How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st

How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st

       How you’re putting
        Find out how your support is transforming lives                                        1
How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
Dear Friends and Supporters
It’s been an incredibly busy time           So many families have been
at Children 1st, children are back          isolated during the pandemic,
at school and nursery and we are            lost and alone and without
supporting families to get back
some of the routines that have
                                            opportunities to play, share and
                                            support each other. As restrictions                               Fears for the mental health
been disrupted over the past year.          lifted over the summer our teams
                                            have worked hard to deliver
More families than ever are
reaching out for help. We continue
                                            outdoor group activities so that
                                            children and families could have
                                                                                                              of children on the increase.
to see children and families                some fun times to help rebuild
struggling with overwhelming                their relationships and connections.
anxiety and worries about the               Children told us that these were
long-term impact of the pandemic            some of the best days they have
                                                                                                             Concerns about the mental health                   June 2020. This high demand on
on physical and mental health,              had in a long time. They spent
                                            time with their parents and carers,                              and wellbeing of children and                      services resulting in a delay to a
finances, wellbeing and education.
                                            leaving worries behind for a while                               young people are rising. Help                      child accessing support, can have
                                            to bond, connect, enjoy and share                                should be there for those that                     a devastating effect on them and
We have been listening carefully to         food and fun, meet others, develop                               need it, when they need it. Sadly,                 their families.
these stories of despair, adapting          friendships and improve their
and increasing our support as                                                                                too many children and families are
                                            physical, emotional and mental                                   facing long delays, after they say                 However, not all children and
needed. This support is making a            wellbeing.
huge difference to those families                                                                            they have reached crisis point.                    families are needing this type of
we can reach and we have been                                                                                                                                   support. The children and families
working hard to help as many as             I want to offer my sincere thanks                                Public Health Scotland recently                    we currently help share with us
we can. New family wellbeing hubs           for your unwavering support                                      released figures that indicate over                that anxiety, mental health and
have opened in Aberdeen, East               throughout the hardest of times.
                                            Without you we simply would not                                  1,500 young people have been                       financial worries are things they
Renfrewshire and South Ayrshire                                                                              waiting over a year for mental                     struggled with before meeting us.
and are offering the financial,             be there for all the children and
emotional and practical support             families who need us.                                            health treatment. The waiting list                 If these families were then faced
parents and carers need so that                                                                              to receive treatment from child and                with lengthy delays, their stresses
children stay safe and well.                Thank you                                                        adolescent mental health services                  become so much deeper and their
                                                                                                             (CAHMS) is double the figure from                  need becomes more urgent.

Front cover: Thank you and well done to
Dr Mary Stirrat for her amazing 220,000
step challenge to support Children 1st.     Mary Glasgow
                                                                                                               We could not do                                  Our ambition is to reach every
                                                                                                                                                                child who needs us. As a charity
Her twin sons enjoyed the challenge too!    Chief Executive                                                    this without you.                                who relies on your donations, you
                                                                                                                                                                can make this ambition a reality.

Keeping in touch                           T: 0131 446 2300
Children 1st, 83 Whitehouse Loan           W:                                              ending-30-june-2021
Edinburgh, EH9 1AT                         @children1st                        Information correct at the
Registered Scottish Charity No: SC016092                 time of going to print
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How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
A Lightbulb Moment

Jenny was four years old when       Rachel from Children 1st met with     His relationship with Jenny was      emotionally, and it is coming
her mum died of cancer. Her last    Jenny. They decided to meet at        strong and supportive but he         from the help she is getting from
memory of mum was seeing her        school where she felt safe and        had been going through his own       Children 1st. “
just before the ambulance took      comfortable. They began playing       bereavement journey.
her away. Mum didn’t come back      mindfulness games together                                                 At Children 1st, we’re determined
home.                               to build their relationship and       Jenny knew that her dad had been     to make sure that every child has
                                    encourage Jenny to trust Rachel.      different after mum had died.        access to the support they need
Jenny was overcome with grief                                             She began sharing with him all       to recover from the experiences
and struggling to cope. Dad was     One of their favourite games was      the things she had learned with      they’ve had. This means that we
saying the right things. He got     using the communication cubes –       Rachel, telling him to open up.      get to know a child and their
advice and support for Jenny, but   two dice with everyday questions                                           family, understand their needs,
it didn’t help.                     written on each side. Being in        Now dad says, “Jenny is like every   and offer the support that’s right
                                    charge of the cubes gave Jenny        8-year-old, she has tantrums         for them.
In the years since her mum had      the power to choose who should        and that’s ok. She has developed
passed away, Jenny had begun        answer a question, her or Rachel
to self-harm. She would get         – mainly it was Rachel’s turn but
angry and go into a rage. She       sometimes Jenny answered too.
had a meltdown on Mother’s Day.
Making friends was difficult too,   Building trust with Rachel
Jenny found it hard to connect to   empowered Jenny to have the
them.                               courage to open up about her
                                    mum and share how she was
She said that she wanted to die     feeling, laugh and have fun.
and be with mum.                    Her behaviour improved and
School was concerned and            importantly, she started to talk
reached out to Children 1st for     about her mum in a positive way.
help.                               Rachel took Jenny and her dad
                                    for a walk in a park. This became a
                                    special moment for dad. He went
                                    home and thought about other
                                    things they hadn’t done for a
                                    while. It was “a lightbulb moment”.
                                                                                                                       *To protect the confidentiality of
                                                                                                                        the people involved, identifying
                                                                                                                         information has been changed.

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How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
Children 1st Parentline                                                                                

Over the last year...
                      the number of families                               Every child that needs support is        Thanks to generous Crowdfunder
                      supported has risen by 28%                           different. Whether only one call is      donors we have been able to send
                                                                           needed or long-term support, the         58 children we work with a Mini-
                                                                           priority is identifying the right help   Kitbag of their own to use at home
                                                                           for them. At Children 1st Parentline     with their family.
                                                                           each family have an agreed plan
                                                                           centred on the needs of the              The last year has impacted on the
                                                       of interactions                                              way support has been delivered.
                                                       are first time      children.
                                                                                                                    Alan Forgie, Service Manager,
                                                       callers             Responding to the needs of               Children 1st Parentline explains
                                                                           families, Children 1st Parentline        the changes his team have
                                                                           continue to engage directly with         experienced “thanks to additional
                     visits to our online help at                          children to build relationships          funding and support from
                                    and trust.                               across the charity, we’ve actually
                     increased by 25%                                                                               expanded the different types of
                                                                           Using Mini-Kitbag one to one,            support on offer to families during
                                                                           on a video call or in person, can        this difficult time. In addition to
                                                                           help a child to talk about and           support on the phone and online,
                                                                           understand how they feel, to             we have been able to connect
                                                                           recognise strengths they have            families with the team in their
                                                                           and to promote compassion                local area, provide immediate
                               (Latest figures from Apr 2020 – Mar 2021)
                                                                           and self-confidence. The Mini-           support and advice from our
                                                                           Kitbag contains items such as a          Money Advice team.”
                                                                           Feelings Card to share how they
Families across Scotland are         The alarming rise in mental health    are feeling by choosing the colour       Children 1st
reaching out to Children 1st         and wellbeing issues is reflected     which they think reflects this most      Parentline supports
Parentline. Every family needs a     by the families looking for support   closely. Naming their feelings is        familes, when they
helping hand sometimes. From         from Children 1st Parentline, over    so important for good mental             need it, at the
moments of crisis, to everyday       the phone and online. Nearly          wellbeing and this helps the whole       touch of a button.
challenges, our national digital     40% of all calls need support for     family connect in a stronger way.
family support service can help      emotional wellbeing, mental health                                                   Children 1st Parentline supported by
with emotional, financial and        or suicidal feelings.
practical support.

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How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
Let the Kids Win                                                                  Thank you!
                                                                                      Thank you to ALL our
                                                                                      amazing fundraisers
                                                                                      who walked, jogged
                                                                                      and ran so many virtual
                                                                                      events over the last year.
                                                                                      You LET THE KIDS WIN.

Take on a challenge                      Edinburgh Marathon Festival,
that puts children first                 28 – 29 May 2022
                                                                                                                            left to right: Craig, Ashley, Sandy and Shona
Join our Kiltwalk 2022 team!             The Edinburgh Marathon Festival
                                         is back. From a 1k race, to a full
The Kiltwalk will be returning
                                         marathon. there is an option for
to Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee
and Edinburgh in 2022. With the
excitement of live events finally
returning, the Kiltwalk will be an
                                         everyone. It’s the perfect time to
                                         test your new lockdown running
                                         skills. Children 1st have lots of
                                                                                      Win The Banchory Bangle
                                         charity places available, so get
event you won’t want to miss.
                                         in touch to book your spot – you
                                         won’t want to miss out.                    You could win the exquisite 18ct red
Registration officially opens in early
                                                                                    gold Banchory Bangle, designed
2022 but register your interest with
                                                                                    by prominent Perthshire artist and
us today and be guaranteed a Free
                                                                                    engraver, Dr Malcolm Appleby MBE
Spot when the event is live. You
                                                                                    FRSE. Inspired by “ginkgo trees and
will have the option of walking 26
                                                                                    their falling leaves” this design has
miles, 13 miles or 6.5 miles so start
your training, and set yourself a
                                                                   Scan to find     been exclusively created for the
                                                                    out how you     2021 Bangle.
Kiltwalk Challenge in 2022 to help
#LetTheKidsWin.                                                    can help Let     Since the Banchory Bangle began
                                                                   the Kids Win     in 1977 the Children 1st Deeside
                                                                                    Committee have raised over £170K
Run, jump, ride or’s time to Let the Kids Win! Children 1st have a huge   to support children and families
range of challenge events for you to choose from, with places on some of the        across Scotland.
most exciting and prestigious events around.
Whether you have a specific challenge in mind, or just know you want to raise
money, our team would love to hear from you. We
                                                                                    The raffle will be drawn on Sunday         scan this to
can help secure places, offer advice on fundraising
                                                                                    28th November 2021 at 3.00pm,
                                                                                    The Banchory Lodge Hotel, Dee
and provide all the materials you need to make your                                 Street, Banchory AB31 5HS
next charity fundraising challenge a success.
Contact us at or
call us on 0345 10 80 111
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How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
Summer of play

Over the summer, across Scotland,
children came together to improve
their emotional wellbeing by
                                     By providing positive experiences
                                     and allowing children to reconnect
                                     with one another in a safe
                                                                                Thanks to
working and playing together in      environment, we can support them           East Lothian Council
groups, developing stronger social   to develop strong social networks,
connections, and having fun.         build resilience and confidence            Inspiring Scotland
                                     and give them the tools to face
                                     the challenges of readjusting to           People’s Postcode Lottery
                                     life post-Covid with a renewed
                                     sense of optimism.                         South Ayrshire Council

                                     From Moray to the Borders                  YouthLink Scotland
                                     and from Ayrshire to Dundee,
                                     children have enjoyed a variety of
                                     activities. Decorating your own
                                     skateboard design was a success
                                     – maybe it will inspire the next
                                     Olympic champion to take up the
                                     sport! Painting plant pots, learning
                                     croquet, enjoying music from Big
                                     Noise Torry and many more events
                                     brought everyone together.

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How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
Inspire a child’s imagination                                                       The children you support have started to
                                                                                     receive their books. One Mum shared:

                                                                                     “My son loves a story at bedtime. Getting books
                                                                                     in the post addressed to him is really exciting.
Reading is a building block for life.   That’s why Children 1st has                  Having his own name on the envelope has
                                        teamed up with Dolly Patron’s                helped him to recognise and start to read his
Thousands of children across the        Imagination Library.
UK do not own a book according                                                       own name. A new book keeps reading fresh and
to the Literacy Trust*. Up to 50%       This worldwide programme                     stops kids getting bored listening to the same
of children in disadvantaged areas      launched in 1995 by Dolly Parton,            story all the time. He gets excited turning the
start school without the language       has now sent out over 163 million            pages to see what is coming next when he gets
skills they need to progress. Those     books. Every month, children from            a new book.
language skills are the building        birth to age five receive a high             The imagination library has been great for my
blocks they need for their future.      quality, age appropriate book in             son and even for his older siblings too; they
                                        the post, free of charge. Each book          are enjoying reading the new stories to their
In addition to giving children the      becomes a precious gift addressed
practical and emotional support                                                      little brother.”
                                        to the child and adds another book
they need, we want to help them         to what will become their own
reach their potential by encouraging    special library.
a love of reading in young children.

  Book lovers of all ages can           scan here to
  enjoy our bedtime story videos.
  Visit our website children1st.        learn more
  to watch stories read by First
  Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Tom
  Urie, Katy Johnston, Sanjeev
                                                                                         Can you leave a brighter future?
  Kohli, Michelle McManus and             *
  Eddi Reader.                                         words-together/
                                                                                     Traumatic childhood experiences         you make or amend your will.
                                                                                     shouldn’t be allowed to ruin a
                                                                                     promising future. You can make          If your estate is subject to
                                                                                     a difference by leaving a gift to       inheritance tax, a gift to a charity
                                                                                     Children 1st in your will.              is tax free and will reduce the
                                                                                                                             amount of tax payable to the
                                                                                     After you have taken care of            Government. Please ask your
                                                                                     loved ones, your planned gift will      solicitor for details.
                                                                                     play a vital part to ensure that
                                                                                     children across Scotland who have       If you would like more information,
                                                                                     suffered abuse, neglect, and other      please contact Mairi Foster,
                                                                                     traumatic events can recover.           Senior Fundraiser in the strictest
                                                                                     Any legacy that you leave us –
                                                                                     even 1% of your estate – will make       T: 07767 648 515 E: mairi.foster@
                                                                                     a difference. Your solicitor can help                                                              12                                                       13
How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
Supporting Children Across Scotland                                            Keeping in touch
Children 1st is here for children and
families across Scotland. Anyone can
access support through our national
or local services. Every penny raised,
every campaign championed, every
service supported - helps us to ensure
that every child and young person
in Scotland grows up happy, healthy,
safe and secure.

Children 1st Parentline -
Every family needs a helping hand sometimes                                    You are an important part of the Children 1st family.

                                                                               Your passion, generosity and determination help to change children’s lives
Call for free on 08000 28 22 33,          Supported by
                                                                               for the better.
browse our website for advice and
support, or start a webchat. You                                               It is vital to keep in touch with our supporters.
can talk to us seven days a week.
Mon-Fri, 9am to 9pm Sat-Sun, 9am                                               We want to tell you about how you are improving the lives of children
to noon.                                                                       and families. We may also call you from time to time, to let you know the
                                                                               difference you make, to tell you about other fundraising activities and to
T: 08000 28 22 33
                                                                               ask for your feedback.
                                                                               We will contact you by post, unless you tell us otherwise. We will send you
                                                                               news, campaigns and fundraising appeals.
Safeguarding in Sport -                                                            No thank you, I would rather not receive post from you
Helping children be safe and have fun in sport                                 For more information on how we collect, use and store your personal
                                                                               information in line with data protection laws, please see our Privacy Policy
If you have concerns about a             T: 0141 419 1156
child in a sport setting you can         E: safeguardinginsport@
contact us. We also provide    
advice, consultancy, resources and       W:
training for any sports organisation     safeguardinginsport
                                                                                                       scan to
working with children. Contact us:                                                                donate online
                                         Children 1st in partnership with

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How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
Const No/appeal code
                                        Yes, I want to help protect children
                        Make a donation at or telephone 0345 108 0111.
                        Alternatively please fill in the form and send to: Freepost Plus RSGE-ZGBB-EKCJ, Children Ist,
                                                                           Whitehouse Loan, Edinburgh, EH9 1AT
                            1    Your details:

                        First Name:                                       Surname:



                        I am happy for you to contact me by:

                        Email:         Email Address:

                        SMS:           Mobile Number:

                        Phone:         Phone Number:

                        For information on how we use your data look at page 15.

                            2    Please accept my gift of:
                                 £10       £25           £50            Other £                               Thank you

                            3    Donation Payment:

                        I enclose my cheque made payable to Children 1st OR please debit my Visa/
                        Mastercard/ Maestro/ CAF Charity Card (please delete as applicable)
                        Start                          Expiry                    Security
                        date                           date                      number
                                                                                      (Last 3 digits on the
                        Signature                                                   signature strip on the
                                                                                        back of your card)


                            4    Turn every £1 you donate into £1.25
                        I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in
                        the past 4 years to Children 1st.
                        I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains
                        Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it
                        is my responsibility to pay any difference.
                        Please tick      Today’s date

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How you're putting - Autumn 2021 - Children 1st
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