September 2021 - Christ the Servant Lutheran Church

Page created by Katie Allen
September 2021 - Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
September 2021

                                                Rally Day is coming!
                                                    September 19
Do you have a Green Thumb?
                                              Join us for a new year of classes and fellowship!
         The church is looking for help
         cheering-up a couple of garden
         areas by planting flowers. The
         church will provide funds for
                                               Ladies Dinner Group
         the flowers if you can plant         Please join us!
         them. Please call Betsy and          Wednesday, September 8
         let her know of your availability.   6:00 pm
         Fall planting season is almost       Cantina Laredo
         here.                                         A sign-up sheet is in the narthex
                                               or contact Mickey Walters at
September 2021 - Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
Page 2
            Council Notes                                          WOMEN’S MINISTRY
The following is a summary of discussions at the August            BINGO IS BACK
12, 2021 Christ the Servant (CTS) Council meeting.
                                                                   Wednesday, September 8th at 2 PM in Fellowship Hall
The meeting minutes from the July 2021 council meeting             We are partnering again with Brookdale and hosting
were approved unanimously, while the Treasurer’s report            BINGO. Refreshments, Prizes and some laughs!  
for July month-end was reviewed and taken into the                 Sign-up Sheet in Narthex
                                                                   WOMEN’S DAY RETREAT
The Director of Youth and Family Ministry (JT) informed            “WONDER F U L L WORLD”
the council that Rally Day was tentatively scheduled
                                                                   Presenter: Renee McGah
for September 19th as well as the beginning of Sunday
School for the children and youth in the Fall. However,            Dynamic Sessions, Crafts, Lunch
both events remain contingent on health conditions in              Saturday, October 2
conjunction with Covid-19.                                          9:30 - 3 PM
                                                                   Fellowship Hall
JT will begin his seminary internship on Sunday, August            Join us for a WONDER F U L L day with your fellow sisters
15th at CTS. Pastor Jim will be JT’s internship supervisor.        in Christ for a really inspirational day of fellowship.
Volunteers have generously offered their time to assist            Sign-up Sheet is in Narthex.
with the Youth/Family Ministry activities going forward. JT
also informed the council that volunteers are still needed
to staff the nursery on Sundays, as well as to assist with         LUNCH AT BROOKDALE COMMUNITY
streaming Sunday services for those wishing to worship             SAVE THE DATE!
from home. If you wish to volunteer for either the nursery         Monday, December 6
or worship service streaming, please contact JT. Training          11:30 AM
will be provided to learn how to record the Sunday services        Watch for Sign-up Sheets
for streaming.                                                     Delicious lunch at Cafe, Fellowship and Shopping
A CTS sexual harassment policy was approved by the
CTS council and put into effect. The development of this           GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS
policy was a response to a requirement from CTS’ insurer           Please consider this volunteer opportunity
and the seminary in conjunction with JT’s internship. It           Tuesday, October 5th
was not a response to a specific incident. The council             Two Shifts are available 3:30 to 5:30 OR 5:30 to 7:30
anticipates reviewing and discussing the policy during its
September council meeting. Any necessary changes to                I’d like to encourage OUR LADIES to consider the
ensure the policy is comprehensive and clear will be made          opportunity Ken Smith has detailed as a Service Project
at that time.                                                      to benefit Periwinkle Foundation. It will be an easy project
                                                                   and perfect in conjunction with God’s Work our Hands.
The council continued its monitoring of worship service
                                                                   I personally am familiar with Periwinkle as I served on their
attendance, both online and in-person. While online
attendance of streaming services continued to decline              board and was a volunteer for years and I truly can say
during July, in-person worship attendance appears to be            they do excellent work for children and teens challenged
increasing. Despite this trend, it is still anticipated that the   by cancer and who are cared for at Texas Children’s
streaming of services online will continue for those wishing       Hospital. One of their Staff members will be bringing
to worship from home.                                              everything for us to assemble “craft bags” for the patients.  
                                                                   Sign-up Sheets for Volunteers will be in Narthex.
In matters of building maintenance, the roof repairs were
completed and Braun Roofing was paid in full. Also, the            Your Church needs YOU to do God’s Work!
council voted unanimously to replace the existing A/C unit         Any amount of time you can give will be greatly
for the choir room at a total cost of $9,980.
Prayerfully submitted,
Karen Carter                                                       Any questions please contact me!
CTS Council Secretary                                              Marsha Bower
                                                                   Women’s Ministry Team Leader
   We wish to extend our sympathy to Phylis Richard,
   Cheryl Skillman and their families. Monte Richard
   went to his eternal home in Christ on August 24.
   Please keep the family in your prayers.
September 2021 - Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
Page 3
                                   God’s Work Our Hands
                         The People of God – Us – Who Attend to One Another All Days, All Ways
I was struck by a passage in a sermon by Barbara Brown           •   WHAM also needs its shrubbery trimmed. (We can
Taylor in her book “Gospel Medicine”. In her sermon titled           pick the date if we take this on)
“Blessed Brokenness” Rev. Taylor writes about Luke’s
story of what happened on the road to Emmaus, that it            •   In October, WHAM needs help with taking inventory.
is “...a perfect little address book for the living God. First       (Date to be advised)
there is the closeness of the two disciples on the road, and
then their kindness to a stranger. Then there is the way         If you have an idea, let’s make it happen! Just contact
their hearts burned within them when                             Betsy Riggs or Ken Smith
he opened the scriptures to
                                                                 Ken Smith
them, and how they knew him                                      God’s Work, Our Hands Chairperson
in the breaking of the bread.
Count them - fellowship,
hospitality, word, and
                                                                            OEF Thank You
sacrament - all the ways                                         In this challenging pandemic time – also faced with the
Christ has promised to be present                                critical need to serve our Afghan Allies in danger - as
with us, which also happen to                                    the Director for Outreach, I would be remiss if I did not
be the everyday activities of the                                email to thank you for the generous donation that your
church. Not the building, or the                                 congregation provided to Lutheran Immigration and
institution, but the people of God                               Refugee Service. Your congregation’s commitment to
- us - who attend to one another,                                the most vulnerable – refugees, migrants and especially
to strangers, to God’s word and                                  children – is inspirational.
sacraments as a way of life.”
                                                                 Thank you for your compassionate gift.
Rather than participating in God’s Work our Hands
activities/projects on one specific day or weekend during        In Christ’s Love,
the year, we will be thinking of, and doing, various             Kristin Witte, Director of Outreach
activities/projects that Us, the people of God, are led to do,   Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
whenever they might be held.

On Tap Now:
Periwinkle Foundation: a community of healing for children
                                                                        CTS Financial Dashboard
and teens challenged by cancer and life-threatening                              Through JULY 2021
illnesses who are cared for at Texas Children’s Hospital.
Periwinkle Presents hosts two live craft segments a month
for the patients on ZTV (a closed-circuit TV network at                                        YTD Contributions
Texas Children’s Hospital). To accompany each, Periwinkle                                              $ 288,630
needs volunteers to prepare 50 craft kits containing all of                                   8.5% below budgeted income
the necessary materials for the patients to follow along.
We will be doing any craft prep (sorting materials, putting                                    YTD Expenditures
paper shapes in baggies, counting pipe cleaners, etc)                                                 $ 307,174
and packaging everything up! A Periwinkle staff member                                       3.7% below budgeted expenses
will bring everything -we just need happy helpers! All
are encouraged to Google or go straight to the website,                                           Cash Reserve for more information.                                                 6.7 months coverage of
                                                                                              average monthly expenses
WHEN: October 5, 2021, a Tuesday. Fellowship Hall, 3:30
to 5:30 and 5:30 to 7:30, or some combination of the two.
Periwinkle Foundation will bring the supplies but will need          Excludes programs outside of General Fund (OEF,
a count of volunteers. Please sign up the time you choose            Homeless Ministry, Memorials, Pastor Disc Fund)
by sending an email to Betsy Riggs (ctsoffice1@comcast.              YTD Status versus Budget or Cash Reserve Goal
net) or to Ken Smith ( or
                                                                         At or better than forecast or >6 month cash reserve
on Sign-up Sheets in the Narthex.
                                                                         5% worse than forecast or
Page 4
           Calendar Items
Monday, September 6 - OFFICE CLOSED - LABOR DAY                       Prayer Requests
Wednesday, September 8 - 1:30 p.m. - Women's Ministry         Karen Bauer
   Bingo - Fellowship Hall                                    Nancy Chapman
Wednesday, September 8 – 6:00 P.M. Ladies’ Dinner             Sharon Cotta, mother of Christy Iversen
   Cantina Laredo
                                                              Jane Fontenot, grandma of Miley Rose
Thursday, September 9 - 7 p.m. - Council
                                                              Donald K. Hiestand, father of Gary Hiestand
Tuesday, September 7. WHAM ESL begins. It will be held
   on Mondays and Tuesdays from 5:30 - 8 p.m.. The 		         Kristin Krueger
   classes will be virtual and sign-up can be done on the     Roger Lemburg and family
   WHAM website.                                              Ron Murawski, father of Tim Murawski
Sunday, September 19 - Rally Day                              Cathy Roberson & Debby Weaver, daughters
                                                                    of Jodie Davis
                                                              Roger, brother of Bitsy Muse
                                                              Mary Shabunas, mother of Mary Hiestand
                                                              Marjorie Swartz, mother of Julie Heil
                                                              Frank Welsh, friend of Mike and Phylis Karas
                September                                     Zachary, grandson of Bitsy Muse
    1     Andrew and Aniva Hahn
    2     Ron and Marti Hatcher
    4     Mike and Lily Sweet
          Everett and Pam Mobley
    15    Terry and Debbie Timmerman                                       Church Staff
    25    Monte and Phyllis Richard                          Pastor
          Russell and Kathy Riggs                            The Rev. James Giannantonio
                                                             Office Administrator
                                                             Betsy Riggs
     September Birthdays                           
    2      Cayleigh Jones                                    Jason “JT” Thomas
           Premachand Potla                        
    3      Shane Matherne
    4      Brian Heil                                        Nursery Caregiver
           Kathy Riggs                                       Sandra Ani
    5      Debby Cutler                                      Sunday Custodian
           Terry Timmerman                                   Sulma E. Cruz
    7      Pamela Harper
                                                             Church Office Phone
    9      Laura Wilhelm
    10     Ruby Sadler
    11     Victor Rweyemamu                                  Church Office FAX
    12     Toni Burns                                        713-784-4742
           Michaela Schrader
    13     Susan Givens                                     This newsletter and a calendar of church activities are
           Sue Kaestner                                               available on the CTS website at:
    14     Brynn Matherne                                       
    15     Alene Olson
    16     Mickey Walters                                      October newsletter information deadline is:
           Nato Mpinga                                                         September 15
    18     Kevin Scace
    19     Issiah Mgendi                                           Please submit information and articles in
    22     Hans Kiondo                                            MSWord documents to Laura Wilhelm at
           Barbara Stuckey                                     
    27     Inga Carlson                                         Information may be edited to available space.
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         He asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I
         am?” and they told him, “John the Baptist; and
         others say, Elijah; and others one of the prophets.”
         And he asked them, “But who do you say that I
         am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”
September 2021
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
2400 Wilcrest Drive
Houston,Texas 77042

Phone 713-784-6620
FAX 713-784-4742

                                                  2021 CounciL
                                                President: Barry Rava

                        President Elect:       Dale Dickman           At Large:   Zach Edwards
                        Secretary:             Karen Carter           At Large:   Neema Makia
                        Financial Secretary:   Emma Chanimbaga        At Large:   Karen Welborn
                        Treasurer:             Susan Collins		        At Large:   Tina Blockhus
                        Treasurer Elect:       Vicki Rudolph-Williams

                  Committee Chairs, Group Leaders, Contact People
Acolytes		                  Inga Carlson, Michele Byrnes      Memorial Service Coordinator   Linda Iversen
Adult Christian Ed          TBA                               Men Who Love Spaghetti         Roger Cutler
Altar Guild                 Lori Wood                         Nursery Attendant              Sandra Ani
CanCare Representative      Susan Kramer                      Opportunity Endowment Fund     Kurt Goedecke
Care Team 		                Pat Korge and Mary Puccini        Personnel		                    Ken Smith, Shirley Downing
College Ministry		          Tina Blockhus                     Prayer Chain		                 Marti Hatcher
Disaster Response Team      Ron Herbanek                      Property                       Brent Brown, Ron Herbanek
Family Aid Ministry         Carolyn Giannantonio              Sound Team		                   TBA 8:00 Service
Fellowship Committee        Rosalie Fontenot                                                 Brent Brown-11:00 Service
Greeters                    TBA                               Stewardship		                  Chandler Wilhelm
Homeless Ministry           Carolyn Giannantonio, Rosalie     Ushers			                      8:00 Russell Farmer
                            Fontenot                                                         11:00 Pat Welborn
Ladies Dinner Group         Mickey Walters                    WHAM Representatives           Ken Smith
Lawn Care		                 Russell Farmer, Kevin Petterson   Women’s Ministry               Marsha Bower
Lectors                     Chandler Wilhelm                  Worship and Music              Lori Wood
Liturgical Assistants       Chandler Wilhelm
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