Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club

Page created by Janice Moran
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
The Woodlands Club
                                              THE ACTIVE | MAY 2021

Youth Orientation      THE WOODLANDS CLUB ANNUAL
PAGE 5                 Mother’s Day
Climbing Everest
Fitness Challenge
                       Brunch                      SUNDAY, MAY 9
                                                   10AM & 12:30PM

Outdoor Pool

Co-Ed Triples

Beginner Pickleball

May Golf Events

   CLUB NEWS 3                                                  EVENT INFO
DINING & SOCIAL 4-5                                             PAGE 4

     FITNESS 6
      GOLF 10
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
MAY 2021
                                       CALENDAR OF EVENTS

    SUNDAY         MONDAY          TUESDAY   WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY            FRIDAY   SATURDAY


2              3               4             5               6                  7             8
                    CLIMBING                                                                      BEGINNER
                     EVEREST                                                                      PICKLEBALL
                     FITNESS                                                                      PROGRAM
                   CHALLENGE                                                                        BEGINS
               DINING ROOM
 USTA TENNIS      CLOSED                                                                      USTA TENNIS

9              10              11            12              13                 14            15
MOTHER’S DAY                                                    CLASS                         MEN’S GOLF
  BRUNCH                                                                                      OPENING DAY
                                                             TRIVIA IN THE
               DINING ROOM
                  CLOSED                                      BALLROOM                         USTA TENNIS

16             17              18            19              20                 21            22

WOMEN’S GOLF     MEN’S                       C0-ED TENNIS           PING
               CUP BEGINS

               DINING ROOM

23             24              25            26              27                 28            29

                 WOMEN’S                                         NINE & DINE:                   OUTDOOR
               KATAHDIN CUP                                        MEXICO                      POOL OPENS

               DINING ROOM

30             31

               DINING ROOM
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
From the
                           General Manager
                             Dear Members,
                             As the weather continues to
                             improve and more people are
                             getting vaccinated, we are seeing                   Message from
                             a slow return to normal. Over the
                             next 30-45 days we hope to                          Membership
continue to offer more events, dining options and                Thank you to everyone for continuing to show and tell friends and
entertainment. Due to the Maine CDC restrictions, we are         family just how amazing The Woodlands Club is. For those who have
still not able to fully reopen some areas. Below are the         recently sponsored new members, or have gone out of your way
following changes to our dining schedule and events in the       to say hello and share a special Woodlands Club experience with
upcoming month.                                                  prospective members during their tours, many thanks to you as well.
May 9th 		 Mother’s Day Buffet is back!                          In the last 6 weeks members have moved to the area from all over
                                                                 the United States; including Michigan, Colorado, Washington D.C.,
May 16th		 We will expand Sunday evening                         New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Georgia. As a result of
		 dining hours to 8pm                                           the influx in new members joining the Club, March yielded $89,000 in
May 18th		 Begin weekly Beverage Cart service                    initiation fees, which was an initiation fee record setting month.
		 on the golf course                                            Rapid membership growth continued in April, and as of April 20th,
                                                                 we have billed an astonishing $192,000 in initiation fees. We have
May 28th		 Open the Main Patio for member dining                 filled our Golf membership category, and we have established a Golf
		 for the season                                                Wait List. As I write, we have just 7 Recreation openings and I am
May 29th		 Pool Opens for the Summer, and we will                looking forward to also filling that membership category.
		 expand the menu by the pool and provide                       At this time would you please join me in welcoming the following
		 poolside service Friday - Sunday                              new Woodlands Club members:
In addition, we will host Trivia twice a month, have music on          Meg & Robert Adams                             Susan Kirby
the outside patio beginning in June, a Father’s Day                    Jana & John Bagshaw                     Jennifer & Eric Lapham
celebration, Family Campouts, and many other events as the           Pat Bailey & George Houk                Mary & Herman Laturnau
State continues to lift the current COVID restrictions.                 Alli & Justin Ballard           Margaret LeBlanc & James Boyle
Please keep an eye out for details to these events.                   Jamie & Doug Campbell                    Ruth & Jonathan Matt
                                                                         Jeana & Brian Cho                 Elizabeth & Richard McCarthy
I know over the past month you have seen many new faces                     Mark Cloutier                 JT McGoldrick & Donny Wright
in our dining areas. The greater Portland area is                     Christina & Reed Copsey            Barbara & Michael McQueeney
experiencing a very tight labor market and we have                   Jason Denby & Joe Figini          Elizabeth Merrill & Lawson Rudasill
experienced some turnover and a difficult time attracting           Amy Doyle & Preston Noon                    Julie & David Metivier
new employees. To combat this issue, we have developed            Jennifer Eaton & Robert Kaplus                     Morgan Myer
many employee recruiting and retention programs to build             Grayson & George Falcon                     Amy & Kartik Pandya
an outstanding staff for our upcoming season. It is our goal              Wade R. Fleming                   Maria Preti & Zach Hefferen
to be fully staffed in the dining areas over the next 30 days.          Sara & Amos Frajnd                       Layla & Greg Sassone
Lastly, we will have two of our treasured Managers leave             Virginia & Josh Goldman                        Dina Shrabalak
The Woodlands Club in the near future.                                 Tissy & Colin Greening                 Michaela & Edward Silco
                                                                         Lucy & Neil Hurley                  RoseMarie & Charles Stark
Jacquelyn Gilligan, who has been an incredible host,
manager and leader of our food service operations will be        We are looking forward to once again planning and hosting larger
leaving us at the end of April to purse a career working with    social events as more restrictions are lifted. Until then, we have
special needs children. She will be sorely missed.               planned several smaller member events over the course of the spring
                                                                 and summer.
Toni Nappi, who has been the driving force for our banquet
department for many years will be retiring as of July 1. Toni    Please feel free to share with me any social event ideas that you
has been an outstanding manager hosting countless events,        would like to see happen.
provided us with beautiful decorations during the holidays,      Looking forward to seeing you around the Club,
and made The Woodlands Club one of the top event venues
in the area. Her assistant Lydia Hardy has been promoted
and will take over leadership of the department in July.
Thank you again for the warm welcome to The Woodlands            Mary Anne MacArthur, Membership Director
Club. If you have any questions or comments, please reach
out to me at                                                 The Woodlands Club
                                                                                            Membership Census
                                                                                             As of April 16, 2021
All the Best,
                                                                                Golf Memberships ........................ 420 (1)
                                                                                Recreation Memberships ................ 248 (2)
                                                                                Junior Memberships ...................... 36 (1)

C. Robert Schlingmann, CCM, CCE                                                 (1) FULL in category with Wait Lists Established
                                                                                (2) 7 Openings until Full
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
4 | Dining & Social

                                             MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH BUFFET
   MOTHER’S DAY CELEBRATION                                                SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2021
      IN THE BALLROOM                                                 Two Seatings: 10:00AM & 12:30PM
                                                                      Treat Mom to a wonderful buffet in our Ballroom.
                                                                             We will feature the following items.
      Join us for a Woodlands Club
    Mother’s Day Celebration in the
   Ballroom. Things will not be quite                       BREAKFAST ITEMS                        MAIN BRUNCH SELECTIONS
  as they were pre-COVID, but we are                   Danish, mini muffins, doughnuts,           Little Leaf Farms Mixed Green Salad
                                                            coffee cake & biscuits                 Marinated cherry tomato & ciliegini
thrilled to be able to once again offer a                Yogurt, granola & fresh fruit             Mozzarella salad with aged balsamic
   buffet. Seating is limited and we                           Assorted Quiche:                              Shrimp Cocktail
    will follow the CDC guidelines of                       spinach & goat cheese                          Miso Glazed Salmon
                                                        peppers, onions, ham (western)
       no more than 8 at a table.                        roasted tomato & mozzarella                       Spice Crusted Tuna
                                                               Scrambled Eggs                     Roasted mushrooms and pearl onions,
                                                                                                   roasted potatoes, charred broccoli,
                                                        French Toast- cinnamon raisin
    Please make your reservation                                                                            steamed asparagus
                                                          Sausage links, crispy bacon
       online or with Elizabeth                               Chicken & Waffles:
        at the the front desk.                       Chopped Fried Chicken stuffed Waffles           VIENNESE DESSERT TABLE
                                                                                                        Dessert bars & brownies
We will not be offering any curbside or                OMELETS MADE TO ORDER                             Assorted Cheesecake
                                                       Ham, Bacon, Prosciutto, Cheddar,                       Carrot cake
   to-go orders on Mother’s Day.                           Goat Cheese, Mozzarella,                      Assorted macaroons
                                                     Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions, Spinach                 Assorted petite fore
                                                       Asparagus, Tofu, Salsa, Salsa Verde

                                                            CARVING STATION                              CHILDREN’S BUFFET
       MOTHER’S DAY                                 Beef Tenderloin with Horseradish Cream,                 Chicken Fingers
    DINING ROOM HOURS:                                             fresh rolls
                                                            Roasted Pork Loin with
                                                                                                             Pizza Bagels
                                                                                                             French Fries
                                                           Mango-Pineapple Chutney
        FROM 2PM-6PM,
                                            PLEASE MAKE YOUR
                                            THE FRONT DESK.

                                            ADULTS: $41.00++
                                            CHILDREN AGES 2-12: $16.00++

                                    M AY
                                                                 FEATURED BEVERAGES:                                                  FOOD
                                                                 George Dickel Tennessee Whiskey                                    MINIMUM
                                                                 Aged at least 9 years, and hand-

                                                                 selected by our distiller for their                                 Members A-G
  TRIVIA IN THE                                                  exceptional balance and delicacy.
                                                                 Charcoal mellowing and our unique
                                                                                                                                    Jan. 1-March 31
  LOUNGE!                                                        aging process form a smooth,
                                                                                                                                    April 1-June 30
                                                                                                                                     July 1-Sept. 30
                                                                 premium whisky that stands in a class
  Doors open: 5:30pm                                             all by itself. A perfectly balanced, rich
                                                                                                                                     Oct. 1-Dec. 31
  Trivia begins: 6:00pm                                          and silky taste with hints of vanilla,                             Members P-Z
                                                                 spice and charcoal.
  We will be limiting the number of players per                                                                                    March 1-May 31
                                                                                                                                   June 1-Aug. 31
  CDC guidelines, and teams are limited to a                     BLUEBERRY COLLINS - Blueberry purée, simple
                                                                                                                                   Sept. 1-Nov. 30
  maximum of 6 players per team.                                 syrup, Hardshore Gin, fresh lemon juice, club soda
                                                                                                                                    Dec. 1-Feb. 29
                                                                 SPICY MANGO MAMA - Sauza Tequila, Cointreau,
  Don’t miss out, sign up on the website early!                  Fresh lime juice, Mango purée, Pineapple Juice,                    Members H-O
                                                                 Jalapenos                                                          Feb. 1-April 30

   THURSDAY, MAY 13                                              We are bringing in our Spring and Summer selections,
                                                                 which includes several new items, such as: a hibiscus
                                                                 hard kombucha and new craft cocktail cans for outside
                                                                                                                                     May 1-July 31
                                                                                                                                    Aug.1-Oct. 31
                                                                                                                                    Nov. 1– Jan. 31
                                                                 service on the course.
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
Dining & Social | 5

                                                                          EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT
 YOUTH ORIENTATION CLASS                                                TIFFANY PERKINS,
                                                                        MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR
 Thursday, May 13th, 2:30pm - 3:00pm                                    Tiffany came to work for the Club in
                                                                        February of 2012, and soon took over
 For children ages 12-15 (or 11, and entering the 7th grade)            the care of the gardens. During the
 Max: 10 total people                                                   winter she worked full time in
                                                                        Maintenance. This past month she was
 Children will EARN Club Privileges by completing this course.          promoted to the role as Maintenance
 Privileges include (but not limited to) use of the outdoor pool        Director and will continue to oversee
 during life-guarded hours, and may play tennis or use the              the landscaping.
 Fitness Center during staffed hours.                                   Tiffany grew up in Down East Maine. She spent summers in
                                                                        Florida with family and enjoyed working alongside her grand-
 One parent must attend a session (this requirement is met if the       father in his gardens. In her late teens she took up gardening
                                                                        full-time and eventually started her own landscape and design
 parent has gone through this orientation with an older child).         company. She completed her degree in English and holds a
 Please call Sheilla to register. If you are interested but this time   Master of Fine Arts. In addition to gardening, she worked in
                                                                        building maintenance for several Portland property owners.
 does not work, contact Sheilla in Aquatics at: 781-3104 ext. 116.      We are very happy to have Tiffany as one of our leaders, and
                                                                        we look forward to enjoying all of her beautiful gardens around
                                                                        the Club this season.
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
6 | Fitness
                                                                CLIMBING EVEREST
                                                                FITNESS CHALLENGE
                                                                Program: May 3 - June 5
                                                                This 5-week cardio-based program is a great goal-oriented
                                                                program that will lead you through an overall routine. We
                                                                all know Climbing Mt. Everest would not be an easy feat,
                                                                well this will provide you with the challenge you want as
                                                                it is based more on time than intensity. It would benefit
                                                                many of you who want some focus heading into summer.
                                                                Cost: $25
                                                                To register, contact Damian at:
                                                                Workout Packets to be available by April 27th.

                      FROM THE DIRECTOR OF FITNESS
                      We work hard every year to stay in the best shape we can.
                      The past 18 months have been tough on us all, which is more of
                      a reason to work towards a healthier you. Here are two tips to              FITNESS CENTER HOURS
                      keep you motivated.                                                            MONDAY - FRIDAY:
                                                                                                      5AM - 8:30PM
                      TRY A NEW WORKOUT EVERY MONTH. Keeping the same                              SATURDAY & SUNDAY:
                      exact routine when it comes to fitness is never a good thing.                   6AM - 8:30PM
                      For one, your body gets used to the same workouts, which
                      means you will likely plateau. You will struggle to get stronger,
                      leaner, or faster, depending on your goal. More importantly, you                STAFFED HOURS
will get bored, and you will be less likely want to work out. You want to be enjoying it             MONDAY - FRIDAY:
because exercise should be fun!!                                                                       6AM - 6PM
How to accomplish it:
                                                                                                   SATURDAY: 7AM - 1PM
• Always be looking for new opportunities to workout. Check out the classes our
    Fitness Center offers or meet with a personal trainer and tell them you need to                SUNDAY: 8AM - 12PM
		change it up.
• Go for the opposite workout of what you are used to. If you are a gym rat who
    prefers weight training, try a dance class; or if you’re a diehard yogi, try a HIIT 		               PLEASE NOTE:
    workout. Changing up the routine will not only help your body get stronger, but              The Fitness Center usage is
    will help you enjoy the process, too.                                                            through the ForeTees
                                                                                                   reservation system only.
• Buy a new workout outfit, new sneakers, or new headphones.
                                                                                                100% mask policy even when
                                                                                                      staff is not present.
STRETCH MORE. Stretching is one of the best things we can do to help strengthen
our muscles, avoid injuries, and relieve tension- both physical and mental. And yet,         The Staff is doing a weekly spraying
                                                                                               of the Fitness Center by using a
people often don’t stretch enough, and combined with a sedentary lifestyle and                  hand held electricity sprayer.
tougher workouts, are causing more injuries and muscle strain.
                                                                                              Thank you for your cooperation,
How to accomplish it:                                                                          we look forward to seeing you
• Lightly stretch the muscles you worked after                                                       in the Fitness Center.
   every workout. No exceptions!
• Make stretching and flexibility training a part of
   your routine. Take a few minutes in the morning
   to do a few morning stretches to wake you up,
   and a few minutes at night to help you wind down.
• Find breaks for stretching throughout the day,
   like during commercial breaks, or once every hour
   during work.

Yours in health,
Damian Dow
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
Aquatics | 7
    Lifeguarded on weekends
    only until mid-June.
    (Weather dependent.)
    Open daily, sunrise to sunset.
    More details & pool rules to
    follow in Weekly Updates and on
    the Club website.
                                                                                             COMPETITIVE SWIMMING ’20- 21
                     Despite ’20-21 being a challenging year for competitive swimmers, some of our members were able to practice and
                  compete in a limited number of meets. This month we are highlighting college and high school swimming. Next month
                      we will highlight our USA Swimmers. They are currently preparing for their state championships at the end of April.
COLLEGE                                            HIGH SCHOOL
Emily Ecker competed for the University            Several of our members swam for Falmouth High School this year. I asked Woodland’s
                                                CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SWIMMERS!

of Wisconsin-Madison as a Freshman this            member Coach Betsy Perron about our swimmers:
year. She swam in the BIG 10’s placing 6th         The swim season was filled with challenges beginning with a delayed season, many stops and
in the 500 Free (4:43.66) and 8th in the           starts of the season due to quarantine, school safety color codes requirements, and no use of
1650 Free (16:16.23). Emily received an            their home pool (Casco Bay Y). This year was mostly a “dry season” with a lot of virtual team
invite to the NCAA Division 1                      meetings and drylands at home or in the gym. Betsy said that all the swimmers showed a
Championships where she placed 31st in             strong presence in the gym, despite a lack of pool training. The team was fortunate to get a
to 500 Free and 30th in the 1650 Free. She         few hours of pool time after winter break. They had about 5 hours total of practice time and
also swam in the 800 Free Relay with her           used the rest of the time to run some swim meets for fun. Swimmers competed in 3 meets, 2
team placing 13th earning her Honorable            of which swimmers from one team would enter the pool and swim the events then leave. The
Mention All-American. While spectators             next team would arrive and swim their events and all results were compiled. The swimmers
were not allowed, it was great to be able          also participated with most other Southern Maine teams in the Greely Rangers Masked Ball
to watch Emily race on ESPN3. Emily is our         Invitational where all teams raced on our own and submitted times which were merged into
                                                   one meet.
first Woodland’s swimmer to ever compete
in NCAA Division 1 Swimming & Diving               Sarah Kelly, a Senior, continued to excel in the butterfly and sprint free events.
Championships.                                     Rebecca McKee and Caroline Tracy, both Sophomores, swam competitively last year for
Jack Martin swam for Manhattan                     the first time and greatly improved their skills that first year. According to Coach Perron,
College as a Freshman year this year. While        Rebecca and Caroline amazingly started up this winter right where they left off last
the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference             season. Perron is expecting great things for them next year.
Championships were cancelled due to the            Libby Parker, a Freshman, was new to the team this year but did not get a chance to
pandemic, Jack did swim in a dual meet             swim. Libby was a huge contributor in the gym and in team meetings. Coach Perron
against Monmouth College. He swam the              expects that Libby will bring a lot of positive energy to the program in the future.
200 Backstroke, 100 & 200 Butterfly. He            Patrick Wahlig, a Sophomore, swam best times in the 50 and 100 Freestyle. Patrick
also swam the butterfly in the 200 & 400           displayed a strong work ethic and was a standout in dryland challenges.
Medley Relays and competed in the 200 &            Katrina Waite, a Sophomore, had several best times in Freestyle and Butterfly.
400 Freestyle Relays. Jack looks forward to        Last spring, Katrina committed to year-round swimming and has made excellent progress
a full swim season in the upcoming year.           this year. She will compete in the USA Swimming State Championships this month.

I would like to acknowledge Betsy Perron for her many contributions to             Many of our Woodlands high school children have swum for Betsy over the
swimming, only one of which is coach of the Falmouth High School swim              years. She is a kind, incredibly supportive person with the desire to promote
team. I have had the pleasure of knowing Betsy since her family relocated          positive opportunities for others. She is the kind of person everyone would
to Maine and became members of The Woodlands Club in                                                like their child to have as a coach. Over this past year, Betsy
2003. At the time, she and her husband Andy had 4 young                                             has been an advocate to keep athletes actively participating in
children who enrolled in our swim program. We had a lot in                                          sports because she understands how important it is for their
common, both having 4 children around the same ages, as                                             personal well-being. She has creatively provided them with
well as a shared passion for swimming. Betsy served on The                                          opportunities to stay connected and involved. She has shared
Woodlands Club Aquatics/Fitness Committee for 6 years,                                              her passion and knowledge of swimming with so many and will
offering wonderful insight about fitness, swimming and family                                       be sorely missed from Falmouth High School Swimming and
programming.                                                                                        Maine Swimming.
Betsy has been a gift to Maine Swimming and to Falmouth                                             Betsy and her husband Andy will be moving to NH for Andy’s
High School. She has been an official for Maine Swimming, is a                                      position at Dartmouth/Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center as
former Secretary for the Board of Directors of Maine                                                Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education, but will
Swimming, Inc., was the Head Coach of the Falmouth High                                             maintain their Woodlands membership as they plan to be back
School team for 5 years, and the Assistant Coach for 5 years                                        in town often. Betsy will continue to officiate swimming in
prior. She also is a former president of the Board of Directors                                     Maine and New England but will take a year off from coaching.
for the Westbrook Seals, and coached the Seals novice groups.                                       I wish Betsy and Andy well in NH, and look forward to seeing
                                                                                                    them around the club when they are in town.
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
8 | Racquets

                                                                                USTA SCHEDULE:
                                                                                  SUNDAY, MAY 2ND
                                                                                  12:30PM – 8:00PM
                                                                                  SATURDAY, MAY 8TH
                                                                                   2:00PM – 4:30PM
                                                                                 SATURDAY, MAY 15TH
                                                                                  12:30PM – 5:00PM
                                                                                  SUNDAY, MAY 16TH
                                                                                  12:30PM – 4:00 PM
                                                                                  SUNDAY, MAY 23RD
                                                                                  10:30AM – 6:00PM

  CO-ED TRIPLES MIXER                                                     During these times, indoor court time
                                                                           will be very limited, or fully booked.
                                                                               Outdoor courts are available
               WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th                                                for online reservations.
                 5:30PM - 7:00PM
      Join us for a fun evening of triples and
     games! USTA level 2.5 or higher required.
        For more information or to sign up
           please email Tom Dillman at:

                                                 •   APRIL 26 - JUNE 23   •

          MONDAY           TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY            FRIDAY        SATURDAY      SUNDAY
            Ladies        Ladies Doubles    Ladies Doubles     Ladies Doubles   Ladies Doubles                   Cardio
          Advanced           9:30am -          9:30am -           9:30am -         9:30am -                      Tennis

         Doubles (3.5+)      11:00am           11:00am            11:00am          11:00am                    9:00-10:30am
           9:00am -
           10:30am                           Men’s Night      Ladies Advanced     Beginner
                                             6:30-8:00pm          Doubles           Ladies
                                                                 11:00am -        11:00am -
                                                                  12:30am          12:30pm

           Junior Pro         * High         10 & Under          Junior Pro         * High
          4:00-5:30pm      Performance          Tennis          4:00-5:30pm      Performance
                           4:00-5:30pm       4:00-5:00pm                         4:00-5:30pm
            * High
         Performance                           * High
         5:30-7:00pm                        Performance

 Registrations are required for all Clinics, both Junior and Adult, and can be found through the court registration website.
 Registrations close at noon the day before to allow for proper staffing and court management. Thank you.
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
Racquets | 9

                               OPEN PLAY PICKLEBALL
             Tuesday’s and Saturdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm, Come on out and
                         join in the fun of the pickleball community!
                       Sign ups can be made through the Spond app.

                                     PRIVATE PLAY
       Any Woodlands member can book time on Court 4 or 5, or 6 (outdoor hardcourt)
      for a private game on a first come, first serve basis, through the Court Reservation
    System on the Club’s website. These games are private and participants are invited by,
          and limited to, the individual reserving the court and organizing the game.

                   Our pickleball instructor, Tim Lacombe, is here to help.
                     For more information on private or group lessons,
                    please email Tim at:

                        BEGINNER PICKLEBALL PROGRAM
          Tim Lacombe is hosting a four week Beginner Pickleball Program once again.
They will meet Saturdays, 10:30am to 12:00pm, starting on May 8th, and finishing on May 29th.
     A great way to be introduced to the fun sport of pickleball, learn the basics and rules.
          Cost is $28.25 per player per clinic. Maximum of 8 participants at each clinic.
      Members can sign up through the court reservation website under the events tab.
                              (Sign-ups are not on the Spond app.)
           For more information, please email Tim at:

                                                               AT THE WOODLANDS CLUB
Mother's Day Brunch SUNDAY, MAY 9 - The Woodlands Club
10 | Golf

 DEAR WOODLANDS MEMBER,                                             FROM THE LESSON TEE:   Putting 101
 The Golf season is now underway and there is              Having your eyes directly over the golf ball eliminates
 so much to take advantage of this month!                 some core essential issues that can occur when standing
 Golf Lessons, Club Fittings, and the start of our         too close or too far away. In many cases, when too far
 season’s event calendar are just a few things           away, the arc of the putter increases dramatically, causing
 happening this month. The Golf Shop is fully                  a bigger miss and more pressure on hand-eye
 stocked with brand new equipment and great              coordination. Is your eye over the golf ball when putting?
 new lines of Club logo apparel.                                        Here’s an easy way to check!
 Please remember, and as a thank you for your                        Place a ball 1-2 inches away from a wall
 support, all member apparel purchases receive                                and address the ball.
 a 15% discount (includes special orders).
                                                            Get into posture and rest your head against the wall.
 As always, if there is anything we can do for
 you, please don’t hesitate to ask. We hope you                If this feels like normal address to you GREAT JOB!
 have a wonderful May.                                              If this is unusual, begin practicing this way
                                                                              to help your putting stroke.
 Your Woodlands Professional Staff

                      PLAY WITH YOUR
                        PROFESSIONAL STAFF!
                          PRO AM SCHEDULE:
                          COUNTRY CLUB
                          MAY 10th
                        PROUTS NECK

                       MAY 18th

     AVAILABLE        MAY 24th
                      JUNE 1st

 May Golf Events
                                                     NOW AVAILAB
                                                     O N FO R ET EE S

    MEN’S & WOMEN’S TWILIGHT LEAGUE                                        THE GOVERNORS CUP
    Entry Deadline: May 14th at 5PM                                        Entry Deadline: May 14th at 5PM
    More Flexibility in 2021!
    You may play your league round anytime be-                             THE KATAHDIN CUP
    tween Monday and Sunday of that week. Just                             Entry Deadline: May 21st at 5PM
    pick up your scorecard in the Golf Shop on the                         NINE & DINE - Mexico
    day of play and find a friend to join you!                             FUN FUN FUN & a Night Out!
    MEN’S OPENING DAY - New Format!                                        Entry Deadline: May 25th at 5PM
    Entry Deadline: May 12th at 5PM
    WOMEN’S OPENING DAY - New Format!
    Entry Deadline: May 13th at 5PM
Club Directory | 11
Committee Briefs                                                                         Front Desk
                                                                                         Front Office Fax
                                                                                         Dining Room                                207.781.3104 x 164
AQUATICS & FITNESS COMMITTEE                                                             Fitness Center                             207.781.3104 x 110
April 1 Meeting:                                                                         Golf Pro Shop                              207.781.2890
Welcomed Paula Silsby to committee. Registration for Kiddie Kamp open.
ForeTees reservation sheet relocated the kiddie pool column to the far left of           Tennis Pro Shop                            207.781.2922
reservation sheet. Youth Orientation Class discussed. A glass tumbler has been
found on two separate occasions at the indoor pool. If a glass should break in the       General Manager/COO
pool area, the pool may have to be closed and drained. Young members have swam           Rob Schlingmann, CCM, CCE                  Ext. 101
at big swim meets over the past month. Sports Camp is now at 100% with 126     
campers signed up. Discussion of outdoor covering/structure for camp.
Discussion of Fitness Programs: Golf Fit, Climbing Everest. Masks still mandatory        Membership
as recommended by CDC.                                                                   Mary Anne MacArthur                        Ext. 102
CLUBHOUSE COMMITTEE                                                            
April 13 Meeting:
Food & Beverage update: staffing challenges discussed. Outdoor furniture update.         Accounting
Racquets improvements: painting and new carpet installation. Renaming Snack              Jay Stone, Controller                      Ext. 152
Shack discussed. Dedication to Karen Hadley for 30 years of service, a garden or
another feature.
                                                                                         Deanna Pelletier, Accounting Assistant     Ext. 122
April 12 Meeting:                                                              
March in the golf studio was busier than ever! 590 reservations for the month of
march and 1460 reservations since we opened in December of 2020. The driving             Aquatics
range and course are now open. New golf balls, range crates, and short game area         Beth Streeter, Director of Aquatics        Ext. 112
stands should all be coming in very soon. Our new tees should also arrive shortly.
The Forward Member tee has been rated by the MSGA. The green tee could be
another month before scores can be posted playing from there. The                        Sheilla Bernier, Aquatics Assistant        Ext. 116
membership is now on a waiting list for golf memberships. Local Rules discussed.
The tee time system goes live 7 days before at 6AM. Indoor Golf Studio:
Monday 12pm-Close, Tuesday-Sunday 7am-Close *Close will be 15-20 minutes                 Childcare
before the building closes to accommodate for member pack up and exit. Guests            Lynn Dunn, Childcare Provider              Ext. 120
allowed for summer (5 visits max). Guest Plan/Cart Plan discussed. The turnstand         Fitness
open for the season. Menu includes pre-made sandwiches. Menu will expand
massively once the pool opens. A beverage cart will be available this season Tue,        Damian Dow, Director of Fitness            Ext. 149
Wed, Fri, Saturday, and Sunday to start and test demand.                       
GREEN COMMITTEE                                                                          Food & Beverage
April 12 Meeting:                                                                        Jacquelyn Gilligan, Co-Dining Room Manager Ext. 103
Superintendent’s Report: Course came through Winter very well, manpower        
continues to be a problem, plans to aerify early this year. Woods between #10
and #18 to be covered with loam and seeded. Bubbler discussed for pond on #13,           Dave Moran, Co-Dining Room Manager         Ext. 105
waiting on CMP. New forward tees well received. Note to membership asking them 
to please respect the new forward tees, do not drive carts through them.                 Alex Williamson, Executive Chef            Ext. 107
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE                                                           
April 6 Meeting:
March Membership Report was discussed and it was noted that all three of our             Events
membership categories are quickly filling. Brief discussion held on the April 1st ini-   Toni Marie Nappi, Event and Sales Manager Ext. 124
tiation fee increases; Golf $9,500, Recreation $7,500, Junior $3,000, and Corporate
$19,000. Motion to approve Maureen Bagdan as Committee Chair for a one-year
term, subject to Board approval. Reviewed and discussed the current Priority Wait        General & Administrative
List with regards to the order in which leaves of absence members return to active       Elizabeth Fox, Receptionist                Ext. 100
status. Motion to amend the policy slightly to have returning from leave members
be placed on the chronological wait list. One of this year’s goals is to elevate the     Caesy Bartlett, Communications Coordinator Ext. 104
membership experience and Rob is here to help make that happen. Our next com-
mittee meeting will be held on May 4th at 5PM.                                 
RACQUETS COMMITTEE                                                                       Golf Shop                                  Ext. 119
No meeting held in April.                                                      
                                                                                         Greens & Grounds
                                                                                         Ryan Minzner, Superintendent               207.781.9954
            AVAILABLE LOCKERS                                                            Paul Blais, Housekeeping Supervisor        Ext. 111

            Annual Rental: $220 Full / $165 Half                               
            Tired of carrying things back and forth to the Club?                         Tiffany Perkins, Maintenance Director      Ext. 128
            We have several unoccupied lockers in                              
            both the Ladies & Mens Locker Rooms.                                         Tennis
            If you are interested in renting one, contact us.                            Harvey McCartney, Director of Tennis       Ext. 113
            We will provide you with a list of available lockers               
            so that you can select one that best suits your needs.
                                                                                         Tom Dillman, Head Pro                      Ext. 133
Committee Briefs | Club Directory | 11

                             Committee Rosters

                                 COMMITTEE                          Mike Major, Chair                 Humaira Ashraf
                               Kristy Gorsuch, Chair                   Dave Bagdan                    Maureen Bagdan
    Tom Hyndman                   Morgan Cohen                         Josh Ianetta                     Jaime Berg
      President                     John Fallon                        Terri Messer                     Peter Camp
                                   John Murphy                        Kathi O’Grady                     Todd Ross
   Chris Holdredge                 Christie Rana                      Phil O’Sullivan                   Tim Tobin
                                     Bill Shain                       Sara Queenan
    Vice President                                                   Laura Sosnowski
                                                                                                Gary Robinson, Board Liaison

                         CLUBHOUSE COMMITTEE                  Chris Holdredge, Board Liaison   NOMINATING COMMITTEE
    Marie Leavitt       Mary Jo Cross, Chair/Board Liaison
                                                                                                  Kathi O’Grady, Chair
     Treasurer                  Deb Abbondanza                  GREEN COMMITTEE
                                                                                                    Cindy Maxsimic
                                    Beth Becker                    David Kelley, Chair
                                                                                                    Chris Philbrook
                                    Fred Bopp                         Mary Brandes
      Jane Bopp                    Peter Leavitt                    Laurie Hyndman
                                                                                                   Meredith Rousseau
        Clerk                     Julie Pochepan                      John Lemieux
                                Michael Sosnowski                       Mike Shay               RACQUETS COMMITTEE
    Mary Jo Cross                                                       Dan Tetu                    Rob Hanson, Chair
                           FINANCE COMMITTEE                    Tate Ficker, Board Liaison          Sandy Couch-Kelly
     Tate Ficker         Marie Leavitt, Chair/Board Liaison                                            Lois Lengyel
                                    Ryan Fleming                  HUMAN RESOURCE                        Steve Plain
                                 Kristin Koperniak                   COMMITTEE                        Chris Stevenson
    Andy Hyland
                                Stephen Krolikowski           Jane Bopp, Chair/Board Liaison          Simon Wignall
                                   Jon Pantenburg                    Tammy Garland                     Steve Woods
    Gary Robinson         Chris Holdredge, Board Liaison      Chris Holdredge, Board Liaison         Regina Kim Yoon
                          Tom Hyndman, Board Liaison           Tom Hyndman, Board Liaison        Andy Hyland, Board Liaison
     Paula Silsby
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