Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed

Page created by Frederick Fernandez
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
Rathdowney State Primary School
            143-155 Mount Lindesay Highway, Rathdowney 4287
            Phone: (07) 5540 4333
            Principal: Tina van Bennekom

                                      SCHOOL NEWS:
    A Letter to the             No.4 6th August 2021

“Thought for the Week”

                                 Public Holiday on
                                 Monday has been

                                The State Government has
                                 repealed any public holi-
                                days for next week. There
                                will be no public holiday on
                                Monday and no public holi-
                                day for people’s day at the
                                  EKKA because the EKKA
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
has had to be post-          schoolwork. There is no
     poned/cancelled.          need to keep school hours
                               at home but mornings are
                                best for learning, after a
                                 healthy breakfast, and a
                                good night’s sleep. Take
                               play breaks when you need
                                 to and the children are
                               tired of doing schoolwork.

                               It’s what the children who
                               are here at school are also
  CO-VID 19 Lock-
      down                       This is so that, when we
                               start school with everyone
   How is everyone going       here again, there will be no
    with their “learning at        gaps in the children’s
 home packs”? Please just       learning whether they’re
let us know what problems        learning at school or at
   the children are having        home. That’s our aim.
 with their work and put it
 in their KIT books for Fri-   We sincerely want to thank
 days, and we’ll sort it out   you for what you’re doing
at this end. Please remem-      with your children at this
  ber most of you are not             difficult time.
 teachers, and we are. All
we ask is that you set aside
 a bit of time every day for
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
Finally, we’d like to extend
                                  our thanks to Mrs Ritchie
                                and all the elders from Mu-
                                ninjali House for putting on
                                 this event year after year.
                                    We so appreciate the
                                 effort and organisation, it
                                 takes to put on such a day
  NAIDOC Day at                    for all the small schools
  Hillview State                  south of Beaudesert and
      School                      one school from north of

 We had an awesome day           A huge “Thank you “goes
   at Hillview school, last       to all those involved!!
  week. The theme of the
  day was “Heal Country”.
 We had the Muninjali el-
ders there to give insights
on their Indigenous history
and culture, as the first na-
   tions’ people. It is im-
portant for our students to
be aware of Aboriginal cul-
 ture and to value it. Our
                                  Student Council
   students learn a lot on          Fundraising
days like these. Please en-
 joy some more photos of
                                  This term, the Student
          the event.
                                  Council will again serve
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
healthy lunches on Fridays.      our area this coming
Healthy lunches will not be    weekend, simply send the
 served until the Co-vid 19     students with all their
   lockdown is finished.        books back to school.

                               If the Lockdown continues
                                past Monday, please also
                               bring back ‘the learning at
                               home pack’ and we‘ll then
                                  have an opportunity to
                               swap the timetable for the
                                  week and spelling and
                                   reading books. Then,
   Year 3-6 News                 please return on Friday
                               morning to drop books off
                               for marking. Then pick up
The Co-vid 19 Lockdown at
                                the next week’s work on
  this time has meant that
                                 Monday before school.
 the class has been split in
two, those who are learn-
 ing from home and those
who are learning at school.

 Learning packs went out
  Wednesday this week.
We’re expecting them be-
fore school on Monday. If
 the lockdown is over for
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
This year we’re going to
                                 visit the Railway Work-
                               shops Museum in Ipswich,
                                Wolston House at Wacol
                                 for historical role play
                                groups, the Sciencentre,
                                   Boondal Wetlands,
 Whole of School                Bounce, Putt-Putt golf at
                                Victoria Park, Parliament
 Camp – 23 to 26                House, Australia Zoo and
    August.                     the Mt Cootha Gardens.

 We’re still planning on go-
ing to school camp in Week     We always seem to fit in a
                                  visit to the top of Mt
   7 of this term. Hopefully
  the lockdown will be over     Cootha for an ice-cream
                               and to enjoy the spectacu-
  by then. The students are
getting excited already and    lar views of Brisbane, and
 asking, “Is it next week we     to realise how big and
go on camp?” School camp       spread-out our capital city
 is a fun way to learn about                 is.
things by gaining first-hand
    experiences by visiting    We warmly welcome any
     many varied venues.        parents who want to
    These camps are at the      accompany us on our
  heart of curriculum deliv-           camp.
   ery at Rathdowney State
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
Whole School Camp 23-26         DAY 3 25/08/2021
        August 2021.
 Venue: QCCC Brookfield, 179      9.30am – Boondall Wetlands
 Gold Creek Road, Brookfield.     (Indigenous program) with a
          3374 1166               break for lunch.
                                  12:30am - Depart Boondall
DAY 1 23/08/2021                  Wetlands for the Sciencentre
                                  2:30pm - Arrive at the Sci-
7:00am – Depart from              encecentre. (1.5 hr visit with a
Rathdowney Post Office carpark    Science Show presentation)
9:30am – Arrive at Railway        4:00pm - Depart Sciencecentre
Workshops Museum (Ipswich)        for Hostel, to drop off Years 4, 5
11.30am – Depart for Wolston      and 6 students
House to have lunch and tour      5:00pm - Junior School (Prep-
of Wolston House (for school      Year 3) returns to Rathdowney
groups)                           while senior school (Years 4-6)
1:30 pm – Tour Wolston House      return to the Hostel.
                                  7:00pm - Junior school arrive at
4:15pm – Arrive at Hostel and     Rathdowney Post Office carpark
settle in                         7.00pm – Put putt at Victoria
5:30pm – Dinner at Hostel         golf course (yr4,5,6)
7:00pm – BOUNCE trampoline
park at Tingalpa. (I hour book-   DAY 4 26/08/2021
ing for all students.)
                                  09.30am - TBA
DAY 2 24/08/2021                  11:00am – Police Museum in
                                  Roma Street for a tour.
9:30am – Australia Zoo            12.30pm – Lunch at Roma
3:30pm – Depart Australia Zoo     Street parklands
for Hostel                        1pm – Parliament House tour -
6:00pm – Dinner at Hostel         1.5h
7:00pm – Games and/or movie       3:15pm - Leave for Rathdowney
at the Hostel                     5:30-6:00pm – Arrive at
                                  Rathdowney post office carpark
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
Naidoc Day
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
Super Spellers
3-6- Montana, William

P-2- Dustin, Austin, Amelia

  Sight Word Smarties- Vivian, Noah
Public Holiday on Monday has been Repealed
Dates to Remember-September-October 2021

     Monday   Tues-       Wednesday        Thursday    Friday
W      9       10              11            12          13
K                          Tuckshop                    Healthy
     Parade   Breakfast    Ally Hundy
5               Club                                   Lunches
                          Danielle Bass
W      16       17             18            19          20
K             Breakfast     Tuckshop                   Healthy
     Parade    Club       Sorelle Jobson
6                                                      Lunches
               P&C            Cakes:
              Meeting     Kirsty Parnell
               6pm                                      Fever
W      23       24             25             26         27
K    Whole    Whole          Whole          Whole      Healthy
7    School   School      School Camp       School     Lunches
     Camp     Camp         Yrs P,1,2,3      Camp        Dance
                             Return        Yrs 4,5,6    Fever
W      30       31              1           Return
                                               2          3
K                           Tuckshop                   Student
     Parade   Breakfast    Ally Hundy
8               Club                        Dance      Free Day
                           Kasey Grahl

W      6         7              8             9          10
K                           Tuckshop                   Healthy
9    Parade   Breakfast    Ally Hundy                  Lunches
                Club         Cakes:
                           Kasey Grahl
W      13       14             15            16          17
K                           Tuckshop                   Healthy
     Parade   Breakfast     Kay Lane
10              Club                                   Lunches
                           Hardgraves                   Fever
Rathdowney State School – New Tuckshop Price List
               Effective: 11-August-2021

              Item                   Suggested New
Cake                               $0.50
Chicken Nuggets (5)                $2.00
Chicken/Veggie Burger              $3.00
Chicken/Veggie Burger + Salad      $3.50
Hot Dog                            $2.50
Pie                                $3.00
Pizza – Ham & Cheese               $2.50
Pizza - Hawaiian                   $2.50
Sausage Roll                       $2.50
Toasties                           $2.50
Milk Popper – Chocolate/Strawberry $2.00
Popper - Juice                     $2.00
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