ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church

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ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church
                                    CATHOLIC CHURCH

                                            5055 Micco Rd
Visit us Online   Barefoot Bay, Fl 32976
                                            Phone: (772) 664-9310
                                            Fax: (772)664-3374
ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church
About Our Parish
       Parochial Administrator                            St Luke Catholic Church Offers:
              Fr Tony Welle                   Religious Education: Sundays from Sept to May
                   Deacon                                           (must be registered)
             Rev Mr. Steven Guess
                                                     Choir: Rehearsals every Monday 4:00pm Sept to May
                                       (All are welcome)

              Mass Schedule                          Thrift Store: Open Thurs thru Saturday 9am to 2pm
            Saturday Vigil Mass                                       (772-664-4007)
                  4:00 pm
                Sunday Mass                            Adoration: Thursdays after 8am Mass until 11am
                  9:00 am
                                                        Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:30pm to 3:45pm &
              (May—October)                                     Thursdays 8:30am after Mass
                 Daily Mass
           Tuesday through Friday                           Baptisms & Marriage: Contact Office
                  8:00 am
               Saturday 9am                          Bereavement Meetings: Second & Fourth Tuesday
          Communion Service                          of each month, 10:30-12 Noon, Church Hall (facilitated
                 Monday 8am                                      by a trained grief counselor)

                                                        Did you know that you can offer flowers in the
           Parish Office Hours                         church in memory of a deceased loved one, or in
              Monday—Thursday                          thanksgiving for a birth, anniversary, or prayers
               8:30 am—4:00pm                           answered? Right now very few people take ad-                  vantage of offering their petitions and thanksgiv-
                                                     ings in this way. If you would like to offer flowers at
         Church Office:(772) 664-9310                 the Altar, the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary or
          Thrift Store: (772) 664-4007                 St Joseph...please speak with Kathy in the office.
                                                      Our very skilled team of flower arrangers will pick
                  Online Giving                       the best looking flowers for the weekend and make
                                 a beautiful arrangement.
 Please go to our website and click on the link to
donate online! (3% of the TOTAL (not individual)     Altar $35 Blessed Virgin Mary $15 St Joseph $15
        donations go to the merchant fee)
        Thank you & for your generosity!                   We accept cash/check/credit card (new)

        God loves a cheerful giver--
         II Corinthians : 9 verse 7
       Offertory: $5,191 (LY $3,310)
           Maintenance: $676
                  Poor: $62
                Candle: $43
               Thrift: $3,897                                Website:
                                                                     Facebook Church:
    (Offertory includes online giving, not         
              other collections)                                      Facebook Thrift:
ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church
Prayer & Worship
                                                                        TODAY’S READINGS
                                                          First Reading — Jesus tells the disciples that they will
                                                         be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:1-11).

                                                         Psalm — God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare
                                                         of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47).
                Monday May 30
         8 am + Communion Service                        Second Reading — God seated Jesus at his right hand in
                  by: Prayers                            the heavens (Ephesians 1:17-23) or Hebrews 9:24-28;
               Tuesday May 31
       8am + Anthony Marcantuono                         Gospel — As Jesus blessed his disciples he parted from
            by: Tom & Karen Sancetta                     them and was taken up to heaven (Luke 24:46-53).
               Wednesday June 1
               8am + Ryan Matt                                       READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                   by: Family
                                                         Monday:       Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab;
                Thursday June 2                                        Jn 16:29-33
             8am + Uncle David
                                                         Tuesday:      Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16;
           by: Nina & Elizabeth Tassinari
                                                                       Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Lk 1:39-56
              Friday June 3
                                                         Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab;
      8am + Valerie & Frank Ugenti
                                                                    Jn 17:11b-19
                  by: Jane
                                                         Thursday:     Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
                 Saturday June 4                                       Jn 17:20-26
            9am + Evelyn Sullivan
            by: Husband Russell & Family                 Friday:       Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab;
                                                                       Jn 21:15-19
          4pm + Kenney Derenthal
                   by: Jane                              Saturday:     Acts 28:16-20, 30-31: Ps 11:4, 5, 7;
                                                                       Jn 21:20-25
             Sunday June 5
   9am + Guy & Anna Marie Davidson                       Sunday:       Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or
                     by: Family                                        Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35,
                                                                       27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39
                                                                       Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34;
                                                                       1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17;
                                                                       Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26
 L Rurgess, Jeff Wolf & Family, Eileen Clinton, Rose
     Marie Nevadar, Chuck Lewis, Laura Doddio,                          PRAYER OF THE WEEK
 Gloria Martin, Chris McGovern, Michael Stinelli, Gail                  The Ascension of the Lord
Ray, Lisa Burgess, Kyle Dantone, Liz Levanti, Deanna
  Randolf, Trevor Saunders, Dan Lehman, Goffman                          At the Mass during the Day
  Family, Denis Donahue, Timothy Murphy, Ronnie                  Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
Martin, Guy & Carol Lombardi, Gene & Adele Mercier,           and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
Susan Loeffler, Pat Hoehlein, Chris DePalma, Gardner                for the Ascension of Christ your Son
        Family, James Seymour, Walter Bush               is our exaltation, and, where the Head has gone before in
                                                                 glory, the Body is called to follow in hope.
                                                                  Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
    Names will remain on the prayer list for one                        who lives and reigns with you
  month...should you want to continue prayer or put                     in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
       a name back on, please call the office.                              God, for ever and ever.
ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church
Bulletin Information

                coffee and donuts
                               May 29th After 9AM Mass
All Parishioners invited for fellowship in church hall!
Hope to see those who attend the Saturday Mass as well!
Serving: Donuts, Bagels, Fresh Fruit and Homemade Baked Goods along with coffee, or-
ange juice and tea.
                    new to menu: st luke's famous omelette!!

                           COME JOIN US!!
     flowers                                         VOLUNTEERS needed year round, Wednesday and
   Flowers at the Altar                              Thursday, 1:00-4:00 pm, in our church office. Duties
 are in loving memory of                             are answering the phones, opening the door when
        Jack Reddy                                   visitors come, and taking Mass intentions & flower
    by Susanne Reddy                                 requests. We’re thinking a rotation of volunteers is
                                                     best rather than just one or two volunteers. By rotat-
                                                     ing the volunteers, no one has the burden of a commit-
                                                     ment and it will give us a list of volunteers to call upon
                           The Church Office will be in the event of an unforeseen cancellation. If interested,
                           closed Monday, May 30, please contact Kathy in the office. Thank You!
                               in observance of
                                Memorial Day.
                                                                    THRIFT STORE NEWS
          OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL                         The Thrift Store is in need of volunteers to sort a
                                                      variety of items, hang clothes, do light lifting of
OCA 2022 Goal for St. Luke’s — $51,332.23             boxes, etc. The Thrift Store is open Thursday,
Raised as of 5/20/22 — $55,922.17                     Friday, and Saturday, 9-2PM. You can work any of
Over Goal — $4,589.94                                 these days and whatever time fits your schedule.
                                                      Your help would be a blessing to our Parish! If
Donor Families for St. Luke’s Church — 630            interested in serving as a volunteer, contact Beth at
Number of Gifts — 201                                 772/664-4007 or see Kathy in the Parish Office.
Percent Participation (includes all donor
families) - 31.9%                                     For those that patronize the Thrift Store, please
                                                      note that even though the Thrift Store is open from
                                                      9-2PM, the parking lot gates close at 1:30PM,
                                                      which means that no customers can enter the
                                                      premises to shop after 1:30 on any of the three
ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church
Bulletin Information
         The mystery of the Ascension has to do with holding in tension a sense of God’s nearness, along with the
burden caused by apparent signs of absence. The risen Jesus says to Mary Magdalene, “Do not cling to me,” perhaps
pointing out to her that his physical presence to the disciples was time‑bound and temporary. It was a gift for their
transformation, and after forty days, he vanished from their sight and hearing, though never out of their conscious-
ness. They do not mourn at his going this time: there is no trace of the disciples who hid in fear at his crucifixion, no
sense of the women who wept softly as they carried ointments to the tomb through the dewy morning light. Instead, the
scriptural accounts show them full of joy, comforted by his promise to be with them forever, and open to the Spirit’s
power. They are joyful, energized, aware, and united with one another in love. They seem to grasp an awareness that if
the mission to the whole world was a serious one, then the presence of the Risen Christ could not be pinned down to
any one place or time, but had to be always and everywhere completely available. All peoples, all times, all cultures
were opened to receive him in this moment of the Ascension. The energy of this feast is drawn not from absence, but
renewed and deeper presence.

     Today we celebrate Jesus’ return to heaven. If we struggle
to know how to feel about this event, we take our cue from Je-
sus’ disciples. These disciples are first-hand witnesses to the
Ascension, returning afterword to Jerusalem, where “they were
continually in the temple praising God.” Long-time companions
of the Lord, they surely feel the pain of physical separation from
Jesus. Yet they praise God continually. They accept God’s plan,
looking forward to the day when Christ will come again.
     As our reading from Hebrews affirms, Christ will return to
“bring salvation to those who eagerly await him.” This Good
News is almost too much to take in; the Acts of the Apostles
explains that an angel has to wake the disciples from their stu-
por, reminding them to start the Lord’s work. Today’s readings                  KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
are our own angel, sending us forth in joyful hope.                  Round Table meets the 3rd Tuesday of each
                                                                     month. If interested in
                   Deacon’s Corner                                   attending the June 21
                                                                     Roundtable, please call
I would like to talk to you today about a secret group               the Office or Mike Lacey
of men and women who work behind closed doors.                       at 860-235-4113, or tur-
Let me ask you this: What happens to our enve-             
lopes and the monies after they are put n the bas-
ket? These volunteers come in and work for hours.                                  WOMEN’S GUILD
What do they do? Everything is counted, separated                                   Next Meeting:
by activity and carefully recorded to each and every                               June 7, 5:30 pm
parishioner’s name. Several different accounts are
recorded. For example, weekly offerings, parish im-                  Contact Donna Lacey: call or text (860) 449-
provements, Bishop’s appeal and catholic incentives                  4832 or email The
envelopes. Every parish also has a poor box or two                   meeting on June 7 includes a special presenta-
that are emptied weekly and recorded into the files.                 tion by Pete Grace, Team Leader, Street Evan-
After monies are recorded they are deposited into                    gelization, Sebastian, FL. All women of the par-
the bank with secure escorts. They do it all! And so,                ish are invited to attend! Please bring a side
this weekend is a big SHOUT OUT and THANK                            disk or desert (entrée being provided). If you
YOU to them! As you probably know, several of                        need a ride to/from the meeting, call or text
these volunteers are also volunteers in various other                Donna. We gather to be social, to support each
ministries in the church. You guys are so special!                   other, and to serve the church and community.
What would we do if we didn’t have such a loyal                      No dues, no officers, no bylaws.
group of volunteers in all our ministries? Thank
You!!                                                                Prayer Warrior Group—to join or to ask for
                                                                     prayers or if you are in need of a meal to be
~Deacon Steve                                                        delivered, please contact Kathy Pessagno (410)
                                                                     739-6707 or
ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church
DATE: SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2022, 2:00 PM

ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Visit us Online - St Luke's Catholic Church
St. Luke Catholic Church 5055 Micco Rd Barefoot Bay, FL 32976

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