THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden

Page created by Thelma Owen
THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden
                                     AUGUST 2021
                                        4435 North Pershing Drive, Arlington, VA 22203
                                                                        (703) 528-0162
                                                            VA Relay: 1-800-828-1120

        2 Administrative Team
        3 Happy Birthday!
        4 From the Director of Property Operations
        5 Calendar
        6 Updates and Reminders
        7 Recertification Updates
        8 Tips and Tricks
        9 Resident Services Updates and Events
        15 Clinic Space
        17 ARHC Updates and Events
        21 Resident Spotlight
        23 Resident Association
        25 Puzzles, Games, and More

    Our communities do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status,
     disability, source of funds, sexual orientation, gender identity and veteran status in the admission or access to, and/or
   treatment and employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities. Occupancy is open to all persons who meet
      the communities' eligibility criteria, regardless of the aforementioned federal and state statutorily protected classes.
THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden
                                Contact Us: (703) 528-0162
                    Paul Timpane (Ext. 113) Director of Property Operations
            Pasha Kelly (Ext. 131) HR Manager - Assistant Director of Property Operations
                    Rebekah Pearson (Ext. 141) Director of Resident Services
                   Becca Clayton (571-699-3831) Resident Services Coordinator
                           Angel Thompson (Ext. 114) Staff Accountant
                         Donna Jackson (Ext. 133) Director of Compliance
                       Jennifer Burgess (Ext. 110) Recertification Specialist
                        Ever Sanchez (Ext. 122) Director of Plant Operations
                           Ray Riddle (Ext. 136) Dining Services Director
                          Becky Ellison (Ext. 130) Director of Admissions
                   Gabby Chavez (Ext. 106) Marketing and Admissions Specialist
                         Candy Dragity (Ext. 102) Front Desk Coordinator
                           Marta Hill Gray (Ext. 128) Executive Director
                Jasmin Witcher (Ext. 120) Development and Communication Director
                  Ashley Gomez (Ext. 104) Volunteer Outreach and Activity Manager

                          Staff Highlight: Paul Timpane
Job Title: Director of Property Operations
How long have you been at Culpepper
Garden? I will have been at CG for three years in
What is your favorite part about your job?                                             Paul wearing a
This is an easy question, the people at Culpepper                                      Viking hat for
Garden. The stories and conversations I have                                            Silly Hat Day
with everyone in our community are so
interesting, fun, challenging and real that it
makes me humbled an honored to work here.
Where did you grow up? I grew up right here in
Arlington. I went to McKinley Elementary,
Swanson Junior High School, and graduated from       If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Yorktown High School in 1982. I was here before       I have been married to the most wonderful partner and
Metro and Ballston and when you had a tough          person for 27 years. I am not allowed a superpower… or is
time finding a good restaurant. My wife and I        that my superpower!
raised our son here in Arlington. We have lived in   What is the best advice you ever received? My parents
the same house for 26 years. A lot has changed       always told my three brothers and I to pursue happiness
in this county; but there are more of us native      but treasure your family and friends. Our home was always
Arlingtonian’s here than many realize and            filled with guests, family and laughter.
remember how sleepy a town this used to be.          Tell us a fun fact about yourself! I was born on a Friday
                                                     the 13th!! A lucky day!!
THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden
Apt.            Resident            Day
530               Sook Y. Jin       08/03
636          Kiem Thi Nguyen        08/04
832           Bashkim Carcani       08/04
410            Jamila Rahman        08/05
209           Donald R. Brown       08/06
219           Hanh Thu Pham         08/06
816            Karyl L. Moesel      08/07
731           Melvin H. Dunn        08/08
303           Nancy E. Moore        08/09
615        Robert Clements Jack     08/09
602          Sharon B. London       08/11
632         John B. Henderson       08/13
511             Sara A. Hayes       08/15
427             Zohreh Ziaei        08/15
216            Carol A. Bogart      08/16
606      Christopher C. Schifando   08/16
617              Hajrije Agolli     08/16
425        Hameeda J. Rehman        08/17
718          Mulyasari Sigwalt      08/22
601          Carmen Pommier         08/24
231              Lilia Ramos        08/25
630            Doyle Darragh        08/25
624        Grover L. Thomasson      08/27
703       Juana Armida Aparicio     08/28
806         Mark H. Hepworth        08/29
631           Mary A. McKeith       08/29
THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden
Dear Residents, Families, Staff, and Friends of Culpepper Garden!
I returned from a wonderful vacation at the beach with my family in July. It reminded me of how important it is to let
people into your lives so that we hear other opinions and beliefs, even within our own family and friendships. It was
refreshing, in more than just taking time off from work, it feeds and nurtures how we observe, take in, and interact with
the world around us. Make sure to take time to focus on how you take in the world. Start by letting it in. Go to events
here, make a lunch date with a friend in the Dining Room. Start a club or simply do something new. Those that can, try
to take a day off from your normal. We all need to it!!

As a weather reminder, we are in prime hot, humid, thunderstorm, and heavy rain season. Be prepared and pay
attention to weather forecasts. Always keep water with you.

There has been a very unfortunate rise in COVID-19 infection rates again. This is mostly impacting unvaccinated
individuals but is still a concerning development for our community.

STRICT INFECTION CONTROL Building Access Security and Safety Procedures:
·NO more than two adults at a time may visit the unit levels in the building.
·Children under the age of 18 are still not permitted in the building.
·No overnight guests.
·Masks remain required by residents and staff in the buildings.
·All visitors, guests and vendors entering the property will continue to be required to sign in at the front desk and
screened for any signs of illness. Advance notice preferred.
·Two people at a time in the elevators unless both people already on the elevator approve. This is a courtesy.

Culpepper Garden Management Update
1.The first on site Board of Directors meeting since early 2020 was held in the Administration Conference room in late
July. Members socialized and took short tours of the lobby and grounds area of campus. Great to have our Board back
in person at CG!
2.The resident gardeners have been reporting an unfortunate problem. Apparently, tomatoes, flowers, cucumbers,
and other fruits of their labors are being taken from their gardens without permission. As a reminder, this is called
stealing. Please keep an eye out on that area and report any suspicious activities. Look, but don’t touch.
3.New metal picnic benches arrived, hanging flowers purchased and all were installed under the beautiful new covered
shelter areas along the Gibboney Walk. These are fantastic areas for residents to gather for a picnic with friends or
family. Enjoy!
4.As a reminder, place all trash from your unit into a tied shut garbage bag. Take it to the trash room. Push the red
button on the chute door and put the trash down the chute. DO not place your trash in the recycling cans!!
5.Many staff will be on vacations during August. We will always be ready to serve you if your normal person is out.

August is a great month. The languid days of summer begin their slow turn towards the cooler days of Fall. So much
has changed with all of us since last August. I for one will enjoy these warm days. The sameness of the warmth,
calming of the bustle, brings peace to my solitude.

"Today is the first of August. It is hot, steamy and wet. It is raining. I am tempted to write a poem." ―Sylvia
Thank you. Looking forward to seeing your poems!! See you around the building!

THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden
THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden

                                                            Please continue to
                                                             wear your mask
         Pay attention to                                      outside your
          the weather!       Continue to stay cool              apartment
                                and hydrated!

                                   Make sure to eat plenty
                    Be sure to
                                   of fruits and vegetables!
                 take a walk and
                get some exercise!

                Don't be afraid
                to ask for help!

                                                               FLYER BOXES

Comments?                                                         Don't forget to
Ideas?                                                         check your flyer box
Complaints?                                                     located in the mail
                                                               room for important
Please make use of both of our suggestion boxes:
Resident Association: Beside the Front Desk
Resident Services: Garden Level, beside Resident Services
THE CLARION AUGUST 2021 - Culpepper Garden
                                   For Culpepper Garden I Residents

      If you receive a housing packet from Arlington County or Fairfax County for your Annual
  Recertification Housing Assistance Program AND you need help or have questions, please call Donna
  Jackson to schedule an appointment. IMPORTANT: Keep all your financial documents, for example, all
income statements, all bank statements, all out-of-pocket medical expenses, etc. in a safe place to report
     at your next annual recertification. You must report to the counties any changes in incomes.

All Culpepper Garden I resident have the LIHTC Program. I would like to welcome Jennifer Burgess. Our
   new Recertification Specialist. She will be conducting Annual Recertifications for Culpepper Garden I.

   If you receive an Annual Recertification Packet from Culpepper Garden, you must contact Jennifer
                                            Burgess, Ext. 110.

 Jennifer’s schedule will fill quickly, so once you collected all incomes, all assets and all medical expense
                                information, call to schedule your appointment.

                                 For Culpepper Garden II Residents

   You have the Project-Based HUD Section 8 Program. I would like to welcome Jennifer
 Burgess. Our new Recertification Specialist. She will be conducting Annual Recertifications for
 Culpepper Garden II. IMPORTANT: Keep all your financial documents, for example, all income
statements, all bank statements, all out-of-pocket medical expenses, etc. in a safe place to report
                              at your next annual recertification.

    If you receive an Annual Recertification Packet from Culpepper, you must contact Jennifer
                                         Burgess, Ext. 110.

  Jennifer’s schedule will fill quickly, so once you collected all incomes, all assets and all medical
                     expense information, call to schedule your appointment.
         **It is recommended that you keep your original copies of all your financial
           information (incomes, assets & medical expenses) for at least 2 years.**

          You may call to ask what is needed before scheduling your appointment.

                   Director of Compliance               Recertification Specialist
                   Donna Jackson (Ext. 133)              Jennifer Burgess (Ext. 110)
    NUTRITION TIP OF THE                                FITNESS AND FUN
              Fresh Food Close to Home
 Summer is a great time to enjoy nutritious, locally
     grown food from your neighborhood farmer’s
    ·Seasonal produce is full of vitamins, including
       antioxidants from berries and peaches or
     magnesium and potassium from green beans
  (heart healthy)! Find a rainbow of produce at the
   ·Fresh produce is often harvested the same day
       that it is brought to market - that’s fresh!
·A greater variety of produce is often available at a
    farmer’s market and not found at your grocery
 ·The produce is minimally processed and farmers
       use little, if any, pesticides or antibiotics.

                                                        SECURITY AND SAFETY
    Come visit Resident Services on the Garden Level. We are here to help you navigate
   services at Culpepper Garden, and in Arlington County. We have an open door policy,
  and welcome drop ins. You can call us to make an appointment, or stop by anytime. We
                hope to talk to you all soon! Best wishes, Rebekah and Becca

  MEDICARE/MEDICAID                               RELIGIOUS SERVICES
  Do you need assistance with Medicare              We will be bringing in Religious
               or Medicaid?                         Services to Culpepper Garden.
    John Glowacky and other Medicare               Examples of services that can be
     counselors from VICAP are taking              provided are: services streaming,
              appointments.                       connections one on one with faith
   Sign up with resident services or call            leaders, and connection with
      (703) 228-1725 to schedule an                           community.
              appointment.                           Please reach out to resident
   All appointments are being held by             services and we will assist you in
         phone or by Telehealth.                 connecting with religious services.

                         MEAL PROGRAMS
    One of our goals at Culpepper Garden is to reduce food insecurity inside our
  community, and make sure everyone is connected to programs, and assistance to
reduce hunger at Culpepper Garden. Please reach out to your Service Coordinators if
                         you are struggling to afford food.

        CULPEPPER                                 ARLINGTON COUNTY
     DINING SERVICES                                MEAL SUBSIDY
    There are 4 different meal plan options       If you are on the Culpepper Garden Meal
 available through Culpepper Garden Dining.        Program, or would like to sign up for the
15 - $130 / month            31 - $250 / month   meal program, you may be eligible for Meal
62 - $450 / month            93- $535 / month         Subsidy through Arlington County.
 The cost of a single meal, for those not on a       Please see Rebekah with Resident
               meal plan, is $10.                     Services if you are interested in
Contact: Ray Riddle 703-528-0162 ext. 136               applying for additional aid.

 Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) comes to deliver
      food to Culpepper Garden for residents in need.
There are no income limits, and this program will serve
any resident who is struggling to afford food, or is need
                    of their services.

 GREEN AFAC (FULL)                            YELLOW AFAC
  Includes: Choice of protein, milk,       Includes: Milk, Eggs, and Bread
eggs, bread, fruit, vegetables, rice or
   pasta, beans, oats, and canned                   Sign Up:
               goods.                     Every other Wednesday 10AM-
           Sign Up:                                 Pick up:
 Every other Friday 10AM-11AM              Every other Friday 12:30PM -
            Pick up:                                 1:30PM
  Every other Friday 1PM -3PM
                                           See Calendar for Yellow AFAC
   See Calendar for Green AFAC                       Events
                Culpepper Garden Service Coordinators
                   Rebekah Pearson and Becca Clayton

 The agency provides free legal advice to residents. Please call 703-778-6800 to
  schedule an appointment. Appointments are made in the order of request. If
  you are not a U.S. citizen, you must have proof of your immigration status.

                      LANGUAGE SERVICES

   Culpepper Garden will make reasonable efforts to provide or arrange free
language assistance for all its clients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). This
   service is available to all LEP clients, including applicants, recipients, and/or
       persons eligible for housing or employment at Culpepper Garden.

                        LIBRARY SERVICES
                                  Books by Mail:
 For Arlington Residents who are homebound and unable to visit the library due
  to a physical disability or impairment, we mail the library to you! Choose from
                  large and regular print books and audiobooks.
         Call: (703) 228-5960 or Email:
                                  Talking Books:
For Arlington Residents who are have visual or physical impairments that prevent
  them from reading print books. Choose from thousands of books, magazines,
   and newspapers. The library lends you a specialized player you can use.
          Call: (703) 228-6333 or Email:

                 Culpepper Garden Service Coordinators
                    Rebekah Pearson and Becca Clayton
                         METRO ACCESS & STAR
  To be eligible for MetroAccess/STAR, residents must be 55 or older and submit an application
form that has been completed and signed by their doctor. Once the applicant has the completed
  the application form, they are instructed to call Metro Access for a pre-assessment telephone
 interview which will complete the initial application process. Further instructions will be given at
                                              that time.
  There are no restrictions on the purpose of the trip. Customers must call Metro Access at
         301-562-5360 or STAR at 703-228-1900 at least 24 hours prior to the trip.

            SENIOR LOOP                                        TARGET LOOP
       The LOOP provides free wheelchair-              This run will leave Culpepper Garden the
      accessible transportation for grocery               second Monday of each month at
      shopping and the Library (if specifically          11:00AM, and will pick up at Target at
   requested, in advance). The LOOP picks up at         1:00PM for the return trip. You NEED to
     Culpepper Garden every Tuesday and                make reservations for the trip no later
        Thursday (except for holidays).                  than 4:00PM the Friday before the
            You must register to ride.                 pick-up date. The phone number is 703-
   Contact resident services for an application.       228-1900 (same as regular LOOP). If you
     You must call the day before the trip to          have not made a reservation, you will
     reserve a seat on the LOOP. The phone                  not be allowed on the bus. No
   number for Senior LOOP is: 703-228-1900.                            exceptions.

                                      SENIOR TAXI
SST or Super Senior Taxi is a subsidized taxicab program for Arlington County citizens 70 years
   or older. Taxi coupons worth $20.00 may be purchased for half price at $10.00.
Customers will be charged the regular fare, which may be paid with the coupons. Destinations
         are not restricted as long as the trip originates or ends in Arlington County.
  Please remember to confirm with your taxi driver BEFORE you get in the taxi that
                               they will accept your coupons.

                      Culpepper Garden Service Coordinators
                         Rebekah Pearson and Becca Clayton
       TALK                        HEARING ASSITANCE
                                   Come join us on August 24th
                                        at 10:30AM in the
Come join us on August 10th        Multipurpose Room to learn
     at 10:30AM in the               about hearing loss, and
Multipurpose Room to learn               assistive devices!
 about nutrition and how to
                                          Sponsored By:
  make healthier choices!
      Sponsored By:

     We hope to see you at programs this month!
  There are many benefits of attending programming, including:

                  Better cognitive functioning
                  Improved emotional health
                   Boosted immune system
                          Better sleep
                      Increased longevity
                   Improved physical health
              Culpepper Garden Service Coordinators
                 Rebekah Pearson and Becca Clayton

        SAVE THE DATE!

                     WHEN?: SEPTEMBER 3RD, 2021

                           TIME?: 2PM-4PM



      There will be snacks, games with prizes and a raffle!
A splash tower to dunk water on a staff member! If you have any
             staff recommendations, let us know!
  Snacks will be $1 per snack and the tickets for the raffle and
                     games are $1 per ticket!
              Please invite your family and friends!
   If you are interested in donating baked goods or have any
               questions, contact resident services!

               Culpepper Garden Service Coordinators
                  Rebekah Pearson and Becca Clayton
        BLOOD PRESSURE                                 DENTAL
      Every Tuesday and Friday
                                                   No August Clinic
            10AM-12PM                          Dental services provided by the Fenwick
                                                Foundation and Stay at Home Smiles.
   (Will also be checking blood sugar)
                                             Please sign up with Resident Services for the
  *residents must bring their own
                                                               Wait List.
               equipment*                    Appointments are not guaranteed, and
                                                need to be requested in advance.
           PODIATRIST                            DERMATOLOGIST
           August 16th                             August 18th
    Please schedule your appointment              To schedule an appointment
           with the front desk.                    please call 877-345-5300

                                                   PRIMARY CARE
  George Washington University Doctoral If you would like to be connected with a
     Student, Jayoti Soor, will be seeing    doctor who can see you at Culpepper
     residents interested in counseling        Gardens for Primary Care Services,
    services. Appointment Required.          please see resident services, we will be
Please see Resident Services for a referral.    able to assist you with referrals.

   PHYSICAL THERAPY                              OTHER SERVICES
    To schedule an appointment with         Please contact Resident Services if
       Genesis call: 571-800-8693           there is a specialty service you would
                                            like to see come to
                                            Culpepper Garden.

                    Culpepper Garden Service Coordinators
                       Rebekah Pearson and Becca Clayton

                                   Jayoti Soor, MS

Jayoti Soor is currently a doctoral student in the clinical psychology (PsyD) program at the George
       Washington University and will be seeing patients under the supervision of a licensed
   psychologist. The Professional Psychology Program’s Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in Clinical
    Psychology prepares students to assess and treat people who are struggling emotionally.
                Mental health counseling can be useful in the following ways:
     1.Coping with depression and anxiety by fostering hope, and building skills for
                                        managing emotions
       2.Providing a safe space to discuss, explore, and reflect on about challenging
                   3.Learning effective interpersonal communication skills
  4.Providing opportunities for self-exploration and self-discovery, and for enhancing
                                self-esteem and self-acceptance
                              5.Exploring opportunities for change
     Aligning with meaning, values and purpose in life with improved quality of life

Jayoti holds a Masters in Counseling and Dance/Movement Therapy from Antioch University New
 England and a second Masters in Mass Communication from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She
has worked in Dominion Hospital across the Child, Adolescent, Adult, Eating Disorder and Trauma
    units. She has also worked at George Washington University Hospital in the adult, inpatient
psychiatric unit and at Sagebrush Rehab Center, a substance use, dual diagnosis outpatient clinic.
  She has worked internationally in the rehabilitation of trafficked survivors and juvenile convicts.
   She specializes in trauma-informed treatment through psychosomatic, psychodynamic, and
mindfulness based interventions and believes in wholistic health along with addressing systemic,
                                        multicultural issues.

 For more information, please contact Culpepper Garden Resident Services
            The Animal Welfare League of Arlington
                 helps all Arlington Residents
               Throughout its 75 year history, the Animal Welfare
               League of Arlington (AWLA) has been committed to
                serving the community. What started in 1944 as a
             modest volunteer run organization, AWLA now counts
              on 50 staff and 300 volunteers to fulfill its mission to
    improve the lives of animals and people by providing resources, care and
 protection. Today, AWLA is responsible for the care and adoption of thousands
 of animals, the management of the County’s Animal Control, the promotion of
      humane education, and the delivery of community support services.

Recognizing that Culpepper Gardens is pet friendly, AWLA reached out to see how
they could help residents and their pets as well as arrange for some furry friends
 to make a visit. In particular, AWLA would like to highlight two great services;

                                    Pet Pantry
AWLA offers donation-based pet food assistance to residents of Arlington County
and Falls Church City. This includes items such as pet food, kitty litter, treats,
toys, and flea/tick prevention. Last year over 16,000 dog meals and 23,000 cat
meals were provided to pet families in our community. All items are FREE. AWLA
offers bimonthly home deliveries of Pet Pantry items at no charge, including to
Culpepper residents. Residents can call AWLA at 703- 931-9241 during operating
hours and place a pet pantry order.

    The HELP Program is short term (up to four weeks) sheltering for pets of
   residents of Arlington County or Falls Church City experiencing a health or
housing crisis, including emergency hospitalization. This service is FREE of charge.
  HELP pets are cared for by the League’s most trusted and experienced foster
  families. Please contact the AWLA at 703-931-9241 if you have any questions.
       All information about these programs is available at

             ARHC Volunteer Outreach and Activity Manager
                             Ashley Gomez
  AWLA Services Presentation            AWLA’s Kitten College
 On the above programs as well        For cuddles and cuteness.
 as veterinary assistance grants,      Wednesday August 11th
  vaccination clinics and more.                2:00pm
       Tuesday August 17th                      Lobby
       Multipurpose Room

            Nail Painting           Valerie's Virtual Piano Lounge
   Second Saturday of the month      Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of
 Start date: Saturday August 14th             the month
         9:30AM - 11:30AM           START DATE: AUGUST 3RD AND
      MULTIPURPOSE ROOM                      AUGUST 17TH
                                       MULTIPURPOSE ROOM

           ARHC Volunteer Outreach and Activity Manager
                           Ashley Gomez
          English Classes                NASA Program
        Every other Friday                   August 5
       Start date: August 13                  7:00pm
              3:00pm                    Multipurpose Room
Meeting Space near the Beauty Salon

             ZUMBA                     NEW Bingo Schedule
           August 4th                    EVERY TUESDAY
              1PM                             2PM

           Library Event                MOVIE SURVEY
    First Friday of the month    The Movie Guy would like to
 NEXT EVENT: FRIDAY AUGUST 6TH         hear from you!
             1PM - 3PM
               LOBBY           Please pick up a small survey by
                                the front desk and drop it off
                                  with Ashley by AUGUST 13!

          ARHC Volunteer Outreach and Activity Manager
                          Ashley Gomez
    Bible Study with Pastor Mike
      Every other Wednesday
             AL 8th Floor

 Catholic Holy Communion Service
           Every Sunday
        Multipurpose Room

            Pray the Rosary
     First Tuesday of the month
         Multipurpose Room

            Catholic Mass
     Last Thursday of the month
         Multipurpose Room

     Protestant Church Services
           Every Sunday
            AL 8th Floor
ARHC Volunteer Outreach and Activity Manager
                Ashley Gomez
                 VACLAV NOVY
Vaclav, also called Vena, was born in
Czechoslovakia, later called the Czech
Republic after the end of Communist Party
rule. Vena, his parents, two older brothers
and two younger sisters escaped from
Communist Czechoslovakia in 1968 when
Vena was 23. His mother was German and
they were able to settle in Frankfurt,
Germany. The siblings are now spread
around the world--from the Czech Republic
to Frankfurt to London to California to
Culpepper Garden. Vena's dream was to
get to the United States which he managed
to do on his own at age 26. He reconnected
with Quy, a State Department translator from Vietnam he had met while she
was on a translating trip to Frankfurt. He continued seeing her and they
decided to marry in 1974. They lived in Silver Spring, Maryland, where their first
child, James, was born. Their second child, Michele, was born in 1976. Within
five years, Vena had his green card, or permanent residency, and then applied
for U.S. citizenship, which he received in 1976.
During his years in Czechoslovakia, Vena worked at various jobs, including as an
electrician. Under Communist rule, he never acquired the type of good work
ethic that is common in the U.S. His quote about that time is--"We pretended to
work and they pretended to pay us." In the U.S., he worked at various jobs but
had no long-term career. He took some classes at Montgomery College and the
University of Maryland. He found a place to live with a friend in Bailey's
Crossroads in Arlington where he lived for many years. When his friend died,
Vena was fortunate enough to be able to move to Culpepper Garden.

              Resident Spotlight Written By: Mary Campbell
                 VACLAV NOVY
Vena had run track in school and became active in long distance running. He ran
several Boston Marathons, as well as ultramarathons, or those beyond the
standard marathon of 26.2 miles, such as the JFK 50 Mile. After being injured
running, Vena needed to find a new sport. He turned to tennis and felt that it
came naturally to him. He played regularly and attended various professional
tournaments as a spectator, including Wimbledon, the U.S. Open, and an annual
DC tournament in Rock Creek Park. Being Czech, he met some of the well-known
Czech professional players at the tournaments. He has pictures taken with
Martina Navratilova, Petr Korda, Rod Laver, Marian Vajda (coach of Novak
Djokovic), and Brooke Shields, when she was married to Andre Agassi. Through
his Czech connections, he has gotten Player Guest Credentials that allow
entrance to the Players' Lounge at major tournaments.
Vena and his wife divorced amicably after seven years and remain in contact.
 His son, Jim, lives in New Jersey and his daughter, Michele, lives in Leesburg and
has two children, Ilana, 14, and Jacob, 11. The family has gotten together, along
with Quy, his ex-wife, for Thanksgiving and holidays.
Vena met his friend, Bobbie, in 1994 while playing tennis every weekend. She
played as his partner in doubles and they have remained friends over the years.
Bobbie, who lives in Alexandria, visits Vena every week, drives him to get
groceries, and they often walk and go on outings together. They have walked all
over the Arlington area, enjoying nature, watching for chipmunks and birds.
 Bobbie emails Vena's family to update them on how he is doing.
Vena moved to Culpepper Garden in 2018. Because of a hearing loss, it is
difficult for him to converse with others. He had met with friends during meals
before the pandemic but, like everyone, his social contacts were limited during
the past year. He enjoys watching tennis on TV and listens to country music
that he has always enjoyed. He has a wonderful aide, Mildred, who helps him
every day with cleaning and cooking and is a friend, as well. She has helped
decorate his apartment with lovely pictures painted by another resident, Vivian
DeMent. If you see Vena, remember to greet him loudly and clearly so that he
can hear you and respond.

              Resident Spotlight Written By: Mary Campbell
                           THE VARIETY STORE IS OPEN!
    Monday                       Wednesday                                Friday
     1-3PM                          1-3pm                                 1-3PM

Some prices on items have increased but there are some prices that have decreased.
 This reflects current prices we have to pay to put the products on our shelves. We
  have some candy bars for $1.00 but had to increase the price for canned soda to
 $.60.We have a large assortment of cookies at our regular price of $1.50 and some
small packs for as little as $.10.We are trying to offer you a large assortment of items.
                             Please let us know what you like.
    We are also making more changes in the store to make it easier for you to shop. More
 items will be on display and new items will be carried. In August disposable face masks will
                           be on sale at our cost of $.20 per mask.
   We want to make sure everyone has a mask and a replacement mask available to wear
                                     within our building.

   Management has approved a reusable "To Go" Container that will enable you to take
  LEFTOVER FOOD ONLY from the Dining Room to your apartment. No soup, liquids, or
     beverages can be removed from the dining room. The Variety Store will stock the
  approved containers which will sell for $1.00 as soon as we can get shipment. Please do
  not abuse the rules by trying to carry liquids. We do not want to lose this privilege. More
   residents may want to eat occasional meals in the Dining Room knowing they can take
                         their leftovers home to eat at a later time.

  Some of our volunteers have health issues and have had to cut back on their volunteer
  time. We need help with unloading and stocking shelves and organizing our storeroom.
     HEY YOU GUYS WE NEED SOME MUSCLE. If you can just give us an hour we would
                                    appreciate that.

                           Resident Association President
                                     Edie Mims
  Management has approved a monthly BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION. The party will be held
  the last Tuesday of each month at 1 PM, in the Dining Room to honor each resident having a
birthday that month. The first BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION will be held Tuesday, August 31st.
Everyone having a birthday that month is invited, PLUS, all other residents and all staff members.
 The BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION will be sponsored by not only the Resident Association but
                          also Volunteer Services, and Dining Services.

        Do any of you wonder how we will finance the BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION?
                                 Read on for the answer.

   Management has approved for the Resident Association and Volunteer Services to have a
     SNOWFLAKE TREE in our lobby this Holiday Season. The tree will have white lights and
personalized white snowflakes. The personalized white snowflakes will go on sale November 1st.
 The money made from from the sale of the SNOWFLAKES will be used to pay for the monthly
                             Birthday Party Celebration in 2022.

(The management of the SNOWFLAKE TREE will be similar to how The Memory Tree was done in
 previous years. Anyone purchasing a Snowflake may order and choose to have it personalized
 or not, hung on tree, or take it with them. Any Snowflakes hung on tree will be returned to the
            purchaser when the tree is removed at the end of the Holiday Season.)

                                        Puzzle answers
                         Words made from top line computer letters.
  bead, bored, beard, board, brake, break, derby, dear, dorky, drake, broke, broad, bread, rake,
                bake, baker, adobe, ray, ready, yoke, rob, adore, bark, port, pout

                     When and where first bathing suit worn. England 1841

                               Who invented sunglasses? Chinese

                     Which state grows most lemons for eating? B. California

  Please feel free to call Edie Mims at 571-251-8932 with questions or suggestions. You
                may also put a note in the RA black box at the front desk.

                            Resident Association President
                                      Edie Mims
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