D7.6 Scientific publications - PEARL
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D7.6 Scientific publications © 2014 PEARL Consortium Acknowledgement The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant agreement n° 603663 for the research project PEARL (Preparing for Extreme And Rare events in coastaL regions). Disclaimer The deliverable D 7.2 reflects only the authors' views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
Authors: IWA Contributors: All partners Dissemination level : PU = Public
Document Information Project Number 603663 Acronym PEARL Full Title Preparing for Extreme and Rare events in coastaL regions Project URL http://www.pearl-fp7.eu/ Document URL EU Project Officer Denis Peter Deliverable Number D 7.6 Title Scientific publications Work Package Number WP 7 Title Dissemination of Project Outputs Lead Author(s) IWA Contributing Author(s) PEARL partners Date of Delivery Contractual n/a Actual 06.06.2018 Status version 0.1 final Nature Report Dissemination level public Abstract (for Deliverable 7.6 on scientific publications highlights the numerous dissemination, 100 publications that have been produced as a result of the PEARL project. words) This deliverable provides a list of any form of scientific publishing produced by PEARL. These include: journal and conference papers, books and book chapters and where appropriate joint publications with other relevant projects. PEARL set a target of 15 journal papers, 22 conference papers, 2 books and 6 book chapters. Keywords PEARL, scientific publications Version Log Issue Date Rev.No. Author Change Approved by Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -1- 06 June 2018
Executive Summary Deliverable 7.6 on scientific publications highlights the numerous publications that have been produced as a result of the PEARL project. This deliverable provides a list of any form of scientific publishing produced by PEARL. These include: journal and conference papers, books and book chapters and where appropriate joint publications with other relevant projects. PEARL set a target of 15 journal papers, 22 conference papers, 2 books and 6 book chapters. Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -2- 06 June 2018
Contents Executive Summary 2 Contents 3 List of figures Error! Bookmark not defined. List of tables Error! Bookmark not defined. Abbreviations 4 1 Introduction 5 2 Components Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1 Open course ware Platform Error! Bookmark not defined. 3 Success indicators and conclusions 24 Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -3- 06 June 2018
Abbreviations IWA International Water Association Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -4- 06 June 2018
1 Introduction Deliverable 7.6 on scientific publications highlights the numerous publications that have been produced as a result of the PEARL project. The scientific publications in form of journal or conference papers, book series/chapters and, where appropriate, joint papers with other relevant projects, reflect the PEARL scientific methodologies, their relevance at the local, national and international level, recommendations and potential impacts for the EU policy development related to the coastal areas. All partners, with the special focus on the research institutions will be involved in the production of scientific publications. PEARL set a target of 15 journal papers, 22 conference papers, 2 books and 6 book chapters. Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -5- 06 June 2018
2 List of publications AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE JOURNAL PAPERS 1 Vojinovic, Z., Holistic approach to flood Natural Hazard (589–616) March 81 Hammond, M., risk assessment in areas https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-015-2098-7 2016 Golub, D., with cultural heritage: a Hirunsalee, S., practical application in Weesakul, S., Ayutthaya, Thailand Meesuk, V., Medina, N., Sanchez, A., Kumara, S., Abbott, M. 2 Julien Savre , Two-dimensional evaluation Journal of Monthly Weather Review November Vol: 144 Michael Herzog, of ATHAM-Fluidity, a 2016 Chris Pain, and nonhydrostatic atmospheric James Percival model using mixed continuous/discontinuous finite-elements and anisotropic grid adaptivity 3 tsoukala V., An integrated wave Oceanologia 58(2) April 2016 58(2): 71- DOI:10.1016/j.oceano. Chondros M., modelling framework for 89 2016.01.002 Kapelonis Z., extreme and rare events for Martzikos N., Lykou climate change in coastal A., Belibassakis K., areas the case of Rethymno, Makropoulos C. Crete 4 Xiao D, Yang P, Non-intrusive reduced order Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics and 2016 Vol:303 ISSN:0045-7825 Fang F, Xiang J, Pain modelling of fluid-structure Engineering CC, Navon IM. interactions 5 Vire A, Spinneken J, Application of the immersed- European Journal of Mechanics B-fluids 2016 Vol:55 ISSN:0997-7546 Piggott MD, Pain CC, body method to simulate Kramer SC. wave-structure interactions Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -6- 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 6 Adam A, Buchan AG, Adaptive Haar wavelets for Journal of Computational Physics 2016 Vol:305 ISSN:0021-9991 Piggott MD, Pain CC, the angular discretisation of Hill J, Goffin MA. spectral wave models 7 Karavokiros, G.; Providing Evidence-Based, Water Journal September Volume:8, DOI: Lykou, A.; Koutiva, I.; Intelligent Support for Flood 2016 Issue: 9 10.3390/w8090392 Batica, J.; Kostaridis, Resilient Planning and A.; Alves, A.; Policy: The PEARL Makropoulos, C. Knowledge Base 8 Doong, D.J., Tsai, Statistical Analysis on the Journal of Marine Science and Technology 2015 Vol: 23 DOI: 10.6119/JMST- C.H., Chen, Y.C., Long-term Observations of 015-0610-7 Peng, J.P., Huang, Typhoon Waves in the C.J. Taiwan Sea 9 Doong, D.J., Lo, Development of a New Water 2016 Vol: 8 doi:10.3390/w8110521 W.C., Vojinovic, Z., Generation of Flood Lee, W.L., Lee, S.P. Inundation Maps – A Case Study of the Coastal City of Tainan, Taiwan 10 Fraser, A. Paterson Developing Frameworks to Journal of Extreme Events 2016 S. and Pelling M. Understand Disaster Causation: From Forensic Disaster Investigation to Risk Root Cause Analysis 11 Adam A, Buchan AG, Adaptive Haar wavelets for Journal of Computational Physics 2015 Vol: 305 ISSN: 1090-2716 Piggott MD, Pain CC, the angular discretisation of Hill J, Goffin MA spectral wave models 12 Vire A, Xiang J, Pain An immersed-shell method PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE 2015 Vol: 37 ISSN: 1364-503X CC for modelling fluid-structure ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL interactions PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES 13 J. Zheng, J. Zhu, Z. Towards a new multiscale air Geosci. Model Dev. 2015 Vol: 8 Wang, F. Fang, C. C. quality transport model using Pain, and J. Xiang the fully unstructured anisotropic adaptive mesh technology of Fluidity (version 4.1.9) Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -7- 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 14 Adam A, Pavlidis D, Higher-order conservative Journal of Computational Physics 2016 Vol: 321 ISSN: 1090-2716 Percival JR, Salinas interpolation between P, Xie Z, Fang F, control-volume meshes: Pain CC, Muggeridge Application to advection and AH, Jackson MD multiphase flow problems with dynamic mesh adaptivity 15 D. Xiao, P. Yang, F. Non-intrusive reduced order Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and 2016 Vol: 303 Fang, J. Xiang, C.C. modeling of fluid-structure Engineering Pain and I.M. Navon interactions 16 D. Xiao, F. Fang, Towards non-intrusive Ocean Engineering 2017 under C.C. Pain and I.M. reduced order Application of review Navon the immersed free-surface flow modelling 17 R. Hu, F. Fang, P. An adaptive unstructured Water Resources 2017 Salinas, C.C. Pain mesh flooding model applied to urban flooding 18 Sorg, L., Medina, N., Capturing the multifaceted Natural Hazards 2018 Feldmeyer, D., phenomena of socio- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069- Sanchez, S., economic vulnerability 018-3207-1 Vojinovic, Z., Birkman, J., Marchese, A 19 KCL Triple Global Environmental Change In draft Exposure: Understanding the Interface of Austerity, Institutional Change and Political Culture in Local Flood Risk Management 20 Anna Scolobig Understanding Institutional Jouranl of Extreme Events (World Scientific) 2017 Vol 4, No. DOI: Deadlocks in Disaster 1 10.1142/S2345737617 Risk Reduction: The 500105 Financial and Legal Risk Root Causes in Genova, Italy Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -8- 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 21 Ting Zhang et al Application of a three- Water Resources Management 2016 Vol 30, dimensional unstructured- Issue 2 mesh finite-element flooding model and comparison with two-dimensional approaches 22 Makropoulos, A risk reduction framework Regional Environmental Change 2014 Christos; Tsoukala, towards extreme and rare Vasiliki; Belibassakis, events in coastal regions: the Kostas; Lykou, case study of Rethymno, Archontia; Chodros, Crete Michalis; Manojlovic, Natasa; Vojinovic, Zoran 23 Alves A., Sanchez A., Evolutionary and Holistic Water 2016 8(9):402 DOI:10.3390/w809040 Vojinovic Z., Seyoum Assessment of Green-Grey 2 S., Babel M., Infrastructure for CSO Brdjanovic D. Reduction 24 Dong-Jiing Doong, Development of a New Water 2016 8(11):521 DOI:10.3390/w811052 Weicheng Lo, Zoran Generation of Flood 1 Vojinovic, Wei-Lin Inundation Maps—A Case Lee and Shin-Ping Study of the Coastal City of Lee Tainan, Taiwan 25 Vojinovic, Z., Combining Ecosystem Environments Holistic approach 2017 4,3 Keerakamolchai, W., Services with Cost-Benefit http://www.mdpi.com/2076-3298/4/1/3 Weesakul, S., Pudar, Analysis for Selection of R., Medina, N, Alves Green and Grey Infrastructure for Flood Protection in a Cultural Setting 26 Alves, A.; Gersonius, Multi-criteria approach for Water Resources Management 2018 Issue 7 B.; Sanchez, A.; selection of green and grey https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/multi- Vojinovic, Z.; infrastructure to reduce criteria-approach-for-selection-of-green-and- Kapelan, Z. flood risk and increase co- grey-infrastr/15540230 benefits. Journal of Water Resources Management Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL -9- 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 27 Alves, A.; Patiño Combining co-benefits and Environments 2018 5(2) Gómez, J.; stakeholders perceptions http://www.mdpi.com/2076-3298/5/2/29 Vojinovic, Z.; into green infrastructure Sanchez, A.; selection for flood risk Weesakul, S. reduction 28 Hilly, G.; Vojinovic, Methodological Framework Water 2018 10, 81 Z.; Weesakul, S.; for Analysing Cascading http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/10/1/81 Sanchez, A.; Hoang, Effects from Flood Events: D.N.; Djordjevic, S.; The Case of Sukhumvit Chen, A.S.; Evans, Area, Bangkok, Thailand B. 29 Medina, N., Sanchez, The Potential of Agent Based Procedia Engineering 2016 154 (765 A., Vojinovic, Z Models for Testing City – 772) Evacuation Strategies Under a Flood Event 30 Hu, R., Fang, F., Unstructured mesh adaptivity Journal of Hydrology 2017 Salinas, P., & Pain, for urban flooding modelling. C.C. Ocean Modelling 31 Hu, R., Fang, F., Numerical simulation of Water Resources Research 2017 Salinas, P., Pain, floods from multiple sources C.C., Domingo, N.D. using an adaptive S., Mark, O. unstructured mesh method applied to Greve in Denmark 32 D. Xiao, F. Fang, Towards non-intrusive Ocean Engineering 2017 C.C. Pain and I.M. reduced order 3D free- Navon surface flow modelling 33 Laurent Soucasse, A goal-based angular Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and June 2017 Steven Dargaville, adaptivity method for thermal Radiative Transfer Andrew G Buchan, radiation modelling in non Christopher C, Pain grey media 34 Zhenghai Wang, Predictive reduced order International Journal for Numerical Methods in June 2017 D.Xiao, F.Fang, model for fluid dynamics Fluids R.Govindan, C.Pain, based on deep learning Y.Guo Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 10 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 34 Total delivered 15 Targeted 226% Completion CONFERENCE PAPERS 1 Teruggi G, Z Pearl – Preparing for 6th International Conference on Flood 16-18 PAP014763 Vojinovic, N Extreme and Rare Events in Management, 16-18 September, 2014, São September Manojlovic, C Coastal Regions Paolo 2014 Makropoulos 2 Vojinovic Z, Y Abebe, Holistic Flood Risk 11th International Conference on 17-21 A Sanchez, N Assessment in Coastal Hydroinformatics, 17-21 August, 2014, New August Medina, I Nikolic, N Areas – The PEARL York 2014 Manojlovic, C Approach Makropoulos, M Pelling, M Abbott 3 Vojinovic Z, D Golub, Merging Quantitative and 11th International Conference on 17-21 S Weesakul, W Qualitative Analyses for Hydroinformatics, 17-21 August, 2014, New August Keerakamolchai, S Flood Risk Assessment at York 2014 Hirunsalee, V Heritage Sites, the case of Meesuk, A Sanchez, Ayutthaya, Thailand S Kumara, N Manojlovic, M Abbott 4 Llort X, R Sánchez- FloodAlert: A Simplified 11th International Conference on 17-21 Diezma, Á Radar-Based EWS for Urban Hydroinformatics, 17-21 August, 2014, New August Rodríguez, D Flood Warning York 2014 Sancho, M Berenguer, D Sempere-Torres 5 Rodríguez A, X Llort, Hidromet: A Cloud-Based 11th International Conference on 17-21 D Sancho, R EWS Platform for Real Time Hydroinformatics, 17-21 August, 2014, New August Sánchez-Diezma, R Urban Flood Warning York 2014 Bella, V Gómez Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 11 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 6 Pyatkova K , AS Flood Impacts on Road SUMO User Conference 2015 – Intermodal 7-8 May Chen , S Djordjević , Transportation Using Simulation for Intermodal Transport, 7-8 May, 2015 D Butler , Z Vojinović, Microscopic Traffic Modelling 2015, Berlin. YA Abebe, M Technique Hammond, 2015 7 Makropoulos C.; Managing flood risk in 36thIAHR World Congrees (IAHR 2015) 28 June - 3 Tsoukala V.; coastal cities through an July 2015 Belibbasakis K.; integrated modelling Lykou A.; Chondros framework supporting M.; Gourgoura P.; stakeholders’ involvement: Nikolopoulos D. the case of Rethymno, Crete 8 Gourgoura P., Learning and Action 14thinternational Conference on Environmental 3-5 Blätgen T., Lykou A., Alliances: a tool for flood risk Science and Technology (CEST 2015) September Birkman J., governance in coastal area. 2015 Makropoulos C. The case of Rethymno, Crete 9 Vojinovic Z. Introduction to PEARL 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June - 3 July 2015 10 Vojinovic Z. Development of the Risk 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June - 3 Assessment Framework and July 2015 onTology (RAFT) 11 Gruhn A, P Fröhle, S Holistic Flood Risk 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June - 3 Shaikh, D Management in the Elbe July 2015 Antanaskovic, I Estuary- the PEARL Gershovich, E Approach Nehlsen, Z Vojinovic, 12 Abebe, Y.A., Agent-based simulation for 12th International Conference on 21-26 Ghorbani, A., flood risk assessment. Hydroinformatics (HIC 2016), 21-26 August August Vojinovic, Z., Nikolic, 2016, Incheon, Korea 2016 I. and Sanchez, A. 13 Abebe, Y.A., Institutional analysis for flood 8th International Congress on Environmental 10-14 July Ghorbani, A., risk reduction: A coupled Modelling and Software (iEMSs2016), 10-14 2016 Vojinovic, Z., Nikolic, agent-based-flood models July 2016, Toulouse, France Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 12 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE I. and Sanchez, A. method 14 Martzikos N.; Lykou Extended analysis of 35th International Conference on Coastal 17-22 July A.; Makropoulos C.; thresholds and classification Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey 2016 Tsoukala V for storm impacts at Rethymno 15 Kragiopoulou E.; Managing flood risk and 13th International Conference on Protection and 3 - 8 July Skarlatou E.; Lykou wave run-up in the coastal Restoration of the Environment, Mykonos island, 2016 A.; Makropoulos C.; zone of Rethymno Greece Tsoukala V. 16 Makropoulos C.; Improving Resilience Against Proceedings of the AdaptToClimate International 27-28 Tsoukala V.; Lykou Extreme and Rare Events in Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus March A.; Chodros M.; Coastal Regions: An Initial 2014 Manojlovic N.; Methodological Proposal – Vojinovic Z. The Case Study of the City of Rethymno 17 Medina, N.; Sanchez, Agent based models for European Geosciences Union - General 17-22 April A.; Nikolic, I.; testing city evacuation Assembly 2016 2016 Vojinovic, Z. strategies under a flood event as strategy to reduce flood risk 18 Medina, N.; Sanchez, The Potential of Agent Based 12th International Conference on 21-26 Volume ISSN 1877-7058 A.; Vojinovic, Z. Models for Testing City Hydroinformatics (HIC 2016), 21-26 August August 154 Evacuation Strategies Under 2016, Incheon, Korea 2016 a Flood Event Procedia Engineering ( Pages 765- 772: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.5 81) 19 Medina, N.; Sanchez, The use of agent based Water Security and Climate Change: Challenges 29 A.; Vojinovic, Z.; models for climate change and Opportunities in Asia. AIT Bangkok, November - Alves, A. adaptation and development Thailand 01 of large-scale evacuation December / strategies for flood risk 2016 mitigation Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 13 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 20 Alves A.; Sanchez A.; A Model-based Framework 12th International Conference on 21-26 Volume ISSN 1877-7058 Gersonius B.; for Selection and Hydroinformatics (HIC 2016), 21-26 August August 154 Vojinovic Z. Development of Multi- 2016, Incheon, Korea 2016 functional and Adaptive Strategies to Cope with Procedia Engineering (Pages 877- Urban Floods 884: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.4 63) 21 D. Xiao, C.C. Pain, F. Nonintrusive reduced order SIAM Conference on Computational Science & 14-18 Fang, I.M. Navon, A. modelling and applications Engineering, Salt Lake City March Muggeridge, P. for multiphase problems and 2015 Salinas A free surface flows 22 F. Fang, D.Xiao, C.C. Goal-Based ROM Adjoint for SIAM conference on Computational Science and 14-18 Pain, I.M.Navon Optimal Sensor Locations Engineering, Salt Lake City March and Data Assimilation 2015 23 James O'Neill et al Studying extreme coastal European Geosciences Union General 23-28 April precipitation events with the Assembly 2017Vienna | Austria 2017 new LES model ATHAM- Fluidity 24 Alessandra Integrazione di dati multi- Mapping and Blue Growth 10-12 May Marchese sorgente a supporto della 2017 gestione costiera in un clima che cambia 25 T. Blätgen, N. Erweiterung der Grundlage 10. Deutsche Klimatagung (10th German climate 21-24 DKT-10-78 Manojlovic, A. Gruhn, einer anpassenden und change congress) September A. Fraser, J. angepassten räumlichen 2015 Birkmann, P. Fröhle Planung - Methodik und Erkenntnisse im Zusammenhang von extremen Flutereignissen betroffener Küstenstädte in Europa 26 Arabella Fraser and Rescaling Urban Risk RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2015 2-4 Mark Pelling Management: Exploring the September Impacts of Economic 2015 Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 14 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE Restructuring on Urban Risk in Genoa, Italy and Rethymno, Crete 27 C. Pain Fluid, Solid and Radiation NAFEMS 21 October Modelling in Multphysics 2014 Systems (Key note) 28 F. Fang, C.C.Pain et Recent developments in al ocean predictive modelling and data assimilation 29 ICL Methods for assessing RGS-IBG Annual International Conference September resilience and vulnerability to 2016 natural hazards and disasters’, ‘The PEARL Risk Assessment Framework: Building Methodologies For Holistic and Structural Solutions to Coastal Flooding 30 Naso, S., Chen, A.S., A novel approach to flood 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk 20 October Aronica, J.T., risk assessment: the Management (FLOODrisk 2016) 2016 Djordjević Exposure-Vulnerability matrices https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20160708007 31 Pyatkova K, Chen Assessing flood impacts on EUSTO Final International Conference 2016 AS, DJordjevic S, road transportation Butler D, Savic DA 32 Lykou A., Koutiva I., The PEARL-toolbox: 15th International Conference on Environmental 31 August - Karavokiros G., supporting the decision Science and Technology (CEST) to be held in 2 Tsoukalas I., making process in selecting Rhodes, Greece September Pantazis C. and flood resilience strategies 2017 Makropoulos C. 33 Shaikh S., An Operational International Conference on Hydroscience & November Gershovich I., Hydrodynamic-numerical Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan 2016 Manojlovic N., Gruhn Model of the Elbe Estuary A., Fröhle P. with Telemac-2D Based on Predicted Water Levels Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 15 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 34 Medina, N., Sanchez, Automated runoff coefficient IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The 2015 A., Vojinovic, Z. computation in urban Netherlands drainage systems using Google satellite images and fuzzy classification 35 Sanchez, A., Assessing the implications IAHR World Congress, The Hague, The 2015 Vojinovic, Z., Medina, for urban drainage Netherlands N., Mynett, A. infrastructure of future scenarios of urban growth with cellular automata 36 Medina, N., Sanchez, Planning strategies for flood IAHR World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 13-18 A., Vojinovic, Z. disaster risk prevention with August, human behaviour models 2017 37 Alves, A.; Sanchez, A Model-based Framework 12th International Conference on 2016 A.; Gersonius, B.; for Selection and Hydroinformatics Vojinovic, Z. Development of Multi- functional and Adaptive Procedia Engineering Strategies to Cope with Urban Floods 38 Alves, A.; Sanchez, Selecting Optimal 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on 2017 A.; Vojinovic, Z.; Configurations of Green and Urban Drainage Kapelan, Z. Grey Infrastructure for Flood Risk Reduction 39 Vojinovic Z., Towards holistic and Water Security and Climate Change: 29 Nov - 1 Keerakamolchai1 W, multifunctional design of Challenges and Opportunities in Asia - AIT Dec, 2016 Sanchez A., green infrastructure for Weesakul S., climate change adaptation Meesuk V. and Babel, MS. 40 Vojinovic Z., Golub Adaptation to climate Water Security and Climate Change: 29 Nov - 1 D., Keerakamolchai change in areas with Challenges and Opportunities in Asia - AIT Dec, 2016 W., Meesuk V., cultural heritage Sanchez A. and Weesakul S. Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 16 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 41 Teruggi G, Z Pearl – Preparing for 6th International Conference on Flood 16-18 PAP014763 Vojinovic, N Extreme and Rare Events in Management, 16-18 September, 2014, São September Manojlovic, C Coastal Regions Paolo 2014 Makropoulos 42 Russo, B, P. Advanced urban flood EWS 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on 2017 Sánchez, X. Llort and integrating radar nowcasting Urban Drainage (ICUD2017), Prague, Czech Á. Rodríguez and 1D/2D modelling in real Republic time 43 Russo, B, X. Llort, P. Integración de nowcasting V Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua, A Coruña, 2017 Sánchez and Á. radar y modelización 1D/2D Spain Rodríguez en un sistema de alerta temprana para inundaciones en medio urbano 44 Llort, X., B. Russo, Á. Sistemas de alerta XXXIV edición de las Jornadas Técnicas AEAS, 2017 Rodríguez and P. avanzados para Tarragona, Spain Sánchez inundaciones urbanas. Integración de nowcasting radar y modelización 1D/2D en un caso real 45 Jhang, S.H., Tsai, Floodings during a typhoon European Geosciences Union General 23-28 April C.H., Doong, D.J., event with the consideration Assembly 2017Vienna | Austria 2017 Simulation of future sea-level rises 46 Kostaridis A., CIRP: A Multi-Hazard Impact to 2nd International workshop on Modelling of 14-16 Antonopoulos S., Assessment Software for Physical, Economic and Social Systems for December Gkortsilas D., Critical Infrastructures Resilience Assessment, Italy 2017 Troullinos M., Perlepes L., Moutzouris M., Lykou A., Koutiva I., Karavokiros G., Makropoulos C., Chen S.A., Vamvakeridou- Lyroudia L., Gibson J. M., & Diagourtas Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 17 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE D. 47 Shaikh, S., Müller‐ Entwicklung eines HTG Conference, Duisburg, Germany September Navarra, S., Fröhle, operationellen 2D‐ 2017 P., Manojlovic, N., Strömungsmodells der Gershovich I., Gruhn, Unterelbe auf der Grundlage A., Nehlsen, E. von stationsbasierten Wasserstandsvorhersagen des BSH 48 Gruhn A., Manojlovic Assessment of the temporal International Short Course And Conference On October N., Fröhle P. evolution of the flood risk as Applied Coastal Research 2017 (SCACR), 2017 a part of the holistic risk Santander assessment 49 Batica, Jelena, and Disaster Risk Reduction 13th International Hydroinformatics Conference 1-6 July Gourbesville, Management and resilience (HIC) 2018, Palermo, Italy 2018 Philippe approach after Xynthia flood- case study Chantelaillon- Plage, France 50 Elsa Aristodemoua, How tall buildings affect Environmental pollution 2017 Vol 233 Luz Maria turbulent air flows and https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.041 (782-796) Boganegraa, Laetitia dispersion of pollution within Mottet, Dimitrios a neighbourhood Pavlidis, Achilleas Constantinou, Christopher Pain, Alan Robins, Helen ApSimon 51 Abebe, Y.A., Holistic flood risk EGU General Assembly 2015 (EGU2015), 12-17 April Vojinovic, Z., Nikolic, assessment using agent- Vienna, Austria 2015 I., Hammond, M., based modelling: the case Sanchez, A. and of Sint Maarten Island Pelling, M. 51 Total delivered Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 18 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE 22 Targeted 231.81% Completion BOOKS 1 Zoran Vojinovic, Flood Risk: The Holistic IWA Publishing 15 March 9.78E+17 UNESCO-IHE Perspective 2015 2019 - In forthcomi 2 production ng 1 Total delivered 2 Targeted 50.00% Completion BOOK CHAPTERS 1 Fraser, A., Paterson A Review of the FORIN Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) 2014 S. and Pelling M. Methodology and Existing (http://www.irdrinternational.org/wp- FORIN Case Studies content/uploads/2013/04/FORIN-REVIEW-28- JULY-20141.pdf) 2 Cutter SL, A Frasier, The FORIN Project: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) 2015 J Birkmann, T Understanding the Causes of (http://www.irdrinternational.org/2015/03/09/forin Blätgen, M Witting, T Disasters -project/) Huang, W-S Li, I Burton, A Oliver- Smith, A Lavell, I Alcántara-Ayala 3 Medina, N., Sanchez, The use of agent based In: Babel, M. S., Haarstrick, A., Ribbe, L., 2018 A., Vojinovic, Z. & models for climate change Shinde, V. & Dichtl, N. (eds.) Water Security in Alves, A. adaptation and development Asia. Springer of large-scale evacuation https://www.springer.com/us/book/97833195461 strategies for flood risk 17 mitigation 4 Alves A.; Sanchez A.; Selecting multi-functional Springer Book – Water Security in Asia 2019 Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 19 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE Gersonius B.; green infrastructure to https://www.springer.com/us/book/97833195461 Vojinovic Z. enhance resilience against 17 urban floods Pyatkova, K., Chen, A.S., Djordjevic, S., Flood impacts on road Butler, D., Vojinović, transportation using Z., Abebe, microscopic traffic modelling 2019 - 5 Hammond, M.J. technique, Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer. forthcoming 5 Total delivered 6 Targeted 83% Completion POLICY BRIEFS 1 RISC-Kit & PEARL Disaster Risk Reduction RISC-Kit & PEARL websites October strategies in EU coastal 2014 areas 2 PEARL Tailored stakeholder PEARL websites May/June engagement 2018 3 Borie et al. Risk Root Cause Analysis for http://www.uni- October Disaster Risk Reduction stuttgart.de/ireus/dateiuploads/PEARL-POLICY- 2017 BRIEF_RRCA_Oct2017.pdf 3 Total delivered 2 Targeted 150.00% Completion Other 1 Fraser, A. Risk Root Cause Analysis King’s College London Environment, Politics and 2016 Report St Maarten, Dutch Development Working Paper No. 74 Caribbean (https://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/geogra Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 20 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE phy/research/Research-Domains/Contested- Development/Working-Papers- /KCLWorkingPaper-PEARL-Risk-and-Root- Cause-Analysis-St-Maarten.pdf) 2 KCL FORIN Review and IRDR document on root cause analysis (Third March Case Study Analysis UN World Conference on Disaster Risk 2015 Reduction, Sendai, Japan) 3 Mavrogenis, S. Risk Root Cause Analysis King’s College London Environment, Politics and 2016 Paper for PEARL: The Case Development Working Paper No. 73 of Rethymno, Crete (https://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/geogra phy/research/Research-Domains/Contested- Development/Working-Papers- /KCLWorkingPaper-PEARL-Risk-and-Root- Cause-Analysis-Rethymno-Crete.pdf) 4 Scolobig, A. Risk Root Cause Analysis King’s College London Environment, Politics and 2016 Paper for PEARL: The Case Development Working Paper No. 72 of Genoa, Italy (https://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/geogra phy/research/Research-Domains/Contested- Development/Working-Papers- /KCLWorkingPaper-PEARL-Risk-and-Root- Cause-Analysis-Genoa-Italy.pdf) 5 Abebe, Y.A., Institutional modelling for UNESCO-IHE PhD Symposium, Delft, The 3-4 Ghorbani, A., flood risk management: A Netherlands October Vojinovic, Z., Nikolic, coupled agent-based-flood 2016 I. and Sanchez, A. models method 6 Diez, R. F. From deterministic to M.Sc. Thesis. Euroaquae, Polytech Nice Sophia- 2016 probabilistic-based flood Antipolis, France forecasting of storm surges. Case: Greve, Denmark 7 Roman Soledad Modelling flooding from the Master of Science Thesis. EUROAQUAE- 2014 Berbel sea interacting with the HydroInformatics and Water Management drainage system under the influence of combined flood hazards to develop risk Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 21 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE management strategies for the coastal region of Greve, Denmark 8 Keerakamolchai, W. Towards a framework for MSc Thesis, UNESCO-IHE (The Netherlands) / 2014 multifunctional flood Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) detention facilities design in a mixed land use area. The case of Ayutthaya World Heritage Site, Thailand 9 Golub Daria Towards a framework for Master of Science Thesis. Erasmus mundus 2014 participatory flood risk Flood risk master assessment in urban areas with cultural heritage: The case of the Historic City of Ayutthaya, Thailand 10 Polania, J. A methodology for health Master of Science Thesis. Asian Institute of 2015 impact assessment during Technology and UNESCO–IHE pluvial flooding: a case study of the Sukhumvit area in Bangkok, Thailand 11 Togarepi Phyllis Towards a framework for Master of Science Thesis. Asian Institute of 2016 impact assessment of future Technology and UNESCO–IHE. scenarios of urban growth 12 Bosch Maja Institutional dimension of Master of Science Thesis for Industrial Ecology, 2017 flood risk - Understanding TU Delft and Leiden University institutional complexity in flood risk management for the case of St Maarten 13 Patiño Gomez Jose Assessment of Green Master of Science Thesis. Urban Water 2017 Manuel Infrastructure Measures to Engineering and Management, AIT- Unesco-IHE Reduce Stormwater Runoff and Enhance Multiple Benefits in Urban Areas 14 Naser Abdul Majidi Assessing the Effectiveness Master of Science Thesis. Urban Water 2017 Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 22 - 06 June 2018
AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL/CONFERENCE/PUBLISHER/BOOK DATE ISSUE ISBN/CODE of Green Infrastructures on Engineering and Management, AIT- Unesco-IHE Urban Flood Reduction and Thermal Comfort Enhancement: A Case Study of Sukhumvit Area, Bangkok 15 Hilly Geofrey Gerald Towards a Framework for Master of Science Thesis. Urban Water 2017 Analysing Cascading Effects Engineering and Management, AIT- Unesco- of Flood Impacts on Critical IHE. Infrastructure: The Case Study of Sukhumvit, Thailand 16 Mutua Rhoda Mutanu Health risk of waterborne Master of Science Thesis. Urban Water 2018 infection in contaminated Engineering and Management, AIT- Unesco- urban floodwater: the case IHE. study of Sukumvit in Bangkok, Thailand 17 Maja Bosch Institutional dimension of Msc thesis. TU Delft 2017 flood risk. Understanding institutional complexity in Flood Risk Management for the case of St Maarten 17 Total delivered N/A Targeted N/A Completion Scientific publications (D 7.6) © PEARL - 23 - 06 June 2018
3 Success indicators and conclusions PEARL set a target of 15 journal papers, 22 conference papers, 2 books and 6 book chapters. Publication Target Total Completion delivered percentage Journal papers 15 34 ~226% Conference papers 22 51 ~232% Books 2 1 50% Book chapters 6 5 83% Policy briefs 2 2 100% Other* n/a 17 n/a *Extra publications not included in the DoW PEARL e-learning module (D.7.2) © PEARL - 24 - 06 June 2018
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