September 19, 2021 - Zeltenreich Reformed Church

Page created by Gordon Schneider
September 19, 2021 - Zeltenreich Reformed Church
September 19, 2021
                                                 Lord’s Day September 19, 2021; 10:30 am
                        (Those who enter for worship are asked to join others in quietly preparing to worship the Lord.)
God’s Call to Worship

                           Welcome & Announcements
                           Silent Prayer of Preparation
                           Votum and Salutation †
                           Song of Praise †                     “O Worship the King”                         TPH 219

                                The Law of God: Micah 6:6-8
                                Corporate Confession of Sin (Unison Prayer)
                                    O Father, we are gathered before You, the Maker of Heaven and
                                    Earth, whose chosen dwelling place is with the broken and contrite,
                                    to confess that we have sinned in thought and word and deed; we
Confession of Sin

                                    have not loved You with all our heart and soul, we have not loved
                                    You with all our mind and strength; we have not even loved our
                                    neighbor as ourselves. In Your mercy, deepen our sorrow for the
                                    wrong we have done and for the good we have left undone, so that
                                    we may hate our sin with a holy hatred. But, please Father, do not
                                    leave us in sorrow. With You, O Lord, there is forgiveness. In Your
                                    mercy, restore to us the joy of our salvation and renew and increase
                                    our love for You. Amen.
                                Personal Confession

                           Assurance of Pardon: Micah 7:19
                           Song of Assurance †                   “Glory Be to Jesus”                          TPH 348
                                                                (Song of the Month)

                                 Offertory Prayer
                                 Offertory Text: Psalm 96:8-10
                    † Congregation standing as you are able.
Giving of Tithes
                     Congregational Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer

                         Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
                         Thy kingdom come.
                         Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
                         Give us this day our daily bread,
                         and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
                         And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
                         For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen

                Song of Preparation †                   “O Clap Your Hands”                             TPH 47A

                Confession of Faith:            Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 18
                                              (TPH 879 or Forms and Prayers page 218)
                Scripture Reading:                                Psalm 47
God’s Word

                Prayer for Illumination
                Sermon:                                    A Psalm of Ascension

                Prayer of Application
                Song of Application †         “See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph”                    TPH 373

                         Formulary and Instruction for the Lord’s Supper
                              Short Form I (Forms and Prayers page 50)
Lord’s Supper

                              Distribution of the Elements and Prayer ††

                Benediction †

                Doxology †                “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”                     TPH 570
                Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Alleluia,
                   Alleluia, praise him above, ye heav’nly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
                                  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen.
                †† The outer ring of communion cups contains wine and the inner rings contain grape juice. The wafers
                are gluten-free.
Sermon Notes
A Psalm of Ascension
      Psalm 47
Evening Worship Service
                             Sunday, September 19, 2021; 6:00 pm

                             Welcome and Announcements

                                   *Votum and Salutation

*Song of Praise    Help, LORD, Because the Godly Ones Have Vanished         TPH 12

                                   *Confession of Faith
                                    The Nicene Creed
                            (TPH 852 or Forms and Prayers 149)

                                   Congregational Prayer

*Song of Preparation        I Called Upon the LORD in My Distress           TPH 120

                                      Scripture Reading
                                        James 3:1-12

                                   Prayer for Illumination

                                    The Tongue is a Fire

                                    Prayer of Application

*Song of Application           May the Mind of Christ, My Savior            TPH 488


*Doxology                   May the Grace of Christ Our Savior              TPH 563
            "May the grace of Christ our Savior and the Father’s boundless love,
                   with the Holy Spirit’s favor, rest upon us from above.
                Thus may we abide in union with each other and the Lord,
         and possess, in sweet communion, joys which earth cannot afford. Amen."
* Congregation standing as you are able.
Sermon Notes
The Tongue is a Fire
   James 3:1-12
Notes from Council
  1.    ZRC will be purchasing an assisted listening system that integrates
  with our sanctuary PA system and hearing aids or personal earphones. If
  you are interested in learning more or using one, please let a deacon
  know. We want to order the right number of modules.

  2.     Continue to praise the Lord for continued progress for the Indy
  Reformed group. Please visit to see the latest on
  our mission work, including Austin's video intro. For any that are
  interested, church plant donations can be sent to: Indy Reformed, 7151
  Aldgate Ln, Indianapolis, IN 46250.

  3.    Council approved a new Facilities Committee that will be overseen
  by the Deacons. Please see a deacon if you are interested in serving in this

                             Reformed Youth Services East
                             Coast Retreat

RYS will hold its annual East Coast Retreat from November 5th to
November 7th in the Poconos. All High School students are
eligible to attend. Please let Cindy Schulz know if you are
interested in going as a student or a chaperone.
We are a member congregation of the                               This morning Pastor Robert Godfrey will preach
                 United Reformed Churches in North                                   from Psalm 47 on A Psalm of Ascension and this
                 America.                                                            evening from James 3:1-12 on The Tongue is a
                   We are glad that God led you to worship                           Fire.
                 with us today. We are a Church of sinners                           Today, Sunday, September 19, 2021
                 saved by God’s grace to us in Christ, and we                         9:15 am Sunday School and Catechism
                 pray that you will receive a rich blessing.                         10:30 am Worship Service and Lord’s Supper
                   This morning we will be observing The                              5:45 pm Psalm and Hymn Sing
                 Lord’s Supper as part of our worship. If                             6:00 pm Evening Worship Service
                 you are a visitor, please refer to the                              Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Welcome to ZRC

                 yellow card in the pew rack for                                      9:30 am Ladies’ Bible Study
                 instructions on participation. The outer
                                                                                     Saturday, September 25, 2021
                 ring of communion cups contains wine

                                                                  This Week at ZRC
                                                                                      7:00 am Men’s Breakfast
                 and the inner rings contain grape juice.
                 The wafers in the communion plate are                               Sunday, September 26, 2021
                 gluten-free.                                                         9:15 am   Sunday School and Catechism
                    A cry room with a video monitor is                               10:30 am   Worship Service and Lord’s Supper
                 located off the narthex. It is available for                         5:45 pm   Psalm and Hymn Sing
                 your use to attend to the needs of your infant                       6:00 pm   Evening Worship Service
                 or toddler. Worship activity pages for                              Save the Date:
                 children are available from the greeters. All                       - 5-7 November – RYS High School Retreat
                 Scripture taken from the New King James                             - 3 December – Ladies’ Christmas Event
                 Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
                 Nelson. Used by permission. All rights                                 -   A new members class will be starting in
                 reserved.                                                                  October. If you are interested, please use
                                                                                            the sign-up sheet in the narthex or speak to
             September Open/Close: Gordon Denlinger                                         the pastor.
             September Coffee Set Up: Carolyn Denlinger

                 Minister of the Word
                                                                                      ZELTENREICH REFORMED CHURCH
Church Council

                   Rev. Robert Godfrey, Chairman
                                                                                             752 Hollander Road
                   Mr. Clark Bearinger, Vice Chairman                                        New Holland, PA 17557
                   Mr. Gordon Denlinger                                                      Web site:
                   Mr. Andy Fiol, Clerk                                              Email:
                   Mr. James Gibson, Assistant Clerk                                 Phone: 717-354-9642
                 Deacons                                                             Office Hours: Wednesday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm,
                   Mr. Evan Denlinger, Clerk                                                          Friday 1-4 pm
                   Mr. Preston Denlinger                                                 For diaconal assistance, please email:
                   Mr. Jeffrey Kauffman, Chairman                                      
                   Mr. Andy Mancuso
                   Mr. Collin Whipple
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