Page created by Jeffery Hawkins
     E VA N G E L I C A L P R E S B Y T E R I A N
             A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

A Church devoted to the pursuit of Scripture, Prayer, Fellowship and Worship as an
 effective and ultimately victorious means of reaching our community for Christ.
                             Sunday, 3 October, 2021

✤   Indicates standing if able

                                 WELCOME & GREETING
                                  Pastor Jesse M. Crutchley

CALL TO WORSHIP                                                         Psalm 148:1–6
          “Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; Praise
          Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all
          His hosts! Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars
          of light! Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters
          above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the LORD,
          For He commanded and they were created. He also established
          them forever and ever; He made a decree which shall not pass

✤   HYMN                                                                        No 01
       By Limits You Set

CONFESSION OF SIN                                                           Proverbs 2

ASSURANCE OF PARDON                                                   Isaiah 44:22–23
          “I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, And
          like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed
          you.” Sing, O heavens, for the LORD has done it! Shout, you
          lower parts of the earth; Break forth into singing, you mountains,
          O forest, and every tree in it! For the LORD has redeemed Jacob,
          And glorified Himself in Israel.”

✤   HYMN                                                                        No 02
       Holy Spirit

     Reading of Scripture                                                    Jude 12-13
    “Omens”                                                   Pastor Jesse M. Crutchley
✤   HYMN                                                                        No 03
       God, All Nature Sings Thy Glory

                                        Jude 12-13

1 Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who
are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ: 2 Mercy, peace,
and love be multiplied to you. 3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you
concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to
contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. 4 For
certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this
condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny
the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. 5 But I want to remind you, though you
once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt,
afterward destroyed those who did not believe. 6 And the angels who did not keep their
proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under
darkness for the judgment of the great day; 7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities
around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual
immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire. 8 Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority,
and speak evil of dignitaries. 9 Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil,
when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling
accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” 10 But these speak evil of whatever they
do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they
corrupt themselves. 11 Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run
greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.
12 These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving
only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late
autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots; 13 raging waves of the
sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness
of darkness forever.
      Jude 12-13
No 01
                                         By Limits You Set
From Psalm 104:9-15                                                                          LYONS, Johann Michael Haydn 1737-1806
° bb b 3                                         œ             ˙                                œ           œ     œ    ˙
 & b 4 œœ                   œ         œœ         œ             ˙                  œœ            œ           œ     œ    ˙
             1.   By lim - its You      set,                                    the   wa - ters are bound,
             2.   The beasts of the     field                                    the streams sat - is - fy,
             3.   You wa - ter    the   hills                                   with rain from Your    sky,
             4.   So   man brings forth food                                     by  work - ing the ground,

 ? bb b 43 œ                œ         œ          œœ            ˙                  œ             œœ          œœ    œ    ˙˙
¢ b œ                       œ         œ                                           œ

° bb b                                                         ˙                 œ             œ™ œ œ
                                                  œœ                                                              œ
 & b œ œ                    œ
                                         œœ                    ˙                 œ             œ™ œ œ             œ
             Lest       they should re - turn                                  and             co - ver the ground.
             The         wild don - key's need                                  they            ful - ly sup - ply.
             With       fruit of Your works                                     the            earth sat - is - fy.
             And        wine makes his heart                                    with            glad - ness a - bound.

 ? b b œœ                   œ            œ        œœ           ˙                 œœ            œ œ œœ             œœ   ˙
¢ bb                        œ            œ                                                     œ™                      ˙
° bb b                                                                                            œ          œ    œœ   ˙˙
 & b œ                 œ            œ          nœœ          bœœ          œœ         œ                        œ
                                                                                    œ             œ
            You       make springs            gush forth                in  the    val - leys be - low,
            The        birds make             their nests                in  the   trees by the spring;
            To        nour - ish              the   cat -               tle You cause grass to        grow;
            To         make his                face shine                he   ex - tracts fra - grant   oil,

 ? b b œœ              œœ           œœ          œœ            œœ         œœ         œœ            œœ         œœ   œœ   ˙˙
¢ bb
° bb                                                      œ               œ            œ          œ™ œ œ œ
 & b b œ œ œœ                        œœ œœ                œ               œ            œ          œ™ œ œ œ             ˙
            And        cause rush - ing streams through the                                      moun - tains to  flow.
            And        there in the branc - es they                                              joy - ful - ly    sing.
            For        man's dai - ly      la - bor, the                                         plants You be - stow.
            And         finds bread that strength - ens his                                       heart    for his   toil.

 ? bb b œœ               œ           œ œœ                 œ               œ            œœ         œ ™ œœ œœ œœ         ˙
¢ b                      œ           œ                                                            œ™                   ˙
                                Taken from The Book of Psalms for Worship ©2009 Crown & Covenant Publications,
                                         7408 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15208-2531. Used by permission.
No 02
                                Holy Spirit
° bb 4                                                                    œœ
 & b4 œ         œœ    œœ œ œœ œœ                                œ                 œœ         œœ         œœ
       œ                                                        œ
        1. Ho - ly   Spir - it, liv - ing Breath of God, breathe new
        2. Ho - ly   Spir - it, come a - bide with - in, may Your
        3. Ho - ly   Spir - it, from cre - a - tion's birth, giv - ing
 ? bb 44 œœ     œ     œœ œœ œœ œœ                               œ         œ       œœ         œ          œ
¢ b             œ                                                         œ                  œ          œ

° bb
 & bœ                     œœ     œ         œœ ™™           œœ        ˙˙                 œœ         œœ
     œ          œ                œ
        life   in - to my will - ing                                 soul.
        joy    be  seen in all    I                                  do.
        life   to   all that God has                                 made,
 ?b œ                                      œœ ™™           œœ        ˙˙                 œœ         œ
                œœ        œœ     œœ                                                                œ
¢ bb œ

° bb                                                                       œœ
 & bœ                                                           œ
     œ         œœ    œœ         œ œœ œœ                         œ                  œœ         œœ        œœ
         Let  the pres - ence of the ris - en                                     Lord come re -
        Love   e - nough to cov - er ev - 'ry                                      sin,   in each
        show Your pow - er once a - gain on                                       earth, cause Your
 ? b œœ        œ     œœ         œœ œœ œœ                        œ          œ       œ          œ         œ
¢ bb           œ                                                           œ       œ          œ         œ

° bb                                                                                               Œ
 & bœ                      œœ         œ            œ™           œœ        ˙˙ ™™
     œ          œ                     œ            œ™
      new   my        heart and make me whole.
    thought and       deed and at - ti - tude.
     church  to       hun - ger for Your ways.
 ?b œ           œœ         œœ         œœ           œœ ™™        œœ        ˙˙™™                     Œ
¢ bb œ
CCLI# 4779872                                                                                      Words and Music by
                                                                                        Stuart Townend and Keith Getty

° bb œ               œ                      œœ        œ         œœ            œ          œœ
 & bœ                œ           œœ                   œ                       œ                         ˙˙
        Cause Your Word to come a - live                                                 in    me;
        Kind - ness  to the great - est and                                             the   least,
         Let   the  fra - grance of our pray'rs                                           a - rise;
 ? bb œ              œœ          œœ         œœ        œ         œ             œœ         œ              ˙˙
¢ bœ                                                  œ         œ                        œ

° bb
 & b œœ              œœ          œœ     œœ       œœ        œœ            œœ         œœ                   ˙˙
         Give me faith for what I                                       can - not                       see,
         gen - tle - ness that sows the                                 path   of                      peace.
         Lead  us     on the road of                                     sac - ri                 -     fice,
                                                 œœ        œœ            œœ         œ             œ      ˙
 ? b œœ              œœ          œœ     œœ                                          œ
¢ bb                                                                                                     ˙

° bb                                                                                œ
 & b œœ                                                   œœ            œ                         œœ
                     œœ         œœ      œ œœ                            œ           œ                         œœ   œœ
         give    me             pas - sion for Your pu - ri - ty;    Ho - ly
         Turn    my            striv - ings in - to works of grace; Breath of
         that    in              u - ni - ty the face     of Christ may be
 ? bb œœ             œ          œœ      œœ œœ             œœ            œ           œ             œœ          œ    œ
¢ b                  œ                                                              œ                         œ    œ

° b
 &b b                                  œœ        œ              œœ ™™          œœ         ˙˙ ™™
            œœ            œ                      œ
         Spir    -     it            breathe new life                          in        me.
         God         show             Christ in   all                           I        do.
         clear        for              all   the world                         to        see.
 ?b œ                     œœ           œœ        œœ             œœ ™™          œœ         ˙˙™™
¢ bb œ
No 03      God, All Nature Sings Thy Glory
° b4                               œ         œ
 & 4 œœ          œ       œ                                 œ            œ         œœ
                 œ       œ         œ         œ             œ            œ
   1. God,    all      na - ture            sings    thy                glo - ry,
   2. Clear - er      still  we               see    thy               hand   in
   3. But    our     sins   have            spoil'd thine               im - age;
   4. God     of      glo - ry,              pow - er,                 mer - cy,
 ? 4œ            œ   œœ            œœ        œ             œœ           œœ        œœ
¢ b4                                         œ

° b                                                                j
 & œœ         œœ         œœ        œ          œ ™™               œœ          ˙˙
                                   œ          œ
    and   thy   works    pro - claim                            thy might;
    man  whom   thou     hast  made                             for thee;
     na - ture,  con - science   on                   -          ly serve
     all   cre - a - tion      prais                   -         es thee;
 ? œ          œ          œ         œ          œœ™™               œœ          ˙˙
¢ bœ          œ          œ         œ                              J
°                              œ               œ
 & b œœ      œ
                     œ        bœ              bœ            œ
                                                            œ           œœ        œœ
    or - dered vast - ness                   in     the   heav - ens,
    rul - er    of     cre              -     a - tion's   glo - ry,
    as    un - ceas - ing,                  grim     re - mind - ers
    we,   thy  crea - tures,                would    a - dore    thee
 ? œ         œ       œ        œœ        œ      œ            œ           œ         œ
¢ b                                            œ            œ           œ         œ
° b                                                                j
 & œœ         œœ     nœœ           œœ         œœ ™™              œœ          ˙˙
     or - dered course  of                   day                and night;
     im - age     of   thy                   maj      -          es - ty.
      of   the  wrath which                  we                  de - serve.
    now    and through  e   -                ter      -          ni - ty.
                         œ         œ          œ™
 ? œ          œ                                                  œœ          ˙˙
¢ bœ          œ          œ         œ          œ™                  J
David Clowney, 1960                                                                                                      ODE TO JOY
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship                                                                           Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824

° b
 & œœ                   œœ               œ            œ               œœ                œ            œ        œ             œœ
                                         œ                                              œ                     œ
        beau - ty                    in              the          chang - ing                                sea     -     sons,
         Mu - sic,                   art,            the           fruit - ful                               gar     -     den,
         Yet   thy                  grace            and            sav - ing                               mer        -    cy
       Saved    to                  mag -             ni         - fy      thy                              good      -    ness,
                                                      œ               œ                              œ                      œ
 ? œ                    œœ               œœ                                             œœ                    œœ
¢ bœ                                                  œ               œ                                                     œ

° b
 & œœ                   œœ          œœ          œœ
                                                               # œœ                œœ             œ
                                                                                                 nœ            n˙
       beau -           ty                       in    the                  storm - ing     sea;
        all             the                      la - bor                     of    his    days,
        in              thy                    Word     of                  truth    re - vealed
       grant            us                    strength to                     do    thy    will;
 ? œœ                   œ
                                    œ           œ
                                                                œ                  œ
                                                                                   œ                 œ
¢ b                                                             œ                                    œ
°                                                     œ                      œ
 & b œœ                 œ
                                      œ              bœ                     bœ                   œ
                                                                                                 œ            œœ            œœ
         all          the           chang - ing                        moods                     of          na - ture
        are           the            call - ing                          of                     his        Mak - er
       claim          the           praise   of                          all                    who        know thee,
       with           our            acts    as                         with                    our         voic - es
 ? œ                    œ                œ            œœ          œ           œ                  œ            œ             œ
¢ b                                                                           œ                  œ            œ             œ
° b                                                                                                    j
 & œœ                    œœ              nœœ              œœ               œœ ™™                     œœ       ˙˙
       praise          the change - less                              Trin                  -      i       - ty.
         to            the   har - vest                               feast                       of        praise.
         in            the  blood    of                                 Je              -        sus        sealed.
        thy           com - mand - ments                                to                       ful       - fill.
                                          œ               œ                œ™
 ? œ                     œ                                                                           œœ       ˙˙
¢ bœ                     œ                œ               œ                œ™                         J

Please continue to pray for Richard Young and his health issues. He is now in Crofton
Convalescent Center. Continued prayer for Carol and the family as they minister to him -
for healing, comfort, peace & trust in the Lord.

Natalie C. - Please pray for my friend Ron who is suffering from an aggressive form of
cancer. The doctors have said they can't do anything more for him. Pray for his salvation
and Lord willing, for him to recover and for comfort for his wife and family during this
difficult time.

Barbara Smith - Prayer for my neighborhood Tuesday evening Bible study. Many of the
ladies have never studied God’s Word — as we start studying the book of Daniel, please
pray for the Holy Spirit to illumine our minds, encourage our spirits, and knit us together
Also to be mindful that worry is not a substitute for prayer — thanks Bradley for the
connection to Psalm 37 — praying for people we love who are in tough places, that they
will reach out for God’s Hand — and that we can be useful — especially when distance
separates us.

Raquel Smith - Praise! Jyshearia Woods (the mother of 3 small children with another one
on the way) has received some help. Continued prayer for her and her situation.
                                Jude 12-13

         ABOUT                    KORAH                  THEMSELVES
           AND                      LATE                   THESE
           ARE                     LOVE                     THEY
        AUTUMN                        OF                     TO
        BALAAM                     ONLY                    TREES
            BY                      OWN                    TWICE
          CAIN                   PERISHED                    UP
        CARRIED                   PROFIT                 WANDERING
         CLOUDS                   PULLED                   WATER
          DEAD                    RAGING                   WAVES
          FEAR                  REBELLION                   WAY
          FEAST                    ROOTS                   WHILE
        FOAMING                     RUN                    WINDS
          FRUIT                      SEA                    WITH
          GONE                   SERVING                  WITHOUT
          HAVE                     SPOTS                    WOE
            IN                      THE                     YOU

What verse in Jude contains the underlined words? _____________
Write the whole verse out: ________________________________________________
You can also read