Page created by Darlene Pratt


 Student Handbook 2020-2021

           James Ellis, Principal

          Ramona Middle School
            3490 Ramona Ave.
            La Verne, CA 91750
           Office (909) 971-8260
            Fax (909) 971-8269

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Ramona Middle School! We are excited to have you join us for the 2020-2021 school year. Ramona is
an active, vibrant campus with more than 80 staff members here to help you navigate the middle school years.
This handbook is your guide to everything you need to know to be successful at Ramona.

It is your responsibility to read and understand the information contained here. Upon registering, your parents are
asked to sign that you have read all the rules and regulations and that you agree to abide by them. If you ever
have a question regarding anything in the handbook, please feel free to discuss it with one of your teachers, your
counselor, or an administrator.

Ramona has high expectations for our students. Vikings will …                        VIKING PRIDE
        attend school regularly.                                                     P ersonal Responsibility
        be in their seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. 
        give maximum effort in every class, every day.                               R espect
        do assigned homework and read, every day. 
        show respect for yourself, schoolmates, and the school staff.
                                                                                       I ntegrity
        take pride in the school and help to keep it clean. 
My best wishes to you in the 2020-2021 school year. Let’s make it a GREAT
                                                                                       E mpathy

James Ellis, Principal

                                       RAMONA MISSION STATEMENT

Our mission is to create a safe and positive learning environment where students will gain the skills
necessary to be successful in a rapidly changing world. The Ramona team, working in collaboration with
our community, will prepare our students to become independent thinkers, continual learners, and
productive citizens.

                                        RAMONA VISION STATEMENT

The Ramona Middle School team is committed to providing a safe and positive learning environment
where students are engaged in a rigorous, standards-based curriculum that prepares them for the next
level of their education. Ramona will be a place where students develop a desire to continue learning and
gain the skills they need to function productively in society.

                                                             MASCOT: VIKING
                                                             COLORS: GREEN, GOLD, AND WHITE

      Bell Schedule ................................................... 3    PARENT COMMUNICATION...................................... 7
      Curriculum....................................................... 3          Ramona & BUSD Website................................. 7
                                                                                   Parent Grade Access through Aeries .................... 7
ACADEMICS ........................................................... 3            Homework Online & Google Classroom ............... 7
   Intervention Programs ...................................... 3                  Progress & Grade Reports .................................. 7
   Honor Roll ....................................................... 3            Back-to-School Night & Open House ................. 7
   Promotion Ceremony Criteria ............................. 3                     GATE .............................................................. 7
   Library ............................................................ 3          Marquee ......................................................... 7
   Make-up Policy ................................................ 4               PTA ................................................................ 7
   Physical Education ............................................ 4
                                                                             STUDENT SAFETY .................................................... 8
ACTIVITIES ............................................................. 4      Campus Supervision .......................................... 8
      Activities Eligibility........................................... 4       Closed Campus ................................................. 8
      Activities Program ............................................ 4         Fire and Disaster Drills ....................................... 8
      Renaissance in Action ........................................ 4          Reporting of Accidents ...................................... 8
      ASB Cards ........................................................ 4
      Student Government......................................... 4          STUDENT SERVICES ................................................. 8
                                                                                Student Counselors ........................................... 8
ATHLETICS ............................................................. 5       Deliveries to Students ....................................... 8
   Athletic Eligibility .............................................. 5        Health Services ................................................. 8
   Conduct .......................................................... 5         Medication at School ........................................ 8
   Attendance ...................................................... 5          Lost and Found ................................................. 8
   Athletic Uniforms ............................................. 5            Lunch Program ................................................. 8
                                                                                Office Services .................................................. 8
ATTENDANCE ......................................................... 5          Phone Calls ...................................................... 8
    Absences ......................................................... 5        Student Store ................................................... 9
    Health Circumstances ........................................ 5             Technology Use ................................................ 9
    Arrival Time ..................................................... 5        Theft Reports ................................................... 9
    Tardiness ......................................................... 5
    Truancy ........................................................... 5    TRANSPORTATION .................................................. 9
    Leaving Campus During the School Day ................ 5                     Bicycles ........................................................... 9
    Independent Study ........................................... 5             Buses .............................................................. 9
                                                                                At the Bus Stop................................................. 9
CAMPUS GUIDELINES .............................................. 6              On the Bus ....................................................... 9
   Cell Phones ...................................................... 6         Consequences of Bus Citations ........................... 9
   Hall Passes ....................................................... 6        Dropping Off & Picking Up Students .................... 9
   Off Limits Areas of Campus ................................ 6
   Permitted Items ............................................... 6
   Prohibited Items ............................................... 6          STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION
   Responsibility ................................................... 6        The Bonita Unified School District desires to provide a safe school
   Selling on Campus............................................. 6            environment that allows all students equal access and
   Visiting Other Schools ....................................... 6            opportunities in the district's academic, extracurricular, and
                                                                               other educational support programs, services, and activities. The
                                                                               Board prohibits, at any district school or school activity, unlawful
STUDENT BEHAVIOR ............................................... 6             discrimination,       including     discriminatory      harassment,
   Behavioral Expectations..................................... 6              intimidation, and bullying targeted at any student by anyone
                                                                               based on the student's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry,
   Behavior Plan ................................................... 6         national origin, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group identification,
   Progressive Consequences ................................. 7                age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental
   Proctor Detentions ........................................... 7            disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or
                                                                               gender expression or association with a person or group with one
   Suspension and Expulsion .................................. 7               or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Reasonable
                                                                               accommodation for handicapped pupils will be provided in
DRESS CODE ........................................................... 7       accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and E 504, Title
                                                                               VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX Education Amendment Act
   Ramona Middle School Standards ....................... 7                    of 1972.
   Bonita Unified Dress Code.................................. 7

Regular Bell Schedule                      and/or during lunchtime. Please check with your teacher for
    Period 1                     9:00 –     9:56            details.
    Period 2                    10:01 –    10:54
    Nutrition Break            10:54 –     11:05            Honor Roll: Students with outstanding academic
    Period 3                    11:10 –    12:03            achievements are recognized through the Honor Roll. The
                                                            following guidelines will determine your eligibility to be on
    Lunch (6th)                12:03 –     12:36
                                                            the Honor Roll.
    Period 4 (7th & 8th)        12:08 –     1:01
    Period 4 (6th)              12:41 –     1:34
                                                                     Grade Average        Honor Roll
    Lunch (7th & 8th)            1:01 –     1:34                     4.00                 Principal’s Honor Roll
    Period 5                     1:39 –     2:32                     3.99 – 3.50          School Honor Roll
    Period 6                     2:37 –     3:30                     3.49 – 3.00          Honor Roll

                 Compact Day Schedule                       More than one “U” in citizenship in any one marking
    Period 1                   9:00 –       9:32            period will keep students from attaining Honor Roll status
    Period 2                   9:36 –      10:08            for that grading period.
    Period 3                  10:12 –      10:44
    Break (6th)               10:44 –      11:06            Students with a GPA of 3.50 or higher in their first semester
    Period 4 (7 & 8 ) th
                              10:48 –      11:20            grade and 3.50 or higher in their second semester quarter
    Period 4 (6th)            11:10 –      11:42            grade and who meet certain eligibility requirements are
    Break (7th & 8th)         11:20 –      11:42            rewarded with an end of the year activity and are
                                                            recognized with an honor roll certificate at the end of the
    Period 5                  11:46 –      12:18
    Period 6                  12:22 –      12:54
                                                            Promotion Ceremony Criteria: The eighth grade
                                                            promotional ceremony is a special award for 8th grade
                                                            students who successfully complete middle school. A typical
                                                            8th grade student will take 12 classes during the year (6 per
                                                            semester). Students must pass 10 or more classes to be
CURRICULUM                                                  eligible to participate in the Promotion Ceremony. A
                                                            student’s 3rd failing semester mark will eliminate them
        REQUIRED COURSES FOR 6TH GRADE                      from the Promotion Ceremony. Students may be placed on
        English      Social Studies                         a contract due to behavior problems and lose the privilege
        Mathematics  Science 6                              of attending the promotion ceremony if problems persist.
        Physical Ed. Elective                               Disciplinary action taken during the 3 quarter grading
                                                            period may result in revocation of promotion and will be at
        REQUIRED COURSES FOR 7TH GRADE                      the discretion of the administration.
        English      Social Studies
        Mathematics  Science 7
        Physical Ed. Elective

        English      Social Studies
                                                            Library: The library is open from 8:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. and
        Mathematics  Science 8
                                                            from 12:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.. No food, drinks, or gum are
        Physical Ed. Elective
                                                            allowed in the library. The library is a place for quiet study
                                                            and noise should be kept to a minimum. Students who
                                                            disrupt the learning environment may be asked to leave
                                                            and receive behavior consequences.
Intervention Programs: Ramona Middle School provides
                                                            Library & Textbooks: Textbooks are assigned to each
intervention opportunities within the school day.
                                                            student. Students are responsible for the materials they
Placement decisions are based on assessment data
                                                            check out and should return them promptly so that other
including: performance on state tests, BUSD benchmarks,
                                                            students may use them. Students must notify their parents,
and/or assessment tests in math, language arts and
                                                            library staff, and their teacher immediately if a book is lost.
reading. Math tutoring is available before school. Many
                                                            The student must pay for all lost or damaged books at the
teachers make themselves available for help before school
time of the loss or damage. Students who have not cleared            from all school-sponsored events.
their records may be prohibited from attending school             3. Dress code for special events is the same as a school
activities, receiving their yearbook, and grade reports may          day. For off campus events, RMS recommends that
be withheld.                                                         students wear Ramona shirts for ease of identification
                                                                     to the group.
Library Technology Use: Computers and Chromebooks are             4. Students who have not served behavior consequences
to be used for school assignments, research, and printing            cannot attend.
only. AR Quizzes for English classes cannot be taken in the       5. These activities are considered a privilege and can be
library; students should work with their teacher to arrange          revoked by Ramona Administration. All participants are
taking AR quizzes in class. Gaming on computers/                     subject to school rules and policies.
Chromebooks is prohibited except when given special
permission by the Media Clerk.                                   Activities Program: The Ramona Activities Program wants
                                                                 to support YOU! As you grow and learn academically, the
Make-up Policy: Students are responsible for all missed          Activities Program wants to provide you with opportunities
assignments due to being absent. When you return to class        to grow socially. Ramona has three or four after-school
after an absence, check with your teacher for missed             dances during the year that provide opportunities for
assignments. Work may be requested for absences of 3             friends to have fun together. There are also lunchtime
days or greater. Please allow 24 hours for the work to be        activities throughout the year for the participant and
collected. Make-up work will not be provided for students        spectator alike. If you have an interest in starting a new
who are truant from school. Generally, a student has the         school club, see the ASB Director.
number of days absent to return work for credit. Many
teachers post class information and assignments on line;         Renaissance in Action: Renaissance is a recognition
check with your teacher for details.                             program designed to recognize students performing at
                                                                 “personal best” levels. For some that will mean
Physical Education: Ramona P.E. attire must be purchased         “excellence,” or “well done,” or “improved,” or “winning
by the second week of school from the finance office.            attitude,” etc. Students are encouraged to achieve their
Students must dress in their own Ramona P.E. clothes or          “personal best” through a variety of incentive programs.
Ramona loan clothes every day. Continual use of loan             Some of the incentives are:
clothes will result in disciplinary action. The only exception
is a doctor’s note, which must specify no dressing and/or        Renaissance Rewards                 Renaissance Shirts
no physical activity.                                            Award Rallies                       Action Competition 
                                                                 Eighth Grade Class Trip             Action Party 
Students may be excused from participating in physical
activities with a parent note for up to three (3) days only.     ASB Cards: Ramona students are encouraged to actively
For longer excuses, there must be a doctor’s note on file        participate in student activities. By purchasing an ASB card,
with the school.                                                 you support Ramona Activities such as Renaissance,
                                                                 lunchtime events, action competitions, and dances. With
The RMS Physical Education Department handbook is                your ASB card, you can purchase a discounted ticket to
located on the RMS Website at: www.ramonavikings.com.            Ramona school dances and receive discounts at the Student
The RMS PE Dept. website is https://www.vikingspe.com/.          Store. If you lose your card, you can pay $5 at the student
                                                                 store to replace it.

         ACTIVITIES                                              Student Government: The Ramona Student Council is made
                                                                 up of 8th grade students who are elected ASB officers, class
Activities Eligibility: Students must attend school the day      representatives, and Leadership students. Student Council
of an event (4 periods) to be eligible to attend.                is the voice of the Ramona Student Body and is an
                                                                 organization that promotes leadership, initiative, and
Reminders:                                                       responsibility.
 1. Ramona activities are for Ramona students ONLY!
 2. District Policy requires students to ride the bus to and

Photo Identification Cards:                                        You may leave info regarding more than one absence.
A student photo identification card is provide to each
student during student photos at the start of the year.          Students requiring crutches, wheelchairs, etc. will need a
Please carry them at all times. The replacement cost is          doctor’s note for confirmation. If you choose to send a
$5.00.                                                           note, please confirm with your child that the note was
                                                                 given to the office on the day of their return to school. It
Student Planners:                                                is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the
All 6th grade students will receive a student planner. If a      school regarding absences.
student wishes to have one or replace one they can be
purchased at the student store for $5.00.                        Students more than 30 minutes tardy are considered
                                                                 absent and require a note from parent/guardian or
          ATHLETICS                                              doctor.

Ramona Sports: Available sports include: football,               Arrival Time: Campus supervision begins 8:30 a.m..
volleyball, basketball, and track.                               Students should not arrive before that time unless they
                                                                 are taking part in a supervised activity or zero period
Athletic Eligibility: The student members of our athletic        class.
teams represent Ramona Middle School. As school
representatives, athletes are expected to display good           Tardiness: Students are expected to be in their classroom
sportsmanship and exemplary behavior on and off the              when the bell rings. If a student arrives after 9:05 a.m.,
competitive field. To be eligible for a team, students must      they should report to the office.
be ‘cleared’. Athletic clearance includes a Parent
Permission slip in triplicate (available in the office) and a    Truancy: Students who are absent from school for more
current GPA of 2.0 or higher. Medical P.E. exemption             than thirty minutes of any school day without their
notes exclude students from participation in Ramona              parent or guardian’s knowledge and without a valid
sports. Satisfactory citizenship is also required and            excuse are truant. Students who are truant more than
students may be removed from athletics at the discretion         three days will be reported to school authorities as
of the administration. Students must have no                     habitually truant. If the truancy continues, the student
encumbrance to the school (monetary or material). If a           may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board
student’s grades fall below minimum standards, they will         and other juvenile authorities. All students with full-day
be ineligible to participate in athletics for the next quarter   truancy will be moved through progressive
grading period.                                                  consequences.

Conduct: Student are expected to behave in accordance            Leaving Campus During School Hours: Report to the
with the Ramona School Wide Behavior Plan. Any                   Ramona front office to check your student out of school.
assigned detention must be served before participating in        When possible, please try to schedule appointments so
practice or games.                                               they do not conflict with school hours. If your student
                                                                 needs to leave early for an appointment, please remind
Attendance: In order to participate on the day of a game,        them the day of the appointment. If you are picking your
the student must attend a minimum of four periods on             student up at lunch, have them meet you in the front
that day.                                                        office. If the student is leaving with someone other than
                                                                 their legal parent/guardian, please write a note to
Athletic Uniforms: All students are financially responsible      inform the front office, and deliver it before school
for the care of their uniforms and agree to replace them         begins on that day. All notes will be verified by a phone
in the event they are lost, stolen, or damaged.                  call. Students leaving campus without proper
                                                                 authorization will be considered truant.
                                                                 Independent Study: The Independent Study Program is a
Absences: Daily attendance at school is the best way to          state provision that follows strict guidelines. This privilege
achieve academic success. At Ramona, attendance is               is for five or more consecutive missed school days due to
closely monitored. Please call (909) 971-8260 ext. 6031          doctor’s orders, personal business, or vacation.
from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. the day your student is absent.       Parents/Guardians must notify the school a minimum of
If you contact us after school hours, leave a voicemail          one week prior to the absence. An agreement form will
with the following information:                                  be sent home for signatures from the student and
   Name (first and last) and the exact date(s) of absence      parent/guardian. Please return form to school.
   Reason for the absence
                                                             Visiting Other Schools: All students must stay off all other
Cell Phones: Electronic communication devices, such as       school campuses. You are not allowed to visit other
cell phones, shall be permitted on campus with the           students or teachers on any other campus at any time
following guidelines and restrictions:                       without permission. Regardless of the reason, suspension
                                                             may result.
Electronic communication devices must be off during
school hours. They must be turned off after 8:55 a.m. and               STUDENT BEHAVIOR
students may turn them back on at 3:30 p.m. or the end
of the official instructional day. Cell phones that ring     Behavior Expectations: At Ramona we expect our
during the school day can be confiscated. Cell phone use     students to treat each other with kindness and to
is prohibited during passing periods, breaks, and lunches.   demonstrate responsible behavior and good decision
Repeated incidents will result in behavior consequences.     making. We follow 4 R’s for conduct:
Earbud/headphone use is restricted to inside the
classroom with teacher permission. They should be stored          Respect yourself 
(not visible) outside the classroom.                              Respect each other 
                                                                  Respect all adults on campus 
Hall Passes: Students are not to be out of class without a        Respect the property of others 
teacher’s authorized pass or an office summons. Students
without a pass will be returned to class. Students are to    Students should come to school prepared to learn with
use it for its intended purpose, reporting directly to a     materials (supplies, homework, P.E. clothes) needed for
destination. Students outside of class without a pass may    each class.
be marked truant for the class period.
                                                             Behavior Plan: The Ramona Schoolwide Behavior Plan is
The Obstacle course, Project Adventure course, sandpit       built upon the following beliefs:
and any construction area on campus are off limits
except during a supervised class activity. Students are to
                                                               1. We believe in a student-centered atmosphere that
stay in supervised areas at all times.
                                                                   recognizes students as unique individuals.
                                                               2. We believe in a behavior plan based on active
Prohibited Items: Students should only bring materials             listening and counseling involving all staff members.
needed for learning. Valuables should not to be brought        3. We believe in providing a safe and orderly
to school. The following items are prohibited at school:           environment where students can learn.
TOYS, GAMES, BALLOONS, STUFF ANIMALS,                          4. We believe in a consistent schoolwide plan.
COLLECTABLES, EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY,                      5. We believe in a progressive and uniform behavior
MARKING PENS, PLAYING/TRADING CARDS, WALLET                        modification plan built upon a system of positive
CHAINS, SHOCK PENS, POPPERS, BLANKETS, LASER                       rewards.
POINTERS, PORTABLE SPEAKERS.                                   6. The Ramona Behavior Plan aligns with the California
                                                                   Education Code and Bonita USD Policies.
Gum, sunflower seeds, and toothpicks present sanitation
and cleaning problems. These items are prohibited at         Because we have designed an effective plan with all staff
school. Glass bottles are not allowed.                       members participating, the following conditions will exist
                                                             on campus:
Responsibility: Students are responsible for all items in
their possession. Never leave your backpack, books, or         1. A safe, clean environment for students and staff.
personal property unattended. The school is not                2. Self-assured students capable of making positive
responsible for loss or damage to personal property.                choices and willing to attempt new challenges.
Large sums of money and articles of real or sentimental        3. Students who demonstrate positive self-image and
value should not be brought to school. When items of                higher self-esteem.
value must be brought to school, take them to the office
for safekeeping until they are needed.                       Progressive Consequences:
                                                             The steps below also include parental notification by
Selling on Campus: There is absolutely NO SELLING ON         teacher. Steps 3-5 may also include contact from a
CAMPUS unless it is approved by the ASB Director. This       counselor or administrator.
includes school fundraisers. A student found selling will       Step 1: Student Warning
be reported to the administration office.                       Step 2: 20 minute teacher detention

Step 3: Lunch Detention                                     with weekly updates. Student activities and other
   Step 4: Proctor detention assigned                          important events will be highlighted. The BUSD website
   Step 5: Referral to an Administrator                        is located at http://do.bonita.k12.ca.us.

For minor infractions, school service (in which a student      Grades Access: Parents can access grades via aeries.net.
helps clean campus of trash) may be assigned. Gloves are       Students and parents are issued aeries.net login
provided to students, when requested. A school service         information at the beginning of the school year. A link to
may be assigned before parent contact.                         aeries.net is available on the Ramona MS website.

Proctor Detentions may be assigned for students found to       Homework Online: Many Ramona teachers post
be misbehaving for a substitute teacher.                       homework information on their Google Classroom
                                                               website. Contact your student’s teachers for more
B.U.S.D. Code of Discipline Guidelines on pages 8 -11          information.

Proctor Detentions: Proctor detentions are held before         Progress & Grade Reports: Students will receive a
school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from              progress report for grades C- and below and quarter
7:50 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Students assigned to a proctor          grades for all courses. Report cards are mailed home at
detention, will be issued a form that must be signed by a      the close of each grading period. Contact your child’s
parent and presented at the time of your detention. This       teacher regarding your child’s progress and grades.
signed form must be presented for admission to proctor
detention. Notice is provided at least one day before the      Back-to-School Night & Open House: On these evenings,
detention must be served. Failure to report to proctor         Ramona invites parents/guardians to see the great things
detention will result in the issuance of two detentions.       that are happening on our campus. Please check our
Habitual failure to report to proctor detentions for any       school activities calendar for dates and times.
reason will result in a referral to administration for
further disciplinary action.                                   GATE Newsletter: The GATE committee hosts an evening
                                                               parent meeting in the fall and mails home three
Suspension & Expulsion: Some situations may warrant an         newsletters during the year. The GATE program offers
automatic referral to administration for suspension and        enrichment mini-courses two times a year that students
possible expulsion. The California Education Code and the      can participate in before or after school. Field trips may
Bonita Unified School District’s Code of Discipline (see       also be offered to GATE students.
appendix A) will be the basis for determining the
appropriate consequence. Students who are suspended            Marquee: Weekly updates on our electronic marquee
are not allowed on campus during their suspension.             highlight upcoming events.

         DRESS CODE                                            PTA: The Ramona PTA is very helpful in assisting the staff
                                                               and students in many ways. The PTA Board is an active
In order to maintain a school climate for learning,            group and needs parental support throughout the year.
increase self-esteem of students, and ensure campus            Assistance is generally needed in preparing mail outs,
safety and security, Ramona Middle School has a dress          helping with refreshments, chaperoning activities,
code. A complete dress code is on page 16. P.E. uniforms       assisting teachers, and a variety of other support during
are to be worn in P.E. class only. Students must wear          the school year. If you would be willing to assist in any
street clothes to all classes except P.E. We strictly follow   way, please call the school.
the BUSD dress code.

         PARENT COMMUNICATION                                            STUDENT SAFETY

Communication between the school and home is very              Campus Supervision: Campus supervisors are hired by
important. Parents are encouraged to contact the               the district to help provide a safe, secure, and peaceful
teacher as a first step in communication about the             campus. Campus supervisors provide supervision before
student’s academic progress. Ramona MS uses the                school, during breaks, at lunch, and after school. They
following communication resources.                             also coordinate the school service program, run the lost
                                                               and found, and enforce the dress code. During break and
Ramona & BUSD Website: The Ramona website is located           lunch, students are to stay in supervised
at www.ramonavikings.com. There is a monthly calendar          areas/boundaries.
The Ramona Campus is open to students between the              that are dropped off may be picked up by students during
hours of 8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. daily with the exception of     passing periods or lunchtime only.
students attending a 0 period class. General campus
supervision in not available outside of these hours.           Health Services: The health office is in B Building. If
Students on campus after 3:45 must be with a school club       you are ill or get injured while at school, get a pass
or other supervised activity. Students must be picked up       from your teacher or a campus supervisor and go to
or exit the school campus by 3:45 p.m. or 15 minutes           the health office.
after an early dismissal bell (ex. Compact Day ends at         To maintain student safety, ill students should not use
12:54 p.m., and students should be off campus by 1:09          their cellphone to contact parents. All students must
                                                               report to the Health Office where parent contact will be
Closed Campus: Ramona is a closed campus. Therefore,           made.
once a student arrives at school, they may not leave
                                                               Every student must have a complete and up-to-date
without proper authorization from the office until the
                                                               emergency card on file in the health office. This is in line
end of the school day. All visitors are required to register
                                                               with state law.
in the front office before going on campus (adults will be
asked for formal ID). Former students are considered           Medication at School: In order for students to take
visitors. Visitors on campus without office authorization      medication at school, the parent must bring the
will be asked to leave.                                        medication in a properly labeled container and the
                                                               medication authorization form completed by the doctor
Fire, Disaster, and Lock Down Drills: Drills are a part of
                                                               and signed by the parent. Unless prescribed by a
our regular education program and are scheduled as
                                                               physician, students cannot carry medicine with them on
required by law and our school plan. Teachers will
instruct students on what to do in the event of an
emergency. Students must follow their teacher’s                Lost and Found: Check with the campus supervisors for
directions. Student are to remain on campus until they         lost/stolen items. Any lost books are brought to the
are released to their parent or guardian.                      library. Valuable items and digital devices are kept in the
                                                               office. Check in P.E. for lost P.E. clothes. Lunch boxes and
Reporting of Accidents: Any accident or school injury in
                                                               personal clothing are located in MPC.
school buildings, on school grounds, or at any school-
sponsored activity must be reported immediately to the         Lunch Program: Eating is allowed in the cafeteria and
staff member in charge.                                        quad areas only. Students must be seated at a table or a
                                                               bench in the quad while eating. Please do not stand or
Controlled Substance Policy: Ramona Middle School is
                                                               walk around when you are eating your lunch. Glass
dedicated to eliminating the possession, use, and sale of
                                                               beverages are not allowed on campus. Clean up all of
alcohol and other illegal drugs on school grounds.
                                                               your trash before leaving the area.
Students found to be in possession of illegal substances
are subject to consequences in line with the California        Phone Calls: Students are not allowed to use office
Education Code and the California Civil Code.                  phones for forgotten homework, P.E. clothes, lunches,
                                                               or projects. The cafeteria will provide a small lunch to
Please be advised that the school and district
                                                               students who forget their lunch, if asked.
administration regularly uses specially-trained dogs to
sniff student’s personal property, such as backpacks and       Student Store: The student store is sponsored and run
jackets, for the presence of controlled substances and         by the Ramona ASB. The store is located in MPD. Many
alcohol.                                                       items are discounted for students with an ASB card. The
                                                               Student Store is open before school, during nutrition
                                                               break, and at lunch. The Student Store also offers an
                                                               online shopping feature and can be accessed through
                                                               Ramona’s website (www.ramonavikings.com). Access to
Student Counselors: Counselors are available to assist         the student store is a privilege.
students and parents during their time at Ramona. Contact
                                                               Technology Use: Ramona Middle School is proud to offer
your student’s counselor regarding academic progress
                                                               a wide variety of technology resources for student use.
and/or all teacher conferences. They are also available to
                                                               Students are expected to use these resources in a
assist with social needs and conflict resolution.
                                                               responsible manner. Specific internet use forms must be
Deliveries to Students: No flowers, balloons, gifts,           on file in order to have access to the internet.
lunches, homework, projects, or deliveries of any sort will    Students/Parents sign a technology use agreement during
be accepted at school for delivery to students. We limit       registration each year. Consequences for misuse are
messages sent to students during the school day. Items         detailed in that agreement.
Theft Reports: If you have something stolen, report it          2. Give proper identification to the driver when
immediately to an adult. Leaving valuable items at                 requested.
home prevents theft. The school is not responsible for          3. Sit where the driver directs. Remain seated at all
investigating missing electronic devices.                          times.
                                                                4. Face forward with both feet on the floor.
                                                                5. Do not shout, make loud noises, or cause other
           TRANSPORTATION                                          disturbances.
                                                                6. Keep the aisle clear of feet and objects.
Bicycles, Skateboards, and Scooters:                            7. There is no gum, food, drink, glass containers,
  1. While you are riding your bike, skateboard, or scooter        animals, insects, birds, or reptiles allowed on the
      to and from school you must obey all traffic rules,          bus. Sack lunches may be taken on the bus but must
      signs, and signals. Cross streets only at crosswalks         remain closed.
      and intersections.
      Helmets must be worn while riding your bike,            Consequences of Bus Citation: Progressive consequences
      skateboard, or scooter. IT’S THE LAW.                   are implemented for bus citations.
  2. When you arrive at school, dismount your bike,
      skateboard, or scooter in front of the school and       Dropping Off & Picking-Up Students: Cars are not
      walk it to the bike racks. Sixth graders occupy the     allowed into the school parking for student drop off.
      south bike rack; seventh and eighth graders occupy      Before school and after school, students can be dropped
      the north bike rack.                                    off or picked up on Gladstone Street and on the east side
  3. LOCK IT UP! Although we take safety precautions,         of Ramona Avenue. Parents and other visitors with school
      the school is not responsible for stolen bikes, bike    business may park in the lot. Please, remember to drive
      parts, or damaged bikes. Bike, skateboard, and          slowly and cautiously whenever you are near campus.
      scooter riders must have their own lock.                The safety of our students is a collective responsibility.
  4. When you are leaving school, walk your bike,             Show courtesy not only to student pedestrians, but other
      skateboard, or scooter to the street before riding.
                                                              drivers as well. Dropping off and picking up is not allowed
      Never ride your bike, skateboard, or scooter on
                                                              in the North Parking lot by the dumpsters.
      school grounds.
  5. Follow the above guidelines or there will be             Supervision of school grounds begins 30 minutes before
      consequences and possible loss of privileges.           the start of the school day. Therefore, students should
                                                              not be dropped off to school prior to 8:30 a.m. unless
Buses: Riding the bus is a privilege. Students are            they are enrolled in a zero period class. All students must
expected to adhere to all school rules when riding the        be picked up when dismissed from school at 3:30 p.m. or
bus. Students who violate the rules may be issued a           12:54 p.m. on a compact/minimum day.
citation from the bus driver. Serious violations on the
bus may result in further disciplinary measures.

At the Bus Stop:

  1. Arrive at least five (5) minutes before the
     scheduled departure.
  2. Wait in a safe place and respect private property.
  3. Follow all school rules.
  4. When the bus approaches, line up orderly and
     have your bus pass ready for the driver.
  5. Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop
     and the driver has opened the door before
     attempting to board the bus.
  6. Go directly home after leaving the bus stop.
  7. Follow the driver’s instructions when crossing the

  *If you lose your bus pass, you must pay for a new one
  at the district office (transportation department).

On the Bus:

  1. Be courteous and follow all directions.
The following procedures are general guidelines. School administrators have discretion with respect to the
application of these guidelines on a case by case basis. All incidents will include counseling.

Offense                      1st                       2nd                        3rd
Ed. Code 48900 A             1-5 days suspension       3-5 days suspension        5 day suspension
Caused, attempted to         Counseling                Possible police report     Possible hearing
cause, or threatened to      Possible police report    Possible hearing           recommendation
cause physical injury to     Possible hearing          recommendation
another person (fighting)    recommendation
[serious injury: 48915-A1]

Assault on school            5 days suspension
personnel (PC 241.2)         Police report
[48915-A5]                   Recommend expulsion

Ed. Code 48900 B             5 day suspension          5 day suspension
Possession of “weapons”      Police report             Police report
[knife: 48915-A2]            Possible hearing          Hearing
                             recommendation            recommendation

Possession of dangerous      1-5 day suspension        3-5 days suspension
Object                       Police Report              Police report
[knife: 48915-A2]            Possible hearing          Possible hearing
[firearm: 48195-C1]          recommendation            recommendation

Brandishing a knife          5 days suspension
[48915-C2]                   Police report
                             Recommend expulsion

Poppers, stink bombs,        1 day suspension          1-3 days suspension        3-5 days suspension
lighters, matches

Possession of firecrackers   3-5 days suspension       5 days suspension
or other explosives          Possible hearing          Recommend expulsion
[explosive: 48915-C5]        recommendation            Police report
                             Police report

Ed. Code 48900 C             5 days suspension         5 days suspension
Possession, selling,         Possible police report    Police report
furnishing, or under the     Recommend hearing         Recommend expulsion
influence of alcohol or
Drugs [possible 48915-A3],
[selling: 48915-C3]

Ed. Code 48900 D             5 days suspension
Sale or distribution of      Police report
drugs or alcohol or          Recommend expulsion
substances purported to
be drugs or alcohol (look-
a likes) [48915-C3]

Ed. Code 48900 E             1-5 days suspension       5 days suspension
Robbery or extortion         Possible police report    Possible police report
[48915-A4]                   Possible hearing          Recommend expulsion

Ed. Code 48900 F                 Alternative to suspension       1-5 days suspension              3-5 days suspension
Damage to school                 Restitution                     Restitution                      Restitution
property or private                                              Possible police report           Possible police report
property                                                         Possible hearing                 Possible hearing
                                                                 recommendation                   recommendation

Ed Code 48900 G                  Possible suspension             1-3 days suspension              1-5 days suspension
Stealing or attempting           Possible police report          Possible police report           Possible police report
to steal                                                         Possible hearing                 Possible hearing
                                                                 recommendation                   recommendation

Ed. Code 48900 H                 Alternative to suspension       1-5 days suspension              3-5 days suspension
Possession or use of                                             Counseling                       Counseling
tobacco                                                          Possible police report           Possible police report
Possession or use of e-
or vaping device

Ed. Code 48900 I                 Alternative to suspension       1-3 days suspension              3-5 days suspension
Obscene Act

Habitual profanity towards       Alternative to suspension       1-3 days suspension               2-5 days suspension
other students

Profanity towards staff          Alternative to suspension       1-3 days suspension              3-5 days suspension

Ed. Code 48900 J                 Possible suspension             1-5 days suspension              3-5 days suspension
Possession of drug                                               Possible police report           Possible police report
paraphernalia containing                                                                          Possible hearing
no drug                                                                                           recommendation

Ed. Code 48900 K                 Behavior that disrupts school activities or in which a student willfully defies the authority
Disruption of school             of a school employee can be grounds for suspension the behavior is chronic. Other means
activities, Defiance of school   of correction should be used and documented prior to a suspension. See the Progressive
authority                        Discipline section below for additional details.

Ed. Code 48900 L                 Possible suspension             1-3 days suspension              1-5 days suspension
Received stolen                  Possible police report          Possible police report           Possible police report
property                                                                                          Possible hearing
Ed. Code 48900 M                 5 days suspension               5 days suspension                5 days suspension
Possession of an imitation       Possible police report          Police report                    Police report
firearm                          Possible hearing                Possible hearing                 Recommend hearing
                                 recommendation                  recommendation

Ed. Code 48900 N                 5 days suspension
Committed or attempted           Police report
to commit a sexual               Recommend expulsion
assault; or committed a
sexual battery 48915-C4

Ed. Code 48900 O                Possible suspension      1-5 days suspension      3-5 days suspension
Harassed, threatened,           Possible police report   Possible police report   Possible police report
or intimidated a pupil who      Possible hearing         Possible hearing         Possible hearing
is a complaining witness or     recommendation           recommendation           recommendation
witness in a school
disciplinary proceeding for
the purpose of either
preventing that pupil from
being a witness or
retaliating against that
pupil for being a witness or

Ed. Code 48900 Q                Possible suspension      1-5 days suspension      3-5 days suspension
Engaged in or attempted to      Possible police report   Possible police report   Possible police report
engage to engage in hazing.     Possible hearing         Possible police report   Possible hearing
                                recommendation           Possible hearing         recommendation

Ed Code 48900 R                 Possible suspension      1-5 days suspension      3-5 days suspension
Engaged in an act of            Possible police report   Possible police report   Possible police report
bullying, including but not     Possible hearing         Possible hearing         Possible hearing
limited to bullying by means    recommendation           recommendation           recommendation
of an electronic act directed
at a pupil or staff member.

Ed. Code 48900 S                Possible suspension      1-5 days suspension      3-5 days suspension
Aids or abets the               Possible police report   Possible police report   Possible police report
infliction or attempted         Possible hearing         Possible hearing         Possible hearing
infliction of physical injury   recommendation           recommendation           recommendation
to another person.

Ed. Code 48900.2                Possible suspension      1-5 days suspension      3-5 days suspension
Sexual harassment               Possible police report   Possible police report   Possible police report
                                Possible hearing         Possible hearing         Possible hearing
                                recommendation           recommendation           recommendation

Ed. Code 48900.3                Possible suspension      1-5 days suspension      3-5 days suspension
Hate violence (including        Possible police report   Possible police report   Possible police report
racial, ethnic, religious,      Possible hearing         Possible hearing         Possible hearing
and sexual slurs)               recommendation           recommendation           recommendation
Caused, threatened to
cause, or participated in an
act of hate violence

Ed. Code 48900.4                Possible suspension      1-5 days suspension      3-5 days suspension
Harassment                      Possible police report   Possible police report   Possible police report
Intentionally engaged in        Possible hearing         Possible hearing         Possible hearing
harassment, threats, or         recommendation           recommendation           recommendation

Grounds for Involuntary Transfer to Another School Within the
1. Student in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
2. Student has accumulated 10 or more days of suspension within the school year
3. Other serious offenses at the discretion of the school principal

Grounds for Expulsion from the District (Education Code 48915):
(A1-A) Causing serious physical injury to another person
(A1-B) Possession of any knife or other dangerous object
(A1-C) possession of any controlled substance
(A1-D) Robbery or extortion
(A1-E) Assault or battery upon a school employee
(C1) Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm
(C2) Brandishing a knife at another person
(C3) selling a controlled substance
(C4) Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault
(C5) Possession of an explosive

VIOLATIONS                                      1st                             2nd                              3rd                            4th
Forgery                           Proctor                           Double Proctor                  In School Suspension            In School Suspension

                                                                                                    or possible Suspension          or possible Suspension

                                  Warning, possible school                                          Detention or In School          Possible In School
Defiance / Disruption/ Inciting   service                           School Service or Detention     Suspension                      Suspension

                                  possible class suspension         possible Class suspension       possible Class Suspension       or Suspension

Misuse of Technology              School Service or Detention       Detention or class Suspension   In School Suspension            In School Suspension

                                  possible Class Suspension         possible In School Suspension   possible Suspension             possible Suspension
                                                                                                    Confiscation and Double
Cell Phone Violation /            Warning and confiscation          Confiscation and detention      Proctor                         Confiscation and In School

Electronic Media Device           Return to student after school    Parent must pick up             Parent must pick up             Suspension, parent pick-up
                                                                                                                                    Possible In School
Cheating on Homework              Teacher or Proctor Detention      Double Proctor                  Class Suspension                Suspension
                                                                                                                                    or Suspension & Failing
                                  Failing Mark on Assignment        Failing Mark on Assignment      Failing Mark on Assignment      Mark
Cheating on Exam / Major
Project                           Double Proctor                    Class Suspension                Possible In School Suspension   Possible Suspension
                                                                                                                                    Failing Mark on
                                  Failing Mark on Exam/Project      Failing Mark on Exam/Project    or Suspension & Failing Mark    Exam/Project

Tardies                           Warning and Parent notification   School Service or               Proctor Detention               Double Proctor

                                                                    Teacher Detention

Truancy (Period)                  Proctor
                                                                    Possible Double Proctor or      Possible In School Suspension   Possible Suspension

                                                                    SART Contract                   or SART Contract                or SART Contract
                                                                                                                                    Proctor Detention &
Gum                               Warning & Teacher call home       Bubble Gum Club w/ teacher &    2 Days Bubble Gum Club with
                                                                    Teacher call home               Teacher & Teacher call home     call home

Dress Code Violation              Warning and                       School Service and              Proctor Detention and           Double Proctor or possible
                                                                                                                                    Suspension & change
                                  change clothes                    change clothes                  change clothes                  clothes
                                  Double Proctor Detention          Possible In School Suspension   Possible Suspension             Possible multiple day
Disruption while with a
                                  Teacher call home                                                                                 Suspension
substitute teacher
                                                                                                    In School Suspension or
                                                                    In School Suspension                                            Possible Suspension
Missed Proctor Detention          Double Proctor Detention                                          possible
                                  If missed dbl, move to step 2
                                  Ranges from warning to            Ranges from Lunch Detention                                     Ranges from Double
                                                                                                    Ranges from Proctor Detention
Hands off Policy                  possible                          to                                                              Proctor
                                  Suspension                        possible Suspension             to possible Suspension          to possible Suspension

                                            If infractions continue, moves to Ed Code 48900(k) with other codes cited as appropriate.


California Education Code 48900: A student is subject to suspension or expulsion if they:
  (a1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.
  (a2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense.
  (b)   Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished a firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object.
  (c)   Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, a controlled
        substance, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind.
  (d)   Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell a controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, or an
        intoxicant of any kind, and either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to a person another liquid,
        substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance,
        alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.
  (e)   Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.
  (f)   Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.
  (g)   Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property.
  (h)   Possessed or used tobacco, or products containing tobacco or nicotine products.
  (i)   Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
  (j)   Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia.
  (k)   Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers,
        administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
  (l)   Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
  (m) Possessed an imitation firearm.
  (n)   Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault.
  (o)   Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or a witness in a school
        disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or
        retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both.
  (p)   Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or sold the prescription drug Soma.
  (q)   Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing.
  (r)   Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of an
        electronic act, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel.
  (t)   Aided or abetted in the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person.
  (.2) Committed sexual harassment.
  (.3) Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of, hate violence.
  (.4) Intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation, directed against school district personnel
        or pupils.
  (.7) Made terroristic threats against school officials or school property, or both.

A student is subject to involuntary transfer to another school for any of the following acts:
  1.    Student in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  2.    Student has accumulated 10 or more days of suspension within the school year
  3.    Other serious offenses at the discretion of the school principal

California Education Code 48915: A student is subject to expulsion for any of the following acts:
  (A1-A) Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense.
  (A1-B) Possession of any knife or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil.
  (A1-C) Unlawful possession of any controlled substance.
  (A1-D) Robbery or extortion.
  (A1-E) Assault or battery upon any school employee.
  (C1)     Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm.
  (C2)     Brandishing a knife at another person.
  (C3)     Unlawfully selling a controlled substance.
  (C4)     Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or sexual battery.
  (C5)     Possession of an explosive.

Bonita Unified School District
                                              Dress Code
The Board of Education subscribes to the philosophy that students will be provided with a quality education in a
safe, secure environment. The Board believes that school dress significantly influences student behavior. Further,
students’ appearance should be neat, acceptable, and in keeping with the activities at the particular school while
at school or at any school activity. The Board of Education is committed to providing school campuses that are
free from the threats or harmful influence of any group or gang that advocates drug use, disruptive behavior,
and/or illegal activities.
The principal of each school in the district, or designated representative, is hereby authorized and directed to send
home or require a change of clothing for any student who has failed to prepare properly for school as set forth in
this policy. Students who persist in violating the following general standards may be suspended in accordance with
the law.
Student safety must always be at the foremost concern and the predominant criterion for the acceptability
of student dress.
Standards for all Students

    1.   All students are to give proper attention to personal cleanliness, modesty, and safety in dress
         and grooming.
    2.   Clothing, hair, and accessories are to be neat, clean, safe, appropriately fitting, non-revealing, and non-
    3.   No student is permitted to attend school if their appearance is disruptive to the operation
         and administration of the educational process.
    4.   Certain types of clothing and attire that have the potential to cause a disruption of school activities will be

A. Clothing, jewelry, and/or accessories that may provoke others to acts of violence, may be disruptive to the
   educational environment, or may be used as weapons, including but not limited to gloves, hair nets,
   wristbands, belts, belt buckles, sharp ended piercing/jewelry, chains, and any gang-identified or unsafe items
   are prohibited.
B. Clothing and jewelry shall be free of writing, pictures, and any other insignia or indications that are profane,
   obscene, sexually suggestive, or that advocate racial, ethnic, sexual or religious prejudice, tagging, gambling,
   violence, the use of drugs or alcohol or any other illegal activity. No tights may be worn as pants.
C. Hats are allowed on campus, as long as they are worn properly and are not deemed a distraction to the
   learning environment. Students will remove hats upon request in offices, classrooms, and/or PE. For
   safety and identification of students, hoods are not allowed except on days of cold weather and/or rain.
D. Footwear must be worn at all times. Students must wear footwear that is safe and appropriate for the learning
   environment. Middle school and elementary school students must wear shoes that have a back or strap on the
   heel and have a platform of no more than 1 1/2 inches. Open toed sandals, slippers, and steel toed footwear
   are prohibited.
E. Gang associated attire, which may include but is not limited to: belts, footwear, jackets, dark glasses not
   medically prescribed and worn in-doors, bandanas, hats, and/or headgear is prohibited.
F. Shorts to the knee or longer worn with socks to the knee and/or bib overalls (unless both straps are
   buckled over the shoulders at all times) are prohibited.
G. Clothing shall not be excessively revealing and must be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times.
   Examples of clothing that may be inappropriate include, but are not limited to: short shorts/skirts, low-rise
   pants with high-rise underwear, see-through or fishnet fabrics, halter tops, razor back tank tops, muscle
   shirts, tank tops [with straps of less than one inch], tube tops, spaghetti strapped clothing, off-the-shoulder
   or low cut tops, and bare midriffs.

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