University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018

University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018
University of Surrey
Residential Summer Schools 2018
University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018
Widening Participation and Outreach                                                                                                                                             Residential Summer School


    The University of Surrey is offering an exciting and wide-ranging programme of year                  • From a non-professional household              • Have a disability
    12 residential summer schools. Have you ever wondered what it would really be like to                • Neither parent has attended university         • Are a young carer
    study at university? Not sure what course to choose or where it might lead you?                      •	From a low income family (eligible for Free   •	Currently receive the 16-19 bursary or
    Then why not apply to attend one of our residential summer school programmes.                           School Meals in last six years)                  equivalent
                                                                                                         •	From Black and minority ethnic groups         •	Are an estranged student (post-16 student
    About the Summer Schools                             9 July – 13 July                                   (specifically Black Caribbean and other          with no communication with either
    Our Residential Summer School programme              Engineering & Physical Sciences,                   Black pupils)                                    biological parent and the situation is not
    offers students the chance to experience             which includes:                                 •	Have been, or are currently, a looked after      expected to change)
    studying a subject that they love in a top           Physics                                            child
    ten university. Students will learn in an            Maths                                                                                            Applications open on 8 January 2018 and close
                                                                                                         • From gypsy and traveller communities
    academic environment, working with                   Chemistry                                                                                        on 23 March 2018. Places are limited.
                                                                                                         • Are a refugee
    students from other schools, undergraduate           Chemical Engineering
    and postgraduate students, and academic              Civil Engineering                                 Still unsure whether this might be for you?
    staff. The programmes will include lectures,         Mechanical Engineering Sciences                   Here are some comments from students who attended one of last year’s programmes:
    seminars, practical activities, and a variety of     Electrical & Electronic Engineering
                                                                                                           Overall, it was great gaining knowledge          It helped me pursue my passion for French
    fun social events each evening.                      Computer Science
                                                                                                           into what an ODP actually is and the             and gain my knowledge on what French
    A list of summer school subjects available in                                                          practical skills involved as well as meeting     will be like in university. (Languages)
                                                         16 July – 20 July
    2018 is detailed below.                                                                                new people and working with them.
                                                         Biological, Sport and Veterinary Sciences                                                          I had a brilliant time, made lots of really
                                                                                                           (Operating Department Practice)
                                                         Sports and Exercise Science                                                                        good friends. It gave me a chance to see
    25 June – 29 June
                                                         Veterinary Science                                It was really fun and educational and            what studying physics and maths at
    Arts, Languages and Social Sciences:
                                                         Bioscience                                        helped me with my confidence. (Business)         university is like and was a huge factor in
    French                                                                                                                                                  me choosing maths.
                                                         The Summer Schools are free to eligible           I really loved and enjoyed my experience
    Spanish                                                                                                                                                 (Engineering & Physical Sciences)
                                                         year 12 students from state schools and           here at Surrey. I made many friends
    Business                                             colleges. The University of Surrey will also      and feel I have gained an insight about          This week has been very insightful and
    Law                                                  pay for travel to and from the summer school,     university life. Thank you!                      informational. It has been great to find out
    Media & Production Skills                            accommodation at the University, and meals                                                         about uni life. (Media)
                                                                                                           (English & Creative Writing)
    English & Creative Writing                           and refreshments during the week.                                                                  It was a very good week and has increased
                                                                                                           I really enjoyed the whole week, it was full
                                                                                                                                                            my passion and drive to do midwifery.
    2 July – 6 July                                       Who is Eligible?                                 of enjoyable activities and I got to learn       (Midwifery)
    Health Sciences and Psychology:                       Places will be allocated to students from        about the academic aspect too. (Law)
    Nursing                                               currently underrepresented groups in
    Paramedic Practice                                    Higher Education who meet one or more of
    Operating Department Practice                         the below criteria:
    Psychology                                         •	Live in a neighbourhood with low                 If you would like further information please contact
    Midwifery                                             progression to university (as defined by         Or to access an online application form please go to:
                                                          home postcode)                                   Follow us on Twitter @SurreyOutreach

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University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018
Widening Participation and Outreach                                                                          Residential Summer School

                                                            25 JUNE – 29 JUNE
                                                                       Arts, Languages and Social Sciences
                                          Languages                                       Students will be supported to develop a
                                          Language Options: French, German or Spanish     range of academic skills, which you will be
                                          If you’re interested in languages and           able to build upon as you prepare for higher
                                          passionate about improving your abilities       education.
                                          in your chosen language then our summer
                                          school is perfect for you. Students will        Media & Production Skills
                                          have the opportunity to attend a variety        Can you see yourself working behind the
                                          of academic sessions, covering topics such      scenes on films and television programmes?
                                          as grammar structure and translation. You       Are you interested in the theories behind
                                          will also be given the opportunity to try       media? Do you watch films and wonder
                                          your hand at alternative languages with         why they have chosen the techniques
                                          a taster in Greek and Chinese. In addition      they have? Our intensive 5 day Media and
                                          to this, students will also be introduced       Production Skills programme is for you!
                                          to the professional field of interpreting       Students will be exposed to a variety of
                                          and explore careers involving languages.        theoretical and practical sessions designed
                                          Applicants should be aware that this is         to give students an insight into studying
                                          an intense programme designed to give a         Media at university and the different
                                          comprehensive taste of university life.         pathways available. Students will explore
                                                                                          areas of media such as social media,
                                          Business                                        television, film and the sociology of media.
                                          Are you interested in the world of business     You will develop your communication and
                                          and wanting to discover more about              interpersonal skills by working on a group
                                          studying Business and Management at             project, ending with a group screening of
                                          University? If you answered yes, then           your finished pieces. Applicants do not have
                                          our intensive 5 day Business Summer             to currently be studying Media, but should
                                          School is for you! Students will learn          demonstrate an interest in film, television,
                                          through traditional, experiential and digital   culture and/ or visual communication and a
                                          teaching, with an emphasis on students as       desire to develop this interest academically.
                                          active learners. The week is built around a
                                          project that students will complete which       English & Creative Writing
                                          requires participants to work effectively in    Are you passionate about English, love
                                          a team, take responsibility for your own        reading new texts and considering what
                                          study and communicate appropriately. The        they mean? Do you want to try something
                                          programme will involve a variety of team        new, explore Creative Writing techniques
                                          building activities, speakers and study         and create your own work? This programme
                                          skills sessions alongside academic sessions.    will allow you to experience studying
                                                                                          English at university level. The week will

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University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018
Widening Participation and Outreach                                                                           Residential Summer School

                                          include a variety of lectures, workshops        Are you passionate about the law and in-
                                          and seminars, looking at texts, poetry and      terested in the possible career pathways? If
                                          critical reading. As well as studying Eng-      yes, then our Law Summer School is a great
                                          lish, students will have the opportunity to     opportunity for you. Throughout the week
                                          explore Creative Writing as an academic dis-    you will be introduced to a variety of differ-
                                          cipline with the opportunity to take part in    ent laws and given the chance to research
                                          workshops around writing in different styles,   around some key modern day issues. You
                                          which will culminate in you producing your      will develop team work and presentation
                                          own piece of writing by the end of the week.    skills through your research project and
                                                                                          academic sessions. Alongside the academic
                                          Law                                             sessions, you will have the opportunity to
                                          Do you enjoy debating topics and thinking       look at criminal law through a day trip.
                                          about issues from a variety of viewpoints?

                                                                2 JULY – 6 JULY
                                                                         Health Sciences and Psychology
                                          Psychology                                      During this intensive programme you will
                                          Interested in human behaviour and the           develop an understanding and appreciation
                                          science that underpins it? Looking to study     of the different roles and contributions that
                                          a course that seeks to understand what          the nursing disciplines bring to patient
                                          makes us who we are and apply this to real      care. With a focus on Adult, Child and
                                          life problems? Throughout this intensive        Mental Health nursing you will take part in
                                          week you will have the opportunity to           practical sessions in our simulation suite as
                                          experience a range of areas that make           well as gaining a theoretical grounding in
                                          up this fascinating field. Students will        the skills and knowledge required to excel
                                          take part in taster lectures, seminars and      in this field. Students will also have the
                                          have the opportunity to undertake their         opportunity to complete a research project
                                          own research project, developing skills in      in a discipline of your choice, giving you
                                          research and methodology. Working with          the chance to develop transferable skills
                                          academic staff who are experts in their         in independent learning and research.
                                          particular field of psychology, you will be     Throughout the week you will also learn
                                          supported to gain a snapshot of university,     alongside students from other healthcare
                                          both socially and academically.                 programmes, enabling you to develop an
                                                                                          understanding of the importance of inter-
                                          Nursing                                         professional teamwork in contemporary
                                          Interested in the opportunity to learn from     healthcare.
                                          one of the UK’s top universities for Nursing?

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University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018
Widening Participation and Outreach                                                                          Residential Summer School

                                          Midwifery                                       surgery. Using a combination of practical
                                          Interested in working with people and           and theoretical experiences students will
                                          developing skills in communication,             gain a comprehensive view of life as a
                                          compassion and using your initiative? The       university student. Throughout the week
                                          midwifery subject strand will give students     you will also learn alongside students from
                                          the opportunity to work with experienced        other healthcare programmes, enabling
                                          and passionate midwives as you develop          you to develop an understanding of the
                                          the skills necessary to excel in this field.    importance of inter-professional teamwork
                                          There are few professions as rewarding          in contemporary healthcare.
                                          as being a midwife, and this programme
                                                                                          Paramedic Practice
                                          will enable students to experience this
                                                                                          Working as a paramedic, no two days are
                                          first hand. Learn through practical and
                                                                                          the same. This intensive programme will
                                          theoretical methods, including sessions
                                                                                          give you the opportunity to learn the
                                          in our simulation suite. Students will
                                                                                          rapid decision-making skills required to
                                          also complete a research project, focusing
                                                                                          be a paramedic and the types of situations
                                          on the transferable skills integral to
                                                                                          that paramedics tackle in their day to day
                                          university. Throughout the week you
                                                                                          career. Students will learn by academic
                                          will also learn alongside students from
                                                                                          study and practical experience, having
                                          other healthcare programmes, enabling
                                                                                          the opportunity to focus on clinical skills
                                          you to develop an understanding of the
                                                                                          alongside developing an understanding
                                          importance of inter-professional teamwork
                                                                                          of the wider healthcare issues required
                                          in contemporary healthcare.
                                                                                          to succeed in this challenging field.
                                          Operating Department Practice                   Students will also complete a research
                                          Operating Department Practitioners provide      project, developing key transferable skills
                                          dedicated support to patients when they’re      for university. Throughout the week you
                                          at their most vulnerable: before, during        will also learn alongside students from
                                          and after an operation. During this week        other healthcare programmes enabling
                                          you will learn about the skills needed to       you to develop an understanding of the
                                          study towards such an important medical         importance of inter-professional teamwork
                                          role. In addition to core clinical skills and   in contemporary healthcare.
                                          an introduction to the equipment used, this
                                          week will help you develop the ability to
                                          reassure and support patients emotionally
                                          through the stressful experience of

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Widening Participation and Outreach                                                                             Residential Summer School

                                                                9 JULY – 13 JULY

                                                                          Engineering & Physical Sciences
                                           If you have an interest and passion for engineering, maths, physics, chemistry and/or
                                           computer science, the Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences Summer School 2018
                                           offers a fantastic opportunity to learn more about these subjects at degree level by
                                           inviting you to enrol onto a 5 day residential that offers a true insight into university life.

                                           Timetable                                          Research
                                           Students will be able to devise their own          Students enrolled onto the Summer
                                           academic timetable, opting to attend the           School will select a research strand which
                                           lectures that best meet their learning             will provide a continuous area of study
                                           interests. All lectures will be followed by        throughout the week. The research topic
                                           a related workshop or seminar to explore           will be presented by a University of Surrey
                                           further the practical and theoretical              academic who will lead the opening
                                           concepts behind the subject area.                  session before students work in groups to
                                                                                              explore theory and/or practical concepts
                                           Students will have the option to attend
                                                                                              further in relation to the research area.
                                           lectures including Maths, Mechanical
                                                                                              Groups will then present their research to
                                           Engineering, Chemistry, Electronic
                                                                                              their lead academic at the end of the week.
                                           Engineering, Computer Science, Chemical
                                           Engineering and Physics. Whilst not all            The research aspect of the week encourages
                                           options will be available on every day             both group and independent learning
                                           of the week, the structure will allow for          whilst extending knowledge towards
                                           students to select three or four subjects          a current area of research that can
                                           that complement each other and, in                 inspire both current and future study
                                           turn, may reflect university choices as            opportunities and potential careers.
                                           potentially listed on a UCAS application
                                           within a joint honours or major/minor

                                           All lectures, workshops and seminars will
                                           be delivered by a University of Surrey
                                           academic who will present on a subject
                                           related their own research and expertise.

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Widening Participation and Outreach                                                                              Residential Summer School

                                                                16 JULY – 20 JULY
                                                                       Biological, Sport and Veterinary Sciences
                                           Biomedical Science                                 alongside lectures, seminars and tutorials
                                           If you’re fascinated by the science that           to give a snap shot into academic life at
                                           underpins and advances clinical practice           university.
                                           and the treatment of disease, our innovative
                                                                                              Veterinary Science
                                           Biomedical Science subject strand will prepare
                                                                                              Our forward thinking Veterinary Sciences
                                           you for a degree in this exciting field. Over
                                                                                              subject strand is designed to equip
                                           an intensive 5 day programme students will
                                                                                              students to excel in the dynamic field of
                                           have the opportunity to engage practically
                                                                                              Veterinary Sciences. This intensive week
                                           and theoretically with a variety of Biomedical
                                                                                              will provide students with practical clinical
                                           Science topics available to study at university,
                                                                                              veterinary skills, the theoretical knowledge
                                           allowing them to broaden their understanding
                                                                                              to underpin these skills and an insight
                                           of this field of Science. Students will work
                                                                                              into the professional field of veterinary
                                           closely with our academics in our laboratories
                                                                                              medicine. Students will develop a wider
                                           and have the opportunity to experience
                                                                                              understanding of the variety and depth of
                                           university style lectures and seminars.
                                                                                              Veterinary Science and have the opportunity
                                           Sports and Exercise Sciences                       to learn in our brand new, and cutting edge
                                           Are you passionate about health and fitness        facilities, including laboratories and our
                                           and eager to explore how diet and exercise         clinical skills suite. But watch out – things
                                           can benefit individuals and the nation? Our        could get messy! Students will also gain
                                           Sports and Exercise Sciences subject strand        transferable skills in communication and
                                           considers the theoretical knowledge and            research, allowing you to feel confident in
                                           practical application of scientific principles     all educational elements of completing this
                                           relating to physiology, biochemistry               challenging degree.
                                           and nutrition, using these to build a
                                           comprehensive picture of this subject area.
                                           Students will have the opportunity to use
                                           facilities at our state-of-the-art Surrey Sports
                                           park and explore taking part in laboratory
                                           sessions to explore how the body responds
                                           and adapts to exercise on all levels. This
                                           programme will include practical activities,

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Widening Participation and Outreach                                                                         Residential Summer School

                                                                  UNIVERSITY LIFE

                                           Student Life                                    Social
                                           The Summer Schools are also designed to         The Summer Schools are an opportunity
                                           highlight the wider benefits of applying to     to make new friends and to meet fellow
                                           university, offering an insight into the life   students with similar interests, creating the
                                           of a student.                                   same friendly atmosphere and environment
                                                                                           as enjoyed by university students.
                                           During the Summer Schools, students will
                                           be staying in university accommodation.         During the evenings, students will enjoy a
                                           This is a fantastic opportunity to sample       range of social activities across Guildford
                                           the independence of living on campus            whilst exploring the area surrounding the
                                           which is a major major part of life at          university campus.
                                                                                           Life after University
                                           As part of a campus tour, students will be      University graduates seek to reap the
                                           made aware of the facilities available on a     rewards from their programme of study
                                           university campus, including the library,       by moving into industry and employment
                                           sports, food halls and bank branch.             following the completion of their degree.
                                           Participating students will receive a           By applying onto a university degree
                                           workshop regarding Student Finance              programme, you are investing in your
                                           whilst becoming informed with regards to        future with a view to succeeding in your
                                           support services available within a Higher      chosen profession.
                                           Education institution.
                                                                                           Therefore, to offer a greater insight
                                           Scheduled within the timetable will be          and to help inform university options,
                                           the opportunity to discover more about          professionals from varying industries will
                                           university life during Student Ambassador       be presenting about their career paths and
                                           Question Time. Our team of current Student      highlighting the opportunities available
                                           Ambassadors will take the time to answer        following the completion of a related
                                           your questions regarding study options,         university degree.
                                           living arrangements, student finance, clubs
                                           and societies whilst also sharing their own
                                           experiences with regards to the application
                                           process and life on campus.

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University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018
Department of Widening Participation and Outreach
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK

T: +44 (0)1483 689 943                       twitter: @SurreyOutreach

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication at the time of
going to press. The University reserves the right to change or update the information provided.
For the most up-to-date information, please visit

December 2017                                                                                    7146-1217
University of Surrey Residential Summer Schools 2018
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