The Messenger - Christ Lutheran Church

Page created by Herman Lowe
The Messenger - Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran Church

December 2021
Vo l u m e 6 1
No. 12

                                                      The Messenger

                         A Message from Pastor Ley
 Fifty years ago this month, the junior high band I was in gave a Christmas concert in the school
 gym. Among the selections we played that night was “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”. Though it
 had been written almost thirty years earlier during the Second World War, it clearly remained an
 audience favorite, and even today it can still tug at the heartstrings.
 At this time of the year, I think most of us occasionally find ourselves yearning to spend
 Christmas with others, especially with the people that we love. And I wonder if that it isn’t
 especially true this year. I am getting the sense that this year people are really longing to be with
 one another, be it dear family members who now live at a distance or old friends they haven’t
 been in touch with for years or, in some cases, maybe even complete strangers. I suspect that
 after being more or less isolated and only “virtually connected” for the past couple of years, we
 really want to be in the actual physical presence of others once again. Maybe the pandemic has
 reminded us of the importance of genuine, flesh-and-blood relationships.
 In-person, in-the-flesh relationships and reconnecting with those who have been far away are
 kind of what Christmas is all about. Jesus is born to make God present to us in flesh and blood.
 He closes the distance between heaven and earth by coming down to us so that we, who have
 been separated from God by sin, might be reconnected with the one who loves us more than life
 itself, so that we might no longer feel as if we have been left alone to make it on our own.
 There is nothing virtual about Jesus, after all. He is not a hologram or an electronic image on a
 screen that lacks warmth or that cannot offer a warm embrace. Jesus has come in-person and
 made his home with us, the people that he loves.
 Wherever you spend this Christmas, whether you will be “home” (wherever that might be for
 you) or whether you will be apart from those you hold dear, be assured that Jesus will be “home
 for Christmas” with you.
 Margaret and I send our most sincere wishes for a blessed Christmas to you all. You are dear to

 Pastor Joel Ley
The Messenger - Christ Lutheran Church
The Messenger                                                                                                         Page 2

H                                                     Global opportunity for young adults
a                                           For young adults ages 21 to 29 who might like to be involved in the
                                            mission of the ELCA in another country, now is the time to act.

p     Ian Norby                  12/1
                                            After a pause because of the pandemic, the ELCA’s Young Adults in
                                            Global Mission program is now gathering volunteers to go abroad for the
                                            2022-23 program year. This year of international service allows young

      Natalie Ross               12/7
                                            people to share in the journey of companion churches and organizations
      Lily Stone                 12/8       in one of nine countries.

y     Helen Hill
      Kate Keyes
                                            This experience can profoundly affect your faith and your understanding
                                            of God’s work around the world.
                                            A year of service through Young Adults in Global Mission gives these
                                            volunteers the chance to become the hands and feet of Jesus in the world,
      Ophelia Pederson          12/13       providing critical support to ministries and projects in communities of
      Noah Hein                 12/14       need. It also invites young people into a journey of self-reflection,

                                            providing space to consider their sense of identity, God’s work in the
      Sara McMasters            12/14       world, and their place within it all.
                                            These young adults serve in the spirit of accompaniment, walking

      Jessica Austin            12/15
                                            alongside global companions in a manner that practices mutuality,
      Randy Coleman             12/15       interdependence, and solidarity. Areas of service include, but are not

      Jens Nierman              12/16       limited to, health and development, congregational ministry, human
                                            rights, education, homelessness, addiction recovery, women’s issues, and
      Ray Quinn                 12/17       children and youth. All site placements provide opportunities for young

t     Sadie Austin              12/20       adults to confront issues of wealth and poverty, racial privilege, economic
                                            disparity, and globalization, all through the lens of faith.
      Darlene Babcock           12/20       Candidates apply to the program at-large rather than to a specific country.

h     Calder Schmid             12/21
                                            Applicant preferences are taken into account, but the final decision about
                                            where volunteers serve is made by Global Mission staff and YAGM

      Chloe Austin              12/23       country coordinators. Current YAGM programs are in Argentina/
                                            Uruguay, Cambodia, Central Europe, Jerusalem/West Bank, Madagascar,
      Astrid Bailey             12/23       Mexico, Rwanda, Senegal, and the United Kingdom.

a     Byran Harvey
      Marlene Howard
                                            A Christ Lutheran member, Kate Keyes, served in 2009-2010 in Uruguay.
                                            Anyone who would like to ask her about that experience is welcome to
                                            contact Kate with an email, text or phone call. She can be reached at

y     John Lohrmann             12/30 or 509-200-6900.
                                            The deadline for applications is Feb. 1, 2022, but priority will be given to
                                            those who apply by Jan. 15. To apply, go to

                    Prayers for our Service Personnel
Kyle Jones                      USN                       Hawaii
Kyle Rutledge                   USA                       Fort Bragg, NC
Lee Rutledge                    USA                       Fort Bragg, NC
Josh Wolfram                    USAF                      Wright/Patterson, Dayton OH
Kris Wolfram                    ANG                       Pentagon, DC
Andrew Johnson                  ANG                       Poland
Amy Roznowski                   USMC                      Darwin, Australia
       If you would like to add someone to our list, please leave the information at the church office or e-mail Erin at
The Messenger                                                                                         Page 3

     Congregational Meeting Reminder
Christ Lutheran Church will hold a congregational meeting                      Christmas Eve
on December 12, 2021, immediately following worship, to
elect council members and officers to terms beginning in                We will gather for our traditional
January 2022. Members must be present to vote.                         candlelight Christmas Eve worship
                                                                      services on Friday, December 24th, at
The nominating committee has selected the following                   5:00 and 8:00 pm. Note that we have
individuals for election:                                                  changed the times a bit from
•   President: Leslie Anderson                                           previous years in hopes of better
                                                                        balancing the crowds between the
•   Secretary: Jeannine Manny                                                     two services.
•   Finance/ Budget: Eric Schmid
•   Worship: Barbara Hoffman
•   Evangelism: Karleen Heintzberger
•   Outreach: Sara Van Donge
•   Youth Education: Vacant                                                  Advent Vespers
•   Stewardship: Peter Swant
                                                              Join us for Holden Evening Prayer, at 7:00 pm, on the
                                                               Wednesday evenings of Advent-- December 1st, 8th,
The following council members’ terms will continue into       15th, and 22nd. (No soup suppers beforehand this year.
the coming year.
•   Property: Dan Grinstead
•   Personnel: Norma Austin
•   Fellowship: Carmen Funderburk
•   Adult Education: John Lohrmann                          Pastoral Acts
•   Youth: Sara Pinkerton
                                                                   Byran Harvey          (14 November)
                                                                   Brysan Harvey         (14 November)
                                                                   Lily Stone            (21 November)
             Christmas Program                              Funerals
       The children of the congregation are                        Marsha Case           (5 November)
         going to treat us to a Christmas                          Glenn Johnson         (15 November)
      pageant as part of worship on Sunday,                        Janet Headley         (19 November
       December 19th! It will be delightful!
         Make a point of being there to
                support the kids.

                                                                        Church Office Hours
              Attendance Report                                    Monday - Friday 8:30 am - Noon
                                                                        and 1:00 pm - 3:30pm
    Average Sunday: Worship Attendance                          Office will be closed December 24 &
                                                                 31st for Christmas and New Years
                October 2021 - 111
               October 2020 - 134
The Messenger                                                                                   Page 4

                                           November 9th, 2021
Council president, Leslie Anderson, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Those attending were: Pastor
Joel Ley, Leslie Anderson, Norma Austin, Michelle Summers, Eric Schmid, Carmen Funderburk, JoAnne
Savage, Cecilia Rutledge, Barbara Hoffman, Sara Pinkerton, Jim Peterson, and Dan Grinstead. Charleen
Kaaen and John Lohrmann were absent.

Sara Pinkerton gave the devotions.

Minutes from the October 12th meeting were revised and approved by email October 17, 2021.

Financial Report: Cecilia submitted a written financial report. Income was $6,709 less than budgeted and
expenses were $3,978 less than budgeted for the month of October. The total operations funds yielded a net
outflow of $4,214 in October, and when combined with a net outflow of $953 in the designated/restricted
funds for October, the overall combined funds resulted in a net outflow of $5,167 for October. Offering
levels are less than budgeted, however, operating expenses are significantly lower than had been budgeted.
Year-to-date figures do show a net inflow thus far in 2021 of $22,315 (this amount includes the forgiven
$22,000 PPP loan). Committee Reports:

Property: Dan requested council approval via email on October 20, 2021 to purchase a new snow-blower
for CLC while snow-blowers were on sale. The total cost was to be just under $1,000 including tax.
Charleen Kaaen emailed a motion to approve the purchase of the snow-blower; Sara Pinkerton seconded.
The motion passed by email vote on October 21, 2021. Dan reported the Men’s Group worked to remove
leaves on November 2nd. Dan has received an estimate of $10,683 to repaint the exterior of the church
(Phase 2 of work started in 2019). This will be included in the 2022 proposed budget. The repair of the air
conditioning unit will be completed before spring and parts are currently on order. The final cost will be
$5,547 which is included in the 2022 proposed budget. General roof cleaning, filter replacement, outside
water shut offs, hedge trimming, and garden bed renovation are slated to occur this winter.

Fellowship: Carmen reported that special coffee hour receptions were held on October 24th for this year’s
Confirmands and also on October 31st in celebration of CLC’s 125th anniversary. Volunteers have been
hosting coffee hours after worship and the opportunity for fellowship has been much appreciated. Carmen
thanked all who have volunteered as hosts and extended a special “thank you” to Deanne Johnson who
helped Carmen thoroughly clean the kitchen and organize the cupboards.

Adult Education: John reported that the Dialogues on Race class ended on October 31st. A Bible study on
the Acts of the Apostles will begin on November 7th. Additional adult education classes are slated to begin
in January 2022.

Youth Education: Charleen submitted a written report and thanked the congregation for generously
supporting her mission trip to Texas where she is assisting at a center for immigrant families. She has
ordered the next two sets of teaching materials for Old Testament stories and will spend 3-4 weeks on each
story unit. Following that, the curriculum will focus on teaching stories from the New Testament. There
will be no Sunday school the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend or on the Sunday after Christmas. Due to
the continuing concerns regarding COVID and the lower numbers of children in Sunday school thus far
this year, no Christmas pageant will be held in December.
The Messenger                                                                                  Page 5

Continued from previous page..
Finance: Eric Schmid emailed council members a draft budget for 2022 to review prior to the council
Worship: Barbara reported that weekly attendance is averaging about 70 people in the sanctuary with about
10 devices tuned to the livestreamed services on Sunday morning. There are typically another 12 or so
“views” of the recorded service during the following week. Pastor has been adding back elements of the
worship service each week. Thanksgiving worship will only be CLC without a joint worship service with St.
Paul’s. Advent Vespers on Wednesday evenings will use the Holden Evening Prayer as the sung liturgy.
There will be no soup suppers this year. There were 18 people who communed at the drive-through
communion option on Sunday, November 7th which followed the sanctuary worship service. Barbara will
continue using a gluten-free communion bread recipe that does not contain nut products. The need for
volunteers to help with worship continues.
Pastor's Report: Pastor Joel provided a report of his pastoral acts, educational outreach, meetings/events,
etc. for the month of October. Pastor has been planning worship services for Thanksgiving, Advent, and
Christmas and is adding back as many worship elements as possible without ignoring the ongoing concerns
of COVID. Masks continue to be required.
Continuing Business:
A. Ministry Expansion: No topics under discussion at tonight’s council meeting.
B. Congregational Outreach:
       1. Worship: Pastor Joel and Barbara reviewed the plans for Thanksgiving Eve (November 24th)
service at 7:00 p.m. at CLC. The offertory segment of the liturgy will be added back at that service and will
continue to be part of worship going forward. Discussion was had about how best to manage anticipated high
attendance at the Christmas Eve services this year. Plans are in place to livestream Advent Vespers,
Thanksgiving worship, and Christmas Eve worship
       2. Good Gifts: JoAnne has 50 catalogs from the ELCA Good Gifts program to distribute at worship.
Catalogs will also be available at the church during the week. Offerings can be made through Sunday
offering or by using the giving button on the church website.
       3. Congregational Calling: Council members continue to phone people on the church roster and
those called have been very appreciative of the outreach and opportunity to visit with council members.
       4. Nominating committee: Dan Grinstead, Sara Pinkerton, Nick Anderson, Kari Isaacson, and
Michelle Summers have had good response from church members who are willing to serve on council in
2022. A full slate of nominees will be put forth for approval by the congregation at the congregational
meeting on Sunday, December 12th. Names of the nominees will be made public on Sunday, November
28th .
New Business:
A. Special Offerings Designations:
        1. Thanksgiving: Discussion was had about local organizations which would benefit from CLC’s
Thanksgiving offering this year. Jim Peterson moved to have the Thanksgiving offering given to Hope
Street, a recovery home in Walla Walla for women without children who are seeking sober living and who
may be recovering from substance abuse. Norma Austin seconded and the motion passed.
The Messenger                                                                                             Page 6

         2. Advent Vespers: Discussion was had about a global organization which would benefit
 from this year’s Advent Vesper offerings. Dan Grinstead moved to have the Advent Vesper offerings
 given to the Tumaini School in Tanzania which is a companion school of the ELCA’s Northwest In-
 termountain Synod. Carmen Funderburk seconded and the motion passed.
 B. New Member approval: Pastor Joel presented the names of Bill and Jill Roznowski, Emily
 Stone, and Robert and Allison Tabacco-Hines along with their children, for approval by council to be
 accepted as new members of Christ Lutheran Church. Barbara Hoffman moved to accept the new
 members, Dan Grinstead seconded, and the motion passed.
 C. Personnel:
         1. Sexton: Leslie Anderson read the letter of resignation submitted by Gene Spangrude who
 has served as Sexton for CLC since 2010. His hard work and devotion to ensuring the smooth opera-
 tion of our church building is greatly appreciated. Dan Grinstead moved to accept the letter of resig-
 nation with regret. Jim Peterson seconded, and the motion passed. Norma will keep council informed
 as she works to fill the position.
 D. 2022 Budget Worksheets:
       1. Revision of budget for 2022: Eric Schmid led council in a line-by-line review of the pro-
 posed 2022 budget. Additions and revisions were made. Eric will email a newly revised proposed
 budget to council members prior to the December meeting. The final format of a proposed budget for
 2022 will be put to vote at the December 14th council meeting. The congregation will vote on this
 approved budget at the annual meeting slated for January 30th. Council thanked Eric for his detailed
 work toward this proposed budget.
 Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm with the Lord's Prayer.
 Respectfully submitted, Michelle Summers
                                           Treasurer's Report
                 October 2021 Income                                          October 2021 Expenses
 General Fund:                                   $18,424       General Operations:                    $22,638
 Designated/ Restricted:                          $2,300       Designated/ Restricted:                 $3,253
 Total Income:                                   $20,724       Total Expenses:                        $25,891
October 2021 Net Income (Loss): ($5,167)
Monthly Results:
Operational expenses exceeded operational income by $4,214 for the month.
Designated/Restricted Account activity resulted in a net outflow of $953 for the month.
Year To-Date Results:
Total Operational Income to-date is approximately $1,622 under budget for 2021.
Total Operational Expenses are approximately $40,545 under budget for 2021.
Year to Date Net Income (Loss): $22,315
Balance Sheet Items:
CLC's checking account ended the month with a $184,839 balance.
Total cash, including restricted/endowments accounts, totaled $375,297 as of 10/31/2021.
CLC had $1,716,250 in positive equity on 10/31/2021.
Christ Lutheran Church

1420 South 2nd Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362-4502

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                              CHURCH COUNCIL AND STAFF
        ·President·                      ·Pastor·                      ·Finance/ Budget·
      Leslie Anderson                                                    Eric Schmid
                                         Joel Ley
        ·Secretary·                                                       ·Worship·
                                      ·Office Manager·
     Michelle Summers                                                  Barbara Hoffman
                                        Erin Aycock

        ·Treasurer·                                                    ·Youth Education·
      Cecilia Rutledge                                                  Charleen Kaaen
                                       Gene Spangrude

       ·Stewardship·                                                   ·Youth & Family·
       Jim Peterson                                                     Sara Pinkerton
                                      Cynthia Knutson

       ·Fellowship·                                                   ·Adult Ed/ Library·
    Carmen Funderburk                                                   John Lohrmann
                                        Norma Austin

        ·Outreach·                                                       ·Evangelism·
                                    ·Property Management·
      JoAnne Savage                                                         Vacant
                                        Dan Grinstead

   We are God’s people, united by faith in Jesus Christ, forgiven, chosen and called by Him
                 through the Word and Sacraments to be a mission people.
Sun                      Mon                   Tue                   Wed                  Thu                 Fri               Sat
                                                                     1                    2                   3                 4
                                                                     11amStaff Meeting
                                                                                          1pm Bible Study
                                                                     7pm Advent Vespers
5                        6                     7                     8                    9                   10                11
9:30am Worship Service                         9am Mission Group     11amStaff Meeting
11am Adult Education                                                                      1pm Bible Study
12 - Council Elections   13                    14                    15                   16                  17                18
9:30am Worship Service                         9am Mission Group     11amStaff Meeting                                          10am Dress
11am Adult Education                           10am Men’s Group                           1pm Bible Study                       Rehearsal for
                                               7pm Council Meeting   7pm Advent Vespers
19                       20                    21                    22                   23                  24 - Office       25 - Christmas
9:30am Worship Service                         9am Mission Group     11amStaff Meeting                        Closed
11 Adult Education
    am                                                                                    1pm   Bible Study
                         Newsletter Deadline                         7pm Advent Vespers                        Christmas Eve
26                       27                    28                    29                   30                  31 - New Year’s
9:30am Worship Service                         9am Mission Group     11amStaff Meeting                        Eve
                                               10am Men’s Group                           1pm Bible Study
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