St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church

Page created by Clifford Walsh
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
St. Raymond– St. Elizabeth
                                  Maronite Catholic Church
                           Most Rev. A. Elias Zaidan, Bishop of The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon
                           Most Rev. Mitchell Rozanski, Archbishop of St. Louis
                           Rev. John Nahal, Rector

                            Downtown                                       Crestwood
                        931 Lebanon Drive                           1420 S. Sappington Road
                       St. Louis, MO 63104                           Crestwood, MO 63126
                       Tel: (314) 621-0056                            Tel: (314) 968-0760
                                                                      Fax: (314) 968-8023
                     Facebook: St. Raymond’s
                     Maronite Cathedral group                  Facebook: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
                                                                Catholic Church @sehcrestwood
                           DIVINE LITURGY                          DIVINE LITURGY/HOLY MASS:
                                                                   Saturday: 4:00pm– Roman
                         Sunday: 10:15am
                                                                             5:15pm— Maronite
                      Monday—Friday: 12 noon
                                                               Sunday: 8am and 10:30am—Roman
                                                                      Monday–Friday: 8am
                         RECONCILIATION:                                 RECONCILIATION:
                          Sunday: 9:15am                                 Saturday: 3:00pm
                         or by appointment                                Sunday: 9:45am
Sacrament of Baptism: call the rectory 1 month in advance to schedule an appointment and date with Fr. John
Sacrament of Matrimony: call the rectory 6 months in advance (1 year in advance if there are canonical issues)
Visitation and Anointing of the Sick: call the rectory; Fr John’s emergency contact is on the answering machine
Intentions for Divine Liturgy: call the rectory, mail, or email your intentions

Liturgy p. 425                                               Ez 17:22-24
1 Cor 2:11-16                                                Ps 92
                                                             2 Cor 5:6-10
Lk 10:21-24                                                  Mk 4:26-34

                                   Sunday, June 13, 2021
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
DIVINE LITURGY & MASS INTENTIONS                              WEEKLY FINANCES 6/6/21
DOWNTOWN:                                                     ST. RAYMOND-ST.ELIZABETH:
  Sat, June 12 Saturday of the 3rd week of Pentecost
                                                              4:00pm Saturday
      10:00am Funeral Mass for Judge Paul Simon
                                                              Loose cash                         109
 Sun, June 13 FOURTH SUNDAY OF PENTECOST                      Checks/Envelopes                   255
      10:15am +Fredrick L. Cohen (Ann. Mass) By Mary Cohen-   7:00pm Saturday
              Ehlen & Laura Cohen-Abbott
              +John & Anna Rask By LaDonna Rask               Loose cash                          23
              +Rose Azar By Ramona Milford                    Checks/Envelopes                   240
              +Thomas & Theresa McDermott By Jim & Mary       8:00am Sunday
              Benoist and Sons                                Loose cash                         1,158
Mon, June 14 Elisha the Prophet                               Checks/Envelopes                    579
     12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                                10:30am Sunday
                                                              Loose cash                         326
Tue, June 15 Tuesday of the 4th week of Pentecost
                                                              Checks/Envelopes                   110
     12:00pm Erma Valentine By Donald & Terry Leong
                                                              Candles                             92
Wed, June 16 Wednesday of the 4th week of Pentecost
     12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                                Online Giving                      980
Thur, June 17 Thursday of the 4th week of Pentecost
                                                              Other income                       1,413
      12:00pm Poor Souls in Purgatory
                                                              Expenses                          $2,502
 Fri, June 18 St. Leontius of Tripoli
      12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                               ST. RAYMOND:
 Sun, June 20 FIFTH SUNDAY OF PENTECOST                       5:15pm Saturday
      10:15am Najeeb Iewka Issou By Rasha Issou Kamil         Loose cash                          97
              Intention of All fathers in our Community
                                                              10:15am Sunday
                                                              Loose cash                          55
 Sat, June 12 Sunday Vigil
                                                              Checks/Envelopes                   510
       4:00pm Dan Cottin
                                                              Revenue during the week           1,005
       5:15pm Dolores Bradford
                                                              Candles                             22
       8:00am Willging & Engelhard Families                   Second Collection                   70
      10:30am People of the Parish                            Coffee hour                         56
Mon, June 14 Elisha the Prophet                               Online Giving                     1,250
      8:00am Poor Souls in Purgatory                
                                                              Expenses                         $6,091.94
Tue, June 15 Sts. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia
      8:00am Frank Miles
Wed, June 16 St. John Francis Regis                           WEDNESDAY LUNCH 6/9/21
      8:00am Rose Azar                                        Total Revenue                    2,034.29
Thur, June 17 St. Herve                                       Mercy Meal                         800
       8:00am Judge Paul Simon                                Expenses                          $56.95
 Fri, June 18 St. Gregory Barbarigo
       8:00am Dolores Bradford
 Sat, June 19 Sunday Vigil
       4:00pm Kathryn Ventrillo
       5:15pm Judge Paul Simon
       8:00am Carole Gassel
      10:30am People of the Parish                     -2-
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
                                                                              Rev. John Nahal

                                                                              ASSOCIATE PASTOR
                                                                              Rev. Patrick Kassab

                                                                              Dcn. Bill Meister
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-
2 Timothy 1:7                                                                 Dcn. Lou Peters
As we celebrate the season of Pentecost in
our Church, the season of the descent of                                      PARISH SECRETARY
the Holy Spirit on the disciples and all of us,
let us be empowered by the Spirit of Truth                                    Crestwood:
and Love.                                                                     Mona Milford
Jesus Christ breathed on the Apostles and                           
said receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of                                   Downtown:
Power and Truth.
We are to carry the message of Jesus Christ                                   Mary Cohen-Ehlen
in Spirit of adopƟon and Power.
This power of knowing who we are and where we are going, our desƟna-
Ɵon, Heaven. Knowing that will give us an inside peace.                       BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS
Jesus Christ commissioned his disciples and us to go all over the world and   Deadline: 8am Tuesdays
preach the Good News. This commissioning is not easy, we can see that         To submit: Email Fr. Patrick
clearly in the Acts of the Apostles. The hope and posiƟvity that we have
will carry us to the end of the world.
The servants who received one Talent and went and buried it, is the one       ONLINE GIVING
who is in fear of the master and everyone else. He did not even try. In our   Crestwood:
life, someƟmes we do the same by burying our talent, by being afraid, by
criƟcizing everyone and everything, by being negaƟve, pessimist, and not
looking up, looking at the light, and have hope.                    
Having the Spirit of God is being always hopeful and have the power and
posiƟve energy to put in the right place. No problem that can’t be solved.
Having the Spirit of God and radiaƟng the light of God around us.             ADORATION OF THE BLESSED
Always be the one who is carrying the good news, especially in dark plac-     SACRAMENT– CRESTWOOD
es, and it is always beƩer to light the candle of our faith that be in the    Mondays 8:30am-6:30pm
darkness of this world.                                                       Benediction at 6:30pm
We are the sons and daughters of the ResurrecƟon. We are the salt of the
earth and the light of the world.                                             OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP
We are to season and give flavor to the world by giving the life of Jesus     DEVOTIONS– CRESTWOOD
Christ around us. Our life is not a repeat every day, but a spiral growing    Tuesdays 8:30am
upward in faith around Jesus Christ. Our life will get meaning when we
                                                                              (following daily Mass)
have this flavor and give the flavor of Jesus Christ around us.
We are the light, to shine the divinity of Jesus Christ around us. In being   MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
the salt and the light, we glorify Jesus Christ in all what we do.            Donate or Borrow piece of med-
Lord God, give me your Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, no fear in my life, but   ical equipment, please call
only you as a power, love, and self-control.                                  Patty Renschen 314 517 7044
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
 Sat, June 19 Teresa Killian            Thank you to everyone For your generous donations of person-
       4:00pm                           al care items this past month. The large quantity of items col-
 Sun, June 20 Mary Alice Englehard      lected were shared between Peter & Paul Community Services
       8:00am                           and St. Vincent DePaul Parish. Your giving spirit and generosi-
      10:30am Drew Finke                ty will benefit many people.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK                Pickleball is available on Monday mornings from 9:30 to
AND HOMEBOUND OF OUR                    11:30 in the gymnasium at St. Raymond—St. Elizabeth Church,
PARISH                                  Crestwood. Be many!
Gertrude Slama       Elizabeth Wolff
Mark Beck            Don Ganim          KITCHEN SCOOP
Tom Hearst           Kathleen Antoni    The kitchen will be open for carry out and curbside pick up Wed.
                     Nijmeh Abounader   June 16th. On Tuesday June 15th, we will be preparing kibbe and
Steven Sulze
                                        rolling grape leaves at 8:30am. We encourage everyone to preorder
Victor Sciarrino     Elias Hitti        through our Square link
Rosalie Hubert       Ralph Salamie      so you are guaranteed your order. All help is welcomed from both
Mike McSorley Sr.    John Anton         locations of St. Raymond-St. Elizabeth.
James Brumfield      Jim Hoffman        Thank you, Denise, Kathi and Gina
Christopher &        Gary Bieller
Cathy Seemayer       Richard Baker Sr   WEDNESDAY LUNCHES
Mary Lou Works       Patrick Carr       We will open the dinning area for the Wed. lunches on June 23,
                                        2021. we are waiting for you!
Patrick Nelms        Steve Baker        The kitchen needs your help, please contact Gina Fanetti if you
Chris Nelms          Jana Smith         would like to volunteer:
Ted Arunski          Bernie Elking Sr
Dave Holdinghausen   Janet Zhakaria     FESTIVAL FOOD PREPARATION
Barb Fix             Poppy Kazda        Festival food Preparation is starting Tuesday June 15th at 5:00pm.
Beverly Klipfel      Bert Marchi        We plan on doing grape leaves and/or cabbage rolls each week. If
Lynn Warfel                             you would like to join us, please contact Mary Denny:
                     John Cleary
Pat Cooseman
Mary Ann Reiter                         FESTIVAL RAFFLE GIFTS & ITEMS
Dave Wissler                            If you like to donate gifts and items for the raffle for the Lebanese
Michelle Bausworth                      festival, please contact Patti Carnie:
Tom Saucier
Will Karcher                            SUNDAY LUNCH TO SUPPORT CARITAS
Rhoda Simpher                           We will have a Lebanese lunch in the Cedars Hall—Downtown, Sun-
Dave Flores
                                        day June 20, to support Caritas Lebanon during this difficult times.
                                        Tabouli, Hummus, Kibbe, chicken & rice are on the menu. Be many!
Patricia Beck
Sr. Carol Kopff                         LADIES OF THE PARISH
Betty Tracy                             All the ladies of the parish are invited to an ice cream social (Ted
Pat Webbe                               Drewes) after the 5:15 Mass on Saturday, June 26th at Crestwood.
Terry Leong                             What better way to meet and greet than over some chocolate (or va-
Joseph & Mary                           nilla) ice cream!
Gloria (Skip)
                                        NATIONAL MARONITE YOUTH DAYS
                                        The next National Maronite Youth Virtual Convention takes
Leisure                                 place from June 26-27. For more information visit: https://
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
ITEMS MOST NEEDED:                         If the Spirit is moving you to teach our children the Christian Dog-
                                           ma, please contact Fr. John or Fr. Patrick.
Canned meat/fish, soups/stews,
                                           Next school year, we will have classes, God willing, for all grades at
fruit, pasta/rice, cereal, cereal bars
                                           St. Raymond– St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church, including
Extras: Toilet Paper                       First Communion and Confirmation classes.
Donations go to St. Raymond’s Food         There will be no subsidies for our children who attend PSR classes at
Pantry Downtown. If you are in need of     other Catholic churches.
assistance in Crestwood, please call the
help line below, and someone will          ORDER OF ST. SHARBEL
return your call in the next 24 hours:     Annual Meeting
    St. Vincent DePaul                     July 14, 2021 7 pm Central Via Zoom (link to be provided)

         Help Line:                        RIP JUDGE PAUL SIMON
                                           Our prayers and condolences are offered to the Simon family.
 314-289-6101 Ext. 2274                    Divine Liturgy for the repose of his soul will be on Saturday, June 12,
                                           at 10am at St. Raymond Cathedral.
                                           May God rest the soul of judge Paul Simon in Peace!
If you are sick or homebound and           ST RAYMOND SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECEIPIENTS
would like a Communion minister to         St. Raymond Cathedral Scholarship Committee (Mary Cohen—
come to your home, please let us           Ehlen, Deacon Lou Peters, Dr. Dan & Ruth Abodeely, Subdeacon
                                           Anthony Simon, James Dubois, Fr. Patrick, and Fr. John) met and
know! If you could use a helping
                                           awarded scholarships to three of our high school students for $1,000
hand with household tasks or a visi-       each, and two of our high school senior graduate students; Anthony
tor to chat, please contact the office     Adem was awarded Bishop Robert Shaheen Scholarship for $2,000,
to get in touch: (314) 968-0760 or         and Seppo Hoijarvi (from St. Raymond—St. Elizabeth Church) for
email deacon Bill                          $2,000. Congratulations, Sun. June 27 Scholarships will be awarded                 at St. Raymond Cathedral at 10:15am Divine Liturgy.

THEM, O LORD                               Now that somehow things are going back to normal, we encourage
                                           you to come to Church and assist in the Eucharist in both Churches.
 Paul Simon             6-6-2021          Watching Live-streamed masses cannot replace your real presence
Dolores Lee Bradford   5-31-2021
 Jo Ann Vollet          4-2-2021
                                           in the Eucharist. However, masses from the Cathedral will continue
 Hazim Kamil Abboodi    3-29-2021         to be live-streamed, and we will install a fixed camera in our Crest-
 W. Randolph Rott       2-24-2021         wood Church to allow the sick and Homebound of our Church to
 Esther Nassif          2-23-2021        pray with us.
 Joyce Webbe            2-12-2021
 Mary Jane Simon        2-9-2021
 Madeleine Crowe        1-19-2021         VIRTUAL STORY TIME WITH THE SISTERS
 Patricia Deiters       1-13-2021         Join the Daughters of St. Paul for a Summer Virtual Storytime
 William Perkins        12-28-2020        on Tuesday, June 22, 29 and July 6 at 10:30 am. Each
 Daniel I Hurley        11-28-2020
 Thomas Deiters         11-4-2020         morning there will be stories, songs, interactive activities and
 Marie Holley           10-25-2020prayers led by the sisters for kids, age 7 and under.
 Loretta Linder         9-28-2020         This event will take place over Zoom. please register at ti-
 Rajaa Haddad           9-15-2020
 Patricia Skinner       9-2-2020
 Maurice Safar          8-11-2020
 Souad Batanian         7-31-2020         KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
 Walid Badra            7-29-2020         The knights of Columbus are offering a durable USA outdoor
 Josephine Bender       7-11-2020
 Catherine Haman        6-10-2020         Nativity set for 50$, you can order yours by June 30. Flyers
 Jean Louis             5-16-2020  - 5 - and order forms are available at our Church in Crestwood.
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
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206400 St Raymond - St Elizabeth                                                                                                                                                   For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Elizabeth Church
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