Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart

Page created by Jacob Lopez
Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
Church of the Sacred Heart
         Roslindale, MA
        January 2, 2022
Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart Parish                                                                                   Roslindale, MA

               m thee Pastor’ss Deskk
                                                                            L PSALM
Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart,                                    “Lord, every nation on
                                                                      earth will adore you. .”
   As the Christmas Season continues a new
year has begun. My prayer is that it be a blessed
one for all of us who call the parish our spiritual
home where we meet the Lord in the sacra-
ments.                                                                           Masss Intentionss
   We all have expectations for 2022 and plans                    SACRED HEART SUNDAY MASSES
but the path of discipleship is often paved with
circuitous roads. In the Eucharistic prayer I use                SATURDAY, January 1 (Mary, Mother of God)
                                                                 8:30 am Daily Mass
at Mass, it states that the Lord accompanies with                4:00 pm Sunday Mass
love as we journey through life.
                                                                 SUNDAY, January 2
                                                                 8:00 am Sunday Mass
    Years ago in the hit musical "Rent" the ques-                10:00 am Sunday Mass
tion was asked how do you measure a year...the                   12:00 pm Sunday Mass
565,000,600 minutes. In daylights, sunsets,                      5:15 pm Sunday Mass
midnights, cups of coffee, inches, miles, laugh-                 MONDAY, January 3
ter, strife? The company concludes that it is                    8:30 am Daily Mass
measured in love that people give and receive.                   TUESDAY, January 4
However, the love of God is immeasurable                         8:30 am Daily Mass
through the mysteries of our faith and the grace                 WEDNESDAY, January 5
made present through Christ's life, death, and                   8:30 am Theresa Kindamo                 Anniversary
resurrection.                                                    THURSDAY, January 6
                                                                 8:30 am Daily Mass
                                                                 FRIDAY, January 7
                                                                 8:30 am Stephen Griffin                 Memorial
                                 Fr. Clary
                                                                 SATURDAY, January 8
                                                                 8:30 am Daily Mass
                                                                 4:00 pm Anna, Elizabeth & Walter E      Memorial
                                                                         Greene, Sr
Dear Parishioners                                                SUNDAY, January 9
                                                                 8:00 am Sunday Mass
    If you ever receive a text or an email from me re-           10:00 am Sunday Mass
questing gift cards or cash donations please let me know         12:00 pm Sunday Mass
because it is a fraud. I will not contact any of you by          5:15 pm Sunday Mass
those means of communication for such a purpose. At
all parishes that I have been Pastor, cyber criminals at-
tempt to defraud charitable individuals by “spoofing”
my email or sending texts to addresses or phones that
they access in the bulletin or on our website. All parish-       The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary of
es experience this throughout the year but ‘tis the season                 Holy Name Church...
for it to be on the upswing. Thanks for your understand-
ing and pray for those who commit these crimes.                     Holy Name extends an invitation to the women of
Peace,                                                           Sacred Heart and surrounding parishes to join them.
                                                                 The dates for the following meetings are: March 7th
Fr. Clary                                                        and April 4th at 2 pm.

Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart Parish                                                                                            Roslindale, MA

      The Epiphany of the Lord
    The readings today stress the importance of                                              Roslindale,, MA
light – Christ’s light. Isaiah states, “. . .upon you
the Lord shines.” The Magi followed the light of                                 November          November      November
a star that led them to Christ, the Lord, an encoun-
                                                                     Week          2019              2020          2021
ter that changed their lives. Do you believe that
the Lord looks upon you and shines forth from                           1           8351                7451          6365
you? Has each encounter you have had with                               2           7876                4943          7166
Christ brought about a change in you, in your way                       3           7932                6606          5816
of living? When you humbly and honestly follow                          4           7012                5352          5325
Christ and live in his light, “nations shall walk by                    5            N/A                5839          N/A
your light.” People will notice something differ-                          (includes Mass offertory and electronic giving
ent about you. So on this Epiphany - let your                          via WeShare :
Christ Light shrine!
                                                                      Parish Tithes for November 2021 (5% of monthly offertory)
        Archdiocese of Boston                                        St. Francis House
                                                                     Bethany House Ministries
        Eucharistic Congress                                         Collection for Retired Religious
                                                                     Sisters                                   $719
                                                                     My Brother’s Keeper                       $308
                    We are excited to announce
                 that registration is now open for                                                Total        $1,643
                 the 2022 Eucharistic Congress,
                 Jesus is Here - a day-long event
                 featuring Mass with the Cardi-
                 nal, dynamic speakers including                                     STEWARDSHIP
Bishop Robert Barron, Bishop Daniel Flores,
                                                                        As we begin a new year, let us take time to
Bobby and Jackie Angel, and Deacon Harold
                                                                      plan and make stewardship of time and talent
Burke-Sivers, Adoration, and a Eucharistic pro-                       a part of our lifestyle and stewardship of treas-
cession. Visit for more                                     ure a part of our budget.
information and to register!

                                                                                  R PARISH
                                                                                         H TITHE
                                                                        Our project for generosity needs some help.
    Did you know that you can support Sacred Heart by sign-          Would you be able to help? We need some parish
ing up for automatic offertory donations? You can get started        members to help find opportunities for the Sacred
by completing an easy to use form on the Sacred Heart web-           Heart community to help others. Also, do you have a
site. Giving in this way benefits the Parish because Sacred          charity to recommend to us? Please let us know
Heart can count on your regular, consistent support to help
with parish expenses. The pandemic has negatively impacted           what or to whom we can be of help in the weeks to
parish funds, but using We Share to provide your donations           come.
can help greatly.
                                                                     01/02/22            Fr. Elias Ojomah’s Parish in Nigeria
To sign up go to:             01/09/22            Boston Rescue Mission
                                                                     01/16/22            Rosie’s Place
Click on Make a Donation (you have a choice of Regular               01/23/22            Church in Latin America
Offertory or other donations such as the Grand Annual).              01/30/22            Missionary Franciscan Sisters
Complete the form to choose your amount, frequency, pay-             02/06/22            Bethany Hill Place
ment information and details and contact information.                02/13/22            Utility & Energy Costs
                                                                     02/20/22            Sitters Without Borders
If you have any questions or issues signing up you can call We       02/27/22            Support of the Church Around the
Share at (877) 316-0260                                                                  World

Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
The Epiphany of the Lord                                                                                        January 2, 2022

                                 Liturgy                             Please join The Sacred Heart Parish Health Ministry
                                                                  for Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia Caregiver
                                                                  Workshop sponsored by the Age Strong Commission on
                                                                  Wednesday, January 12 at 7pm on Zoom. This talk will
    The Epiphany of the Lord is the seeking and find-             include some basic information on the difference be-
ing of the “the newborn King” by the Magi. It is                  tween Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages, risk factors,
God’s way of showing that the Lord is here for every-             research and FDA-approved treatments. We also invite
one and not just for the children of Israel, the Lord’s           you to our next meeting Wednesday, January 19 at 7pm.
own people. It is also the witness of the seeker. The             Please e-mail for the
person who, in need of filling an emptiness that only             meeting links or if you have any questions.
The King—our Lord and Savior—can fill, searches                   **********************************************
desperately for that light, that star. The light of that              The Sacred Heart Parish Health Ministry has been working
star is what every heart yearns for when everything is            behind the scenes since it started in October 2019. Plans for
silent.                                                           blood pressure screening have been put on hold because of the
                                                                  COVID pandemic but will return as soon as possible. During
                                                                  this time, the PHM has sponsored three outdoor prayer ser-
   What does your heart say to you in the silence of              vices, has written several health related articles for the bulletin,
darkness?                                                         has provided groceries and COVID supplies for over 75 fami-
                                                                  lies working with the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and provid-
    The star also represents that light that shines the           ed prayer shawls to persons who are ill, grieving, or in any
                                                                  way in need of prayers.
darkness in us and shows us the Way to salvation
and, ultimately, peace. Therefore, the story of the                  The PHM has received a grant from the Catholic Health
Epiphany represents our Father’s constant invitation              Foundation so that we can purchase blood pressure equipment,
to seek Him out and the Christian, His son’s or                   aid those needing to purchase health care and personal health
daughter’s, response. Have no doubt. It was not a                 products, and provide health education programs for example,
                                                                  information on bereavement assistance, caring for aging family
coincidence that the Magi were seeking the King of                members, and other health concerns.
kings, Jesus. They received this invitation to seek by
Him.                                                                 Although we need some folks who are in the health profes-
                                                                  sions, we are open to all parishioners who are interested In
   What is the Star that the Lord has placed before               helping those in need in our parish especially assisting with
                                                                  making prayer shawls and offering suggestions and support for
your eyes so that you can seek and find Him?                      health concerns. Anyone interested in joining the PHM, you
                                                                  could e-mail us at
    This is not some superficially nice bedtime story
that folks tell little children only. This story is for all
who follow Him, those who don’t know how to fol-
low Him yet, and all who wish to intimately know
Him. God is in charge of our history and is manifest-
ing, in this one event, how much He loves us. He is
in charge, but does not control or manipulate us be-
cause He made us free to choose to seek or not. In                THOSE WE KNOW AND LOVE WHO SHARE IN
the same way that we were not born by chance,                     CHRIST’S SUFFERING THROUGH ILLNESS:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and                  Martina Aguguo - Lucy Algere Knox - Yaritza Baerga -
before you were born I consecrated you…”(Jr. 1:5), so             Danielle Broderick - Francisca Cruz - Tara Daniels -
we are gently guided, invited or better yet, lovingly             Christine Carroll - Kathleen Durepo - Gabriela Gonzalez
seduced by Him throughout our life to get closer to               - James Gordon - Kathy Hardiman - Chet Havey -
Love and be loved.                                                Richard Fraser - Ed Girvan - Andres Hernandez - Ile-
                                                                  ana Thompson - Anthony Iarrobino - Christopher Keegan
  The choice to seek Him, to say yes to our Beloved               - Mary Kearns - Carmine Lavoi - Robert Lynch - Bar-
and allow ourselves to be seduced, is all our own.                bara McAveeney - Jennifer McGoldrick - Helen Kearns
His invitation is an open, constant, and eternal one.             Moffie - Bridget Mulkerrin - Robert Newman - Rhonda
                                                                  Owens - Jahaidy Nova - Marie Poledo - Monica Santi-
   So, what is your response?                                     ago - Evelyn Shanahan - Midge Whelan - Janice Wil-
                                                                  liams, - Nancy Kelly,
                                 Maggie Laboy                     May Christ heal all their ills.

Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
The Epiphany of the Lord                                                                              January 2, 2022

                                                                                  h Financess
                            Synod on                                   Thank you for your generous support of
                                                                Sacred Heart Parish. You can sign up for online giving


                                                              Offertory     10/24    10/31    11/07     11/14     11/21

                                                                          $2,636    $2,913   $3,593    $3,560    $2,722
     Over the coming months, Catholics from                   Offertory
 around the world will be participating in the Synod
                                                              We Share
 on Synodality. What does that mean? Here in Bos-             Donations
                                                                          $920      $1,642   $1,332    $5,159    $792
 ton it means that we will be gathering, as parishes
 and as a diocese to pray together and to invite the          One Time
 Holy Spirit to help us to listen deeply to one anoth-        Donation
 er, and we will talk together about how best to do
 that. So, for instance, a parish council may get to-         Donations
                                                                          $1,287    $498     $542      $2,257    $771
 gether and ask “How can we as a parish council do
 a better job of letting the voices of all our parish-        TOTAL       $4,843    $5,053   $5,517    $10,975   $4,285
 ioners be heard, even those who are not a part of an
 inner circle or who might be marginalized for
 whatever reason?”

     The archdiocese and the church around the
 world will be engaging in the same sort of conver-
 sation. We pray that the Lord will open our hearts             2021 Catholic Appeal Update
 to Him and to all of our people.
                                                                 For the 2021 Catholic Appeal campaign Sacred
                                                              Heart, we have raised $24,976 toward our parish
                                                              goal of $36,655.00. Our heartfelt thanks to all who
                                                              have participated, especially during this difficult
      INSPIRING HOPE UPDATE                                   year. Your generosity will benefit hundreds of pas-
                                                              toral, charitable, and educational programs at
    We have received a quarterly update from the
                                                              work within the Archdiocese of Boston, and at
 Archdiocese of Boston regarding Inspiring Hope. The
 total pledges made were $726,906. Of the total
                                                              Sacred Heart.
 pledged, $336,951.80 has been collected as of Septem-
 ber 30, 2021.                                                   We recognize that many of you may be navi-
                                                              gating your own financial challenges Every gift,
    Please note that 75% of the pledges collected stay        regardless of the size, is meaningful and has made
 with Sacred Heart Parish and 25% goes to the Cardi-          an impact.
 nal’s initiatives for Catholic Schools as outlined on
 our website:
                                                                 2021 Grand Annual Update
    We will receive our next quarterly update from the           The 2021 Grand Annual campaign is well un-
 Archdiocese after December 30, 2021 and we will re-          derway at Sacred Heart. Together, we have
 port this to you in January 2022.                            raised $31,568 from 134 parishioners which is
                                                              42% towards our $75,000.00 goal. Our heartfelt
    I am grateful for your continued support of the In-       thanks to all who have participated, especially
 spiring Hope Campaign that will upgrade the Parish           during these difficult times.
 and make it more welcoming and accessible for all.
                                                                Your generosity will benefit and strengthen
                                Fr. Clary
                                                              Sacred Heart Parish as a community.

Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
The Epiphany of the Lord                                                                                                   January 2, 2022

                                                Thee Parishh off
                                                            Sacredd Heartt
                                                                           169 Cummins Highway
                                                                            Roslindale, MA 02131
                                                                          Tel: 617-325-3322 Fax: 617-325-2145

                                                     MISSION STATEMENT
 Rooted in the universal call to discipleship, the mission of Sacred Heart and St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Roslindale
 and Forest Hills is to preach Jesus Christ. Proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ takes many forms: preaching, wor-
   ship, education, service, works of mercy, and evangelization. The staff and the congregation are guided by the overall
                  mission to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death in this time and place.
                                             By this mission we are to be judged.

                       h Resourcess                                                      Thee Weekk Ahead
                                                                                                        d Activitiess
 Rev. Brian Clary, Pastor
 Rev. Succes Jeanty, Parochial Vicar                                            SATURDAY, January 1
                                                                                No Activities for New Year’s Day
 Rev. Eugene P. Sullivan, Sr. Priest, In Residence
 Rev. Elias Ojomah, Beth Israel Hosp. Chaplain, In Residence.                   SUNDAY, January 2
                                                                                RCIA (Spanish)                          10:30 am Murray Room
 Deacon Jesus Quiles                                                            No Religious Ed./CCD (English)
 Parish Secretary: Maggie Laboy
                                                                                MONDAY, January 3
                                                                                Spanish Prayer Group Choir              7:00 pm Murray Room
 Sunday Masses:
 Saturday Eve (Vigil): 4:00 PM in English                                       TUESDAY, January 4
 Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 5:15 PM in English                              Spanish Prayer Group                    7:00 pm Lower Church
          12:00 PM in Spanish                                                   Parkway Basketball                      6:30 pm School Gym
 Weekday Masses:                                                                WEDNESDAY, January 5
 Monday through Saturday: 8:30 AM                                               Counters                                9:00 am Rectory
                                                                                Finance & Development Meeting           6:30 pm Murray Room
 Penance:                                                                       Parkway Basketball                      6:30 pm School Gym
    Spanish by appointment and after the 8:30 am Mass, Friday.
    English Friday after the 8:30 am morning Mass &                             THURSDAY, January 6
             by appointment                                                     Eucharistic Adoration                   6:30 pm Lower Church
 Baptism:                                                                       Scouts Troop                            7:00 pm St Theresa House
    Call Rectory for arrangements.                                              Parkway Basketball                      6:30 pm School Gym
    Call Rectory to speak with one of the priests at least 6 months be-         FRIDAY, January 7
 fore the marriage.                                                             Spanish Choir                           7:00 pm Rectory Library
 Rectory Office 617-325-3322         FAX 617-325-2145                           SATURDAY, January 8
                                                                                Spanish Baptism Class                   7:00 pm Upper Church
 Sacred Heart School:
 Mrs. Monica Haldiman, Principal                                                SUNDAY, January 9
 1035 Canterbury St, Roslindale 02131                                           RCIA (Spanish)                          10:30 am Murray Room
                                                                                Religious Ed/CCD                        11:30 am SHS School
 Office:                      617-323-2500
 Fax:                         617-325-7151                                      MONDAY, January 10
 Tuition:                     617-325-0229                                      Spanish Prayer Group Choir              7:00 pm Murray Room
 After School Program:        617-325-3656

Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
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    CONTACT: SAVELICIA@GMAIL.COM                                                                                   We’re thankful for pastors like Fr. Michael Nolan who is

   KIDNEY TRANSPLANT DONOR NEEDED!                                                                                 fostering unity in a diverse parish & helping a local food
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Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
Bryan F. Higgins, George F. Doherty, Edward J. Doherty, Edward J. Doherty, Jr., Patrick J.Twomey

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                           Pilot Bulletins                                                     Sacred Heart, Roslindale, MA            230
Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA January 2, 2022 - CChurch of the Sacred Heart
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