SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2018-2019 - Angus Council

Page created by Oscar Ortiz
SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2018-2019 - Angus Council


This document is available in alternative formats, on request
(Please contact the Head Teacher)
SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2018-2019 - Angus Council

   Angus Council Information:
      o Contact Details:

          Angus Council People Directorate
          Angus House
          Orchardbank Business Park
          DD8 1AN
          Tel:   01307 476337
          Fax: 01307 461848

o   Early Learning and Childcare Provision (primary schools only)
o   School Clothing Grants
o   Education Maintenance Allowance
o   Pupil Absence Procedures (Attendance and Absence)
o   The Complaints Procedure
o   Parental Involvement / Parent Councils
o   Curriculum for Excellence
                 Curriculum Levels
                 The Senior Phase
                 Skills for Learning, Life and Work
                 Careers Guidance and Financial Advice
o   Sex Education
o   Drugs Education (Drugs and alcohol misuse)
o   Religious and Moral Education
o   Assessment and Reporting
o   Transitions
                 Starting Nursery
                 Enrolling in Primary School
                 Transfer to Secondary School
                 Leaving School
                 Post School
o   Support for Pupils
o   GIRFEC (getting it right for every child)
o   Gaelic Education
o   School Meals
                 Special Dietary Requirements
                 Snack Provision in Nursery
o   Applying for Free School Meals
o   Administration of Medicines
o   Transport
o   Insurance
o   Music Services
o    Parental Access to Records
o   Child Protection
o   Holding and Storing Pupil and Staff Data
o   Emergency Closures & Transport Updates
o   School Holiday Dates
o   Useful Links & Contact Details

SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2018-2019 - Angus Council
School Information:
             o Welcome
                               School Information
                               Contact Details
           o   Southmuir Staff Team
           o   Visits of Prospective Parents/Carers
           o   School Uniform/P.E. Kit
           o   Parental Concerns
           o   The Complaints Procedure
           o   Parental/Carer Involvement – Becoming Involved in School
           o   School Ethos
           o   School and Community Links
           o   Positive Behaviour Management
           o   Celebrating Achievement
           o   Extra-Curricular Activities
           o   Pupil Council / Pupil Involvement
                            What Do Our Pupils Think Of Our School?
           o   Learning Opportunities
                            The Pupils and Parents/Carers Voice
                            The Curriculum at School, Local and National Level
           o   Liaison with Secondary School
           o   School Improvement
                            Main Achievements
                            Improving Standards
                            School Improvement Plan
           o   Health Care

SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2018-2019 - Angus Council
Dear Parents/Carers,

Allow me to take this opportunity to welcome both you and your family to Southmuir
Primary School. At Southmuir we recognise how extremely important the partnership
between home and school is in ensuring that our children receive the best from their
education. Mutual understanding and co-operation between home and school is not only
greatly encouraged but actively nurtured.

At Southmuir we aim to provide the best education possible for all of our children and
work hard to establish an environment where everyone feels valued, safe and respected.
We aim to support our children develop resilience and determination, qualities that will
stand them good stead in an ever-changing world.

In this handbook you will find information covering various points about Southmuir School.
This information refers mainly to the current session and while it was correct at the date
above it may be subject to change. If you require any further information about enrolling
your child with us, about the school or you would like to clarify something please do not
hesitate to contact the school either by telephone or in person.

We look forward to working with you and value your support in working with us to ensure
that your child's time here will be purposeful and happy.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Esson
Head Teacher

SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2018-2019 - Angus Council

School Name                Southmuir Primary school

Address                    Prosen Road, Kirriemuir, Angus    DD8 5AT

Telephone Number           01575 526060


Email Address    

Head Teacher’s name        Mrs Jane Esson

Class Stages               Nursery                    Primaries 1-7

Present Roll               Nursery        49
                           P1-7           201

Parent Council             Chairperson: Rachel Forbes

School Hours:
Morning session            Nursery        8.45am – 11.55am
                           P1 – 2         9.00am – 12.10pm (interval 10.30 – 10.50am)
                           P3 – 7         9.00am – 12.20pm (interval 10.30 – 10.50am)

Afternoon session          Nursery        12.20pm – 3.30pm
                           P1 – 2          1.20pm – 3.10pm
                           P3 – 7          1.20pm – 3.20pm

It is advised that pupils should not arrive in school more than 10 minutes before a session

We offer a FREE Breakfast Club every morning. Children are collected from the foyer at the
main office door at 8.15am. Prior to 8.15, children remain the responsibility of

Southmuir Staff Team

Head Teacher:               Mrs J. Esson

Depute Head Teacher:        Mrs K. Reid (acting)

Principal Teachers:         Mrs. L. Hawk
                            Mrs G. Mayes
                            Mr S. Curran (part-time)

Teachers:                   Mrs R. Barclay              Miss D. Douglas
                            Mrs C. Farquharson          Mrs K. Ireland (part-time)
                            Miss V. Low (part-time)     Miss S. Mitchell (part-time)
                            Mrs J. Mortimer (part-time) Mrs J. Richardson
                            Mrs A. Rowan                Mrs G. Stirton (part-time)
                            Mrs K. Watson (part-time)   Mrs A. Whyte
                            Mrs L. Houston (currently on maternity leave)

Additional Support          Mrs K. R. Phillips
Needs Teachers:             Miss K. D. Smith
                            Mrs A. Wylie

Senior Clerical Officer:                             Mrs W. Hill

Senior Early Years Practitioner:                     Mrs S. Neave

Early Years Practitioners (nursery):        Mrs S. Cameron              Mrs F Mitchell
                                            Mrs P. Morrison (part time) Mrs I. Park
                                            Miss K. Smith (part time)   Mrs A. Cox
                                            Mrs E. Towns (currently on Maternity leave)

Early Years Assistant (nursery):            Miss K. Roy

Modern Apprentice                           Miss A. Myles

Early Years Practitioner (Nurture):                  Mrs H. Hogg

School and Pupil Support Assistants:                 Mrs J. Brown       Mrs L Brown
                                                     Mrs S. Cameron     Mrs C. Farquhar
                                                     Mrs M. Findlay     Mrs C. Kerr
                                                     Mrs K. McClure     Mrs F. Neave
                                                     Mrs L. Nicoll      Ms C. Shand
                                                     Mrs J. Simpson

Instrumental Instructors:                   Violin: Mrs Grant

Brass: Mrs DeVillieres

School Chaplain:                           Rev. Orr
                                           Cannon Harley

Janitors:                                  Mr B. Smith       Mr D. Pattullo     Mr R. Cumming


Once your child has been allocated a place you will be invited along to meet the staff
and children, to find out more about the curriculum and to share information about your
own child. Please telephone the school office beforehand to arrange a suitable time for
your visit. When you arrive at school you will be asked to sign in at the school office for
security reasons.


There is little differentiation between boys and girls in respect of school uniform. The school
uniform consists of the following items of clothing:
 navy blue school sweatshirt with school logo
 school tie (optional)
 blue shirt, blouse, polo shirt, cardigan or pullover
 navy blue trousers, skirt, shorts, pinafore.
Items specifically designed with Southmuir identity may be purchased from Fingerprint in
Kirriemuir or at Tesco.

You are also requested to equip your child with shorts, a T-shirt and gym shoes to allow the
safe participation in gym lessons. Long hair will need to be tied back and micropore tape
supplied in order to protect ears that have been newly pierced, preventing the removal of
A large overall should also be supplied to avoid spoiled clothing when your child is
engaged in art activities.

All clothing brought to school should be named or marked in some way, as it can be
difficult for children to distinguish their own clothing from others. Lost property is kept in
school for a month in a specified area for pupils and parents/carers to check. Any
valuables found e.g. watches & jewellery are held in the school office. Children should
check immediately if they have lost any clothing or other property. You can help by
encouraging your child to be responsible for looking after his/her belongings.

You may be eligible to apply for a school clothing grant or indeed free school meals if you
claim any of the following:

•   Income Support
•   Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance

• Income-related Employment Support Allowance
• Child Tax Credit and where your income is less than £16,105
• Working Tax Credit, and where your income is less than £16,105 (this only applies to the
clothing grant)
• support provided under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• Universal Credit where the monthly earned income does not exceed £610
• Pupils who receive any of these benefits in their own right can also claim free school


Our school meals are provided by Tayside Contracts. An up-to-date menu can be found
on their website. Tayside Contracts can also provide information regarding any special
dietary requirements you may have. Families should register their child through the ipay
system to order and pay for school meals. Families should also use ipay to inform the
school if their child is bringing a packed lunch. Out office staff are happy to help any
family with further details and support them in registering on this system.

Your child is also entitled to free school lunches if you receive both maximum Child Tax
Credit and maximum Working Tax Credit and your income is under £6,420. All pupils in
Primaries 1-3 are entitled to free school meals, regardless of their family’s income.

Please contact the school or Angus Council for more information on either clothing grants
or free school meals.


Should your child be absent from the school for any reason, we ask that you contact the
school office as soon as possible, stating your child’s name, class, reason for absence and
expected return date. Your child should then provide a note for explaining the reason for
their absence on their return to school.
For school holiday dates and dates of in-service days when pupils are not to attend
school, please see the Angus Council website.
In cases of emergencies closures, such as due to extreme weather conditions, families will
be notified via the schools’ messaging service and this may also be broadcast on local
radio as well as via the schools’ social media sites. Should an emergency closure be
required during the school day, families will be contacted directly.


Parents/carers should contact the school immediately if they have a cause for concern or
complaint. It is our wish to deal with all matters as early as possible to prevent them from
growing into significant concerns. Please contact your child’s class teacher in the first
instance or, if you would prefer to discuss the issue with a member of the management
team, please contact the school office and someone will get back to you to arrange a
suitable time for a meeting. If it is more convenient the matter can be discussed by

The staff will listen to your concern and agree a way forward with you. They will follow-up
the initial conversation with a telephone call approximately one week later to ensure all
matters have been resolved satisfactorily.

THE COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE – also see link below:

For further information please see the Angus Council Information section or contact the


Southmuir Primary values the important part that parents play in their children’s education.
Partnership with parents is seen as an effective way of enhancing children’s achievements
and promoting better school ethos and communication.

Opportunities for Parental Involvement:

During the school day:

 Assisting with practical activities, e.g. art/craft, science, technology
 Sharing knowledge and expertise in some aspect of the curriculum, e.g. topic talk,
  history, science, health
 Reading stories to groups of children
 Supervising board games
 Teaching playground games
 Developing school resources
 Running or assisting with lunch club activities
 Supporting educational visits/trips, Golden Time or Star Time
 School concerts – making costumes, props, supervision of children

Out with the school day:

   Attendance at Parents’ Evenings
   Supporting homework and home learning
   Trips e.g. sporting events, concerts
   Fundraising events
   Maintaining and developing school, grounds/gardens
   Extra-curricular activities and clubs e.g. coaching skills

All parents are invited to attend two Parents’ Evenings throughout the year. At these
meetings parents will have the opportunity to meet their child’s class teacher for a 10-
minute interview and hear about their child’s progress. This is also an opportunity for
parents to hear how they can best support their child’s learning. In addition to planned
interviews, school staff will respond to any request to meet with a parent to discuss their
child’s progress. It is expected that this would be a reciprocal arrangement.
Parents/carers are also encouraged to look at their child’s Learning Journal with their child
on a regular basis and support as appropriate the completion of homework tasks as
advised by the school.

Parents/carers of children in the nursery classes are given several planned opportunities
over the session to discuss their child’s progress and development. Information about
children’s learning activities can also be found on the nursery display board and in regular

The parents/carers of pupils requiring extra support, who have their education delivered
through an Individual Education Plan (IEP), are offered regular meetings with teaching
staff to agree suitable learning targets.

We also have a very active Parent Council which:

   Represents the views of all parents/carers
   Encourages links between the school, parents/carers, pupils, pre-school groups and
    the wider community
   Helps to raise funds through social events for children and families
   Supports the school in its work with pupils
   Plays a role in the appointment of head teachers and depute head teachers

Donations from our Parent Council have supported a wide range of school activities and
resources in the past including school trips and playground equipment.
Our current Chairperson is Rachel Forbes. If you wish to contact her, this can be arranged
through the school office. Parents/carers are always welcome to any Parent Council

If you wish to be a regular parent helper, PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) checks
have to be completed. Please discuss this with staff.


At Southmuir School we are committed to providing appropriate opportunities for the
development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural values through both the ethos
and the curriculum. This will be undertaken in partnership with parents and will take
account of the individual needs of pupils and the views of parents.

Our school welcomes and encourages diversity and individuality, while emphasizing our
common commitment to moral values such as honesty, respect for others, compassion
and justice. The fundamental principle of our school are that all who are involved in the
life of our school have the right to be respected as individuals, and carry the responsibility
to act in a considerate and respectful manner towards others. We implement the Council
policy for Equal Opportunities and Racial equality and ensure that all pupils have access
to the full range of educational experiences available within the resources of the school.
We are firmly committed to the elimination of any form of discrimination on the grounds of
race, religion, gender or disability.


Southmuir Primary School is an integral part of the community of Kirriemuir. Children
develop skills and learn to be better citizens as they engage with and support the work of
the local community. This year, to mark the centenary of WW1, the whole school visited
the war memorial and laid down poppies in remembrance of the Kirriemuir soldiers who
lost their lives. Other links between the school and its community include:

   Participating in Rotary Club competitions including poetry and quiz competitions.
   Entertaining care home residents

   Hosting work experience for secondary school pupils
   Advertising community events on notice boards
   Providing a venue for dance and fitness clubs
   Planning with the Co-operative Shop for pupils’ visits to local food producers
   Participating in local litter tidy schemes
   Regular contact with community police to support the development of pupils’
    environmental awareness and build positive relationships
   Input by the School Nurse and Community Police Officer to contribute to the health
    and wellbeing aspect of the curriculum
   Visits to local businesses as part of social development
   Attendance at St Andrew’s Church and programme of inviting ministers from all local
    churches into school on a rotational basis
   Liaison with local library services, e.g. World Book Day
   Opportunities for local organisations and businesses to participate in Summer or
    Christmas Fairs

Recent Charity Fund Raising:

   Poppy Appeal
   MacMillan Coffee Morning
   Children in Need


Good behaviour is essential to good learning. The general aim of the school is to provide
an atmosphere of mutual respect and collective responsibility. Pupils, parents and staff all
have an important part to play in producing and sustaining this positive ethos. The rules of
the school are of a common-sense nature, bearing in mind the interest and safety of all

Children are required to be respectful to others in school including fellow pupils, to display
good manners and to ensure that work and behaviour are such as to allow the teacher
time to work with all children. We believe that everyone has the right to be safe and
happy within Southmuir Primary School.

Research carried out by and for the Scottish Government indicates that Restorative
Approaches help schools to create peaceful learning environments in which children are
Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors.
Southmuir Primary School uses Restorative Approaches to improve relationships and to
promote positive behaviour. We encourage individuals to take responsibility for their
actions and, when an action has caused harm, for those involved to have a responsibility

to put things right. As a restorative school we place emphasis on making things better and
moving forward rather than the traditional approaches to discipline such as blame and

On occasion we may draw your attention to a problem concerning your child’s behaviour
in school in order that we can work together to improve the matter.

Each class and teacher discuss and agree their specific set of rules at the beginning of the
session, as these can be tailored to the age and stage of pupils. These are displayed on
the classroom wall as a reminder of the agreement. The pupils then have a clear
understanding of expectations and the reasoning behind these. Throughout the school
we also operate a “ladder” system whereby consequences are set according to the
behaviour and are consistent at all stages. If you would like to see a copy of this “ladder”,
please contact the school and one will be passed on to you.

Children can have 30 minutes of Golden Time every Friday, but any classroom
misbehaviour will result in some of this time being lost. Class teachers use an on-line
communication tool called Dojo. Class teachers and parents can communicate with
class teachers and management team through instant messaging. Feedback from this
has been extremely positive from staff, pupils and parents.


Children work hardest when they know their work will be appreciated and praised. All staff
encourage pupils at all times and in all activities to give their best.

Pupils’ personal achievements and contributions to society are celebrated during weekly
assemblies. These are then publicised through displays and by means of our award

Every week, pupils try to become a Southmuir Superstar. Staff can nominate any pupil for
this award – for working especially hard, being particularly kind, achievements outside of
school etc.

Within individual classes pupils are strongly encouraged to recognise and respect the
achievements of their peers on a daily basis. We believe these actions play a vital role in
acknowledging the diversity of individual strengths and promotion of self-esteem.

Due to the cooperation of local press agencies, we are able to share and celebrate
achievement beyond the confines of the school. Media articles are regularly updated on
our school displays in order to motivate pupils.

Prizes for Maths, Language, Sports, Service Award, Expressive Arts, Southmuir Ambassador
and Overall Achievement are awarded every summer. The William Beaton Memorial
award is also presented to a pupil in primary 6 for topic work. All P7 pupils receive a small
gift to wish them well in the next stage of their education.


There is a vast array of extra-curricular activities available for your child to participate in,
these include:

      Football
      Netball
      Choir
      Homework Club
      Dodge ball
      Badminton

The above opportunities will be shared with your child during an assembly and if they are
interested in attending, they should request an application form from the school office.
The form should be completed and signed by a responsible adult in the family home and
returned to school.

Pupils have opportunities to be involved in a number of groups that enhance the school
experience for all children. These include:

          Pupil Council/Pupil Voice
          Tuck Shop
          Paired Reading
          Library Group
          Peer mediators

It is a pleasure to observe the high level of commitment that our pupils consistently apply
to their duties and responsibilities.


There is an active Pupil Voice at Southmuir Primary comprised of two representatives from
each class. In P1, children are selected by their teachers whilst P2-7 children volunteer and
stand for election. Each class will then vote for who they believe will represent them best.
Throughout the year Pupil Voice members, alongside our House Captains and vice
Captains, will be involved in taking forward school improvement priorities and addressing
emerging issues as they occur. The children hold office for one year during which time
they will meet regularly with a member of the management team to represent their peers’
concerns and ideas for school improvement. Members also report back to their classes on
decisions made and actions determined by the Pupil Voice. Meetings are open and fair,
with all having the opportunity to speak and have their ideas or concerns valued and
considered responsibly.


Your child will learn in a variety of different contexts and groups including ability, co-
operative and social. Teachers will share information about your child’s learning and
progress through newsletters, class information sheets and pupil reports. Learning Journals
are sent home termly and we would encourage you to discuss these with your child and
add comments. Different events are organised during the school year to allow you to see
the work your child has been involved in, including open mornings/afternoons, where you
are always welcome to attend.
Should your child be expected to undertake any learning with regard to Sex Education or
Drug Education, you will be notified prior to these lessons starting.
Religious Education is part of the primary curriculum in Scotland. However, you have the
right to request that your chid be removed from these lessons in cases where the lessons
taught may be in conflict to your own beliefs and religion. Please contact the school for
more information about this.


Personalisation and choice is one of the seven principles of curriculum design and children
and young people throughout their education will have the opportunity to discuss with
their teacher the context in which they learn and how they will approach the learning.
Staff will discuss new learning with the children at the beginning of a new topic and plan
together the areas of specific focus e.g. World War 2 – The Battle of Britain. This will be
shared with parents and parents will be invited to support the learning by sharing
resources from home e.g. ration book or visit the school to share a talk. Parents will be
invited to share comments regarding the planned work for their child at various points
throughout the year and are encouraged to feedback comments at any time to the class
teacher or to management.


The Curriculum for Excellence
The curriculum aims for all children to become:

INDIVIDUALS                   CONFIDENT                 RESPONSIBLE              EFFECTIVE
      LEARNERS               INDIVIDUALS                  CITIZENS             CONTRIBUTORS

          HEALTH &         LITERACY,                                  SOCIAL STUDIES
          WELLBEING        ENGLISH &
                             MODERN                              SCIENCES
                                                         RELIGIOUS &
                                    MATHEMATICS         MORAL

Each session all classes will have the opportunity to present an Assembly to parents and
carers. The children will then share more of their learning in an Open Afternoon in their
classrooms. Monthly newsletters and termly information leaflets are also shared with
We plan a variety of curricular information evenings and afternoons over the session.
During these evenings, staff and pupils will demonstrate some of the learning experiences
we have at Southmuir.
Teachers will share information about your child’s learning and progress through learning
logs, newsletters, class information sheets and pupil reports. Open afternoons and
curricular evenings are organised to allow you to see the work your child has been
involved in.
The school website, Twitter site and Dojo are also sources of information, illustrating the
work of all classes across the school.

Early Learning Provision

Southmuir Primary has a nursery attached, which includes provision for 2-year olds. All
children are eligible for a funded early learning and childcare place from the first
available enrolment date after their third birthday.

A child is entitled to a total of 600 hours of early learning and childcare per school year.
This usually means 16 hours a week during term time, throughout the school year. To apply

for a place at nursery, please contact either the school or Angus Council for further

More local information can be found out from the school or local council and national
information from the numerous sources listed at the back of this handbook.


                   The school maintains close links with Websters High School and other
                   Primary Schools within the Angus area. A programme of activities is
                   arranged to ensure a smooth transition from primary to secondary. Our
                   teachers and in some cases our pupils visit other schools and
                   establishments and other teachers and pupils visit us. This process is
                   necessary for the professional development of staff, reciprocal
                   understanding and the establishment of curricular consistency.
                   Websters High School Academy may be contacted by telephoning
                   01575 526000 or via email (

It should be noted that opportunities for enhanced transition is available for children as
required. Should you feel your child may benefit from enhanced transition, please speak
to a member of the school management team.



      Pupils have experiences success in local competition such as designing Christmas
       Lights for the community council, winning the local heat of the Rotary Quiz and
       sporting achievements and local and county sports events.
      All staff shared successful maths strategies employed in classes. A common
       structure to maths lessons was agreed to include mental maths warm up, input,
       activity and plenary.

      All staff attended input on Mental Health & Wellbeing in order to best support our
       pupils and their families.

      Closer, more supportive relationship between school and Parent Council
       established with clear long-term aim of supporting equipment and opportunities to
       play in playground, e.g. fund raising towards new line marking in playground which
       can be used by children to play create games.


      Improved collaboration across Nursery and P1 staff, is supporting improved
       transition arrangements and wellbeing within early level.

      Increased data available to support planning discussions with teachers through the
       use of INCAS and SNSAs.

      Enhanced transition process and developed relationships going to WHS through the
       development of a transition policy which goes across both primary and secondary

      Curricular maps have been developed to support learning, teaching and
       progression in Literacy, Maths and Health & Wellbeing

    Early years parents attend annual Read Write Count events to learn how literacy is
      taught in the early years – well received by all.

    There is an increased emphasis on numeracy within the school. A maths working
      group has been established to take lead roles in the development of new
      resources and in ensuring cohesive, progressive planning is in place for maths at all
      levels. Use of new school resources (Abacus & Numicon) are promoting
      progression, and consistency of learning and teaching.

    Increased levels of measurable achievement for all learners who may not achieve
      national benchmarks across literacy has been achieved via INCAS and Fresh Start.

    Pupil voice systematically heard with Pupil Council having opportunities to feed into
     school improvements and developments such as the establishment of a Southmuir
     Standard code of values and expectations.

    Parents/carers of pupils within main Engagement group are well informed
     regarding the opportunities for learning their child is offered. Pupils are becoming
     more positive about learning opportunities beyond the school setting.

    Delivery of ICT has been more consistent due to increased reliability through use of
      Websters High School ICT rooms and the installation of more routers in school.
    Teachers have access to latest interactive boards supported by Angus Council to
      support delivery of learning and teaching. Teachers have had training and are
      willing to engage with, and use, new boards.

For more information, copies of the current School Standards and Quality Report are
available on request.

Priorities for inclusion in our 2018/2019 School Improvement Plan include:

      “Southmuir Standard” to be launched, detailing expectations of staff, pupils and
       parents/carers to promote a positive ethos and quality learning environment.

       School will achieve Bronze Award, Rights Respecting School.

      Opportunity for all teachers to have training on Angus Dyslexia Procedures.

      All teacher to undertake professional reading of Careers Standard (3-18) to
       become more familiar with the expectations and entitlements therein.

      French Café to be introduced to support parents/carers in understanding
       pedagogy and to support parents/ carers in learning basic French.

      Abacus and mastery of maths to be implemented at all stages.

      Read, Write, Inc Programme to be trialled as a test of change.

      Collaboration between pre-school and primary1 staff to plan Early Literacy skills
       through the use of the Early Years Reading Toolkit

      Word Aware to be introduced within the Early Years setting to extend knowledge

      Develop progression pathways for Health & Wellbeing and integrate these into
       current planning format to ensure consistency and progression.

Further Priorities identified for the next three years include:

      Assessment and moderation policy to be created to ensure consistency across the
       school and cluster. This policy to then be embedded into practice to ensure
       consistency across the school and cluster

      Use of national assessment data and attainment data to be used as part of Q.A.,
       B.G.E. Improvement Tool and during professional dialogues.

      Roll out further growth mind-set language to build resilience in learning

      Involve local businesses and organizations to enhance Developing Young
       Workforce opportunities.

Roll out further growth mind-set theories, models of good practice and language
to build resilience and a “can do” attitude towards learning, including information
for parents/carers on how they can use GMS at home.


Should your child require to take any medication during the school day, you will be asked
to complete a form at the school office. All medicines are kept in a locked cupboard in
the school’s medical room. When a child is given any medication, this is recorded by
school staff.

You can contact your school health staff at: -

                                Kirriemuir Health Centre
                                Tanage Brae
                                Kirriemuir DD8 4ES
                                Telephone 01575 573333

The school nurse for Southmuir Primary School is Mandy Finlayson. Mandy can be
contacted at Kirriemuir Medical Practice as above.


Education Scotland’s Communication Toolkit for engaging with parents –

The Scottish Government guide Principles of Inclusive Communications provides
information on communications and a self-assessment tool for public authorities –

Choosing a School: A Guide for Parents - information on choosing a school and the
placing request system –

A guide for parents about school attendance explains parental responsibilities with regard
to children’s attendance at school –

Parental Involvement

Guidance on the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 provides guidance on
the act for education authorities, Parent Councils and others –

Parentzone provide information and resource for parents and Parent Councils –

School Ethos

Supporting Learners - guidance on the identification, planning and provision of support –

Health and wellbeing guidance on healthy living for local authorities and schools -

Building Curriculum for Excellence Through Positive Behaviour and Relationships outlines
the Scottish Government’s priority actions around positive behaviour in schools and is also
a source of support –

Scottish Catholic Education Service’s resource ‘This is Our Faith’ which supports the
teaching and learning of Catholic religious education –


Information about how the curriculum is structured and curriculum planning –

Information about the outcomes a learner can expect to experience and achieve across
literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, as well as the 8 curricular areas –

Advice, practice and resources to support the experiences and outcomes on literary,
numeracy and health and wellbeing –

Broad General Education in the Secondary School – A Guide for Parents and Carers –

Information on the Senior Phase –

Information around the Scottish Government’s ‘Opportunities for All’ programme –

Information for organisations responsible for the planning, management and delivery of
career information, advice and guidance services –

The Skills Development Scotland website ‘My World of Work’ offers a number of tools to
support career planning –

Assessment and Reporting

Building the Curriculum 5: a framework for assessment provides guidance around the
assessment framework –

Information about Curriculum for Excellence levels and how progress is assessed –

Curriculum for Excellence –


Curriculum for Excellence factfile - 3-18 Transitions - provides information on the transitions
children and young people will face throughout their education and beyond –

Developing creativity, employability and skills -

Choices and changes provides information about choices made at various stages of
learning –


The Additional support for learning page provides links to relevant legislation and
guidance, including the arrangements that should be in place to support pupils with
additional support needs –

Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice includes specific requirements on
education authorities and others under the new legislation in relation to transition –

Enquire is the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning –

Parenting across Scotland offers support to children and families in Scotland –

Support for Pupils

The Additional support for learning page provides links to relevant legislation and
guidance, including the arrangements that should be in place to support pupils with
additional support needs –

Information about the universal entitlement to support that underpins Curriculum for
Excellence –

Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice (Revised edition) - provides Statutory
guidance relating to the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004
as amended –

Getting It Right For Every Child and Young Person, is essential reading for anyone involved
or working with children and young people, including practitioners working in adult
services with parents and carers –

School Improvement

Scottish Schools Online - provides a range of school information, including contact details,
school roll, facilities, website, and inspection reports –

The Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN) is an annual sample survey which will
monitor national performance in literacy and numeracy –

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) –

Scottish Qualifications Authority provides information for teachers, parents, employers and
young people on qualifications –

Amazing Things - information about youth awards in Scotland –

Information on how to access statistics relating to School Education –

School Policies and Practical Information

Schools and local authorities should consider the most relevant school, local and national
policies and include details or links for parents to sources of further information.

National policies, information and guidance can be accessed through the following sites -

Children (Scotland) Act 1995 –

Standards in Scotland's Schools (Scotland) Act 2000 –

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