Page created by Eddie Patel

  January 9, 2022                                                                   The Baptism of The Lord
          St. John the Apostle
            Catholic Church
2600 Central Avenue West
Minot, North Dakota 58701
Parish Office……………...839-7076
Fr. David A. Richter, Pastor
Chuck Kramer, Deacon
Office hours Mon-Thurs..9 am-4 pm
              Fridays…..9 am-noon
Weekend Liturgies
Saturday…….......…...……....5:00 pm
Sunday….……...8:00 am & 10:30 am
Parish Holy Hour First Friday..5-6 pm
*Neocatechumenal Mass........7:30 pm
          (Saturday, Jan 8 )
Weekday Liturgies
Tuesday...…........................ ..5:15 pm
Wednesday…………….…. ..7:00 am
Thursday….……………….. 7:00 am
Friday…………………..... .. 7:00 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday…..…………....4:40-5:10 pm
Wednesday-Friday….....6:25-6:55 am
Saturday…………..…...3:45-4:50 pm
Sunday…………….....9:30-10:20 am

 Heaven was opened and
 The Holy Spirit descend-
  ed upon Him. Luke 3:21                                Our Stewardship Mission as a Faith Community
                                                We are Catholics committed to hospitality, prayer, faith formation
 Ignatius Pew Missals provided by                 and service to the Church and to those in need. We strive to
 ThompsonLarson Funeral Home.                      practice stewardship as an expression of our baptismal call
             THANK YOU!                                   to follow Jesus and to imitate His way of Life.
January 9, 2022                                                                           The Baptism of The Lord

Parish Staff                                  Eucharistic Adoration                        FORMED
                                           Mary Mother of God Chapel              The Catholic Faith on Demand
Fr. David A. Richter, Pastor              Come, spend time with our Lord.         All the best Catholic content.
Deacon Chuck & Nancy Kramer                  Come, rekindle your Love           FREE subscription to FORMED:
                                             for Jesus in the Eucharist!        1 Go to
Mrs. Darcie Haider ....Parish Secretary
Mrs. Monica Perry………..Director of         Wednesdays: 5:00 am to Noon           2. Click Sign up
                 Religious Education                                            3. Click "I belong to a parish"
                                                       5:00 pm to 8:00 pm       4. Enter
Mr. Lucas DeMers..Business Manager        Thursdays: 5:00 am to 10:00 am
Mrs. Frances Lovelace..Bulletin Editor                                              St. John the Apostle Minot
Mr. Richard Johnson ……...Custodian                                              5. To sign up, enter your name
Mr. James Picard …….....Maintenance                                             and email address
Pastoral Council
Michelle Erickson                                                                    Prayer & Praise
Casey Erickson                                                                      Ministers of the St.
Jen Neshem                                                                      John’s Ministry of Prayer
Roger Neshem                                                                    and Praise daily commit
Laurie Schmaltz                                                                 their heart, mind and time to
Gregory Zeece                                                                   praying the prayers in the Minis-
Russell Behm                                                                    try’s booklet, beginning on page 3
Stewardship Sub-Committee                                                       and concluding on page 15, or
Tanya Steckler                                                                  more, if they so choose, for the
Denise Landsiedel                            Mary Mother of God Chapel          intention of our parish family and
Trina Holter                                          is open for               all the families in it.
                                                 visitation & prayer                If interested in joining this
Finance Council                              during regular office hours.       Ministry, call 839-7076.
Katherine Wald…………........Trustee
Ed Hausauer…………...……..Trustee
Leisa Harmon                               Sacraments /Faith Formation                     Stewardship
Preston Phillips                                       Marriage                     Coffee & do-nut & Welcome
Jessica Phillips
Paul Lucy
                                          Please contact the parish office,          New Parishioners Sundays
Mary Joy                                  (839-7076), at least nine months in   All are invited for coffee, donuts &
Karin Will                                advance. Call to schedule an ap-      fruit after the 8:00 and 10:30 Mass-
                                          pointment with the pastor.            es on the first Sunday of the month.
Adoration Chapel
Coordinator needed                                     Baptisms                            Religious Articles
                                          Please contact the parish office,     Articles are available for purchase
Dakota Hope Clinic
Mrs. Margaret Schempp...Ambassador        (839-7076).                           in the parish office: Mon. - Thur.,
                          837-9662                                              9 am - 4 pm; Fri., 9:00 am - noon.
                                                 Religious Education
Prayer and Praise……….839-7076             Director: Mrs. Monica Perry,                       BRCS SCRIP
                                          (839-7076). RE classes are            is sold in the Gathering Space after
         Holy Mass Televised                                                    weekend Masses and in the parish
 The Holy Mass from St. John’s is         Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.
                                                                                office during business hours to sup-
   live-streamed once each week.                    Listen to a Homily          port Catholic education in Minot.
     Check our Parish Website:                  Listen To A Homily on our,                                                         Knights of Columbus #1150
                                                 St. John Parish Website,       Meet on the First Tuesdays:
  for which weekend Mass. Also,                                                         7:00 pm at the Colombian Club,
                                             It is under Liturgy/Sacraments      2601 N Broadway.
Bismarck Daily Mass…….6:45 am
Sundays televised                                   Parish Holy Hour            Dan Heald, (340-4869).
KFYR Channel 4 ………......10 am             First Fridays; 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm          Rejoice in The Lord Always!
EWTN Channel 74……...….11 am

      January 9, 2022                                                                        The Baptism of The Lord

             St. John’s Prayer Line                                              St. John the Apostle
More than 60 St. John Prayer Line members will                                   A Stewardship Parish
pray for your special intentions. Please call one of                      The most vibrant stewardship parishes are
our Prayer Line leaders: Gladys Weeks, 839-5582;                 those in which parishioners know that they are wel-
Donna Wachinski, 839-1374; Rose Klein, 722-3974;               come, which fosters a sense of ownership and personal
Carol Weber, 839-6415, with your prayer requests.              involvement in living stewardship in the parish family.
             Upcoming Parish Events                                          2021 Parish Contributions
Sat-Jan 8 Confession/Reconciliation…....3:45-4:50 pm              2021 year-end statements will be mailed out at the
Sat-Jan 8 Neocatechumenal Mass…………....7:30 pm                  end of January. Please carefully review your statement
Sun-Jan 9 Reconciliation/Confession.....9:30-10:20 am          and inform the church of any apparent discrepancies
Sun-Jan 9 The Chosen, Episode 5………..…...3:30 pm                as soon as you receive your statement.
Tue-Jan 11 Neocatechumenal                                        Contribution envelopes from year 2020 or years
           Word Presentation/ Celebration.....6:15 pm          before that will be shredded securely and records of
Wed-Jan 12 Eucharistic Adoration ….....….5 am-noon             contributions will be kept at the church electronically.
Wed-Jan 12 Eucharistic Adoration…..….…5 pm-8 pm
Wed-Jan 12 Religious Education 3rd & 4th grade                                Stewardship Thought
                          Students & Parents…..6 pm             Jesus, whom God called “My beloved Son,”
Wed-Jan 12 Music Ministry meeting………....6:30 pm                is also the “servant” of whom Isaiah speaks
Thur-Jan 13 Eucharistic Adoration…..…....5 am-10 am            in the first reading. We who are baptized
Sat-Jan 15 Confession/Reconciliation.......3:45-4:50 pm        in Christ must follow His example and use our
Sun-Jan 16 Reconciliation/Confession....9:30-10:20 am          time and resources in the service of God and neighbor.
Sun-Jan 16 St. John’s KC Council #1150
                         Breakfast after both Masses                    St. John’s KC Breakfast - Jan 16
                                                                      Your Knights of Columbus Council 1150
              Music Ministry Meeting - Jan 12                         will serve another fine breakfast Sunday,
             First meeting, Wednesday, 1/12/2022 at            Jan 16. Menu: French toast,, ham, eggs, coffee, &
             6:30 pm. Itinerary for the meeting:               juice. This month’s breakfast will support Minot
• 6:30 pm - meet and greet in the Parish hall                  Right to Life and Dakota Hope Clinic, and is spon-
• 7:00 pm - First rehearsal in church                          sored by Jerome’s Collision Center.
• 8:00 pm Dismissal                                                      Server of the Month
We will establish a regular rehearsal schedule and             Kynlee Holter is the December winner
discuss other important matters. I'll send an email to         for faithfully serving at Mass.
those who are unable to attend this meeting. Please            Thank you to all our Altar Servers.
RSVP as soon as possible so I'll know who to expect!           We appreciate you! Remember to register
   If you are interested in joining the choir or play an       for the monthly drawing after you serve.
instrument, please email or
call the parish office at 701-839-7076.                                          Living Stewardship
   ~ William Schilling, St. John’s Director of Music.                Give of your time, talent, and treasure until your
                                                                  heart knows that you have done something for God!
           Catholic Daughters - Jan 11
    We will meet on Tuesday, January 11 at 5:30 pm                      Our Lady of Grace Food Pantry
in the dining room at Our Lady of Grace Church.                         Especially at the holidays, please remember all
Lunch will be served during the meeting. All members           those in our area who do not have enough to eat! Sta-
are encouraged to attend the meeting. New prospective          ples always in need include: canned meats and fish,
members are welcome. We will be able to attend Mass            vegetables, fruits, juices; pasta, cereal, etc.
following the meeting at 7:00 pm.                              If your family needs a staple, so do these families. The
    Please note the change in time of the meeting.               First Corporal Work of Mercy: To feed the Hungry.

        January 9, 2022                                                                      The Baptism of The Lord

                   Gift of Prayer                                                Mass Intentions
     Please renew your prayer requests each month.             Sat-Jan 8      5:00 pm +Diane Schempp
    To add or remove names, call Darcie, 839-7076.                             7:30 pm For purification and healing of
Bill Lukach                           Dax Birkholtz                                          The Church & members
Garth Fritel           For the homeless and hungry             Sun-Jan 9       8:00 am +Jean Schaefer
Troy Kendall                            Serena Zietz                          10:30 am The People
Darvin Schlag                       In Thanksgiving            Mon-Jan 10
Chase Jones                            Mary Richter            Tue-Jan 11      5:15 pm   +Valerie May Heck
Elias Schiele                  Katherine Lafontaine            Wed-Jan 12      7:00 am   +Lynn Davis
Rhonda Weyer        Return of Fallen-away Catholics            Thur-Jan 13     7:00 am   +Donald & +Josephine Aurit
Wayne Feldner                        Shirley Murphy            Fri-Jan 14      7:00 am    +William Ruelle
Craig Lozensky                        Marty Haskins            Sat-Jan 15      5:00 pm   +Don & +Beaty Kasper
Debbie Bossert                        Gary Crowdus             Sun-Jan 16      8:00 am   The People
Vicki Frank                           Cindy Kramer                            10:30 am   +Pius & +Tillie Wentz
Nathan Jacobson                        Nancy Larson
Sharon Schestler            Protection of the unborn                          Happy Anniversary
Jerry Schaefer            Sharon Feldhege Schaefer                   Jan 11   Wynne & Cindy Burtness
Rachael Ritzke                        HayLee Ritzke                  Jan 12   Dwight & Mary Schmitt
Janet Mahoney                             Pat Novak
Dale Schlag      Our people stranded in Afghanistan                           KC #9839 Breakfast - Jan 9
Paul Walter             All those having procedures                  The Little Flowers Knights of Columbus will
Our Parish Community in Christ +Earl Cunningham                serve breakfast from 8:30 am - noon. Sunday, Jan 9.
                                                               Menu: French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits
  Pray Always for Our Priests and Religious                    and gravy, coffee and juice. Everyone is invited.
     We pray daily for Pope Francis, for our Bishops,              Free-will offering to benefit Home on the Range.
     our Priests, Deacons, Brothers, Nuns, all those in
     discernment, and for more religious vocations.                             Trust in The Lord
                                                                    Remember the past with gratitude.
           Pray Daily for Our Military                              Live the present with enthusiasm.
      We pray daily for our troops and their families               Look forward to the future with confidence.
      who have, and continue to sacrifice so much for                  ~ Pope St. John Paul II.
      us. We burn red, white and blue candles for them
      and all veterans every Friday in St. John’s.
              Pray for All Caregivers                                      Cynthia “Cindy” Torgrimson
        We pray in gratitude for all in-home caregivers,
                                                                            Mass of Christian Burial
         doctors, nurses, medical personnel, first re-
                                                                                January 1, 2022
           sponders and for our law enforcement.
                                                                     Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her, O Lord,
                                                                    And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Her.
             St. Leo’s Bible Study Wednesdays
             Is deepening your faith and understanding
            one of your New Year’s resolutions? If so,                     Monthly Prayer Meeting - Jan 11
            consider joining the Bible Study that’s been               Everyone is invited to join together to pray
            going on at Bishop Ryan Wednesday eve-                     at Dakota Hope Clinic on the 2nd Tuesday of
            nings at 6 pm. We started chapter 10 of the        each month from 12:09 - 12:46 in the Dakota Room.
Gospel of Luke on Jan 5. Please join us.                       Participate in person or on Zoom.
   For more information or to sign up call Tammy at            Call 857-3175; ask for the Zoom link.
the St. Leo’s parish office. 701-838-1026.                     It will be sent to you by email.

       January 9, 2022                                                                        The Baptism of The Lord

               The Chosen - Jan 9

                                                              Scrip Profit Report : Bishop Ryan Catholic School
                                                              & families earned $18,632.00 in rebates thru the Scrip
                                                              program for the Oct., Nov., & Dec. quarter.
                                                              Thank you to everyone who purchased Scrip which
  Episode 5 of the series, “The Chosen,” will be shown        supports our school & families with their tuition.
Sunday, Jan 9, at 3:30 pm. This series depicts Jesus’         Thank you to all our local businesses who participate
public life and the people He interacted with.                in the Scrip program. We appreciate your support.
Each episode lasts about 50 minutes.
  Come experience this well-written and superbly              Lot-O-Dough Calendars!              For $25 a calendar,
acted film, with a question/discussion time afterward.        you have more than 300 chances to win cash prizes,
   Popcorn will be hot and fresh. All are invited.            with more than $15,000 in cash being given away.
                                                              Drawings take place January thru June. Purchase cal-
              Society of St. Vincent de Paul                  endars from Bishop Ryan families, after weekend
         After Jesus was baptized, He saw the Spirit of       Masses, in the parish office during office hours, and in
         God descending like a dove and a voice was           the Bishop Ryan Catholic School office. Great gifts!
heard: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well
pleased.”         As we give to the poor,                     Scrip for Gifts & Shopping: Use Scrip gift cards
            we also can hear these same words.                as gifts and to pay for your purchases. Scrip is availa-
   As you help those who are suffering, through a             ble after the weekend Masses, in the parish office and
gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, know in           at Bishop Ryan. Using Scrip gift cards helps support
your heart the truth of the words “you are My be-             Bishop Ryan Catholic School and families for their
loved with whom I am well pleased.” 701-833-1269              tuition. Scrip is available for Amazon orders, groceries,
                                                              gas, dining out, household supplies, clothing, furniture,
                      Word of Life                            vehicles, tires & accessories, eye care, bikes, and more.
               49 years since Roe vs. Wade.                      Local businesses include: Val’s Cyclery, Connole &
           62+ milliom babies’ lives taken!                   Sommerville, I. Keating Furniture, Dot’s Uniforms,
       "You are called to stand up for life!...               Dakota Truck & Farm, Smitty’s Transmission, etc.
         You are called to work and pray                          To print off a local Scrip form or view the updated
           against abortion.” ~ John Paul II                  list of participating national retailers, please visit:
January Minot Catholic Young Adults Events
Friday, Jan 14 -7:35 pm Minot Minotauros Hockey                    Vocation Views - Baptism of The Lord
Game. Please RSVP by Monday, Jan 10, for tickets.             Like Jesus, I am called God’s beloved. Renew your
Friday, Jan 28 -7 pm-Theology on Tap @ St. Leo's              baptismal commitment and pray for those discerning a
Rectory Garage. Come hear a Theological discussion            call to priesthood or religious life. (Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22)
by Fr. Dominic Bouck. Fr. Bouck is the Chaplain at the
University of Mary and the Assistant Director of Voca-                                   Sponsor of the Week
tions for the Diocese of Bismarck. Ages 21 to 39 years
old are welcome to attend the event!                                                          Allstate
 Contact us:                                                Kim Albert Agency
              Find our group on Facebook:                                                      701-852-1460
             Minot Catholic Young Adults
                                                                                           Thank you to our sponsors.
                                                                                      They make our bulletin possible!

      January 9, 2022                                                                   The Baptism of The Lord

                                    Jan 15-16 “Building Community
                                 in Communion with Christ” Program
This week you will receive a brochure in the mail introducing our “Building Community in Communion with
Christ” Program. I’m proud to be part of the St. John the Apostle Church community. On Commitment Weekend,
January 15 & 16, I invite each of you to participate in this important program and help us respond to God’s great
gift of love.
I ask that you please review this brochure and prayerfully consider how you and your family can help St. John
the Apostle Church by financially supporting our ministries, furthering our mission, and reinforcing our future.
We ask that all faithful parishioners complete a Commitment Card. A card will be included in the brochure mail-
ing for you to:
 mail to the church using the pre-addressed envelope included in this mailing.
 or bring your card to Mass next Sunday (Jan. 23.)
 or you may visit our parish website at and complete an electronic Commitment Card.

The back of the Commitment Card has a place for you to include any prayer intentions you wish to share.
We welcome all intentions and they will be prayed for collectively over the next few weeks. If you would like
to speak to a priest, please indicate so on your card and we will be in contact with you.
Our goal is 100% participation!
Thank you for your generosity and support of St. John the Apostle Church!

                PARISH POSITION OPENING                       Search for Christian Maturity - Jan 14-16
    St. John the Apostle Catholic Church is seeking            This weekend retreat is sponsored by the Diocese of
 applicants for a part-time custodial position. Job         Bismarck for anyone high school or college age (at
 duties would involve maintenance, general cleaning,        least 15 years old). Search weekends are held at the
 moving tables and chairs, lawn care and sidewalk           Badlands Ministries Camp near Medora.
 snow removal.                                                 The next weekend is Jan 14-16, 2022. More details
    For more information and to apply please call the       can be found at
 parish office, 701-839-7076.                                  Early registration is recommended.

          January 9, 2022                                                                                             The Baptism of The Lord

           NOVEMBER 2021 INCOME/EXPENSE STATEMENT: FISCAL YEAR 7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022
 INCOME                                 NOVEMBER ACTUAL            YTD ACTUAL                 YTD BUDGET
 Collections                                        $32,796.93        $186,923.40                $213,208.30
 *Donations/Bequest                                   2,132.00         440,592.98                  421,646.50
 Other Income                                           773.38          10,568.80                   10,938.97
 Religious Education                                      0.00           2,700.00                    2,833.35
 TOTAL INCOME                                       $35,702.31        $640,785.18                $648,627.12
 EXPENSES                               NOVEMBER ACTUAL            YTD ACTUAL                 YTD BUDGET
 Salaries & Benefits                                $14,822.65         $77,194.46                  $87,379.80
 Rectory Expenses                                       617.54           3,496.13                    5,129.20
 Misc Ministries                                      2,701.83          18,787.81                   24,404.59
 Office Expense/Utilities                             7,718.01         104,445.29                   73,492.85
 Donations/Outreach/Charities                         3,754.10          16,328.18                   21,325.00
 BRCS Support                                        14,767.95          73,839.76                   73,839.75
 *Endowment Setup                                         0.00         350,000.00                  350,000.00
 Religious Education                                      0.00           2,767.36                    5,395.80
 TOTAL EXPENSES                                     $44,382.08        $646,858.99                $640,966.99
 NOVEMBER: NET INCOME: $35,702.31 (Income) - $44,382.08 (Expenses) = NET LOSS ($8,679.77)
 December Anticipated Income: $56,521.27                 December Anticipated Expenses: $53,764.21
 *The Parish received a bequest and a permanent Endowment was set up.

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