Sunday 10 October 2021 - Tawa Union Church

Page created by Veronica Chen
Sunday 10 October 2021
Haere mai ki te koropiko, he koa ana mātou kua haere
mai koe ki kōnei
Fiefia ke talitali kimoutolu’i he potu tapu ni
Welcome to Worship, we are glad you are here

Please note your nearest fire exit.   Warden: Vave Fifita
Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost

Our Order of Service is displayed on the overhead. Congregational responses
are printed in yellow on the overhead . If you are able please stand for the
hymns and offering prayers.

For now, our offering is to be placed in the baskets at entry to the Sanctuary
Please know that we are still bound together through the love of Christ!

As our flame has been lit this morning:
we celebrate by its warmth the depth and breadth of our congregation;
we celebrate by its light the faith we share.

You are welcome here.
No matter where you have been,
no matter what you have done,
you are welcomed in love and grace.
May you find rest and renewal;
may you find hope and peace.
This is what God offers to us all!

Words to focus our Worship (Job 23, Ps 22, Heb 4)

Our Opening Prayer (Ps 22, Mark 10)
We sing: “In the name of Christ we gather” (Hymn tune Westminster Abbey –
Our Prayer of Confession (Ps 22, Mark 10)

We sing: “Beautiful Presence” (Tune: ‘Beautiful Presence’ - HoS#9)

We prepare our hearts and minds to hear as Scripture is read (Jas 4:8)

We listen to The Word of God
Psalm 90: 12-17
Mark 10: 17-31
Our Response to the Word (Job 23, Ps 22)

We sing: “O God of strength and everlasting kindness” (Lucy Hannah)

Our Offering for the work in this place and beyond shall now be received
We recognise and bless the gifts brought to the table and those given
to support the mission of the church through automatic payment.

Our Offering Prayer
Community time

Our Prayers for Others and Ourselves

We sing: “Nothing is lost on the breath of God” FFS#50

Our Closing Blessing:
It’s time to start moving back along those separate paths from which we
have come.
None of us can predict what this week may bring, but there is one certainty:
the resources of the God, who engineered the whole universe, will be there
for us.
You may be tested, you may suffer, you may waver and become weary, but
you will not finally be overcome. God is your strength and salvation.

Go now in hope.
Go now in love.
And may the peace that passes all understanding guide you along the way.

Resources used:
Abingdon Worship Annual 2021 – p212-214
All copyright music used by permission: CCLI#91551
Please also remember our 8:30am Service.
Zoom Meeting at 9:30am:
If you want to join on your computer, go to
Enter the following Meeting ID and passcode when prompted:
     Meeting ID: 838 5103 9194
     Passcode: TUC2021

If you want to join by phone, call 04 886 0026.
Enter the following Meeting ID and PIN when prompted:
     Meeting ID: 838 5103 9194
     PIN: 578545

    We have decided to continue online worship to protect and to support our
     members and guests to worship at home. This decision is made on the
recommendation of the wider church as our way of being in solidarity with the most
      vulnerable in our community and allows people to worship together.

The question of suffering may absorb the minds of theologians and philoso-
phers, but it is not an issue to be debated. Nor is it a problem to be solved.
Rather, suffering is a reality to be entered into with compassion and mercy in
the name of Christ. When we encounter those who suffer, the Gospel calls us
to give our lives and resources to serve and heal. And when we are faced
with suffering of our own, the Gospel gives us the assurance of God’s pres-
ence and grace, and a community of companions to journey with us. This is
the call of the Lectionary this week.

May we never use our worship as an escape from suffering, but allow it to
drive us to be the presence and compassion of God to those who suffer
wherever we may.

          Week of Prayer for World Peace
                     10th – 17th October 2021
             Please see enclosed insert for prayers and inspiration
Morning tea
COVID levels permitting, we are hoping to start having morning tea after
some 9.30am services. Because of the restrictions to keep us all safe and
well, we will need 4 people to be rostered for each morning tea.

If you are willing to volunteer for the roster, please contact Jay (our new
administrator). Phone 232 8844 or email:

                Come and meet our new administrator!!
                      Tuesday 12 October, 10 to 11am
                        BYO drink, snack and mask
  Unfortunately, with COVID, we can’t provide you with tea, coffee or bis-
          cuits, but we would love you to drop in and meet Jay.

Pantry Basket— If you have pantry items to donate, but are unable to put
them in the Sunday pantry basket, please drop these into the administrators’
office (open Tues to Thurs 9am-12.30pm and Fri 9am to noon).
The rostered pantry person will then pick them up.
Thank you for your generosity.

         If you need a printed roster for October/November...
These are now available on the table with the sign-in sheet and bulletins

OFFICE                                MINISTER
Jay Smith                             Rev Tania Shackleton
Email: Email:

Ph: 232 8844                          Ph: 022 685 7688
The Centre, 6 Elena Pl, Tawa          Home Ph: 232 0229

Hours: Tues—Thurs 9am-12.30pm
       Fri 9am-noon


               Thursday 14th October - 10am-12pm
                             at the Centre:
             Holiday Fun for Care-givers and Pre-schoolers.

           We will only proceed if we are at COVID19 Level 1,
               as it is impossible to keep 2 m distance
                           between toddlers!

                  There are plenty of toys and activities.

              Morning tea available. Everybody is welcome.

        If you can help with baking, chatting and/or tidying up
   please tell Karen on 232 3436 or Heidrun 232 2197. Thank you.

         Your donations of cash to defer costs and/or food for
          the Cannons Creek Food Bank will be appreciated.

                               “Get one. Give one”
This campaign aims to help the world's most vulnerable be protected from COVID.
.COVID Vaccines are rolling out across Aotearoa New Zealand. We are grateful to
have the opportunity to help other communities protect themselves from Covid-19.

Through this campaign, New Zealanders can contribute to a global initiative that
funds vaccines for countries that would otherwise miss out.
Community Notices
                          We are sad to hear that
                             SPRING INTO TAWA
  has had to be cancelled for this year due to COVID restrictions.

                    Feeding the Mind - Three studies
       Exploring notions about God, God as creator and God as Trinity.
              October 7,14, 21, 7:30pm at Ngaio Union Church.
Led by John Howell
Leibniz: Why is there something rather than nothing?
The three series will explore the arguments by Ray L Hart in his book: „God
Being Nothing.”
This is an in-depth study, but will aim to de-mystify the theology involved.

      Tawa New Life Church is celebrating its 50th Anniversary!
                             12-14 November 2021
If you've been connected with the church anytime in the last 5 decades
they'd love to have you join them.
Please email Janine Morgan at for more infor-
mation and registration forms.

                                Redwood Club
                       Looking for a volunteer opportunity?
                         Enjoy helping in the community?
The Redwood Club in Tawa is looking for volunteers to help in a number of ways on
weekdays between 9.30 am and 4pm. Even an hour of your time is a big help.
Please contact Vanessa on 0226803695 for more information.

       Happy celebrating to all those with birthdays and
                  anniversaries this week!
Sunday rosters
If you are unable to do your rostered duty please arrange a swap or substitute. Thank you.
                            Thanks to this week’s volunteers.

             Duty                        Today’s service        Sunday 17 October 2021

8.30am Service               Robin Thomson                 Faith Delaney
Music                        Eric Russell                  Martin MacLean
Reader                       Faith Delaney                 Kirisimasi Poasa
9.30am Service               Rev Tania Shackleton          Rev Tania Shackleton
Elder                        Jackson Lacy                  Heidrun Lehmann
Music                        Lois Hill                     Robin Thomson
Reader                       Wendy Russell                 Gretta Dymond
Technical Crew               Toa Fifita                    Junior Mwarehwa
                             Vave Fifita                   Toa Fifita
Prayers of People            Keith Knox                    Bryan Chapple
Welcoming                    Margaret Lake                 Gretta Dymond
                             Elizabeth Duncan              Jenny Wharton
Morning Tea                  Peini Family                  Gillian & Max George

Cleaning                     Vave Fifita                   John Melville
Pantry                       Eric & Wendy Russell          Eric & Wendy Russell
Tellers                      Graham Ellett                 Geoff Hughes
                             David Bray                    John Melville
Flowers                      Marie Jones                   Faith Delaney
All Age Story                Heidrun Lehmann               Heather Collins
Van Driver                   Keith Knox                    Bruce Collins
Lectionary                   Psalm 22: 1-15                Psalm 104: 1-9, 24, 35c
                             Mark 10: 17-31                Mark 10: 35-45

Communion Prep
Communion Servers

4.15 Longview Service

1pm Tongan Service
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