Standards & Quality Report 2019-20 & School Improvement Planning 2020-2021

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Standards & Quality Report 2019-20 & School Improvement Planning 2020-2021
Education and Children’s Services

 Standards & Quality Report
School Improvement Planning
Standards & Quality Report 2019-20 & School Improvement Planning 2020-2021
St Fergus Primary School

We are pleased to present both our Standards and Quality Report for Session 2019– 2020 and
our School Improvement plan for 2020 -2021. This report forms part of our quality
improvement framework and provides important information regarding our school’s progress to
date and identifies our next steps in school improvement.
Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement is at the heart of our practice in St Fergus School. We
continue to develop our practice in making robust use of evidence as a basis for judgements
regarding the impact of our work on our learners.
How are we doing?
How do we know?
What are we going to do now?
Looking inwards to analyse our work.
Looking outwards to find out more about what is working well for others locally and nationally.
Looking forwards to gauge what continuous improvement might look like in the longer term.
At St Fergus Primary we continue to be committed to working closely with our community and
all other stakeholders that support the education we provide. Together we are working hard to
ensure all our pupils get the best possible start in life and are enabled and encouraged to
maximize their potential.
We realise that within education things never stand still or stay the same. We continue to strive
to meet the changes and challenges. The latter part of session 2019-20 brought
unprecedented circumstances and school closures leading to new ways of continuing learning
and teaching remotely as well as new ways of communicating with our pupils and wider school
families. However, despite all this, through this document we hope that you will get a sense of
our developments, successes and areas for further growth.

Avril Sutherland/Pauline Robertson
Head Teachers
Standards & Quality Report 2019-20 & School Improvement Planning 2020-2021
The School and its context
At St Fergus School our vision is to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to ‘Create the
Potential to Succeed’ and that ‘Pupils will Exceed Expectations’. Our core values highlight that
we believe our pupils should be Happy, Confident, Achieving and Creative. Our school aims are
in line with Aberdeenshire Council School Aims.

At St Fergus School we are committed to GIRFEC (Getting It Right for Every Child) to ensure our
children are SHANARRI (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Responsible, Respected
and Included).

   •   We know what we are learning and why
   •   We can talk about our learning
   •   We learn well together
   •   We enjoy our learning
   •   We are all helped to make progress in our learning
   •   We learn in classrooms, our homes and beyond
   •   We celebrate our learning

St Fergus School is situated in the village of St Fergus, five miles north of Peterhead. It is a
primary school of traditional design, with an open plan extension sponsored by Mobil Oil. It
admits pupils from ELC (age 3) to primary 7 (age 12).

On completing P7, pupils transfer to Peterhead Academy, in the town of Peterhead which has
ten associated feeder schools, part of the Peterhead Cluster. Within the Peterhead Cluster, all
services operate in an integrated framework to ensure that each child has the fullest opportunity
to maximise his or her potential.

The school has a roll of 113 pupils and an ELC roll of 18 with seven full-time equivalent teaching
staff, including the joint Head-Teachers. The teaching team is supported by four Pupil Support
Assistants, an Additional Support for Learners teacher, an Early Years Senior Practitioner, joint
Early Years Lead Practitioner, three Early Years Practitioners, a Modern Apprentice in ELC, our
school administrator, kitchen staff, cleaning staff and two part-time janitors.
Our school website provides current information on all aspects of school life. The school
handbook provides more information on names of staff along with other school data. A copy is
available on our website.

Community links are a vital part of school life. School has links with all companies situated at St
Fergus Gas Terminal and with smaller local businesses. The village church and hall are utilised
throughout the session. St Fergus School Association (Parent Council) meet at least once every
term and fundraise continuously in order to support school improvement priorities. The school
building is let out to various organisations including Active Schools, 1 st Kid Zone After School
Club as well as other volunteers who run extra-curricular clubs. School staff offer many extra-
curricular lunchtime clubs including choir, art, netball, coding and Children’s University for pupils
to choose from. (Due to Covid-19 restrictions, there are no clubs currently running in school)


The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation provides data on how many children we have living
in different deciles. Although St Fergus School does not have any children who are classed as
living in an area of deprivation this may not accurately reflect the circumstances of all our pupils
in their everyday lives and their access to opportunities or the needs that they have as
individuals. We believe that all children are entitled to the best education to enable them to be
the best they can be and we work hard to achieve this for our pupils.

We aim to meet the needs of every child within our setting, providing targeted support and
interventions to try to close the attainment gap. Our gaps are very unique to our setting and are
concentrated on individual/cohorts of pupils for specific areas such as unique issues within
HWB, reading, writing, maths/numeracy, attendance and punctuality.
This Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan is influenced by both Aberdeenshire and
national priorities. These can be summarised as follows:

Aberdeenshire Priorities: these should be reflected in all areas of this document and the
actions that emerge from it

   •   Improving learning, teaching and assessment.
   •   Partnership working to raise attainment.
   •   Developing leadership at all levels.
   •   Improvement through self-evaluation.

National Improvement Framework Priorities:
   • Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.
   • Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children.
   • Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and
   • Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for
      all young people.

National Improvement Framework Drivers:
   • School leadership
   • Teacher professionalism
   • Parental engagement
   • Assessment of children’s progress
   • School improvement
   • Performance information

Additionally, to support self-evaluation various quality indicators from the national evaluative
framework How Good Is Our School? 4 are referenced. Links to these sources are:


Impact of our developments
In this section we will outline the targets we set last session and identify the progress we have
made during session 2019-20.
 Priorities 2019-2020 Visible Learning
 • Develop staff leadership roles, VL Impact Coach to support critical friend approach.
 • Use of quality/timely feedback (clearly linked to success criteria) will continue to support
     pupils in becoming assessment capable learners.

 Progress       Common learning language continues to be embedded throughout all stages
                and has been reinforced termly at assembly. Happy Hero has been initiated
                with ELC setting. Replacement of green cards with learning leader awards has
                been successful in both raising pupil awareness of how/why they have
                achieved success and also providing opportunities for sharing of their learning
                with others. Parents continue to be made aware of initiative at Sharing of
                Learning, through wall displays, fortnightly newsletter, reports to Parent

                Staff continue to recognise the need for feedback to be linked to success
                criteria so that children know what their next steps are. All teaching staff have
                conducted a critical enquiry linked to Feedback and have been supported in
                this by their ‘critical friend’ and Impact Coach.

 Impact         More pupils continue to display the characteristics of effective learners. This is
                evidenced through monitoring and class observations, HT conversations with
                teaching staff at key tracking and monitoring periods, teacher reflections and
                evaluations, learning walks, collegiate discussions/evaluations, tracked and
                recorded in celebrating success book/reflective records.
                Most pupils are receiving quality and timely feedback linked to clear learning
                intentions and success criteria. In P1 almost all feedback is teacher led and
                given by the teacher. Pupils in P1 all know and act upon ‘tickled pink & green
                for growth’ feedback. In P2/3 feedback given on writing linked specifically to
                success criteria has the biggest impact when given during the lesson. In P4-7,
                a critical enquiry focusing on reading comprehension skills introduced and
                taught with co-constructed success criteria, showed a rise in attainment over a
                short period of time.

 Next steps        •   To promote appropriate self and peer feedback.
                   •   To provide daily opportunities for timely feedback to be given during
                   •   To encourage the co-construction of success criteria with pupils.
                   •   To continue to embed the common learning language throughout
                       school, with this clearly on display and being used in all classes.
                   •   To continue to focus on the dispositions we value in our learners, to
                       consistently and rigorously develop these.
                   •   Mrs Robertson to redo video of target groups of children. Is the common
                       learning language being used consistently and applied?
Priorities 2019-20

•   Staff training to further implement French from P1-7

Progress      Head Teachers and teaching staff attended local authority event on ‘Making
              Languages Relevant’. November in-service day focus on collegiate working to
              develop progression to ensure coverage of experiences and outcomes linked
              to Education Scotland benchmarks at second level for pupils in P5-7. All
              teaching staff involved in refamiliarization session with Power Language online
              resource and now beginning to make more use of this learning tool with pupils.
              Whole school ‘buy in’ to French phrase of the week and this to be used in
              classes, at assembly, etc as way of promoting collaboration and ensuring that
              French continues to be part of daily routines throughout school. Some class
              teachers have established links with Modern Language staff at Peterhead
              Academy for upskilling support. P2/3 class and P6/7 class held a joint event
              with carousel activities to encourage conversation and use of French
              vocabulary. P1 and P2/3 had a conversation café afternoon. P5/6 made video
              conversations using green screen as part of a family learning event. As part of
              L3, whole school participated in Mandarin day with workshops led by staff from
              Confucius Institute in Aberdeen.

              We now have a second level progression for P5-7 that clearly shows topics to
Impact        be covered at set times for each year group with links to Power Language and
              vocabulary to be introduced. There is now greater participation in daily routines
              in French across all stages of school. Through attendance at CLPL events,
              staff are using digital technologies more frequently to create real and
              meaningful learning experiences for pupils.

Next steps           •   Explore further the best ways of using Power Language resource with
                         composite classes
                     •   Develop progression to include first level for pupils in P2-4
                     •   Look at ways of encouraging further whole school collaboration e.g.
                         French question of the month?
                     •   Include opportunity for collaborative French conversation café event
                         between first and second level pupils in annual school calendar.
                     •   Expand on 1 plus 2 links for L3 in cross-curricular planning at second
Priorities 2019-20
To support and build confidence in professional judgement through focus on

              Planning for holistic writing assessments 3x per session is now well embedded
Progress      throughout school. Assessments are clearly linked to Education Scotland
              benchmarks and staff use pupil assessment sheets to plan for next steps.
              Through working time agreement, collegiate moderation opportunities are
              planned and shared with staff through annual calendar. All staff are aware
              of/use the Moderation Cycle. Head Teachers carry out moderation exercise on
              planners/samples of work/jotters across all stages and again this is pre-
              planned through annual calendar. Teaching staff have worked collaboratively
              to produce holistic reading assessments that can be used as part of the range
              of evidence to show achievement of a level. Staff are becoming increasingly
              more aware of the need to gather a range of evidence in order to support their
              professional judgement around achievement of a level. Staff are analysing and
              using SNSA results as part of this evidence.
              Teaching staff have worked collaboratively on a progression to support more
              robust assessment of listening and talking from early – second level. This is
              based around essential indicators of good listening & talking and clear
              statements for the various organisers of what learners should be able to do at
              the end of each primary year within early, first and second level. Adaptations
              were made to the curriculum rationale to include pre-planned opportunities for
              pair/group discussions, listening to audio transcripts, individual
              talks/presentations, film review presentations, listening & notetaking, tasks
              linked to class/group/pair discussion, use of audio books, group presentations
              with a structured format.
              The Head Teacher supports as an Aberdeenshire QAMSO and has been able
              to share this at school/cluster/local authority level.
              Staff consistently now work collaboratively to ensure that planning, learning,
Impact        teaching and assessment provides pupils with opportunities for challenge,
              breadth of learning and the chance to apply learning in new contexts.
              Attainment in writing, after rising over the past 4 years to 80% < 90% has
              remained at around 85% and in reading is slightly higher at 88% of pupils on
              track or exceeding expectations.Teachers are more confident in making
              predictions on pupil attainment and also in the use of assessment data to
              support professional judgement. Use of the new listening & talking progression
              planners linked to adaptations to our curriculum rationale for L&T, should going
              forward make teacher professional judgement more reliable and robust.

                 •   To develop further holistic reading assessments and moderate these at
Next steps           early/first/second level.
                 •   To continue to ensure opportunity for application, breadth and challenge
                     in learning, teaching & assessment, particularly in the core areas of
                     literacy and numeracy.
                 •   To begin to use the new progression planners for Listening & Talking
                     and to embed the changes made to the curriculum rationale in this area.
                 •   To allocate further collegiate time to ‘Achievement of a level’ materials
                     for maths/numeracy and to allow for moderation opportunity.
                 •   Teaching staff participation in ‘sampling’ – gathering evidence/portfolios
                     of written work for authority level moderation of writing.
                 •   Begin to track assessment of literacy early level in ELC, using more
                     robust assessment data.
Priorities 2019-20

   •   Focus on assessment of Health and Wellbeing, leading to more robust data for tracking
       and monitoring of levels.

              Staff constructed a bespoke health and wellbeing survey on pupils’ attitudes to
Progress      both self and school. These make use of the SHANARRI characters, creating
              meaningful links to other HWB learning activities. Surveys were completed with
              all classes during term 3 and results analysed to inform next steps. All teaching
              staff attended ACEs presentation. PE assessments have been created for the
              various topics within our rolling programme to provide guidance for teacher-led
              assessment as well as a structure for peer-assessment of gymnastics and self-
              assessment of dance.
              We now have a clearer rationale for HWB with a definite progression from early
Impact        through to end of second level. Staff feel more supported in the planning,
              learning and teaching of HWB lessons and there is increased confidence that
              we are covering all the SHANARRI indicators, less chance of gaps in learning
              or repetitions of certain areas. The collaborative work to identify the ‘ethos
              bundling’ was very worthwhile as it led to productive discussion around certain
              topics that hadn’t been revisited for a while. Staff feel that the new resources
              are easy to use and there have been opportunities for collaboration between
              classes/team teaching. E.g. P6 and P7 lessons on adolescence/puberty.

Next steps           •   Use surveys on pupil attitude to self and school at beginning of term
                         1/term 4 as baseline for benchmarking and to assist with tracking and
                         monitoring of HWB levels. Surveys will also provide evidence for next
                         steps in planning HWB lessons at primary/stage levels.
                     •   Whole school focus on - importance of a good night’s sleep.
                     •   Whole school focus on - making healthy food choices.
                     •   Whole school focus on - needs v wants.
                     •   HWB planning through SCARF to focus on self-esteem, independence,
                         responsibility, valuing the views and opinions of others, resilience.
                     •   Explore opportunities to offer more extra-curricular sports activities for
                         P1-3 (Active Schools)
                     •   All staff to participate in Nurture training
                     •   Raise awareness with all staff of the effect of ACEs on children’s
                         development, engagement with learning, achievement/attainment. Put
                         universal/targeted support in place to address identified ACEs.
                     •   Focus on assessment of HWB through use of SCARF assessment
                     •   Introduce new assessment guidance for teacher/self/peer assessment in
                         PE. (Core teacher/class teachers to work collaboratively on this)
Priorities 2019-20
•   To raise and maintain high attainment in numeracy/maths, particularly focusing on mental
    maths and problem solving.

                Targeted interventions were put in place for pupils who required additional
Progress        support out with the frameworks/school progressions, and these were
                evaluated and modified frequently. More Numicon resources were purchased
                with PEF to support this and Dynamo Maths has been used with individuals.
                Pace and challenge of numeracy/maths was the focus of HT observations
                during term 2 and moderation in term 3. HTs gathered feedback on pace &
                challenge as well as discussing new mental maths resources with pupils
                through ‘Daily Dozen’ focus groups. Problem solving strategies were revisited
                during staff collegiate time and a clear decision made on uniformity of language
                and age/stage appropriate introduction of these. Class teachers now have
                these on display in classes, and they are beginning to be systematically
                introduced, used, and reinforced during lessons (all curricular areas, not purely
                numeracy/maths). There is some evidence that children can talk about how
                they problem solve and what they can do if they ‘get stuck’.

                Attainment in numeracy/maths has been maintained at 80% < 90% largely due
Impact          to universal support in mental maths/problem solving and targeted support as
                required. Impact of targeted support has been mixed due to various factors
                including pupil support staff changes and ASL staff vacancy.

                     •   Embed new mental maths scheme P4-7 ensuring daily opportunity for
Next steps               this. Review/evaluate end of session 2020/21.
                     •   Amend term 1 focus (P2-7). Initial week of revision/regrouping before
                         continuation with appropriate progression to ensure sufficient pace and
                         challenge. Staff to evaluate progressions to ensure coverage at
                         appropriate pace. *ADAPT DUE TO COVID-19
                     •   Develop and embed use of Numicon P1-3 and with targeted pupils.
                     •   Whole school approach to problem solving to become embedded across
                         all stages and raise awareness of strategies with pupil support staff &
                     •   Collaborative support for staff using Numicon through involvement in
                     •   Family Learning event with numeracy/maths focus.
Priorities 2019-20

•   To update pupil profiling and track wider achievement in order to ensure that pupils
    ‘missing out’ are identified and appropriate interventions offered.

Progress       All teaching staff were involved in an audit of the Reflection Records and
               changes were made including age/stage appropriate adaptations. A focus on
               the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence has started with P4-7 pupils
               and Head Teachers have followed up on this with focus groups through the
               Daily Dozen initiative. Wider achievement is now tracked and dated across P1-
               7 and Head Teachers maintain an overview spreadsheet of this then follow up
               as required. The new tracking and monitoring of wider achievement has begun
               to be effective in informing future planning.

Impact         Changes to profiling continues to encourage pupils to reflect on their learning –
               what they can do now that they couldn’t do before, what they are proud of and
               why, how they learn best and what they can do to improve or if they get stuck.
               Most of our pupils (89%) are participating in clubs/activities out with school or
               as extra-curricular activities. Lunchtime clubs run by teaching staff have had a
               significant impact allowing pupils a range of opportunities. Regular ‘Celebrating
               Success’ assemblies with the whole school give pupils a platform to share their
               wider achievements.

Next steps           •   Promote pupil ownership regarding samples of work added to Reflection
                         Records (P3-7).
                     •   Raise awareness of the four capacities within Curriculum for Excellence
                         and highlight with pupils when these are being achieved. (Learning
                         Across the Four Contexts display posters to be used)
                     •   Focus on how pupils learn best and also barriers to learning and how
                         these can be overcome.
                     •   Increase participation in out of school/extra-curricular activities to almost
                         all pupils (over 90%).
                     •   Explore further options for P1-3 sporting activities through Active
                     •   Share pupils’ wider achievements digitally via new TV monitor in school
Priorities 2019-20
   • Early interventions to support emerging literacy.

              P1-3 staff have supported Early Years Practitioners with their understanding of
Progress      emerging literacy and in talking about the progress of learners. Literacy boxes
              are being compiled and used in both ELC and early stage classes that will
              assist with the development of foundation skills in reading, writing, listening,
              and talking. P1 teacher and Early Years Lead continue to attend/be involved in
              Emerging Literacy twilight sessions.
              Initial assessments and screens were completed with all P1 pupils during
              weeks 1-3 of new session. This was then an on-going process throughout the
              There have been some opportunities for collaborative planning and joint
              learning activities between ELC and P1 through the context of transition.

              Reading attainment over the past 4 years has remained at almost all children
Impact        achieving early level by end of P1. Writing attainment over the past 4 years has
              risen from only the majority of children achieving early level at the end of P1 to
              almost all children doing so.
              Emerging Literacy interventions and the use of new resources purchased
              through PEF have benefitted targeted pupils who required intensive support.

                 •   Develop robust assessment evidence of children’s progress through
Next steps           early level Literacy and begin to track and monitor this.
                 •   P1 teaching staff and ELC staff to continue to plan and implement joint
                     learning activities based particularly around storytelling and nursery
                     rhymes. ELC staff to carry out critical enquiry and evaluate this at end of
                     session 2020/21.
                 •   Continue to fully utilise the new quality role play area in nursery to
                     support and develop children’s language and communication skills
                     through quality adult/child interactions.
Priorities 2019-20
Developing the Young Workforce: continue to embed skills for learning, life and work

              Staff engagement with key documents – Aberdeenshire Skills for Learning, Life
Progress      and Work Guidance (Dec 2015) & Developing the Young Workforce Career
              Education Standard 3-18. Staff are beginning to make use of our DYW skills
              planner for attachment with CCT and IDL plans, focusing particularly on the
              soft skills and how these can be developed. Blooms Revised Taxonomy skills
              continue to be used throughout school as the basis of skills for learning.
              P7 Leavers’ Legacy continues to be a context for DYW at second level and
              pupils record/reflect on skills developed. However, due to Covid-19, the
              current project of creating an outdoor courtyard has been put on hold. Staff are
              more consistently making links in everyday teaching/learning to real life
              situations and workplace scenarios. Until March 2020, there were continual
              visitors into school and visits to local businesses to further promote this, as well
              as pre-planned opportunities for parents to visit and talk about work
              experiences. HT and Mrs McLean have been actively involved in the
              Peterhead Cluster DYW Working Group and there have been opportunities to
              share what is working well within our schools. Our Cluster Primary Careers Fair
              had to be cancelled due to Covid-19.

              Pupils are benefitting from planned opportunities to develop skills for learning,
Impact        life and work in a range of contexts. They are learning transferrable skills and
              understanding the importance of these. They are being given opportunities to
              reflect on how they are developing their skills.

Next steps       •   Tracking of skills will inform planning and next steps.
                 •   Restart Leavers’ Legacy when possible.
                 •   Make use of digital platforms, virtual experiences, online technology to
                     explore ‘world of work’ with learners.
2. How good is our leadership and approach to improvement?
Relevant NIF priority: All
Relevant NIF driver(s): School leadership, Teacher professionalism, School improvement
Level of quality for core QI 1.3 and 1.2: 5

Our school has a shared vision, core values and aims that we feel are still relevant to our school
and community.
The school engages in self-evaluation involving all stakeholders and encourages pupils to take
responsibility for decision making and school improvement through their involvement in the Pupil
Council, Prefects, Play leaders, Digital leaders, E Safety team, Junior Road Safety Officers,
Librarians, Magazine Group and Rota kids. Pupils engage in reviewing their own learning and
the work of the school. The Head Teachers ask for their views through the ongoing ‘Daily
Dozen’. P7 pupils take responsibility for improving an aspect of school for those coming behind
them through their annual Leavers’ Legacy. This year they embarked upon transforming an
unused outdoor area into an enclosed garden/outdoor courtyard. A successful fundraising bag
pack enabled the work to begin including a bespoke gate with the school logo, adaptations to the
door out to the courtyard and signage. They had all been involved in plans for a mural to be
painted along one wall and pxlimited (St Fergus Gas Site) were involved with this. Unfortunately,
these plans were put on hold when school buildings closed in March 2020 due to the Covid-19
pandemic. Our Learning Leaders’ initiative continues to encourage all pupils to lead learning and
share their learning with others. More Learning Leader awards were given out this session than
previously, partly due to the replacement of green cards with these but also partly due to this
initiative being given a high profile throughout school. It was also rolled out to include our nursery
children with the introduction of ‘Happy Hero’ awards in ELC.
Staff share lead roles in school initiatives such as Visible Learning Impact Coaching, Emerging
Literacy, One Plus Two, DYW, Music/Choir, School Magazine, Netball and other lunchtime
clubs, PE, and Science, to improve outcomes for all pupils. All staff engage in professional
dialogue and are keen to continue to improve the school. New staff are fully included to ensure
we have a shared understanding of what we need to do to improve the school through
evaluating the quality of our work and the impact of change. Staff purple folders provide support
and guidance for both new and existing staff. These include staff annual calendars with
information on key tracking and monitoring periods, collegiate activities, etc. as well as self-
evaluation booklets linked to the challenge questions from HGIOS 4. All teaching staff have
participated in a critical enquiry this session and these have been shared collegiately to ensure
professional engagement and collaborative working to promote moderation of planning, learning,
teaching & assessment. Staff have had opportunities to engage in moderation exercises within
and across stages to share practice and develop a shared understanding of progression,
particularly in literacy/numeracy/HWB.
We engage with all stakeholders through a range of evaluation methods e.g. Open
Morning/Parent Evenings, Family Learning Days, Stay n Play sessions, surveys and
questionnaires, post it comments, suggestion boxes, SFSA meetings. Numbers have steadily
risen in our parent working groups (Improvement Planning/E Safety) and these are now sub-
groups of the SFSA. An annual school calendar continues to be issued to all parents/carers in
August and this is kept updated on the school website. The fortnightly newsletter also keeps all
stakeholders informed of school developments and improvements as well as being an excellent
platform for sharing children’s successes and achievements. The number of parents/carers
following school on Twitter has significantly risen this session and the latest news of what’s
happening daily as well as photos/comments of pupil learning is tweeted. Senior pupils, in their
role as Digital Leaders assist with this at times.
Teaching staff read and became familiar with the document How Good Is OUR School? Staff
then participated in an initial audit around the ethos of learner participation and to what extent
children at St Fergus School are actively involved in school improvement before identifying some
areas of focus.
1.3/1.2 Key strengths:
• An aspirational vision underpinning continuous improvement is shared by the whole
• Our vision, values and aims drive school improvement. All staff encourage commitment to the
   shared vision and through focused whole school assemblies, children are developing a clear
   understanding of our school vision and values. These were also shared once again with
   parents at our annual ‘Meet the Teacher’ event and via the school newsletter early in term 1.
• Parental and school community expertise continues to drive school improvement.
• The effectiveness of professional learning opportunities that support staff and improve
   outcomes for learners.
• Inspired and passionate teaching is commonplace and embedded in the school ethos.
• Sharing and collaboration of evaluation and improvement priorities with all staff, pupils,
   parents and wider school community.
• All key improvements link clearly to evaluations which are collated and driven by strategic
• Collaborative working practices between all staff to improve planning, learning, teaching and
• Staff understand the value of self-evaluation and improvement planning. They are highly
   committed to work collegiately to improve outcomes for pupils and their CLPL is linked to
   improvement planning.
• Leadership roles are encouraged and taken on by staff.
• Professional Review and Development procedures are implemented as per GTCS and
   Aberdeenshire guidelines.
• Staff are clearly aware of and use GTCS standards as a tool for self-evaluation.

Identified priorities for improvement:
• Give Pupil Council more opportunity to be involved in suggested school improvement -
   (suggestion boxes, monthly Fri pm visit to classes, display board to highlight improvements).
• Raise the profile of all Pupil Participation Groups throughout school through assembly
   participation and visits to classes (particularly in term 1).
• Consider opportunities where Parent Council (SFSA) and subgroups can be more fully
   involved in school improvement driven by the pupils.
• Use ‘How Good Is OUR School?’ with senior pupils as a starting point for pupil involvement in
   gathering parental feedback/surveys.
• To continue to embed the common learning language throughout school, with this clearly on
   display and being consistently used in all classes.
• To continue to focus on the dispositions we value in our learners, consistently and rigorously
   developing these.
• Focus on collaborative approaches to self-evaluation through involvement in TSISS as part of
   a trio of schools challenging and supporting one another.

 In relation to the priorities listed above the following action plans have been confirmed:
Actions/Roles/Timings                                   Expected Outcomes/Impact on learners                           How will success be measured?

Priority 1a

Year 2
To continue to use the resource ‘How Good is            Pupils will become familiar with ‘How Good is OUR              Pupil Council involvement (monthly class
OUR School?’ to support children to participate         School?’ and will use this to ensure they are fully involved   conversations/minutes of meetings), display board
fully in school self-evaluation/improvement. All        in school improvement. There will be more regular              tracking, self-evaluation documentation, Leavers’
staff/pupils/parents (starting point – Pupil Council,   opportunities for all pupils (including P1-3) to contribute    Legacy evaluation and reflections, analysis of data from
senior pupils, SFSA/subgroups)                          their views and ideas.                                         senior pupil parental surveys at May Parents’ Evening.

Year 3
Continue to embed Learning Leaders’ initiative          Almost all learners will exhibit the characteristics of        Mrs Robertson to redo filming of target groups of pupils,
throughout school, use of common learning               effective learners. They will be able to talk about their      June 2021
language and planned opportunities for                  learning, how they learn best and steps they can take to       Is the common learning language being used and
collaborative class working. Continue to                improve/overcome difficulties. Learning Leader awards          consistently applied?
consistently award Learning Leader stickers and         will continue to be celebrated weekly at assembly to
make children aware of how/why these were               promote self-esteem and will also be tracked throughout        Analyse evidence (Assembly achievement book –
achieved. (Happy Hero for ELC)                          school. The common learning language will be on display        tracking)
                                                        and consistently used by all staff.

Priority 1b

Year 3
To develop staff leadership roles further,              Leaders will be motivated and inspire others to                    •   Pupil conversations, Daily Dozen responses,
particularly relating to Visible Learning, One Plus     sustain a collective commitment to our priorities,                     Reflection Record comments, Classroom
Two, DYW, HWB, Music.                                   ultimately improving outcomes for pupils.                              observations, HT monitoring, Self-evaluation
                                                                                                                               documentation, Long/short term plans amended
                                                        Visible Learning                                                       & evaluated, Records of conversations at
                                                        There will be a focus on promoting appropriate self and                tracking meetings, Purple folder input.
                                                        peer feedback.
                                                        There will be daily opportunities for timely feedback to be
                                                        given during lessons.
                                                        Teachers will regularly co-construct success criteria with
                                                        Through all the above, learners will become more
                                                        assessment capable.
One Plus Two
                                       There will be greater consistency from P1-7 in pupil
                                       opportunity for/participation in daily routines in L2
                                       Learners will expand their vocabulary in L2 (French) and
                                       have more regular collaborative opportunities to use this

                                       Developing the Young Workforce
                                       Learners will continue to make links between the world of
                                       work and knowledge & skills gained in the classroom thus
                                       making learning more meaningful and enjoyable.

                                       Health and Wellbeing
                                       All pupils will be part of a nurturing environment where
                                       universal and targeted support is in place and where
                                       individual needs are met through adaptations to the
                                       environment/ethos/use of resources/staff training. (Include
                                       all staff – teaching, pupil support, early years, catering,

                                       Regular fortnightly music lessons will ensure all pupils are
                                       covering the relevant experiences and outcomes from
                                       Curriculum for Excellence. Collegiate time will be
                                       allocated for Miss Cantlay to share/develop music
                                       programme of work (early – second level) with all teaching

Evidence of progress/comments/identified next steps:



3. How good is the quality of care and education we offer?
Relevant NIF priority: All
Relevant NIF driver(s): Teacher professionalism, School leadership, Parental engagement,
Assessment of children’s progress
Level of quality for core QI 2.3, 2.2, 2.5 : 3/4
Our whole school ethos is centred on our vision – ‘Creating the potential to succeed, pupils will
exceed expectations’. We believe children at St Fergus are happy, confident, achieving, and
creative. These core values form the basis of everything we do. All of our staff share this vision
and recognise children as unique individuals with specific talents and needs. They work tirelessly
to provide a varied and engaging curriculum and a positive school experience for all. Children are
safe, treated fairly and are protected by appropriate Child Protection and Safeguarding policies.
Aberdeenshire Frameworks/Highland Literacy Progression and Education Scotland Benchmarks
continue to be used to inform planning and identify next steps in learning to ensure progression
for all learners, in all curricular areas. Teaching staff make use of Aberdeenshire’s BGE Sharing
Standards site on GLOW to support assessment and moderation. School progressions for
numeracy/maths, grammar & punctuation, music and art continue to be used/evaluated. New
progressions for listening/talking and for second level French have just been introduced.
Overviews for Health and Wellbeing/Science continue to support staff with planning, learning/
teaching and assessment. Through cross-curricular themes, we plan lessons that are unique to
our setting and locality and continue to make links through these to the wider world of work as
well as One plus Two language delivery. Staff attended in-service day training to upskill their
delivery of French to pupils in P1-7. Our curriculum rationale is continuously evaluated and
modified and is shared with parents annually as well as being available on the school website.

2.3/2.2/2.5 Key strengths:

   •   The very positive ethos in the school based on our shared vision and values and a respect
       for learning. Most children are motivated and eager to engage in their learning.
   •   Positive engagement with parents through regular Family Learning Days, Sharing of
       Learning events, concerts, fortnightly newsletter, Twitter @StFergusSch, School website.
   •   Clear priorities for continuous improvement of the curriculum and these are regularly
       reviewed and refreshed by an awareness of current educational thinking.
   •   Maintaining a focus on the importance of E Safety and highlighting this with both pupils and
       parents annually. (In term 3, PC Taylor worked with all classes to provide age/stage
       appropriate support and there was a drop-in café session for parents.)
   •   Learning is being enriched and supported by more effective use of digital technologies.
       Senior pupils who are Digital Leaders/E Safety team support the Head Teacher with this
       and help run a lunchtime coding club.
   •   School closures due to Covid-19, although challenging, provided opportunity for digital
       skills to be developed and consolidated further for both staff and pupils!
   •   Staff have a shared vision and understanding of what very good learning, teaching and
       assessment looks like.
   •   Staff use Aberdeenshire Frameworks, Highland Literacy Progression and Education
       Scotland Benchmarks to plan effectively, ensure sufficient pace and meet pupil need. They
       provide a balance of group work and personalised tasks to give children appropriate
       support and challenge.
   •   Tracking formats are in place and staff are becoming more confident when considering a
       range of assessment evidence to make judgements about children’s progress within a
   •   Holistic assessments are adding to robust evidence to assist with professional judgement
       of achievement of a level.
•   Collegiate time is allocated allowing staff opportunity for moderation of literacy and
       numeracy within/across stages.

Identified priorities for improvement:
   • One Plus Two - using Power Language resource with composite classes
   • Developing a French progression to include first level for pupils in P2-4
   • Collaborative learning opportunities e.g. French question of the month/ French
       conversation café event between first and second level pupils in annual school calendar.
   • Expand on 1 plus 2 links for L3 in cross-curricular planning at second level.
   • Holistic reading assessments to be further developed and implemented.
   • To continue to ensure opportunity for application, breadth and challenge in learning,
       teaching & assessment, particularly in the core areas of literacy and numeracy.
   • Pace and challenge through curricular adaptations & through improved learning, teaching
       and assessment.
   • To begin to use the new progression planners for Listening & Talking and to embed the
       changes made to the curriculum rationale in this area.
   • To allocate further collegiate time to ‘Achievement of a level’ materials for maths/numeracy
       and to allow for moderation opportunity.
   • Teaching staff participation in ‘sampling’ – gathering evidence/portfolios of written work for
       authority level moderation of writing.
   • Focus on assessment of HWB through use of SCARF assessment materials.
   • Introduce new assessment guidance for teacher/self/peer assessment in PE. (Core
       teacher/class teachers to work collaboratively on this)
   • Family Learning – areas of focus to include HWB/numeracy & maths

  In relation to the priorities listed above the following action plans have been confirmed:
Actions/Roles/Timings                          Expected Outcomes/Impact on learners                     How will success be measured?
Priority 2a

Year 4
August 2020 Continue to implement                                                                       Through class/learning visits and observations –
                                               Pupils will consistently participate in daily routines
French from P1-7. Embed French into daily                                                               teachers conducting daily routines in French.
classroom routines, including collaborative    in French from P1-7.                                     Inclusion of French at whole school events –
activities such as phrase of the               Pupils will experience meaningful, well-planned          weekly assembly, Celebrating Success, etc
week/question of the month. Include                                                                     Planning formats, tracking/monitoring/recording –
                                               learning activities, designed to extend their
collaborative events in annual school                                                                   staff conversations with HT during tracking
                                               knowledge and use of French vocabulary.
calendar. Staff to use Aberdeenshire                                                                    meetings.
frameworks/Education Scotland                  Staff will have a clear understanding of the
benchmarks/school second level                 progression of the four skills in language learning
progression to inform planning and
                                               which supports effective learning and teaching.
assessment. Develop familiarity with Power
Language online resource and plan for use      Digital technologies will be used by staff and pupils
with composite classes.                        to create real and meaningful learning experiences.
Further develop L3 through cross-curricular
themed rolling programme at second level       Learners will be introduced to additional languages
for P5-7.                                      (L3) from P5 onwards through the context of cross-
HTs, class teachers – collegiate for           curricular themed work.
development of first level progression, L3
through second level CCTs, familiarisation
with Power Language online resource.

Priority 2b

Year 2
Use school survey for pupil attitude to both   Staff will have a greater insight into individual        Assessments, assessment data, professional
self and school to assess pupil health and     learners’ wellbeing, informing specific interventions    dialogue, observations, feedback sheets, Daily
wellbeing. (Term 1/repeated in term 4)         and more meaningful interactions. Hidden barriers        Dozen responses, tracking and monitoring
Analysis of survey results also used to        to learning will be identified, informing clear next     documentation, track level of parental
inform future planning of HWB topics.          steps for planning of HWB lessons.                       engagement with Family Learning events and
Surveys issued in 2019/20 highlighted the      Assessment data for HWB will be more robust,             tasks.
focus for 2020/21 should be:                   valid and reliable.
     • Whole school focus on importance        Family Learning Days will focus on these whole
        of a good night’s sleep                school priorities to ensure that parents are fully
     • Whole school focus on making            involved in the HWB programme, including tasks
        healthy food choices                   for parents and pupils to complete together both
                                               prior to/during the Family Learning events.
•   Whole school focus on needs v
        wants                                                                                           Needs v wants to be Daily Dozen focus terms 1 &
Include other agencies/partnership working                                                              2.
to support the above.

Year 3
Initial HWB lessons to focus on coming back     Improved health and wellbeing – physical, mental,
to school and feelings around isolation,        social and emotional.
social distancing…
Further HWB planning through SCARF to
focus on resilience, self-esteem,
independence, responsibility, valuing the
views and opinions of others.
Teaching staff to become familiar with
SCARF assessment resources and to begin
to use these.
PEF – PSA support for targeted

Health and wellbeing rationale and              Pupils will have increased knowledge and skills.
progression to become embedded across all
stages. P5-7 to continue to develop their
first aid knowledge and training. PEF
Class teachers to consider SHANARRI
indicators when planning and delivering         Clear understanding of GIRFEC by all staff will lead
HWB lessons. Staff to access and use            to more effective pupil support.
Aberdeenshire GIRFEC website to ensure
they have a clear understanding of policies.

Year 2
Core teacher – PE Further develop and           Pupils will give and receive quality feedback
implement teacher/self/peer assessment          leading to improved outcomes.
format for physical education, physical
activity and sport. Work collaboratively and
support class teachers.

Priority 2c

Year 2
To make use of a range of valid, reliable and   Whole school guidelines on assessment of listening      Tracking & Monitoring meetings, professional
relevant assessment tools and approaches        & talking will lead to more robust data for tracking,   dialogue, moderation at school/cluster level.
to support the improvement of children’s          monitoring and recording of levels. Increased
listening and talking skills. To make use of      confidence with professional judgements relating to
the new Listening & Talking progression           achievement of a level in literacy.
planners (early – second level) in line with
the adaptations to the curriculum rationale.

Year 3                                            Whole school understanding of holistic assessment
                                                  and this is further informing teacher professional
Staff to plan for and carry out holistic          judgement. Learners able to apply their
assessments of reading as part of overall         knowledge, understanding and skills in new and
evidence of achievement of a level. Further       challenging contexts, across a breadth of learning.
opportunities for staff to work collegiately to   Staff are engaging in moderation
moderate at the planning stage, identifying a     activities/conversations at stage and school level.
bundle of experiences and outcomes to be          Consistency in assessment and understanding of
assessed. Staff to continue to work               achieving a level using benchmarks.
collaboratively to produce/evaluate holistic      A shared understanding of standards.
reading assessments.

Year 3
                                                  Staff will use BGE Sharing Standards Toolkit and
Collegiate working time (stage, school,           will become more confident in using data and             Assessment data
cluster) to allow for sharing of standards and    triangulation of evidence to inform their professional   Head Teacher/staff conversations at key tracking
for moderation of evidence                        judgements on learners.                                  periods
(Literacy/Numeracy) to further promote                                                                     Teacher evaluations
teacher confidence in their professional                                                                   Observations
judgement on ‘achieving a level’ Clear use
of Education Scotland benchmarks to
support this. Staff participation in gathering
portfolios of writing evidence for local
authority level sampling.

Priority 2d

Year 4
Continue to use Emerging Literacy data to                                                                  Pupil observations and assessments
                                                  Improved assessment procedures ensure children
ensure pupil needs are met at the early                                                                    Tracking – documentation, meetings,
stages, developing robust assessment              experience a developmentally appropriate                 conversations
evidence of children’s progress through           curriculum in literacy development.                      Profiles
early level literacy. Continue to roll out                                                                 Consistent, collaborative working between ELC
Emerging Literacy principles as whole                                                                      and P1
school approach. P1 teacher will continue       Pupil attainment is tracked, monitored and recorded       Literacy resource boxes supporting identified
to work with/support ELC staff as they plan     effectively and staff are confident that their            individuals/groups
and implement joint learning activities based   professional judgements are confirmed through
particularly around storytelling and nursery    appropriate use of benchmarks.
Attainment data to be used to target            Effective planning and differentiation ensures
appropriate pupil support. Literacy boxes to    raised attainment in language and literacy
be used for intervention/support.               particularly in relation to early literacy/phonological
                                                awareness and writing.
P1 teacher – initial assessments weeks 1-3,
HT – share resources/info with parents of
new entrants, twilight training sessions for
early years staff/P1 teacher.

Priority 2e

Year 3
 Staff to engage with and further implement     Pupils will be more aware of/make links between           Staff/pupil career fair evaluations
national and local guidance documentation.      the world of work and knowledge and skills gained         Gifting of Leavers’ Legacy, pupil evaluation/written
Continue to embed skills for learning, life &   at school. Increased awareness of the use of              reflections
work, and track skills through short/long       higher order thinking skills. Learners will become        Planning/tracking documentation
term planning to inform next steps.             more capable and confident in the soft skills for life.   Learning visits, observations and conversations
DYW cluster working group priorities to be      Staff will regularly reference DYW links in their
shared via Head Teacher and Mrs McLean.         weekly and termly planning and track skills
Senior class to attend Cluster Careers Fair.    covered.
Restart Leavers’ Legacy when possible.          Pupils will have opportunities to engage with a
Use digital platforms, virtual experiences,     range of local companies/businesses as well as
online technology to explore the world of       parental involvement, sharing workplace and
work with pupils.                               employment information.

Evidence of progress/comments/identified next steps:



4. How good are we at improving outcomes for all our learners?
Relevant NIF priority: All

Relevant NIF driver(s): Assessment of children’s progress, School improvement,
Performance information
Level of quality for core QI 3.1: 4

Staff at St Fergus School have a very good knowledge of pupils, their families and the local
community. The school strives to ensure all are treated fairly and with respect and there are
clear procedures in place to support pupils. All staff have completed the appropriate equality
and diversity training on ALDO. Tracking and monitoring procedures are in place for children
with additional support needs. Both learners and parents, along with staff are involved in the
setting up and review of individual educational plans where these are required. At St Fergus
School, we have an annual Global Citizenship week with a focus on the UN Convention and
the rights of every child. Classes work individually and collaboratively on this, giving children
a voice to challenge intolerance and discrimination. Every Christmas, after research and
discussion, our Pupil Council choose a charity as the focus of our fundraising and this is then
shared with the school and wider community. Fundraising for Comic Relief/Sport Relief is
also planned and led by the Pupil Council. A Macmillan fundraiser is held annually as part of
a planned IDL collaborative by classes and this past session a fundraising day for Children In
Need was also introduced as a result of feedback suggestions from parents. Our team of
Junior Road Safety Officers organise and track the Walk to School on Wednesday initiative
and all classes participate in the Daily Mile. We now have a clear rationale and programme
in place for Health and Wellbeing with clear links to the wellbeing indicators to help us get it
right for every child at St Fergus School. The SHANARRI characters are introduced from
nursery upwards so that children can begin to identify visually with these and speak about
what it means to be safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, responsible, respected and

3.1 Key strengths:
• The ethos and culture of the school where everyone feels valued and cared for, where
   views are listened to, and opinions/concerns are regarded as being important and
• Everyone in our learning community is treated fairly and with respect and we place
   importance on fostering positive, open and supportive relationships based on trust.
• Staff use GIRFEC and wellbeing indicators to improve outcomes for children.
• Health & Wellbeing rationale and programme with clear links to SHANARRI. SCARF
   online resources (Coram Life Education) are used to deliver HWB themed topics from
   early-second level.
• All P5-7 pupils receive first aid training through PEF.
• IEPs are in place if required and are written in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.
• Individualised programmes are in place to close gaps in learning.
• Learners’ achievements in and out of school are recognised and celebrated. This is
   tracked and recorded. Follow up procedures are in place to support children who may be
   missing out.
• All staff are up to date with Child Protection procedures and show great commitment to
   the welfare of the children.
• Chronologies are maintained on Latest Pastoral Notes.
• The school has an ASN audit of need which is used in regular tracking discussions with
   staff. The timetabling of pupil support staff links to this.
• The school applies PEF to support learners who are in danger of achieving below
   expectations in literacy, numeracy/maths, health & wellbeing.
•   Parents are kept informed about pupil progress and events in school through the
    fortnightly newsletter and the school website. Progress reports are issued annually, and
    parent appointments held twice yearly. There is also an annual Open Evening and each
    class takes a turn to Share Learning during the school day. (Covid-19 forced the
    cancellation of some of these during 2019-20 session)
•   For pupils transitioning to Peterhead Academy, prefects run an after-school Transition
    Club, and this has proved popular and worthwhile. CLD work closely with school and
    offer enhanced provision.
•   ELC and P1 transition activities commence in January with regular opportunities for joint
    sessions with pre-planned learning in the P1 area.
•   St Fergus School Association (Parent Council) supports the school extremely effectively
    to ensure inclusion and equality in learning opportunities within and beyond the school.
•   SFSA fundraising enabled school to purchase 13 new iPads this session, increasing the
    ratio of devices: children from 1:4 to 1:2

Identified priorities for improvement:

•   Supporting pupil wellbeing when school building reopens and addressing the challenges
    of missed learning.
•   Whole staff nurture training/emotional coaching focus.
•   Partnership working for the above.
•   Individualised programmes of work/assessments with Additional Support for Learning
•   Continue to strive to close the gap through planned, prioritised use of PEF.
•   Parent/family involvement in Global Citizenship week through shared task and Family
    Learning workshop & presentation.
•   Global Citizenship week to focus on needs v wants.
•   Charity focus termly at school assemblies.
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