Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...

Page created by Angel Sutton
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish of Midland
Report of Parish Life—Fiscal Year July1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship
                                           36 New Families
                                           822 Families on Record
                                           128 Students Enrolled
                                           46 New Students
                                           19 Baptisms
                                           24 Deaths
                                           9 Weddings

  1 Community—Fully Alive in Christ
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
A Message from the Pastor:
                                                             Thank you for being a vital part of our parish during these
                                                         times of change and opportunity. Your choice to be part of Saint
                                                         Brigid of Kildare Catholic Church enables us to share what we have
                                                         received from generations before us. Thank you for choosing to
                                                         invest your generous return to God in sharing life with Christ at
                                                         Saint Brigid.
                                                             This year we are officially 150 years strong! In the past whenev-
                                                         er adverse conditions presented themselves our Parish adapted,
changed and grew. Since July of 2019 we have faced our own modern unprecedented times. From March 17, 2020-May
25, 2020 public Masses were suspended. On May 19, 2020 Midland had a record crest of the Tittabawassee River after
both the Edenville and Sanford Dams collapsed. In times past unprecedented times resulted in growth and expansion of
ministries. Like the count of infected with CoVid-19 our minds can easily focus on what we have lost this year. If we allow
it this year could be known as the year our school finished the year empty, our pews were vacated and our community was
washed away. With creative vision from the Holy Spirit we can make this an unprecedented year of change, growth, and
sharing life in Christ!
     As you look over this annual life report from July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 the life we share in Christ is evident. Our par-
ish has benefited from amazing generosity, a single donor has pledged to cover 4 years of loan payments and already paid
75% of the pledge. The seeds we have planted with a church now spreading the Gospel in 4D (in person and virtual), a
school that continues to offer academic and religious formation for all who desire a Catholic education, with campus im-
provements that will secure our future for years to come and with families who have once again resumed religious practice
and formation at home we can also look forward to unprecedented growth in the future because of our actions today!
     Taking advantage of a later date we have expanded the report to include a Little Blue Book and our best plans for
Advent and Christmas events. Like all things this year plans are subject to modifications. Thank you for all who have sup-
ported our parish as we draw life from Christ! As we mark 150 years of Catholic Worship in Midland may we emerge from
our own unprecedented times and secure the practice of our faith in
Midland for the next century and half.                                                          The Saint Brigid Cross
          Blessings and Peace,                                                                  symbolizes peace, good will, and
                                                                                                 friendship. It also symbolizes
        Fr. Andy Booms
                                                                                                 endurance and survival through
                                                                                                 tough times of hunger,
               Faith Formation 2019-2020                                                         oppression, and ill-treatment.

              Faith Formation has continued during the lockdowns and
              restrictions that COVID-19 has brought. We were able to continue strengthening our children’s faith with
              virtual Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, virtual Bible Studies, Domestic Church resources for living
              liturgically, and we continued our Sacramental Prep sessions via Google Meet and Facebook Live. Thru
the course of 10 Masses in the summer, 27 of our children received the Sacraments of Confirmation and 1st Holy Com-
munion. Youth Ministry held virtual rosaries once a week for a time to pray and socialize together.
Fully Alive 2020 has started, Mass is at 5:45pm and adult and youth formation happens virtually.
Email jwinberg@stbrigid-midland.org for full details and schedule.
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
Brief History of Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish of Midland
The first documented Mass in Midland was celebrated on October 1, 1870. That same year the
small Catholic community bought two lots on the corner of Indian and Haley Streets. Construc-
tion of Saint Bridget Church was completed in 1871 with the help of a gift of $100 and most of
the lumber from Joh Larkin, the first of many non-Catholic donors.
1884 Saint Bridget became a parish serving Midland County, Auburn and Freeland. The church had been a
mission, served by a priest on horseback from Saginaw on the far east side of the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
In 1908 the church was moved to the corner of Ashman and Larkin Street.
In 1921 the name of the parish was formally changed to that of Saint Brigid, the original intention of the founding
1922 with 150 students the parish school opened staffed by the Sisters of Mercy, who left in 1981. The school is
now staffed by lay teachers.
In 1941 the current Tudor Gothic structure was dedicated by
Bishop William Murphy, the first Bishop of the Diocese of Saginaw.
1947 Construction is complete with the installation of the marble, a
donation of the Dow family, which had been hidden during WWII.
In 1983, James Hickey, who became Cardinal Archbishop of Washing-
ton, D.C., himself a graduate of Saint Brigid School, blessed the new
school and parish center.
Today Saint Brigid is a community fully alive in Christ. Nourished by the Word and Sacraments we continue to
grow remembering what we are today is a result of the gifts and generous spirit of many people of faith who have
given themselves in loving service to one another and our community. The tradition continues.

                        Helping Hands—Outreach to our Neighbors
   Flood Relief                                                   CoVid-19 Response
   Major investment in 2 homes                                    These Requests began in earnest in fall 2020
   Distributed Lunch at Open Door 8 days                          Look for an update in 2020-2021
   Over $4000 distributed
                                     General Fund Information:
                                     $8,998.80 In grants to those in need
                                     48 families impacted
                                     22 Requests for Utility Assistance
                                     26 Requests for Shelter and Food
                                     $187.48 Average Support Awarded
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
                           FINANCIAL RESULTS for the 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2020
                                          CURRENT YEAR: 07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020                    PRIOR YEAR INCREASE /

                                          CHURCH                SCHOOL           COMBINED           COMBINED          (DECREASE)
  COLLECTIONS / TUITION               $ 702,705              $ 524,276          $ 1,226,980        $ 1,341,221        $ (114,241)
   ALL OTHER INCOME*                  $ 247,695              $ 95,636           $ 343,331          $   445,902        $ (102,571)
TOTAL INCOME                          $ 950,400              $ 619,912          $ 1,570,311        $ 1,787,123        $ (216,812)

   SALARIES & RELATED              $ 310,023                 $ 801,049          $ 1,111,072        $ 1,100,563        $ 10,509
   ALL OTHER EXPENSES              $ 270,776                 $ 233,510          $ 504,287          $ 613,893          $ (109,606)
TOTAL EXPENSES                     $ 580,799                 $ 1,034,560        $ 1,615,359        $ 1,714,456        $ (99,098)
                                   $ 369,600                 $ (414,648)        $ (45,048)         $   72,666         $ (117,714)
without PTO
                                                             $ 164,068          $ 164,068          $ 141,563          $   22,505
                                   $   369,600               $ (250,579)        $ 119,021          $ 214,230          $ (95,209)
with PTO
   PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR A/P CARRYOVER***                                        $         0
                                                                                $   (45,999)
(see loan balance in footnotes)****
NET INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN CASH                                               $    73,022

These are results of parish operations from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. While not shown on this statement, the parish was
also the recipient of a Federal Payroll Protection Program Loan. We anticipate that the entire loan will be forgiven in the 2020-
2021 fiscal year. While 2019 saw a major donor leave us over $100,000, we benefited from $84,000 to help pay off our debt in 2020!
We use your gifts to God to carry out our mission of worship, service and education. With your generous response, our Helping
Hands fund was there for more families who were washed out by floods or who lost income as a direct result of CoVid-19 re-
strictions. During 2020-2021 your generous stewardship can reverse the income loss from this current year. In addition we thank
Blessed Sacrament for their generous support of Catholic Education as they help our school come alive with new families!

*PRIOR year other income includes one-time $100,000 bequest received from the estate of long-time parishioner, Ray Cone.
**Current year PTO NET PROFIT includes: Emerald Evening = $108,275; Guardian Angel Walk-a-thon = $38,778; Scrip = $5,578.
***Expenses booked in previous fiscal year but cash paid in current fiscal year - there was no carryover from last fiscal year.
****Loan Balance on Building as of June 30, 2020 = $186,929 and includes a $2499 loan interest rebate from the Diocese.

                                                  Thank you for your generosity!

                                                             Significant Campus Investments Completed 2019-2020
                                                         •     New flooring in the school and rectory
                                                         •     New efficient boilers for the parish office and rectory
                                                         •     New flat roof on parish office and sacristy
                                                         •     Church flat roof surfaces replaced
                                                         •     Saint Joseph altar repair
                                                         •     Security camera system in the school
                                                         •     Youth center repainted (walls and floor)
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
                    Saint Brigid Catholic School
                         State of the School

              In Person, Fall 2020
              Face Masks                     Social Distancing       27 Students Welcomed        Current enrollment 128
              Enhanced Cleaning Routine Desk Shields                     from Blessed Sacrament
              Certified Academics and Essential Frontline Teaching Staff!
              Recommended for Accreditation by Michigan Non Public Schools
              March 13, we were sent home in compliance with the governor’s stay-at-home order.
              March 16 Instruction began virtually on for grades 3-8 and K-2 began with packets.
              April 6 K-2 also started virtual instruction .

                                      Knit together without walls!
                                      Newsletter came out even after we left the building
                                      Facebook Spirit Days formed the community
                                      Summer tutoring for those who fell behind
                                      Personal visits made when students were absent
                                      from virtual Class
                                      Streaming Masses on YouTube
                                      8th Grade Graduation Mass in person

Post Flood Work Days
Spreadsheet matched people’s needs and those who could help
Saint Brigid middle schools donated over 256.1 hours in service!
Virtual Guardian Angel Walkathon
$43,250.91 Raised!
Alumni Contact
Online giving
Walk/Run/Bike-athon group raised $10,000 over summer

         2019                              Recap                   Coming Winter 2021
                                                                           A Virtual
$108,275 Raised!                                                   Grand Raffle Expanding!
60% dedicated to tuition reduction                                 1000 Chances
    $400 per student!                                              (only $100 per chance)
20% targeted school investments                                    $15,000 Grand Prize
10% Guardian Angel Fund                                            50% Proceeds for Guardian Angel Fund
10% service debt of 2011 Loan                                      45% Proceeds for Tuition Reduction
for School Expansion                                               5% Service debt of 2011 Loan for School Expansion
School investments include:                                        Sponsorship Opportunities
Carpeting in 3 rooms                                                Prizes (Sponsor Cash Awards)

2nd Story Escape Ladders                                            Donations

Enhanced Video Surveillance                                         Sell Tickets

Electronic Access Control                                           Contact Jennifer West with your commitment

5 New Teacher Laptops                                                     Jennifer.west@chemicalbank.com
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
Called by name 2019—2020
                              New Families (July 1 — June 30)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Chilman           Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lerner           Mr. Jesse Rademacher & Rachel Maddock
Mrs. Mary Lou Jean                Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harmon       Mr. & Mrs. David Renaldi
Vera Vlassis                      Mr. Jeff Eddy                   Ms. Diane Dingu
Mr. & Mrs. Jacek Migut            Mr. Lawrence Kroner             Mr. & Mrs. Nick Reffey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fisker Family   Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor           Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vanderkelen
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrel Boeke            Mrs. Patricia Palmer            Ms. Susan Soper
Ms. Haley Davis Family            Mandy Duling Family             Mr.Craig Cilley &
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Granzo Family     Ms. Judith Coppens                 Ms. Angela Wiechec
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Wohlfert Family   Ms. Megan Kendra &              Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Manley
Mr. Mike Martin &                    Mr. Nazir Jairazbhoy         Mr. & Mrs. Todd Lovely Family
   Dr. Shannon Martin Family      Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Finnegan      Mr. Christian Guilbert &
Mr. Jonathon Wheatley &           Mr. & Mrs. Cody Schoener Family    Ms. Virginia Rose
   Ms. Monica Confer              Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wasielewski

                                   Baptisms (July1 — June 30)
Anna Mieko Callejas               Kyler Ambrose                     Noah Alexander Korinda
Ethan Brooks O’Donnell            Benjamin Thomas Boyle             Grace Elizabeth Chilman
Caroline Paige Briston            Caleb Michael Borowiak            Vayda Kathryn-Marie Bennett
Tobias Robert Bielecki            Zoey Lynn Rey                     Paulina Grace Vitale
Henry William Weckesser           Eilis Kotula Rippee               Sophie Ann Lerner
Owen Francis Weideman             Maximilian Joseph Lyon            Emersyn Layne Parker
Dustin Ackley                     Zachary Thomas Hunter

                                    Funerals (July 1 — June 30)
Paul Kuipers                      Helen Leddy                    Maciej Turowski
Edward Hertel                     Jerry Swantek                  Elaine Manor
Phyllis McDonald                  Janet Killinger                Jack Woods
Mary Agnes Waskevich              Dr. Tracey Sepesy              Haroldtine Malecke
John Miller                       Floyd Kilbreath                Rose MacDonald
Anthony Ostahowski                Katherine Stevens              Colleen Malenfant
Lloyd Townsend                    Lynn Sophia Carleto            Agnes Pentkowski
Patricia Townsend                 Willobelle VanMeter            Toy Breault

                                   Weddings (July 1 — June 30)
Michael Troy Block & Jacqueline Anne Vitale           Alexander James Peterson & Rebecca Noelle Monticello
Matthew Joseph Rabine & Connor Rae Luna               Matthew Jordan Loomis & Rebecca Meisner
John Edward Trompeter & Kathy Lynn Hofius             Cody William Calligaro & Mechaela Rae Leviane
Jason Scott Hockemeyer & Amanda Nicole Banitt         Robert George Bullock & Courtney Grace Smith
Craig Harold Cilley & Angela Sue Wiechec
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish Staff
                         207 Ashman Street Midland, Michigan 48640—(989)835-7121
Pastoral Staff
Father Andrew Booms                Pastor                                        frandyb@stbrigid-midland.org
Father Marc Hopps                  Parochial Vicar                               frmarc@stbrigid-midland.org
Deacon Frank Hudson                Deacon Emeritus                               billyhudso@gmail.com
Deacon Aloysius Oliver             Permanente Deacon                             ajocfc@gmail.com
Deacon Daniel Corbat               Permanente Deacon                             dcorbat57@gmail.com
Laura Wilkowski                    School Principal                              lwilkowski@stbrigid-midland.org
Jeannine Hovey                     Business Manager                              jhovey@stbrigid-midland.org
Barbara Hendrickson                Minister of Music                             bhendrickson@stbrigid-midland.org
Jennifer Winberg                   Coordinator Children’s Formation              jwinberg@stbrigid-midland.org
Liz Israel                         Coordinator Adult Formation                   lisrael@stbrigid-midland.org
                                       /Baptism Preparation
Fran Thiel                         Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries          fthiel@stbrigid-midland.org
Laura Sira                         Parish Office Professional/Accounting Clerk   lsira@stbrigid-midland.org
Alice Fitzgibbon                   Parish Office Professional                    afitzgibbon@stbrigid-midland.org
Gary Hollingshead                  Maintenance Supervisor                        ghollingshead@stbrigid-midland.org

School Staff
Tracey Shark                       School Office Professional                    tshark@stbrigid-midland.org
Heather Crawford                   Paraprofessional                              hcrawford@stbrigid-midland.org
Jerry Cain                         Technology Coordinator                        jcain@stbrigid-midland.org
Krina Young                        Reading Specialist                            kyoung@stbrigid-midland.org
Corie VanSumeren                   Food Service Director                         cvansumeren@stbrigid-midland.org
Chandra Kierpiec                   Food Service / Reading Specialist             ckierpiec@stbrigid-midland.org
Dottie Noris                       After School Care                             dnoris@stbrigid-midland.org
Jenna Coates                       After School Care Aide                        jcoates@stbrigid-midland.org
Andrew Reed                        Maintenance                                   areed@stbrigid-midland.org
Joe Sira                           Maintenance                                   jsira@stbrigid-midland.org
Ron Torka                          Maintenance
Susie Hollingshead                 Kindergarten Teacher                          shollingshead@stbrigid-midland.org
Amanda Heminger                    1st Grade Teacher                             aheminger@stbrigid-midland.org
Jennifer Brushaber                 1st Grade Teacher                             jbrushaber@stbrigid-midland.org
Sherri Nemeth                      2nd Grade Teacher                             snemeth@stbrigid-midland.org
Katie Adam                         3rd Grade Teacher                             kadam@stbrigid-midland.org
Michelle Twigg                     4th Grade Teacher                             mtwigg@stbrigid-midland.org
Sara Groth                         5th Grade Teacher                             sgroth@stbrigid-midland.org
Middle School
Molly Schoener                     6th Grade Homeroom/M.S. Teacher               mschoener@stbrigid-midland.org
Sheri Kuchek                       7th Grade Homeroom/M.S. Teacher               skuchek@stbrigid-midland.org
Kristi Gilbert                     8th Grade Homeroom/M.S. Teacher               kgilbert@stbrigid-midland.org
Judyth Peterson                    M.S. Band Teacher (Carrollton)                jpeterson@stbrigid-midland.org
Elia Danielson                     Spanish Teacher                               edanielson@stbrigid-midland.org
Deb Erickson                       Technology                                    derickson@stbrigid-midland.org
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
Take your place with us as you Wel-        Digital Links
                           come Christ this Advent and
                                                            Reservations for spaces
                                    Christmas               at Sunday & Holy Day Mass
                       Advent is a time of patient hope. Darkness will
not overcome the light. Join us for Mass and prayer as outlined in our    stbreservations
Advent calendar. Make time for personal prayer with your Little Blue      Subscribe to the parish Electronic calendar
Book included in this mailing. Masses unless otherwise noted are:         https://rebrand.ly/stbcalendar
Sunday:                            Weekdays:
9am—Mass                           Monday– 12:05pm                               Mass Stream on
11:30am—Mass                       Tuesday—5:45pm                                  YouTube
3:30pm-5pm—Confession              Wednesday—6:45am Dec 9, 23 & 30             https://rebrand.ly/
5:30pm—Mass                        Thursday—12:05pm                                stbrigidmass

Advent spans November 29 until December 24, 2020 — Christmas spans December 25-January 10, 2021

Nov 29             Nov 30            Dec 1            Dec 2         Dec 3                  Dec 4             Dec 5 First
1st Sunday of      St. Andrew,                        Eucharistic
Advent             Apostle                            Exposition                                             Saint John
                                                      9:15am-8:30pm                                          Damascene,
3:30-5:00p                                                                                                   Priest and
Confession                                                                                                   Doctor of the

Dec 6              Dec 7             Dec 8            Dec 9          Dec 10                Dec 11            Dec 12
2nd Sunday of      St Ambrose,       Holy Day of      St. Juan Diego                       St. Damasus I,    Our Lady of
Advent             Bishop and        Obligation       Cuauht-                              Pope              Guadalupe
                   Doctor of the                      latoatzin
3:30-5:00p         Church            The Immacu-
Confession                           late Concep-     Mass 6:45am
7:00 pm Advent                       12:05 pm         Exposition
by Candlelight                       Mass             7:15am-8:30pm
                                     5:45 pm Mass

Dec 13             Dec 14          Dec 15             Dec 16        Dec 17                 Dec 18            Dec 19
3rd Sunday of      St. John of the 8-9pm              Eucharistic
Advent             Cross, Priest   Confession         Exposition
                   and Doctor of                      9:15am-8:30pm
3:30-5:00p         the Church
Dec 20             Dec 21            Dec 22           Dec 23             Dec 24            Dec 25            Dec 26
4th Sunday of                        8-9pm            Mass 6:45am        Christmas Eve     Christmas         St. Stephen,
Advent                               Confession                                                              The First
                                                      Eucharistic        Vigil of The      The Nativity of   Martyr
3:30-5:00p                                            Exposition         Nativity of the   the Lord
Confession                                            7:15am-8:30pm      Lord
                                                                                           12:00 Midnight
                                                                         4:00 pm Mass      Mass
                                                                         6:00 pm Mass      9:00 am Mass
                                                                                           11:30 am Mass

Dec 27             Dec 28            Dec 29           Dec 30             Dec 31            Jan 1
Holy Family of     Holy              St. Thomas       Mass 6:45am        New Year’s        New Year’s Day
Jesus, Mary and    Innocents         Becket, Bishop                      Eve
Joseph                               and Martyr       Eucharistic                          Holy Day of
                   NO MASS                            Exposition         Vigil of Mary     Obligation
                                     NO MASS          7:15am-8:30pm      the Mother of
                                                                         God               Mary the
                                                                         5:30 pm Mass      Mother of God
                                                                                           11:30 am Mass
Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ... Celebrating 150 years of Catholic Worship - St. Brigid of Kildare ...
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