Sacred Heart Church -

Page created by Philip Rose
Sacred Heart Church -
1817 First Street

Sacred Heart Church
                                              Bethlehem, PA 18020

 Sunday Mass:                             Served by:
  Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm                   Father Frans Berkhout
  Sunday: 8:00, 10:00am                    Deacon Hugh Carlin
                                           Deacon Joe Juhasz
 Daily Mass:
  Monday through Friday: 7:30am           Baptisms and Marriages:
  (civic holiday: 9:00am)                  Please stop by the Service
  Saturday: 8:00am                         Desk after Mass.

 Holy Days:                               Parish Registration:
  Visit           Are you new to the parish or
                                           in process of moving? Please
 Confession:                               stop by our Service Desk
  Saturday: 4:15 to 4:45pm                 after Mass to update your
                                           parish registration.

         “Glorify God, save souls, make saints, teach truth”
Sacred Heart Church -
Corpus Christi                                        Parish Office Hours
Saturday, June 18                                                 Monday:                    9:00am - 3:00pm
 5:00pm       All Fathers Enrolled in our Memorial                Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Sunday, June 19
 8:00am       All Fathers Enrolled in our Memorial
                                                                 Sanctuary Lights
10:00am            All Fathers Enrolled in our Memorial
                                                                 Candles are lit for 7 days. A
                                                                 donation of $15 is suggested. To
                  Weekday Mass Schedule                          have one of these Sanctuary Lights
June 20 - June 25                                                lit, stop by the Service Desk.
                                                                 High Altar: For World Peace
Mon. (20)          Monday of the Twelfth Week of Ordinary Time   Sacred Heart of Jesus:
7:30am             Carol Kalata Jacob                            • For the Love of Sacred Heart
                                                                 • For Michael and Frank Steirer
Tues. (21)         Memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga                   by Gloria Steirer
7:30am             Charles “Butch” Krenos, Jr. by John and       St. Joseph
                   Susan Rodriguez
                                                                 • For John M. Kalata by the Kalata Family
Wed. (22)          Memorial of St. Paulinus of Nola, St. John    • For Luis J. Herczeg by the Kalata Family
                   Fisher and St. Thomas More
7:30am             John Franczak by Bob and Deb Boyer
                                                                 Sacred Heart Memorial Society
Thurs. (23)        Solemnity of The Nativity of St. John the                     All donations to the Sacred
7:30am             Baptist                                                       Heart Memorial Society will be
                   Robert Farley by Lew and Beth Chillot                         used for the purchasing of items
                                                                                 needed to celebrate the
Fri. (24)          Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus                   Sacraments. Suggested offering
9:00am             Anna Schoenberger by Family                                   is $25.
9:30am             All Day Adoration                                               • David Sescilla by Daniel and
6:30pm             Prayers and concert of sacred music                               Elezabeth Schoenauer
7:00pm             Vespers                                                         • Allan Barnziger by Kenneth
                                                                                     and Lois Russell
Sat. (25)          Immaculate Heart of Mary
8:00am             John and Katherine Romanchik by Roger
                   and Maureen Romanchik
                                                                  Upcoming Liturgical Ministry Schedule
                                                                   Saturday, Sunday: June 25 - June 26
      Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time                         Lectors:
Saturday, June 25                                                 5:00pm     M. Faccinetto
 5:00pm       Woody by Family                                     8:00am     R. Fleissner
                                                                 10:00am     B. Kincaid
Sunday, June 26
 8:00am       Missa Pro Populo                                   Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
10:00am            Patricia Dalmati by Donna Hearn                5:00pm     M. Kluk and D. Baranowski
            *Mass intentions are subject to change as needed*     8:00am     H. Carregal and P. Donlan
                                                                 10:00am     M. Jung and J. Jung

        Upcoming Service Desk Schedule                              Upcoming Counting Team Schedule
       Saturday, Sunday: June 25 - June 26                                Weekend of June 19
Volunteers:                                                        B. Ganssle, M. Vanya P. Pavuk K. Kostenbader
 5:00pm            D. Pilzer
 8:00am            J. Crosson                                                Weekend of June 26
10:00am            T. Jacob                                        J. Kalata, R. Fleissner B. Fleissner J. Magdasy
Sacred Heart Church -
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart– June 24th                 Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart Novena
This Friday, June 24th is the                                 June is a month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Solemnity of The Sacred                                       a time when Catholics are grateful
Heart of Jesus. Our Parish’s                                  for Jesus’ merciful heart and His
Patronal Feast Day and the                                    redeeming love for mankind.
Day of Prayer for Priests.                                    In thanksgiving for the gift of the
                                                              Year of the Real Presence, Bishop
Our celebration of this day                                   Schlert is asking the faithful to
will begin with Holy Mass at                                  participate in a Novena during the
9:00am. Then, following                                       nine days leading up to the feast. The Novena is
Mass, we will have                                            offered now until Thursday, June 16 to the Feast Day
Adoration of the Blessed                                      of the Sacred Heart on Friday, June 24. Please visit
Sacrament through out the                                     our website for more information.
day, beginning at 9:30am.                           
At 6:30pm we will have
Prayers and concert of                                        Save The Date- Sacred Heart Parish Picnic
sacred music as our choir is
joined by choir members from the Cathedral and other                               Sacred Heart will have a Parish
parishes. Our celebration will conclude at 7:00pm with                             Picnic to be held on Saturday,
Bishop Schlert leading us in Evening Prayer, with                                  September 11, 2022. More details
Father Bob as our Homilist. Priests from our                                       to come, but save the date now!
neighboring parishes will also join us.
After Evening Prayer, please stay and have some
refreshments, coffee, and desserts in the Fr. King Parish
Hall.                                                         St. Joseph the Worker Cruise to Coco Cay
                                                              On September 25-October 2, 2022, join in on a 7 day
Please ‘sign up’ to make a visit to the church during our     cruise leaving from Bayonne, NJ. It stops in Cape Ca-
Eucharistic Adoration and join us at 6:30pm for the           naveral, Nassau, and Coco Cay. Prices change de-
Concert and Evening Prayer at 7:00pm.                         pending on what kind of cabin you want.
                                                              Booking through Cruise One, offering a refundable
Fathers Day Blessings                                         deposit and some onboard credit. After booking, your
Wishing all Fathers a very blessed Father’s Day.              name will be given to St. Joseph the Worker to all
                                                              stay connected. Please contact Patty at Cruise
      “A man of prayer is capable of everything.”             One 610-262-0855 for more information.
                        - St. Vincent de Paul
                                                              Bingo at Incarnation of Our Lord
                  Q: What is the hope of the new              After a two-year hiatus, Incarnation of Our Lord
                  heavens and the new earth?                  Parish (617 Pierce St, Bethlehem, PA) is sponsoring
                                                              its annual Bingo Buffet on Saturday, July 23,
                   A: After the final judgment the            2022. This social event, organized by our Parish
                   universe itself, freed from its bondage    Activities Group, will be held in LaBuda Hall (church
to decay, will share in the glory of Christ with the          basement.) Doors will open at 5:15pm (after 4:15pm
beginning of "the new heavens" and a "new earth" (2           Mass), and bingo will start at approximately
Peter 3:13). Thus, the fullness of the Kingdom of God         6:15pm. Tickets are $25 in advance; $30 at the
will come about, that is to say, the definitive realization   door. The ticket includes 15 bingo games on cards, a
of the salvific plan of God to "unite all things in Christ,   buffet supper (Hot Dogs, Bar-B-Q, Salads, Dessert),
things in heaven and things of earth" (Ephesians 1:10).       and non-alcoholic beverages. Parking available in
God will then be "all in all" (1 Corinthians 15:28) in        Laufer Street Lot; Jackson & Buchanan Lot; and On-
eternal life.                                                 Street. Call Incarnation’s Parish Office with questions
Further reading: CCC 1042-1050, 1060                          you may call the rectory at 610-866-3391.

Diocesan Victim Assistance Co-ordinator: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak 1-800-791-9209
Office of Safe Environment: Pamela Ruso; P.O. Box F; Allentown, PA 18105; 610-871-5200, Ext. 2204;
Diocese of Allentown Protection of Youth Policy:
Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service: If you have an allegation of abuse against a bishop, please contact the Catholic
Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at or by calling 1-800-276-1562.
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