Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...

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Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...
Irish Planning Institute
Autumn Conference 2017
Reimagining the Planning System:
Planning and Implementation
Friday 6th October 2017
The Gibson Hotel, Dublin 1

 IPI CPD Credits: 7
Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...

President’s Invitation                                                                            Who should attend?
The planning profession and the planning system continue to evolve through new legislation, a     Delegates will be informed of new policy, research and legislative developments in planning
new Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, the National Planning Framework,         across economic, social, cultural and environmental issues. There will be ample opportunity
new ideas and collaboration. The Autumn Planning Conference 2017 will provide a forum for         for networking and exchanging ideas.
debate and learning in a time of change and development within Irish planning.
                                                                                                  • Planning professionals
Our Autumn Conference brings together a number of senior planning, environmental, eco-
                                                                                                  • Policy makers
nomic and property professionals to debate issues and challenges at a time when planning
reform remains high on the agenda in Ireland and elsewhere.                                       • Council chief executives and senior local authority officials

                                                                                                  • Elected Representatives
This one day conference will be of interest to not just planners but to all of those working in
and with the planning system. It provides an opportunity to share ideas, network and keep         • Engineers
abreast of the changes guiding and influencing planning.
                                                                                                  • Architects

New this year, the IPI’s Annual Dinner will also take place on the evening of the Autumn          • Property and housing professionals
Planning Conference in the Gibson Hotel. I am delighted to invite conference attendees to join
                                                                                                  • Regulatory officials
us on the evening of the Autumn Planning Conference for one of our most prominent events
on the IPI calendar.                                                                              • Surveyors

                                                                                                  • Regeneration and retail professionals
I look forward to meeting you in the Gibson Hotel on October 6th.
                                                                                                  • Legal and financial advisors
Deirdre Fallon MIPI
                                                                                                  • Researchers
                                                                                                  • NGOs/Environmental charities

                                                                                                  • Members of the public with a keen interest in planning or environmental matters

                                                                                                  In May 2012 the LGMA Local Authority Services National Training Group endorsed confer-
                                                                                                  ences/seminars organised by the IPI for attendance by local government employees.

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Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...

Conference Schedule                                                                                     1.15 PM       Break for Lunch

                                                                                                        ACTIVE LAND MANAGEMENT (ALM)

                                                                                                        2.30 PM       Urban Regeneration Challenges                       Chris McGarry
    CONFERENCE SCHEDULE                                                                                                                                                   Head of Planning, NAMA
    8.30 AM      Registration & Refreshments                                                            2.50 PM       ALM and Housing Delivery                            David O’Connor
                                                                                                                                                                          Head of Housing Delivery Unit
                 PLANNING POLICY UPDATES                              Chair TBC                                                                                           DHPCLG
    9.30 AM      President’s Address and Welcome                      Deirdre Fallon MIPI, IPI          3.10 PM       Regeneration of Key City Centre Sites in Limerick   David Conway
                                                                      President                                                                                           CEO, Limerick 2030
    9.40 AM      Opening address                                      Eoin Murphy,                      3.30 PM       Development of Key Sites in South Dublin            Eddie Taaffe
                                                                      Minister for Housing, Planning                                                                      Director of Land Use, Planning
                                                                      and Local Government                                                                                and Transportation, South
                                                                      (Invited)                                                                                           Dublin County Council
    LEGISLATIVE DEVELOPMENTS AND UPDATE                                                                 3.50 PM       Session Panel Discussion
    10.00 AM     Department of Housing, Planning and Local            TBC                               4.30 PM       Conference Close
                 Government Update
    10.20 AM     Department of Housing, Planning and Local            TBC
                 Government Update
    10.40 AM     National Planning Framework Update                   Paul Hogan
                                                                      Senior Advisor,
                                                                                                       IPI Annual Dinner
                                                                      Department of Housing,
                                                                      Planning and Local               The Irish Planning Institute (IPI) members and distinguished guests, will celebrate the IPI’s
                                                                      Government                       Annual Dinner at a reception commencing at 7pm just after the Autumn Conference in the
    11.00 AM     Q&A                                                                                   Docklands most prestigious Gibson Hotel.

    11.15 AM     Tea/Coffee Break                                                                      The Irish Planning Institute President, Deirdre Fallon, is delighted to welcome conference
    EFFECTIVE PLANNING ACROSS METROPOLITAN AREAS IN IRELAND                                            attendees and other members and guests from Ireland and further afield to this annual
                                                                                                       event in the IPI’s calendar.
    11.40 AM     Effective Planning for Metropolitan Areas in         Niamh Moore-Cherry
                 Ireland                                              Associate Professor, UCD
                                                                                                       A special rate for delegates attending both events is available and detailed below.
    12.00 PM     Effective Metropolitan Planning Across the Eastern   Jim Conway – Director,
                 and Midland region                                   Eastern and Midlands
                                                                      Regional Assembly
    12.20 PM     Effective Planning Across Belfast                    Dermot O’Kane
                 Metropolitan Area                                    Town Planner,
                                                                      Belfast City Council
    12.30 PM     Cork Metropolitan Arrangements and Application       Brendan O’Sullivan
                 to Other Irish Cities                                Programme Director,
                                                                      University College Cork
    12.50 PM     Session Panel Discussion

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Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...

Speakers                                                                                        Jim Conway                                      ing of all stages of the planning process and
                                                                                                                                                in-depth knowledge of the realities of policy
                                                                                                Jim Conway is the Director                      development for Northern Ireland’s largest
                                                                                                of the Eastern and Midland                      council and the region’s economic driver. He
                                                                                                Regional Assembly. He                           brings a focused and passionate leadership
                                                                                                has over 36 years of                            style with strong emphasis on team working
Deirdre Fallon                                   Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) and
                                                                                                public service with extensive experience in     and communication. Dermot has lectured
                                                 since joining the Department, has drafted
                                                                                                local government. Jim previously was secre-     at Queens University Belfast and Belfast
Deirdre Fallon President                         recent Ministerial Guidance and is respon-
                                                                                                tary of Ballymun Regeneration Limited and       Metropolitan College, and has recently lead
of the Irish Planning                            sible for the preparation of the National
                                                                                                was involved in community in Ballyfermot        an extensive consultation exercise with key
Institute 2016/17. She is                        Planning Framework.
                                                                                                when Programme Manager of the Urban             stakeholders on the Preferred Options Paper
a planner with over 10 years experience.
                                                                                                Programme II. He was also previously the        for the new LDP.
She holds a BA, a Masters in Regional and        Niamh Moore-Cherry                             Director of the Dublin Regional Authority.
Urban Planning and a Masters of Science
in Geography, Planning and Environmental                                                                                                        Brendan O’Sullivan
                                                 Niamh Moore-Cherry is                          As Director of the Eastern and Midland
Policy from University College Dublin. Deirdre   an Associate Professor in                      Regional Assembly Jim is responsible for        Brendan O’Sullivan, a
has worked with Louth County Council,            the School of Geography,                       co-ordinating, promoting and supporting the     chartered planner with
Meath County Council and in planning con-        University College Dublin.                     strategic planning and sustainable develop-     a civil engineering and
sultancy prior to joining South Dublin County    She is an urban geographer and her research    ment of the region, preparing and overseeing    urban design background,
Council in 2016.                                 is focused on understanding how cities are     the implementation of new Regional Spatial      was educated at UCC and the University of
                                                 governed; how urban policy is developed;       and Economic Strategies and for promot-         Edinburgh. A native of Cork city, he has more
Paul Hogan                                       and with what impacts. She is the author of    ing the effectiveness of local government       than twenty years’ experience of urban and
                                                 Dublin Docklands Reinvented (Four Courts       and public services in the region. He is also   rural planning both in Ireland and abroad.
After graduating from the                        Press, 2008), has co-edited three books and    secretary to the National Delegation to the     Brendan is the Programme Director in the
MRUP course at UCD in                            has papers published in national and inter-    Committee of the Regions and oversees a         Centre for Planning Education and Research
1992, Paul Hogan initially                       national journals. Her current work focuses    strategic and co-ordinated approach to the      in University College Cork. His teaching and
worked in the UK before                          on the spaces and practices of governance,     management of EU programmes of assis-           research interests include topics such as
returning to Ireland in 1996, where he           particularly in the Dublin city-region, and    tance in the Eastern and Midland region.        planning theory, dialogues in sustainability,
held posts in the public and private sectors     the implications for spatial planning and
                                                                                                                                                evolution of settlement planning, media-
before joining South Dublin County Council       quality of life in city-regions. She is also
                                                                                                Dermot O’Kane                                   tion and consensus building in planning,
in 1999. After 16 years at South Dublin,         working on issues of urban governability
                                                                                                                                                landscape and planning, forward planning
including more than 10 years as Senior           and ungovernability in Europe and in China.
                                                                                                Dermot O’Kane is a                              practice, the use of spatial planning data,
Planner there, Paul joined the Department        Niamh is a member of: the Social Sciences
                                                                                                chartered town planner                          planning in rural areas and planning in devel-
of the Environment, Community and Local          Committee, Royal Irish Academy; the IGU
                                                                                                and joined Belfast City                         oping countries.
Government as a Senior Adviser in 2015. He       Urban Commission Steering Group; and
                                                                                                Council from the former
has a range of experience, from development      is President of the Geographical Society of
                                                                                                Department of the Environment in April
management to forward planning and project       Ireland, 2016-2018.
                                                                                                2015, following the transfer of planning pow-
based work. Whilst at South Dublin, Paul
                                                                                                ers to local government. Dermot is responsi-
was responsible for the Adamstown SDZ, the
                                                                                                ble for bringing forward the city’s new Local
County Development Plan and many other
                                                                                                Development Plan. He has a wide range of
plans, projects and programmes, including
                                                                                                experience in development management
those related to energy, schools and trans-
                                                                                                and more recently policy development.
port. He was part of the multi-disciplinary
                                                                                                Dermot has a comprehensive understand-
team that prepared the Design Manual for

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Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...

Chris McGarry                                    David O’Connor                                  David Conway                                        Eddie Taaffe
Chris is a Chartered Town                        David O’Connor, qualified                       David Conway is Chief                               Eddie Taaffe has been
Planner with 26 years pro-                       as an architect in 1976,                        Executive Officer of                                the Director of Land
fessional planning experi-                       worked in private prac-                         Limerick Twenty Thirty                              Use, Planning and
ence in Ireland. He is a                         tice for 9 years before                         DAC and charged with                                Transportation with South
member of the Irish Planning Institute and       joining the local authority service in Dublin   delivering the single largest programme of          Dublin County Council since 2014. During
sits on the Institute’s Economic Planning        Corporation in 1985. He was appointed           investment in real estate outside of Dublin.        this time he has been involved in a review
Special Interest Forum. Chris is also a          County Architect in the newly-established       The Limerick native is former CEO of the            of Adamstown Strategic Development Zone
member and former Chairperson of the             Fingal County Council in 1995. He sub-          National Sports Campus Development                  Scheme and formulation of new Planning
Royal Town Planning Institute in Ireland. He     sequently gained the post of Director for       Authority. A former teacher, MBA graduate           Scheme for Clonburris Strategic Development
is a former Board Member and Vice-Chair of       Planning and Development and served             and Project Manager, David was previously           Zone, which together set out a detailed plan-
Cluid Housing Association.                       in that capacity for 3 years before being       involved with the developments and opera-           ning scheme for delivery of up to 12,000
                                                 appointed County Manager for that Council       tions of Sports Facilities at the National Sports   Residential Units in West Dublin. Eddie
Chris is an occasional lecturer on Planning      from 2006 to 2013.                              Campus including the National Aquatic               also oversaw the review of the South Dublin
Law and Procedure, at the UCD School of                                                          Centre and National Indoor Arena, University        County Development Plan during this time.
Architecture, Planning & Environmental           As an active member of the RIAI for over 20     of Limerick as their Sports Administrator; as       From 1997 to 2014, Eddie held various roles
Policy (Professional Diploma Course –            years he held the posts of Vice-president and   Head of Sports at Dublin City University.           in Wexford County Council including Wexford
Architecture) and an External Examiner           Honorary Treasurer. David was appointed                                                             Borough Engineer, A/Senior Engineer in
for the MSc Spatial Planning and the BSc         Director of the Housing Delivery Office – a                                                         Roads Section and Acting Director of Water,
(Hons) Environmental Management courses,         special section to accelerate the process                                                           Environment and Emergency Services. He is
at the Dublin Institute of Technology. He is     by which Housing across all categories is                                                           also a Fellow of Engineers Ireland.
a former contributor to the publication ‘Irish   delivered. This Office was established under
Planning Law and Practice’.                      the government’s “Action Plan for Housing
                                                 and Homelessness – Rebuilding Ireland”
Chris is currently Head of Planning, at the      launched in July last year
National Asset Management Agency.

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Conference Fee                                                                              Booking Form
                                                                                            Delegate Name

 Delegate Package                                                             Rate
 Conference - IPI Member                                                      €180
 Conference - Non IPI Member                                                  €280
                                                                                            Are you a: IPI Member             Student IPI Member/unwaged IPI Member                    Non Member
 Conference - Student Member, Unwaged Member                                  €80

 Conference and Dinner – IPI Member                                           €210          Are you booking: Conference and Dinner                 Conference Only            Dinner only

 Conference and Dinner – Non IPI Member                                       €310          If booking more than one delegate, please include their details with this form.
                                                                                            Please give details of any special dietary requirements
 Conference and Dinner –       Student Member, Unwaged Member                 €135

 Dinner                                                                       €55

Conference rates include lunch and refreshments throughout the Conference. The Annual       Cheques should be made payable to the Irish Planning Institute
Dinner rate includes a welcome reception and three course meal in the Gibson Hotel.
                                                                                            I am enclosing a cheque for a total of €

Student Member/Unwaged Member registrations are limited so please register early to avoid
                                                                                            I wish to be invoiced
                                                                                            Purchase Order Number (if applicable)
Revenues from IPI events and membership subscriptions go back into planning and the         Email address for invoice (if applicable)
profession, making the IPI’s work to advance planning and promote the profession for the
benefit of the community and the common good possible.                                      Credit Card Payments
                                                                                            Card number

How to Book
                                                                                            Card Expiry Date                       CCV number

                                                                                            Cardholder Name

Online:                                                                          I authorise the IPI to debit my account to the value of €
Telephone: +353 (0)1 8788630
Email:                                                                          Signature                                                                       Date
Or send the booking form to:                                                                Acknowledgement of Registration: If you have not received an acknowledgement within 48 hours of registering
Irish Planning Institute, Floor 3, The Courtyard, 25 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1          please contact to confirm your booking.
                                                                                            Cancellation Policy: For those unable to attend, a substitute delegate may be sent if notified by Tuesday 3rd
                                                                                            October for no additional charge. Alternatively a refund will be given for cancellations received in writing up to
                                                                                            5 days prior to the conference, less an administration fee of 50%. Regrettably no refunds are possible after this
                                                                                            date and this policy is strictly enforced.

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Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...
Irish Planning Institute, Floor 3, The Courtyard, 25 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1
         T: +353 (0)1 878 8630 F: +353 (0)1 878 8682 E:
Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ... Irish Planning Institute Autumn Conference 2017 Reimagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation - Friday 6th October 2017 The Gibson ...
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