School plan 2018-2020 - Burnside Public School 1433 - AWS
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School plan 2018-2020 Burnside Public School 1433 Page 1 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
School background 2018–2020 School vision statement School context School planning process At Burnside Public School, we aim to deliver quality Burnside Public School is situated on two hectares of In 2017, a comprehensive process was undertaken across education in order to develop the talents, interests and well–maintained land in the busy Sydney suburb of North the school to review current practices and collect evidence, abilities of its students. Our aim is to provide a vibrant and Parramatta. The school was opened in 1922. The current including student results, attendance and behaviour. responsive education that produces well educated citizens school enrolment is approximately 245 students with the capabilities and confidence to succeed. (58%NESB). Students are currently educated in ten class Through surveys, the school sought the opinions of groupings. students, teachers and parents about the school in terms of strengths, areas for improvement and priorities for the Burnside has a highly qualified and dedicated staff working future. closely together to generate quality educational programs that aim to develop individual student learning outcomes. As a result, three strategic directions were identified as a basis for a shared commitment to future developments. Very successful student welfare practices promote These are: Excellence in Learning, Excellence in Teaching in students a sense of well–being, happiness and and Excellence in Leadership. responsibility. Parents have high expectations of and aspirations for their children. There is very active participation in the life of the The Burnside School Plan 2018–2020 flows from the school. Burnside has an established, dynamic and strategic directions and sets clear improvement measures. supportive School Council and P & C Association. It forms the basis for the school’s improvement and development for the next three years. Each strategic direction provides details of the purpose(why), people and processes (how) and product and practices (what) that are to be realised through implementation of the plan. Our progress in the three strategic directions is monitored and evaluated throughout each year. Page 2 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
School strategic directions 2018–2020 STRATEGIC STRATEGIC STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1 DIRECTION 2 DIRECTION 3 Excellence in Learning Excellence in Teaching Excellence in Leadership Purpose: Purpose: Purpose: To develop students who exhibit high skills in literacy and To develop a high level of professionalism and commitment To develop a shared school vision through strong strategic numeracy through teachers developing rich learning in staff to provide learning opportunities that are engaging, and effective leadership, where gaps in student experiences building on individual experiences, strengths, based on current educational pedagogical practices that achievement decrease as data is used to evaluate knowledge and skills. are evidenced based. Sophisticated analysis of student effectiveness of resources, school processes and teaching growth is shared and underpins future learning and learning practices. directions and teaching strategies/programs. Page 3 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
Strategic Direction 1: Excellence in Learning Purpose People Processes Practices and Products To develop students who exhibit high skills Students Build a culture that is creative and Practices in literacy and numeracy through teachers innovative to promote achievement and developing rich learning experiences Students provide respectful feedback to foster wellbeing for every student. Wellbeing programs implemented and building on individual experiences, teachers on learning experiences and evaluated by all teaching staff. PBL lessons strengths, knowledge and skills. growth and development. Act on feedback Build assessment and reporting practices are collaborative planned and taught each given by staff to improve the quality of their to promote student voice, self– regulation year by all classroom teachers K–6. Peer Improvement Measures work. Provide parents/caregivers with and engagement. Student growth is tracked support or similar wellbeing program accurate account of their learning and their and communicated regularly between conducted each year. Tracking, monitoring and evaluation of future learning focuses through negotiated teachers, students and parents. student learning requirements through LST goal setting. Teachers use learning intentions, success including absences shows; a 5% increase Provide quality differentiated learning criteria and feedback during literacy and of students attaining school medallions ; Feel valued and supported In a safe, programs, with a focus on literacy and numeracy lessons. Student achievement is 5% decrease of recorded discipline reports collaborative and creative learning numeracy, through the design of regularly tracked. made by staff; improved student absences environment to promote student voice. differentiated teaching programs. – less than 1% with greater than 80% Teachers provide integrated approaches to absent rate. Staff Evaluation Plan lessons that connect learning based on future focussed research e.g STEM, Survey results of PBL show that at least Teachers maintain accurate records, All data sources will be collaboratively STEAM, robotics, coding etc 90% of students in 2018/19 and 95% of documentation and assessment data in analysed such as TTFM results, classroom students in 2020 feel that the school is a order to evaluate and adjust their teaching observation data; pre and post tests; Staff and students provide opportunities for safe and supportive learning environment. strategies to maximise positive impact on teacher evaluation data; student work parent information sessions/ meetings/ student learning resulting in growth. samples; stage moderation; interviews and 3–way interviews to discuss Success criteria visible in all classrooms in student/parent/teacher conference; GATs learning approaches and the students literacy and numeracy by 2020. Students Work collaboratively to ensure that their testing; PLAN tracking data; L3 data. learning journey. track growth against criteria. pedagogy aligns with practices that are shown through research to improve student Involvement in school regional initiatives All students yrs 1–6 collaborating through learning and improve growth through and community events. digital learning platforms and receiving writing and teaching quality differentiated teacher feedback on their learning by 2020. Regular school wide data analysis programs. (moderation/ work samples) and central 85% of students and parents engaged in location of data. Regular meetings held Review the Student Wellbeing policy to 3–way interviews focussed on student with staff by supervisors around analysis of reflect any adjustments or changes to the centred goals and evaluation of progress. student data and growth. process of managing behaviour, as well as recognising and acknowledging student TTFM survey results – increase in girls Gifted and talented is explicitly shown in achievement through school Positive sense of belonging to be increased above programs and teaching and learning Behaviour for Learning plan. state average. activities. Students identified through specific testing, surveys etc. Parents/Carers Value add trend to increase by 10% over 3 years in literacy and numeracy. Engage in literacy and numeracy Products information activities around teaching Recognition of students weekly through strategies and students learning. school awards system. Behaviour management tracked through discipline Page 4 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
Strategic Direction 1: Excellence in Learning People Practices and Products Support the student wellbeing initiatives structure. Parents kept informed of ongoing implemented by the school. achievement or behaviour needs. Engage parents and the community in the Stage 3 students are given leadership roles school planning processes. Review throughout the school including peer identified school policies, procedures and support leaders. Students engage in decision making through the School anti–bullying lessons and can state Council. strategies to deal with bullying. Leaders Students engaged in literacy and numeracy lessons at their level of learning that show Coordinate and convene the LST, lead the a direct link to real world experiences. student wellbeing, oversee surveys like Tell Students record their learning and can Them from Me. discuss their learning growth and where they need to go inliteracy and numeracy. Lead and support staff in a collaborative and collegial working environment. Students lead 3–way interviews and discuss their growth and their current Provide professional learning that meets learning focus with staff and school priority through development of staff parents/caregivers. skills. School policies/ information/systems outline programming,assessment, data collection requirements. Targeted Professional learning to meet the needs of staff to improve student learning outcomes specifically in literacy and numeracy. Page 5 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
Strategic Direction 2: Excellence in Teaching Purpose People Processes Practices and Products To develop a high level of professionalism Students Build collaborative practice processes to Practices and commitment in staff to provide learning analyse and interpret data to guide and opportunities that are engaging, based on Engage with programs and skills to enable implement quality teaching and learning Continuous collaboration that results in an current educational pedagogical practices them to become learners of the future who programs that incorporate formative and explicit teaching approach of literacy and that are evidenced based. Sophisticated can work collaboratively and think both summative assessment procedures. numeracy which is informed by research, analysis of student growth is shared and creatively and critically. data and is evidenced. underpins future learning Strengthen staff performance development directions and teaching Show own growth through plotting and to maintain a culture that recognises and The structures are in place and there are strategies/programs. discussing learning achievements with staff delivers systemic expectations for learning, regular meetings/ professional learning that and parents. teaching and leading through high quality opportunities exist to collaboratively plan, Improvement Measures professional learning opportunities. reflect, improve and deliver evidence Discuss next steps in their learning and informed pedagogy that embeds literacy 90% of students achieve 4 markers in understand the criteria used to judge that Create ‘communities of practice’ and and numeracy and increases student skill literacy (years 3–6) each semester and growth. networks that assume shared responsibility development through analysis of data and programs reflect the differentiation to meet for promoting individual and collective evidence. the individual needs. Staff practice for the ongoing growth and development of the school and the system. Lesson observations are used to improve Kindergarten – Students achieve a Track student achievement. Teachers practice. Colleagues mentor and give minimum of 6 markers each term. develop greater capacity to use data to Evaluation Plan feedback to achieve best practice. benchmark students against the syllabus Stage 1 – students achieve a minimum of 8 framework. Use data to plan future All data will be analysed collaboratively and Professional learning is targeted to meet markers each semester. teaching and learning activities that cater progress will be evaluated through: the PDP needs and school priorities. for the range of learning abilities. NAPLAN term 3; TTFM survey results; 70% of students in years 3, 5 & 7 in top two Classroom observation data (each term) Combined network leadership team to bands in Reading, Writing and Numeracy in Develop capabilities and knowledge of new classroom practice; Teacher program develop professional learning practices and NAPLAN. pedagogies and educational research evaluations; students leading 3 way opportunities utilising staff expertise and through staff professional learning interviews and sharing learning goals and external providers. Assessment data tracked to show growth sessions, both internal and external. Share articulating their next learning progression; by all teachers. all teacher programs in literacy and Stage meetings to have a formal their skills and knowledge with colleagues numeracy displaying differentiated learning component that focuses on attendance, outside of the school setting to develop Professional learning is tracked against and learning intentions and success criteria learning support needs, wellbeing and communities of practice. 90% of training is tailored to school at each stage of learning; pre and post student development. priorities and PDP. Plan their future learning through the tests; meeting minutes; Evaluations ofILPs/LaST, ESL programs; Student Staff collaboratively plan programs that development and negotiation of the Individualised learning plans, student literacy and numeracy learning will be include a scope and sequence, teaching Professional Development Plan and the learning goals and class programs display monitored through analysis of PLAN data, and learning activities linked to the accreditation process. visible learning strategies being NAPLAN, SENA, PM benchmarking and curriculum, assessments (both formative implemented. other assessments. and summative) with resources align and Parents/Carers embedded technology practices. All teaching programs in literacy and Understand what, why and how students numeracy display core, adjusted and Products are learning, as well as what is required for extended activities with a clear focus on learning improvement through Students engage in 3 way interviews and moving students forward in their learning. parent/teacher conferences both formal can readily discuss their growth and future Page 6 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
Strategic Direction 2: Excellence in Teaching People Practices and Products and informal as well as school forums. learning. Leaders Consistent school wide approach to awards/ homework / student leadership Support teachers to achieve their PDP opportunities. goals to support the accreditation process. Ensure teachers seek the necessary Consistent data is collected and maintained internal, external and online professional by all staff that includes student work learning opportunities. samples, observational notes, test scores, benchmarks, writing samples etc. Analysis Collaboratively plan with community of data and evidence that focuses on partners to create opportunities for student growth is collected and maintained professional development that meets the by all staff. needs of the school context. PDPs are negotiated and formulated with support of executive teachers. Staff professional learning logs kept updated and logged on NESA by individual staff members. Shared google teams with community of schools Staff communicate student learning formally once a semester. Reports reflect on student goals and areas of development. Page 7 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
Strategic Direction 3: Excellence in Leadership Purpose People Processes Practices and Products To develop a shared school vision through Students Develop a culture that is based on Practices strong strategic and effective leadership, evidence based teaching practices to where gaps in student achievement Students work with teachers to provide improve student learning. This is Involvement in regional projects to improve decrease as data is used to evaluate feedback on the development of teaching underpinned by a culture of high student learning outcomes. effectiveness of resources, school and learning practices as well as the expectations that focuses on continuous processes and teaching and learning collection of data. improvement. Development of high Continued community of school practices. performing teachers that use best practice partnerships in student and staff Students are rewarded and recognised for to effectively cater for all students. leadership. Improvement Measures attainment and growth. Students report on their learning based on evidence of The School Leadership Team builds and Utilisation of staff expertise in community of Supervisors and staff engaged in termly learning. supports mechanisms that measures schools and local schools. formal observation sessions and feedback school improvements in student progress where improved practice is recognised Staff and achievement reflective of the school Regular data analysis in staff meetings that against student learning outcomes. plan and current research. tracks student growth. Staff engage in high quality professional Increase in the quality professional learning learning reflective of their PDPs and School Build a culture of shared responsibility of a Supervision of all staff with observation that is shared and implemented within the Plan that supports the development of best high quality service delivery through lessons each term. Feedback from both school and can clearly be seen within practice and reflective learning. effective management of administration supervisor and staff. classroom practice in all rooms. systems and processes, strategic financial Staff are supported by the executive team management and staffing to ensure student Products Key school initiatives display growth in through stage meetings, observation learning needs are fully catered for and students literacy and numeracy skills. Professional learning facilitated by expert lessons, team meetings etc to use, reported on within the school and broader teachers – feedback from professional evaluate and analyse data to support the community. Validation processes allow the school to be learning courses growth and development of all students. judged against the school excellence Evaluation Plan framework by outside sources. School Plan is reflective of current research Staff work collaboratively to provide and department reforms, and successfully evidence of quality teaching practices and School evaluation surveys conducted Registration processes school practices. annually delivers ongoing measured improvements high performing students. in student progress and achievement. and teaching and learning is of a high standard by NESA standards. SASS staff, together with executive staff, Scout data Annual Report contains data that measures establishes clear systems and processes the impact of the school plan on student Cumberland Community of Schools Community of schools surveys and for the financial and resource management and staff learning. Professional Learning Leadership Team feedback on effectiveness of groups. practices within the school. will provide learning that engages all staff across primary and high schools. Leaders Audit/Validation and Registration Reports. Make strategic choices when establishing staffing to ensure programs meet the needs of all students to improve student learning opportunities through improved growth. Review school policy documents to ensure Page 8 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
Strategic Direction 3: Excellence in Leadership People best practice and compliance with Department of Education current reforms and policies. Lead validation and registration processes to maintain best practice in Learning, Teaching and Leading . Build collaborative school partnerships to establish a community of schools practice based on improving and the development of high quality teachers and high performing schools. Parents/Carers School Council and P&C committees assist the school in ratifying policy documents for continued validation and improvement methods. Parent committee sit on evaluation teams and school planning teams to ensure community views and ideas are considered. Page 9 of 9 Burnside Public School 1433 (2018-2020) Printed on: 8 April, 2018
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