. In addition, emails, phone calls, D2L and other written methods of
communication will keep you informed.

If you require further assistance, please contact your teacher advisor (TA), as they are the best
source for information regarding your progress.


Mrs. Elisé Saraceni                            Mrs. Adriana Wild
Principal                                      Vice-Principal


St. Jean Brebeuf is a Grade 7-9 school of approximately 540 students, operating under the
auspices of the Calgary Roman Catholic School District #1.

St. Jean Brebeuf-The Person

                       Our School is named in honour of St. Jean Brebeuf. Father Brebeuf could
                      be described as an apostle, a brave adventurer, a skilled writer, a man of
                      vision and more simply as a saint and a martyr. He lived his life in the spirit
                      of the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount. Each September we
                      celebrate the feast of our patron saint. May St. Jean Brebeuf guide our
                      lives in the service of God.

                                       MISSION STATEMENT

Our commitment is to the growth of students in their spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional,
aesthetic and physical development. We believe all students can learn. Success for all students.
As members of the St. Jean Brebeuf School Community, we will reflect the teaching of the Gospel
in our words and actions.

                          BELIEVE, BELONG, BECOME

SJB Junior High Student Handbook 2017-2018 - Calgary Catholic School District


SJB Junior High Student Handbook 2017-2018 - Calgary Catholic School District
   • The School Act states that students must be punctual in their attendance at school.
   • In the event of an absence, parents/guardians are requested, prior to 8:50 am, to contact
     the school by phone indicating the reason for the student’s absence. The school’s absence
     line (403-289-8485) as well as the main line (403-500-2046) have answering machines
     that are always switched on.
   • Please try to schedule appointments outside of school hours whenever possible, as being
     absent can be disruptive and detrimental to students’ academic success. However, in the
     case of a medical or dental appointment, a note or phone call should be sent in advance
     so the student can be released from class. As well, a parent/guardian can come into the
     school to sign their child out and the office will then call the student to be released.
   • Please note that when parents authorize their children to leave the campus during the
     school day, the District accepts no liability during those times.
   • When students are marked absent and the office has not received a note or phone call,
     the School Connects Automated Notification Service will attempt to contact
     parents/guardians by telephone and email to confirm absence. This procedure is
     undertaken to ensure the safety of our students.
   • It is important to note that students who are absent due to vacation will be marked as
     unexcused as per District guidelines.
   • Students who are repeatedly late or absent without a reasonable excuse are considered
     in violation of the School Act. The guidance counsellor will meet with students who are
     habitually late arriving at school or late getting to class within the time provided.

    • Parents will be contacted before a child is permitted to leave the building because of
       illness or injury. In the case of a severe injury or illness, an ambulance may be called if
    • The school will always err on the side of caution when dealing with injured or ill students.
       It is imperative that we have current emergency contact, work and cell phone numbers
       so parents can be contacted should situations arise.

   • We ask that students NOT use the main entrance except under the following
     ▪ Attending a morning practice
     ▪ Are late and are reporting his/her arrival to the office
     ▪ Are accompanied by a parent/guardian

   • Please be extremely cautious and safe when dropping off or picking up your child. Please
     refrain from driving into our front parking lot as it is reserved for staff and visitor use
     only. Parking in the Sir Winston Churchill parking lot is prohibited and you will be ticketed.
   • Our side parking lot is ideal for dropping off and picking up student and has two
     entrances. However, we will be restricting parking for drop-off/pick-up limiting this
     where students play basketball. Signage (and/or) pylons will be in place to help enforce
     these parameters to ensure student safety.

    • To maintain a safe school environment, all visitors and parent volunteers are required to
      enter by the front doors and register at the main office. Board policy dictates:
          o Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student of the school will be termed
             a “visitor”.
          o Any visitor to the school must report to the school office upon arrival at the school.
          o Visiting alumni are requested to visit only after school hours.
          o Visitors and parent volunteers are required to wear a visitor’s badge while in the
             building. This policy assists in maintaining security in the school. Parents collecting
             their children for appointments during the day are asked to meet their children at
             the main office to sign them out.
          o Parents attending liturgies or celebrations in the gym are not required to register
             at the office.
          o Teachers are unable to take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors.

   • St. Jean Brebeuf School welcomes all parents/guardians who would like to volunteer.
   • Parents/guardians who wish to volunteer at the school or with a class on a field trip must
     complete the required documents, located on our school website at:

   • St. Jean Brebeuf services over 540 students and staff. Contacting your child during the
      school day can be difficult. It is suggested that all arrangements be made for
      appointments or rides before your child comes to school.
   • Students are not permitted to use cell phones during the instructional day.
   • Students can use school telephones in case of emergencies and illness.
   • If contact with a student is necessary, parents/guardians may call the school and leave
      the message with our secretary. Please refrain from contacting your child on their cell
      phone, by calling or texting, as our school policy is that cell phones may be used in class
      at teacher discretion for educational means, for example, calendar and calculator.
   • Please note that students are contacted at dismissal bells to come to the office for
      messages. This practice reduces the number of disruptions during the instructional
      time. Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

   • Clothing that is lost or misplaced is put in the ‘Lost and Found’ area located by the west
      gymnasium doors.
   • Smaller items such as jewellery and calculators are kept at the main office.
   • Students and parents are encouraged to look through these boxes on a regular basis.
   • Every year many excellent articles are not claimed. Consequently; pre-Christmas, pre-
      Easter and at the end of the school year, unclaimed articles are donated to charitable

   • Students may enter and exit the school with their backpacks, gym bags, purses, etc.;
     however, they are not allowed to carry them from class to class.

   • All students are assigned lockers and provided with a high-quality combination lock at the
      beginning of the school year. Only school-issued locks will be permitted.
   • Students are entirely responsible for the security of their own lockers and combinations.
   • Locks are rented from the office at the beginning of the year and collected by the
      homeroom teacher at year end. Lost or damaged locks will be reissued with a charge to
      the student.
   • Students are discouraged from sharing their locker combo with other students.
   • Homeroom teachers collect the student’s locker combinations to obtain access if
   • As the owner of the school lockers, the Calgary Catholic School Board empowers the
      principal (or designate) to carry out general inspection of the lockers.

   • Students are discouraged from bringing personal items of significant value to school and
     from carrying any substantial amount of money.
   • In addition to being a possible distraction and/or hazard, the security of these items
     cannot be guaranteed. The school cannot take any responsibility for the safekeeping of
   • When changing for gym class, do not leave valuables (i.e. jewelry, cell phones) in the
     change room. In addition to being distractions and/or hazards, the security of these items
     cannot be guaranteed. Please be aware that the school will take no responsibility for their

   • The district prohibits students from possessing weapons or engaging in violent or
       threatening acts on school property, and at school sponsored functions and activities.
       "Weapon" means any object, device, or instrument designed or through its use can
       threaten or producing bodily harm to oneself or others. By this definition, air rifles/guns
       are therefore considered weapons.
   • As it is challenging to visually identify these weapons as air rifles/guns, school staff,
       Calgary Police Services and the RCMP will likely respond in the same manner as they
       would an actual rifle/gun.
   • For the safety of all students, staff and visitors in the school, these items are not allowed
       on school property or at school-related activities under any circumstance.

   • As a Catholic School District, the goal of our Dress and Appearance Code is to provide a
     positive and safe learning environment that will reflect our virtues of decency, modesty
     and respect. A student’s dress and appearance shall be appropriate for educational

o Emblems, printing/writing on shirts, jackets and headwear shall be in harmony with
           Catholic values and beliefs.
       o Shorts and skirts shall be in good repair and of appropriate length (end of finger tips
           while arms are by their side).
       o Appropriate footwear shall always be worn (no flip-flops).
       o Clothes, jewellery or accessories which create a safety or health concern or threaten
           to cause disruption to the educational process, are prohibited.
   •   The following are prohibited:
       o Midriff shirts, halter tops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts.
       o Garments revealing bare back, shoulders, plunging necklines or those made of sheer
           or fishnet fabrics.
       o Clothing or accessories that depict or symbolize alcohol, drugs, violence, gang
           associations or inappropriate language/messages.
       o Heavy or spiked chains.
   •   Students not complying with the Dress and Appearance Code will be asked to change into
       more appropriate attire. It will be viewed as defiant behaviour if the student repeatedly
       violates the Dress and Appearance Code. Consequences, as outlined in our school’s
       Progressive Discipline Plan, will range from a verbal reminder to a suspension from school.

   • All students are expected to take proper care of their instruments and textbooks, which
      are provided by the school.
   • To ensure the school maintains sufficient quantities, students are expected to return
      materials by the assigned deadlines.
   • If these items are lost or damaged, students are charged replacement costs.
   • Textbook covers are available to purchase for $1.00 in the library

   • Grade 7 students do not leave the campus during the lunch period.
   • Grade 8 and grade 9 students may leave, if written permission is granted.
   • The lunch hour is very tight; therefore, we recommend that students bring lunches or
     purchase items from the school concession. We have microwaves available for students
     use and hot water available for dried soup.
   • After lunch, a variety of teacher supervised clubs (ie: math, chess etc) are available for
     students and the learning commons is open for individual study.
   • Students not involved in lunch activities are expected to remain outside, weather
   • Students are to remain outside before school and during non-hours unless the
     temperature falls below –18° Celsius. We remind students to wear appropriate clothing
     that allows for the weather fluctuations.

  • Gum chewing is allowed at the discretion of each individual classroom teacher.
  • Students are encouraged to have a snack during the morning nutrition break. There is no
     eating or drinking (other than water) in the classroom, unless directed otherwise by the

    • Field trips approved by the school or District Office are considered an integral co-
       curricular component of the instructional program. Field trips are an extension of the
       school therefore, appropriate behaviour is an expectation.
    • An annual authorization form will be sent home early in the school year. In addition, an
       authorization form will be sent home for each individual field trip. These forms include
       pertinent information regarding the specific field trip and in some instances parents will
       be asked to contribute a fee to cover some of the costs (ie, transportation and/or
       entrance fee). Other times it is incorporated into school fees collected in September.
    • Students will not be permitted to go on a field trip without written authorization from a

   •   Students who live more than 2.4 km from their designate school are entitled to receive a
       rebate for their Calgary Transit bus pass. The school office will collect bus passes from
       students for bus pass scanning each month and parents will receive their rebate at the
       end of the following month, provided a yearly rebate form has been returned to the

   • All students are required to pay school fees at the beginning of the year. These fees reflect
     program costs that do not receive financial support from the regular school budget. The
     fees will cover subject supplies and activities such as field trips and guest speakers. The
     fee format is discussed and approved by the School Council prior to year-end.

                                       SCHOOL SERVICES

  • All students are required to have an Annual Student Acceptable Use Policy for Internet
     form signed by the student and the parent/guardian. Misuse of the internet will result
     in serious penalties including student access privileges being revoked. Please read the
     permission form very carefully to avoid any compromising situations.

  • St. Jean Brebeuf Junior High School has a qualified teacher/counsellor who is a resource
     person for students, parents/guardians and faculty. The guidance and counselling offered
     at the school is of a developmental and preventative nature, but also includes situational
     and crisis intervention referrals. Students and parents are encouraged to consult the
     counsellor about academic, social or personal concerns.

   • A public health nurse is assigned to the school on a part-time basis. The nurse assists
      students in maintaining good health.
   • The nurse will also maintain inoculation records and will coordinate grade appropriate
      vaccinations. Parents will be notified prior to any treatments. It is imperative that

accurate and current contact numbers be retained at the office always.

   • The learning commons is a flexible and digital learning environment where students can
      collaborate and inquire as they develop their learning.
   • Students can also borrow books and use computers available. Lost or damaged materials
      or equipment are charged to the student. Borrowing privileges may be revoked if deemed

   • An advisory council to the Principal consisting of parents/guardians and teachers exists
     for enhancing communication between the school and the community.
   • All St. Jean Brebeuf parents/guardians are members of this council and are invited to
     attend meetings.
   • All meeting dates will be published in the newsletter, on the school website or can they
     be obtained by contacting the school.

   • The Calgary Catholic School System assists students from other countries in learning
      English and adapting to Canadian culture. Based on the anticipated needs of the school
      and student population, the school is allocated second language support to these
      students and parents/ guardians.

   • The School Resource Team is comprised of St. Jean Brebeuf teachers and administrators
     who meet to discuss concerns regarding individual students. Schools may access
     Instructional Services personnel to assist in meeting individual student needs. These
     meetings are part of the process that help teachers better meet the needs of students
     and address areas of concern.

   • The Calgary Police Service assists our school in a variety of ways. We have a School
     Resource Officer assigned to our school. These individuals are available to classroom
     teachers for educational presentations related to safety, bullying, etc. The Resource
     Officer also investigates criminal activities in and around our school.
   • Please call the office if you would like the SRO to contact you.

  • The school publishes a weekly newsletter, which is emailed home and available on our
  • Any additional information that may need to go out throughout the month will be sent in
     the form of an email.


   • Alberta Learning establishes the program of studies and recommended time allotments
     per subject. A detailed outline of grade level curricula may be obtained from the school
     or on the Alberta Learning Website at

  • Teachers provide students with course outlines at the start of the year. Included in these
     outlines are homework expectations and course evaluation methods.

  • Homework is any task assigned by teachers that students complete during non-school
    hours. The Calgary Catholic School District recognizes well-planned homework can be a
    meaningful part of a student’s learning. Time spent on homework may vary from one
    student to the next. Parents/ guardians who have concerns with homework expectations
    should contact their child’s teacher or the school principal to discuss the situation and the
    options available.
  • The Calgary Catholic School District finalized a homework regulation in consultation with
    its community for the benefit of parents/guardians and students. You can find more
    information        about       the       District’s     homework          regulation       at

   • There are four reporting periods in each academic year. The first is an initial conference
      that is meant to meet the Teacher Advisor and discuss potential goals. Formal written
      Progress Reports are sent home in November, March, and June.
   • Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences are scheduled the week after the November and
      March reporting periods.
   • Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the corresponding subject teachers with
      questions or concerns related to student progress at any time throughout the year via
      email, phone or by making an appointment.
   • Parents can find information about their child’s progress on D2L; however, we are
      encouraging teachers and parents to keep open lines of communication throughout the
      school year. If there are things to be discussed, waiting for Parent/Teacher Conferences
      is too late.
   • There are two important aspects to the progress report: achievement grade and work
      habits. These are two separate assessment areas and are not necessarily connected to
      each other. For example, it is entirely possible for a student to achieve a 90% and a “1”
      for Work Habits on any course.


                        4                   3                   2                   1
                   Consistently           Often          Inconsistently      Experiencing
                  demonstrates        demonstrates       demonstrates          difficultly
                  behaviours in       behaviours in      behaviours in      demonstrating
                  the following       the following       the following      behaviours in
                      areas               areas               areas          the following
                 Citizenship - respects the rights of others by demonstrating a positive
                 attitude, collaboration and appropriate behavior
                 Course Work - completes all assigned work with care and attention
                 within the required timelines
                 Organization - comes to class with required materials; collects and
                 manages information; makes appropriate use of time
                 Engagement - demonstrates initiative and responsibility for learning; is
                 attentive and contributes to class activities

   • Our school district uses Brightspace by D2L as our main platform for online
      communication between school and home. D2L stands for “Desire2Learn” – a web-based
      Learning Management System used to provide students, teachers and parents/guardians
      access to course news, content, grades, and other tools. You can access D2L by clicking
      the D2L link on our school website or at:
   • Students are required to give parents/guardians their username and passwords to access
      Brightspace D2L. If a parent/guardian is unable to access the student’s account, please
      contact the school and we will reset their passwords.

   • Physical Education is a mandated subject, and all students are required to participate
      unless formally excused for medical or disability reasons.
   • If a student is unable to participate in more than three regular classes, a medical note
      must be provided stating the time during which the student is excused from class

   • To foster a proper learning environment, promote safety, comfort, hygiene, and neatness
      in appearance, physical education attire should be worn for all athletic activities in junior
   • The St. Jean Brebeuf School gym strip consists of shorts and a t-shirt, which are available
      from the school.
   • Proper running shoes are also compulsory for all grades.


   • Numerous liturgies/celebrations and masses are presented throughout the year, and are
       prepared and presented by students and teachers.
   • Parents/guardians and family members are always invited to attend these
       liturgies. Please watch for dates and times in our newsletters.

   • Our school has established a student group which engages in discussion and activities
     related to diversity and justice issues, including support for students belonging to sexual
   • Within our Religious Education and Family Life Catholic Community of Caring program,
     students may provide leadership and receive support to continue to build inclusive
     communities, aligned with our Catholic social teachings. If you wish further information,
     please contact the principal.

   • St. Jean Brebeuf School enters teams in the Calgary Catholic Junior High School Athletic
       Association’s sponsored events. There are opportunities for junior high students at each
       grade level to participate in most events. These teams involve students who have the
       interest and ability to compete at a higher level than that which exists in the intramural
   • To be eligible to try out for such teams, a student must maintain a satisfactory record of
       academic achievement, classroom conduct, cooperation and contribute positively to the
       school community. Our school teams are known as “the Bulldogs”, will participate in cross-
       country running, volleyball, basketball, flag football, badminton and well as track and field.

                                  STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT

As stated in The School Act, Section 45.1, the district is committed to providing welcoming,
caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of
belonging. Each member shares responsibility for the well-being of every other member of the
district. As such, a code of conduct must be established and reviewed yearly and shared
publicly with staff, parents/legal guardians, and students.

The following elements will be common to the code of conduct in each district school:

1. Statement of purpose:
   Calgary Catholic School District’s value statement is as follows: “All members of our
   community are sacred and must be treated with dignity and respect. We value excellence in
   Catholic education, guided by shared responsibility and the moral authority of the Church.”

   This statement guides all district stakeholders as they work to support student success and
   achievement. The school should be a positive learning environment in which students are

safe, secure and successful. The code of conduct will outline expectations for student
   behaviour while at school, at a school-related activity, or while engaging in an activity that
   may have an impact on others in the school. The school’s code of conduct will be
   communicated to parents, students and staff annually and reviewed regularly.

2. The Alberta Human Rights Act:
   Section three of the Alberta Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of an
   individual’s race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression,
   physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of
   income, family status or sexual orientation of that person or class of persons. Any behaviour
   that supports this discrimination is prohibited.

3. Acceptable behaviours:
   All district schools have established Catholic Community of Caring programs that focus on
   building respectful and caring school environments, rooted in Catholic values. Catholic
   Communities of Caring programs align with the School Act’s requirement to provide
   welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. Within our schools, we are
   building communities that are inclusive and celebrate respect for one another, community
   and diversity.
   This includes placing a strong value on:
   • Respecting all others, regardless of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender
       identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of
       origin, marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation.
   • Respecting the school authority.
   • Respecting the school and district property, as well as the property of others.
   • Respecting yourself and the rights of others in the school.
   • Making sure your conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe
       learning environment in the school that respects the diversity and fosters a sense of
       belonging of others in your school.
   • Refraining from, reporting and refusing to tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour, even if
       it happens outside of the school or school hours or electronically.
   • Informing an adult you trust in a timely manner of incidents of bullying, harassment,
       intimidation or other safety concerns in the school.
   • Acting in ways that honour and appropriately represent you and your school.
   • Attending school regularly and punctually.
   • Being ready to learn and actively engage in and diligently pursue your education.
   • Knowing and complying with the rules of your school.
   • Cooperating with all school staff.
   • Being accountable for your behaviour to your teachers and other school staff.
   • Contribute positively to your school and community.

4. Unacceptable behaviours:
   Behaviours that do not support the Community of Caring program, and therefore interfere
   with the establishment of welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments are
   considered unacceptable.
   These include, but are not limited to:

•   Behaviours that interfere with the learning of others and/or the school environment, or
    that create unsafe conditions;
•   Acts of bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, or intimidation;
•   Retribution against any person in the school who has intervened to prevent or report
    bullying or any other incident or safety concern;
•   Breaches of digital on-line safety;
•   Inappropriate use of mobile devices;
•   Inappropriate student dress;
•   Physical violence or threats;
•   Personal or sexual harassment;
•   Hazing;
•   Illegal activity such as:
         o gang activity;
         o possession or use of weapons;
         o possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances (including drugs,
             alcohol, tobacco, or e-cigarette products);
         o theft or damage to property.

As outlined in Alberta’s School Act, students can be held accountable for conduct that
occurs outside of the school building or school day and electronically (e.g. social media), if
the conduct negatively affects a member of the school or interferes with the school

5. Progressive discipline plan:
Students who engage in unacceptable behavior will be held accountable through the
school’s progressive discipline plan. Consistent and logical consequences, rather than
punitive measures, are important to support students in making appropriate choices and
help shape their future actions.

In any disciplinary situation, each student will be dealt with on an individual basis, and will
take into account the student’s age, maturity and individual circumstances. As well,
parental or district involvement may be requested to support school discipline procedures.

The school’s use of the progressive discipline plan will determine the expectations,
consequences and the progression of actions to be taken depending on the severity and/or
frequency of the occurrences. At all times, teachers and administrators will use their
professional judgment in applying consequences.

Consequences must have a positive effect on the student’s journey through reconciliation,
either formally or informally, with the school community and those affected by the
student’s behaviour. The following consequences are progressive in their degree of
intervention and will be enacted depending on the frequency and severity of
occurrences. They will be applied consistently and equally to all students, notwithstanding
the individual differences of children and the uniqueness of specific circumstances and

Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions,
   supports, and consequences, including:
   • prevention measures and initiatives;
   • early and ongoing intervention strategies;
   • strategies to address unacceptable behaviour.

   Interventions and consequences increase when:
   • the concerning behavior is persistent;
   • the concerning behavior escalates;
   • there is a very serious infraction of the code of conduct.

   Interventions and consequences may include, but are not limited to, the following:
   •      informal conferences;
   •      restriction of privileges;
   •      parent conferences;
   •      in-school suspensions;
   •      risk assessment;
   •      suspension / expulsion (AP 356);
   •      student redirection
   •      Behaviour Support Plan (as part of the Learner Support Plan);
   •      involvement of Instructional Services and supports;
   •      involvement of external services and supports.

   The principal may involve police in disciplinary matters when criminal activity has become
   evident. When police are involved, the principal will conduct a separate, parallel
   investigation at the school level and provide disciplinary action separate from any criminal
   charges that may be issued.

6. Student support:
   Support will be provided to students impacted by inappropriate behaviour and to those
   students who engage in inappropriate behaviour. This is significant because while the
   student code of conduct must address the consequences for inappropriate behaviour, such
   as bullying, it also ensures that support (not just consequences) is provided to those
   students who engage in unacceptable behaviour. Examples of how support could be
   provided to students who have engaged in unacceptable behaviour include mentoring,
   restorative processes, regular check-ins with teachers or schools counsellors, counselling,

7. Consideration of student diversity:
   The School Act requires that the student code of conduct address consequences for
   unacceptable behaviour and that these reasonable consequences take into account the
   student’s age, maturity, and individual circumstances. The specific circumstances of the
   situation and of the student need to be taken into account when determining appropriate
   consequences. For example, any diverse needs that the student has – whether they are
   physical, behavioural, communicational, mental health, trauma, etc. – must be considered.

The age and maturity of students involved should be considered when determining the
   consequences and support required.

The maintenance of discipline in school is the responsibility of the teachers, staff, and school
Specific disciplinary measures used at St. Jean Brebeuf School include the following:
        - Warning/discussion with student regarding the concern
        - Detention/time out/reflective story/community service
        - Informal/formal talks between student, teacher, counsellor, parents/guardians and

For Repeat Offenders or Serious Offences:
    ▪ In-school suspension
    ▪ Student sent home in the care and custody of parents/guardians in order to reflect on or to
       defuse the situation. In such cases, parents/guardians are contacted and a conference with
       a representative from administration is required prior to reinstatement
    ▪ Formal suspension of 1-5 days
    ▪ Parents/ guardians and superintendent notified in writing

*Note: Any time a student is given an in or out of school suspension, parents/guardians and their
child must meet with their TA and administration to plan for a successful reinstatement, discuss
conditions and corrective measures prior to students returning to school.

The seriousness of an offence may be such that the school resorts directly to formal suspension.
Noon hour or after school detentions may be assigned by teachers for violations of school and
classroom regulations (incomplete assignments, tardiness, disruptive behaviour in class).

We believe positive change will result from:
   ▪ Continued communication and cooperation between home and school.
   ▪ Consistent application of the disciplinary measures noted above.

                    A CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF CARING (Climate & Culture)

   •   St. Jean Brebeuf is proud to be a Catholic Community of Caring School. Our school strives to
       promote, model and teach six key values. These values are Faith, Family, Caring, Trust,
       Respect and Responsibility.
   •   All activities, interactions and planning begin with these values at the core. We believe that
       all students will benefit from practising these values when it comes to decisions both now
       and in the future.
   •   The Catholic Community of Caring philosophy is exciting because it permeates every aspect
       of our school. The six core values are incorporated into classroom learning, extra-curricular
       activities, school awards, playground activities and our Catholic celebrations.


We are proud to have our Website and Twitter Feed updated on a regular basis. They are both great
ways to keep apprised of what’s happening at St. Jean Brebeuf School. Please consider these
platforms as other communication tools.

                    Follow us on Twitter at:

                                     TECHNOLOGY POLICY

                        St. Jean Brebeuf Technology Policy Framework
Technology can be very helpful for personalized, student-centered learning, such as organization,
research, collaboration, D2L/Google access, and creating digital products/portfolios. Together
with parents/guardians, our goal is to help students become Digital Citizens who use technology
in respectful, responsible and productive ways.

Albert Education Policies:
   ● Inspiring Education
   ● Learning and Technology Policy Framework
   ● Bring Your Own Device: A Guide for Schools

Engage Stakeholders:
   ● Digital Citizenship Workshop-share with teachers, then admin presents to students

                                 Technology in the Classroom
Clarification of Use:
    ● St. Jean Brebeuf supplies Chrome Books, Computers and iPads for student use
    ● BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) helps support learning in addition to school based
        technology (ex. laptops, tablets, smartphones/handhelds/netbooks/e-book readers,
        mp3 players, etc.)

Responsible Use:
   ● Students should not expect that they will be permitted to use their electronic devices
      every day during every class. It’s at the discretion of the teacher.

Students agree to use personally owned devices at school as follows:
   ● School-related learning (i.e. no texting, social media, phone calls)

• teachers give permission, as discussed in each class
   ●   Connected to the school Wi-Fi, under POD (Personally Owned Devices)
   ●   Record/photograph others only for school related purposes (ex. projects, assignments)
       and have teacher and classmate(s) permission.
   ●   Recordings/photos must be deleted after classroom projects are finished
            • cannot be posted to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. or shared with
   ●   Devices must be kept on silent (cell phones should not ring or buzz when someone is
       calling or texting them)

Electronic devices can be used for the following, with permission of individual teachers:
    ● listening to music during work or study times
    ● use school appropriate Apps (dictionary, calculator, calendar, etc.)
    ● entering assignment due dates during class when the teacher has given permission to
       the students
    ● check D2L for marks and course content
    ● use Google Drive for assignments
    ● use the internet for research purposes

Provincial Mandate:
With the devices provided by St. Jean Brebeuf and students’ devices, combined with the right
pedagogy and used responsibly, technologies in learning can serve as:
   1. lines of inquiry and interest based on academic subjects and beyond
   2. allow for collaboration with teachers and peers to express themselves and their ideas
   3. personalize their learning to ensure that they are fully engaged and are successful in
       attaining the established learning outcomes
   4. allow for student choice to explore, research, think, synthesize, analyze, evaluate,
       communicate and express ideas
   5. platform for students' voice
   6. access to digital content and digital learning environments that provide multiple
       pathways to learning
   7. connect to local and global learning environments - enables students to connect and
       purse real-world issues and topics that interest them (individually and collectively)
   8. learn and attain standards for digital citizenship


                                                                                           Portable 11
     DRAMA       Rm 151            Rm 145                 Rm 142         Rm 140

FRONT                                                                                      Portable 12
ENTRANCE                                ART
       BREBEUF                          Rm 131

                                            Rm 130

                 Rm 112   Rm 114       Rm 117             Rm 118   Rm 119         Rm 120

                                       MAIN FLOOR

Note to Student’s Parents/Guardians

Understanding the policies and procedures that are outlined
in this handbook is essential for a successful year of learning.

Please take the time to review the contents of this handbook
with your child.

We have read and discussed the St. Jean Brebeuf Junior High
School Handbook:

Parent/Guardian’s Name : _________________________

Student’s Name: ________________________________

TA: __________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________

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