Internet Safety Day - Selskar College

Page created by Bob Richardson
Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Safety Day
Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
We are the Digital Leaders; we are
handpicked after application and
interview to assist teachers and staff
alike and more importantly to run
extra curricular programs/campaigns
within the school!

Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Who did what?
-   TJ Kehoe - Image Based Sexual Abuse,
    Online + Internet Safety Day

-   Alannah Doyle | Links between Social Media
    and Body Image

-   Ellie O’Gorman + Amber Ryan | Stanger

-   Mikolaj Majka | Online Safety

-   Iva Jancarevic | Shopping Online + Video

-   Josh Cullen | What is a Digital Leader
Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
What is Internet Safety
Safer Internet Day is a Eu ropean        Just last year (I know right!) over
w ide initiative to promote safer        170,000 different people in just
in ternet usage for europeans,           Ireland highlighted the day!
primarily young kids.
                                         Internet Safety Day lands on the 9 th
In Ireland Safer Internet Day is         of February and we hope you can
promoted by the PDST Technology          join us and share some positivity,
in Education and Webwise. The            together regardless of how far
theme for the day is “ Together for      apart we feel.
a Better Internet ” which is why w e
                                         We’d like to remind you just how
ask you to reach out to someone
                                         many su pport groups are out there
today and make the internet a safer
                                         for you, to help you, regardless of
an d happier place, maybe share a
funny meme, post some ‘morning
positivity’ or even just text a friend   En joy our presentation and we will
for a zoom coffee, whatever you          leave you with a quote,
feel like would make someone's day
                                         “ Smile”
a little bit brighter.

Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Image based sexual
exploitation, online.
TW: Discusses sexual exploitation of
minors, nudity and other sensitive topics.
Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Silence protects the
perpetrator and
imprisons the victim,
choosing to stay quite
is choosing a side.

Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Image based sexual
exploitation, online.

In the world we live in     It’s normal right? Well   Let's delve deeper,
today, it’s the norm to     that’s you, what about    their essentially,
project a version of        your kids, what are       ‘public’ accounts, has
yourself online, be it      they provaying? You       you questioning then
living a perfect life, an   tell me. Or even your     what's happening in
activistic persona or       friends, what do you      private chats? Be it
even forming an             feel scrolling through    Snapchat or Twitter,
advocacy group; we          their instagram?          what's being shared?
are all choosing what       Jealous, inspired or      What can you do to
to share and what not       concerned. Maybe it’s     protect yourself and
to share and more           all fine and dandy or     what is there to help
importantly, with           maybe it’s got you        you?
whom we share it.           thinking.                                          7
Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Image based sexual
 exploitation, online.
Maybe you catch my drift, nudes, sexting, pornography. I'm sure you’ve
heard about the files that were leaked recently containing countless
explicit pictures from so many young individuals.
I'm going to ask you to imagine how this must feel for the victims. Relax
your shoulders, sit up straight and rest your face. How exactly would
you feel if your naked body was exposed to the entire world?
Take it you sent it to your partner, you’re in love, lockdown means you
haven’t met in forever, so you exchange nudes, it’s on snapchat so of
course there's no way for them to be screenshot, right? A week later
you have a fight over something small, you don’t talk for a day or two
and the next thing you know there you are, exposed to the world for
whoever wants to see, you’re embarrassed but it doesn’t end there, you
loose friends who are too embarrassed to be seen with you, your job is
gone, your parents have seen the images too and they're ashamed and
to top it all off the person who leaked theses images has absolutely 0
backlash, you're the one being blamed. You loved them and now look.
Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Image based sexual exploitation,
It wasn’t easy to do image but it’s unimaginably harder for the victims so sadly I
hope it made you uncomfortable.
I won't keep you much longer and I’m not about to tell you to educate your kids
to stop them being the victim, but I am going to tell you to educate your kids to
stop them becoming the perpetrator. #notoleranceforonlineabuse

-   Have real conversations about your kid's sexuality as it’s a major factor for
    children reaching out to porn to explore their sexuality.
-   Ensure they aren’t accessing sights such as Pornhub as it warps
    perspectives and can be linked in with perpetrator behavior.
-   Educate yourself on “Coco’s Law” which is there to protect you
-   Give your children proper attention and treat them on level with you, don’t
    leave them to look for that validation elsewhere.
-   Teach your children through talking or videos proper sex ed on same sex
    and straight relationships as the curriculum is insufficient.
-   Do not search through your children's phones, build up the trust so they
    will reach out to you, you’re doing something wrong if you feel the need to
    invade on their privacy like that; it shows you don’t believe they trust you
    enough to reach out.
Internet Safety Day - Selskar College
Help Lines
If you or someone you know is affected by
any of the issues raised, You can seek
professional and safe help and advice at:
✓ 50808 [Free textline for general support]
✓ [To report sexual exploitation]
✓ A quick google search can find you
    countless helplines and advocacy groups.
Link Between
Social Media and
Body Image

Links between social
media and body image
Whether we’d like to admit it or not, social
media is shaping our concept of beauty.
We are, for better or worse, constantly
consuming images posted online. As a
result, social media and body image – the
way we perceive our own physical
appearance – have become inextricably
linked. Social media influences how we look
at ourselves both positively and negatively,
and it’s important that we understand the
effects in order to limit their impact on our
mental health.                                  12
How Does Social Media Affect
Body Image Negatively?

Although it can have a positive effect on the mental
                          . early research for the
health of some of its users,
most part indicates that social media negatively
affects people’s perception of their body image.

Project Know, a nonprofit organization designed to
help people with addictive behaviors, explored how
social media can exacerbate eating disorders and
may trigger or worsen “certain genetic or
psychological predispositions.” While social media
hasn’t been definitively proven to cause
psychological disorders, it can intensify pre-existing
mental health conditions

Comparing Bodies

A bombshell study conducted by the Florida
House Experience, a healthcare institution,
uncovered that both women and men compare
their bodies with those in the media. The survey
included 1,000 men and women and focused on
their body image, confidence, and the media. It
found that 87% of women and 65% of men
compare their bodies to images they consume on
social and traditional media. In that comparison, a
stunning 50% of women and 37% of men compare
their bodies unfavorably


Stranger Danger
Since we were children we have been told “ don’t talk to
strangers” and for the most part we listened until we got
to the age where we could use social media on our own.
We would use websites and apps that we know nothing
about and communicate with strangers. Now influencers
that children and teens’ look up to are promoting apps
that suggest “talking to strangers”.
People are now using websites like “ Omegle and Monkey”
which advertise talking to strangers. When you open the
website, it says “Omegle, talk to strangers.” The concept
is you wouldn’t know who you are speaking to and you
don’t know what would come up on your screen. You
enter a topic or buzz word and others from across the
globe that have entered anything along those lines can
chat with you via live call.

Stranger Danger
There are lots of risk factors with social media, you don’t know if
the person is a man or a woman, you don’t know where they are.
Social Media is a dangerous place for everyone, and you may not
even be aware. You could tell that person your personal details
or secrets and then it turns out its not the person you thought
they were you just really need to be so careful on social media.
Just because an influencer on Tiktok is on Omegle doesn’t mean
you should try it, just stick to what you know, which is suited for
Snapchat and Instagram can be just as dangerous, the same
thing can happen to you, you can add someone, start texting
share personal details such as your address, family information or
your school etc. and it could be an old man or an old woman that
wants to harm you. We implore you to add people you know in
real life as you can never be too safe, if something is too good to
be true then it probably is, it could be a person with malicious
intent or a scam, one wrong click and your personal details are
accessible to anyone who wants them, you can never be too
Online Safety
1) Have multiple            2) If it seems sketchy, it     3) Have secure
passwords                   probably is                    passwords
Having more than one        This one seems obvious         Having multiple,
password seems like         but if someone sends           different passwords is
effort but nowadays         you a link promising free      one thing but having
there are many ways to      Fortnite v-bucks               secure passwords is
store them easily such      working 2032, it's a           even more important. It's
as linking them to your     scam and it'll probably        best practice to use the
                            steal your account if you
Google/Apple account                                       auto suggested
and many other ways.        login there. In addition, if   password wherever you
This protects you greatly   a supposed oil prince          can. These passwords
as if one of your           claims to want to give         are also auto-filled when
passwords is found, only    you free money, it's a         you're logging in so you
that account is             scam and you should            don't even have to
compromised.                block and report them.         remember them!              19
Shopping Online

Shopping Online
Online shopping has become very popular and the preferred way of shopping
by many in the last decade. While it seems more efficient in times like these it
can be very bad in many ways, environmentally and privacy.

One of the biggest cons of online shopping is how severely it damages our
planet and how these big companies keep in business. Environmentally, fast
fashion to be more specific is getting worse and isn’t helping the situation our
planet is in already! Because companies like;
Shein, Primark, Zara, Pretty Little Thing, Bershka etc.
Are considered fast fashion companies, most of their unsold clothes go to
waste. These clothes are then thrown into piles of other rubbish in the
environment causing great pollution. These companies have a great number of
factories filled with minors who are working constantly unsupervised to
produce desired products quicker.
So how can you help? You can simply try your best to support smaller
businesses or local ones, try to buy more secondhand clothes (from local
charities) or find brands who are ecofriendly. You can find smaller
businesses advertising on Instagram.                                               21
Shopping Online
What even is “Fast Fashion?” Fast fashion can be defined as cheap,
trendy clothing, that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture
and turns them into garments in high street stores at breakneck speed
to meet consumer demand. The idea is to get the newest styles on the
market as fast as possible, so shoppers can snap them up while they
are still at the height of their popularity, and then, sadly, discard them
after a few wears.
It plays into the idea that outfit repeating is a fashion faux pas, and that
if you want to “stay relevant”, you must sport the latest looks as they
happen. It forms a key part of the toxic system of overproduction and
consumption that has made fashion one of the largest polluters in the
world. Before we can go about changing it, let’s look at the history.

Shopping Online
Other cons involving online shopping would be:

•   Safety and privacy on the internet{which we will talk about
    in the next couple of slides}
•   Overspending of money : as in reality it is easier to spend
    money this way as it is quicker and more convenient.
•   More time spent online, no support for local retailers.

Of course, there are some pros of online shopping:

•   There is more variety of products which allow us to make
    better price comparisons and get more for less money.
•   Online shopping can greatly benefit to smaller business
    from around world.
•   There are no crowds and can be more efficient in times
    like these for necessities.

Thank You!
On behalf of the digital
leaders, make the internet
a safer place.

Presentation Design
This presentation uses the following
 ✓ Titles: Playfair Display
 ✓ Body Copy: Inter
 ✓ Design: Slide Carnival

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