January 12,2020 - St Charles Borromeo

Page created by Gloria Davidson
January 12,2020 - St Charles Borromeo
January 12,2020
Pastoral Staff:                                                    Pastoral Council:
Fr. Ken Fortney, Pastor                                            Lisa Kalbfleisch (C), Rudy Arriaga, Daryl Russell, Randy
Cher’ Le Lievre, Office Administrator                              Schwickert (Finance Council Liaison), Sara Torgerson
Lynn Beck & Greg Cantrell, Youth Ministry
Daryl & Pat Russell, RCIA                                          Finance Council:
Rava Graves & Karla West, Music Ministry                           Sharon Carmichael, Matt Folz (C), Bryan George, Chris
Rolly Taylor, Maintenance                                          Johnson, Melissa Ohs, Laurie Pierce, Randy Schwickert

                                                                   230 Baker Avenue
                                                                   P. O. Box 128
                                                                   Whitefish, MT 59937
                                                                   Phone: (406) 862-2051
                                                                   Fax: (866) 948-8416
                                                                   E-mail: stcharles@stcharleswhitefish.net
                                                                   Website: https://stcharleswhitefish.org
                                                                   Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
                                                                   Emergencies: (406) 871-3605

                                                                   Parish Mission Statement:
                                                                   St. Charles Borromeo Parish is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel
                                                                   of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church, to maintain
                                                                   the worship of God, to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a
                                                                   passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God
                                                                   and all God’s children.
                                              Sacramental Information:
                    Baptism: Contact the parish office at least 3 months prior to the birth of your child.
              Matrimony: Contact the parish office at least six (6) months prior to planning a celebration date.
                    Anointing of the Sick: Contact Fr. Ken at any time for the Sacrament of Anointing.
                               Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30-4:30 p.m. or by appointment.
                            Funerals: Preparation materials are available on our parish website.
       Parish Registration: Register on line at the parish website or by the registration form at the entry of the church.
January 12,2020 - St Charles Borromeo
Christmas, but on Epiphany. Children in many parts of Latin America,
                                                                               the Philippines, Portugal, and Spain also receive their presents on “Three
                                                                               Kings Day.”
                                                                               Meanwhile, in Ireland, Catholics celebrate “Women’s Christmas”
                                                                               -where women rest from housework and cleaning and celebrate together
                                                                               with a special meal. Epiphany in Poland is marked by taking chalk -
                “The Feast is called “Epiphany.”                               along with gold, incense and amber - to be blessed at Mass. Back at
In the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, Epiphany celebrates the              home, families will inscribe the first part of the year, followed by the
revelation that Jesus was the Son of God. It focuses primarily on this         letters, “K+M+B+” and then the last numbers of the year on top of every
revelation to the Three Wise Men, but also in his baptism in the Jordan        door in the house.
and at the wedding at Cana.                                                    The letters, Bunson explained, stand for the names traditionally given to
In the Eastern rites of the Catholic Church, Theophany - as Epiphany is        the wise men - Casper, Melchior and Balthazar - as well as for the Latin
known in the East - commemorates the manifestation of Jesus’ divinity          phrase “Christus mansionem benedicat,” or, “Christ, bless this house.”
at his Baptism in the River Jordan.                                            In nearly every part of the world, Catholics celebrate Epiphany with
While the traditional date for the feast is Jan. 6, in the United States the   a Kings Cake: a sweet cake that sometimes contains an object like a
celebration of Epiphany is moved to the next Sunday, overlapping with          figurine or a lone nut. In some location’s lucky recipient of this prize
the rest of the Western Church’s celebration of the Baptism of Christ.         either gets special treatment for the day, or they must then hold a
However, the meaning of the feast goes deeper than just the bringing of        party at the close of the traditional Epiphany season on Feb. 2.
presents or the end of Christmas, says Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo, a Melkite        These celebrations, Bunson said, point to the family-centered nature of
Catholic priest and founding executive director of the Virginia-based          the feast day and of its original celebration with the Holy Family. The
Institute of Catholic Culture.                                                 traditions also point to what is known - and what is still mysterious -
“You can’t understand the Nativity without Theophany; or you can’t             about the Magi, who were the first gentiles to encounter Christ. While
understand Nativity without Epiphany.” The revelation of Christ as             the Bible remains silent about the wise men’s actual names, as well
the Son of God - both as an infant and at his baptism - illuminate the         as how many of them there were, we do know that they were clever,
mysteries of the Christmas season, he said.                                    wealthy, and most importantly, brave.
“Our human nature is blinded because of sin and we’re unable to see            “They were willing to take the risk in order to go searching for the truth,
as God sees,” he told CNA. “God reveals to us the revelation of what’s         in what they discerned was a monumental event,” he said, adding that
going on.”                                                                     the Magi can still be a powerful example.
Origins of Epiphany                                                            Lastly, Bunson pointed to the gifts the wise men brought - frankincense,
While the Western celebration of Epiphany (which comes from Greek,             myrrh and gold - as gifts that point not only to Christ’s divinity and his
meaning “revelation from above”), and the Eastern celebration of               revelation to the Magi as the King of Kings, but also to his crucifixion.
Theophany (meaning “revelation of God”), have developed their own              In giving herbs traditionally used for burial, these gifts, he said, bring a
traditions and liturgical significances, these feasts share more than the      theological “shadow, a sense of anticipation of what is to come.”
same day.                                                                      Revelation of God
“The Feast of Epiphany, or the Feast of Theophany, is a very, very early       Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo explained to CNA the significance of the feast
feast,” said Fr. Carnazzo. “It predates the celebration of Christmas on        of the Theophany - and of Christ’s Baptism more broadly - within the
the 25th.”                                                                     Eastern Catholic churches.
In the early Church, Christians, particularly those in the East, celebrated    “In our Christian understanding in the East, we are looking at creation
the advent of Christ on Jan. 6 by commemorating Nativity, Visitation of        through the eyes of God, not so much through the eyes of Man,” Fr.
the Magi, Baptism of Christ and the Wedding of Cana all in one feast of        Carnazzo said.
the Epiphany. By the fourth century, both Christmas and Epiphany had           In the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, he continued, there is special
been set as separate feasts in some dioceses. At the Council of Tours in       divine significance.
567, the Church set both Christmas day and Epiphany as feast days on           With this feast day, the pastor explained, “God has come to reclaim
the Dec. 25 and Jan. 6, respectively, and named the twelve days between        us for himself.” Because of original sin, he continued, humanity has
the feasts as the Christmas season.                                            inherited “a human nature which has been dislocated from its source of
Over time, the Western Church separated the remaining feasts into              life.”
their own celebrations, leaving the celebration of the Epiphany to             Sin also effected parts of creation such as water have also been separated
commemorate primarily the Visitation of the Magi to see the newborn            from their purpose and connection to God’s plan for life, Fr. Carrazzo
Christ on Jan. 6. Meanwhile, the Eastern Churches’ celebration of              said, because its original purpose is not just to sustain our bodies, but
Theophany celebrates Christ’s baptism and is one of the holiest feast          our souls as well.
days of the liturgical calendar.                                               “With the fall, however, it has been dislocated from its source of life, it
Roman Traditions                                                               is under the dominion of death- it doesn’t have eternal life anymore. So
The celebration of the visitation of the Magi - whom the Bible describes       God comes to take it to himself.”
as learned wise men from the East - has developed its own distinct             “What Jesus did was to take our human nature and do with it what we
traditions throughout the Roman Church.                                        could not do - which is, to walk it out of death, and that’s exactly what
As part of the liturgy of the Epiphany, it is traditional to proclaim the      He did with His baptism.” As it is so linked to the destruction of death
date of Easter and other movable feast days to the faithful - formally         and reclaiming of life, the Feast of Theophany is also very closely linked
reminding the Church of the importance of Easter and the resurrection          to the Crucifixion - an attribute that is reflected in Eastern iconography
to both the liturgical year and to the faith.                                  of both events as well.
Other cultural traditions have also arisen around the feast. Dr. Matthew       The feast of the Theophany celebrates not only Christ’s conquering of
Bunson, EWTN Senior Contributor, told CNA about the “rich cultural             sin through baptism, but also God’s revelation of Christ as his Son and
traditions” in Spain, France, Ireland and elsewhere that form an integral      the beginning of Christ’s ministry. “The baptism of the Lord, just like
part of the Christmas season for those cultures.                               the Nativity, is not just a historical event: it’s a revelation,” Fr. Carrazzo
In Italy, La Befana brings sweets and presents to children not on >>>          said.                                                           CNA/EWTN

     Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord                                     this New Year, perhaps it is appropriate to reflect on Saint Paul’s
          Weekend of Jan 4/5, 2019                                             words and ask ourselves how we can be good stewards of the gospel
“You have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace...” This is                  today. How will we allow the Holy Spirit to work within us? How
how Saint Paul begins his letter to the members of the Church at               can we be better stewards of Christ’s justice and peace?
Ephesus in today’s second reading. He proclaims that he, and they,
are stewards of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and therefore stewards of                                 December 29, 2019
God’s loving, unifying and inclusive grace. He also proclaims that             Envelopes..............................................................$2,186.00
the Holy Spirit is at work within each of them, if only they would             Loose............................................................$863.00
be open to the Spirit. Today, our world races by with intolerance,             Total.................................................................$3,049.00
violence, desperate poverty, fear and division. At the beginning of            Cemetery...............................................................$75.00
January 12,2020 - St Charles Borromeo
             Putting Your Faith into Practice                                                                    Tuesday, January 14th
 Walking Toward Eternity is an inspiring series designed to help                                   Be aware that He is sending out graces to the world right then
   participants live their faith more fully. Through daily prayerful                                                        through you.
meditation with Scripture (lectio divina), they will be drawn into an                            Pray the ‘Jesus Prayer’: Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy
          intimate and life-changing encounter with Christ.                                                                on me, a sinner.
    Daring to Walk the Walk, the first series of Walking Toward                                    Please Sign-up At The Back Of The Church!
 Eternity, introduces seven key virtues and outlines practical steps
                     for living them out in daily life.                                           PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYING FOR OUR
    This study shows how to put our Catholic faith into practice
through prayer and action. The result is real, often profound change                                  CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES:
  occurring in people’s lives as they begin living as God intended
                                  them to.                                                          Anna Akey, Jack Akey, Mary Akey,
          In this study, Catholics will learn how to walk in..
          Love                                  • Faithfulness
                                                                                                 Logan Botner, Aidan Calaway, Ian Calaway,
          Forgiveness                           • Sacrifice                                          Zack Dunnagan, Ryan Frampton,
                                                • Thankfulness
                                                                                                    McKenna Kelly, Will Peppmeier, and
Please contact Fr. Ken to register for this upcoming study beginning
                               in February!
                                                                                                              Kathryn Rossi

         What will you give the Christ Child?
As we celebrate Epiphany, we reflect on the sacrifice                                                        Please Pray for Our Seminarians
                                                                                                                 Dillon Armstrong-Matthew Christiaens
and generosity of the wise men. The Gospel tells us                                                           Tyler Frohlich-Kaleb Mitchell-Kyle Tannehill
that they “opened their treasures” for Jesus. While gold,
frankincense and myrrh are symbolic of Jesus’ future,                                                 Prayer For St. Charles Borromeo Parish
they also represent the best the Kings have to offer. In                                                    Preserve in the midst of your people,
marriage, we give our best to Jesus when we sacrifice our                                             we ask, O Lord, the spirit with which you filled
time and money to prioritize our marriage. What does                                                        the Bishop Saint Charles Borromeo,
                       that look like?                                                                 that your Church may be constantly renewed
   ·      Attending regular marriage enrichment events                                              and, by conforming herself to the likeness of Christ,
            ·     Praying with our spouse daily                                                               may show his face to the world.
  ·      Sharing conversation with our spouse instead of                                                       Who lives and reigns with you
                      watching Netflix                                                                         in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
       ·      Forgiving our spouse when they need it                                                             one God, for ever and ever.
      ·     Asking for forgiveness when appropriate
                                                                                                        Food Bank Items for January
For practical ways to accomplish all of these, go to                                                      Hot Cereal, Hearty Soups, Chili, Pasta
                           Catholic Cemetery
                                                                                                      January Magnificat’s Are Here
                                                                                                 Please pick them up from the Office if you renewed your subscription
St. Charles is in the process of assisting St. Richard Church to                                                and we’ll check your name off the list.
expand their current cemetery. They own 5 acres behind the
current cemetery location. In assisting them to expand, it opens                                                                Be a better husband, father,
lots for our parishioners to be laid to rest in a “Catholic” local                                                                   son and Catholic.
cemetery. You are welcome to contribute to this worthwhile                                                                      You can join online today at:
endeavor as the parish has added “Cemetery Envelopes” to
                our offertory collection packets.
                                                              Ministry of Time & Talent
Saturday, January 11 5:00p                                                                       Sunday, January 12 9:00a
Greeter(s):..........................................................................Fran Buck   Greeter(s):.........................................................................Judy Wade
Reader......................................................................Michael Viscomi      Reader..........................................................................Dan Voermans
E.M.E.........................................................Ken Powell, John Lyman             E.M.E.........................................Bob & Ann Donahue, Judy Hansen
.........................................................Sharon Shafer, Cher’ Le Lievre          ......................................Michael & Kathleen Holle, Carol Anderson
Server(s)................................................Kelly Klepper, Gianna Beck              Server(s)...................................................Kiley Ohs, Hannah Szady
January 12,2020 - St Charles Borromeo
Calendar of Events
   Monday                Tuesday             Wednesday             Thursday         Friday            Saturday              Sunday
       6                    7                     8                   9               10                 11                   12
  8:30a Mass            8:30a Mass          8:25 Novena             No Mass        No Mass           3:30-4:30p           9:00a Mass
                                             8:30a Mass                                             Reconciliation
                                             The Springs
                                             11:00 Mass                                              5:00p Mass

                           Scripture Readings & Intentions for the Week
Sunday 5 The Epiphany Of The Lord                                       Thursday 9 Thursday Christmas Weekday
		Isaiah 60:1-6                                                         		1 John 4:19--5:4
		       Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13                                       		         Psalm 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17
		       Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6		                                        		         Luke 4:14-22a
		       Matthew 2:1-12                                                 		         (No Mass)
		(Our Parish Family)
                                                                        Friday 10 Friday Christmas Weekday
Monday 6 St. Andre Bessette, Religious                                  		1 John 5:5-13
		1 John 3:22--4:6				                                                  		        Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20
		       Psalm 2:7-8, 10-12a                                            		        Luke5:12-16
		       Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25		                                       		        (No Mass)
		       (All Those Who Need Healing)
                                                                        Saturday 11 Saturday Christmas Weekday
Tuesday 7   St. Raymond of Penyafort, Priest                            		1 John 5:14-21
		1 John 4:7-10                                                         		          Psalm 149:1-6a,9b
		          Psalm 72:1-4, 7-8		                                         		          John 3:22-30
		          Mark 34-44                                                  		          (All Of Our Parishioners)
			                                                                     Sunday 12 The Baptism Of The Lord
Wednesday 8 Wednesday Christmas Weekday                                 		Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7
		1 John 4:11-18                                                        		        Psalm 29:1-4, 3, 9-10
		          Psalm 72:1-2, 10, 12-13                                     		        Acts 10:34-38
		          Mark 6:45-52		                                              		        Matthew 3:13-17
            (Bob Chapski r.b. Kathleen Chapski)                         		(Our Parish Family)

              Extra Ordinary Ministers                                           Mass and Holy Day Information
                                                                          To obtain information regarding regular Mass and Holy Days
                  Of The Eucharist                                        schedules, please visit our website at stcharleswhitefish.org.
We are in need of Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist who           Once on the home page, under “Parish Information” go to the
are willing to minister to our sisters and brothers that are shut-in.     last item on the list which is “Masses” and select “Schedule*”
Your gift to those who are unable to attend our Saturday/Sunday           This will take you to our regular Mass Schedule for Saturday
Masses would be greatly appreciated. You would bring them the             and Sunday and also to our weekday Masses. Below that you
Eucharist on Wednesday mornings following the 8:30a Mass. If              will find Holy Days where you would select “See Holy Days
you would be interested in providing the ministry, please contact:        and Days of Interest”.
                                                                          You can also call the Parish Office at 862-2051 and once
       Bert May 250-4650, Kathy Muhlfeld 270-2302 or                      connected: for Mass Schedule select “#3” and for Holy Days
                     Fr. Ken 862-2051 ext. 2                              Schedule select “#4”.

                              Note:                                                           Reconciliation
                                                                        For the integrity of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and for your
Bulletin announcements must be emailed/submitted                        confidentiality please DO NOT bring your cell phone into the
before noon on the Monday preceding the next bulletin.                                         Reconciliation Room.
                                                                         Please notify the parish office, 406-862-2051, when you or
      St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Chain                                  a family member is or will be hospitalized. Because of HIPPA
 If you or anyone you know needs our prayers, please call Sharon         (privacy) laws, hospitals are no longer permitted to notify us
 Carmichael at 871-6788, Judy Wade at 862-1317 or Mary Lou               when parishioners are admitted. It is highly recommended when
 Musser at 863-9272. Anyone wanting to be a part of the prayer           completing admission forms, that you always indicate that you
 chain please call Sharon, Judy or Mary Lou to have your name            or your loved one is Catholic and that you/they would like to be
 added to the contact list.                                                            visited by someone from the parish.
January 12,2020 - St Charles Borromeo
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