ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

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ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

                         WEEKLY BULLETIN
By 2030 eThekwini will be Africa’s most caring and liveable city                                                    19 August 2016 [Issue 46]


  The inaugural Council sitting for the 2016-2021 term of office will be held on 23 August at the Durban City Hall where 220
  councillors will be sworn in. Council Speaker, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chief Whip will also be elected on the day.

           EMBERS that will serve in the          Council, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chief           During the first Council sitting, the
           eThekwini Municipality Council         Whip of Council.                                Speaker will be elected and thereafter, the
           for the 2016-2021 term of office        Members that will serve in the Executive       Speaker will take over proceedings and
           will be officially sworn into office   Committee, approval of members of various       facilitate the election of the Mayor.
during the inaugural Council sitting on 23        committees and elected chairpersons of           “We are convinced that all our combined
August at the Durban City Hall.                   Council committees are expected to also be      efforts will ensure that the fifth democratic
 The sitting comes after the fifth local          announced on the day of the inauguration.       local government begins with its work
government elections which were held               Provincial Electoral Officer, Mawethu          of serving communities and delivering
on 3 August across the country. Local             Mosery said according to the Local              services”, said Minister of Cooperative
government elections are held every five          Government Municipal Structures Act,            Governance and Traditional Affairs Des van
years to elect councillors who will be            municipalities have 14 days from the date       Rooyen in a statement.
responsible for governing a municipality for      the election results are gazetted to hold the
the next five years.                              first Council sitting and elect members to       Members of the public are advised that
 The inauguration ceremony will begin             serve in the Council Executive Committee.       confirmation of residence letters can be
with a colourful parade from City Hall. City      Municipalities have until 24 August to form     obtained from all eThekwini Municipality
Manager Sibusiso Sithole will be presiding        new Councils.                                   Sizakala Centres until further notice.
officer during the inauguration ceremony.          “I wish to assure all eThekwini residents      After the inauguration of councillors next
Part of the agenda for the first Council          and businesses that the City continues to       week, this service will be available in all
meeting will be the swearing in of all 220        function and services delivery programmes       Councillor Offices.
councillors, the election of the Speaker of       are continuing,” said Sithole.

                                                  “KEEPING YOU IN THE KNOW”
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

ENHANCING WOMEN’S                                                                                             ETHEKWINI AT

ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT                                                                                          YOUR SERVICE
                                                                                                           ETHEKWINI Municipality is

IN ETHEKWINI                                                                                               committed to promoting the
                                                                                                           ease of access to opportunities
                                                                                                           through an integrated public
                                                                                                           transport system.
                                                                                                           In this regard, the City is
                                                                                                           working to deliver an effective
                                                                                                           and efficient public transport
                                                                                                           service for the benefit of our
                                                                                                           In the quest to create a caring
                                                                                                           and liveable City, our new and
                                                                                                           extensive Integrated Rapid
                                                                                                           Public Transport Network
                                                                                                           (IPTN) - the largest project in
                                                                                                           the Municipality’s history - is
                                                                                                           currently being developed,
                                                                                                           using various modes of
                                                                                                           transport, to connect 600
                                                                                                           000 commuters across the
                                                                                                           The R22 billion eThekwini
                                                                                                           Municipality’s Go!Durban
                                                                                                           IRPTN project has reached
                                                                                                           important milestones since
    EThekwini Municipality will host the Women Empowerment Business Breakfast at the Inkosi
                                                                                                           construction started in 2014.
    Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre on 31 August. The event aims to economically
    empower local women. Application forms are now available and registration is R150.                     The IRPTN is also one of the
                                                                                                           largest infrastructure projects
                                                                                                           to be undertaken in South
TO FURTHER improve the              Albert Luthuli International        The Municipality has also          Africa’s transport sector.
economic participation of           Convention Centre. Under           partnered with private and          On 23 June, the Municipality
women in the local economy,         the theme “Enhancing               public sectors to improve the       signed a Memorandum of
eThekwini Municipality has          Empowerment of Women”, the         ability of women to access          Agreement (MOA) with bus
a series of planned activities      seminar will focus on access to    markets on competitive and
                                                                                                           operators represented by the
to provide women with the           the retail market and supplier     equitable terms.
                                                                                                           Bus Owners’ Association,
necessary support to build          development.                        “The involvement of
                                                                                                           KwaZulu-Natal Bus Council
sustainable businesses.              Prominent speakers from the       the private sector in this
 The Municipality has               retail sectors such as Boxer       programme will ensure the           and the South African Bus
implemented programmes that         and Pick ’n Pay will share         strong existence of women in        Owners’ Association.
promote women in business,          the platform, giving insight       the retail sector and areas that    The MOA outlines the way
women in science and women          on business opportunities for      are predominantly occupied by       forward for negotiations
in Information Communications       women within the sector.           men,” she said.                     around the roles current
Technologies.                        Nonku Mthembu, from                The Municipality is inviting       public transport operators
 This is in order to allow for      the Municipality’s Business        women in business and those         will play in the new IRPTN
women participation in key          Support, Tourism and Markets       who are interested in gaining
sectors of the economy.             Unit said the Municipality         more insight into the retail
 The Municipality also              initiated socio-economic           sector to register and be part of   A percentage of allocated work
acknowledges that enhancing         empowerment programmes             this exciting seminar.              to be subcontracted from the
the participation of women          which are aimed at benefitting      Application forms are now          awarded contractor is required
in economic development             and empowering women.              available and registration is       to increase employment of
is crucial in reducing the           “The Municipality has             R150.                               women, youth and people
triple challenge of poverty,        budgeted over R1 million in         The closing date for               with disabilities.
unemployment and inequality         the 2016/17 financial year         registration is 25 August.
                                                                                                           To-date 1234 people have
that is grappling South Africa.     towards programmes aimed            For booking and registration
                                                                                                           been employed in the project
 It is with this knowledge in       at empowering women.               contact Nonhlanhla Khumalo
mind that the Municipality          Women will be equipped with        on 031 311 4500 or email:           including 664 youth, 179
will on 31 August, host             techniques that will help them     nonhlanhla.khumalo1@durban.         women and 11 disabled
the Women Empowerment               build sustainable businesses,”                              people.
Business Breakfast at Inkosi        said Mthembu

ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

DAMAGES related to Municipal
property have been assessed
and are being attended to by
the various City departments
following recent heavy rains
that left a trail of destruction
and claimed the lives of nine
 To curb the loss of lives during
flood storms while ensuring
that Municipal infrastructure
is not damaged and service
operations are not affected,
eThekwini Municipality is
working on a Flood Early
Warning System.
 The system, which is based
on an open source software
provides a state of the art             Municipal officials from various Departments have been working around the clock fixing
hydrological forecast and               Menet aboria nonectum excestrum rectam laut odi conecabore, seceari onsequat occae
                                        Municipal infrastructure damaged during recent heavy rains. The City is working on a Flood
warning system. The system              niminvent explaborem sitat aut mi, quia net eum quae sit, utas ut ipis ipit audant venda dem re
                                        Early Warning System which will help curb the loss of lives during flood storms.
is a sophisticated collection of        doloribus ut faceper ruptas seque quatius dolest quis ab ipsa seditatis sin consedi gniscil inveri
modules designed for building
a hydrological forecasting           Following the downpour,            to           these interventions are
system customised for specific      officials from the City’s various    The City has also recognised        designed to operate during low
requirements.                       Units provided relief, strategic    that pollution is a major issue      flow situations only. High flows
 The City’s Engineering Unit        interventions, proactive            and various interventions have       therefore are not screened by
is currently finalising a pilot     maintenance and conducted           been put in place, including         these structures which results
study that that will provide        physical assessment of              designing and installing trash       in the litter being deposited on
forecasting on rainfall runoff,     damages caused by heavy             traps and oil separation weirs       the beaches during flooding
water quality and many more         rains.                              on various rivers and canals         situations like the one recently
parameters that are relevant for     Potholes and any other matter      that discharge into the harbour      experienced.
eThekwini residents.                related to the maintenance of       area.                                 The City will continue with its
 The system comes after the         roads and storm water systems,       In order not to compromise          various efforts to address the
spate of heavy rainfall in the      may be referred to a 24 hour        the hydraulic capacity of the        pollution issue, but it must be
City in July.                       call centre on 0801313013 or        existing stormwater network,         noted that residents must also
                                                                                                             take responsibility.

TRANSFORMATION of human                                                                   study tours        planning discussions, is a
settlements, planning for                                                                 will also          platform for environmental
interlinked and integrated                                                                provide            designers, civil servants,
rural-urban development                                                                   interaction        students and many others to
as well as finding ways for                                                               and                discuss innovative international
planners to work together to                                                              networking         concepts and practices.
make cities more intelligent are                                                          sessions.           Stephens said he looks
some of the issues that will be                                                           Congress           forward to experiencing what
discussed when eThekwini host                                                             participants       Durban has to offer as it is
the 52nd International Society                                                            are expected       well-known for its exceptional
of City and Regional Planners                                                             to choose          beauty and historical
(ISOCARP) Congress.                                                                       one of the         architecture.
                                    Cities we Have vs. Cities we
 The congress will run from                                             three City tours.                     For more information and
                                    Need, the congress will kick off
Monday, 12 September to                                                  President of ISOCARP,               to register for the congress,
                                    with three tours.
Friday, 16 September at                                                 Ric Stephens said the                interested parties can visit
                                     During the tours, visitors will
the Inkosi Albert Luthuli                                               congress, which sees leading
                                    get to experience rural, urban,
International Convention                                                professionals and individuals        congress/2016-registration-
                                    industrial, informal, suburban
Centre.                                                                 from more than 80 countries          and-fees/ or contact Mabuyi
                                    and oceanic locations. The
 Keeping to this year’s theme,                                          engaging in critical professional    Mosia on 031 266 9937.

                                                                                                       ISSUE 46 ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN    3
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality


 Woolworths SA representative, Akhona Bafo (front left) with the 2016 Durban Fashion Fair mentees all wearing their RE: classic
 denim jackets that they will be customising for their #REdesignDenim challenge.

WITH the annual Durban             additional challenge to form      partner with in-tune, sassy            the Inkosi Albert Luthuli
Fashion Fair (DFF), which is       part of their curriculum.         and aspirational individuals           International Convention
celebrating five years, now        The partnership between           .We believe in collaborating           Centre.
firmly entrenched on the           Woolworths and the DFF            with people we can learn from          The winner of this challenge
eThekwini fashion calendar,        started when Sindi Shangase, a    and who better than these              will receive a R10 000
the competition is getting         Programme Manager from the        aspiring creative minds, who           Woolworths SA shopping
tougher for up and coming          Municipality’s Business Unit      exude, art, ambition and the           voucher.
young designers.                   who is spearheading the DFF,      passion for fashion,” said             Tickets to the 16 shows that
There are currently 20             approached Woolworths South       Katiso Maarohanye the Brand            will take to the ramp at the
designers that are participating   Africa and invited them to        Manager for RE:.                       Durban Exhibition Centre
in the eThekwini Municipality’s    participate in the mentorship     The designers will be given            between 31 August and 2
Durban Fashion Fair                programme.                        nine days and a budget of              September are on sale at
mentorship fashion programme        “The challenge we are offering   R250 to customise their                Computicket from R100 per
which mentors enterprising         to the designers is brand         jackets, not only as a test            person per show with students
young designers in all aspects     specific.We chose the brand       of their resourcefulness and           paying R50 per student per
of the fashion business and        RE: as it is aligned with the     ability to work under pressure,        show.
prepares them not only for         age group of the mentees.         but to test their originality and      Tickets for the recognition
the upcoming DFF, but for the      RE: is a sassy, bold and          creativity.                            awards show are R200 per
business world.                    adventurous brand that            Winners of this particular             person and R100 per student.
Woolworths South Africa            is always connected and           challenge will be announced            For more information, visit the
has also come on board as a        challenges the norms. As a        on 3 September at the Durban           Durban Fashion Fair facebook
sponsor and will be providing      brand, we are always looking      Fashion Fair Recognition               page.
these young designers with an      to change things up and to        Awards event hosted at

                                                EDITORIAL TEAM
If you would like to submit feedback or         EDITOR: Tozi Mthethwa, Head of Communications • CONTENT EDITOR: Gugu Sisilana
contribute to eThekwini Weekly Bulletin         SUB-EDITOR: Nondumiso Mathomane • WRITERS: Princess Nkabane DESIgN AND LAYOUT:
 Email:             Sandile Sokhela
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality
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