St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022

Page created by Mathew Reynolds
St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022
St. Sebastian Parish   June 12, 2022
St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022

Parish Contact        476 Mull Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44320
Information           Email:
                      To reach Parish Council email:

Office Telephone      Main Office……………………………………………………….330-836-2233
Directory             Parish School Office………………………………………………330-836-9107
                      Center for Early Learning………………………………………...330-836-9107
                      Parish School of Religion………………………………………...330-836-2233
                      Academy of Culture & Arts……………………………………….330-867-5347
                      Julie Billiart School at St. Sebastian……………………………...234-206-0941
                      EMERGENCY LINE…………………………………………….330-836-2233
                      For a priest at night and only in the event of urgent sickness or imminent death
CLERGY                Reverend John A. Valencheck…………………………………………...Pastor
                      Reverend Jozef Bozek…………………………………………...Parochial Vicar
                      Reverend Bede Kotlinski OSB……………………………..Weekend Associate
                      Reverend Justin D. Dyrwal OSB…………………………...Weekend Associate
                      Reverend Paschal Petcavage OSB………………………….Weekend Associate
ADMINISTRATION        Milissa Smith…………………………………………..Parish Business Manager
                      Lynn Frey-Steward, CAGO, MM………...Director of Music/Choirmaster/Organist
                      Cathy Sivec………………………………………………...Rectory Office Manager
                      Jennifer Jones…………………………………………..Rectory Office Assistant
                      Michelle Huber...…………………….Director of Marketing & Public Relations
                      Kathy Holaday………………………………………..Director of Development
                      Michael Zimmerman…………………………………………Facilities Manager

EDUCATION             Anthony Rohr…………………………………………………..School Principal
                      Keith Johnson………………………………………..Parish Catechetical Leader
                      Cinnamon Chivers………………………………………………..PSR Principal
                      John Joyce……………………..Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Programs
                      Scott Mason.………………………..Director of the Academy of Culture & Arts
                      Jason Wojnicz……………………………………...Julie Billiart School Principal

Prayer Line           Legion of Mary 330-485-3731

Sacrament of          Tuesday, 7:00 to 7:30pm, Friday, 4:00 to 5:00pm, Saturday, 9:30 to 10:00am and by
Reconciliation        appointment

Exposition of the     Tuesdays, 8:30am-8:00pm, closing with Benediction at 7:40pm
Blessed Sacrament
Registration          New parishioners are most welcome to stop by the rectory office or visit the parish
                      website to register.

Office Hours          Rectory office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm, Saturday 8:30am-4:30pm
                      and Sunday 8:30am-1:00pm.

Bulletin Deadline     Requests must be submitted by 8:00am on Saturday morning. Requests for full
                      page inserts must be submitted 2 weeks in advance using Microsoft Word or
                      Publisher software. Drop off at the Rectory, fax to 330-836-2235 or email to
St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022
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 From The Pastor
Our church was completed in 1960. Since that time, our upper, tile roof has done an admirable job.
About ten years ago we had the tiles tested and the report came back that they should hold up for about
another twenty years. And they have! Unfortunately, the membrane underneath the tiles responsible for
keeping the rain out is failing.
Taking the risk of telling you more than you want to know: The job of the clay tiles that you see is to
take the brunt of the weather and protect the roof from pelting water, hail, snow, slush, birds, branches,
wind and so forth. But what actually keeps the water out of the church interior is the material
underneath. The tiles seem to be holding up to their promise of ten or so more years, but if you have
looked up and around the interior of the church, there is plaster damage from water leaks.
We will need to replace material underneath before we fix our plaster. This will require lifting our tile
roof and putting down new, hopefully improved material. But it does not seem to make sense to pay to
put the old tile back down just to have to remove it again in ten years and replace it. It seems much
more prudent just to replace the tile roof when it is removed so that it may go about its work of keeping
us dry hopefully even longer than the current roof of 60 years.
We are currently seeking bids not only for this roof, but for the two bell towers, the accent on the Early
Learning Center and possibly the greenhouse. It will provide a unified look across the campus as well as
being more cost effective in having it all done at once. When that is finished, the plaster in the church
will be repaired, which, fortunately, is covered by insurance.
CONCERT: The Greater Cleveland Chamber Choir will round out our current season of
concerts this Saturday, June 11, at 6:30pm in the church. There will be a pre-concert talk at 6:00pm.
Our next season kicks off on Thursday, July 14, with our annual Brick Street Jazz and Wine Festival.
NEW MINISTRY FOR FINANCIAL WELLNESS: For those individuals and couples who wish to
discuss or evaluate their finances, investments, retirement planning and other financial related issues,
there is a new ministry in the parish to help answer your questions. The Financial Wellness Ministry
has been established by two long-term members of the parish to provide FREE and CONFIDENTIAL
guidance. Ed Hillmuth and Jim Burns have both served on Parish Finance Council and have extensive
Finance and Banking backgrounds. They are here to help with issues such as: How do I invest? How do
I set up a budget? What is my net worth? Should I refinance my mortgage? Do I need life insurance and
if so, how much and what kind? Am I saving enough for retirement? Ed and Jim are willing to meet
multiples times if desired. Both men are especially interested in working with younger individuals and
couples, including high school and college students, to help them start off adult life with a good financial
For more information contact Ed Hillmuth at 330-697-1437 or Jim Burns at 330-322-9487.
DEATH OF BISHOP MALESIC’S FATHER: This past week, Joseph A. Malesic, the father of our
Bishop, Edward Malesic passed away at the age of 104. Please offer a prayer for our Bishop, his family
and for the repose of the soul of his father.
If you would like to write a note to the Bishop, here is his address:
                               The Right Reverend Edward C. Malesic JCL
                                            Bishop of Cleveland
                                            1404 East 9th Street
                                          Cleveland, OH 44114
DIOCESAN NEWS: There may be events and offerings around the diocese that you might be
interested in that do not always make it into our bulletin. Here are some ways to stay more informed.
Go to and type “Diocesan Memorandum” into the search bar for more
programs across the diocese and information about the church of greater Cleveland. You could also
type, “Festivals” into the search bar and see a listing of many of the parish festivals in our eight-county
God bless,
Fr. Valencheck
St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022

Sunday, June 12, The Most Holy Trinity
       Prv 8:22-31/Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [2a]/Rom 5:1-5/
                                                                          WEEKLY CALENDAR
                                                              Monday, June 13
       Jn 16:12-15                                            8:40am        LOM, Our Lady of Humility      Library
4:30pm Ann Gingold (Birthday) - Fr. Bozek                     9:00am        Magical Theatre Camp           Zwisler Hall
9:00am J. Harold Traverse - Fr. Bozek                         6:00pm        Cantor Rehearsal               Church
11:00am The People of St. Sebastian - Fr. Valencheck          7:00pm        K of C Officers Meeting        Forest Lodge
1:00pm Extraordinary Form, Trinity Sunday, James R. & Marie
       T. White - Fr. Bede
                                                              Tuesday, June 14
Monday, June 13, St. Anthony of Padua, Priest &               8:40am         Adoration                     Church
Doctor of the Church                                          9:00am         Magical Theatre Camp          Zwisler Hall
       1 Kgs 21:1-16/Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-6a, 6b-7/Mt 5:38-42       7:00pm         Confession                    Church
8:00am Ron & Helen Tedeschi - Fr. Bozek                       8:00pm         Gregorian Schola Rehearsal    Church

Tuesday, June 14                                              Wednesday, June 15
       1 Kgs 21:17-29/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 11 and 16/            9:00am       Magical Theatre Camp            Zwisler Hall
       Mt 5:43-48                                             7:00pm       Praise & Worship Ensemble       Church
8:00am Ursula Horrigan Beringer (Anniversary) -               7:00pm       Faith of Our Fathers            Forest Lodge
       Fr. Valencheck
                                                              Thursday, June 16
Wednesday, June 15                                            9:00am        Magical Theatre Camp           Zwisler Hall
       2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Ps 31:20, 21, 24/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18       7:00pm        Boy Scout Troop # 96           Byrider 1 & 3
8:00am For the Intentions of Gail Pfeiffer on her birthday    7:00pm        St. Vincent de Paul Meeting    Byrider 2
       Fr. Bozek
                                                              7:00pm        Legion of Mary                 Library
Thursday, June 16
       Sir 48:1-14/Ps 97:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7/Mt 6:7-15           Friday, June 17
8:00am Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Haag - Fr. Bozek                     9:00am          Magical Theatre Camp         Zwisler Hall
                                                              4:00pm          Confession                   Church
Friday, June 17                                               7:30pm          Alcoholics Anonymous Mtg.    Church Mtg. Rm
        2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Ps 132:11, 12, 13-14, 17-18/
        Mt 6:19-23                                            Saturday, June 18
8:00am Donald Adams - Fr. Valencheck                          9:30am         Confession                    Church
                                                              7:00pm         Alcoholics Anonymous Mtg.     Church Mtg. Rm
Saturday, June 18
       2 Chr 24:17-25/Ps 89:4-5, 29-30, 31-32,                Sunday, June 19
       33-34/Mt 6:24-34                                       12:15pm        Gregorian Schola Rehearsal    Church Mtg. Rm
8:00am Brian Ward - Fr. Valencheck
4:30pm David Frye - Fr. Bozek

Sunday, June 19, The Most Holy Body & Blood of
Christ (Corpus Christi)
        Gn 14:18-20/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/1 Cor 11:23-26/
        Lk 9:11b-17
9:00am The People of St. Sebastian - Fr. Valencheck                                      All the sick of the parish:
11:00am Jack R. Gleason, Frank R. Parmelee & Thomas F.                                   Annette Bailey, Marilyn Bohling,
        Reed - Fr. Bozek                                                                 Jill Buffa, Regina Buhalak, Rita
1:00pm Extraordinary Form, Second Sunday after Pentecost,     Buhalak Gossford, Dan Canale, Christopher Casey, Emilio
        James R. White - Fr. Paschal
                                                              Cheuy, Jo Cooney, Rita Cummings, Anthony D’Attoma,
                                                              Linda Davis, Marjorie DeLuca, Mary Pat Doorley, Robert
                                                              Hickey, Phil Hochstetler, John and Terry Hogan, Ann
                                                              Hubiak, Carolyn Jeske, Janet Kendrick, Jenny Kerrigan,
                                                              Jean Labate, Dr. Dan Lehnhoff, John Marckel, Myrna
                                                              Marple, Don Matis, Ken Minrovic, Betty O’Hara, Kathleen
                                                              O’Hearn, Keith Pecek, Beverly & Mike Preston, Mary
             III Olivia Wilde & David Cort                    Ricks, Nancy Ropchock, Aaron Salisbury, Ann Sandvick,
           II Danielle Kastor & Joshua Parisi                 Michael Schnetzer, John Schultz, Cory Schulz, Tom Smith,
                                                              Steve Watral and Ann Zsembik.
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Business Manager/Facility News
   Safety and Security on campus is a priority, please do                        Financial Update
    not prop doors open on campus.                                  Week of June 5, 2022
   Summer is approaching and we do special cleaning                 4:30pm…………………………………..$5,435
    projects during this time, if anyone is interested in            9:00am…………………………………..$4,262
    service hours or volunteering please contact the                 11:00am…………………………………$1,514
    Business Office.                                                 1:00pm…………………………………..$1,052
   Church Roof has been bid and under review.                        Mailed in to Rectory……………………$5,675
   Church Chiller is working, checking on the running               ONLINE GIVING (Electronic)………….$9,792
    noise.                                                            *weekly average based on a monthly total
   Courtyard new picnic tables are in and looking great.
   Summer crew has already starting school spruce up                 Total Collection…………………………..$27,730
    and painting.
                                                                    Thank you for your continued commitment to
    For questions, call 330-836-2233                                St. Sebastian Parish.

God Bless and thank you for your support of our Parish Mission.     We pray for your continued generous support of
Milissa Smith-Business Manager                                      God’s work here at St. Sebastian.
Mike Zimmerman – Facility Manager
Theology on the Rocks                                             Concert on the Lawn
                  Join us on Monday, June 20, at                  Join us on Thursday, June 23, at 7:00pm in the
                  7:00pm as we welcome our Guest                  courtyard for a concert featuring the Peggy Coyle Trio.
                  speaker Fr. Jeremy Merzweiler,                  Bring lawn chairs and picnic baskets and enjoy the great
                  Pastor, St. Francis de Sales Parish             music.
                  who will present a talk entitled, “Satan
101: Knowing the Ways of the Enemy Can Set You                    Eucharistic & Patriotic Rosary Procession
Free” at El Rancho Mexican Restaurant, located at 1666            Please join us, on Saturday, July 9, at 1:00pm at St.
West Exchange St., Akron. We have the main dining                 Bernard Parish, as we bring Our Lord and His Blessed
room reserved so there will be plenty of room. Arrival at         Mother out of the Church and into the streets as a
7:00pm. Program begins at 7:30pm. Admission fee is                beautiful witness to our faith. Using our two most
$5.00. Free chips and salsa. Food and drinks available for        powerful weapons, the Blessed Sacrament and the
purchase. Sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish, Akron.               Rosary, unite with us in a prayer of thanksgiving for the
                                                                  many gifts bestowed upon us and a petition for further
Men's Breakfast Club                                              healing of our state, our nation and the world. This
                                                                  procession has been organized by the Legion of Mary,
                  All men of the parish are invited to
                                                                  Our Lady of Humility, in conjunction with the parishes
                  attend a breakfast and discussion
                                                                  of St. Bernard and St. Mary. The one mile route will end
                  following the 8:00am Mass on
                                                                  with Benediction at St. Mary Parish at approximately
                  Saturday, June 25. We will meet in
                                                                  1:45. For those unable to process, the rosary will be
                  Zwisler Hall around 8:30, have a
                                                                  prayed simultaneously at St. Mary Church. In case of
                  blessing, enjoy a meal provided by the
                                                                  inclement weather Adoration and the Rosary will begin
Wyszynski Brothers, discuss the possible ramifications of
                                                                  at 1:15 at St. Mary Church. Please direct any questions to
the recent SCOTUS leaked draft, pray for Father
                                                         or call 330-826-1030.
Anthony and his new assignment, and discuss other
issues of interest to the men in attendance. We should be
finished and on our way home by 10:00 so that other               Alternatives to Abortion
weekend duties can be handled and family time enjoyed.            Option Line: 1-800-712-HELP.
Please RSVP to                                                    Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline: 1-877-558-0333.
330-864-1708 after June 16, or email               Project Rachel (post-abortion healing): 216-334-2966.
St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022
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The Essence of the Most Holy Trinity                           Catechetical Corner
Pope John XXII made the Feast of the Holy Trinity part         With the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost the
of the official liturgy of the Universal Church in 1334.       revelation of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit was
Falling as it does on the Sunday after Pentecost, this day     complete. Today’s solemnity celebrating the Most Holy
honoring the Trinity brings together all the mysteries         Trinity is a way of recognizing this fact. We begin and
that we have celebrated during the seasons of Lent and         end our prayers by making the sign of the cross and
Easter: the creative, saving and sanctifying work of God       invoking the Name of the Blessed Trinity. We are
that not only freed us from the powers of sin and death,       showing that our entire lives are lived in light of this
but which also unites us as a community of faith—the           revelation. God has called each of us to know, love and
Church.                                                        serve Him; to live with Him forever. We will do so
                                                               within this communion of love. We are invited into the
The Preface of the Mass for this celebration helps us to       very depths of love shared by the Persons of the Blessed
understand that the communion of love—a “Trinity in            Trinity.
unity”—defines our experience of the inner life of God:
For with Your Only Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit                        --Keith Johnson, Parish Catechetical Leader
You are one God, one Lord:
not in the unity of a single person,                           won The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louise Marie de
but in a Trinity of one substance.                             Montfort. The Legion of Mary is so very appreciative for
                                                               everyone’s support of their mission to bring all to Jesus
For what You have revealed to us of your glory                 through Mary.
we believe equally of your Son
and of the Holy Spirit,                                        Family Perspectives
so that, in the confession of the true and eternal             Today is Trinity Sunday. The day that we celebrate each
Godhead,                                                       year after Pentecost where God shares and invites us
You might be adored in what is proper to each Person,          into a life of communion with Him. We read in the
their unity in substance,                                      Catechism (221) that God revealed his innermost secret;
and their equality in majesty.                                 God, Himself is an external exchange of love, Father,
                                                               Son and Spirit. We are destined to share in that
This important liturgical text invites us to consider how
                                                               exchange. We are made for love and to love as He loved.
our own relationships are reflections of that unique and
                                                               Love beyond our understanding. The continual
dynamic communion that exists within God—the
                                                               relationship of the trinity can be difficult to explain. We
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. By grace, we are
                                                               have used symbols for generations to help us wrap our
constantly being invited to be part of that relationship, to
                                                               heads around the trinity. My favorite is perhaps
live in the love of God.
                                                               Chocolate milk. We can have a cup of milk and some
Our celebration of Trinity Sunday is an invitation for us      chocolate sauce in a cup but not have chocolate milk.
to continue to move beyond ourselves and our own               We have to provide the energy to STIR it. Thinking of
sense of “mine.” God continues to bless us—in the              God the FATHER and the SON activated by the
ongoing act of creation, in the freely given gifts of          SPIRIT leads to LOVING. We can be the exchange in
healing and redemption of Christ, and the life-giving          our “stirring” up the Holy Spirit for others through our
Spirit that inspires faith, hope, and love—and invites us      Love.
to receive the graces and gifts He so freely gives. We are
called to extend that invitation to others by sharing what
we have received.                                                  Adoration for Vocation Campaign
                                                                           Vocations are everyone’s business

                        --Fr. Jozef Bozek, Parochial Vicar           Please come and offer one hour on Tuesday
                                                                              from 8:30am to 8:00pm
Legion of Mary Winners                                                             for vocations
Chris Alexander is the winner of the 30 inch Our Lady
of Fatima Statue. David Lane won the True Devotions                            Benediction at 7:40pm
to Mary by St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Mariana Mora                 The Harvest Is Great - the Laborers Are Few
St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022

                                                           Brickstreet Jazz & Wine Festival
                                                           Tickets for this year's Brickstreet Jazz and Wine Festival
                                                           on Thursday, July 14, will be sold after 9:00 and 11:00
                                                           Mass on June 26, July 3 and July 10. General Admission
                                                           tickets are $35/each and Patron Level Tickets (earlier
                                                           entry, champagne toast, gift basket) are $50/each.
                                                           Checks should be made out to ACA at St. Sebastian
                                                           Parish or major credit card only, please.

                                                           Serra Club of Akron
                                                                                Thank you to all altar servers for
                                                                                service to their parish community
                                                                                by assisting in the celebration of the
                                                                                Liturgy. The Club recently
                                                                                presented Altar Server Certificates
                                                                                for 2022 to the following graduating
                                                                                altar servers at St. Sebastian Parish:
                                                           Stephanie Beitko, Sophia Burgoyne,,Jackson
                                                           Chapin, Ignatius Coulter, Peter de Boer, Thomas
                                                           Haller, Isabella Incorvia, Edward McCaisland,
                                                           Charles Rodriguez, Jude Rothkopf, Patrick Sergent,
                                                           Owen Schlueter, Timothy Sullivan.
                                                           Akron Serra is one of five Serra clubs in the Diocese of
                                                           Cleveland that support and promote vocations to the
                                                           priesthood and consecrated religious life. For more
                                                           information about the Serra Club of Akron, or how
PSR Registration for 2022-23                               Serra can promote or support vocations in the parish,
We are currently registering for the 2022-23 academic      contact Dave Fetyko at or
year for our Parish School of Religion. Those children     visit Serra International was
entering grades Pre-K through eighth who are not           formed in 1939; its patron is St. Junipero Serra, founder
attending a Catholic day school or homeschool are          of nine missions from San Diego to San Francisco.
encouraged to attend. The registration form can be
found on our website or you can request one by                          Have a Blessed Week

Confirmation Registration for 2023                                     Extraordinary Form Mass
For those who will be in eighth grade in the upcoming                      Weekly Readings
academic year and are not currently enrolled in our day
school or Parish School of Religion, contact Keith         Monday:         2 Timothy 4: 1-8 & Matthew 5: 13-19
Johnson to be included in Confirmation preparation by      Tuesday:        2 Timothy 4: 1-8 & Luke 14: 26-35
emailing or by calling
330-836-2233, ext. 134.                                    Wednesday:      Wisdom 3: 1-8 & Luke 10: 16-20
                                                           Thursday:       1 Corinthians 11: 23-29 & John 6: 56-59
First Communion Registration for 2023
For those who have children who will be in second          Friday:         Ecclesiasticus 44: 16-27; 45: 3-20 &
grade in the upcoming academic year and are not                            Matthew 25: 14-23
currently enrolled in our day school or Parish School of   Saturday:       2 Timothy 4: 1-8 & Matthew 5: 13-19
Religion, contact Keith Johnson to be included in First
Communion preparation by emailing                          Sunday:         1 John 3: 13-18 & Luke 14: 16-24 or by calling 330-836-2233,
ext. 134.                                        
St. Sebastian Parish June 12, 2022
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Save the Date                                                   Youth Ministry Changes
St. Sebastian 2022 Golf Classic                                 Ave Maria!
Hosted by the Knights of Columbus Council 14255--
Sunday, August 21, 2:30pm--shotgun start Mayfair                Hello St. Sebastian Community,
CC. $80 per golfer – includes 18-holes, cart, lunch,
dinner, unlimited beverages on course, prize raffle.            I have very much enjoyed being the director of the
Space is limited.                                               parish youth ministry over the past several months. I
For more information, or to register a foursome please          have not only had a lot of fun, but I have been
call or eMail:                                                  impressed and inspired by the faith and zeal of the youth
Larry Chiavaroli at 330-634-4361                                I have had the opportunity to work with.                                       However, I am writing this to inform you that after
John Anderson at 330-283-7130                                   consulting with Fr. Valencheck and other members of                                     the parish staff, following a full-time job offer from
                                                                another employer which I feel I would be remiss to pass
New Ohio Tax Credit Scholarship Program                         up, we have decided that the best route forward for my
                   Support our St. Sebastian Parish School      role in parish life is to devote myself entirely to the
                   students with this new Ohio tax credit       direction of young adults in a part-time capacity.
                   scholarship program. Ohioans can now
                   receive a 100% tax credit of up to $750      I will no longer be involved in the parish youth programs
                   ($1500 if married filing jointly) for cash   for high school and junior high students. Chase Bills,
                   donations to the Angel Scholarship           who many of you will know from her involvement in
Fund and you can specify that your donation goes                PSR, will be taking my place in that regard.
directly to St. Sebastian Parish School. This is a great
opportunity to provide tuition assistance for families          I am very excited to continue in my role as director of
who wish to send their children to our parish school and        the young adult program. The program is actively
you can turn your tax dollars into tuition. Please visit        growing. With Theology on Tap once a month, summer to learn more and               seminars in Theology as well as Latin, and other
to make your donation. Thank you for supporting our             opportunities on the way as well, there is a lot to look
students.                                                       forward to. I encourage you all to keep an eye out for
                                                                updates in the bulletin, on the website, and the facebook
We Need YOUR Help                                               page for information about our upcoming events.
As we plan for our 22nd Annual Diocesan Family                  If you are a young adult hoping to get more involved in
FESTival – The FEST – on Sunday, August 7, we need              what we are putting together, please email me at
YOUR help. It takes about 1,000 volunteers to create
and staff this inspiring day of faith, family and fun – The
FEST. There are three ways you can help:                        I thank you all for the support that I have already
 Volunteer to work at The FEST and/or be part of               received from many of you, and I ask for your prayers as
    set up and clean up the days before. All the details        I discern how best to serve Our Lord in this role.
    can be found at:
 Help us keep The FEST free and open to                        In Jesu et Maria,
    EVERYONE by supporting The FEST raffle. Go
    to:                                  John Joyce
 Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join you
    on Sunday, August 7 at The FEST. Come during the
    day for GREAT music and activities and/or join us
    in the evening for an inspiring outdoor Mass with
    Bishop Malesic at 8:00pm.
All of us working and helping together will create a great
day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE – at The
FEST. For more details go to: or call
The FEST office at 216-202-3040.

Archbishop Hoban High School                             Join Us on a Healing Journey with
                 Congratulations to the following St.    Jesus to the Holy Land
                 Sebastian parishioners for making the   Have you ever wanted to be in those amazing places
                 Fourth Quarter Honor Roll.              where Jesus stood, preached, did his mighty acts of
                                                         healing and compassion? Where he suffered, died and
Leo Bates, Noah Bates, James Bordenkircher,              rose for us? Take advantage of a rare opportunity to join
Christopher Branham, Madaleyna Burgoyne, Zoie            Fr. Joshua Trefney for a life-changing pilgrimage to the
Burnette, Jack Doucet, Emma Doucet, Brianna              Holy Land this coming January 4-13, 2023, the focus of
Foster, Taylor Foster, Gabriella Goostree, Nicholas      which is the healing miracles of Jesus. Fr. Joshua is
Grizer, Braden Herstich, Sawyer Huckabee, Lilly          trained and trains others how to pray for healing. Pray
Jacknewitz, Celeste Magoolaghan, Leila Piscazzi,         where Jesus prayed for those we know who suffer
Alessandra Reyes, Elizabeth Savitski, Veronica           similar afflictions, drawing closer to the One who makes
Savitski, Jacob Smith, Lily Walker and Luke              us whole. Space is limited and deadline for
Wyszynsk.                                                registration is this summer. For entire itinerary and to
                                                         register, go to
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