Our Sunday Schedule Current Ministry Opportunities

Page created by Franklin Spencer
Our Sunday Schedule Current Ministry Opportunities
Ministry Announcements for the week of September 22 - 29, 2019

Our Sunday Schedule
         7:30 am – First English Breakfast Ministry
         8:30 am – Worship with Communion
         9:30 am – Learning and Fellowship Hour
         10:30 am – Worship with Communion

Current Ministry Opportunities
Please see the related articles in the body of the newsletter for more information on the opportunities listed below:
    v A - I/We will attend the Intro to Holy Trinity seminar on Sunday mornings in October.
    v B – I/We will help serve dinner at the YWCA Family Center on Saturday, October 5.

New This Week
Vicar’s Perspective
“Why wasn’t she robed?”
Some wondered, when I recently preached, without wearing the traditional attire - a white robe, known as an alb.
Instead I wore black and white, symbolic of being a sinner and a saint at the same time...
The short answer: “I’m trying to figure out who I am as Vicar - eventually Pastor - and what builds relationship.”
So, I hope you’ll join me in this process. “What?! You want my fashion advice?!”
Absolutely. Because as a Beloved Child of God, I deeply desire for all others to know, beyond the shadow of a
doubt, they are also Beloved Children of God.
And, I want to know...
How does an African American feel when they see me in a white robe (particularly if it has a hood) in Church? Does
that bring up painful thoughts or agonizing memories?
How do people of Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and other faiths feel when they see me in a black shirt with a
white clerical collar? Do they view me as immediately un-relatable and disconnected from them?
How do Christian people feel when they see me wearing a black shirt with a white clerical collar? Do they become
more guarded, potentially stop swearing, and instead censor their conversation to be more polite and socially
How do people feel when they see me in a black shirt and white clerical collar if they have been injured by the
Church - whether that is individuals who have been emotionally and spiritually wounded - or a marginalized group
which has been historically discriminated against, like someone who is LGBTQIA+? (People who range in sexual
orientation and/or range in gender orientation). Do they automatically assume I’m probably judging them and I
probably don’t love them?
Maybe nobody cares what I wear... maybe this is a trivial detail...
However, as a society, we often do express ourselves by how we dress for a variety of occasions.
So, as a symbol of someone who represents God in some way, shape or form to others, I want to know what
expresses a loving, relational God to you?
Sara Wunsch
Vicar at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Interested in learning more about Holy Trinity?
An Introduction to Holy Trinity seminar will be conducted during the Sunday School hour in the month of October.
Beginning Sunday, October 6 at 9:40 am in Grace Hall, this seminar is designed to help interested people learn more
about the ministry of our congregation and the encounters with God’s grace that we share here. Even if you can’t attend
all the sessions, we’d love for you to participate. To indicate your interest, please mark Ministry Opportunity A on the
All Good Gifts card located in the hymnal rack or sign up at the Collection & Signup Corner in the Gathering Place.
Please contact Pastor Steve or Laura Hudson for more information.

Sunday Adult Forum
Vicar Sara will be leading a study on “How to have More Authenticity in Your Relationship with God.” We will
discuss and try a variety of spiritual practices to give you tools for your toolbelt. We will also discuss how service,
money, and pain can connect you with God in deeper and life-giving ways. The class begins Sunday, September
29 at 9:40 am in the Conference Room and continues on October 6, 13, and 20th.
God wants to connect with you- are you in? I’m excited to be part of the journey with you....

YWCA Family Center
Saturday, October 5 at 5:00 pm is Holy Trinity’s next opportunity to serve dinner at the Y-Family Center. Volunteers
are needed to help with meal preparation, table setting, and serving guests. All volunteers must wear hairnets (provided
by the center) or you can bring a favorite ball cap from home.
This is a wonderful service project for families and friends. My family will be there! Parents are not required to attend
with their kids. If carpooling would be helpful, we can depart from the church at 4:45 pm or else please meet at the
center by 5:00 pm. The Y-Center is located at 900 Harvey Court, Columbus 43219. If you can help with the dinner, or
if you need to carpool, please let me know. Thank you! Danielle Gonsiska

You’re Invited to Fall Events at Wittenberg
Kenneth H. Sauer Luther Symposium, Friday, October 4, 7:30 pm
The Kenneth H. Sauer Luther Symposium features an address by Dr. Gilbert Meilaender. Dr. Meilaender is Senior
Research professor at Valparaiso University and the Paul Ramsey Fellow at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and
Culture. His topic is “Posthuman or Perfected Human? Biotech Enhancement and the History of Redemption.”
There will also be a question and answer time with Dr. Meilaender at 3:30 pm in the Weaver Chapel activity room.
Festival Choral Eucharist for Reformation, Sunday, October 27, 7:30 pm
With special music by the Wittenberg Choir and the Wittenberg Handbell Choir, pre-service music begins at 7:00
pm, and the service itself begins at 7:30. The preacher will be the Rev. Dr. William Gafkjen, Bishop of the Indiana-
Kentucky Synod of the ELCA. This service gives thanks in worship, song, and the preached word for the influences
of the Reformation in the Church universal.
For more information on either of these events, please contact the Weaver Chapel Office at 937-327-7411 or
Rev. Anders Tune, Pastor to Wittenberg University, at atune@wittenberg.edu.

Flu Shot Clinic – Save the Date!
Be prepared for flu season! Holy Trinity will hold a flu shot clinic on Sunday, October 13 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.
For additional information, please contact Amy Schueler at schueler5@wowway.com.

Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study (formerly Beloved Small Group)
A new Tuesday afternoon Bible study will meet weekly in the church library beginning Tuesday, October 15 at
1:00 pm. The group will be studying the book of Romans. Starting with a review of chapters 1-7 that were
discussed earlier in the year, we will move on to Romans chapter 8 the following week. Everyone’s invited. Join us!
Council Meeting Recap
Following is a brief recap of the approved minutes of the August 2019 Church Council meeting:
    • Youth Room renovations are nearly completed.
    • Roof assessment for repairs and replacement was received. Property managers will put together a proposal.
    • Thursday evening activities get underway September 5.
    • Exterior Holy Trinity logo will be replaced and new stenciling in Grace Hall will be installed.
    • Grilled pizza supper with garden harvest will happen September 5.
    • Online signup for hosting Thursday suppers coming soon.
    • Vicar Sara attended high school youth retreat and staff retreat prior to her official start date of August 1.
    • Concert series begins Sunday, September 15 with violinist Fred Ripley and Josh Brodbeck playing duets.
    • Jacob’s Porch will be looking to identify 3 people from Holy Trinity (and other partners) to serve on board.
    • Income and expenses are within expected estimates for this time period.

Stewardship Corner
In the parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:18-23), Jesus describes people who hear the word but are beset by thorns,
including worries of this life and the allure of wealth. The seed (God’s Word) thrown among the thorns has
difficulty growing when overly concerned about material things and the problems of this life rather than trusting
God for all of their needs. Thanks be to God for redirecting our focus away from security and happiness of material
goods through the ministries of worship, learning and serving together whereby we learn the true joy of giving. For
more information about stewardship, please contact Max Buban at 614-771-8594 or maxmbuban@sbcglobal.net.

News of Invite Ministries
New Prayer Concerns:
Carol Stewart, in ICU at Riverside
Removed from the Prayer List:
Paolina, toddler friend of Barbara Keller, recovering from an infection
Alan Greiner, brother of Barbara Keller, making good progress with his illness
Jil Lossing Williams, sister of Donna Marie Jones, doing better following a difficult 15-month illness
Prayers for Our Members:
Jeff Warnement
Catherine Bailey, infant daughter of Maria and Ben Bailey
Dorothy Cameron
Diane Whalen
The Hallas family
Prayers for Our Families and Friends:
Olivia Rich, colleague of Jan Benedick
Ryan Mook, member of the Berkemer family
Eileen Davis, friend of Richard Boettcher and Emlyn Ott
Marilyn Franck, friend of Shirley Boyd
Faun Brand, cousin of Shirley Boyd
Katya Brodbeck, wife of Josh Brodbeck
Don Brusk, friend of Francine and Max Buban
Evajean Williams, sister of Catherine Canada
Nelson Williams, brother-in-law of Catherine Canada
Dianne Frees, sister of Debbie Cochran
Nancy Hawk, mother of Kris Eicher
Barbara Benson, sister of Chris Grabenstatter
Mary Guggenaster, sister of Madeleine Guggenaster
Bert Wyman, nephew of Madeleine Guggenaster
Vendalee and Sam Lyon, friends of Madeleine Guggenaster
Pastor Christian Heydenreich of Paulsgemeinde in Schwerin, Germany
Richard Hodge, father of Carolyn Hodge-Cramer
Mike Weber, friend of Don and Karen Larson
Rebecca Reynolds, niece of Janet Maxwell
Janet Attanasio, friend of Herb and Janet Maxwell
Terry Madden, friend of Herb and Janet Maxwell
Patty & Gene Uhrig, friends of Herb & Janet Maxwell
Kathy Dillon, friend of MJ Neiman
Curt Passafume, Sr., father of Curt Passafume, Jr.
Dylan Fitch, 18-year-old Grandview HS graduate and nephew of Jenny Peters
Juanita, mother of Chris Pryor
Jay Moore, friend of Jack & Norma Rauch
Jay Richter, former member of Holy Trinity
Ben Steiner, brother of Nancy Riley’s daughter-in-law
Carol Saufley, sister of Miriam Ringquist
Michelle Rupe, sister of Sue Roberts
Dorothy Hill, friend of Susan & Rob Setterlin
Wayne Wymer, cousin of Susan Setterlin
Roger Yekisa, father of Suellen Sharp
Debbie Sheely, mother of Brad Sheely
Wendy Rose, friend of Shawn & Krista Stock
Hilda Torres, mother of Juan Torres
Amy Lavoie, cousin of Becky Warnement
Gary Wright, son of Hazel Wright
Those affected by natural disasters, especially those in the path of Hurricane Dorian, the Armed forces, victims of
terror, and all those on the margins of society most vulnerable to unrest, oppression and exploitation.

Holy Trinity Concert Series
Concerts at Holy Trinity is pleased to announce the ninth season for the support of arts in our local area. We look
forward to providing outstanding concerts for the church and community and are proud to add a concert this year,
bringing the total to eight which include:
Sunday, October 27, 4 pm – 4 Hands, 4 Feet – Organists Martin Kasparek and Joshua Brodbeck will present a concert
of organ duets, including the U.S. premier of a new piece by composer David Loxly-Blount.
Sunday, November 10, 4 pm – The choirs of Holy Trinity will present their very first concert! Many favorite and loved
anthems will be sung, and some solos will be presented by our excellent choir.
Sunday, December 1, 4 pm – The Brass Band of Columbus will present their Christmas Concert.
Sunday, February 16, 4 pm – Tenor soloist John David Nevergall will present an afternoon of solos based on
relationships. Perfect for the middle of February!
Sunday, March 15, 4 pm – The Tony Hagood Jazz group will give us a great afternoon of Jazz and Gospel music.
Sunday, April 26, 4 pm – The Delaware Community Chorus, under the direction of Artistic Director Joshua Brodbeck,
will sing their spring program. The volunteer chorus has 70 singers presenting an Afternoon of English Choral Music.
Friday, May 22, 7 pm – Patron Concert, a private concert for financial contributors to the concert series will feature
special artists including Artist-in-Residence Joshua Brodbeck. A special reception will follow.
We look forward to seeing you at our concerts this season. Invite your friends and family to each concert and have an
enjoyable, entertaining, and inspiring time.

Worship Nursery
A nursery is open and available for young children on Sunday mornings during worship. It is located off the Gathering
Place in the room nearest Grace Hall (next to the couch and chairs). Ask one of the ushers if you need help finding it.

Children’s Pages and Activity Bags
People of all ages are invited to worship at Holy Trinity. Children’s activity pages for readers and pre-readers are
located at the Reception Window across from the entrance to the sanctuary. Activity bags for the youngest among
us are located in the same vicinity. Feel free to utilize the materials during worship and return the bags following.

Make a Joyful Noise!
Choir rehearsals and all Thursday evening activities are underway. Please join us on Thursdays when the evening
begins with a simple dinner at 5:30 (everyone is welcome to attend, even if you’re not in the choir). The Children’s
Choir practices at 6:00, Bell Choir follows at 6:30, and Adult voices rehearse at 7:30 pm. Hope to see you Thursday!
News of Embrace Ministries
See you at Sunday School!
Holy Trinity’s full Sunday School program is underway on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Beginning with a large
group opening led in part by the high school students in Grace Hall, younger children then proceed to their respective
grade-level classrooms for the remainder of the hour. See you Sunday and invite a friend!

WELCA Bible Study – The Angst of Anger
Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 24 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. This session will provide an
opportunity to study stewardship of emotions, specifically through the Psalms, which reveals sometimes surprising ways
to express and contend with anger. Drawing on the experience of ancient biblical writers, “we will learn to look for God
in times of deep emotions…finding hope and grace along the way.”

Sunday Scripture Discussion
Faith-Doctrine-Basics studied in the scriptures of the day. All are welcome on Sundays at 9:30 am in the church
library. Different people lead the discussion each week. This week’s leader is Carl Peterson. Please contact Carl
Peterson for more information.

Sunday Hospitality
Hosting Holy Trinity’s hospitality table after worship on Sunday mornings is a great way to share fellowship with
church friends or celebrate a special event. Beverages are provided by the Hospitality committee. You are asked to
provide a light snack to share. There are currently several dates open for hosting this fall. Please see the signup
sheet near the coffee station for dates and times. Please contact Chris Pryor if you have questions.

Where in the World did you Worship?
The next time you’re away from Holy Trinity on a Sunday, consider attending worship wherever you may be. Then
come back and let us know by placing a pin indicating where in the world you worshiped and recording your name
and location in the travel log. It’ll be fun to see how far the word of God spreads to members of Holy Trinity!

News of Empower Ministries
Endowment Fund Grants
Holy Trinity’s Endowment Committee is excited to announce that we have approximately $10,000 available to disperse
for the 2020 funding cycle. Once again, the funds will be awarded across our three designated constituencies:
          1. Community outreach efforts
          2. ELCA activities within synods, seminaries, colleges, or local social service agencies
          3. Holy Trinity program enrichment, ministry support, or capital improvement
Application materials are available at the Information Center and are due back by Monday, October 7. If you know of an
entity that might be interested in submitting an application, please inform whomever might be responsible for completing
the forms. Our goal would contemplate making the number of grants that would allow each to be of measurable impact.
Thank you for your interest and help. If you have questions, contact Endowment Committee chair, Tom Grabenstatter.

Habitat for Humanity
We have begun construction on our newest Habitat for Humanity home! It is a two-story house with three bedrooms
upstairs and two bedrooms in the basement. It will have two bathrooms, an eat-in kitchen and a great room. We need
the five bedrooms because our family has six children!
This week we will be preparing the foundation to begin installing the floor joists, build the first floor deck and build
walls for the bedrooms in the basement. We'd love to have you help in any way you can... donate through Holy
Trinity, help prepare and serve lunches and/or come out and swing a hammer! No experience necessary, we have
tools and training, and a good lunch is provided. We work Thursdays from 8:30 am to noon, and Saturdays from
8:30 am to 3 pm, but you can come and go any time between, we are thankful for any and all assistance! Please
contact Benson Ross at 614-747-0930 or detailsdetails96@gmail.com for more information.

Lutheran World Relief Collection
Beacons’ LWR In-gathering is fast-approaching. Please consider compiling a kit (contents and directions are
located at the Collection & Signup Corner), contributing soap bars or a quilt/blanket for distribution by Lutheran
World Relief. Donations can be placed at the Signup table at the Collection & Signup Corner in the Gathering Place.
Ministry Calendar at Holy Trinity for September 22 - 29, 2019
         Sunday, September 22, 2019
                       7:30 am – First English Breakfast Ministry
                       8:30 am – Worship with Communion
                       9:30 am – Grade-level Sunday School/Catechism/Scripture Discussion/Fellowship Hour
                       10:30 am – Worship with Communion and Choir

         Monday               6:00 pm - BSA 555 Court of Honor
         Tuesday              10:00 am – WELCA Bible Study

         Wednesday            8:30 am – P.E.O. Meeting
                              10:15 am – Preacher’s Bible Study
         Thursday             5:30     pm   –   Thursday Supper
                              6:00     pm   –   Children’s Choir
                              6:30     pm   –   Bell Choir
                              7:00     pm   –   Bible Study
                              7:30     pm   –   Chancel Choir
         Friday               No Events Scheduled

         Saturday             9:30 am – Yoga

         Sunday, September 29, 2019
                       8:30 am – Worship with Communion
                       9:30 am – Grade-level Sunday School/Catechism/Scripture Discussion/Fellowship Hour
                       10:30 am – Worship with Communion and Choir

         Holy Trinity Schedule of Worship Servers – September & October 2019
Date Time       Welcome   Assisting      Acolytes     Nursery         Lay Reader     Ushers           Communion         Bread Bakers   Communion
                Center    Ministers                   Attendants                                      Assistants                       Ministry Team
Sept. 8:30                Sharon         Helen      Adrienne          Ben            Keith Darding    Ron Benedick      Cochran        Grabenstatter,
22                        Hamersley      Griffith   Wachtman          Kaffenberger   Dave Fenner      Alan Gaulke                      MacConnell &
                                         Lucy Forts                                                                                    Wilhelm
       10:30 Dan and   Max Buban         Chloe                        Karen Larson   Bob Campbell     Chris Pryor
             Pam Perry                   Malatesta                                   Jim Henderson    Susan Setterlin
                                         Conlan                                      Paul Kruse
                                         Daykin                                      Barb Campbell
Sept. 8:30                Ron Benedick                                Alan Gaulke    Jeff Warnement   Peter Brooks      Taylor         Duncan &
29                                                                                   John Gray        Dan Brooks                       Michael
       10:30 Dan and   Curt                                           Keith          John Quarles     Carolyn Cramer
             Pam Perry Passafume                                      Townsend       Dan Perry        Peg Steele
                                                                                     Peg Steele
Oct.   8:30               Tim Hudson                  Julie & Keith   Laura Hudson Tom Wuichet        Peter Brooks      Warnement      Perry &
6                                                     Hallas                       Alan Gaulke        Dan Brooks                       Warnement
       10:30              Keith          Lucy Baker                   Elli Cucksey   Skip Duncan      Herb Maxwell
                          Townsend                                                   Dale Svendsen    Janet Maxwell
                                                                                     John Schueler
Oct.   8:30               Sharon                      Adrienne        Dave Fenner    Matt Sharp       AC Cochran        Grabenstatter Sharp & Riley
13                        Hamersley                   Wachtman                       Ron Benedick     Alan Gaulke
       10:30              Peg Steele  Claire     Drew &          Keith          Chris Pryor           JoAnn Curry
                                      Wessells   Amanda          Townsend       Phil Favret           MJ Neiman
                                      Conlan     Richards                       Peter Ward
                                      Daykin                                    Bill Eubanks
         Financials through August 2019 – Detailed information is available upon request.
         Contributions:       Receipts                Expenses                       Contributions:   Receipts           Expenses
         Aug. Actual:         $ 32,968                $ 47,220                       YTD Actual:      $323,207           $398,232
             Budget:          $ 48,260                $ 48,789                          Budget:       $382,810           $402,330

         Attendance: Sunday, September 15: 8:30 - 91; 10:30 – 114
         Sunday, September 22 Worship Text: Amos 8:4-7; Psalm 113; 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13
         Sunday, September 29 Worship Text: Amos 6:1a, 4-7; Psalm 146; 1 Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 17:5-10

              For mobile giving options, scan code below with your phone’s camera or go to http://www.engagedbygrace.org/offering

                                                          Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
                                       2001 Northwest Blvd, Columbus, OH 43212 614-486-9433 phone/fax
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