February 6, 2022 - Zeltenreich Reformed Church

Page created by Gordon Schneider
February 6, 2022
                            Lord’s Day February 6, 2022; 10:30 am
  (Those who enter for worship are asked to join others in quietly preparing to worship the Lord.)
God’s Call to Worship
  Welcome & Announcements
  Silent Prayer of Preparation
  Votum and Salutation †
  Song of Praise †               “Christ Is Coming” (Song of the Month)                TPH 390
Confession of Sin
  The Law of God: Matthew 22:37-40
  Corporate Confession of Sin (Unison Prayer)
  Almighty and most merciful God our heavenly Father, we cast ourselves down
  before You under a deep sense of our unworthiness and guilt. We have
  grievously sinned against You, in thought, in word, and in deed. We have come
  short of Your glory. We have broken Your commandments, and turned aside
  every one of us from the way of life. Yet now, O most merciful Father, hear us
  when we call upon You with penitent hearts; and for the sake of Your Son, Jesus
  Christ, have mercy upon us. Pardon our sins, and grant us Your peace. Take
  away our guilt. Purify us, by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, from all inward
  uncleanness; and make us able and willing to serve You in newness of life, to
  the glory of Your holy name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN.
  Personal Confession
Assurance of Pardon
  Assurance of Pardon: Matthew 9:5-6
  Song of Assurance †                 “Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us”                  TPH 525
  Offertory Prayer
  Giving of Tithes
  † Congregation standing as you are able
Offertory Text: Psalm 54:4-7
    Congregational Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
           Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
           Thy kingdom come.
           Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
           Give us this day our daily bread,
           and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
           And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
           For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen
God’s Word
    Song of Preparation †                   “Eternal Is Your Word, O LORD”                         TPH 119L
    Confession of Faith                   Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 31
                                          (TPH 886 or Forms and Prayers 235)
    Scripture Reading:                           II Thessalonians 3:13-16
    Prayer for Illumination
    Sermon:                                      Keys that Lock and Unlock
    Prayer of Application
    Song of Application †                      “The Lord’s My Shepherd”                           TPH 23A
Lord’s Supper
    Formulary and Instruction for the Lord’s Supper
     Short Form I (Forms and Prayers page 50)
    Distribution of the Elements and Prayer ††
    Benediction †
    Doxology †                 “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”                          TPH 570
      Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Alleluia, Alleluia,
     praise him above, ye heav’nly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia,
                                          Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen.
†† The outer ring of communion cups contains wine, and the inner rings contain grape juice. The wafers are
Sermon Notes
Keys that Lock and Unlock
  II Thessalonians 3:13-16
Evening Worship Service
                              Sunday, February 6, 2022; 6:00 pm

                             Welcome and Announcements

                                   *Votum and Salutation

*Song of Praise                       Holy, Holy, Holy                         TPH 230

                                   *Confession of Faith
                                    The Nicene Creed
                            (TPH 852 or Forms and Prayers 149)

                                   Congregational Prayer

*Song of Preparation          The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear             TPH 22D

                                      Scripture Reading
                                       I Kings 18:19-40

                                   Prayer for Illumination

                                      Come Near to Me

                                    Prayer of Application

*Song of Application         You Were Pleased to Show Your Favor               TPH 85


*Doxology                                  Gloria Patri                        TPH 572
                 "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
    As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen."

* Congregation standing as you are able.
Sermon Notes
Come Near to Me
 I Kings 18:19-40
                       Professions of Faith
  On Sunday, February 13, Professions of Faith will be made by Seth
Bender, Scarlet Meyer, Kevin Martin, and Elly Schulz. Rejoice with

           Word & Deed Prayer Update - Ecuador
  The return of in-person schooling in Ecuador was recently delayed
until May, meaning that students will have been out of class for 2
  Word & Deed's partner, Corporacion Mision San Lucas Ecuador, is
ministering to some of these children in Quininde with small groups
coming to the after-school project and with home visits.
  Director Dr. Yeny and some of the staff are dealing with fatigue
due to the after-effects of Omicron.
  Josh Vogel, after spending some time studying Spanish in Quito,
will be moving to Quininde with his family to help further the work
there. Josh is a deacon called by Covenant Christian Church (URC) of
Wyoming, ON.
  Please pray that the Gospel would shine brightly in Ecuador.

  Correction: Last week Eastern Classis was listed on the Weekly
Calendar for February 4th. The correct date is March 4th, 2022.
We are a member congregation of the             This morning Pastor Robert Godfrey will preach
United Reformed Churches in North                 from II Thessalonians 3:13-16 on Keys that Lock
America.                                          and Unlock and this evening from I Kings 18:19-
  We are glad that God led you to worship         40 on Come Near to Me.
with us today. We are a Church of sinners         Today, Sunday, February 6, 2022
saved by God’s grace to us in Christ, and we        9:15 am Sunday School and Catechism
pray that you will receive a rich blessing.       10:30 am Worship Service and Lord’s Supper
  This morning we will be observing The            5:45 pm Psalm and Hymn Sing
Lord’s Supper as part of our worship. If           6:00 pm Evening Worship Service
you are a visitor, please refer to the
yellow card in the pew rack for                   Wednesday, February 9, 2022
instructions on participation. The outer           9:30 am Ladies’ Bible Study
ring of communion cups contains wine              Thursday, February 10, 2022
and the inner rings contain grape juice.           7:00 pm Consistory, Deacons Meet
The wafers in the communion plate are             Saturday, February 12, 2022
gluten-free.                                       7:00 am Men’s Breakfast
   A cry room with a video monitor is
located off the narthex. It is available for      Sunday, February 13, 2022
                                                   9:15 am   Sunday School and Catechism
your use to attend to the needs of your infant
                                                  10:30 am   Worship Service and Lord’s Supper
or toddler. Worship activity pages for
                                                  12:00 pm   Fellowship Meal
children are available from the greeters. All      5:45 pm   Psalm and Hymn Sing
Scripture taken from the New King James            6:00 pm   Evening Worship Service
Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson. Used by permission. All rights
reserved.                                         February Open/Close: Derek Pilon
                                                  February Coffee Set Up: Kellye Pilon

Church Council
Minister of the Word
  Rev. Robert Godfrey, Chairman
Elders                                             ZELTENREICH REFORMED CHURCH
  Mr. Gordon Denlinger
  Mr. Andy Fiol, Vice Chair and Assistant Clerk
                                                          752 Hollander Road
  Mr. James Gibson                                        New Holland, PA 17557
  Mr. Steve Schulz, Clerk                                 Web site: www.zeltenreich.org
  Mr. Robert Vance                                Email: office@zeltenreich.org
Deacons                                           Phone: 717-354-9642
  Mr. Evan Denlinger, Clerk                       Office Hours: Wednesday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm,
  Mr. Preston Denlinger                           Friday 1-4 pm
  Mr. Andy Mancuso                                     For diaconal assistance, please email:
  Mr. Derek Pilon                                             deacons@zeltenreich.org
  Mr. Collin Whipple
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