Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church

Page created by Darren Conner
Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church
Easter Sunday ~ the resurrection of the Lord
domingo de pascua ~ La resurrecciÓn del señor
                April 4, 2021
           St. Joseph Catholic Church
Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church
Diocese of Austin The Catholic Church of Central Texas
234 San Gabriel St. - P.O. Box 548, Rockdale, TX 76567
512-446-2049 Fax: 512-446-0411 | stjosephrockdale.org
Office Hours: TUE & THURS: 10AM-3PM /WED: 10AM-6PM/FRI: 10AM-12PM
Father Pedro Castillo: 512-429-3364
Office is open following 6 foot social distancing and one person in the office at a time.
La oficina ahora está abierta sigiendo las reglas de distancia social de 6 pies y una persona en la oficina a la vez.

Mass Schedule    | Horario de misa                                      Devotion|Devoción
SAT: 5 PM        | SAB: 7 PM                                            First Friday Mass and Eucharistic Adoration|
                                                                        Misa del Primer Viernes y Adoración Eucarística
SUN: 9 AM *      | DOM: 11:15 AM *                                      12:15PM
MON-THUR: 8 AM | JUE: 6 PM                                              Eucharistic Adoration| Adoración Eucarística
FRI: 12:15 PM                                                           Thursday/Jueves - 6:40PM
                                                                        Sacrament of Reconciliation |
FACEBOOK LIVE                                                           Sacramento de Reconciliación
      Please note: per the Diocese of Austin’s instruction,             Confessions are being held in the chapel.
 livestream Masses will no longer be re-watchable after the             Confesiones son en la capilla.
 stream ends. If you are watching via livestream, we encour-            After First Friday Mass |
 age you to join our congregation and the Mass live with us!            Despues de Misa del Primer Viernes
Tenga en cuenta: según la instrucción de la Diócesis de Austin,         SAT |Sábado 4:00PM -4:45PM
las Misas en vivo ya no serán re-observables después de que             By appointment also | Con cita previa
  finalice la transmisión. Si usted está viendo a través de la          también
     transmisión en vivo, le animamos a unirse a nuestra                Call Father Pedro|Llamar Padre Pedro
         congregación y la Misa en vivo con nosotros!                   at 512-429-3364

Our Parish Mission Statement
“We the people of St. Joseph’s Parish open our hearts and doors to those from all walks of life so that they too may share in
the everlasting presence of God. Together we strive to grow closer to Jesus Christ through the Holy Eucharist. We keep
Christ as our only option in communion and participation to the new evangelization, building one church, alive and
dynamic. We also make present the values of the Kingdom of God following the example of the Magi, the first witnesses of
Declaración de la Parroquia
"Nosotros, la parroquia de San Jose, abrimos nuestros corazones y puertas a los de todos para que tambien puedan
compartir la presencia eterna de Dios. Juntos nos esforzamos por acercarnos a Jesucristo a traves de la Santa Eucaristía.
Mantenemos a Cristo como nuestra unica opcion en comunion y participar en la nueva evangelizacion, construyendo una
iglesia, viva y dinamica. Tambien hacemos presentes los valores del Reino de Dios siguiendo el ejemplo de los Reyes Magos,
los primeros testigos de la fe."
Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church
Easter Sunday~The Resurrection Of The Lord/Domingo De Pascua~La Resurreccón Del Señor” April 4, 2021

     MASS INTENTIONS                                               The                                     Remember
    APRIL 5-APRIL 11, 2021
                                                              Sanctuary Light                               in Prayer
Monday - Living & Deceased
Members of St. Joseph Ladies Society                            is Burning
Tuesday – Living & Deceased                                      in Honor                     Martha Jeffcoat*Alvin Sulak*
Members of Labay Family                                                   of                 Kathy Smith*Josie Milberger*
Wednesday— † Anne Kouba                                                                    Maria Teresa Mora*Evelyn Janak
Thursday – AM – Living & Deceased                               Guadalupana Society
                                                                                            *Joe R. Ruelas*Carolyn Kocian*
Members of Paniagua & Pedroza                                             by
Families                                                                                  Richard Facundo*Bill & Avis Luckey
                                                                Guadalupana Society
PM— † Maria Ines Cardona                                                                   *Josefina Quintanilla*Mary Vega
†Jeremias Banda                                                                           *Janie Santellano*Diana Martinez
Friday– 12:15PM – Respect Life                    Stewardship Report                       *Fernando Flores *Alyzza Varela
Saturday – 5:00PM - † Anne Kouba
7PM – Special Intention—Palacios                     March 27-28, 2021                      *Juanita Greene *Cruz Martinez
Family                                     Weekly Collection……………. $3,023.00                *Teresa A. Shaw*Karen Eckert *
Sunday - 9AM— For All St. Joseph           Building Fund (Envelopes)……$115.00               Lera Mae Matous*Fred & Molly
Parishioners                               Online Giving (3/25-4/2)……..$179.75                   Marquez*Bernie Doud*
11:15AM - † Francisco Valadez
                                            Parish Weekly Assesment..$520.00              Deacon Gus Coelho*Florian Skubal
                                              (Catholic Spirit, Parish Database System,       *Larry Garrison*Mary Garcia
                                                    Cathedraticum, Priest Pension)         *Ruby Gardenhire*Abram Drake
  Readings for the Week of                                  Acts 20:35
      April 5-11, 2021                      “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
                                                                                             *Nick Guzman*Familia Reyes*
                                             Please remember St. Joseph in your will.       Mike Morris*Charlie J. Watson*
Monday      Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a
            and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11;                                                          Barbara Hormuth*Rachel Cervan-
            Mt 28:8-15                                                                      tes*Emelia Cerritos *Milton Frei
Tuesday     Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-                Lector Schedule                        *Susie Maldonado*Al Pesl*
            19, 20 and 22; Jn 20:11-18     Sat., April 3 – 8:30PM— Fawn Simpson Moises Ruelas*Alexandria Sandoval
Wednesday Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-2, 3-4,    Sun., April 4 – 9AM— Amy Caffey
                                                                                            PLEASE Call the office at
          6-7, 8-9; Lk 24:13-35                      11:15AM—Claudia Hernandez
                                           Sat., April 10 – 5PM—Pat Elliott                        512-446-2049
Thursday    Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab and                      7PM –Maria Santellano             if you’re needing to be
            5, 6-7, 8-9; Lk 24:35-48       Sun., April 11 – 9AM—Jeff Zapata               remembered on the prayer list.
Friday      Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2 and              11:15AM— Alicia Palacios
            4, 22-24, 25-27a; Jn 21:1-14
Saturday    Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1 and
            14-15ab, 16-18,19-21;                             We all know that these are extraordinary times and our
            Mk 16:9-15                                        stewardship of God’s church remains an essential part of
Sunday      Second Sunday of Easte                            our ministry. We do this because we love the Church.
            Sunday of Divine Mercy
                                                              Thank you all so much for your continued faithfulness
            Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4,
                                                              and dedication to our parish now and always.
            13-15, 22-24; 1
            Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31                             Todos sabemos que estos tiempos son extraordinarios y
                                                              que nuestra administración de la iglesia de Dios es una
                                                              parte esencial de nuestro ministerio. Hacemos esto
                                                             porque amamos la iglesia. Muchas gracias a todos por su
                                                             continua fidelidad y dedicación a nuestra parroquia,
                                                             ahora y siempre.
Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church
Easter Sunday~The Resurrection Of The Lord/Domingo De Pascua~La Resurreccón Del Señor” April 4, 2021

Remember to return your boxes to the parish next weekend or you can make a one time
donation on the Diocese of Austin website.
Recuerden de devolver las cajas a la parroquia el proximo fin de semana o si desea hacer
una donación única, puede encontrar el enlace en la pagina web de la diocesis de Austin.

                             In preparation for Divine                           St. Joseph Ladies Society
                             Mercy Sunday on April                                    Altar Duty—April
                             11, 2021, you are invited to                    Lucy Labay & Elizabeth Buchanan
                             pray the Divine Mercy
                             Novena at St. Joseph
                             Catholic Church each day at     Special Collections /Colectas Especiales
                                                              April 10-11, 2021 Red Bag Collection (Bldg Fund)
                             3:00PM until Sunday, April
                                                                              April 24-25, 2021
                             11th - Divine Mercy               Seminarians & Priest Education & Formation
                             Sunday. In her diary, Saint
                             Faustina wrote that Jesus                       OFFICER & COUNCIL MEETINGS
                             told her: “On each day of                       for 2021 will resume on their normal
                             the Novena, you will bring to                   first and third Thursdays this month.
                             My heart a different group                      (But for April the start time will be
                                                                             6:15pm.) All members are encouraged
                             of souls and you will im-
                                                                             to attend meetings. That is where deci-
                             merse them in this ocean of     sions are made, ideas and suggestions are encour-
My mercy... On each day you will beg My Father, on the       aged. Still, a face mask is required, and social dis-
strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls.”     tancing practiced. During the April meetings we will
Copies of the Novena prayer will be on table at              discuss whether to go back to the 7pm meeting times
                                                             and serving a meal. (Note: Since the April officers
entrance of church.                                          meeting would fall on Holy Thursday, it has been
                                                             moved up to the 2nd Thursday. See the Calendar)
En Preparación del Domingo de la Divina
Misericordia el 11 de Abril de 2021, ustedes están                             AMAZON SMILE Support us
                                                                               while shopping online! Simply
invitados a rezar la Divina Misericordia Novena aqui en
                                                                               log on to smile.amazon.com
nuestra paroquia cada dia a las 3PM hasta el proximo                           and search St Joseph Catholic
domingo—El Domingo De La Divina Misericordia.                                  Church Rockdale Texas and
En su diario, Santa Faustina escribió que Jesús le dijo:                       Amazon will donate a portion
"Cada día de la Novena, traerás a mi corazón un grupo                          of your purchase price to our
diferente de almas y seransumerjalas en este océano de                         parish!
                                                             AMAZON SMILE ¡ Apóyennos mientras compran
mi misericordia... Cada día le pidaras a mi Padre, con
                                                             en línea! Simplemente inicie sesión para
fuerza de Mi Pasión, por las gracias por estas almas".       smile.amazon.com y busque St Joseph Catholic
Pueden encontrar copias de la Novena en la mesa a la         Church Rockdale Texas y Amazon donará una
entrada de la iglesia.                                       porción de su precio de compra a nuestra
Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church
Easter Sunday~The Resurrection Of The Lord/Domingo De Pascua~La Resurreccón Del Señor” April 4, 2021

                                                    Catholic Social Teaching Corner
                                                      April 3-4, Easter Sunday
                                                    The root of our Easter joy is in celebrating with family
                                                    and community the triumph of Jesus over sin and
                                                    death. How will that joy find concrete expression in
                                                    our lives? The risen life of Jesus is given to us so that
                                                    we can continue his ministry of proclaiming good
                                                    news to the poor, liberty to captives, recovery of sight
                                                    to the blind and a year of favor from our God. On
                                                    Monday will we go back to business as usual or will
                                                    we bring the joy of the resurrection to our brothers
                                                    and sisters still living in the darkness of poverty, im-
                                                    prisonment and want?
                                                    Abril 3-4, Domingo de Pascua
                                                    La raíz de nuestro gozo Pascual está en la cele-
 May you all have a Blessed                         bración con la familia y la comunidad del triunfo de
                                                    Jesús sobre el pecado y la muerte ¿Cómo es que
           Easter!                                  ese gozo encontrará una expresión concreta en
                                                    nuestras vidas? La vida resucitada de Jesús se nos
Bendecida Pascua Para Todos!                        da para que podamos continuar su ministerio de
                                                    proclamar las buenas noticias a los pobres, liberar a
                                                    los cautivos, devolver la vista a los ciegos y gozar del
       From/De parte de:                            favor de nuestro Dios por un año. El lunes
                                                    ¿volveremos a nuestros asuntos como siempre o
     Fr. Pedro, Deacon Gus,                         llevaremos el gozo de la resurrección a nuestros her-
                                                    manos y hermanas que todavía viven en la oscuridad
         Bonnie & Gloria                            de la pobreza, la prisión y la carencia?

Couples invited to Marriage Encounter
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a chance for married
couples to focus on their marriage, improve their communication,
deepen their intimacy and spend quality time together, free of dis-
tractions. Every marriage deserves such tender, loving care – in a
private setting where couples share only with each other. Come
and experience the beauty of this sacrament in a whole new way –
and see how couples and priests all over the world have benefited
from this life-giving weekend! Sign up today to attend the upcom-
ing WWME Experience on April 9-11. Early registration is highly
recommended. For more dates, information and to apply go to
austinme.org or contact wwmeaustin@gmail.com or call (512) 677
-WWME (9963).
Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church
Easter Sunday~The Resurrection Of The Lord/Domingo De Pascua~La Resurreccón Del Señor” April 4, 2021

          Easter Lilies will adorn the altar this Easter Season to honor
           and remember the loved ones of St. Joseph’s Parishioners.
                                     In Memory of Lambert Skubal by Florian Skubal
                       In Memory of Louis & Matea Paniagua by Randy & Gloria Pedroza
                     In Memory of Guillermo & Mary Pedroza by Randy & Gloria Pedroza
                                      In Memory of Rosie Flores by Mac Flores Jr.
                      In Memory of Deceased Members of Flores Family by Mac Flores Jr.
                      In Memory of Deceased Members of Lerma Family by Mac Flores Jr.
                          In Memory of Frank Ramirez Jr. by Frank & Lydia Ramirez Sr.
                                 In Memory of Roberto Orozco by Yolanda Orozco
                               In Memory of John Santellano Sr. by Janie Santellano
                                      In Memory of Nehi Zapata by Helen Zapata
                  In Memory of Deceased Members of Garza Family by Mary Helen Ortega
                 In Memory of Deceased Members of Ortega Family by Mary Helen Ortega
                    In Memory of Domingo & Julia Juarez Sr. by Tom & Anna Maldonado
                 In Memory of Francisco & Basilia Maldonado by Tom & Anna Maldonado
                          In Memory of Juan & Juaqunia Zapata by Pat & Patsy Zapata
                                In Memory of Mireles Sisters by Pat & Patsy Zapata
                         In Memory of Jose Encarnacion Banda Perez by Familia Banda
                            In Memory of Samuel & Basalisa Masiel by Dolores Masiel
                                    In Memory of Benjamin Rubio by Marie Rubio
                                 In Memory of Jose & Mary Arriaga by Marie Rubio
                                  In Memory of Chriselda Gonzales by Marie Rubio
                                     In Memory of Joe Arriaga Jr. by Marie Rubio
                                         In Memory of David Ruiz by Tina Ruiz
                               In Memory of Esteban Gomez Cruz by Martha Cortez
           In Memory of Living & Deceased Members of Cardona Family by Cutberto & Julia Cardona
                                In Memory of Severiano Pacheco by Felipe Pacheco
                         In Memory of Dan & Vivian Yezak by Michael & Debby Currey
Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Easter Sunday the resurrection of the Lord domingo de pascua La resurrecciÓn del señor April 4, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church
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