Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving

Page created by Stacy Sutton
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
              Rancho Cucamonga, CA
                 January 3, 2021
                 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving

Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Page 2
                      Mass Intentions for the week
          We Pray For / Oramos Por:                                    Requested by/ Pedido por:
                                                                                                                                      We pray for Vocations
SATURDAY / SÁBADO                                                                      JANUARY 2, 2021
                                                                                                                                     Oramos por las Vocaciones
5:00pm     Jason Jimenez †                                   Repose                   Mom

           Luis Alvarez †                                    Repose                   Pedro Ines           Our Seminarians : Michael Ezeoke & Ricardo Ahumada
           Epifano Sepulveda †                               Repose                   Ines Family        Bryant RIvas–Assumption Seminary    Antonio Guzman–Assumption
SUNDAY / DOMINGO                                                                       JANUARY 3, 2021   Maurice Quindoy–Assumption Seminary Juan Robles–Assumption Seminary
                                                                                                         Derek Curtis–Serra House            Theodore Drennan–St. John’s Seminary
7:00am     PRO POPULO
                                                                                                         Carlos Flores —Assumption Seminary  Ian Hollick–St. John’s Seminary
           PRO POPULO                                                                                    Jonathan Garcia–Assumption          Andres Rivera–Assumption Seminary
                                                                                                         Noel Simental–Assumption            Jose Perez–Assumption Seminary
           PRO POPULO
                                                                                                         Jorge Tellez–St. John’s Seminary    Rafael Flores–Assumption Seminary
8:30am     Juana Gonzalez †                                  Repose                   Gonzalez Family
                                                                                                                                       We pray for babies in the womb
           Damasu Gonzalez †                                 Repose                   Gonzalez Family
                                                                                                                                      Oramos por los bebes en el vientre
 10:30am All Souls in Purgatory                              Repose                   Lydia Hanna         Due Jun. 2021
           Gloria Diaz †                                     Repose                   EMHC                ♥ Baby Convento
                                                                                                                                                         Please also pray for all
                                                                                                                                                         expectant woman, that they
                                                                                                                                                         understand the sanctity of human
12:30pm    Esperanza & Daniel de Guzman † Repose                                      Didi                                                               life and know the grace and
                                                                                                                                                         strength in God’s gift.
           Julius de Guzman †                                Repose                   Didi
           Evelyn Sabado †                                   Repose                   Didi
5:00pm     For Vocations                                                              SHC                                                          We pray for healing
                                                                                                                                                  Oramos por la sanación
6:30pm     Volunteers                                                                 SHC                Bobby Rios             Perez Family             Evelia Alvarez         Noli Ruiz
                                                                                                         Pedro A Ines Jr.       Peril Family             Alvarez Family         Clem Montilla
                                                                                                         Arturo Gamboa Sr.      Ivette Reyes             Rene Cordova de        Susan Montilla
                                                                                                         JL Reyes
                                                                                                                                Rebecca White
                                                                                                                                Lopez Marquez
                                                                                                                                                         Renan Cordova de
                                                                                                                                                                                Fr. Al Utzig
                                                                                                                                                                                *Paul Jackson
7:30am     Luis Alvarez †                                    Repose                   Pedro              Jeremiah Reyes         Antonio Rojas                  Alvarado         *Alexis Martinez
                                                                                                         Laura Palomino         Ma. de Lourdes Garibay   Ernie Gomez            *Peter Martinez
TUESDAY / MARTES                      ST. JOHN NEUMANN | SAN JUAN NEUMANN             JANUARY 5, 2021    Socorro Reyes          Azela Flores             Charles Berley         *Jared Clancey
                                                                                                         Jesus Castañon         Rhiannon Sobetzko        Renan Aguirre          *Guadalupe Garcia
7:30am     Epifano Sepulveda †                               Repose                   Family             McKeoween Family       Lita Deomani             Rodrigo Francisco      *Jose R. Villareal
6:15pm Moisés Garcia †                                       Repose                   Mom
WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES                      ST. ANDRE BESSETTE | SAN ANDRE BASSETTE    JANUARY 6, 2021                                      We pray for the deceased
7:30 am    Luis Alvarez †                                    Repose                   Pedro                                                Oramos por los difuntos
7:30am     Epifano Sepulveda †                               Repose                   Family             Mary Huizar                   Nnandu Ezenobi                  Carmelo Gulfin
FRIDAY/VIERNES                                                                        JANUARY 8, 2021    Pedro T. Ines Sr.             Albert Serrano                  Gervasio Paraiso
                                                                                                         Gilbert Padilla               Felipe Barrios Silva            Jose Tobar
                                                                                                         Magdalena Keith               Maria Paz Banzales              Clara Perez
SATURDAY / SÁBADO                                                                     JANUARY 9, 2021    Gregory Gutierrez             Maria Rivera                    +Luis Álvarez
7:30am     Gonzalo Arevalo                                   Happpy Birthday Family                      Marguerite Gailes             Maria Burns                     +Epifano Sepúlveda
                                                                                                         Venerise Jaramillo            Guillermo Rieza                 +Wyatt Morow
                                                                                                         Trinidad Gamboa               Adalberto M. Magana             +Oscar Guzmán
                                                                                                         Damian Mines                  Ann Lacey                       +Andrew del Valle

                                                                                                                                                 We pray for our armed forces
                                                                                                                                              Oramos por nuestras fuerzas armadas
                                                                                                                                                                                 V = Veteran
                                                                                                          ARMY                          National Guard                   NAVY
                                                                                                          Zedrix P Santos (V)           John Njuh                       Jonathan Cruz
                                                                                                          Rosario Salazar                                               Frankie Espinosa (V)
                                                                                                                                        Air Force
                                                                                                          Marcela Camacho (V)                                           Evelyn Alcocer (V)
                                                                                                                                        Carissa Fall
                                                                                                          Lucy Queen                                                    Jonathan Cruz
                                                                                                                                        Joseph Vargas
                                                                                                          Amy Deck                                                      Victor Sandoval (V)
                                                                                                                                        Danielle Giddens
                                                                                                          Kyle J. Marquez                                               Kevin Chavez
                                                                                                                                        Angel Marquez
                                                                                                          Randy Castillejo                                              Kesly Gonzalez
                                                                                                                                        Max Beerbaum (V)
                                                                                                          Christian Lopez                                               Arden Garcia
                                                                                                          Andrew Jimenez (V)            Marines                         Brandon Trammell
                                                                                                          Andrew Gutierrez              John Gracias                    Jadene Mendez
                                                                                                          Luis David Sanchez            Alex Castillo                   Evany Arreola
                                                                                                          Emil Allen (V)                Eddie Castillo                  Karen Rodriguez
                                                                                                          Robert Barraza (V)            Isaiah Cayo                     Evan Maul
                                                                                                          Joe Contreras (V)             Joshua Edmonson                 Anthony Lopez
                                                                                                          Jacob Quitanilla              Isaac Morales                   Valerie Garcia
                                                                                                          Anthony Delgado               Karen Kwon                      Olivia White
                                                                                                          Kevin Acosta                  Jared Sandoval                  Daniel Abeln
                                                                                                          Kylee Quintanilla
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Reflection / Faith Formation                                                               Page 3

                            O Come let us Adore Him!!!
                     Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

                      As we joyfully celebrate the solemnity of the birth of Jesus this Christmas, I
                      sincerely thank God for the gift of each and every one of you in our graceful
                      community of Sacred Heart. In the light of the Gospel we preach, the devotions
we make, the spiritual journey we engage, and the presence of Jesus we relish during our weekly
community Holy Hour, I wish to offer a gift to the members of our beloved family of Sacred Heart.
My gift is not silver or gold (Acts 3: 6) but an invitation to adore Him who comes to be with us as our
Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14). At Christmas, we joyfully sing: “Come Ye faithful! Come Let us adore

    To adore Jesus is to be grateful for the profound mystery of the Incarnation. The Incarnation is the
essential spiritual hermeneutic to understand and appreciate the eternal love of God for us (John 3:16).
As we ponder the majestic mystery of the Incarnation, “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among
us” (John 1:14), let us learn the example of the wise men who followed the leading of a spectacular
star, then fell down in humble worship of the Baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11).

    To adore is to participate in the life of Jesus, it is a moment of kenosis (self emptying love). In
adoration, we humble ourselves like the Angels who sang the first Christmas Carol “Glory to God in
the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased” (Luke 2:14). I invite you once
again to our Thursdays Holy Hour at 6:30pm. Come to the School of Jesus where we can learn HOW
TO LOVE. The teacher of this Salvific and Faith-enriching School is Jesus; the ink for writing is the
Blood of Jesus; a blood that washes away our sins (John 1:29) and restores our dignity and identity
not only as children of God but also as dispensers of the mysteries of God (1 Cor 4:1).

    In the New Year 2021 and in the renewed spirit of Christmas events, let us dedicate time to pray
for vocations. Let us ask God to give us more priests, consecrated religious and to sustain our
seminarians. May we persevere in our Christian race and commitment, remembering joyfully and
courageously that “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” In this New Year in our prayers let us
allow the Good Lord to win our battles, support our projects, carry our crosses, defend our innocence,
bear our burdens, heal our infirmities, and bless our families.

    In union with Fr. Julian, Fr. Ed, Deacon Ed, Deacon Antonio, Richard Ahumada (seminarian) and
all the parish staff, we continue to wish you the best and a Graceful New Year in 2021.

   Yours in the Infant Jesus,

   Fr Ben
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Page 4
                                      Faith formation
                        Faith Formation Of ice, Baptism, Catechism, RCIA
                             O icina de Formación de Fe, Bautizos, Catecismo, RICA
  Monday thru Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm (909)-803-1452

                                                                                            Weekly Readings
                                                                              Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a;
                                                                              Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
                                                                              Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44
                                                                              Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk
                                                                              Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17;
                                                                              Lk 4:14-22a
                                                                              Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16
                                                                              Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30
                                                                              Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-
                                                                              10 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Acts 10:34-38 or
                                                                              1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11
      Parish Weekly Budget
 Presupuesto Semanal Parroquial     $ 26,858.00           December 20, 2020
                                                                                       Lecturas Semanales
                                                                              Lunes: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Sal 2:7bc-8, 10-12a;
New Online enrolls        Sunday Masses                       $ 4,911.72
Nuevas inscripciones   00                                                     Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
                          Misas del Domingo                                   Martes: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Sal 72 (71):1-4, 7-8; Mc 6:34-44
                                                                              Miércoles: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 10, 12-13;
                          Mail ins | por correo:          $     5,134.52      Mc 6:45-52
                          Online Giving            $            8,256.68      Jueves: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Sal 72 (71): 1-2, 14, 15bc,
                          Donaciones Electronicas:                            17;
                                                                              Lc 4:14-22a
                                               Total: $ 18,302.92             Viernes: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Lc 5:12-
                          Pantry | Lacena                                     Sábado: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Sal 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30
                                                          $ 0,000.00          Domingo: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 o Is 55:1-11; Sal 29 (28):1-
                           Collection Retired Religious                       4, 3, 9-10
                                                          $ 3,181.45          o Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Hch 10:34-38 o 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mc
   WEEKLY DONATIONS                DONACIONES SEMANALES                       1:7-11
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Youth Ministry                                                   Page 5

      Faith Formation Of ice of Con irmation, Youth & Young Adult Ministries
                 O icina de Formación de Fe de Con irmación y Pastoral Juvenil
Mon./Lunes 9:00am-2:00pm           Wed./Miercoles 9:00am-2:00pm        Thrs./Jueves 1:00pm –5:00pm
Tues./Martes 2:00pm-5:00pm                                             Fri./Viernes CLOSED/CERRADO
   Confirmation: Nellie (909) 803-1423              Youth & Young Adult Ministries: (909) 803-1421
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Page 6
                                        Out Reach
             Sacred Heart School
          Home of the Bulldog Pride
              Grades: TK-8th
      12676 Foothill Blvd. R. Cucamonga, 91739
          (909) 803-1400 Fax (909) 899-0413
    Like us on
                  Mr. Enrique Landin, Principal
                  Mary Carr, School Secretary
                For School Day Care call ext. 407 & 660


School Updates:
Welcome back
     Hope you had a great Christmas
            and New Year’s
January 11th STAR Testing begins and concludes
January 22nd
January 13: Lifetouch Yearbook Pictures
•     Please continue to save Box Tops for the
    Check your emails for the most current events
                and announcements.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Around Sacred Heart
                            Page 7

           Every Thursday
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Nuestro Enfoque de Fe
 Page 8

                                            ¡Venid, Adoremos!!!
                             Queridos hermanos y hermanas,

                            A medida que con alegría celebramos la solemnidad del nacimiento de Jesús en
                            esta Navidad, sinceramente doy gracias a Dios por el don de todos y cada uno de
                            ustedes en nuestra comunidad llena de gracia del Sagrado Corazón. A la luz del
                            Evangelio que predicamos, las devociones que hacemos, la jornada espiritual, la
                            presencia de Jesús en la cual nos deleitamos en nuestra Hora Santa semanal de la
                            comunidad, quiero ofrecer un regalo a los miembros de nuestra querida familia
                            del Sagrado Corazón. Mi regalo no es plata ni oro (Hechos 3:6), sino una
invitación a adorar al que viene a estar con nosotros como nuestro Emmanuel (Isaías 7:14). En Navidad,
cantamos con alegría: "¡Vengan O fieles! Vengan, adorémosle".

   Adorar a Jesús es estar agradecido por el profundo misterio de la Encarnación. La Encarnación es la
hermenéutica espiritual esencial para comprender y apreciar el amor eterno de Dios por nosotros (Juan 3:16).
Al meditar sobre el misterio majestuoso de la Encarnación , "El Verbo se hizo carne y habitó entre
nosotros" (Juan 1:14), aprendamos del ejemplo de los Reyes Magos que siguieron la guía de una estrella
espectacular y luego se postraron en humilde adoración del Niño Jesús (Mateo 2:11).

    Adorar es participar en la vida de Jesús, es un momento de kenosis (amor vacío del propio yo). En la
adoración, nos humillamos como los ángeles que cantaron el primer villancico de Navidad "Gloria a Dios en
las alturas, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor" (Lucas 2:14). Los invito una vez más a nuestra
Hora Santa los jueves a las 6:30pm. Vengan a la escuela de Jesús donde podemos aprender COMO AMAR. El
maestro de esta Escuela Salvadora y enriquecedora de Fe, es Jesús; la tinta para escribir es la Sangre de Jesús,
una sangre que lava nuestros pecados (Juan 1:29) y restaura nuestra dignidad e identidad no sólo como hijos
de Dios, sino también como distribuidores de los misterios de Dios (1 Corintios 4:1).

    En el Año Nuevo 2021 y en el Espíritu renovado por los eventos navideños, permítanos dedicar tiempo
para orar por las vocaciones. Pidamos a Dios que nos dé más sacerdotes, religiosos consagrados y que
sostenga a nuestros seminaristas. Perseveremos en nuestra carrera y compromiso cristianos, recordando con
alegría y valentía que "los ganadores nunca renuncian y los que se rinden nunca ganan". En este Año Nuevo
oremos para permitir que el Señor bondadoso gane nuestras batallas, apoye nuestros proyectos, cargue
nuestras cruces, defienda nuestra inocencia, sostenga nuestras cargas, cure nuestras enfermedades, y bendiga a
nuestras familias.

    En unión con el Padre. Julian, p. Ed, Diacono Ed, Diacono Antonio, Seminarista Ricardo Ahumada y todo
el personal de la parroquia, seguimos deseándoles lo mejor y un Año Nuevo 2021 lleno de gracia.

   Suyo en el Niño Jesús,

   Padre Ben
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Nuestra Comunidad                Page 9

            Acompáñenos todos
           los jueves a las 6:30pm.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Rancho Cucamonga, CA January 3, 2021 Support your parish sign-up for Online Giving
Page 10                          Administrative

Questions about not attending Sunday Mass

Who does the Bishop foresee possibly use of dispensation from
physically attending Sunday Mass?
• Those who are over the age of 65
• Those who have an underlying health condition
• Those you are truly fearful they might contract the virus: in this case
  “truly fearful” is defined as those who have not gone out to a restaurant
  or visited people with whom they do not live .
• Those who are sick, including those who have tested positive for COVID
  and those who were exposed to someone who tested positive.

What is expected of a catholic who makes use of the dispensation for a
legitimate reason?
The commandment requiring us to keep the Lord’s Day holy, one may
consider the Divine Law fulfilled if, from 4:00pm the Saturday before or on
Sunday itself he/she:
• Watches a Sunday Mass on television or via LiveStream (visit https://
Is there anything else I should know?
YES, the faithful are expected to adhere to the expectations laid out in
canon 222 §1, that is, “to assist with the needs of the church.” Financial
support of one’s parish is essential to whether one physically attends Mass
or not. You can register for Online Giving.

                   Sacred Heart Parish Mission
We, the people of Sacred Heart, are a welcoming community, faithful to Catholic teaching, called to live
out the Gospel message through prayer, ministry, and example, so that God’s love may be known to all.

Nosotros, la gente del Sagrado Corazón, somos una comunidad acogedora, fieles a la enseñanza católica, llamados a
vivir el mensaje del Evangelio mediante la oración, la pastoral y el ejemplo, para que todos conozcan el amor de
                                       PARISH STAFF: “Serving God through Serving Others”
                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 11

                                                          909-899-1049 or

                                 ADMINISTRATIVE                                                                   FAITH FORMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY
LaQuita Gray-Baker, Business Manager                                                                     Cecilia Fornelli, Coordinator of Catechetical Ministry ……………...ext. 150
e-mail:…….…………………………...ext.111                                               e-mail:
                                                                                                         Melissa Valenzuela, RE Administrative Assistant……………………ext. 151
Blanca Marrufo, Adm. Assistant to the Pastor………………………….ext. 133                                          e-mail:
e-mail:                                                                       Lucy Barajas, RE Administrative Assistant…………………...…….. ext.152
Aileen Arrezola, Bookkeeper     e-mail:…..ext. 114                            e-mail:
Vivian Huizar, Administrative Assistant/Sacramental Records……………ext. 113                                 Nellie Davison, Coordinator of Confirmation……………………………..ext. 123
e-mail:                                                                       e-mail:
Maria A. Inés, Administrative Assistant/Bulletin Editor……….………ext. 115                                   Adriana Rios, Confirmation & Youth Office Administrative Assistant…...ext. 122
e-mail:                                                                        email:
                                                                                                          Chika, Anyanwu, Youth & Young Adults Minister ……………….ext. 121
Mary Dias, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries………………………..ext. 701                                                                              FACILITIES
e-mail:                                                                         Carlos Sanchez, Facility Manager ………………………………….ext. 552
Ricardo Varela, Coordinator of Liturgical & Choir Ministries.………....ext. 154                             e-mail:
e-mail:                                                                      Salvador Marquez, Lawn Care…………………………………....ext. 118
Haley Henry, Liturgy Asst. e-mail:……...ext. 131
                                                                                                         Ramon Hernandez, Maintenance………………………………. ext.551

                                            PARISH MINISTRIES (Telephone or Extension)
Abide Young Adult Ministry                                                            ext. 121           Natural Family Planning               Gerardo & Lupe Valvaneda             (909)556-5244
ACTS                                   Femin Jaramillo                              (909)223-7209        Parish School Board                   Jeannette Martinez                   (909)772-3362
Adoration                              Alberto Soto                                 (909) 518-2793       Pastoral Council                      Dave Hutson                          (909) 823-0146
                                       Angelina Corral                                                   Purgatorial Prayer Ministry           Alicia Santacruz                     (909)578-7658
African Descent Ministry               Oby Omelu                                    (951)440-7332        Readers                               Robert Covington                     (909)350-3277
Altar Linens                           Paul Camarillo                               (909)239-7954        Respect Life                          Mirella Barclay                      (909) 377-8454
Altar Server                           Nidia Vargas                                 (559)331-5173        RCIA (English)                        Mary Ann Andel                       (909)987-9312
Arts / Environment                     Veronica Assal                                                    Parking Ministry                      Iggy Araujo                          (909)296-5233
Bereavement Ministry                   Olga Rios                                    (909)702-2951        Social Justice                        Sandra Gonzalez                      (909)921-3163
Catholic Men’s Fellowship                                                                                Tribunal Advocates                    Dcn. Ed Clark
Children’s Liturgy                     Cecilia Fornelli                             ext. 150             Ushers / Greeters                     Andy Morales                         (909)600-9593
Church Cleaning                        Jesus Molina                                 (909)582-4467        Women’s Fellowship                    Rosa Anne Amoruwa                    (909)731-1180
Coffee & Donut Ministry                Mary Orduño                                  (909)561-2950
Communion to Homebound                 Jim & Maribel Hernandez              email:                            MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES
Cursillos In Christianity              Gio Peralta                                  (909)921-6974        Adoración al Santísimo                  Alberto Soto                       (909)518-2793
Divorced, Widowed, Separated           Judy Nelson                                  (909) 815-2819                                               Angelina Corral
Divine Mercy Ministry                  Anne Magodoro                                (909)518-7637        AGAPE (Ministerio para niños especiales) David y Maria Arias                (951)217-2675
EDGE (Middle School)                                                                ext. 121             Ángeles de María (Las Niñas)            Maria Berumen                       (909)904-5657
Ext. Min. of Holy Communion            Lydia Hanna                                  (909)721-6440        Comunión a los Enfermos                 Patricia Hassin                     (909)232-0041
Faith on Fire                          Adriana Magdaleno                            (951) 966-6389       Despensa de Comida                      Maria Brown                         (626)274-9068
Filipino Ministry                      Isabel Briones                                                    Duelo - Ministerio                      Olga Rios                           (909)702-2951
Finance Council                        Ernie DePass                                                      Educación Religiosa y RICA              Cecilia Fornelli                    ext. 150
Fire Starter                           Eric Batoon                           email:
                                                                                                          RICA para Adultos                      América Uriarte                     (909)746-9067
Food Pantry                            Maria Brown                                  (626)274-9068        Estudio Bíblico                          Joseph Moctezuma                  (909)282-2142
Gift Store                                                                          ext. 117             Eucaristía - Ministros                   Lydia Hanna                        (909)721-6440
Guadalupano’s (bilingual)              Rod Morales                                  (909)489-3933        Grupo de Oración-Cristo Rey              Irma Morales                        909-782-7231
Good Shepherd                          Cecilia Fornelli                             ext. 150
                                                                                                         Justicia Social                          Sandra Gonzalez                    (909)921-3163
Grief Ministry                         Olga Rios                                    (909)702-2951
                                                                                                         Lectores                                 Luis Torres                        (909)854-6670
Health Ministry                        Esther Hernandez                             (213) 675-5791
                                                                                                         Librería                                                                    ext. 117
Holy Spirit Prayer Ministry            Jim & Maribel Hernandez    email:
                                                                                                         Matrimonios del Sagrado
Jail Ministry                          Dave Hutson                          (909) 823-0146
                                                                                                              Corazón de Jesús y María           Diacono Antonio
Joy Senior Ministry                     Rosalie Lomelin                     (909) 641-8093
                                                                                                         Ministerio de Hombres San José Obrero Roberto Hernandez                    (909) 719-2889
Knights of Columbus                    Glenn Yepez (Grand Knight)           (909) 437-8954
                                                                                                         Monaguillos                              Nidia Vargas                      (559)331-5173
LifeTeen (High School)                                                      ext. 121
                                                                                                         Movimiento Familiar                     Guillermo y Carmen Navarro         (909)782-3233
Light of Jesus Family Ministry         Tyron Dizon
                                                                                                         Música                                  Joaquín Vázquez, Carlos Urrutia,   ——————
Marriage Encounter                     Tony & Carmel Giliberto              (909)899-6223
                                                                                                                                                  José Ramírez, Juan Soto           —————–
Marriage Enrichment                    Shawn & Bern Judson                  (909)463-9689
                                                                                                         Planificación Natural de la Fam. Gerardo y Lupe Valvaneda                  (909)556-5244
Marriage Preparation
                                                                                                         Quinceañeras                             Mauricio Romero                   ext. 145
Mary’s Hands Cir (Knitting Ministry)                                                (909)827-5805
                                                                                                         Preparación Matrimonial                  Francisco & Vicki Bellota
Multi Cultural Fellowship              Marjorie Saint-Louis                         (909)859-5235
                                                                                                         Respeto a la Vida                        Mirella Barclay                    (909) 377-8454
Music                                  Daniella Almario, Raul Cancio,
                                       Jayson Mojica, Vhen Bautista, Jay Plaza                           Ujieres                                  Andy Morales                      (909)600-9593

              TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A MINOR by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer, call the toll free Sexual Misconduct Hotline 1-888-206-9090
                         PARA REPORTAR EL ABUSO SEXUAL DE UN MENOR por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario,
                                          llame a la Línea Directa de Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888-206-9090
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                                                                                                                         (909) 823-7202
                                                                                                                           13417 Arrow Route
                                                                                                                           Fontana, CA 92335
                                                                                                                              We are open
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                                                                                                                      And 7 AM - 6 PM Saturdays
                                                                                                                                                                              WHY IS IT
                                                                                                                                                            A man wakes up after sleeping
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                                                                                                                                                          bathes in an ADVERTISED shower
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                                                                                                                                                           washes with ADVERTISED soap
                                                                                                                                                             puts on ADVERTISED clothes
                                                                                                                                                                       drinks a cup
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513449 Sacred Heart Church (A)                                                                                                     For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
                                     12704 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795
                                              Office: (909) 899-1049 | Fax: (909) 899-3229

                                                     FOLLOW US!           Website:
    CLERGY                                                      Facebook:
    Nwachukwu-UdakuΎVF,Ύ                                                                          Mass Schedule
       Pastor,ΎΎExt.Ύ132Ύ                Holy Hour | School Yard
                                         Every Thursday 6:30pm.                                 Reservation Only
        Rev.ΎJulianΎ                     NO Reservation needed                                       Saturday
                                         Live-stream on                                        5:00pm | English | School Yard
                                         Hora Santa|Patio de la Escuela
                                                                                               7:00am | English | School Yard
                                         Todos los Jueves 6:30pm.
     PriestΎinΎResidence                 NO necesita Reservación                               8:30am | Spanish | School Yard
                                         Transmisión en Vivo por                               10:30am | English |School Yard
      DeaconΎEdΎClark                                                                          12:30pm | English |School Yard
  ParishΎDeaconΎ,ΎExt.Ύ286               Gift Store HOURS:                                                                     Distribution of the Holy Eucharist
                                           By Appointment ONLY                                    Distribución de la Santa Eucaristía
      DeaconΎAntonioΎ                                                                                 11:45am — 12:15pm
          Hernandez                                 Call the Office                            5:00pm | English | School Yard
     ParishΎDeaconΎ,ΎExt.Ύ                           909-899-1049                                                                6:30pm | Spanish | School Yard
                                                                                                Daily Mass Schedule
General Information — Información General
You may contact the Religious Education Office at ext. 152 or ext. 150 or see our website.           Mon-Fri/Lunes-Viernes
Puede comunicarse con la oficina, a la ext. 152 o ext. 150 o ver nuestra pagina de internet.     7:30 a.m. English— School Yard
Weddings/Bodas                                                                                           Tuesday/Martes
Minimum of six months preparation required. Call Blanca at Ext. 133 for more information         6:15 p.m. Español—School Yard
and appointments.
Mínimo de seis meses de preparación. Llame a Blanca a la Ext. 133 para mas información         Confession/Confeciones
y citas.                                                                                            No Reservation Needed|
                                                                                                    No Necesita reservación
Parents and Quinceañera need to attend an information meeting after the 8:30 am mass on                  Saturday/Sabado
the last Sunday of the Month. 6 Month Prep. required.
                                                                                                         3:00pm to 4:30pm
Padres y Quinceañera deben asistir a una reunión informativa después de la misa de 8:30
am el ultimo domingo de cada mes. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación.                               Tuesday before 1st Friday
Mass Intentions                                                                                   Martes antes del Primer Viernes
The offering is $10 per Mass (maximum of four intentions). Anyone may request a Mass                    10:30am to 1:00pm
intention in person at the parish office.
                                                                                                    For an appt./Para una cita
La oferta es de $ 10 por Misa (máximo de cuatro intenciones). Cualquier persona puede                  Call/llame a ext. 133
solicitar una Misa en persona en la oficina parroquial.
Anointing of the Sick/Unción de los Enfermos
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is NOT just for the dying. It is also a beautiful
sacrament for healing and strength. Call the office to make arrangements.
                                                                                                     How to reach us
El Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos NO es solo para los moribundos. Es también
un hermoso sacramento de sanación y fuerza. Llame a la oficina para los arreglos.
                                                                                                   OFFICE HOURS:
                                                                                                   Monday-Friday: 9am-5:00pm
If you would like to make arrangements for a funeral please contact Olga Rios with our
bereavement Ministry at 909-702-2951.
                                                                                                     (909) 899-1049
                                                                                                           Fax: (909) 899-3229
Si desea hacer arreglos para un funeral, por favor póngase en                                     For General Information call ext. 115
contacto con Olga Rios del Ministerio de Duelo al 909-702-2951.                                 For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest
                                                                                               during non-office hours call (909) 503-5588.
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