Saint Agnes Catholic Church

Page created by Ana Crawford
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
                     January 23rd, 2022
              Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

                    From the Gospel of Luke
Rolling up the scroll, He handed it back to the attendant and sat down, and
the eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at Him. He said to them,
        “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”

                         Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
This Week’s Mass Intentions                                  Scripture Readings
Sunday, January 23                                                  Week of January 23, 2022
  8:00 a.m.     John B. Buck
             (Bill and Suzie Buck)                     Sunday         Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                      Neh 8: 2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/ Ps 19: 8, 9, 10, 15/
 10:00 a.m.  All Living and Deceased Parishioners                     1 Cor 12: 12-30 or 1 Cor 12:12-14,27/
 12:00 p.m.     Michael Brooks                                        Lk 1: 1-4; 4: 14-21
             (Margaret White)                          Monday         Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales,
Monday, January 24                                                    Bishop and Doctor
                                                                      2 Sm 5: 1-7, 10/ Ps 89: 20, 21-22, 25-26/
 6:30 a.m.      Michael Hurley                                        Mk 3: 22-30
             (The Chase Family)                        Tuesday        Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle
 9:00 a.m.     Judy Riggin                                            Acts 22: 3-16 or Acts 9: 1-22/ Ps 117: 1bc, 2/
             (Jenny and Dan Sullivan)                                 Mk 16: 15-18
Tuesday, January 25                                    Wednesday      Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus,
  6:30 a.m.     John West                                             2 Tm 1: 1-8 or Ti 1: 1-5/ Ps 96: 1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a,
              (Christiane West)                                       10/ Mk 4: 1-20
  9:00 a.m.   Special Intention                        Thursday       Memorial of St. Angela Merici, Virgin
              (Lisa Campbell)                                         2 Sm 7: 18-19, 24-29/ Ps 132: 1-2, 3-5, 11, 12,
Wednesday, January 26                                                 13-14/ Mk 4: 21-25
 6:30 a.m.     Bob Slakey                              Friday         Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas,
             (Anonymous)                                              Priest and Doctor
                                                                      2 Sm 11: 1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/ Ps 51: 3-4, 5-6a,
 9:00 a.m.     Martin Edlefsen                                        6bcd-7, 10-11/ Mk 4: 26-34
             (Joseph and Katylee McInerney)
                                                       Saturday       2 Sm 12: 1-7a, 10-17/ Ps 51: 12-13, 14-15, 16-
Thursday, January 27                                                  17/ Mk 4: 35-41
  6:30 a.m.     John and Doris Hurley                  Sunday         Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
              (The Chase Family)                                      Jer 1: 4-5, 17-19/ Ps 71: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15-17/ 1
                                                                      Cor 12: 31 13: 13/ Lk 4: 21- 30
  9:00 a.m.     Joel Pulliam
              (Mark and Kristen Allen)
Friday, January 28                                               Keep Them in Your Prayers
  6:30 a.m.      Michael Wood
              (Christiane West)                                   For those who are sick in our midst:
                                                               Judy Shack, Walter Quinn, Helena Metzger,
  9:00 a.m.   Ken and Thuy Sault                               William Thomas, Lauren and Jessica Makuh,
              (The Sault Family)                                 Paul Carder, Jazmin Leon, Carol Naill,
Saturday, January 29                                     Cathy Sheehan-Wilson, Those suffering from COVID-19,
                                                            Residents of Cherrydale Health and Rehabilitation
  7:30 a.m.     Ignacio Flores Apaza and
                 Rosse Mary Flores Cuba                    The repose of the souls who have recently passed:
              (The Sainz Family)                               Diego D’Ambrosio; Father David Hudgins;
  9:00 a.m.     Michael Hurley                             Gerry (Gerarde) Barth; Father Paul Gaggawala, A.J.;
              (Karen and James Berkon)                    George Ellis; Sister Joan Noreen; Janet Ostafin Tierney;
      Vigil                                                      David Donnelly; Victims of COVID-19
  5:00 p.m.       Bernadette Barton
                (The Murray Family)
Sunday, January 30                                     Will you adore
  8:00 a.m.     Edward Disselkamp
                                                       our Lord
             (Glenn Davidson)                          one hour
 10:00 a.m.     All Living and Deceased Parishioners
                                                       a month?
 12:00 p.m.     In Thanksgiving
                (The Sault Family)

               indicates person is deceased
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Parish Clergy
                                                                    Pastor ● Rev. William Saunders
                                                                Parochial Vicar ● Rev. Peter McShurley
                                                                In residence ● Rev. Anthony Pinizzotto
                                                                  In residence ● Rev. Steven Oetjen

                                                                         Parish Office
                                                         1914 N. Randolph Street • Arlington, VA 22207-3046
                                                    Phone: (703) 525-1166 • Fax: (703) 243-2840
       Saint Agnes Essentials                         Office Hours ● Monday through Friday ● 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Sacramental Emergency:                                            Business Manager ● Vitoria Vargas
Please call (703) 525-1166 Ext 1.
                                                                      Accounting ● Ligia Santos
Infant/Child Baptism:                                     Operations and Facilities Manager ● Brian Sherry
Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays after the                
Noon Mass. Please contact the Parish Office to
                                                              Director of Faith Formation ● Lisa Orosa
learn more about having your child baptized.                    

Marriage Preparation:                                              Director of Music ● Katrina Keat
Call the Parish Office for Pre-Cana at least 7                
months prior to your wedding.                          Coordinator of the Protection of Children ● Joan Biehler
Anointing of the Sick:                                     Youth and Young Adults ● Rev. Peter McShurley
Call the Parish Office to request Anointing of           
the Sick. Anyone with a serious illness should        Coordinator of Adoration and Security ● Michael Sirotniak
request this sacrament before being admitted to             
the hospital.
                                                              Director of Parish Charity ● John Mallonee
Homebound Visitation:                                     Religious Education Assistant ● Bernadette Michael
Contact the Parish Office at (703) 525-1166.               
                                                              Administrative Assistant ● Armelle Tallec
How to become Catholic:                                   
Interested in joining the Catholic Church or
want to learn more? Contact Ana Lisa Piñon at                       Saint Agnes School                       2024 N. Randolph Street • Arlington, VA 22207-3031
                                                              Phone: 703-527-5423 • Fax 703-525-4689
Holy Orders and Consecrated Life:                         
Is the Lord calling you? For information about
priesthood, the permanent diaconate, or the              Principal ● Jennifer Kuzdzal
consecrated life, contact one of the priests or          Assistant Principal ● Ann Reid
the Diocesan Vocations Office at
(703) 841-2514.

Registration/Change of Address:                               Sunday Mass (in Parish Hall)
Forms can be found in the church, parish                         Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Vigil)
office, or on our website. Return completed                Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
forms to the parish office or                                 Weekday Mass (in Parish Hall)
                                                             Monday – Friday: 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.
Mass Intentions:                                                Saturday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.
Please visit the Parish Office to request Mass
intentions. We are currently scheduling into July                  Sacrament of Penance
                                                        Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Ministries & Groups at
              2021 Contributions                                                 Saint Agnes
Contribution statements for 2021 were mailed last week to       Adult Faith Formation
those whose parish records indicate they have contributed
                                                                •    Bible Study—
during the year. If you do not receive your statement by
January 31, please contact the Parish Office at                 •    RCIA—                                    •    Walking with Purpose —

Note that we migrated our parishioner database in               Parish Service
2021; please look carefully at your statement to make           •    Arts & Crafts —
sure that it is accurate.                                       •    Calix —
                                                                •    Cherrydale Rehab Prayer Group—
Thank you for your stewardship of God’s gifts and               •    Christ House Team —
your generosity for the many needs of parish life!              •    Gardening Angels —
                                                                •    Knights of Columbus—
                                                                •    Legion of Mary—
New Prayer Group at Saint Agnes!                                •    Parents Prayer Group—
                                                                •    Parish Charities—
Announcing the start of Parents Prayer group on
                                                                •    Remembrance Circle—
Wednesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. It will start with an hour of
Adoration followed by 30-45 minutes of fellowship. The          •    Respect Life—
focus is our children, but if you want to join us to pray for   •    St. Joseph’s League—
spouse, job, or a special cause, welcome! We pray for each      •    St. Raphael Prayer Group—
other’s needs. Adoration is silent. Fellowship is not!          •    Young Adults—

Contact Maureen Ross at 703-675-3035 or at                      Liturgy for more information or just             •    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion—
show up at our Adoration Chapel at 7 p.m. every week. At   
8:05 we will walk over to the little white house next to the    •    Flower Guild—
parking lot on Stafford St (to the right of parking as you      •    Lectors—
exit rear of church). Enter through the backdoor.               •    Sacristans—
                                                                •    Ushers—
                                                                Youth Activities
                                                                •    Challenge Club—
         Free FORMED Subscription                               •    Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts—
  Check out! A FORMED subscription                   •    CYO Sports-
   includes videos, Bible Studies, books, podcasts and          •    Girl Scouts—
  more! Sign up by selecting Saint Agnes Church using           •    Youth Group—
               our parish zip code (22207).
                                                                                      Faith Direct
                                                                    Begin the new year with eGiving to help sustain and
CAR RAFFLE - HELP ST. AGNES                                         build ministries throughout 2022 that reflect the
YOUTH RAISE MONEY FOR                                               steadfast promise of God’s love. We prayerfully request
                                                                    that you consider signing up for eGiving from your
WORKCAMP                                                            computer, smartphone or tablet. You can set up a
All Saints Church (Manassas, VA) has invited our                    recurring donation or make a one-time gift. Sign up
parishioners to participate in their Multi Car Raffle. Prizes       today by visiting, or text
include four 2022 vehicles from Koons of Manassas (Honda            ‘Enroll’ to 571-497-4771.
Civic, Buick Encore, GMC Canyon Truck and Honda                           Thank you for your continued support!
Odyssey Van). One $5.00 ticket offers the purchaser a
chance to win all four vehicles plus $40,000 in cash
prizes. You should have received tickets in the mail. Please    Suffering after Divorce?
consider selling/purchasing the tickets mailed to you.
                                                                Next meeting is Saturday, February 12th. The St. Agnes
                                                                community wants to support and remind you of the healing
 The next Extraordinary Form Mass                               and restoration possible only through Jesus Christ. The
                                                                gatherings take place the second Saturday of every month
           will be held on                                      from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall and include
                                                                a short presentation, time for discussion, and prayer. All
     Wednesday, February 2nd                                    are welcome. For more information or to register contact
                                                                Francisco Solares at or
     at 7:00 p.m. for Candlemas                                 Patricia Lizarazo at
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Pilgrim to the Heavenly City
                                                               All are invited to Pilgrim to the Heavenly City: Walking
                                                               with Saint Raymond to God Through Sacraments, Music,
                                                               and Sacred Art on Friday, February 4, at 7 p.m. at Saint
                                                               Raymond’s Catholic Church in Springfield. Join us for an
                                                               evening of art, music, and faith. Local artist Henry Wingate
                                                               presents his new murals of the life of Saint Raymond. Then,
                                                               enjoy an evening of music from the world of Saint
                                                               Raymond, performed by local professional musicians and
                                                               chosen to guide minds and hearts to God.

                                                               Virginia Defending Life Day
                                                               Join us on February 9th to speak up for a pro-life Virginia!
                                                               On this day, Virginians will come together in Richmond
                                                               while the General Assembly is in session to meet with their
                                                               legislators to urge them to defend life. The day begins with
                                                               prayer led by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout. Our
                                                               goal is to assemble advocates from every district in the
                                                               Commonwealth - and we need you. Talking points,
                                                               legislative updates and tips for effective advocacy will be
                                                               provided to make your constituent meetings easy and
                                                               successful. Please join us! Visit to sign
                                                               up and learn more! #VADefendingLifeDay. Email
Annual Women's Conference: True                       if you need assistance
Presence to Calm the Present                                   coordinating your group or parish.
Dear Ladies, the Office of Marriage, Family and Respect
Life and the Arlington Diocesan Council of Catholic
Women hope you can join us for a day of spiritual
enrichment & fellowship with talented Sonja Corbitt,
author and TV and radio host, along with Stephanie Burke,
Executive Director of the Avila Institute, Saturday, March
12, 2022 at St. Joseph Church in Herndon from 8:30 a.m.-
2:30 p.m. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask
questions of our presenters and then participate in a
listening session with Bishop Burbidge where they can
share their experience of being Catholic in the current age,
as well as their hopes and dreams for the Church in
preparation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops. Tickets are $65
per person early bird (thru February 11th); $80 after
February 11th. Register at

Diocese of Arlington Annual Men's
Join Bishop Burbidge and Catholic men from around the
Diocese of Arlington for a day of spiritual renewal and
fellowship focused on the power of the Eucharist on
Saturday, March 5, 2022 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in
Herndon from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. The theme is Eucharistic
Lord: Dispelling Darkness and Overcoming Evil with
speakers Msgr. Stephen Rossetti and Deacon Michael
Forrest. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask
questions of our presenters and then participate in a
listening session with Bishop Burbidge where they can
share their experience of being Catholic in the current age,
as well as their hopes and dreams for the Church in
preparation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops. Tickets are $65
per person thru February 4; $80 after February 4. Register
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
You are invited to join us for a weekend retreat February 4-6, 2022! It will be held both live and virtually. A flexible
schedule includes Mass, confessions, adoration, and small group discussions. Only $20.00 per person covering
refreshments and supplies. Checks can be made payable to Saint Agnes Catholic Church with memo to SEEK22. The
outside envelope should be addressed to Saint Agnes Catholic Church, attention Ana Lisa Pinon or for SEEK22. All events
will be on the Saint Agnes Parish campus. To register go to For questions, contact our Saint Agnes
team at or contact

Mass and Dinner for World Marriage
All married couples are invited to attend the Mass and          Upcoming Programs from Our Lady of
dinner to celebrate World Marriage Sunday at St. Timothy        Bethesda Retreat Center
Catholic Church in Chantilly on Saturday, February 12,
2022 at 5:30 p.m. with celebrant, Most Reverend Michael         •   Three to Get Married Marriage Prep—In-Person Only:
F. Burbidge. Must RSVP for the dinner. Seating will be              Feb 10-13 / Mar 10-13 / Mar 24-27
determined on a first come, first serve basis. For inquiries,       Virtual Only: Apr 21-24
call the Office of Marriage, Family & Respect Life at 703-
841-2550. Register at                 •   Take a Personal “Retreat” Day Feb 18 / Mar 11
                                                                •   Marriage Workshop: Strengthening Your Love
Gift for Life                                                       Marriage Renewal Workshop—Feb 26-27, 2022
Please give a Gift for Life this season to help Project         •   Mini-retreats for Women Evening: Jan 26, 6:00-9:00
Rachel provide counseling and healing retreats to those             p.m. Morning: Jan 27, 9:30 a.m. - Noon
who suffer the effects of abortion. One participant wrote:
“The genuine love and support from the Project Rachel           •   Leading With the Heart of a Man, Men’s Evenings of
retreat has enabled me to let go of my anger and deep pain          Reflections—Feb 3
from my abortion. I am like a new person who has left the
darkness and entered the light.” For more information and/      For more information and to register, go to the website:
or to donate:   
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
View Our Parish Supporters at

                                                                                                                       Saint Agnes
                                                    Saint Agnes Catholic School                                    Religious Education
                                                                                                                  Holy Card collection for 2nd
                                                                                                                   Grade each Sunday.
                                                                                                                  Flipgrid Gospel Reflection for
                                                                                                                   7th & 8th Grades.
                                                                                                                  Mandatory mini-retreat for First
St. Agnes School is a Catholic                                                                                     Penance parents on February 5th
  community centered on the                                                                                        from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in
teachings of Jesus Christ and                                                                                      the Parish Hall.
      strengthened by the
 partnership between parents,
who are the primary educators
                                                                                                                      Family Gospel Chat
    of our students, and our                                                                                     In the Second Reading, we read
   dedicated teaching staff.
                                                                                                                 how we are all part of the Body of
                                                                                                                 Christ, the Church.
 We believe in the mission to                                                                                    Q: What unique gifts or talents
 educate our students so that                                                                                    can you offer to help make the
     they become loving                                                                                          Church stronger?
 Christians, inspired learners,
outstanding achievers, natural
 communicators, and strong                                                                                              Announcement!
       servants of God.                                                                                          Special Religious Education
                                                      Here are the Bees Class (Pre-K4)                           Development (SPRED) for persons
                                                                                                                 with special needs will be
                                                      visiting Baby Jesus to honor the                           launched at St. Agnes in Fall 2022.
                                                                                                                 If you are interested in
                                                                 Epiphany.                                       volunteering or would like to
                                                                                                                 enroll your child, please contact
                                                                                                                 Lisa Orosa at



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Saint Agnes Catholic Church
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                                                                                                                                               © 2022 DIOCESAN
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