SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool

Page created by Martin Smith
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
                            SCHOOL YEAR
                           Student Readiness Calendar


2855 Colonial Boulevard, Fort Myers, FL 33966 | 239.337.8197 |
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
                          SCHOOL YEAR
                         Student Readiness Calendar
                        Help your child get classroom-ready with fun
                         activities, lessons, book recommendations
                             and more for every day of the year!

SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
KINDERGARTEN READINESS                                                              u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                                      Farm Fun
                                                                                      l   Anywhere Farm by Phyllis Root
u Review the alphabet
  l   Use alphabet cards and have your child name all the letters
                                                                                      l   Carlos and the Squash Plant by Jan Romero Stevens

                                                                                      l   Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown
u Review numbers 1-10                                                                 l   Farm Animals by Wade Cooper
  l   Use number cards and have your child name all the numbers
  l   Have your child count to 10 with his/her fingers and toes
                                                                                      l   Farm Friends by Wendell Minor

                                                                                      l   We Live on a Farm by Cody Keiser

u Review shapes
  l   Have your child draw a circle, a square, a triangle and a rectangle
  l   Have your child find a circle, a square, a triangle and a rectangle at home

u Review colors
  l   Have your child name the colors he/she sees
  l   Point to different objects and have your child name the colors
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
   SUNDAY                    MONDAY                    TUESDAY


                                                                                                          2                          3


                                                                              Try to keep moving for     As you shop for fruits    Try running up to the      Practice
                                                                              15 minutes without         and vegetables, find       ball, swinging your leg    balancing on
                                                                              stopping - run, climb,     the color green with      back and kicking           one foot.
                                                                              jump and swing.            your child.               through the ball.

 5                         6                          7                        8                          9                          10                        11
Have your child           Ask your child: What     Walk around your           Think of other words       Today, find the number     Jump rope.                 Work on moving in
name three fruits         did you do yesterday?    house four times. Each     that begin with the first   nine (9) as many times                               different directions -
and vegetables that       What are you doing       time try to go a little    letter of your name.       as you can.                                          forward, backward,
are green.                today? What will you     faster.                                                                                                    sideways.
                          do tomorrow?

 12                        13                         14
                                                   Read your favorite
                                                                              Have your child put
                                                                                                         Hide objects in a box
                                                                                                                                   Turn on some music and
                                                                                                                                                              Help your child practice
With your child, make     Cut a picture into       nursery rhyme and put      items in and take them     and have your child       take turns choosing a      saying his/her first and
letters of the alphabet   shapes and have your     actions to it so you can   out of a bowl. Count       guess the objects by      way to move.               last name, address and
with your body.           child put the pieces     say it with your body.     the objects.               feeling them with                                    phone number.
                          back together.                                                                 his/her hands.

Pick out a book about
                          Try making a home-
                                                      21                       22                         23                         24                        25
                                                   With your child, tell a    Draw and cut out some      Crumple up a piece of     Have your child            Pretend to be a
summer at the library.    made recipe together.    story about having fun     odd shapes, then put       paper and throw it into   name three fruits or       growing flower. First,
                                                   during the summer.         your body into each        a paper bag. Count the    vegetables that are red.   you are a tiny seed;
                                                                              form.                      baskets made.                                        then, you slowly grow
                                                                                                                                                              into a big, tall flower.

 26                        27                         28                       29                         30
Learn about the           Draw a circle, then an 'X' Make groups of 10        Discuss words that         Go back and do your
different plants you       inside the circle; practice using cereal.           begin with the same        favorite activity this
see outside.              "inside/outside" with                               letter as your child's     month.
                          other objects.                                      first name.
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
 1 Make half your plate veggies and fruits 6 Get creative in the kitchen
      Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients that                Whether you are making a sandwich, a stir-fry or a
      support good health. Choose fruits and red, orange              casserole, find ways to make them healthier. Try using
      and dark-green vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet               less meat and cheese, which can be higher in saturated
      potatoes and broccoli.                                          fat and sodium, and adding in more veggies that add
                                                                      new flavors and textures to your meals.

 2 Include whole grains
      Aim to make at least half your grains whole grains.        7 Take control of your food
      Look for the words “100% whole grain” or “100% whole            Eat at home more often, so you know what you’re
      wheat” on the food label. Whole grains provide more             eating. If you eat out, check and compare the nutrition
      nutrients, like fiber, than refined grains.                     information. Choose options that are lower in calories,
                                                                      saturated fat and sodium.
 3 Don’t forget the dairy
      Complete your meal with a cup of fat-free or low-fat       8 Try new foods
      milk. You will get the same amount of calcium and               Keep it interesting by picking out fresh foods you’ve
      other essential nutrients as whole milk but fewer               never tried before like mango, lentils, quinoa, kale or
      calories. Don’t drink milk? Try soymilk as your drink           sardines. You may find a new favorite! Trade fun and
      or include low-fat yogurt in your meal or snack.                tasty recipes with friends or find them online.

 4 Add lean protein                                              9 Satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way
      Choose protein-filled foods such as lean beef, pork,            Indulge in a naturally sweet dessert dish - fruit! Serve
      chicken or turkey, and eggs, nuts, beans or tofu.               a fresh fruit salad or a fruit parfait made with yogurt.
      Twice a week, make seafood the protein on your plate.           For a hot dessert, bake apples and top with cinnamon.

 5 Avoid extra fat                                              10 Everything you eat and drink matters
      Using heavy gravies or sauces will add fat and calories         The right mix of foods in your meals and snacks
      to otherwise healthy choices. Try steamed broccoli              can help you be healthier now and into the future.
      with a sprinkling of low-fat parmesan cheese or                 Turn small changes in how you eat into your
      squeeze of lemon.                                               My Plate, My Wins.
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
   SUNDAY                    MONDAY                     TUESDAY
                                                                                WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY

                                                                                                                                           FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

                                                                                                                                       This week, look for       Draw a picture of a flag.
                                                                                                                                       the colors red, white
                                                                                                                                       and blue.

3                           4                           5                        6                         7                             8                          9
Write out a list of your                              Take a walk or drive      Go outside and look        Practice skipping today.    Name animals you          Practice writing
favorite places in                                    and look for American     for birds.                                             might find in a zoo.       your letters.
America.                                              flags.

Practice writing your
                           Count the number of
                                                      Play "Which is Bigger?'
                                                                                Go outside and look for
                                                                                                          Sing the ABCs while
                                                                                                                                       Help your child draw
                                                                                                                                                                 Go outside and find as
numbers.                   cups of water your         using the numbers         butterflies; draw any      balancing on one foot; see   the letters of the        many different types of
                           child drinks today.        1-10.                     you see.                  how far in the alphabet      alphabet with his/her     rocks as you can.
                                                                                                          your child can get before    finger on your palm.
                                                                                                          losing their balance.

Go on a nature walk in
                           Draw a map and have a
                                                      Have your child
                                                                                Try catching some bugs.
                                                                                                           Say a word and ask
                                                                                                                                       Talk about
                                                                                                                                                                 Make sure you submit
your community or          treasure hunt.             practice his/her name,                               your child to tell you      feelings/emotions.        your child's registration
local park and talk                                   address and phone                                    the opposite (big, small,                             papers to the District
about the birds and                                   number.                                              happy, sad).                                          enrollment office.

24         Paint a
                            25                          26                       27                        28                            29                         30
           together.       Take a walk with your      This week look for the    Try jumping rope           Practice singing the        Draw a picture of your    Have a family talent
                           child and find a            letter "S."               today!                     letters of the alphabet.    family with your child;   show.

31        Try jumping      crosswalk; stop, look                                                                                       say everyone's first and
          rope today!      both ways and listen for                                                                                    last name together.
                           cars, then cross safely.
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
GETTING READY FOR KINDERGARTEN                                                    u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                                    I Love Bugs!
u Checklist:
   l   Buy school supplies                                                          l   Fly Guy Presents Insects by Tedd Arnold
   l   Play “school”                                                                l   Hank’s Big Day by Evan Kuhlman
   l   Pretend your car is the school bus
                                                                                    l   Tiny Little Fly! by Michael Rosen
   l   Read stories
   l   Sing songs                                                                   l   The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle

   l   Draw pictures
   l   Play outdoors
   l   Eat a meal at the table together
   l   Have your child put on and take off a coat
   l   Take turns being the teacher and the student

u Visit your child’s school:
   l   Attend the open house at your child’s school
   l   Explore the school and classroom
   l   Look at the books in the room
   l   Look at the pictures on the walls
   l   Find out where to store backpacks and hang up your coat
   Ask about the daily schedules for your child’s class. Ask when

		 the children have story time, lunch and recess
   l   Find the cafeteria, playground, restroom, principal’s office and library

u Establish a school routine:
   l   Begin a consistent bedtime routine
   Practice eating lunch in 20 minutes, using a fork and spoon,

		 and eating nutritious foods
   Put backpacks and school supplies in the same place every

		 day and pick out clothes the night before
   Have a friendly conversation with your child on

		 the way to school or bus stop
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool




                                                                                                           4                       5
                                                                                                                                       FRIDAY              SATURDAY

                                                     Count all the shoes in    Look for blue things.     Wash the car with        Look for an            Have fun making
                                                     your house; how many                                your family.             airplane in the sky.   letters out of raw
                                                     are there?                                                                                          veggie sticks and other
                                                                                                                                                         snack items.

 7                           8                         9                        10                        11                       12                     13
Play "I Spy" using colors   Write your name and                                Learn your teacher’s      Draw a picture of your   During a commercial    Play Frisbee or ball.
or shapes.                  identify each letter.                              and friends' names.       family's summer          break, do as many
                                                     Practice walking to                                 activities.              jumping jacks as
                                                     school or the bus stop.                                                      you can.

 14                          15                       16                       17                         18                       19                     20
Pick up litter in the       Draw a picture of your   Visit a park.             Recall what you did at    Say words that rhyme     Practice zipping       Play hide and seek.
neighborhood.               new school.                                        school today.             with "me."               and buttoning.

Lay down and do some
                            Tell your family what
                                                     Draw a picture of your
                                                                               Use your shoes to
                                                                                                         Draw a picture of your
                                                                                                                                  Jump rope or
                                                                                                                                                         With your eyes closed,
cloud watching; name        you like about school.   favorite summer           measure items around      new school and           exercise together.     identify a variety of
or describe the images                               activity.                 the house; for example,   compare it to the first                          sounds, i.e., clapping,
you see.                                                                       "this table is five        picture you drew. How                           doorbell or paper
                                                                               shoes long."              are they different?                              crumpling.

Pretend it is the first
                            Make a kite and go
                                                     Walk around the
                                                                               Look for red things.
day of school and           outside to fly it.        neighborhood and look
practice ways to say                                 at nature.
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
READ WITH YOUR CHILD EACH DAY                                                    u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                                   Reading Is Fun!
u Make a reading place for your child
   Keep your child’s books in a special place. Make sure they
                                                                                   l   The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
		 are easy to reach                                                               lI Love You Through & Through
   Put a small rug or pillow in a special place to make it a fun
                                                                                 			by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak
		 environment for reading                                                         l   I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson
       Talk with your child about how to take care of books
                                                                                   l   Let’s Go Visiting by Sue Williams
u Give your child different kinds of books to read                                 l   The Napping House by Audrey Wood
   Get a library card for you and your child and visit the library

		 or bookmobile often                                                             l   No, David! by David Shannon

  Look for books in other places like
   l                                                                               l   Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems
			l Friends’ and relatives’ houses
			l Garage or yard sales
			l Resale stores

u Save some time each day to read with your child
   l   Read in a special place and make sure it is quiet
   Hold your child close to you when you read. Help your child

		 understand that reading is essential

u Let your child join in the reading
   Before you start reading, let your child look at the pictures.

		 Ask your child to guess what the bookis about.
   Show your child how to read a book (from left to right and

		 from front to back)
   l   Let your child point to the pictures in the book you are reading
   After reading a book, ask your child to tell the story

		 again in his own words

u Play pattern games
   l   Find patterns around the home - stripes on furniture and clothing, etc.
   Teach patterns with clapping and stomping

		 (ex: clap, clap, stomp, stomp)
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 - Student Readiness Calendar PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE - SharpSchool
    SUNDAY                  MONDAY                      TUESDAY
                                                                           WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY

                                                                                                     Measure your child's

                                                                                                                               Visit with your

                                                                                                                                                          Discuss what you are
                                                                                                     height and keep track     neighbors.                 eating (nutrition and
                                                                                                     every three months.                                  the basic food groups).

Play pretend - go on a
                         Play pattern games
                                                      6                    7                         8                         9                           10
                                                     This week find red     Draw something red.       Look for the number       Play outside               Eat an apple today!
bear hunt.               outside, like clap, clap,   objects.                                        seven (7) wherever        with a friend.             Slice it and have your
                         jump, clap, clap, jump.                                                     you go.                                              child count the slices.

 11                      12                           13                   14                        15                        16                          17
Read a story to your     Go to the library and let   Help your child       Make a puppet out of a    Take an autumn walk in    Write a story (draw        Go for a walk and talk
child; point to each     your child pick out a       find patterns          paper lunch sack; use     the woods; local and      illustrations              about what you see.
word as you read.        book to read with you.      around the home.      scraps to decorate.       state parks offer trails   together too!).
                                                                                                     that are wonderful to
                         LIBRARY DAY!                GRANDPARENTS DAY                                hike in the fall.

 18                      19                           20                   21                        22                        23                          24
With your child, find     Count groups of 10          Visit a relative.     With your child,          Teach your child to       With your child, draw a    Tear up old newspapers,
things that begin with   using household items.                            practice sneezing into    play "Simon Says."        picture of fun things to   mail or scrap paper to
the letter "B."                                                            your elbow.                                         do in autumn.              make a collage.
                                                                                                     FIRST DAY
                                                                                                     OF AUTUMN

 25                      26                           27                   28                        29                        30
Make an animal sound     Let your child bring a      Have a snack with     Name the seasons with     Have your child           Have your child
and have people guess    friend to the library.      your child with one   your child and ask what   name 10 different          bounce a ball and
what it is.                                          red fruit and one     is unique about them.     body parts.               count each bounce.
                         LIBRARY DAY!                green vegetable.
HAVE YOUR CHILD DO THINGS                                                    u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                               Fall Fun
                                                                               l   Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert
   l   Collect toys to help your child use “Big Muscles”                       l   We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt by Steve Metzger
       Empty plastic water bottles make great bowling pins
                                                                               l   When the Leaf Blew In by Steve Metzger
   Make bean bags by filling a sock partway with dry beans,

		 then tying a knot in the sock
   l   Play catch with the bean bag
   l   Use big balls or pillows to throw, catch or bounce

u Let your child spend time outside
   l   Have a safe place with a lot of room for your child to play outside
   Get a bucket or basket big enough to catch a ball and have your

		 child throw a ball into it
   l   Take your child to the playground or park

u Give your child things to do when playing
   Have your child throw bean bags into buckets. Or draw a

		 circle on the ground in dirt and have your child throw
		 bean bags into the circle
   l   Have your child balance a book on his/her head while walking
   l   Have your child act like different animals. Can your child…
			l Hop like a rabbit?
			l Slide like a snake?
			l Crawl like a bug?
			l Fly like a bird?
  SUNDAY                     MONDAY                     TUESDAY
                                                                             2022WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

                                                                                                                                                                      Practice pouring from a
                                                                                                                                                                      small pitcher into a
                                                                                                                                                                      drinking cup.

2                           3                          4                          5                             6                           7                           8
Listen to music and        Count the number of       Start a gratitude           Find the number five         Try walking around the       This week, look for         Play follow the leader.
play homemade              people who live in your   journal with your child -   (5) on different things.     house or yard with a         orange things.
instruments together.      house. How many are       they can draw what                                      beanbag on your head.
                           male? How many            they are thankful for.
                           are female?

9                           10                         11                         12                            13                          14                          15
                                                     Talk about fall and have    Dance party!                Make a shopping list         Review fire safety rules     Draw a picture of a
Look for food that         Help your child jump
                                                     your child draw a                                       with your child.             with your child. Practice   pumpkin.
begins with the letter     over sidewalk cracks
"B" like beans,            with one foot, then
                                                     picture of a tree.          LIBRARY DAY!                                             "Stop, Drop and Roll."
bananas, bread             two feet.
or bacon.

16                          17                         18                         19                            20                          21                          22
Use a spring clothespin    With your child,          Play music for about        Take a walk with your       Talk with your child about   Wear a piece of             Talk about how many
or kitchen tongs to pick   pretend you are a         10-20 seconds while         child and have them         the 911 emergency            clothing that has a         different colors the
up cotton balls and        puppy, pirates and        your child dances; then     collect ten (10) fallen     phone number; practice       pattern; describe           leaves are in the fall.
place them in              princes or princesses.    stop the music and say      leaves.                     dialing "9-1-1" on a         the pattern.
a bowl.                                              "FREEZE!"                                               pretend phone.

           Play “Simon
                                      Count steps.
                                                       25                         26                            27                          28                          29
30                          31
                                                     ”Call members of your       Act out a favorite story.   Walk around the block        Measure the hands of        With your child, look at
                                                     family by names that                                    and count pumpkins.          your family. Who has        pictures in a book
                                                     rhyme: Claire Bear,         LIBRARY DAY!                                             the largest? Smallest?      before you read it.
Explain a scarecrow in     Color or carve a          Sam Ham, etc.
a farmer's field.           pumpkin together.
PROBLEM-SOLVING AND                                                     u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                          My Neighborhood
                                                                          l   Everybody Bakes Bread by Norah Dooley

u Help your child solve problems                                          l   Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena
   Play grouping games with your child. Collect things that
   l                                                                      l   Maybe Something Beautiful by Isabel Compoy
		 go together from around your home, such as
                                                                          l   One Love by Cedella Marley
			l      Comb and brush
                                                                          l   Say Hello! by Rachel Isadora
			l      Spoon and fork
                                                                          l   Windows by Julia Denoss
			l Toothbrush and toothpaste
   Put the things you have gathered on a table. Mix them up and

		 have your child put them together again. Ask your child why
		 things go together. Play this same game using pictures of
		 items that go together that you have cut out of a magazine

u Play pattern games with your child
   Create a pattern of movement and ask your child to repeat it.

		 Try “Step-step-jump, step-step-jump,” then think of other patterns
   l   Have your child make up a pattern for you to repeat together
   Make a pattern with objects, then have your child repeat

		 the pattern. For example:
			l Fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon
			l Crayon, crayon, penny, crayon, crayon, penny
   After going through the pattern, ask your child what the

		 next object in the pattern should be
   SUNDAY                   MONDAY                     TUESDAY



                                                                                                            3                        4
                                                                                                                                        FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

                                                     Bake something.            This week, find the         This week, look for      Dance to your favorite    Have your child help
                                                                                letter "N."                brown things.            music.                    with the grocery list.


 6                         7                          8                          9                          10                       11                        12
Have a picnic (outside    Play bean bag toss.        During the day, have       On a clock, show your      Build a fort around a    "Finger paint" on the     Turn on some music
or on the living room                                your child tell you when   child what time it is      table with blankets.     kitchen counter with      and dance with your
floor).                                               it is morning, afternoon   during the morning,                                 shaving cream.            child.
                                                     and night.                 afternoon and night.

 13                        14                         15                         16                         17                       18                        19
Find the number three     Exercise with your child   Have your child tell you   Go on a walk and collect   Show your child a        Ask your child to set     While waiting at a
(3) on different things.   - hop and do arm           what he or she did         leaves, nuts, etc.; Talk   nickel, a penny and a    the table; have him/her   stoplight, look at plates
                          circles, counting them     today and what he or       with your child about      quarter and tell         count the items as        and identify some
                          as you go.                 she will do tomorrow.      the characteristics of     him/her about money.     he/she puts them          letters or numbers.
                                                                                the items.                                          down.

 20                        21                         22                         23                         24                       25                        26
With your child, trace    Talk with your children    Play one of your           This week find the          Put leaves under the     When taking a bath,       Help your child draw a
your hand to draw         about things they are      favorite songs from        letter "T."                paper and rub with the   include safe items that   family picture.

turkeys.                  thankful for.              your childhood for                                    sides of crayons.        float and sink.
                                                     your child.

 27                        28                         29                         30
Help your child           Play memory games          Make a "reading fort"      Look through family
describe morning,         with household items -     out of a blanket draped    photos. Talk to your
afternoon and night.      hide one, and guess        over chairs and read a     child about family.
                          what is missing.           picture book together.
TEACH YOUR CHILD THAT LETTERS                                            u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                           Winter Reading
                                                                           l   Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson
u Teach your child the letters of the alphabet
                                                                           l   The Mitten by Jan Brett
   l   Use cards with the alphabet on them
                                                                           l   Mouse’s First Snow by Lauren Thompson
   Lay down the cards and sing the alphabet song with your child.

		 Ask him/her to touch each letter as he/she sings                        l   Winter Dance by Marion Dane Bauer

   Play “find the letter” with your child while you are out shopping.

		 Point to signs and store names that begin with the first letter of
		 your child’s name
   Read alphabet books with your child. Choose a letter and ask

		 your child to find it. Ask your child to find the letters in his or
		 her name

u Give your child different kinds of books to read
   Ask your child to tell you the names of different stores and

		 signs in the neighborhood
   Help your child make a dictionary with some of his/her favorite

		 words under each letter of the alphabet. Ask your child to draw
		 a picture that represents each word in the dictionary
  SUNDAY                     MONDAY                     TUESDAY
                                                                                WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY

                                                                                                           1                         2
                                                                                                                                         FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

                                                                                                          This week, look for        Help your child write     Sing a favorite nursery
                                                                                                          red things.                the letters of his/her    rhyme with your child.
                                                                                                                                     first name.

4                           5                          6                        7                          8                         9                          10
Find the number 4          With your child, draw a    Help your child make a    Put on some music and     Count backward from        Read your child's         Look at the
on things around           picture of the beach.      name tag for his/her      dance fast, slow, happy   10 with your child.        favorite story and then   moon and the stars.
the store.                                            bedroom.                  and silly.                                           ask them to tell it to
                                                                                                                                     you without the book.

11                          12                         13                       14                         15                        16                         17
Play simple indoor         Visit a museum.            Listen to new music       This week, look for the   Help your child practice   Use pipe cleaners to      Visit a pet store or
games: "red light, green                              together.                 letter “W."               zipping his/her coat       make unusual bugs         animal shelter.

light" or hide and seek.                                                                                  and then take a walk       and other critters out
                                                                                                          together.                  of them.

18                          19                         20                       21                         22                        23                         24
Look at the mail and       Make funny faces and       Get out baby photos       Imagine what to pack      Look for things that are   Give back by making       Bake chocolate chip
talk about your            see who laughs first.       and talk about them.      to travel to someplace    silver and gold.           handmade cards for        cookies.
address.                                                                        cold.                                                area nursing homes.

25                          26                         27                       28                         29                        30                         31
Describe the               With your child, pretend   Write and mail a letter   Play a card or            Tell a story about         Make a bold prediction    Pick a New Year's
best gift you've           to be snowflakes,           to someone special.       board game.               traveling somewhere        of something that         resolution with
ever received.             snowballs and                                                                  cold and building          will happen.              your child.
                           snowmen, then melt.                                                            a snowman.
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION                                                  u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                             Kindness and Gratitude
                                                                             Make a Difference
u Kindergarten registration information
   lAll parents/legal guardians of children who will be five years of        l   Give Thank You A Try by James Patterson
		age on or before Sept. 1 are encouraged to register their children
                                                                             l   Thank you, Mr. Panda by Steve Antonyl
		for kindergarten
   lRegistration begins as early as January for some schools. Check
                                                                             l   Plant a Kiss by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

		with the District for your child’s kindergarten registration               l   We’re All Wonders by R.J. Palacio
		information                                                                l   Yo? Yes! by Christoper Raschka
   lIn most cases, the parent/legal guardian will need to bring the
		following for kindergarten registration:
			    l   Photo ID: Anyone who registers a student must show a Photo ID
			    l   Original birth certificate
			    l   Social security card
			    l   Health examination (physical) paperwork
			 l Florida Certificate of Immunization
				 (Check Lee County Health Department)
			    l   Proof of address

             Check with The School District of Lee County
                          for more details

u Kindergarten Readiness Resources




                                                                                                               5                          6
                                                                                                                                             FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

NEW YEAR’S DAY             Practice nursery           Help your child draw a      Help your child to write   Look for the number        Trace your child's hand   Today, look for the first
                           rhymes.                    self-portrait; add that     his/her name. Add it to    five (5). Point to it and   or make a handprint       letter of your child's
                                                      and a photo of your         the time capsule.          name it.                   and place it in a time    name.
                                                      child in a time capsule.                                                          capsule.

  8                          9
Help your child bury the Wrap up in a quilt and
                                                      Go to the park together
                                                                                  Sing some of your
                                                                                                             Play "Simon Says" with
                                                                                                                                        Tell stories about when
                                                                                                                                                                  Make counting fun by
time capsule in a place     read a story.             and look for birds and      child's favorite songs.    your child.                your child was a baby.    asking things like, "How
you can leave it until next                           butterflies.                                                                                                 many windows are in
January; don't make it                                                                                                                                            this room?"
hard to find.

Hug/hold your child
                           Make hot chocolate with
                                                         17                           18                       19                         20                        21
                                                      Look for manatee in         Help your child to learn   Watch an                   Play "I Spy" with         Practice a fire drill with
and kiss them on the       your child. Let them count the water.                  his/her name and           ice cube melt.             numbers.                  your child; locate all
cheek.                     the marshmallows as they                               address.                                                                        exits and meet up
                           drop them in the cup.                                                                                                                  location outside.

  22                         23                          24
                                                      Act out a favorite story
                                                                                  This week, find the
                                                                                                             Use unscented shaving
                                                                                                                                        Have your child draw a
                                                                                                                                                                  Turn the lights out
Have your child draw       Try to teach your child
the letter "Q" with        how to whistle or blow     with your child using       letter "Q."                foam in the tub; kids      picture of themselves.    and read a story by
his/her finger on your
palm; try other letters.
                           bubbles.                   puppets, dolls or stuffed
                                                      animals.                                Qq             love to finger paint
                                                                                                             with it.

Talk about zoo animals.
                           Take a trip to see
                                                       Dance party.
                           animals at the zoo.

                 31 = Practice being quiet for one minute and then for two minutes.
ENJOY THE SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE                                                 u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                               Books that TALK to YOU!
                                                                               l   The Book with No Pictures by B.J. Novak
u Read rhymes with your child                                                  l   Don’t Blink! by Amy Knouse Rosenthal
   Read these rhymes with your child. Ask your child to

		 complete the rhymes with the correct rhyming word.
                                                                               l   Don’t Touch This Book! by Bill Cotter

			l Hey, diddle, diddle. The cat and the ____. (fiddle)                       l   I Will Chomp You! by John Jory
			l Jack and Jill went up the ______. (hill)                                  l   Plant the Time Seed by Christie Matheson
   l   Use cards with the alphabet on them                                     l   Press Here! by Herve’ Tullet

u Play with rhyming sounds
                                                                               l   Shake the Tree! by Chiara Vignocchi

   l   Find different items around the house like a sock, a ball and a hat
   For each item, ask your child to say a word that rhymes with it

		 (silly words that rhyme are OK!)
   Use the words below in both columns to get started. Read these

		 words out loud, and ask your child to tell you which words rhyme
		 and which ones don’t. Once your child understands these words,
		 move on to other rhyming words that have a common ending

                   Cat                              Sand

                   House                            Log

                   Dog                              Night

                   Light                            Mouse
   SUNDAY                    MONDAY                    TUESDAY


                                                                                                           2                        3


                                                                               Today find things with      Talk about football and   With your child,          Teach/tell your child
                                                                               the letter “L” on them.    make a Super Bowl         pretend you are lions,    about your job.
                                                                                                          prediction.               falling and a log.


 5                         6                         7                          8                          9                        10                        11
Brush your teeth to the   Ask your child what       Practice counting          Draw a happy face with                               With the help of your     Visit your child's school.
ABC song.                 their favorite part of    out loud.                  all its parts.                                       child, make their
                          the story is and why.                                                           Sing the alphabet song.   favorite treat.

 12                        13                        14                         15                         16                       17                        18
Eat a red fruit or        Go for a nature walk.     Finger paint on a paper    Draw a picture like you.   With your child, talk     Count all the doors and   Write or tell a funny
vegetable today!                                    plate.                                                about animals with two    windows in your home      story with your child.
                          LIBRARY DAY!                                                                    legs/four legs.           with your child.

 19                        20                        21                         22                         23                       24                        25
Find out the local        Play in the sand at       Go on a walk and look      Make a blanket fort.       Tell your child what      Talk about opposite       Practice nursery
kindergarten              the beach.                for birds and butterflies                              makes them unique (to     words.                    rhymes.
registration date.                                  on flowers and trees.                                  you and others).

 26                        27                        28
Have a scavenger hunt.    Visit or volunteer at a   Watch a movie
                          local animal shelter.     together.
SENSORY PLAY                                                   u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                 Sensory & Senses
Children use senses to explore the world. Encourage
activities that stimulate senses including taste, touch,
                                                                 l   My Five Senses - Margaret Miller

smell, sight, hearing and even body awareness/ balance.          l   Peekaboo books

                                                                 l   The Loud and Quiet Book - Deborah Underwood

u Sensory Play:                                                  l   Baby Touch and Feel Animals - DK
   l   Builds connections in the brain                           l   See, Touch, Feel: A First Sensory Book - Roger Priddy
   Supports all areas of development (language, cognitive,
                                                                 l   The Listening Walk - Paul Showers
		 fine/gross motor, problem-solving and social interaction)
   l   Develops and enhances memory
   l   Calms a frustrated child
   Helps the child learn sensory attributes (hot, cold,

		 sticky, dry, rough, loud, etc.)

u Ideas for sensory Play:
   l   Water - wet, cold, full, empty
   l   Sand - soft, wet, dry, gritty
   l   Play dough - scented or textured
   SUNDAY                   MONDAY                     TUESDAY


                                                                                                           2                       3
                                                                                                                                       FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

                                                                                Look for and count the    Read your favorite       Water play.                Sing "The Itsy-Bitsy
                                                                                number one (1).           book with your child.                               Spider."

                                                                                                          READ ACROSS
                                                                                                          AMERICA DAY

5                         6                           7                         8                          9                       10                          11
Sing the ABCs.            Sort laundry and match     Visit the library.         Today, find items          Take pictures.           Help your child draw a     Dance with your child.
                          socks with your child.                                shaped like a triangle.                            kite with two triangles.
                                                     LIBRARY DAY!

12                        13                          14                        15                         16                      17                          18
Make a doctor and         With your child, sing      Visit and learn about      This week, find the        Work on a puzzle         Ask your child to think    Cut an egg carton
dentist appointment       songs with rhyming         places in your             letter "E."               together.                of green things.           into a caterpillar; is it
for your child.           sounds.                    neighborhood (fire                                                                                        “The Very Hungry
                                                     station, police station,                                                      ST. PATRICK'S DAY          Caterpillar”?
                                                     post office).

19                        20                          21                        22                         23                      24                          25
Today, find foods in       Take a walk with your      Go to the library.         Try a green fruit or      Have your child pick     Make S'mores.              Make play dough.
the store shaped like a   child and look for signs                              vegetable.                out something green to
circle.                   of spring.                 LIBRARY DAY!                                         wear today.


26                        27                          28                        29                         30                      31
Take a walk and talk      Visit the park.            Today, eat something       This week, look for       Take a nature walk.      Today, find items
about the temperature.                               from a square or           white things.                                      shaped like circles.
                                                     rectangular box.
SUPERVISE AND LIMIT YOUR                                        u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                  Poetry Fun
                                                                   l   Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

u Here are some ideas:                                             l
                                                                   Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?
                                                                			by Bill Martin, Jr.
   Watch TV shows with your child and ask yourself if they

		 teach what you want your child to learn                         l   Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton

   Use TV time to bond with your child, talking to him/her
   l                                                               l
                                                                   Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
                                                                			by Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault
		 about what the two of you are watching
   Interest your child in other activities such as reading,
   l                                                               l   The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
		 drawing, playing outside, listening to or making music and
		 card or board games
   Turn the TV off at mealtime. Instead of watching TV, talk

		 about things you did that day
   l   Set a good example by watching less TV yourself

u Know what your child is watching:
   l   Know what is appropriate for your child’s age group
   l   Ask your child about what was on TV
   Ask what he/she thought the best part of the story was,

		 and how the story made him/her feel
   SUNDAY                     MONDAY                    TUESDAY
                                                                                WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                      FRIDAY


                                                                                                                                                             Take a walk outside
                                                                                                                                                             and name things you
                                                                                                                                                             can hear.

 2                           3                         4                         5                          6                         7                       8
Practice rhyming, using     Play with a ball-hold,   Draw a rainbow.            Chase bubbles.             Do chalk art outside.     This week, find the      Take a walk and look
words associated            throw, kick, bounce,                                                                                     number eight (8)        for and count birds.
with spring.                etc.                                                                                                     on things.

 9                           10                        11                        12                         13                        14                      15
Look for the letter that    Keep the TV off today     Visit the library.         Talk about the food        Make homemade pizza.      Let your child choose   Have your child name
starts your child's         and read books with                                 you eat.                                             two books to read       letters found on cereal
name.                       your child instead.      LIBRARY DAY!                                                                    today.                  boxes, cans and other
                                                                                                                                                             food items.

 16                          17                       18                         19                         20                        21                      22
Invite your child to help   Find three things you    Take a walk with your      This week, look for your   Spring clean.             Take spring pictures.   Finger paint.
you prepare a meal;         can roll.                child and look for signs   favorite color.
wash your hands                                      of spring.
before touching food.

 23         Visit the
            park.            24                       25                         26                         27                        28                      29
                            Use the words "over"     Read your favorite         Plant something.           Take a nature walk to     Put on music and        Bake and decorate

            Build a fort    and "under" to play      book.                                                 collect things and make   dance and clap to       cookies.
            with your       "I Spy."                                                                       a collage.                the beat.
TEACH YOUR CHILD TO STAY                                                u BOOKS TO LOOK FOR AT THE LIBRARY
                                                                          Changes of Every Kind!
                                                                          l   Always and Forever by Alan Durant
u As part of a healthy routine, your child should:                        l   First the Egg by Laura Seeger Vaccaro
   Keep your child’s books in a special place. Make sure they
                                                                          l   Little Tree by Loren Long
		 are easy to reach
   Put a small rug or pillow in a special place to make it a fun
                                                                          l   Perfect Square by Michael Hall

		 environment for reading                                                l   Raisin, the Littlest Cow by Miriam Busch
   l   Talk with your child about how to take care of books               l   Ribbit by Joreu Hurley

u Help your child understand how his/her body works:                      l   Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
   Have your child point to body parts and explain how each
   l                                                                      l   When Spring Comes by Kevin Henkes
		 piece works to help him/her during the day
		l As an example, “My eyes show me where I am going.”

		l Use these parts:

u Reminder
   All children need a physical and immunizations before starting

		 kindergarten. Be sure your child is up-to-date on these before
		 September. Call your doctor for an appointment.




                                                                                                          4                        5


                           Pretend that your          Sing the alphabet song   Find square, round and    Take a walk around       With your child, say    Play hide and seek. Use
                           elbow or your foot is a    and talk about the       rectangular shapes in     your neighborhood        words that rhyme        descriptive words to
                           big crayon and move.       letters in your names.   your home.                and talk about what      with "cat."             talk about the hiding
                                                                                                         you see.                                         place.

 7                          8                          9
                                                      Give someone a
                                                                               With your child pretend
                                                                                                          11                       12
                                                                                                                                  Play a game of catch.
                                                                                                                                                          Practice brushing your
Draw/paint something       Find a new book to                                                            Share a story about
big; draw/paint            read with your child.      compliment and a hug.    to be big zoo animals     your childhood with                              teeth well.
something little.                                                              and little zoo animals.   your child.

 14                         15
                           Help your child practice
                                                       16                       17                        18                       19                      20
Go through magazines                                  Read to your child       Play peek-a-boo or a      With your child, count   Make dinner with        Practice washing your
and rip/cut out            writing his/her name.      before putting him/her   board game.               as high as he/she        your child.             hands (count 20
different shapes.                                      to bed.                                            can go.                                          seconds).

 21                         22
                           After reading a story,
                                                       23                       24                        25                       26                      27
Talk to your child about                              With your child play     Take a walk with your     Play "Can you find it?"   Sing a song emphasiz-   Make sock puppets
a favorite childhood       talk about what            "Simon Says" using the   child and play "I Spy,"   with your child.         ing rhyming words.      and put on a show for
memory.                    happened first, next        words "open" and         using descriptive                                                          each other.
                           and last.                  "close."                 words.

Find the letter "O"
                           Look for blue things.
                                                      Share a story about
                                                                               Sing the alphabet song
on things wherever                                    your childhood with      and talk about the
you go.                                               your child.              letters in your names.
Bonita Springs Public Library   Fort Myers Regional Library   South County Regional Library
10560 Reynolds Street           2450 First Street             21100 Three Oaks Parkway
Bonita Springs, FL 34135        Fort Myers, FL 33901          Estero, FL 33928

Cape Coral Public Library       Johann Fust Community         Talking Books Library
921 SW 39th Terrace             Library                       1651 Lee Street
Cape Coral, FL 33914            1040 10th Street West         Fort Myers, FL 33901
                                Boca Grande, FL 33921

Captiva Memorial Library                                      Victor Yingst Memorial Library
11560 Chapin Lane               Lakes Regional Library        2115 Second Street
Captiva, FL 33924               15290 Bass Road               Fort Myers, FL 33901
                                Fort Myers, FL 33919

Dunbar-Jupiter Hammon
Public Library                  Northwest Regional Library
3095 Blount Street              519 Chiquita Boulevard N.
Fort Myers, FL 33916            Cape Coral, FL 33993

East County Regional Library    Pine Island Public Library
881 Gunnery Road N.             10701 Russell Road
Lehigh Acres, FL 33971          Bokeelia, FL 33922
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