Schedule Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG. 72nd Annual Show Sunday 3rd July 2022 Enter online at Entries close 24th June ...

Page created by Sara George
Equine Schedule

           Dunmanway Show


  Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG.
         72nd Annual Show
        Sunday 3rd July 2022

Enter online at

      Entries close 24th June 2022

Rules and Regulations

    1. Exhibits of Horticulture, Cookery, Needlework, Handicrafts and art will
       be judged at 4:00pm on Saturday (day before the show). Exhibitors
       please note – all entries in these classes must be in place by 3:30pm
       on Saturday and cannot be removed before 5:00pm on Sunday.
       Exhibitors must produce their Official Removal Card to the Stewards
       in charge of the various sections
    2. No entries will be accepted after the stipulated closing date.
    3. Entries must be accompanied by the Full Amount of the Entry Fee
       (Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders to be made payable to
       Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG.) and must have all necessary
       details and information.
    4. A person entering an Exhibit and failing to send same for exhibition
       shall forfeit the entry fee.
    5. Exhibitors are reminded that whilst every precaution will be taken to
       ensure the safety of exhibits, the Society will not be responsible for
       any loss or damage, nor will the Society be accountable for any
       accident that may occur to any person attending the show, be they
       visitor, exhibitor or otherwise.
    6. Exhibitors accept that the Judges’ decision is FINAL in all cases. ANY
       abuse/harassment of Judges/Stewards/Officials will not be tolerated.
       Where a dispute arises, the matter will be dealt with under Rule 7 and
       in accordance with the ISA disciplinary procedures as appropriate.
    7. Objections in any class MUST be lodged in writing with the Secretary
       before 4:00pm on Show Day. All objections must be accompanied by a
       fee of €20.00, which will be forfeited if the objection is not upheld.
    8. No prize awarded unless 2 compete; no 2nd prize awarded unless 3
       compete and no 3rd prize unless 5 compete. This rule will be waived
       should the Judge consider there is special merit and record same in
       their book at the time of judging.
    9. The Society reserves the right of refusing entries, varying prize lists
       and arrangements, or removing any animal or other exhibit, at any
       time during the Show, and shall in no way be liable for any claim for
       compensation arising out of the holding of, or the abandonment or
       alteration of the date of the Show.
   10. Should any objection be made to any successful animal in a class on
       the grounds of height, the Stewards of the class shall have the animal
       examined by the Society’s Veterinary Surgeon, whose decision shall
       be final.
   11. The pony section will be run under the Irish Pony Society Rules.

12. A parade of prize winners – horses and cattle will take place if
    possible and if an animal is absent from this parade, the exhibitor in
    question will be liable to forfeit the prize or prizes awarded to the
    animal in the absence of an adequate explanation.
13. First Prize winners in Horse, Pony and Cattle classes are debarred
    from further competition, except where otherwise stated. Winners of
    qualifiers may compete in other classes.
14. Refreshments will be supplied on the grounds.
15. The Prize List is issued subject to the General Rules and Conditions of
    the Society.
16. The Society has the option of cancelling or amalgamating any class
    where less than three entries have been received.
17. Young Horse Championship: Winners of the thoroughbred youngstock
    class are not eligible to compete for this championship.
18. Animals entered to compete in the Irish Draught Mare classes must be
    registered in the Irish Draught studbook and have an I.H.R. number.
19. All foals must be led at this show.
20. All entries in Horse classes must have an IHR number or equivalent.
21. Judging in the Horse Section must commence at 11:00am.
22. NO HAWKERS ALLOWED unless they produce their own public
    liability insurance and make appropriate arrangements with the
    Society prior to the show.
23. Exhibitors of animals are requested to have their own Insurance Cover
    & Public Liability.
24. The Irish Shows Association Levy of 5% will be deducted from all
    prize money in the relevant sections: horses, ponies, donkeys, cattle,
25. Winners of qualifiers are themselves responsible for entering their
    animals (or exhibits) for the FINAL. On completion of judging, they
    must attend the Show Secretary’s Office within ONE HOUR, and
    complete the necessary documentation and pay entry fee for the
26. The Society will not be responsible for any errors in either Entry
    Forms, Schedule, or Show Book.
27. Cars are parked at owners’ risk.
28. Any handler whose animal is not under his/her control may be asked
    to remove said animal from the arena or show field, at the discretion
    of the Safety Officers, Judge or Stewards.
29. Trade Stand Owners must have their own Public Liability Insurance
30. All Exhibitors must display their numbers so that they can be easily
    seen and read.

31. Safety Officers must be obeyed at all times.
    32. Stallions are not eligible to compete in the Horse and Pony Sections
        due to insurance regulations.
    33. Only competent persons are allowed to exhibit animals.
    34. Bulls must be led with a pole and be under the control of two people
        at all times.
    35. All cattle entries must comply with Department of Agriculture
    36. In the Cattle Section, it has been ruled that a Heifer is a Heifer until
        she calves; then she is in the Cow Class.
    37. All entries must be in the Show Book – insurance regulations.
    38. One person only will be admitted free with each livestock exhibit, but
        two persons may be admitted with a bull.
    39. Cups and Trophies must be returned to the Society before closing
        date for entries. Dunmanway Agricultural Society requires the
        signature of the Perpetual Cup / Trophy winners for receipt of same
        from the show. The person to whom the Cup / Trophy is awarded
        gives an undertaking that the Cup / Trophy will be returned to the
        Show Secretary in as good a condition as it was received, at least 14
        days prior to the date of the succeeding show. NO PERPETUAL CUP /

Important Notice to Animal Owners Involved in the Show

The Irish Shows Association would advise all animal owners who have their
animals insured to have the insurance cover extended to cover them while
showing animals at shows. We understand that it costs very little, or nothing
at all, to do so, depending on who you have your insurance cover with.
If you are one of the few people who does not have cover, we would advise
that you think about putting it in place for this purpose. It may well be
The reason for us giving you this advice is to protect yourself in the event of
your animal lashing out and injuring someone or damaging someone’s
property. If that were to happen, and it is established that your animal was
out of your control, you may be held fully or partly responsible for any injury
or damage caused and may end up paying all or part of any settlement
Entries Close 24th June and must be made online.


Entries Close 24th June and must be made online.

                             Broodmares & Foals
Location: Ring 3

Class 166: Barren or Maiden Mare
       Barren or Maiden Mare 4 years old and upwards likely to produce a
       Sponsor: Keohane’s Readymix, Ballygurteen, Clonakilty
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30
       Winner presented with Dan Cotter Memorial Perpetual Cup

Class 167: Lightweight Broodmare
       Murray Bros. Brood Mare calculated to produce a Lightweight Hunter
       with Foal at foot or stinted.
       Sponsor: Murray Bros. Tarmacadam
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €125, 2nd - €90, 3rd - €35
       Winner will be presented with the William O’Driscoll Perpetual Cup.

Class 168: Heavyweight Broodmare
       Murray Bros. Brood Mare calculated to produce a Heavyweight Hunter
       with foal at foot or stinted. This class is open to ID Mares.
       Sponsor: Murray Bros. Tarmacadam
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €125, 2nd - €90, 3rd - €35
       Winner will be presented with the Kieran Young Perpetual Cup

Class 169: The All-Ireland Broodmare And Foal Team Championship Qualifier


             1. Entries are confined to registered non-thoroughbred
                broodmares with a foal at foot.
             2. Each mare and her foal will be judged as a unit: 60% for the
                mare and 40% for the foal.
             3. This competition is open to animals registered in a World
                Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH) studbook or a
                Department of Agriculture Food and The Marine (DAFM)
                approved studbook with recorded breeding.
             4. The mare’s passport will be inspected before judging
                commences. Exhibitors failing to produce a passport will be
                debarred from competing.
             5. Qualified mares may not compete in other classes at Iverk
             6. Foals are eligible to compete in the foal classes at Iverk Show.
             7. Foals must be led at all times.

       These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A Rules and the
       Iverk Show rules.
       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €1000.00 cash; Second €600.00 cash;
       Third €400.00 cash; Fourth €300.00 cash; Fifth €200.00 cash; Sixth
       €150.00 cash; 7th to end €120
       An extra prize of €100 will be awarded to the highest placed Mare six
       years old & younger.
       Final Date: 27 Aug 2022
       Venue: Iverk Agricultural Show (Piltown)
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 170: Registered Irish Draught Mare
       Registered Irish Draught Mare, 3 years old and over, with or without
       foal at foot.
       Sponsor: Murray Bros. Tarmacadam
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €70, 2nd - €50, 3rd - €30
       Winner presented with The Timothy O’Donovan Perpetual Cup

Class 171: Irish Draught Foal
       Irish Draught Foal, Colt or Filly. Mares passport must be available for
       Entry fee of €12.00

Prizes: 1st - €50, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20
       The Dan Downey Perpetual Cup will be presented to the winner

Class 172: The Bantry Show I.D. Foal Munster Championship Qualifier
       The Bantry Show I.D. Foal Munster Championship

            1. The aim of this championship is to encourage the breeding of
               Irish Draught Foals.
            2. The Championship is open to all foals eligible for ID Class 1
            3. One Foal to be selected at each qualifier. A second foal may be
               selected at the discretion of the judges.
            4. The Dam's passport must be produced for inspection at the
               qualifying rounds and at the final.
            5. The foal's passport must be produced at the final.
            6. One of the judges at the qualifying shows to be from the from
               the Irish Draught Horse Judges list if possible.
            7. Foals competing in the final are ineligible to enter any other
               class at Bantry Show.
            8. There will be separate classes for colt and filly foals at the
            9. The champion will be selected from the winners of each class.

       These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A Rules.
       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €300.00 cash; Second €200.00 cash;
       Third €100.00 cash; Fourth €80.00 cash
       Champion Foal: €100.
       The Overall Champion will receive €400 in total.
       All other competitors (unplaced) who attend will receive €75

       Final Date: 04 Sep 2022
       Venue: Bantry Show
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 173: Irish Draught Filly Foal Championship Qualifier
       Part of the Horse Sport Ireland National Showing Championship series

1. This competition is open to animals with the breed code ID,
               registered in The Irish Draught Horse Studbook (or a
               harmonised Irish Draught Studbook) with recorded breeding.
            2. If the foal's passport is not to hand, the mare's passport must
               be ready for inspection prior to entry to the judging ring.
               Failure to comply with this rule will lead to immediate
            3. Foals must be led at all times.
            4. Passports & (Microchips if applicable) should be read by a Vet
               at the Final.
            5. One foal from selected shows may qualify for the final if the
               judges and The I.S.A. agree the standard is high enough.
            6. One of the judges at the qualifying show must be from the I D
               H Judges List.v
            7. Foals qualified for the final are not eligible to enter any other
               classes at the show where the final is held.

       These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A Rules.
       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €500.00 cash; Second €200.00 cash;
       Third €100.00 cash; Fourth €100.00 cash; Fifth €50.00 cash; Sixth
       €50.00 cash
       Final Date: 25 Sep 2022
       Venue: Ballinasloe Horse and Agricultural Show
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 174: Sporthorse Foal
       Colt or Filly Foal to make a Hunter.
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €50, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 175: The Colt Foal All-Ireland Championship Qualifier
       Sponsored By: Ennis Municipal Authority

            1. This competition is open to foals registered or eligible to be
               registered in a World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses
               (WBFSH) studbook or a Department of Agriculture Food and
               The Marine (DAFM) approved studbook with recorded

            2. One foal may be selected to qualify for the final if the judges
               and the I.S.A. agree the standard is high enough.
            3. Foals must be led at all times.
            4. Exhibitors to both the qualifier and the final must have the
               mare’s passport available for inspection prior to entry to the
               judging ring. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to
               immediate disqualification.
            5. Passports & Microchips should be read by a veterinary surgeon
               at the final.
            6. Foals qualified for final are not eligible to enter any other
               class at the show where the final is held.

       These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A. Rules.
       A prize will be presented for combination of Best Turned-out Foal and
       Most Suitably Dressed Handler.
       Prizes at Final: First €1200.00 cash; Second €700.00 cash; Third
       €500.00 cash; Fourth €300.00 cash; Fifth €200.00 cash; Sixth €100.00
       Final: 07 Aug 2022
       Venue: Clarecastle Show
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 176: Champion Foal
       1st and 2nd prize winners in the foal classes will compete for the
       Champion Foal of the show
       Championship class: no direct entry
       Prizes: 1st - €80, 2nd - €40
       The Champion will be presented with the Billy Cotter Perpetual Cup

Class 177: The Murray Bros. Tarmacadam Champion Broodmare of The Show
       Sponsor: Murray Bros. Tarmacadam
       Championship class: no direct entry
       Prizes: 1st - €100, 2nd - €50
       The Champion will be presented with the Murray Bros. Tarmacadam
       Ltd. Perpetual Cup
Class 178: Mare And Foal Progeny Class
       MARE AND FOAL PROGENY CLASS, to be judged as unit (50% mare
       50% foal).

Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €100, 2nd - €60, 3rd - €40

                          Shetlands & Miniatures
Location: Ring 3

Class 179: Shetland Pony
       Shetland Pony (standard or miniature): Mares, geldings, fillies, and
       foals, any age. To be led. Special Rosette for Best Foal. No Stallions or
       colts over 2 yrs. allowed.
       Class will be judged in RING 3 at approximately 2:00pm.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20
       Winner will receive The Kildee Perpetual Cup.

Class 180: Miniature Horse
       Miniature Horse: Mares, geldings, fillies, and foals, any age. To be led.
       Special Rosette for Best Foal. No Stallions or colts over 2 yrs. allowed.
       Class will be judged in RING 3 at approximately 2:30pm.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20
       Winner will receive Secretary’s Perpetual Cup.

                                Ridden Horses
Location: Ring 1

Class 181: Ridden Irish Draught
       Ridden Irish Draught Gelding or Mare, 4 years old and upwards.
       I.D. Crosses are also eligible provided either Dam or sire is a fully
       registered Irish Draught.
       Sponsor: Clonakilty Park Hotel
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €70, 2nd - €50, 3rd - €30
       Winner will be presented with the Mick Carroll Perpetual Memorial

Class 182: Heavyweight Hunter
       Gelding or Mare 4 years old and upwards likely to make a weight
       carrying hunter.
       Sponsor: Clonakilty Park Hotel
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30
       Winner will be presented with the Lehane and Associates Perpetual
Class 183: Lightweight Hunter
       Gelding or Mare 4 years old and upwards likely to make a Light
       Weight Carrying Hunter.
       Sponsor: Stable Door Pottery – Orla O’Rourke
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30
       Winner will be presented with the Dunmanway Agricultural Society
       Perpetual Cup.
Class 184: The Ardrahan All Ireland Ridden Hunter Championship Qualifier
       Sponsored By: Ardrahan Show and Associates

            1. Entries are confined to Mares and Geldings, four years old and
               over, to be shown under saddle; Light weight, Medium weight
               and Heavy weight.
            2. The judges may ride each horse in all paces on either or both
            3. The judges will asses the conformation and movement of each
               horse in hand.
            4. Two Animals may be selected to qualify for the final if the
               judges and the ISA agree that the standard is high enough.
            5. Exhibitors to both the qualifier and the final must have the
               animal’s passport available for inspection prior to entry to the
               judging ring. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to
               immediate disqualification.
            6. Passports and Microchips should be read by a Vet at the final.
            7. Animals qualified for the final are not eligible to enter any
               other class at the show where the final is held.

These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A. Rules.
       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €500.00 cash; Second €300.00 cash;
       Third €200.00 cash; Fourth €150.00 cash; Fifth €100.00 cash; Sixth
       €75.00 cash
       For information on accommodation or free stabling for the final,
       contact 086-0879726 or 085-7441779 in advance
       Best four year old €200; Best Irish Draught in the final €200; €100
       each to all other finalists who compete in the final.
       Prizes will be presented for the Best Owner Ridden, and the Best
       Presentation of Horse and Rider.
       Final Date: 09 Jul 2022
       Venue: Ardrahan Agricultural Show
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 185: Small Hunter
       Small Hunter, 4 years old and over, measuring over 148 cms and
       under 160 cms.
       Sponsor: Stable Door Pottery – Orla O’Rourke
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30

Class 186: Ridden Cob
       Cob, Gelding or Mare, 4 years old and over.
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30
       Winner will be presented with The Paddy Kelly Perpetual Trophy.

       Prizes: 1st - Rosette, 2nd - Rosette
       The Champion Ridden Hunter will be presented with the Henry Smith
       Perpetual Cup.
Location: Ring 1

Class 188: Ridden Coloured
       Coloured horse, 4 years old and over, to be ridden. Stallions not
       Entry fee of €12.00

Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30

Class 189: In-hand Coloured
       Coloured horse any age to be led. No stallions or colts over 2 years of
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30

       Prizes: 1st - Rosette, 2nd - Rosette
       The Connie Farrell Perpetual Cup will be presented to the Champion
       Coloured Horse
Location: Ring 2

Class 191: Thoroughbred Broodmare
       Thoroughbred Brood Mare, with Foal at foot or Stinted.
       Weatherby’s Passport must be available for inspection by steward on
       Sponsor: Meelin Stud, Bandon
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30
       Winner presented with the Miah Duggan Perpetual Cup

Class 192: Thoroughbred Foal
       Thoroughbred Colt or Filly Foal.
       Sponsor:    Donal Ross, Dunmanway Branch
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €50, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 193: Thoroughbred Young Stock
       Thoroughbred Young Stock, 1 & 2 yr old Colt, Gelding, or Filly.
       Sponsor:    Donal Ross, Dunmanway Branch
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30

Winner will be presented with the Michael Russell Auctioneers
       Perpetual Cup.
                                Young Horses

Dunmanway Show is a qualifier for:
Sponsored by Allied Irish Bank, Skibbereen.
Organised by Carbery Show Society CLG, Skibbereen
The Championship is for YEARLING GELDING OR FILLY in the I.H.R. The final
is held at Carbery Show, Skibbereen.
Qualifiers will be selected at the following Shows: Leap, Midleton, Belgooly,
Clonakilty, Cork, Charleville, Dunmanway, Barryroe, Ballyvourney/Coolea and
Two animals will be selected at each Show to go forward to the Final at
Carbery Show on Thursday 21st July 2022.

PRIZEMONEY AT FINAL AS FOLLOWS: 1st - €400 plus Horse Rug 2nd - €200
3rd - €100 €30 to all other finalists.
Special prize of €125 to leading Filly if not 1st or 2nd plus Denis O'Mahony
Memorial Rosette.
The Society wishes to thank the Sponsors for making this Championship
Location: Ring 2

Class 194: Yearling Colt, Gelding or Filly
       Yearling colt, gelding or filly likely to make a Hunter. Special rosette
       and €30 to the highest placed filly if not already placed.
       The winner will be presented with the Dermot Crowley Memorial Cup.
       Sponsor:   Wilson Daly Solicitors
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: - €30, 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30

Class 195: Two-Year Old Gelding or Filly
       Two-year old gelding or filly likely to make a hunter.
       Special rosette and €30 to the highest placed filly if not already
       Sponsor: Wilson Daly Solicitors
       Entry fee of €12.00

Prizes: - €30, 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30

Class 196: The Kildysart Two-Year-Old Filly All Ireland Championship
        The Kildysart Two-Year-Old Filly All Ireland Championship
        Sponsored by: Clare Oil Co. Ltd. Banner Contractors Ltd & Kildysart
        Part of the Horse Sport Ireland National Showing Championship series

            1. This competition is open to animals registered in a World
               Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH) studbook or a
               Department of Agriculture Food and The Marine (DAFM)
               approved studbook with recorded breeding.
            2. Two animals may be selected to qualify for the final if the
               judges and the I.S.A. agree the standard is high enough.
            3. Exhibitors to both the qualifier and the final must have the
               animal’s passport available for inspection prior to entry to the
               judging ring. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to
               immediate disqualification.
            4. Passports & Microchips should be read by a veterinary surgeon
               at the final.
            5. Animals qualified for final are not eligible to enter any other
               class at the show where the final is held.

       These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A. Rules.
       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €650.00 cash; Second €350.00 cash;
       Third €250.00 cash; Fourth €200.00 cash; Fifth €150.00 cash
       7th to end will receive €100 each
       A prize will be presented for the combination of best turned-out horse
       and most suitably dressed handler.
       Final Date: 30 Jul 2022
       Venue: Kildysart Agricultural Show
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 197: TIHA Limerick Lady Qualifier
       Conditions for TIHA Limerick Lady Qualifier 2022:

       (a) For two-year-old Traditionally Bred Fillies, suitable for producing
       High Quality Traditionally Bred Sport Horses

       (b)Fillies must have been registered as foals with a society that

maintains its breed for - the Irish Sport Horse Breed, the Irish Draught
       Breed, the Thoroughbred Breed & the Connemara Pony Breed and
       MUST be by:
       (a) Thoroughbred Stallions, Connemara Stallions, ISH (TIH) Stallions,
       Irish Draught Stallions or
       (b) Any cross of the afore
       (c) Dams of the fillies must be by the Stallions as above and registered
       with a society that maintains its breed
       (d) All exhibitors must have their fillies passports available for
       inspection at the Qualifying show and at the Championship
       (e) Entry fee for the Qualifier is €15, Entry fee for the Championship is
       (f) More than one filly maybe selected at any qualifying show,
       provided that the standard of entries warrants such selection

       (g) Should the standard of entries be insufficient, no filly will be

       (h) Infringement of these conditions or Championship regulations may
       lead to disqualification.

       PRIZE FUND for the T.I.H.A. Limerick Lady Championship Final:
       Champion: €500 & the T.I.H.A. Perpetual Challenge Trophy, Reserve:
       €250, 3rd: €150, 4TH: €100.

       Final will take place at Limerick Show
       Entry fee of €15.00

Class 198: Allied Irish Banks Three Year Old Gelding or Filly
       Three-year-old gelding or filly likely to make a hunter.
       Special rosette and €30 to the highest placed filly if not already
       Sponsor: AIB Dunmanway
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: - €30, 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30

Class 199: Allied Irish Banks Champion Young Horse
       Sponsor: AIB Dunmanway
       Championship class: no direct entry
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40
       The Champion Young Horse will receive the Paul Maher Memorial

Perpetual Cup
                             Young Irish Draughts
Location: Ring 2

Class 200: Irish Draught Yearling
       Pure-bred Irish Draught Yearling Filly, Colt or Gelding.
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30
       Winner presented with the Donie Crowley Memorial Perpetual Cup.

Class 201: The Roscommon Irish Draught Yearling Filly Championship
        The Roscommon Irish Draught Yearling Filly Championship
        Part of the Horse Sport Ireland National Showing Championship
        Sponsored By: Horse Sport Ireland & Hannon's Hotel, Roscommon

             1. This competition is open to animals, with the breed code ID,
                registered in The Irish Draught Horse Studbook (or a
                harmonised Irish Draught Studbook) with recorded breeding.
             2. One Animal in each qualifying class ma y be selected to
                compete in the final provided the judges and the I.S.A. agree
                the standard is high enough.
             3. One of the judges at the qualifying show must be a qualified
                Irish Draught Horse Judge.
             4. Passports & Microchips should be read by a Vet at the Final.
             5. Animals Qualified for Final are not eligible to enter any other
                class at show where final is held other than qualifying classes
                for other finals.

       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €500.00 cash; Second €300.00 cash;
       Third €200.00 cash; Fourth €150.00 cash; Fifth €125.00 cash; Sixth
       €100.00 cash
       A prize will be presented for Combination of Best Turned Out Animal
       & Most Suitably Dressed Handler.
       7th to end will receive €50.
       Final Date: 20 Aug 2022

Venue: Roscommon Agricultural Show
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 202: Irish Draught 2 or 3 Year old
       Irish Draught 2 or 3 Year old Filly or gelding.
       Entry fee of €12.00
       Prizes: 1st - €60, 2nd - €40, 3rd - €30
       Winner will be presented with the Jerry Coakley Perpetual Cup.

Class 203: The Irish Draught 2 Year Old Filly Championship Qualifier
       Part of the Horse Sport Ireland National Showing Championship series
       Sponsored By: Horse Sport Ireland

             1. This competition is open to animals with the breed code ID,
                registered in The Irish Draught Horse Studbook (or a
                harmonised Irish Draught Studbook) with recorded breeding.
             2. Exhibitors to both the qualifier and the final must have their
                animal's passport available for inspection prior to entry to the
                judging ring. Failure ot comply with the rule will lead to
                immediate disqualification.
             3. Passports & Microchips should be read by a Vet at the final.
             4. Two Animals in each qualifying class ma y be selected to
                compete in the final provided the judges agree the standard is
                high enough.
             5. One of the judges at the qualifying show must be a qualified
                Irish Draught Horse Judge.
             6. Animals qualified for the final are not eligible to enter any
                other class at the show where the final is held.

       These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A Rules
       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €500.00 cash; Second €300.00 cash;
       Third €250.00 cash; Fourth €200.00 cash; Fifth €150.00 cash; Sixth
       €100.00 cash
       7th to end will receive €50
       A prize will be presented for combination of best turned out animal
       and most suitably dressed handler
       Final Date: 28 Aug 2022
       Venue: Limerick Show

Entry fee of €10.00

Class 204: The 3-Year-Old Registered Irish Draught Filly Championship
        The 3-Year-Old Registered Irish Draught Filly
        Sponsored By: Mercury Renewables & Bonniconlon Show Supporters

            1. Entries are open to Three-Year-Old Fillies with the breed code
               ID, registered in The Irish Draught Horse Studbook (or a
               harmonised Irish Draught Studbook) with recorded breeding.
            2. Fillies must have both sire and Dam recorded on their
            3. Exhibitors to both the qualifier & Final must have their
               animal’s passport available for inspection prior to entry to
               Judging Ring.
            4. Passports & Microchips should be read by a Vet at the Final.
            5. Two fillies in each qualifying class may be selected to
               compete in the final provided the judges agree the standard is
               high enough.
            6. One of the judges at the qualifying show must be a qualified
               Irish Draught Horse Judge.
            7. Fillies qualified for Final are not eligible to enter any other
               class at the Show where the final is held.

       Prize Breakdown at Final: First €700.00 cash; Second €600.00 cash;
       Third €300.00 cash; Fourth €200.00 cash; Fifth €150.00 cash; Sixth
       €100.00 cash
       A prize will be presented for Combination of Best Turned out
       Animal and Most Suitably Dressed Handler.
       7th - 12th will receive €50
       Final Date: 01 Aug 2022
       Venue: Bonniconlon Agricultural Show

       Entry fee of €10.00

                         Young People's Classes
Location: Ring 2

Class 205: Horse Sport Ireland All-Ireland Young Show Person
       Dunmanway Agricultural Show presents the Irish Sporthorse Studbook
       All-Ireland Young Show Person Championship

       Aim of Class:
       The Young Show Person Championship is open to exhibitors aged
       from 16 to 23 years. This is a key age to keep young people engaged
       in showing and in the general sport horse industry.

       Class Eligibility Criteria:
       The Young Show Person Championship is open to exhibitors aged
       from 16 to 23 years as of 1st January 2022. Entrants are free to show
       any type of horse or pony, over one year old, provided they are
       registered in an approved studbook. The animal will not be judged. In
       the interest of safety, no colts will be allowed in this class.

       Format of Class:
       This championship will be run on a direct entry system. Entrants will
       show their animal in hand and will be judged under the following

              Demonstrable understanding of safety when handling and
              showing horses
              Skill in showing their animal in hand (walk, trot up, stand for
              conformation assessment)
              Overall impression (including appropriate attire and turnout)

       Competitors should be prepared to answer questions about their horse
       or pony and their general interest in showing and breeding.
       All competitors will receive a commemorative rosette.
       Sponsor: Horse Sport Ireland
       Entry fee of €20.00
       Prizes: 1st - €600, 2nd - €400, 3rd - €200, 4th - €150, 5th - €100, 6th -
       7th – end will receive €30
       Prize money will be paid directly by Horse Sport Ireland.

Location: Ring 1

Class 206: Intermediate
       Entry fee of €5.00
       Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €15, 3rd - €10

Class 207: Open
       Entry fee of €5.00
       Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €15, 3rd - €10

Class 208: Road Car
       Entry fee of €5.00
       Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €15, 3rd - €10


Entries Close 24th June and must be made online.
Location: Ring 4

                               Ridden Ponies

Class 209: Open 153cms Show Hunter Pony
       Open 153cms Show Hunter Pony Riding Class, for ponies, mares or
       geldings, 4 years old and over, exceeding 143 cms but not exceeding
       153 cm, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained
       their 20th birthday on 1st January 2022.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 210: Open 143cms Show Hunter Pony
       Open 143cms Show Hunter Pony Riding class for Ponies, mares or
       geldings, 4 years old and over, exceeding 133 cms but not exceeding
       143 cms, suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained
       their 17th birthday on 1st January 2022.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 211: Open 133 cms Show Hunter Pony
       Open 133 cms Show Hunter Pony Riding Class for Ponies, Mares or
       Geldings, 4 years old and over, exceeding 123 cm, but not exceeding

133 cms suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have not attained
       their 13th birthday on 1st January 2022.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 212: Open First Ridden
       Open First Ridden Class for Ponies, Mares or Geldings, 4 year old and
       over, not exceeding 123 cms, suitable for and to be ridden by riders
       who not attained their 10th birthday on 1st January 2022.
       Sponsor: Crowley's Pharmacy
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 213: Open Lead Rein
       Open Lead Rein Class for ponies, mares or geldings, 4 years and over,
       not exceeding 123 cms suitable for and to be ridden by riders who
       have not attained their 7th birthday on 1st January 2022.
       Sponsor: Crowley's Pharmacy
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 214: Novice Lead Rein
       Novice Lead Rein Class - 4 year old and over, not exceeding 137 cm
       suitable for & to be ridden by a child who has not attained its 9th
       Birthday on January 1st 2022. Pony must be shown in a snaffle bridle
       and will not be cantered. Riders in this class are not eligible for any
       other class.
       Sponsor: Crowley's Pharmacy
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20
       Rosettes to all Competitors in this class.

Class 215: Open Ridden Connemara
       Open Ridden Connemara, 4yo or over, to be ridden by children who
       have not attained their 16th birthday on 1st January of the current
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 216: Family Riding Pony
       Family Riding Pony - for non-IPS members, 148cm and under to be
       ridden by a child under 17. Prizes in kind.
       Any IPS members entering this class will not be allowed to compete.
       Entry fee of €10.00

Class 217: Show Pony Riding Class
       Show Pony Riding Class for ponies, mares or geldings, 4 years old and
       over, not exceeding 148cm suitable for and to be ridden by children of
       correct age for height of pony.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 218: Champion Ridden Pony
       The Champion Ridden Pony is not eligible to compete in Led
       Championship class: no direct entry
       Prizes: 1st - Rosette, 2nd - Rosette
       The O’Donoghue Atlanta Perpetual Cup will be presented to the
       Champion Ridden Pony
                                 Led Ponies

Class 219: Show Pony Youngstock
       Show Pony Young Stock: Yearling (colt, gelding or filly) not exceeding
       140cm; 2 or 3 year old gelding or filly not exceeding 145 cms likely to
       make a child’s riding pony. No colts over one year.
       Sponsors: Hennessy Transport Ltd.
                  Wesco Windows
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 220: Pony Broodmare
       Show Pony Brood Mare - 3 yr old and over, not exceeding 148 cms in
       foal or with foal at foot.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 221: Pony Foal
       Best pony foal.
       Foals must be led.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 222: Local Pony Class
       Pony class confined to Dunmanway Postal Area. Pony, Gelding or mare
       any age, 148 cms and under. To be led.
       Confined to non-IPS members. If there are less than 3 entries in this
       class, entries will be accepted on the day from IPS members.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20
       Winner will be presented with The O’Connell Perpetual Cup.

Class 223: Registered Connemara
       Registered Connemara any age to be led. Reg. No. must be given with
       No colts over 2 years.
       Sponsor:   McMahons Builder Providers
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 224: Welsh - Pure or Partbred
       Registered Welsh, section A, B, C, D, pure or part bred, any age.
       Gelding/Mare/ Filly. Registered number must be given on entry form.
       Entry fee of €10.00
       Prizes: 1st - €40, 2nd - €30, 3rd - €20

Class 225: Champion Led Pony
       Championship class: no direct entry
       Prizes: 1st - Rosette, 2nd - Rosette
       The Gildea Perpetual Cup will be presented to the Champion Led Pony
       of the Show


Sponsor:    Vesta Kingston, Dunmanway

                                   Entries Close 24th June and must be made online.
                                   Location: Ring 4

                                   Class 226: Best Donkey at Show
                                          Entry fee of €5.00
                                          Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €20, 3rd - €15

                                   Class 227: Best Donkey Foal
                                          Entry fee of €5.00
                                          Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €20, 3rd - €15
                                          Winner will receive the Kathleen Deane Perpetual Shield.

                                   Class 228: Champion Donkey
                                          Entry fee of €5.00Championship class: no direct entry
                                          Prizes: 1st - Rosette, 2nd - Rosette
                                          The champion donkey of the show will be presented with the Paul
                                          Kingston Memorial Perpetual Cup
                                   Class 229: Donkey Derby
                                          Location: Ring 4
                                          The John Kingston Memorial Trophy will be presented to the winner
                                          of the Donkey Derby
                                          Entry fee of €5.00
                                          Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €20, 3rd - €15


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