Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia

Page created by Martha Wright
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Monday, January 10, 2022                             Sunday, January 16, 2022
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
           Andrew Mackow                            7:30am  Vera Mackow
           Paz P. Colindong                                    Andrew Mackow
8:30am  Dorothy Durkin                                         Mary Wagner
           Paula Settefrati                                    Jerri Stanek
Tuesday, January 11, 2022                            9:00am  Maria i Henryk Wąsowicz
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                            Stanley Kulikowski
           Andrew Mackow                                       Melania Lisowicz
8:30am Birthday Blessings for Nancy Nugent                      Honorata Wójtowicz
           Wiesław Zawisza                                     Leszek Waszkiewicz 3 tygodnie po
Wednesday, January 12, 2022                                    śmierci.
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                 10:30am  Joseph Vitale
           Andrew Mackow                                       Melquiades Dorado
8:30am Birthday Blessings for Dorothy Cozzi
                                                                Phyllis Poppas
           Dorothy Durkin                           12:00pm Health & Blessings for Ann Masterson
7:00pm    O łaskę nawrócenia dla Kazimierza.                   Health & Blessings for the
           O łaskę nawrócenia dla Józefa i Carole.             Gutekanst Family
           O Boże Błog. dla rodziny Słonina.
                                                                Giovanni Alesi - 1st month death
           O zdrowie i Boże Błog. dla Jana.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
                                                     1:30pm O zdrowie i Boże Błog. dla Jana.
7:15am  Vera Mackow
                                                                Jerzy Szalast
           Andrew Mackow
                                                                Marian Cackowski
8:30am  Dorothy Durkin
                                                                Jerzy Szlag w 12 rocz. Śmierci
Friday, January 14, 2022
                                                                Stanisław Biernat
7:15am  Vera Mackow
                                                                Jan Kocańda
           Andrew Mackow
                                                     6:00pm  Leszek Rybak
           Marianne Blaul
8:30am Birthday Blessings for Linda Evangelista
Saturday, January 15, 2022
7:30am  Vera Mackow
           Andrew Mackow
5:00pm Birthday Blessings for James Baylon
           Margaret Lee
           Ruth Hendrix
           Bruce & Brian Presny
           Dorothy Santoyo
           Michael Sharpe

    Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we have welcomed into our Church community:

                                      Hailey Rose Soltys
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Baptism and Life
“Whoever is moved by love begins to perceive what “life” really is. He begins to perceive the
meaning of the word of hope that we encountered in the Baptismal Rite: from faith I await “eternal
life” - the true life which, whole and unthreatened, in all its fullness, is simply life. Jesus, who said
that he had come so that we might have life and have it in its fullness, in abundance (cf. Jn 10:10),
has also explained to us what “life” means: “this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (Jn 17:3). Life in its true sense is not something we have
exclusively in or from ourselves: it is a relationship. And life in its totality is a relationship with him
who is the source of life. If we are in relation with him who does not die, who is Life itself and Love
itself, then we are in life. Then we ‘live’” – Pope Benedict XVI, Encyclical on Hope.
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement
       “St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming everyone into our faith
community; Celebrating the sacraments together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment for prayerful meditation; Utilizing our time,
talents and treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and encourage individuals to reach their spiritual potential for the greater glory of
God and the good of His people.”

Members of our church community are serving our country in the various branches of the military. Please pray for all of
them and their families and especially for those listed below.
Alberto Aguilar                       James D. Campis                        Joseph Patrick Kinney                 James H. Schreiner
Matthew J. Albanese                   Jasper Catalano                        Frank Joseph Klimas                   Robert Schreiner
James Allision                        Kevin Chesney                          James Labbe                           Gerald Tuman
Paul Raymond Barthel                  Robert Curtis                          Tom Lewandowski                       Michael Tuman
Michael Gabriel Bono                  Tamara DeCaro                          Matt Manzano                          Richard A. Wagner
Rev. Marcin Bulinski                  Shawn Gaffney                          Tim McManus                           Steven A. Walker
Christopher R. Burdulinski            Gerald Giovannelli                     Darrell Mills
Joseph Vito Burdulinski               Slawomir Glownia                       Michael A. Morelli
Dominic J. Cammuca                    Michael Granadon                       Artur Niedbalka
Luciano Cammuca Sr.                   Daniel Jarosz                          Nicholas Ranch
                                                                              Please pray for all the sick, homebound, and the convalescents of the
             Please pray for all those                                                  parish, our relatives and friends, and especially:
              who have recently died                                           Felicia Accolti
                                                                                                                    Phil May
                                                                                                                    Aria McCarthy
         and for their Families, especially                                    Carmella Aguilar                     Bernice Mae McKay
                                                                               Venecia Alanis                       Jerry McNally
                                                                               Diana Albarran                       Joanne Melone
                                                                               Jamal Alwattar                       Joanne Morabito
                        Anna Wilcox                                            Salwa Alwattar                       Edyta Mucha
                                                                               Lorraine Arendt                      Margaret Murawski
                                                                               Nicole Arendt                        Krzystof Nowicki
 Please also pray for those who suffer and died                                Michael Louis Bono
                                                                               Caitlyn Boyd
                                                                                                                    Jennifer Ochinnio
                                                                                                                    Robert Ognaovac
   from coronavirus. May they rest in peace.                                   John R. Bucci                        Sarah & Stanley
                                                                               Mary Burke                           Michael O’Neill, Sr.
  Otoczmy modlitwa wszystkich zmarłych oraz                                    Milagros Cabrera                     Patricia O’Neill
      ofiary koronawirusa i ich Rodziny.                                       Edna Cannisano
                                                                               Dolores Cantore
                                                                                                                    Tommy O’Neill
                                                                                                                    Samantha Parry
                                                                               Rita Caruk                           Bernadette Petty
                                                                               Jaclyn Caskey                        Victoria Pietroczynski
                                                                               Connie Castillo                      Alma Pini
       The Italian Catholic Federation                                         Scott Castillo
                                                                               Elisabeth Corkran
                                                                                                                    Winnie Pries
                                                                                                                    Terry Renk
       Invites New Members To Join                                             Elaine Czarnowski
                                                                               Michelle Deering
                                                                                                                    Joseph Richko
                                                                                                                    Lacie Richko
                                                                               Edward Dobosz                        Kathryn Richko
                                                                               Charles Dobrovolny                   Megan Richko
 For any questions regarding                                                   Robert Fitzpatrick
                                                                               Anne Fritz
                                                                                                                    Michelle Richko
                                                                                                                    Eric R.
the ICF at St. Francis Borgia,                                                 Patricia Fulton
                                                                               Ron Fulton
                                                                                                                    Sara R.
                                                                                                                    Peter Rocco
  contact Teresa Helfand at                                                    Walter Garland
                                                                               Immacolata Geronazzo
                                                                                                                    Sandra Romeo
                                                                                                                    R. Ross
       773-763-0507.                                                           Jerry Giannini                       Michael Rowan
                                                                               Jared Godla                          Virginia Rylko
                                                                               James Gorski                         Katie Santoro
                                                                               Karen Hadary                         Michael Scanlon
                                                                               Hageli Family                        Nancy Schultz
                                                                               Rose Marie Hakes                     Rosemary Schultz
                                                                               Timothy Heider                       Michael Scroggins
                                                                               Kelly Irvin                          Frank Somogyi
                                                                               Joe Johnston                         Judith Somogyi
                                                                               Jozef                                Jeff Stachula
                                                                               J. T. F.                             Greycon Stanley
                                                                               Zygmunt Karwowski                    Christopher Staunton
                                                                               Barbara & Paul Kaski                 Ron Szudarski
                                                                               Dagmar Tony Kilian                   Maria Szymczek
                                                                               Arlene Klostermann                   Fr. Michael Valente
                                                                               Catherine Klostermann                Mary Van Kollenburg
                                                                               John Allen Klostermann               Shannon Vaile
                                                                               Najwa Klostermann                    Nicholas Vitellaro
                                                                               William Klostermann                  Helena Walaszek
                                                                               Diane Landry                         Helen Wenc
                                                                               Oliver Landry                        Frank Zdun
                                                                               Mary Lannon                          Sharon Zdun
                                                                               June LaValle                         Maria Zglobis
                                                                               Loretta Lipinski
                                                                               Simone Lopez
                                                                               Dons Ludmann
                                                                               Jesse Ann Lytle
                                                                               John Martinelli
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
A Prayer For                                   Modlitwa dla
      “Renew My Church”                              „Odnów mój Kościół”
    Lord Jesus, you speak to us today,            Panie Jezu, przemawiasz dziś do nas
  as you spoke to holy men and women             tak, jak przemawiałeś do tych świętych
          who have gone before us.                           mężczyzn i kobiet,
    In every age and in our own time,                     którzy szli przed nami.
            you call to us and say:               Jak czyniłeś to przez wszystkie wieki,
              Renew My Church.                                   także i dziś
           Pour out the gift of your           wzywasz nas, mówiąc: Odnów mój Kościół.
             Holy Spirit upon us,              Wylej na nas dar Twojego Ducha Świętego,
   and so enable us to hear you clearly                       abyśmy potrafili:
       to listen to each other attentively                  wyraźnie Cię usłyszeć,
          to imagine our future boldly                 z uwagą słuchać jedni drugich,
        to discern your direction wisely                śmiało marzyć o przyszłości,
to persevere in your holy will courageously        mądrze rozeznawać Twoje wskazania,
           to stay together in charity                   odważnie trwać w pełnieniu
      to surrender our own plans readily                    Twojej świętej woli,
          to embrace the greater good                   łączyć się w dobroczynności,
to hand on your gifts to future generations.    bez wahania rezygnować ze swoich planów
  May we remain in the holy company of                aby przyjmować większe dobro
  the Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles,            i przekazywać Twoje dary przyszłym
               and all the saints.                              pokoleniom.
      May their example and presence                    Trwajmy w świętym gronie
     inspire us with patient confidence         Najświętszej Maryi Dziewicy, apostołów
          in the work of your grace.                       i wszystkich świętych.
  We ask this of you who live and reign                Niech ich przykład i obecność
                with the Father                       natchną nas cierpliwą ufnością
 in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,               w działanie Twojej łaski.
               forever and ever.               Prosimy o to Ciebie, który żyjesz i królujesz
                     Amen.                        z Ojcem w jedności Ducha Świętego,
                                                                  jeden Bóg
                                                  przez wszystkie wieki wieków. Amen.

   Catholic Bible                   Pismo Święte                  Bibbia Cattolica
      (In English)                     (Po Polsku)                    (In Italiano)
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Dear St. Francis Borgia Parishioners and Friends,
         Give Central is an online fundraising platform that allows your donors to give any way they like,
               empowering you to grow your organization. Donating online is fast, easy, and safe.
                  Bonus: You will never have to worry about forgetting your envelopes again.
                                    Give Central is a way to support our Parish.

                                                 HERE IS THE LINK & QR CODE:


   Nasza parafia posiada możliwość składania ofiar online. Powyżej znajduje się link do strony gdzie mozna
        złożyć datki.Wszystkim Parafianom, Przyjaciołom i Gościom dziękujemy za złożone ofiary,
                      szczególnie w tym trudnym dla nas wszystkich czasie. Bóg zapłać!

                                      Thank you for your generosity!
                           Please remember St. Francis Borgia Parish in your will.

         Become a member of St. Francis Borgia Church


New Parishioners Are Invited to Register                                                    Forma Rejestracyjna
_____________________________________________________                  ____________________________________         _____________
Last name of registrants / Nazwisko                                     Your first name / Imię                          Date of Birth

_____________________________________        ____________               ____________________________________        ______________
Your spouse’s first name / Imię małżonka     Date of Birth              Names of children / Dzieci                  Dates of Birth

______________________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________
Address / Adres                                                         City, State, Zip / Miasto, Stan, Kod pocztowy

______________________________________________________                 ______________________________________________________
Home phone number / Numer telefonu                                      Alternate phone number / Numer telefonu

Email address: ________________________________________________
I am:   Married      Single         Widowed     Divorced   Separated
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
                                              Zapraszamy na „Opłatek”
                                             w niedzielę, 9 stycznia 2022
                                          o godz. 3:00 pm w sali parafialnej.
                                    Oferujemy gorący obiad, kawę, herbatę, słodki stół,
                                   płatny bar. W programie: występ zespołu góralskiego
                                               „Juchasi” oraz chóru Chopina

                                                        Cena biletów:
                                              Dorośli: $35, dzieci 4-10 lat: $15,
                                                 dzieci do 4 lat: za darmo.

                                              Bilety do nabycia po Mszach Św.
                                          Po więcej informacji prosimy dzwonić do
                                                    Barbary 773 226 2429

  Jasełka “Juchasi”
 Zespół Juchasi działający przy
 parafii Św. Franciszka Borgia
zaprasza wszystkich parafian na
    przedstawienie Jasełek

  w niedzielę, 16 stycznia
     o godz. 10:00am
(po polskiej Mszy o 9:00am)
     w sali parafialnej.

                        „PONIŻEJ 50” - „UNDER 50”
        Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkie młode osoby zainteresowane pogłębieniem wiary,
                    w sposób szczególny poprzez rozważanie Pisma Świętego.

         Piątek, 14 stycznia, godz. 7:00 pm w Stokes Center (obok kaplicy).
                               Więcej informacji u Ks. Marcina.
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Our Sacrificial Gifts of Time, Talent, & Treasure
         Thank you for your generosity!             Monday:    1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19;
                                                               Mk 1:14-20
                                                    Tuesday:   1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd;
                                                               Mk 1:21-28
                                                    Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20;
                                                               Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29-39
                                                    Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11;
                                                               Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25;
                                                               Mk 1:40-45
                                                    Friday:    1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19;
                                                               Mk 2:1-12
                                                    Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a;
                                                               Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17
                                                    Sunday:    Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10;
                                                               1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11

                                                       SFB PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS:

                                                      Lucja Mirowska-Kopec (Chair), Cindy
                                                     Mocarski (Vice Chair), Philippe Couloute,
                                                    Carl Kenar, Joanne Nardulli, Henry Pachut,
                                                                 Esther de la Torre

                                                     SFB FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS:

                                                       James Thompson (Chair), Jeannette Ash,
                                                           Darlene Lehman, Artur Ksiazek,
                                                         Robert Prochaska, Mary Ann Rosso,
                                                          Bob Sibigtroth, Anthony J. Woldeit

                                                    Date/Time         Celebrant                  Lector
                                                    Sat. Jan. 15   Fr. Marcin        T. Renk
                                                    5:00pm         Szczypula
                                                    Sun. Jan. 16   Fr. Joe Mulcrone D. Prochaska

                                                    Sun. Jan. 16   Fr. Greg Wojcik   A. Denert
                                                    9:00am, PL

                                                    Sun. Jan. 16   Fr. Marcin        C. Kenar
                                                    10:30am        Szczypula
                                                    Sun. Jan. 16   Fr. Marcin        L. Evangelista
                                                    12:00pm        Szczypula
                                                    Sun. Jan. 16   Fr. Greg Wojcik   E. Szwajnos
                                                    1:30pm, PL                       A. Ciecinski

                                                    Sun. Jan. 16   Fr. Tomasz        B. Dos
                                                    6:00pm, PL     Wajdzik           A. Jadach
St. Francis Borgia Church
                             8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634

Rectory                                   School                          Religious Education
773-625-1118                              773-589-1000                    773-625-1705
773-625-1110 (FAX)                        773-589-0781 (FAX)              773-625-1774 (FAX)

Parish Staff                                       Rectory Office Hours:
Fr. Greg Wojcik, Administrator                     Monday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Fr. Marcin Szczypula, Associate Pastor             Tuesday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm.
Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Resident                      Wednesday: 8:30 am -12 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm;
Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal                                                    5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
Deacon Irek Mocarski, Religious Ed. Director       Thursday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
Ms. Anna Zawisza, Office Manager                   Friday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4 :00 pm.
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Operations Director        Saturday: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director             Sunday: CLOSED
Mr. Henryk Zygmunt, Polish Organist
                                                   Mass Intentions
                                                   Mail to the rectory or stop by in person,
Confessions:                                       Monday through Friday between the hours of
Saturdays: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm in Church.            8:30 am and 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
    Saint Francis Borgia

    8033 W. Addison Street
    Chicago, IL 60634



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