2    2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights

                                                                                                     Additional Tax for High Income Earners
                                                                                                     A new band for taxable income of resident
                                                                                                     individuals in excess of RM2 million will
                                                                                                     be introduced and taxed at 30%, which is
                                                                                                     a 2 percentage point increase from the
                                                                                                     current 28% rate. The same increase to 30%
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                    shall apply to the fixed income tax rate for
                                                                                                     non-resident individuals. This increase is
Under a climate of strong economic headwinds the Pakatan Harapan Government tabled its               expected to affect approximately 2,000
second Budget Speech on 11 October 2019. Malaysia’s Budget 2020 is themed “Driving Growth            top income earners in the country.
and Equitable Outcomes Towards Shared Prosperity”.
The Malaysian economy is expected to remain resilient and GDP is expected to grow at a slightly      Review of Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT)
faster pace of 4.8% in 2020 up from 4.7% in 2019 despite global uncertainties. The Government        To relieve the burden faced by individuals
targets a fiscal deficit of 3.2% of GDP for 2020 versus 3% that was originally announced in          disposing real property held for more than
the 2019 Budget. However this is expected to reduce further to reach 2.8% GDP over the               5 years, it is proposed that the acquisition
medium term.                                                                                         cost for RPGT purposes be based on the market
The 2020 Budget allocates a total of RM297.0 billion in expenditure down from RM314.5 billion        value as at 1 January 2013. This should help to
in 2019. Of this, a total of RM241 billion is set aside for Operating Expenditure and RM56 billion   relieve the RPGT exposure for older properties
for Development Expenditure. The Government revenue collection in 2020 is expected to be             which may have appreciated over time.
RM244.53 billion down 13.1% from RM263.3 billion in 2019.
                                                                                                     Digital Push
Some of the key highlights of the Budget are in the following pages.
                                                                                                     Tax incentives will be granted to further
                                                                                                     promote high-value added activities in the
                                                                              Creating a United,
     Driving Economic Growth                                                                         Electrical and Electronics industry to transition
                                                                                Inclusive and
       in the New Economy                                                                            into 5G digital economy and Industry 4.0.
                                                                              Equitable Society;
          and Digital Era;
                                                                                     and             To make Malaysians more digital savvy,
                                                                                                     the government will credit RM30 into
                                                                                                     the e-wallet of every Malaysian aged 18
                                             The                                                     and above with annual income less than
                                         2020 Budget                                                 RM100,000. This is valid for a two-month
                                                                                                     period commencing 1 January 2020.
    Investing in Malaysians:                                                                         Development of Intellectual Property (IP)
          Levelling Up                                                                               IP income derived from patents and copyright
        Human Capital;                                                       Revitalisation of       software developed in Malaysia will be eligible
                                                                            Public Institutions      for 100% income tax exemption.
                                                                              and Finances.
2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights       3

Visit Malaysia Year 2020                            Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility
In conjunction with the Visit Malaysia Year         To encourage private sector donations, the          KEY TAKEAWAYS
2020, accelerated capital allowances and            donation reporting threshold to the Malaysian
50% excise duty exemption will be given             Inland Revenue Board will be increased to
                                                                                                         CORPORATE TAX
on new locally assembled excursion buses.           RM20,000 starting 2020.
                                                                                                         PERSONAL TAX
Companies that organise arts and cultural
                                                    On the other hand, tax deduction on
activities and international sports and                                                                  REAL PROPERTY GAINS TAX
                                                    contributions to charitable and sports
recreational competitions (as approved)
                                                    activities as well as projects of national
will also be entitled to income tax exemption
                                                    interest will be increased from 7% to 10%            LABUAN
of 50%. Similarly, the tax deduction for
                                                    of aggregate income.
companies that sponsor art, cultural and                                                                 TAX INCENTIVES
heritage activities will be increased to
                                                    Reduced Toll Charges and Fuel Subsidies              STAMP DUTY
RM1 million a year.
                                                    From 2020 onwards, toll charges for all PLUS
Enhanced Incentives for Individuals                 highways will be reduced by at least 18%.            INDIRECT TAX
                                                    Individuals who own not more than two cars
To assist couples seeking fertility treatment
                                                    and two motorcycles are eligible to receive fuel      A   SALES TAX
such as IVF, the EPF will introduce a new
                                                    subsidy for one vehicle under the Petrol Subsidy
category of withdrawals and such expenses                                                                 B   SERVICE TAX
                                                    Programme (PSP).
will qualify for income tax relief for medical
expenses.                                                                                                 C   CUSTOMS DUTY
                                                    Stamp Duty

Individual tax relief for fees paid to registered   Stamp duty remission of 50% on the transfer           D   ENTERTAINMENTS DUTY
childcare centres and kindergartens will be         of real property between parents and children
increased to RM2,000.                               by way of love and affection is restricted to
                                                    Malaysian citizens from 1 January 2020.
Under the Women@Work Initiative, women
between the ages of 30 and 50 who return            Tax Exemption for Religious Institutions
to work will be given a salary incentive of         or Organisations
RM500 a month for two years, while the              The Government will extend the income
employer will be given a monthly incentive          tax exemption to religious institutions and
of RM300.                                           organisations that are registered as a company
                                                    limited by guarantee.
Under the Graduates@Work Initiative,
graduates who have been unemployed for              IN A NUTSHELL
more than 12 months who secure work will
                                                    The 2020 Budget reflects the government's
receive a monthly wage incentive of RM500
                                                    Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 that aims
for two years, while the employers will receive
                                                    to restructure the economy and bridge
a hiring incentive of RM300 per month.
                                                    disparities between the wealthy and the
                                                    impoverished in keeping with the Government’s
Under the Locals@Work Initiative, Malaysians
                                                    promise to restore Malaysia back to its fiscal
replacing foreign workers will be given a
                                                    health by 2022.
monthly wage incentive of RM350 or RM500
(depending on sector) for two years, while          The following includes a summary of key tax
the employers will receive a monthly hiring         changes affecting taxpayers in Malaysia arising
incentive of RM250.                                 from the 2020 Budget.
4   2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights


Streamlining of Tax Deduction for Secretarial      Extension of Period of Tax Incentives for           Extension of Period of Tax Exemption on
and Tax Filing Fees                                Venture Capital (VC)                                Management Fee Income for Investment
• It is proposed that the tax deduction limit      • It is proposed that the existing tax incentives
  on expenses incurred on secretarial and tax        for VC Management Corporation, VC                 • It is proposed that the existing income tax
  filing fees be combined and allowed up to          Company, Investment in VC Company and               exemption be extended for another 3 years,
  RM15,000 for each year of assessment (YA)          VC be extended for a period of 4 years.             from YA 2021 until YA 2023.
  effective from YA 2020.                            This is applicable for applications received
                                                                                                       • This proposal is to further promote
                                                     by Securities Commission until 31 December
• This proposal aims to encourage good                                                                   sustainable and responsible investment
  governance and compliance by taxpayers.                                                                fund management services.
                                                   • This proposal aims to encourage alternative
Tax Incentives for the Purchase of Tourism           financing through VC.                             Review of Capital Allowance for Small Value
Vehicles                                                                                               Assets
                                                   Extension of Period of Income Tax Deduction
• It is proposed that licensed tour operators                                                          • It is proposed that the value of each asset be
                                                   on Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi
  be given accelerated capital allowance on                                                              increased from RM1,300 to RM2,000.
                                                   Nasional (PTPTN) Loan paid by Employers
  the purchase of new locally assembled
                                                                                                       • The limit of qualifying capital allowance
  excursion buses with initial allowance           • It is proposed that the existing tax deduction
                                                                                                         claim by non-Small and Medium Enterprises
  and annual allowance of 20% and 40%                given to employers for the PTPTN loan
                                                                                                         shall be increased from RM13,000 to
  respectively, for YA 2020 and YA 2021.             repayment made on behalf of their
                                                                                                         RM20,000 for each year of assessment.
                                                     employees be extended for a period of
• Excise duty exemption of 50% is proposed
                                                     2 years from 1 January 2020 until                 • The above proposals are effective from YA
  to be given on the purchase of new locally
                                                     31 December 2021.                                   2020.
  assembled vehicles used as tourism vehicles
  for applications received by the Ministry        • This proposal aims to encourage more
                                                                                                       Income Tax Exemption to a Religious
  of Finance from 1 January 2020 until               employers to make PTPTN loan repayments
                                                                                                       Institution or Organisation registered as
  31 December 2021.                                  on behalf of their employees.
                                                                                                       a Company Limited by Guarantee
• The above proposals are part of the
                                                   Extension of Period of Tax Incentive on             • It is proposed that the current income
  initiatives for Visit Malaysia Year 2020.
                                                   Issuance of Sustainable and Responsible               tax exemption on all income given to an
                                                   Investments (SRI) Sukuk                               approved religious institution or organisation
Increase in Tax Deduction for Sponsorship
                                                                                                         registered under the Registrar of Societies
of Arts, Cultural and Heritage Activities in       • It is proposed that the existing tax deduction
                                                                                                         Malaysia be extended to a religious institution
Malaysia                                             given on the issuance cost of SRI Sukuk be
                                                                                                         or organisation registered as a Company
                                                     extended for a period of 3 years from YA 2021
• It is proposed that effective from YA 2020,                                                            Limited by Guarantee with the Companies
                                                     to YA 2023.
  the tax deduction limit for companies                                                                  Commission of Malaysia.
  sponsoring arts, cultural and heritage           • This proposal is to further encourage the
                                                                                                       • The above proposal is effective for approvals
  activities be increased to RM1,000,000             issuance of SRI Sukuk.
                                                                                                         given by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) from
  for a YA of which the amount deducted for
                                                                                                         YA 2020 onwards.
  sponsoring foreign arts, cultural and heritage
  activities remains up to RM300,000.
• This proposal aims to encourage local arts,
  cultural and heritage activities.
2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights       5


Tax Incentive for Organising Arts, Cultural,         Extension of Period of Tax Incentive for          Tax Deduction on Cost of Listing in Bursa
Sports and Recreational Activities in Malaysia       Issuance of Sukuk Wakalah                         Malaysia
• It is proposed that from YA 2020 until             • It is proposed that the tax deduction for the   • It is proposed that tax deduction of up to
  YA 2022, a tax exemption of 50% be given on          issuance cost of Sukuk under the principle        RM1.5 million be given on the following costs
  the statutory income derived by a company            of Wakalah is to be extended for a period of      to companies seeking listing in the Access,
  from the organisation of:                            5 years from YA 2021 until YA 2025.               Certainty and Efficiency (ACE) Market and
                                                                                                         Leading Entrepreneur Accelerator Platform
   i    Arts and cultural activities approved by     • This proposal aims at promoting the issuance
                                                                                                         (LEAP) Market with effect from YA 2020 to
        the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture;     of Sukuk under the principle of Wakalah.
                                                                                                         YA 2022:
                                                     Extension of Period of Tax Exemption on              i    fees to authorities;
   ii   International sports and recreational
                                                     Management Fee Income for Shariah-                   ii   professional fees; and
        competitions approved by the Ministry of
                                                     Compliant Fund                                      iii   underwriting, placement and brokerage
        Youth and Sports.
• The above proposals are part of the initiatives    • It is proposed that the current tax exemption
                                                       on the statutory income derived from the        • This proposal is to encourage more companies
  for the Visit Malaysia Year 2020.
                                                       business of providing Shariah-compliant           to raise capital through listing in ACE and
                                                       fund management services to foreign/ local        LEAP Markets.
Extension of Period of Tax Incentive for Angel
Investor                                               investors and business trusts/ real estate
                                                       investment trust in Malaysia be extended        Tax incentive for Organising Conferences in
• In a bid to attract more angel investors to          for a period of 3 years from YA 2021 until      Malaysia
  contribute towards the economy through               YA 2023.
                                                                                                       • It is proposed that income tax exemption of
  capital financing, it is proposed that the
                                                     • The proposal is aimed at promoting Shariah-       100% of the statutory income given to
  current tax incentive application period
                                                       compliant fund management services.               conference promoters be extended to
  ending on 31 December 2020 be extended
                                                                                                         companies whose main activities are other
  until 31 December 2023.
                                                     Review of Income Tax Treatment for Small            than promoting and organising conferences in
                                                     and Medium Enterprises (SME)                        Malaysia provided the organiser brings in at
Extension of Period of Tax Incentive for
                                                                                                         least 500 foreign participants annually.
Company Participating in National Dual               • It is proposed that effective from YA 2020,
Training Scheme                                        the limit for chargeable income to be taxed     • The above proposal is effective from YA 2020
                                                       at 17% be increased from RM500,000 to             until YA 2025.
• It is proposed that the double deduction
  given on expenses incurred by companies              RM600,000. To qualify as an SME, the annual
                                                       sales must not be more than RM50 million        Extension of Scope of Tax Deduction on
  participating in National Dual Training Scheme
                                                       apart from having a paid-up capital             Charity or Community Projects
  for Industry4WRD programmes approved by
  the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR)               (for a company) or capital contribution
                                                                                                       • It is proposed that the scope of charitable or
  be extended for a period of 2 years, for             (for a limited liability partnership) of not
                                                                                                         community projects eligible for tax deduction
  programmes approved by MOHR from                     more than RM2.5 million.
                                                                                                         be extended to include:
  1 January 2020 until 31 December 2021.             • This proposal is to ensure the lower income        i    environmental preservation and
• This proposal is aimed at increasing the             tax rate benefits only the eligible SME.                conservation projects including forest,
  Industry4WRD-ready workforce.                                                                                island, beach and national park; and
                                                                                                          ii   maintenance and conservation projects
                                                                                                               for heritage buildings designated by
                                                                                                               National Heritage Department under the
                                                                                                               National Heritage Act 2005.
                                                                                                       • This proposal is effective from YA 2020.
6       2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights


Expansion of Tax Incentive for Structured             Removal of additional penalty of 5% on             No time limit in respect of assessments raised
Internship Programme                                  amended return                                     in consequence of a Mutual Agreement
                                                                                                         Procedure (MAP)
• It is proposed that the existing double             • An amended return (as a deemed assessment)
  deduction incentive be expanded to include            which results in tax payable or additional tax   • It is proposed that an assessment or
  hiring interns pursuing Bachelor’s Degree,            payable may be submitted to the IRB within         additional assessment may be made at any
  Diploma, Vocational (DKM Level 4 and 5) and           6 months from the due date of submission           time as a result of an agreement reached
  SKM Level 3 students in all academic fields           of the tax return. Currently, the following        with the competent authority of another
  effective from YA 2020 until YA 2021.                 penalty rates apply on the tax or additional       country under the MAP.
                                                        tax payable:
• This proposal aims to increase the                                                                     • The above proposal is effective upon coming
  employability of local graduates through an            i    10% penalty if the amended return is         into operation of the Finance Act.
  early exposure to the working environment.                  furnished within a period of 60 days; or
                                                                                                         Extension of time for an appeal against an
                                                         ii   10% + 5% (effectively 15.5%) if the
Extension of Tax Treatment for Real Estate                                                               assessment
                                                              amended return is furnished after
Investment Trusts (REITs)
                                                              60 days but not later than the period      • Currently, a person seeking to appeal against
• Investors of REITs listed on Bursa Malaysia                 of 6 months.                                 an assessment, may at any time apply to the
  are subject to the following tax treatment on       • It is proposed that the additional 5% penalty      Director General of Inland Revenue (DGIR)
  profit distributions:                                 be removed with effect from 1 January 2020,        for an extension of the period to make such
    i     10% withholding tax for foreign               meaning an amended return made within the          appeal.
          institutional investors and non-corporate     period of 6 months will be subject to only a
                                                                                                         • It is proposed that with effect from YA 2020,
          investors                                     10% penalty.
                                                                                                           the application for an extension of time to
    ii    24% withholding tax for non-resident                                                             submit an appeal has to be made within
                                                      Removal of additional penalty of 5% on
          corporate investors                                                                              7 years after the end of the period of the
                                                      unpaid taxes
    iii   The current corporate tax rate for
                                                      • Currently, the following penalty rates apply
          resident corporate investors
                                                        for taxes (including penalties) not paid:
• It is proposed that the above tax treatment
                                                         i    10% penalty after the due date of
  be extended for another 6 years from YA
                                                              payment; or
  2020 until YA 2025.
                                                         ii   10% + 5% (effectively 15.5%) on the
                                                              amount remains unpaid after 60 days
                                                              from the due date of payment.
                                                      • It is proposed that the additional 5% penalty
                                                        be removed with effect from 1 January 2020,
                                                        meaning any unpaid taxes will be subject to
                                                        only a 10% penalty.
2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights       7


Increase of Income Tax Rate for Resident          Increase in the Limit of Tax Relief for Fees paid   Enhancement of Tax Treatment for Donation
Individual                                        to Childcare Centres and Kindergartens              For Charitable and Sports Activities and
                                                                                                      Projects of National Interest
• Currently the tax structure for resident        • Currently, a tax relief of up to RM1,000 is
  individuals is based on progressive tax rates     to be given to individual taxpayers enrolling     • In order to enhance and streamline the tax
  ranging from 0% to 28% on chargeable              their children aged up to 6 years in childcare      treatment between individuals and companies,
  income. Non-resident individuals are subject      centres or kindergartens registered with the        it is proposed that a tax deduction at an
  to income tax at the fixed rate of 28%.           Department of Social Welfare or the Ministry        increased rate of 10% (previously 7%) be
                                                    of Education. This relief can only be claimed       given also to individuals on contribution for
• In order to ensure a more progressive
                                                    by either parent of the child.                      charitable and sports activities as well as
  individual tax structure, it is proposed that
                                                                                                        projects of national interest.
  the income tax for resident individuals         • It is proposed that this relief be increased
  with chargeable income of more than               from RM1,000 to RM2,000.                          • To further inculcate philanthropic culture
  RM2,000,000 be increased by 2% to 30%.                                                                among Malaysians, this scope has been
                                                  • This proposal is effective from YA 2020.
                                                                                                        widened to include any gift of money in
• Similarly, the fixed income tax rate for
                                                                                                        the form of wakaf contribution to any
  non-residents shall be increased by 2%          Income Tax Rebate for Departure Levy
                                                                                                        appropriate religious authority established
  from 28% to 30%.                                Imposed on Outbound Air Passenger
                                                                                                        under any written law, body established
                                                  Performing Umrah and Pilgrimage to
• This proposal is effective from YA 2020.                                                              by that appropriate religious authority or
                                                  Holy Places
                                                                                                        Public University allowed by that appropriate
Expansion of Scope of Income Tax Relief for       • Currently departure levy is imposed on all          religious authority to receive endowment.
Medical Expenses                                    outbound air passengers beginning from
                                                                                                      • “Public University” means a higher education
                                                    1 September 2019. While departure levy
• Income tax relief of up to RM6,000 is given                                                           institution having the status of a University
                                                    for outbound passengers performing Hajj
  to taxpayers on medical expenses for serious                                                          established under the Universities and Colleges
                                                    is borne by Lembaga Tabung Haji, departure
  diseases for self, spouse and child. This tax                                                         Act 1971 and the Univerisiti Teknologi MARA
                                                    levy for outbound air passengers performing
  relief also includes expenses up to RM500                                                             established under the Universiti Teknologi
                                                    umrah and pilgrimage is borne by
  for full medical check-up.                                                                            MARA Act 1976.
• To reduce the financial burden of married                                                           • This proposal is effective from YA 2020.
                                                  • It is proposed that an income tax rebate
  couples seeking fertility treatment, it is
                                                    equivalent to the amount of levy be given
  proposed that the scope of income tax relief                                                        Extension of Period of Tax Incentive for
                                                    and can be claimed twice in a lifetime for
  on medical treatment expenses be expanded                                                           Women Returning to Work After Career Break
                                                    umrah and other religious pilgrimages to
  to cover the cost of fertility treatment.
                                                    holy places.                                      • Currently, women returning to work after
• The claim is required to be supported by                                                              a career break are entitled to income tax
                                                  • The rebate is to be claimed with proof of
   the receipt and certification issued by a                                                            exemption for a period of 12 months subject
                                                    boarding pass and is subject to either the
   practitioner registered with the Malaysian                                                           to the application being received by Talent
                                                    umrah visa or confirmation letter on
   Medical Council.                                                                                     Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp)
                                                    pilgrimage to holy place from religious
                                                                                                        from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019.
• This proposal is effective from YA 2020.          body recognised by the Committee for the
                                                    Promotion of Inter Religious Understanding        • It is proposed that this tax incentive be
                                                    and Harmony Among Adherents, Department             extended for a period of 4 years.
                                                    of National Unity and Integration, Prime
                                                                                                      • This proposal is applicable for applications
                                                    Minister's Department.
                                                                                                        received by TalentCorp from 1 January 2020
                                                  • This proposal is effective from YA 2019.            until 31 December 2023.
8   2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights

REAL PROPERTY GAINS TAX                                                                                 LABUAN

Determination of Acquisition Price                   Disposals By a Company Not Incorporated in         Removal of Election for Fixed Rate Tax of
                                                     Malaysia                                           RM20,000
• For Malaysian citizens and permanent
  residents who acquired real properties             • The rate of real property gains tax applicable   • The effective date for the removal of the
  before 1 January 2013, the acquisition price         to a company not incorporated in Malaysia          election for fixed rate tax of RM20,000 under
  of such real properties for real property gains      shall be as follows:                               the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990 is
  tax purposes shall be its market value as at                                                            revised from 1 January 2019 to YA 2020.
  1 January 2013, effective for the disposal of         Category of disposal            Rate of tax
  such real properties from 12 October 2019.
                                                        Disposal within 5 years             30%
• This proposal will potentially reduce the
  chargeable gain and real property gains               Disposal after the 5th year         10%
  tax exposure on the disposals of such real
  properties by uplifting their acquisition price    • The acquirer in the disposal of a chargeable
  in most cases.                                       asset by a company not incorporated in
                                                       Malaysia is required to retain 7% of the total
Disposals By a Trustee of a Trust                      value of the consideration or the whole of
• Effective upon the coming into operation             the consideration that consists of money,
  of the Finance Act 2019, the rate of real            whichever is lower, and to remit the amount
  property gains tax applicable to a trustee           retained to the DGIR within 60 days for the
  of a trust shall be as follows:                      date of the disposal.
                                                     • These proposals, which are effective upon
    Category of disposal               Rate of tax     the coming into operation of the Finance Act
                                                       2019, are to align the real property gains tax
    Disposal within 3 years                30%
                                                       treatment of a company not incorporated
    Disposal in the 4th year               20%         in Malaysia with that of an individual
                                                       who is not a citizen and not a permanent
    Disposal in the 5th year               15%         resident of Malaysia.

    Disposal after the 5th year            10%

• This proposal removes the ambiguity over the
  real property gains tax rate that is applicable
  to disposals of chargeable assets held on
  behalf of a trust, including a REIT.
2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights        9


Special Investment Incentive for Electrical         Tax Incentives for Development of                  Review of Green Technology Incentive
And Electronic (E&E) Sector                         Intellectual Property
                                                                                                       • It is proposed that the following tax incentives
• It is proposed that E&E companies that            • It is proposed that an income tax exemption        for green technology be extended for a period
  have exhausted the eligibility period of            of 100% up to 10 years be given on the             of 3 years:
  15 consecutive years to claim reinvestment          qualifying intellectual property income             i     Green Investment Tax Allowance (GITA):
  allowance (RA) be given an income tax               derived from the development of patent and
                                                                                                                ITA of 100% on QCE which can be
  exemption equivalent to Investment Tax              copyright software of qualifying activities.
                                                                                                                set-off against up to 70% of the statutory
  Allowance of 50% on qualifying capital
                                                    • The Modified Nexus Approach will be                       income be extended to YA 2023; and
  expenditure (QCE) incurred within a period
                                                      adopted to ensure that only income derived                Green Income Tax Exemption (GITE):
  of 5 years.                                                                                             ii
                                                      from intellectual property developed in                   Income tax exemption of 70% of
• This allowance can be set-off against               Malaysia is eligible for this tax incentive.              statutory income be extended to
  50% of statutory income for each YA.                                                                          YA 2023.
                                                    • The application must be submitted to MIDA
  The application must be received by
                                                      from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022.            iii   The application must be received by
  Malaysian Investment Development
  Authority (MIDA) from 1 January 2020              • This proposal is to promote the intellectual              MIDA by 31 December 2023.
  to 31 December 2021.                                property development in Malaysia.                • In addition, the following tax incentive shall
• This proposal is to encourage investment                                                               be extended to solar leasing activities:
                                                    Expansion for Tax Incentives for Tourism
  in the E&E industry to facilitate Malaysia’s                                                            i     Income tax exemption of 70% of
  transition into 5G digital economy and                                                                        statutory income for a period of up to
  Industry 4.0.                                     • It is proposed that the scope of the following            10 years of assessment for solar leasing
                                                      tax incentive be expanded to integrated                   companies certified by Sustainable
Enhancement of Tax Incentive for Automation           tourism and sports tourism projects:                      Energy Development Authority (SEDA).
• It is proposed that the incentive period for         i    Pioneer status with tax exemption of          ii    The application must be received by
  Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) and                   70% of statutory income for a period of             MIDA from 1 January 2020 to
  Automation Equipment Allowance (AEA) for                  5 years; or                                         31 December 2023.
  the following shall be extended:                     ii   Investment Tax Allowance (ITA) of 60%
   i    First Category: For high labour-intensive           on the QCE incurred within 5 years. The    • This proposal is in line with the Government’s
        industries (rubber, plastics, wood,                 allowance can be set-off against up to       goal to generate 20% of our energy from
        furniture and textile products),                    70% of statutory income for each YA.         renewable sources by 2025.
        ACA of 100% and AEA of 100% for the
                                                    • In addition, new investments in international
        first RM4 million of qualifying capital
                                                      theme parks shall be eligible for pioneer
        expenditure (QCE) incurred up to YA
                                                      status with tax exemption of 100% of
        2023; and
                                                      statutory income for 5 years; or ITA of
   ii   Second Category: For other industries,        100% on QCE incurred within 5 years
        ACA of 100% and AEA of 100% for the           which can be set-off against up to 70%
        first RM 2 million of QCE incurred up to      of statutory income. The application
        YA 2023.                                      is to be submitted to MIDA from
                                                      1 January 2020 onwards.
• The scope of incentive for Second Category
  shall be expanded to the service sector for       • This proposal is to promote investment in
  applications received by MIDA from 1 January        tourism projects in conjunction with the
  2020 until 31 December 2023.                        Visit Malaysia Year 2020.
• This proposal aims to promote automation
  in the manufacturing and services sector,
  particularly in enhancing productivity and
  efficiency in the labour intensive industries.
10 2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights

STAMP DUTY                                                                                               INDIRECT TAX

Stamp Duty Exemption for Rent-To-Own                  Stamp Duty Remission for Transfer of               A   SALES TAX
(RTO) Schemes                                         Property By Way of Love and Affection
                                                                                                         Approved Major Exporter Scheme under the
• Full stamp duty exemption is given on the           • The stamp duty remission of 50% on the           Sales Tax Act 2018
  following instruments of transfer under the           instrument of transfer of real property
  RTO scheme for first residential home priced          between parents and children and vice            • A new Approved Major Exporter Scheme
  up to RM500,000:                                      versa by way of love and affection is now          shall be introduced under the Sales Tax Act
                                                        restricted to Malaysian citizens only for such     2018.
   i    sale and purchase agreement for the
                                                        instruments executed from 1 January 2020.        • Traders or manufacturers of exempted goods
        transfer of residential home from housing
        developer to financial institution executed                                                        are eligible to apply for the scheme subject
        from 1 January 2020 to 31 December            Stamp Duty for Foreign Currency Loan                 to exports of not less than 80% of their
        2022; and                                     Agreement                                            annual sales.
   ii   rental agreement for the transfer of          • The maximum stamp duty on foreign                • The approved traders and manufacturers
        residential home from financial institution     currency loan agreements is increased from         under this new scheme are eligible for full
        to buyer executed from 1 January 2020           RM500 to RM2,000 for such agreements               sales tax exemption on the importation
        to 31 December 2022.                            executed from 1 January 2020.                      and purchase of goods or raw materials,
                                                                                                           components and packaging materials from
• The above exemption is subject to:                                                                       a registered manufacturer. The exemption
   i    the licensed financial institutions                                                                includes taxable goods transported from
        providing financing under this RTO                                                                 designated areas or special areas.
        scheme and obtaining approval from
                                                                                                         • The condition for the exemption is that the
        Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM); and
                                                                                                           taxable goods (which may be used as raw
   ii   Housing developers collaborating with                                                              materials for manufacturing) must be
        the said financial institutions and                                                                exported or transported to designated areas
        registering with the National Housing                                                              or special areas.
        Department, Ministry of Housing and
                                                                                                         • Sales tax shall be paid for any portion of
        Local Government.
                                                                                                           trading goods or manufactured exempted
• This exemption is to facilitate the RTO                                                                  goods that are not exported including any
  scheme, which is a collaboration between                                                                 waste or refuse of raw materials, components
  the Government and financial institutions to                                                             and packaging that are disposed or sold in
  assist house buyers who are unable to afford                                                             the local market.
  the initial deposit and access financing in
                                                                                                         • This scheme will simplify the existing
  purchasing their first home.
                                                                                                           drawback and exemption facility so as to
                                                                                                           maintain the competitiveness of export
                                                                                                           companies in Malaysia.
                                                                                                         • This amendment comes into operation on
                                                                                                           a date to be appointed by the Minister by
                                                                                                           notification in the Gazette.
2020 Malaysian Budget Highlights    11


B   SERVICE TAX                                   C   CUSTOMS DUTY                                    D   ENTERTAINMENTS DUTY
Improvement on Group Relief Facility under        Reduction of Export Duty Rate on Crude Palm         Exemption of Entertainments Duty for Stage
Service Tax Act 2018                              Oil (CPO)                                           Performance
• It is proposed that group relief be allowed     • Effective from 1 January 2020, export duty        • Full entertainments duty exemption shall
  for the taxable services under Group G of         rates on CPO after taking into consideration        be given on admission tickets for stage
  First Schedule of Service Tax Regulations         of partial export duty exemption will be            performances that include concerts,
  2018 (excluding employment and security           reduced by 0.5% - 1.5% as follows:                  singing, music, dances and theatres
  services) provided by a company to a third                                                            including cultural and artistic performance
  party who is not within the same group of           CPO Market         Current        New Export      by local and international artists held at
                                                      Price              Export Duty    Duty Rate
  company from 1 January 2020.                                                                          any venue in the Federal Territory of Kuala
                                                      (FOB RM/tonne)     Rate (%)       (%)
                                                                                                        Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya subject to
• This facility is subject to a condition that
                                                       3,450                 8.5           8.0
  Ministry of Health Malaysia or Department
  of Social Welfare or endorsed by any national   • This proposal is to support the increase in the
  association for disabled persons registered       exportation of CPO and to ensure price
  with Registrar of Societies Malaysia.             competitiveness of Malaysian CPO.
• This proposal will promote and encourage
  more training of disabled persons.
For further information, we welcome you to speak to any of our tax specialists below:

BEH TOK KOAY                                         DAVID LAI                                             NG SWEE WENG                                          CHRISTOPHER LOW
Senior Advisor                                       Executive Director                                    Senior Advisor                                        Executive Director                                                                                             

ONG ENG CHOON                                        WOON YOKE LEE                                         BERNICE TAN                                           KOO KIAN MING
Senior Advisor                                       Executive Director                                    Executive Director                                    Executive Director                                                                                        

LEE BOON HOOI                                        ON BEE YEE                                            TAN SIN HUAT
Executive Director                                   Executive Director                                    Advisor                                                                

Level 8, BDO @ Menara CenTARa, 360 Jalan Tuanku Adbul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T: +603 2616 2888    F: +603 2616 2970     E:

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BDO Tax Services Sdn Bhd (114863-K), a Malaysian Limited Liability Company, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO
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Copyright © October 2019 BDO Malaysia. All rights reserved. Published in Malaysia.

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